Comparative Analysis Essay

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Even though Comparative literature is established as a discipline very recently, we could trace its origin from time immemorial. It is almost impossible to speak about a text without mentioning another. In The Preface to Shakespeare, as Dr. Johnson expresses "without the knowledge of many mountains, and many rivers; so in the productions of genius, nothing can be styled excellent till it has been compared with other works of the same kind." Comparative literature deals with all the elements with which the literary text interacts without any confinement. It studies the interactions of a literary text with other texts from other cultures, from other national literatures, from other times, from other spaces. In this respect, it is open more content...

Generally, we, first start reading the text and then we arrive at comparison. We start comparing that text with another that has similarities and dissimilarities. Comparative Literature which included the consideration of more than one literature was in circulation in Europe in the nineteenth century. Comparative Literature is different from national literature, general literature and world literature. It was begun as "Literature Compare" in 1860 in Germany. And Comparative literature got recognition as a study in 1897. In 1848, Matthew Arnold had used this term "Comparative Literature "for the first time in English. He defines this term. He

Essay On Comparative
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A Comparative Analysis of Health Care Systems: Germany v. The United States of America

According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights announced by the United Nations in 1948, "Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well–being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing, medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control."[1] The definition of a health care system has been dynamic and progressive throughout the course of human history. It can be defined at both macro and microscopic levels of analysis and the system can vary substantially between different countries, political systems, societies, cultures, socio–economic classes, groups, families, and individuals.[2] As a system, there are many unique and interconnected segments that integrate together to serve a collective goal of maintaining the health & well–being of the people. This is most typically accomplished through a combination of preventative, reactive, and follow–up care.[3] Health systems are culturally influenced, and can be sub–divided into three main categories, which include the professional (academic, or scientific formal school training), popular (individual, family and community based approach), and folk sectors (non–profession healing specialists).[2] In this paper, a health care

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The central antagonist of Fitzgerald's Jazz Age classic, Jay Gatsby, is revealed to the reader throughout the novel, creating a sense of mystery around his character, his past and his future. The quasi– fantastical pictorial of the same name, by Greenberg, also follows this reveal, portraying Gatsby's world and evoking a lingering curiosity. Initially, in bothnovel and graphic novel, the reader is set up to expect the worst. In the introduction of the novel by Fitzgerald, Nick states ' No– Gatsby turned out alright in the end; it is what preyed on Gatsby, what foul dust floated in the wake of his dreams that temporarily closed out my interests in the abortive sorrows and short winded elations of men.' This introduction creates more content...

Fitzgerald does not, however, describe the physical characteristics of Gatsby. This allows the reader to understand that he is a plot device, and his dreams serve a larger purpose in the story.

Gatsby's infatuation with the green glowing light in the distance maintains the mystery surrounding his character. Fitzgerald uses this as a tool to enhance the readers understanding that Gatsby has a goal and ambition, although it is unknown at the time. Greenburg's interpretation promotes the thought that Gatsby is almost worshiping the light, and is investing all of him into his quest. This symbol of hope is explained in the final chapter of Fitzgerald's novel, comparing Gatsby's green light to the "green breast of the new world", with the suggestion that Gatsby's dream is tarnished by his material possessions. Gatsby dreams, yet does not realize that his dreams are unworthy of him. Gatsby invests Daisy with an idealistic perfection that she cannot possibly attain in reality and pursues her with a passionate zeal that blinds him to her limitations. This is represented by Greenberg in the detailed view of daisy's past and the emphasis placed on her imperfection. Daisy's past, in the hospital giving birth and before her wedding day show her real emotion, however the reader is pulled back into her facade after only a few small yet Get more content

The Great Gatsby Comparative Essay

Comparative Rhetorical Analysis

Throughout the course English 101, I believe my writing skills have improved through understanding concepts such as rhetorical situation, purpose, audience, ethos, pathos, logos, and rhetorical analysis. Looking back at the semester, I reflect on my strengths and weaknesses. My strengths include my note taking skills and being attentive during class. Doing this, I was later able to use these notes to look back at while writing , which I found very useful. For example, for the essay Comparative Rhetorical Analysis, I took note of almost every piece of information Dr. Braun gave us, writing in the margins of the articles and highlighting important phrases. Because of this, writing came very easily to me not only for that essay but also others,

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Essay about Comparative Analysis


Communication Genre Comparative Analysis Paper

COM/PA 530

Professor J. Sanfillippo

July 29, 2013

University of Phoenix

Communication Genre Comparative Analysis Introduction

Public administrators use many communication genres to reach their audiences. These genres range from business cards to governmental proposals. Each one has its own purpose. Each one has its own way of getting information to the audience quickly and efficiently. Each one has been affected by technology. Each has its own discourse conventions associated with it. And each has its own method of distribution–either external or internal. The purpose of this analysis is to more content...

It provides an explanation of previous events for the reader or investigative results, and stipulations for implementation of policies and enforcement of these policies. Apolicy handbook is a comprehensive guide for the expectations of employees. It provides a statement of core values and purpose, code of conduct, and guidance for internal action.

Reaching the Intended Audience

The business card and resume both provide substantial information to the reader. However, the genres are different. The business card provides the identity of the agency or organization, address, and phone number. On the other hand, the resume provides the reader with information regarding the candidate's employment experience and skills. A policy memorandum genre is different in that it provides the reader with

information regarding to whom the memorandum is addressed, who it is from, along with a subject to be discussed. Public policy reports genre differ as they are an ongoing process that serves as a means to an end of changes in policy behavior, unlike policy handbooks that provide detailed instructions on how to implement rules within an organization.


Technology has advanced the development of genres in various ways. As readers or viewers process documents and view websites, they learn to recognize an agency, a business, or an organization with the use of a business card. Likewise, advances in technology have changed the way

employers Get more content

In the above calculations it is important to note that once again assumptions were made. I assumed the pleasure of paying less taxes would be more intense than the pain of knowing that no crime was being prevented from lack of intense punishment (death). It is cheaper to keep an inmate alive until they die naturally when compared to the cost of sentencing an inmate to death, and thus I considered it a monetary pleasure for tax paying citizens when an inmate is kept alive. "The punishment of death punishes taxpayers and drains away precious resources from the criminal justice system" (Costanzo 62). Now that any underlying assumptions within the data have been addressed, one is able to easily compute the aggregate utility for this option, and

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It's good to find the good in people, even if you don't know them.Because it's just like ty and summer. Ty is friends with cady even though she killed someone, and summer is friends with auggy even though his face looks different.And Summer from wonder ,by R.J. Palacio and Ty from Girl who was Supposed to die, by April Henry.Are fantastic books.They have many similarities.Because Summer is a good friend to Auggy, and Ty is a good friend to Cady.They have kind hearts, Even to take care of there friends that are in danger.They protect their friends when they are in trouble.And that's why both characters are protective of those they care for.Because in both stories they stand up for their friends, And lastly they are there when there friends need more content...

Because ty stood up to officer Dillow when he was questioning cady. Furthermore, at that time ty invited cady to stay at his apartment since she had nowhere to live.This illustrates, how if you had just met a person and you know nothing about them it takes a lot of bravery and trust worthy to stand up for someone and invite them to stay

Comparative Essay: A Comparative Analysis
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Knowing and Knowledge Assessment 1 Comparative Analysis

This essay will be comparing and analysing the techniques used by two Melbourne based university lectures, Robert Manne and Patrick Stokes. Both dealing with the thematic subject of opinion.

Concerning Climate Change "Clear, Catastrophic threats, Manne opens the article with an anecdote, that a "part of the english syllabus [as a schoolboy] was "clear thinking"" (Manne 2011). This anecdote should set up a relevance and an accessibility to the reader drawing them in and sympathising with the argument that will be put forward. Almost a third of the article is dense with data. "1500 or so leading climate scientists" (Manne 2011), "928 scientific papers" more content...

Without reading any content the article looks to follow a linear progression. The content argues that there is a distinction between opinion and certain knowledge (Stokes 2012),and must be earned through argument. Interestingly, Stokes initiates an argument with Meryl Dorey during the article. Stokes' piece opens similar to Manne's in the use of anecdote about how he addresses his students philosophers. Anecdote should be used to give relevance to the reader, as aforementioned, though not many reading his article sit in Stokes' philosophy lectures. It's interesting he uses this technique. Though, as Stokes goes on, he uses three paragraphs on just this anecdote, telling the reader that how he teaches a class, but also setting the main contention of his piece. The formatting makes everything clear. Appeals toauthority is a main use of persuasive technique used in the article. Stokes references Plato and his distinction between opinion or common belief and certain knowledge. With that appeal Stokes states that "opinion has a degree of subjectivity and uncertainty to it" (Stokes 2012). Stokes also uses distinction as a persuasive technique. He separates the degree of opinion that it's "...silly to insist that strawberry ice cream is better than chocolate" (Stokes 2012) but arguing an opinion without the relevant qualifications is also just as silly. Again, that clarity in distinction has an effect on the comprehension of Stokes' argument. Coherence in

Comparative Analysis Essay
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How to Write an APA Comparative Analysis Your university English Language teacher has asked you to write a comparative analysis paper. This paper, also known as a compare and contrast, allows the writer to analyze two different things or ideas. She wants you to write the paper in APA format. APA is an acronym for American Psychological Association. The APA's format is popular in education, social sciences and behavioral sciences. This article will help you format a comparative analysis paper. The first step in your thesis is to conduct research in books, articles, and scholarly journals. . Make notes of important concepts found in the book or article. Paraphrase the notes on note cards or on a separate sheet of paper. Be sure to write more content...

If you have previous research on your topic, it needs to be cited here. The introduction is listed on the third page of your comparative analysis. You put the background information and purpose of your thesis, present your problem, explain why © 2012 Study All rights reserved. If you need study resources contact us. the problem is important, and identify works which are applicable to the paper. You also put your

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Comparative Subjects

Definition and Comparative Subjects Emotionality, as described by the Penguin Dictionary of Psychology is the observable behavioral and physiological component of emotion, and is a measure of a person's emotional reactivity to a stimulus (Reber, 2001). Key words in the discussion of emotionality are neuroticism, temperament, and stability. Emotional stability refers to a person's ability to remain stable and balanced (123Test, 2015). Emotional stability is the state of emotions that the individual produces and is measured at either high, medium, or low levels. Emotional stability is associated with neuroticism due to the implication that depending on said levels, an individual may possess a variation or neurotic behaviors. However, to differentiate Get

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Comparative study of Literature and Intercultural understanding: Language and Religion play a major role in formation of a culture. Literature is one of the medium that propagates tenets of a religion. Hence to understand the nuances of a religion, it is essential to peruse the classics of literature which had laid foundation to the power of verbal expression. Literature is one of the powerful paraphernalia that provides relevant information about a culture. World is suffused with array of culture groups adopting varied traditions and practices. Hence for peaceful and harmonious society understanding and respecting other culture groups is very essential. The Comparative Study of Literature is one of the significant fields that facilitate intercultural understanding. The scholars who are in pursuit of the comparative study of literature ought to be free from prejudice and parochial attitude. Gayathri Spivak in her book Death of a Discipline1 observes that a new comparative literature is essential to 'undermine and undo' the tendency of dominant cultures to appropriate emergent ones` in other words the study needs to go beyond the paradigm of western literatures and societies. Literary scholars pursuing the study of comparative literature is in constant quest of eliciting similarities and dissimilarities between two significant literary works. more content...

Themes, myths, social and religious movements are some of the major areas to be encompassed by the scholars. The field of comparative literature is bombarded with the terms of regional literatures, national literatures, international literatures and world literatures. Every region, every nation has its own culture and practice which in turn is reflected in the significant literary texts facilitating to comprehend the nuances of a culture and Get more content

The history of the conquest and colonization of the Americas is very complex. The social, economic, and political issues and circumstances that took place many years ago are the foundation of who America is today. Most Americans do not realize how many people were affected by immigration, or understand the real struggles and sacrifices that the indigenous people and the colonists made for the freedoms we have today. During these historical events, many cultural, social, and economical events were impacted. Historical Contributions or Achievements The first American inhabitants are believed to have migrated from Asia about 18,000 years ago. Many societies were built, and civilizations were formed by the Aztec, Olmec, Mayan, more content... Meanwhile, many people were killed or running for their lives. In1924, when the Border Patrol was created, immigration was never viewed the same again. In 1929, the Stock Market crash, which was the start of the great depression, and ended in 1941 with America's entry into World War II. There were many other life changing events that have impacted the world not listed here, but with these political, economical, and territorial changes, there comes displacement, poverty and many other social changes, also. These changes are still impacting America today. (Carter, 2005). Impact on Cultural Identity The cultural of indigenous and immigrant people have been greatly impacted by America's historical events. The descendants of Spain and Mexico immigrants have since been subjected to many cultural struggles. Today, many Chicano Americans do not know their heritage, or do not identify with their ancestors. Traditions and customs are lost from one generation to the other. Many victories were won in the name of Religion. Religion has also played an important role in the history of America. The colonists came to America in order to have religious freedom, yet they imposed their religion on the indigenous peoples. The colonists had religion in common; they identified themselves as "Christians". The indigenous peoples were viewed by colonists as savages, and to try to civilize them. Many were killed, chased from their land, or taken into slavery (Noriega, 2010).

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A Comparative Approach In Comparative Literature

Comparative literature can be regarded as comparative criticism in substance, because comparison and analysis have been and continue to be the principal organs of literary criticism since Aristotle (384 B.C.– 322 B.C.). Of the early theoretical practitioners, Quintilian (35 A.D.– 95 A.D.) and Longinus (1st century) tried the comparative method fairly and systematically. Comparative literature as a separate and independent discipline is, comparatively, a recent phenomenon. From the historical viewpoint, the term comparative literature is said to have originated by with the first use of this term by H.M. Posnett. But he used the term not exactly in the sense it is used now. The credit of its origin must be given to Matthew Arnold (1822 A.D.–1888 A.D.) who was a relentless advocate and practitioner of comparative literature. According to him the best method of literary evaluation is touchstone method in which the analogical similarity of the term comparative literature is involved in the sense which is supposed nowadays. Internationalism in aesthetics made a first debut in the first international congress of Aesthetics, held in 1913 in Berlin. But it was confined within the limits of Western literature. The gap between the occidental and the oriental aesthetics remained as ever before. But due to the zeal of renaissance spirit,scholars in the East, particularly in India, China and Japan, and orientalists in the West started writing on oriental arts and aesthetics in English and other European languages. Their works made the western aestheticians recognise that "oriental art contains important values not attained by art in the west"(Munru 13) led to the discovery of important insights in oriental aesthetics, applicable to art and aesthetic experience everywhere and made many Western artists and critics believe that the Western art has much to learn from Eastern methods. Oriental school of poetics has six types; Dhavani,. Rasa, Alamkar, Vakroti, Reeti and Auchitya. The last school is Auchitya propounded by Kshemendra (circa 11 A.D.) After the gap of six hundred years, the name of Panditraj Jagannath can be mentioned, but his theory of poetics can also be included in rasa–theory. It should also be kept in mind

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Comparative Analysis of Josie Appleton's article "The Body Piercing Project" and Bonnie Berkowitz' "Tattooing Outgrows Its Renegade Image to Thrive In The Mainstream".

Traditionally, tattoos were meant for sailors, soldiers, bikers and gangs. Along with several changes in the industrialized and technological society of the twenty–first century, the standard for getting body modifications have altered as well. Everyday, people are willing to get permanently marked as an individual choice rather than the customarily perception of belonging to a certain group. Tattooand piercing shops are not seen as "the backstreet" of the commercial civilization today, it is somewhat an expected sight in all public places. Josie Appleton in "The more content...

Appleton is successfully arguing this case using pathos by telling stories rather than her own direct opinion. Using pathos means that she is appealing to emotions (Ruszkiewicz, Anderson, and Friend 24). Berkowitz, on the other hand, argues using logos to persuade the audience that people are getting tattoos for cosmetic reasons. She is therefor appealing to factual evidence (Ruszkiewicz, Anderson, and Friend 24), "Painters and sculptors trained in fine arts migrated to tattooing, looking at skin as a living canvas" (Berkowitz par. 7). Berkowitz is using historical facts to underline the significance of a permanent artwork on skin. The author argues that the change from a patriotic mark (as a sign of belonging to a group) to the superficial meaning started in the late 1970s and early '80s when tattoo artists were encouraged to share ideas through magazines and conventions. In addition, athletes and television implicated that tattoos were cool in this time period. As to compare Appleton and Berkowitz' articles, it is simplest to say that Appleton argues the change in why people wantbody modification by implying that the so–called "personal significance" means little compared to the cosmetic reason. By Appleton implying the cosmetic reason, the two articles successfully argue the same reason. Berkowitz directly says that the reason for people getting tattooed today is aesthetic but Appleton makes the

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Comparative analysis Essay

As with any other comparative analysis, this essay will discuss the similarities between two elements. The elements in this situation are the Republic of Ireland and the United States of America. The three specific ways that these two countries can be compared are via: economic and political outlook, social and cultural issues, and resources and work culture. Additionally, each country is known throughout the world. Primarily because of their business structure. The first factor that will be addressed is economic and political outlook. To begin one will address the political outlook of these two countries, and with that comes the form of government. Both are republics. With theUnited States being a "constitutional more content...

1). Their duty is to speak to the government on behalf of a community and/or state. In the judicial branch, both countries have a Supreme Court ("The World Factbook: IRELAND", 2017, Pg. 1). Whose role is to hear legal cases of significant magnitude to the country and/or its citizens. One key difference is that in Ireland the judges in the Supreme Court cannot "serve past age 70", whereas in the United States the judges are appointed for life ("The World Factbook: IRELAND", 2017, Pg. 1). Hence, the age of justices varies between these two republics. These three major branches of government can also overlap at times to provide a peaceful resolution or to resolve active disputes. Now for the economic outlook of these two countries. This comparing, and contrasting segment is more difficult than the political outlook. Since, these two countries do vary quite significantly in terms of population and size. For instance, Ireland's population as of July 2016 was just below five million, which is incomparable to the roughly 324 million United States population ("The World Factbook: IRELAND", 2017, Pg. 1). That means the Irish population could be added about 65 times to reach the American population. However, these two nations do have some similarities. First, both countries rely heavily on technology to propel their economic growth and expansion. For Ireland has a "talented pool of high–tech laborers" and Get more content

What ideas and arguments are of most interest and relevance to you in each essay? Why? What ideas and arguments can you trace as common and different between the two essays? How do these connections help you understand the issues at play in any discussion of brand marketing? In Naomi Klein essay, she talks about how corporations has been attempting to free themselves from the manufacturing there own products by farming it out to contractors so they can focus on branding. I personally don't like this. I have always been the type of person that will pay the extra dime to acquire the handmade or the made in USA products if possible. In Sally Satel and John O. Lilienfeld's essay, they wrote about how companies have hired neuromarketers to improve

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Essay: A Comparative Analysis

Comparative Analysis





Based on the information furnished by the institution regarding their financial statements , the objectives of this study can clearly determined , the main objective of comparative analysis are as follows : * To determine the financial conditions and financial performance of the institution during the assessment year and relevant previous years .

* To analyze the institutions strength s and weaknesses

* To determine the institutions more content...

* The institution to understand its own position over time. * The managers to understand the performance of the institution. * To knowledge the institution of the potential and present investors.


Although I have put my best effort to ensure that the project covers every aspect which is related to the subject and research study, but the study may be confined to limitations, few of them are as follows:

* Inaccuracy of data due to non–availability of few data which maybe termed as confidential by the institution.

* Factors such as time and money might be constant.

* Selected study will be insufficient.

* Only the monetary values will be analyzed and inferred upon ,non–monetary aspects will be ignored.

* The information acquired from the bank is only the part of financial reports which are required by the customers and investors .


Financial analysis statement is the financial statements of the institution throughout the financial years. The research study is intended to study the various lending's and borrowing's the institution has done throughout the financial period, assets acquired during the period, growth in investor ratio etc. Comparative analysis is the comparison of various financial year statements and analyzing the changes the institution has gone through this period

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I chose to create a comparison and contrasting thesis statement, using the topics in number two and eight. Similar to when I was a child, AMC theaters still show the most recent movies, but now provide a comfortable setting, with lazy boy style recliners, a fully stocked bar and an array of food choices. Although televisions serve the same entertainment purpose as they did during my childhood, the picture, sound, and shape have evolved, to better fit the needs of consumers presently. In the beginning of each thesis statement, I compared and then used three supporting facts to contrast.

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vs. Qualitative:



Analysis of Research

Methods Engaging in a research project can be a frightening and intimidating task for anyone. However, Polansky and Waller (2015) provide a six–step process that is designed to simplify the research process by alleviating anxiety and ensuring that the researcher is able to complete the project in a timely manner. The first step is defining the problem so that it is clearly understood. Once there is clarity on what needs to be done or of what is required, the focus can shift towards completion of the project. Step two is laying out the research objectives that need to be accomplished in order to arrive at a solution to the research question. Next, a determination is made on the best course of action to acquire the required information. Once a suitable framework is selected, it is time to move on to the fourth step, which is gathering data. The fifth step involves analyzing and deciphering the data and putting it all into a usable format that answers the research question. Finally, we arrive at step six, which means the research question has been answered, and the results are ready for presentation (Polansky & Waller, 2015). Research in its most elementary form can be described as the activities that enable us to expand our knowledge. The process involves the gathering and synthesis of information so that the facts surrounding a given problem can be analyzed and a suitable answer or alternative solution to the

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Comparison of Two Commercials Essay


Thesis statement: When compared side–by–side, there are differences in the two. Some of these include that the Lexus ad uses predominantly the logos, or logical, appeal whereas the second uses pathos, the emotional appeal, the target audiences for both commercials, and the effectiveness of each. 1. Pathos or logos? 1. VW uses more pathos than Lexus. 1. Humor is effective tactic inadvertising. 2. By using humor, advertisers make their product more memorable. 2. Lexus uses more Logos than VW. II. Target audiences. 1. VW targets younger viewers but could be effective on almost anyone. 2. Lexus targets a more mature, serious audience. III. Effectiveness. 1. VW is more effective more content... In conclusion, the commercials by Lexus and Volkswagenboth make the viewer consider their product. To do this, they use different methods of advertising. Also, both companies target different audiences. When all is said and done, they have varying degrees of success in doing so. Advertising is a fundamental force in today's society, and because of this, companies must provide the most effective commercials with presentation of as many logical appeals as possible.

Word Count: 607

Works Cited

"Meet The Volkswagens– Jetta TDI Meets Prius" Youtube. 18 May 2009. Web. 10 October 2011." <


"Engineering Amazing Commercial – "Wall" " Youtube. 9 June 2011. Web. 10 October 2011." <


Final Draft: Volkswagen vs. Lexus

Over the last few decades, American culture has been forever changed by the huge amount of advertisement the people are subjected to. Advertising has become such an integral part of society, many people will choose whether or not they want to buy a product based only on their familiarity with it rather than the product's price or effectiveness. Do to that fact, companies must provide the very best and most convincing advertisements as possible. Those companies have, in fact, done

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