Online Essay Outline

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I.Some important things you need to know about domestic violence?

A.Domestic violence is a learned behavior, which is usually witnessed in the abusers home or learned through friends and pop culture.

1.Abusers seek to gain or maintain control by exerting their power over the victim. Abusers believe their desires are more important so they use manipulation to make the victim less valuable because of their own insecurity.

2.Abuse is a choice abusers can control their behavior.

3.Domestic violence can affect any social or economic group.

4.Over a million women are victims to domestic violence around the world.

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Domestic Violence Outline

Purpose: To inform the audience on bullying.

Thesis: The effect bullying has on students.


Attention getter: Bullying, we have all been a victim and we have all been the bully whether we have noticed or not.

Relevance: Everyday bullying happens all around us and nobody seems to lift a finger to stop it.

Credibility: Growing up I was always a victim of bullying, because of this I have became depressed, my anxiety is through the roof and my self confidence is the lowest it has ever been. I started getting bullied in the fourth grade, my classmates would make fun of my freckles, my hair color, the way I dressed and so much more, they didn't realize that maybe I was going through a hard time at home and they could have been more content...

This type of bullying uses instant messaging, cell phone text messages and online social networks to humiliate and embarrass others. This can be especially devastating to the people being bullied, since they cannot even find a safe place in the virtual world." It is very important for you to realize that there are many different forms of bullying, there is physical bullying, verbal bullying, emotional bullying and cyberbullying. Physical and verbal bullying are the 2 methods often used in our classrooms and hallways, Admin bullying be demographic explains both types well, "Physical Bullying: is the most obvious form of bullying. In this type of bullying, the instigator attempts to physically dominate another teen. This usually includes kicking, punching and other physically harmful activities, designed to instill fear in the one bullied, and possible coerce him or her to do something.""Verbal Bullying: When someone verbally bullies another, he or she uses demeaning language to tear down another's self–image. Bullies who use verbal techniques Get

Bullying Outline
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These days, businesses are going for different ways to promote their products. Before the inception of the Internet, businesses were trying to promote their products through conventional marketing strategies. But now the whole scenario has been changed dramatically. Whether it's a small business or a corporate sector, every one out there is trying to promote their business through the Internet. The Internet has proven to be one of the most cost effective ways for promoting product or service. There is hardly any platform like the Internet that can bring you such a good way to exhibit your product or service on the global screen. With the help of Internet, globalization of businesses is becoming easier for people from all around more content...

Otherwise you are not going to get substantial amount of web traffic for your website. Web traffic is an essential element for success of your website on the World Wide Web. Websites that are receiving good amount of quality traffic are also gaining good business. If your website can gain good and quality traffic then the client conversion rate will enhance. On the other hand you will be receiving a good amount of business deals. Over the years, article writing has given online world many possibilities to promote businesses to their desired height. Now it's not remained as a secret that article writing can bring us more number of quality traffic. Rather many webmasters choose to opt for article writing as an effective way to promote their websites. Writing unique content can bring you tremendous success such as:

It always allows you to establish yourself as a specialist in your respective field.

It allows you to get connected with tons of potential clients that even don't know about you. It allows you to get the name and fame for your company through your website. Always try to produce unique and informative content so that your potential clients are never going to feel dozy about you. The client conversion is sure to be enhanced with the writing and publishing of unique and informative articles. Article writing can be taken as a powerful marketing tool through which you can make some tremendous publications about your business, product

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Online Marketing Essay

Topic: Climate Change

Specific Purpose: To persuade people to change their views on global warming.

Thesis Statement: Climate change is no joke. If we don 't do something about it now, it will be too late.

I. Introduction

Attention material/Credibility: No we're not hungry, no we're not worried. We're just living life right now. Tomorrow? What is Tomorrow? If we for a second, glimpse into the future, we would see people suffering from the thoughtless decisions we are making right now. I don 't want to see my family starving or without water. If you don 't care about your self, then care for your family, or for your future family. They are the ones that will be affected by climate change.

Tie to the audience: Your family could be affected by climate change in less then 50 years. Thesis and Preview: Today I will talk to you about what is causing climate change, the effect it will have on us, and finally, how to prevent it. [Transition to body]: Let's get straight to it.

II. Body

Why is global warming happening all over the world? 1. We the people are are a problem to global warming. a. We have been influencing climate change for some time now. Through the industrial revolution, a growth in the size of the population, and our daily activities, are releasing green house gases. Green house gases affect the earth by, absorbing the reflection of sunlight once it hits the earth. This causes the atmosphere, the oceans, and the surface of the land to warm up. b. The burning

Outline Of A Speech On Climate Change Essay
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Space Exploration Outline


1.Attention Grabber (one sentence): Questions, statements, quotes, or facts can be used to grab the audience's attention. Answer: The United States should be involved because we know very little of the ocean and most of our knowledge lies in the shallow waters and only a few planets.

2.Background Information (two sentences): Two sentences to briefly introduce the overall issue or explain the attention grabber. Answer: Ocean exploration is about making discoveries, searching for things that are unusual and unexpected it is disciplined and includes observations and documentation. So does space exploration but space exploration means to grow and evolve.

3.Claim (one sentence): The controlling idea for the more content...

Restate Your Claim (one sentence): Rewrite your claim using new words. Rearrange the order of your ideas. Answer: The explorations space and ocean are very resembling they provide the inevitable future survival of humanity, and developing military profits and advantages and if the United States helps then both of these explorations secrets and advantages will be discovered or identified faster.


3.Why Should Others Care? (one or two sentences): Remind your audience about why the overall issue is important Answer: If the United States doesn't become involved then we would have nothing new we would not have a lot of knowledge about space or the ocean we would have a boring world.

4.Summary (one or two sentences): Remind your audience about your topics from body paragraphs #1 and #2. Answer: Paragraph 1 is about explorations and what they mean, what they can do to help, and what we can discover. Paragraph 2 is about what the exploration can do for the United States and its people.

7.Conclusion (one sentence): Encourage people to take action or explain what will happen in the future if no action is taken. Answer: If people don't take any action then the world would be boring, empty, and everything will be old. Not only that but if we don't take action then we won't gain any new knowledge and won't know anything

5. 6.
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Paragraph Outline

Outline Paragraph one. Describe what a chemical engineer does around, and outside of work. Use the definition form class with a twist. Briefly detail the intangible characteristics a chemical engineer must obtain. Paragraph two. Overview the factors leading to my initial interest in chemistry. Clarify that I initially wanted to be a physicist. Mention the professor who presented the material in a fascinating way; changing everything. Furthermore, list the interesting captivating phenomenon that ultimately lead to my appreciation of chemistry. Paragraph three. Paint a picture of how my interest in chemistry began to grow at an exponential rate. Indicate the factor that drew me away form a physics degree; being I am not interested

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My Research Paper Outline

Writing an outline for my research paper is the most important subject that I learned throughout the entire course. Why do I need an outline in my research paper? When I conducted my research, I collected a lot of information and ideas. A research outline help me organized my thoughts better. I understood the flow and levels of information in myresearch. I ensured that I didn't missed anything while writing. I prepared a well–structured neatly organized manuscript. So preparing an outline for my paper helped me write it better and faster. I also learned how to structure of a research paper. Research writing goes through a general specific general format. In the introduction on my paper, I started off with a general statement, compiled references

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Online education is a form of education which is administered and developed through the internet. The transition from Classroom education to online education has been accepted widely by many countries. It is one of the upcoming trends in education sectors all around the World. With improved technologies, it has become easier to learn.

As to every topic, there co–exist both supporting and denying arguments in this regard. Online education can be possible anywhere with a mobile, Laptop, Desktop or tab. Just having a stable internet could get you anywhere like getting lectured by a professor from Stanford or MIT. Online education is possible nowadays even for free through websites like Edx, Coursera etc., Online education is like an ocean, no matter how much we learn there will be more. Access is one of the happening things from Online education. The opportunity cost of Online education is very high. The time we spend travelling through these busy roads is cut down entirely. The cost we bear on books, travelling, uniforms, etc., is cut down drastically. Flexible schedules are possible. Online learning creates the ability to study whenever and wherever. Also, it creates flexibility to study around family obligations.

Money, Time and Values are important for any living being. While we see that trends are changing, people tend to claim moral values are deteriorating. In some way, most of us want to form loving families, raise our children to be good citizens, stand up for the downtrodden and protect our communities from harm. We still form friendships, business partnerships based on old–fashioned criteria. When our trust is abused or we are unfairly treated, we see that as a major violation of our relationship and we judge the wrongdoer accordingly. Though online education does not provide a mentor like the classroom–based education does, people still inculcate values through the beautiful curriculum and courses such as right life, Happiness, positive living etc., Online education has proved to be one of the greatest boons in today's world. But unfortunately, India is still lacking to acceptdistance education/ Online education as equivalent to classroom education. India is now the third largest online market for

Essay On
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Frankenstein : Outline : Frankenstein

Frankenstein: Outline


We have all heard of the big scary monster of Frankenstein. It has been a story told through decades, each story a little different. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is the original story of Frankenstein's monster. She wrote the story of Victor Frankenstein and his creation. Through decades of this story being told, society has stripped away Shelley's original description of the monster and created an entirely new set of ideas.

VictorFrankenstein's creation has been molded into a big zombie–like monster. Society has changed the monster's appearance and emotions and for the sake of what?

Body Paragraph 1:

Mary Shelley's physical description of Frankenstein has been altered by society to match a more content... These changes have stripped the idea of the monster having any human–like physical qualities. The alterations have created an even uglier and foul creature.

Body Paragraph 2: Besides just altering Frankenstein's Monster's physical appearance, society has changed Shelley's depiction of his intellect and mental ability drastically.

Mary Shelley's describes Frankenstein's monster as equal intellectually developed as a human being. He is emotional and psychological advanced. He can speak and read English as well as some other languages. These details and characteristics are very very human–like in nature. He is psychologically equal if not more advanced than an average human being.

"Everywhere I see bliss, from which I alone am irrevocably excluded. I was benevolent and good; misery made me fiend." p.87 The monster was once good. He has the mental capacity to feel lonely enough to change into the monster he is currently portrayed to be. Today's society has completely stripped the monster of all of his mental capabilities. The monster was once portrayed and a very intelligent and emotional creature with exact human psychology. "Unlike so many of his on–screen interpretations, the Creature of the novel is eloquent, thoughtful, and – at least at first – inspired by the beauty

of the natural world. Later, he uses his gift for language to articulate his anguish, telling Frankenstein, 'I am content to reason with you. I am malicious because I am miserable. Am I not

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In preparation for the speech I have read chapters 1–4 from the book. I have made it a point to familiarize myself with the speech outline given. The easiest for me was reading. The book is quite interesting and is easier to read than my other textbooks. The most challenging is the choice of topic. I have trouble decided what I can pick to have the best effect on my audience. After I don'twant to write something I know I haven't put all my thought into. If that were the case I would risk having a dull speech, which isn't fun for anyone.

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Writing A Speech Outline

Cancer Cancer is a disease that can change the life of a person no matter their age or nationality. Cancer can range from being life threatening to a low risk of death. Cancer cells are cells that do not follow the regular cell growth and division pattern. They go through cell division and produce rapidly.Cancer cells differ from regulating cells in the body because normal cells eventually die. Cancer cells, on the other hand, do not die when they should causing it to be very hard to cure cancer in your body. One thing I learned in researching cancer is that in order for cancer to appear in our body it has to avoid being detected by our immune system. The cancer cells have to avoid being detected by the immune system because if they are detected the immune system will try and fight off the abnormality. If your immune system does not detect the abnormality in cells, the cancer cells will grow and reproduce causing cancer to spread rapidly. The cancer cells that are not detected they can create colonies and spread rapidly. There are many ways that you can get cancer. You can get cancer from smoking, sunlight, your diet, mold, viruses, and inheritance. Out of those factors, the most common cause of cancer today is smoking. All cancers are genetic because they are caused by the mutations that happen to the gene. Some common cancers that more content...

The tumor needs blood flow to survive so they try and attract the blood vessels to grow into the tumor to keep it alive. The blood vessels usually don't grow very far into the tumor causing it to lack the nutrients of the blood. The tumor gets oxygen and glucose from the bloodstream. The tumors also have to figure out how to get rid of wastes and carbon dioxide. So in all the blood vessels are very important to the cancer cells because the blood stream brings out all the toxic waste for the tumor so that it doesn't Get

Outline On Cancer Research Paper
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Climate Change, An Outline Essay

Climate Change Topics:

1) What is climate change?

2) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

3) Causes of climate change

4) Effects of climate change?

5) International Panels on Climate Change

6) What can be done at home?

1) What is climate change?

Climate Change is the significant change in the climate and distribution of weather patterns on Earth ranging from the last decade to millennia earlier.

2) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Currently chaired by Mr. Rajendra Pachauri, this organisation was setup in 1988 by two United Nations organizations, the World Meteorological Organisation and the United Nations Environment Programme. IPCC reports on the scientific, technical and socio–economic information needed to understand more content...

Without this layer of gases the Earth would be too cold to be inhabited, perhaps 20 degrees cooler than now. But, then amount of gases in this layer must remain constant. Even a slight increase could have drastic results. Many people believe that a one degree increase in the temperature will not cause much harm. The truth is with every degree of increase in temperature a 100 more wildlife species are put in danger of extinction. Numerous experiments and studies prove that an increased level of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide, is causing climate change and causing it fast.

2) Human Activities

A) Burning of fossil fuels–This is the most prominent and deadly source of climate change. Burning of fossil fuels can release greenhouse gases ranging from carbon dioxide to ammonia. With massive industrialization currently going on, the amount of fossil fuels burned is increasing.

Transport and heating are also major energy sources. Almost 7 giga tonnes of Carbon dioxide is emitted per year. In the U.K three–fourths of energy produced comes from fossil fuels. Mineral fuels like petroleum and coal are major sources of energy. In the last 150 years more than 45 Billion tonnes of carbon dioxide has been emitted .The most problematic factor is that in the last decade; there has been no slowdown in carbon emissions.

B) Poor use of land–Plants are the only natural purifiers of air and also the most abundant. But, many trees Get

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Will my online shopping obsession ever end?

I guess no!

Because online shopping has made my life so awesome! п Ѓ I can literally spend hours online, looking at random stuff which I can't even afford to buy! п ќ To be honest, I feel that it is the most convenient way to browse and shop for things I like. It is less complicated if compared to physical shopping because I don't have to handle nosey SAs (no offense but sometimes they really get on my nerves!), bargain for low prices or stand in the checkout line for ages! Enough of my rants, let's come back to the topic I am here for. Today I'll be introducing you all to a new online shopping destination called "Iralzo".

Read on to know more about it and the things I got from there!

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So you can carry it as a sling bag during day time outings and as a clutch in evening time parties! п ‰ I am carrying it as a clutch here.

I also got this pair of cute bow hair ties which are priced at Rs.99/– and can be bought from here.

With my order of clutch and hair ties, I got this beautiful printedscarf worth Rs.495/– for free! Isn't that cool?! The scarf is made up of 100% polyester material and feels very comfy and light. It is almost the size of a dupatta!

I also got a Rs.1000/– gift coupon which I can avail on next purchase of Rs.2000/– and above. They are giving out these gift coupons on every purchase so hurry up and shop for the latest fashion trends from them and save big on your next purchase! Their collection is worth a look and I'll definitely recommend you all to check out their site once! в є

Website rating– 5/5

Informative Speech About Online
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Online vs. Traditional dating

Over the years and even decades the tradition of dating has changed drastically. We now have online dating which is one of technologies new advances. Although people may prefer to `the new aged tools of dating, there is differences and similarities between old fashiondating and online dating. Time plays a huge part with the two. In today's society there is hardly any time to try to approach a stranger to ask for a date. Usually single people do not have the time to go out to social events and meet new people. The internet makes it an easy and non–stressful with meeting others. Dating sites help you gain access to hundreds of qualified singles in your area. You will be limited to choose from very more content...

Money plays a large role with traditional dating. When going out with your partner, you want to make sure that she will enjoy herself. It puts pressure on the guy to go all out for the date, which makes him nervous and want to spend extra. One major con of traditional dating is that you may invest a lot of time and money into a date, only to have a major disappointment. If you are worried about money and time, traditional dating may not be cheap. Dating is often a very stressful attempt; especially for someone that has not had the opportunity in a while. With online dating sites, they might feel more comfortable about putting themselves back on the market again. You are allowed to be in your own comfort zone, if that person is not use to single party life. Rejection can and may be felt; however, the chance of ever seeing the other person, or having to give a face–to–face explanation, is almost impossible. Traditional dating can be stressful depending on the person. Most traditional dating can be found awkward for most people. The traditional approach to dating with dinner or a movie can be nerve–racking, especially for a first date. When you go on a first date, you never know the right things to do or to say. People may be nervous to the point where they ruin the date, because of their anxieties. A stress wall barrier is what most people build to keep strangers from getting too close too shortly.

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Online vs Traditional Dating Essay

I. Intro (State Thesis)–Have you ever felt like you didn't belong? In the book The Outsiders, Ponyboy struggles trying to fit in with the Greasers, but he doesn't fit in with the Socs either. The theme of the novel The Outsiders is fitting in. The book and the movie The Outsiders have many differences and similarities, but the theme remains consistent in both. II. Similarities (stick with at least four)– In the movie and book Ponyboy gets along with his brother sodapop very well they stick up with each other. The movie and the book are both named the outsiders. In both movie and novel the Greasers and socs have a fight the Greasers won the fight. Also when ponyboy and johnny got jumped by A soc ANd they killed him after they ran off more content...

Differences (stick with at least four)– Ponyboy has a good relationship with sodapop and gets along better with darry but still has a very good relationship with his brother. In the beginning of the book, Pony gets jumped by some Socs, but he doesn't get cut with a knife. In the movie, they cut him. In the movie when ponyboy is talking to cherry he says how the sun on the south side and she says"good how bout the north." In the book it's written west and east. Also in the movie johnny never got his first beating from the soc in the book he does. In the book it gave more detail and information in the movie it starts like in mid way of the book. IV. Conflicts/Theme– Ponyboy, one of the greasers, realizes that appearance is the main reason the greasers get in trouble with society and the socs don't. Regardless of who wins the conflicts between the two groups, society will still see the greasers as bad because of the way they look. Also a conflict is when johnny killed the soc because of self defence then when dally dies at the very end of the movie and book. V. Conclusion– This book is a really good book not a very good movie because they have so many differences if they would have not started in the middle of the book then it would have been really good and entertaining but it just doesn't give me the vision in my head of the whole book . A movie to me is where a book comes to life and, but it still was a good movie but could have been

Outline For The Outsiders
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Observation through mind maps: case study on self, analysis and application I have titled this document with consideration of the audience I am writing to. They would not be too familiar with any particular discipline пЃ¶Introduction: a.Niccy Fraser: problems that may arise with doing case study with self as subject and writer b.If I analyze my own thinking and apply it to how collective, historical, and religious ideas have caused distress, then can we individual come to our own rational sense of psychological security? If we can do this, a discussion may arise in which we understand ourselves, and in time, may understand others? пЃ¶Thesis a.What can we come up with our own thinking that can be applied in the everyday world and more content...

This is not a means of blame, but to better identify a problem, whether in natural or memetic violence пЃ¶Conclusion: Why our brain needs help of visuals and should study our thinking however we should a.Symbols can be tightly packed, informative, and help us, like a roadmap or tutorial or something practical b.But if it connected to ideas that lead to realistic consequences, such as to impervious place, we are realistically in danger i.If taking two situations, one that is for genetic benefit, and one for memetic benefit 1.A murderer gives a mother an option to have her ro her kids live. She will likely tell him to kill her so they go on. 2.Dying for ideology, such as the belief in the crusades that they would die for the holy land, so they must kill everyone, or today people kill themselves with other people to have a place in heaven (citing Sam Harris in his book, End of Faith which he narrated the first few chapters and gave comment on his youtube channel) c.Identifying what makes pattern replicate and the hidden links arise i.Possible question: how do whole memeplexes support each other's survival and competition? ii. Why patterns more important than content 1.Could be a

Self Analysis Outline
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Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer is number one cancer for women. Breast cancer is a very deadly cancer. It's going to take you through death slowly. It's gonna mess up your appetite and take all your hair out, by the help of Chemo. Breast cancer will also shortening your breath and have liquid come out places it shouldn't be. A lot of people say thatcancer can not be cured .

What is cancer

Cancer is ultimately the result of cells that uncontrollably grow and do not die. Normal cells in the body follow an orderly path of growth, division, and death. Programmed cell death is called apoptosis, and when this process breaks down, cancer begins to form a tumor.

White women are slightly more likely to develop breast cancer than African–American more content... Two or more first–degree family members, like your mom or sister, have been diagnosed ask your doctor about more specific diagnostic tests like BRCA gene testing, which looks for hereditary gene mutations that are linked with breast cancer. (webMD)


ВЁBreast cancer will form a small lump under the breast that will change the shape, dimpling of it. You will also have fluid coming out of your nipple and a small little red patch somewhere on the breast, you also will have a little painВЁ (webMD). Chemo have a lot of side effects. Like loss of appetite, being nausea, vomiting, weakness , mouth sores , hair loss, weight loss, diarrhea or many more effects. (Ty)

ВЁWhen you have surgery, this type of surgery is sometimes called partial (or segmental) mastectomy. It is also sometimes called lumpectomy or quadrantectomy. In breast–conserving surgery, only the part of the breast containing the cancer is removed. The goal is to remove the cancer as well as some surrounding normal tissue.This type of surgery is sometimes called partial (or segmental) mastectomy. It is also sometimes called lumpectomy or quadrantectomy. In breast–conserving surgery, only the part of the breast containing the cancer is removed. The goal is to remove the cancer as well as some surrounding normal tissue. How much of the breast is removed depends on the size and location of the tumor and other factorsВЁ

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Breast Cancer Outline

Online Education

Education is an important part of people's lives; it will either make them or break them in the future depending on the careers they choose. Education is greatly diverse today in comparison to the 1950s because of advancements in teaching and other great inventions that provide easier techniques of teaching. One major issue that has been raised is distant learning courses and online education. Distant learning could be any format from VHS videos, DVDs, or internet courses online. Online education has been legal since 1993 and is a new way of teaching students of all ages. Online education has been gaining popularity through out the years because of the ease of the internet. The internet has made it easier more content...

Discussion on issues is done in chat rooms and forums where everybody writes their views on the issue. This is an advantage for foreigners who can not speak proper English correctly. Live video and sound can also be done with special equipment for a real time conversation with instructors and peers.

Other features on the online courses are the learning aides that can be used while taking the course. Certain programs can be made such as flash cards and games which can increase the learning experience of the student. These learning aides can be done on the student's time and does not require the teacher to be there.

Time for a face to face class is very difficult if a person works 40 hours a week but an online course can put an ease on the time restriction because the person does the work at their own pace and time. It is also easier to sign up for an online class than a class at a college. Message boards are in use if the students need to leave a question or a comment about the subject their on. They also save time by not traveling to the college and trying to find a parking space.

Rural areas where students have to travel a great distance to get to class can save time and money by doing online classes. For example, a child of a farmer can help the family out in the morning with the farming chores then go to an online class later on. Rural kids may also take additional educational classes online that their school does not

Education Essay
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Making an Outline

A Plan That Builds an Essay ay s Es

The Benefits of an Outline

An outline of an essay: пЃ®

helps make your essay more organized

пЃ® A careful plan will help your body paragraphs stay focused on the ideas in your thesis statement. пЃ® saves time for writers

пЃ® Preparing an outline can take time, but you will be able to write the rough draft of your essay more quickly

Outline format

Essay Outline

Essay Outline Practice


Thesis: _____________________


Body Paragraph #1– TopicSentence: _____________

A. supporting idea reasons, examples

B. supporting idea reasons, examples


Body Paragraph #2– Topic Sentence: ____________

A. supporting idea reasons, examples

B. supporting idea reasons, more content...



Introduction– Thesis Statement: A job interview can often make or break your chances of getting your dream job. There are several things that you can do in an interview to increase the possibility of your success such as dressing properly, answering interview questions thoroughly, and asking good questions at the end of the interview.

Body Paragraph #1:

Topic Sentence: The way you dress can have a big impact on an interview panel's first impressions of you.

A. Conservative dress like dark suits will show the interview panel you

A. Ask interviewers to repeat questions you don't understand.

B. Take some time to think about the questions before youanswer.

C. A notebook to write down key words in interview questions is sometimes helpful. IV.

Topic Sentence: By preparing some thoughtful questions for the end of the interview, you can show the panel that you have prepared for the interview and want the job.

A. Research the job and/or company before you go to the interview.

are serious about what you do.

B. Carrying too many things may show you are lousy or unorganized. A notebook, pens, and/or laptop are appreciated. B. The interview is your opportunity to get to know your potential employer. Ask questions about company goals, mission, expectations of employees, etc. D. Poor grooming may make them think you are untidy. Hair and nails should be clean and neat.

C. Don't ask questions about benefits or salary during

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Thesis Statement: Social media is something a majority of people use but, causes a lot social issues and economical issues for adolescents. Economical Issues Social media users who want to gain thousands of followers quickly can purchase followers. B. Having more followers means they have to keep up with the demand so they spend more money into the addiction.

II. Social Issues A.It gets a hold of its users and causes a vice grip effect. Holding in front of their phone or computer. B. Some users feel they have a different image they have to hold in public as they do on social media.

III. Personality Issues Some users can feel they are not good enough if they do not get a lot of likes on social media. B. Many users communicate over

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Social Media Outline

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