Essays Causes Of The French Revolution

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The French Revolution

The French Revolution last from 1789 to 1799. This war had many causes that began the revolution. Its causes ranged from the American Revolution, the economic crisis in France, social injustices to the immediate causes like the fall of Bastille, the Convening of he Estate–General, and the Great Fear. As a result of this revolution there many effects , immediate and long term. The immediate effects were the declaration of rights of man, abolishing of olds reign, execution of king and queen, the reign of terror, and war and forming of the citizen–army. The long term effects were the rise of Napoleon, spread of revolutionary ideas, growth of nationalism, and the conservative reaction. The contributing factors more content...

In this way the privileged classes had combined to outvote the third estate, which included more than 90 percent of the population. Another cause was the fall of Bastille. The falling of the Bastille marked a turning point–attempts at reform had become a full–scale revolution. One of the causes was the economic problems of many common people had become worse, because poor weather conditions had ruined the harvest. As a result, the price of bread, the most important food of the poorer classes had increased. Violence grew in both the cities and the countryside during the spring and summer. While hungry artisans revolted in urban areas, starved peasants searched the provinces for food and work. These vagrants were rumored to be armed agents of landlords hired to destroy crops and harass the common people. Many rural peasants began to panic, known as the Great Fear. They attacked the homes of their landlords to protect local grain supplies and reducing rents on their land. Also Lewis XVI gave in so reluctantly, for example, taking months to approve the Declaration of Rights, which made hostility of the crown only increased. The immediate effects of the French Revolution Was the Declaration of the Rights of Man. This was one of the most constructive achievements of the French Revolution. The Rights of Man said that there would be equality of all persons before the law; equitable taxation; protection against loss of property through arbitrary

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The French Revolution


There are plenty of speculations concerning why there was a French Revolution and plenty of articles and books written on the subject of why did France revolutionize? Was it because France was following in the footsteps of the Americans and rebelling against a negligent monarch or was it because it was time for a reformation in France? Perhaps it was none of those reasons but because of a language sweeping that nation of France that calls the bourgeoisie, the foundation of the nation that was France, into action. Maybe the French Revolution began simply because the city–dwelling bourgeoisie overthrew the empowered nobility and monarchy, which is what most speculations, ultimately leads to. However, all of these more content...

King Louis XVI had gotten into and involved in wars that he could not financially back, one of which was the American War for Independence fought against Britain. France, who was already in the thick of a financial deficit, getting involved only caused the country to go deeper into debt. Frances' financial situation in the late 1700s was inevitable, what with the bad decisions made by the old regime, especially the parlement. Frances' economic situation was the foundation and the beginning of a series of events that had led France to the brink of revolution and the end of the Old Regime.

The Old Regime in France is a major reason behind the start of the French Revolution, because it caused stirrings in the lower classes and rebellions as they were burdened with the brunt of the debt as well and starvation across Frances' borders while the upper classes were cushioned. In this portion of the essay, the old regime, the economic crisis France found itself in, and the effects of both on the bourgeoisie, and the failed attempts at reformation will be examined in reference to the cause of the French Revolution.

King Louis XVI and Debt

The monarch, King Louis XVI, came into power in 1774 in the midst of an already substantial financial debt. He made promises to the people concerning the financial crisis and until he called the estates general in 1789, had appointed several men in charge of finding solutions to the financial crisis

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Causes of French Revolution Essay

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