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Commercial Programs

The American Hereford Association (AHA) is committed to growing demand for Hereford genetics and providing breeders tools backed by uncompromised data and sound research that drive profit. Developing tools to provide commercial cattlemen with information to advance their programs through heterosis is a major focus of the AHA.

The Hereford Advantage, Premium Red Baldy and Maternal Advantage programs are marketing resources developed to assist commercial cattlemen with incorporating Hereford genetics into their programs more successfully and adding value to their operations. For producers wanting to learn more about their genetics and collect valuable data, the Hereford Feedout Program is a great opportunity to do just that.

Hereford Advantage Program

Designed to identify superior Hereford-influenced feeder cattle, the Hereford Advantage program includes components geared to add value to feeder cattle, including genetic merit, health and management practice verification. This tagging program is offered in conjunction with IMI Global, an industry-leading source for thirdparty verification of food production practices in North America.

To enroll in the program, visit HerefordAdvantage.com to download and complete the enrollment form. The program costs $3.25 per head (no minimum enrollment required), which includes verification and program electronic identification tag costs. During the enrollment process, an expected progeny difference (EPD) and profit index summary for the submitted bull battery will be developed and provided to producers, allowing them to track genetic merit for future selection decisions. Participating producers will also receive additional marketing support and exposure through this program and qualifying cattle will be listed on the AHA’s “Feeder Cattle Listings” page at HerefordMarketplace.com

Program Requirements:

• Source and age (required

IMI base verification)

• Genetic merit

› Minimum of 50% Hereford genetics

› Bull battery ranking in top 50% of breed for Certified Hereford Beef® Index (CHB$)* profit index (bull battery average)

› Bull ownership transferred (all bulls)

• Vaccination program — two rounds of preweaning vaccinations (minimum)

• Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) certification

* The CHB$ is a terminal sire index that is built on a production system where Hereford bulls are used on British-cross cows with a focus on gain and end-product merit.

Premium Red Baldy Program

Premium Red Baldy is a tagging program designed to take advantage of hybrid vigor by maximizing the best traits of both Hereford and Red Angus breeds and providing commercial producers with premium replacement females. The program has the ideal balance of maternal and carcass traits, which will yield cattle poised to increase the profitability of the commercial producer. Premium Red Baldy uses genetics supported by the only two beef breed associations backed by whole herd reporting.

Producers interested in participating will be required to provide registration numbers for Hereford or Red Angus sires to enroll. Once verification is complete, program tags can be purchased for $0.99 each. Enrolled groups of Premium Red Baldy females will receive added market exposure and will be listed on the “Commercial Female Listings” page at HerefordMarketplace.com. For more information and to contact your respective breed representative, visit PremiumRedBaldy.org.

Program Requirements:

• Female-only program — no steers will be tagged in this non-PVP tagging program.

• Females must be sired by a bull battery ranking in the top 50% of the breed for Baldy Maternal Index (BMI$) or Profitability and Sustainability Index (ProS – Red Angus). Registration must also be transferred to the participating producer.

• Breed type must be predominately

Director of commercial programs: Trey Befort, tbefort@herefordbeef.org




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Red Angus and Hereford genetics, with a small allowance for other breeds.

• Females must be red-bodied with either a bald or brockle face.

Maternal Advantage Program

This female-focused marketing tool is designed to take advantage of hybrid vigor by capitalizing on Hereford genetics. The program generates females with added longevity, more docility, increased fertility and more profit per year. Producers using Hereford bulls on British-based or Brahman-based females in their breeding program can utilize this program and enrolled groups will be listed on the “Commercial Female Listings” page at HerefordMarketplace.com for added market exposure.

Hereford Feedout Program

The Hereford Feedout Program, held at HRC Feed Yards in Scott City, Kan., is an outstanding opportunity for producers to collect valuable carcass data and gain firsthand experience in the cattle feeding industry. Participants can enter five or more head in the program, which begins late fall for spring calves and early summer for fall calves, and those cattle will have an opportunity to be marketed as Certified Hereford Beef candidates through the U.S. Premium Beef program at National Beef. For more information visit the “Hereford Feedout Program” page in the “Commercial” section of Hereford.org.

AHA commercial programs overview Program Program logo Index used

Hereford Advantage CHB$

Premium Red Baldy BMI$ or ProS (Red Angus)

Maternal Advantage BMI$ or BII$

Hereford Publications Inc. staff contacts

11500 N. Ambassador Dr., Ste. 410 Kansas City, MO 64153 816-842-3757 | 816-243-1314 fax hworld@hereford.org

Director of field management and seedstock marketing: Joe Rickabaugh, jrick@hereford.org

Production manager: Caryn Vaught, cvaught@hereford.org

Executive editor: Wes Ishmael, wishmael@hereford.org

Managing editor: Sydnee Shive, sshive@hereford.org

Assistant editor: Katie Maupin Miller, kcommunicates@gmail.com

Editorial designer/assistant: Cindy Himmelberg, chimmelberg@hereford.org

Advertising coordinator: Alison Marx, amarx@hereford.org

Creative services coordinator: Bailey Lewis, blewis@hereford.org

Graphic designers: Sharon Blank

Teri Wolfgang

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