Ideas For Compare And Contrast Essays

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Chapter seven also has many similarities and differences between the text and video versions. The first textual scene varies quite differently from that of the movie. The book begins with Mr. Pumblechook and Pip eating breakfast together. Pumblechook quizzes Pip on his times tables, and then the pair makes its way toward Miss Havisham's house, whereas in the video, they are already reached Miss Havisham's. Another difference arises through the dialogue of Pumblechook and Estella upon Pumblechook and Pip's arrival at Miss Havisham's house. When Pip and Pumblechook first encounter Estella, in the novel, the conversation takes place through an opened window, and Pumblechook does not enter the house (689), whereas in the film, Pumblechook and Pip enter through a creaking wooden door, and the young more content... The difference in lighting probably so that the viewer could more easily see the action of the scene. Miss Havisham's attire, both during her and Pip's initial meeting and throughout the novel, does not vary between the texts. Her white dress and white veil reveal Miss Havisham's history, which characterizes Miss Havisham. When Miss Havisham first speaks to Pip, there is no difference between the two works. Miss Havisham asks "Who is it?", and receives the reply "Pip, ma'am". She then questions "Pip?", to which Pip elaborates "Mr. Pumblechook's boy...Come to play" (690). Following learning Pip's name, in both the book and the movie, Miss Havisham instructs Pip to "Come nearer; let [her] look at [him]" (690). Once Pip has moved closer to Miss Havisham, in both versions of the story, Miss Havisham says, "Look at me. You are not afraid of a woman who had never seen the sun since you were born?", to which Pip replies that he is not scared (690). In the novel, Miss Havisham replies to Pip's negation by asking him about the heart, suggesting that it is "broken", but in the video (690), Miss Havisham just instructs Pip again to move

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Great Expectations Compare And Contrast Essay

Compare and Contrast

This type of writing assignment is common. On a standardized test, you may be asked to analyze literature, evaluate ideas, or make a judgment and explain your reasons.

In responding to these types of prompts, you often will compare and contrast characters, concepts, or choices. You will be asked to identify similarities and differences, which are the key to compare–and–contrast essays. There are ways to organize your thoughts about compare–and–contrast topics, which will help you write thoughtful and balanced essays. Compare–and–Contrast


First, you will learn how to write a compare–and–contrast essay When you compare, you show how two or more things are alike. On the other hand, when you contrast, more content... The similarities are shown in the overlapping middle section.

Gathering Details

The next step in preparing your compare–and–contrast essay is to gather details, descriptions, and examples to provide a clear understanding of the subjects being compared. There are several ways to gather details.

One way is to use your personal experiences. If you are writing about a subject with which you have direct experience, your knowledge of that subject can be

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Writing and Compare-and-contrast Essays

Compare And Contrast Questions In Ielts

How to write 'Compare and Contrast' question in IELTS writing task 2

What is the question?

In this essay, IELTS examiners want you to discuss the points of comparing and contrasting the two things i.e. similarities and differences between the two. Therefore, it is important that you find out relevant points of similarities and differences of the two mentioned things after reading the question.

Let's look at an example: Some people want to live in a house while others prefer living in an apartment.

Does living in a house bring more advantages than living in an apartment?

With this type ofessay, you have two points to be discussed as follows:

Benefits of living in a house/apartment

Issues of living in an house/ more content...

Some people think that learning online is more efficient. However, according to some other people, studying from books is still the preferred method. Which is the better method of learning out of the two?

2. Distance education is gaining popularity day by day and more students are enrolling through distance mode than full–time course in colleges. Make comparison of distance education and full–time course to find which is better and why.

3. A growing number of people own personal vehicle as they find it a convenient mode of transport in comparison to public transport. Compare the public and private mode of transportation and state which is better out of the two.


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people want to live in a house while others prefer living in an apartment.

Does living in a house bring more advantages than living in an apartment?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 Get more content

Work experience versus a college education. Which of these two is best in helping you to land a better paying job? Many college graduates may argue that having an Associate Degree or Bachelor Degree is an essential key to landing a top paying job. People with work experience and skills argue theyhave an edge over someone with a degree that has no real–worldwork experience. They believe this gives them an opportunity for a better paying job.Plus, people with work experience do not have to deal with the added student debt that comes with acquiring such degrees.

When looking through the help wanted ads in newspapers or in employment agencies, you will see that the higher paying positions usually ask for a college degree. You would think that withouta degree, you are wasting your time in applying. Here is an example of how work experience can be a more content...

High Fliers Research managing director Martin Birchall told The Huffington Post that work experience is "now just as important" as a college degree.(Life, 2015)You can be certain that many employers feel that people with work experience are more likely to be responsible. They have the necessary skills needed to work efficiently and value their jobs thus making them more dependable and have a better understanding of what is expected of them.According to an article by Richard Garner,"Leading employers value work experience among graduates more than the grades or the university they have been to, according to new research. Figures show that 58 per cent of employers rated work experience as "the most popular qualification among those presented." (Garner, 2015)This is when work experience can work for your advantage by increasing your chances of being Get more content

Compare And Contrast Two Friends

We all have friends that are alike or different from each other. My friend Nicole and Amy are also friends. Both of them are alike in some ways, but at the same time unlike from each other. For example, they both dress to their comfort, but the clothes they choose to wear are different. They both have similar taste in music and television shows. However, Nicole and Amy are more different than alike. Nicole and Amy have different appearance and style. Nicole is five feet and two inches with medium brown wavy hair that is shoulder length. She has big eyes and also freckles on her face. Nicole tends to dress very casually. For an instant, she would wear jean with a graphic tee or a blouse and navy blue classic vans. She occasionally keeps up with the latest fashion trend. On the other hand, Amy is just 5 feet tall more content...

Nicole's personality is super shy and, quiet when it comes to new people or people she rarely talks to. However, when it comes to people she likes and enjoys talking to, she is a social butterfly. Amy was never in any a team sport. However, she plays tennis with her cousins for fun. Amy is really sociable and blunt at the same time. I remember a time during lunch there was a table across from us were talking super loud and she shout "shut up". Amy is not afraid to speak her mind while Nicole is more shy and quiet. Nicole cannot stand watching gory, horror and supernatural movie. For example, during summer, our friend, Julie, invited Nicole, Amy, and Iwatch Green Inferno. Nicole did not want to come along due to the fact that when she watched the trailer of that movie she found it super gory and disgusting. However, Amy did not find that trailer gory and disgusting and came long to watch the movie with us. Amy enjoys watching horror or supernatural movie or shows. For example, during the month of October, there was a movie call Crimson Peak and Amy wanted to watch it while Nicole did not want

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Compare And Contrast Tone

Comparing and contrasting the two songs "Pretty hurts" by BeyoncГ© and "Beautiful" by Christina Aguilera has its similarities and differences, along with different perspectives of the audiences. With different tones, moods, and purposes these songs have a huge impact on society for defining the word "Beauty." In both songs they target two different audiences. One audience has difficult with insecurities (Pretty Hurts) while the other audience doesn't believe they are beautiful (Beautiful). The purpose in both songs have the same meaning they both want young ladies or males to feel better about themselves and not allowing anyone to judge them. They also should try and stop changing their appearance to impress society. The tone of the song

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Comparison and Contrast

In the name Allah""

Professor: Dr.Bahman Amani

Prepared by: Akbar Akbari

Place: IAU Maraghe

Date: May 6th 2010

вќ– Definition: To compare is to show how items are alike. To contrast is to show how items are different. Thus comparison and contrast involve pointing out the similarities or differences between two (or more) items. In deciding what to compare or contrast, you will want to make sure that the items share points in common. Thus, the items compared are usually the same kind or class of thing, and in comparing and contrasting them, you essentially establish two or more categories, showing the differences or similarities between or among them. For example, you can compare two passenger cars–a Ford and a Cadillac– more content... But your readers will probably want to know what the similarity or difference amounts to. You can write this for a thesis. However, once you 've noted the difference, the readers will see that you 've merely stated the obvious. Thus comparison and contrast for its own sake is generally pointless, but both are extremely useful to develop support for a thesis. To support the thesis statement we should outline central paragraphs.

вќ– Central paragraph organization:

When you have decided whether to concentrate on comparison or contrast, you still must decide how to do it. You should organize your comparison or contrast by whichever method suits your material best. There are three different methods of organization of central paragraph: 1) Point–by–point or alternating method 2) Block method 3) Mixed method

1) Point–by–point or alternating method: In this method you explain one characteristic of item A and then immediately compare it with that of item B –and then you go on to compare the two items point by point. For example when you want to contrast two brands of automobile e. g.

Nissan and Toyota to decide which to buy, you will consider such subtopics (elements) as price, mile per gallon, length and width, comfort, and maintenance expense. Thus the organizational type will be:

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1. The two types of organization that may be used in a compare/contrast essay would be either block or point–by–point. With block, the first set of paragraphs covers one item completely and then the other set of paragraphs covers the other item completely. In point–by–point, each point is addressed in a separate paragraph, alternating between both subjects.

2. One thing I learned from reading this overview was the different types of methods there are when comparing and contrasting two subjects. I didn't know there were specific ways to organize just in general. As well as how point by point has a stronger effect on readers.

3. It is important to maintain consistency when writing a compare/contrast essay because you need to make sure the

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Comparison and contrast is when you compare two alternatives in order to decide which one is better by finding the differences or similarities between them. In comparison you will find the differences between two or more things, and in contrast you will find the similarities. Depending on what type of paper you are writing, many times the subject will be chosen for you. However, in other situations you have to choose your own; when choosing the subjects keep in mind that they need to have obvious differences or similarities.

A comparison and contrast essay can be structured in three ways: subject–by–subject, that is good for short essays; separating the subjects in different paragraphs, for example: write the subject A in one or two paragraphs and subject B in the next more content...

Subject A point 2, subject B, point 2 and so on. This type is good for long essays and also make it easier for the reader to follow. And the third way is the mixed sequence that includes both ways, subject–by–subject and point–by–point, is good for a diversity on your paper. When writing a comparison you will be constructing an analogy, which means using an unusual subject related to something more usual to better help the reader understand the subject. There is two common forms in analogy: metaphor, which is a figure of speech where one thing is compared to an object or action but no literally, is just a way so the reader can better comprehend, and simile that differs from metaphor because of the use of the words ''like'' or ''as'' when comparing, for example: my internet today is slow like a snail.


Comparison And Contrast In Research Paper
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The writers of 'Joining the Colours' and 'The Send Off' both use poetry to express their feelings about soldiers leaving for war. Each have similar attitudes about the subject, but use different approaches to try and get their message across. Both question the popular concept of war, including ideas such as heroism and glory. Katherine Hinkson, the poet who wrote 'Joining the Colours', shows the scene from two different perspectives, that of the audience watching the soldiers and also her own point of view. Wilfred Owen simply shares his thoughts by describing the soldiers leaving from a station, although the effect is no less powerful. As Hinkson is a woman, she focuses more on a mother or wives point of view, whereas Owen gives more more content...

The atmosphere of 'Joining the Colours' appears to be joyous and cheerful, but the poet introduces an underlying feeling of scepticism and doom. This contrast in mood represents the contrast between her feelings and that of the rest of the crowd. Words such as 'careless–gay' and 'foolish' shows that she thinks that the soldiers are not brave but simply oblivious to the harsh truths of war. In 'The Send Off', the atmosphere throughout the poem is sombre and secretive. This is a contrast with the 'Joining of Colours', whose mood is much more lively and exciting. Words such as 'darkening' and 'silent' give a feeling of doom and being trapped, as if it is the end for the soldiers. Unusually, there are few words that describe the emotion, giving a feeling of emptiness and despair. The feeling of both the poets is that the soldiers have little hope for survival, and both have sympathy not only for them but also the loved ones affected. In 'Joining the Colours', the language is very accessible as it is quite simple, although various literary techniques are used. At the start of the poem phrases such as the simile 'singing like the lark' encourage the reader to understand the feeling of hope the soldiers have. The lark is associated with spring, so it as if the soldiers are experiencing a new beginning. The personification of the scene 'The drab street stares', also adds to this, because it is as if they are leaving a bad place and moving on to a better one. However

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In this assignment two ideological perspectives will be discussed, an ideology is a collection of ideas about the world, they have a relationship with political parties, political movements or state regime. Firstly neo liberalism will be discussed and secondly social democracy, I will then discuss the relationship of both ideological perspectives in relation to health. This assignment will conclude by choosing which ideological perspective is best suited to addressing health care within society.

Neo liberalism

Neo liberalism is the reworking of the old idea of liberalism, neo meaning new and liberalism meaning free from government intervention. liberalisms core ideas were; freedom, individualism and natural rights. Adam Smith the economist was one more content...

( like liberalism before, neo liberalism proposes free markets, this encourages privatisation and deregulation of international trade and commerce. Neo–liberalism believes in the freedom of the individual and that they are responsible for their own welfare, George & Wilding (1865) explain that society should be politicised through a set of maxims, the key being that the individual would be better at performing and undertakings that the state would have previously performed, as a result placing responsibility on the individual for their own welfare.

( Neo liberalists believe that state owned companies are not efficient, they push for the market to be moved from a public sector to a more private one where all individuals will benefit and the economy will develop economically. (Lundqvist, 2001, pp.

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Compare And Contrast Two Ideological Perspectives

The contrasts between young and old are very definitive. The contrast between the two shows itself very prominently in To Build a Fire. Even though the old man at Sulfur Creek tells the man not to go out alone, the man abandons the advice and ventures out alone with his dog into the Yukon. The old man was right, the younger man should have listened instead of being arrogant. He should have gone with someone and kept himself safe. Even though it may not seem like it, the entire story revolves around the man's decision to travel alone into the Yukonand simply discard the old man's advice.

The man's decision to go out alone into the barren Yukon was an extremely important decision, the decision he made would cost him his life in the end. I more content...

The only way I wouldn't have done the same is if the weather had varied and looked worse than it normally did. I think a few things that played a part in the man's decision to go alone were, he is younger and stronger than the old man and he is arrogant and thinks he is smarter. Another reason might be because they are always in the weather and it never really varies, so as a result the man might think that the weather is harmless to him. I think the reason I would do the same thing as the younger man is because I have defied my elders' advice in the past. I think that many of the youth, including myself think that they know better than their parents or any elders. For instance, just a couple years ago my dad and I were spending the weekend with my aunt. She lives on a farm and my uncle and I were riding ATV's, while earlier she had told me to slow down. Of course because I thought I was fine and had it under control, I discarded her advice. After about twenty minutes of riding around I had torn into a pasture and through an electric fence, simply because I didn't listen to her. I regret not listening to her because I ended up with some pretty nasty bruises and causes a couple hundred dollars worth of damage. My experience in not listening to the wiser, older people was a mere comparison to the younger man in the story, whereas he lost his life. The man trekking across the Yukon is young Get

To Build A Fire Compare And Contrast Essay
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Compare And Contrast Research Paradigm

Description of Two Contrasting Research Paradigms

Qualitative Research Paradigm

A paradigm is essentially what guides the research conducted by a researcher. Qualitative and quantitative are the main two research paradigms that guide a researcher. These are basically beliefs about reality or ontology. This is called relativism and in this paradigm, the researcher believes that there are many qualitative perspectives of reality. Generally this type of research is subjective.Qualitative research analysis is generally inductive and focuses on experiences and perceptions of research participants. Research design methods for this paradigm include phenomenology (lived experience), ethnography (influence of culture) and grounded theory (social process) (NurseKillam, 2017).

In an article written by Locke, she discusses interpretivist (or constructivist) (Qualitative) paradigm. The interpretivist (or constructivist) believes that individuals or groups construct reality based on interactions with the social environment. This paradigm is distinguished by an interest in understanding the world of lived experience from the point of view of those who live it. The researcher is concerned with subjective reality. Researchers working in this paradigm focus on particular situated actors who they construe as composing meaning out of events and phenomena though prolonged processes of interaction that involve history, language and action.

Quantitative Research Paradigm

The ontology within

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Comparison and Contrast Essay


Comparison and Contrast Essay

Definition: In this kind of essay, the aim is to show the similarities and differences of two items, two people, two countries, or how something or someone has changed. When comparing two things, we focus more on the similarities though we may mention the differences shortly. When contrasting two things, we point out the differences between them. The most important point to consider while planning a comparison and contrast essay is choosing comparable items. e.g. Middle East TechnicalUniversity and Bogazici University. We have to make sure that these two items have enough points to be compared. After writing the comparable points as a list, location, size, reputation, more content...

Language: The two patterns differ in terms of language as well. While pattern 2 is quite straightforward, pattern 1 requires more transitions but the end product is more understandable for the reader. Some transitions that can be used for showing similarity: similar to, similarly like both ... and ... in addition moreover

Copyright @ 2006 Bogazici University SFL

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COMPARISON AND CONTRAST ESSAY besides likewise in the same way Some transitions indicating difference: different from in contrast to compared with unlike but, however on the other hand conversely in contrast Do not forget that using transitions enables the piece of writing to be coherent; it is easier for the reader to follow our ideas when transitions are used to link them together. However, overuse of transitions causes a traffic jam and should be avoided. We should be using transitions sparingly (only when necessary). Sample comparison contrast essay: METU and Bogazici University Almost all high school students who would like to further their academic lives in the university search for information about the various universities of Turkey. Among many universities in Turkey, two of them are the most popular: Middle East Technical University and Bogazici University. They are considered the best. However, since both cannot be THE BEST, their specialties, facilities and locations need to be examined in detail to be able to choose the most suitable

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Compare And Contrast Two Places

Compare & Contrast Essay

Imagine two places where you could choose with the outcome of receiving new life experiences. You could choose two places that have different settings, where you could visit for vacation or simply choose to live there depending on your decision. But which of these places would you choose? It could be so difficult to decide. Each place have their own environment that has its pro's and con's along with it. Many of you may be asking yourself "What places could the narrator be talking about?" Pretty funny how I can relate to your thoughts, the two places we have come too, to listen to their seminaries & differences are the lovely two states named Florida & North Carolina located in the United States of America.

Florida, more content...

North Carolina is home for a famous NFL team known as the North Carolina panthers, along with famous attractions such as the Nascar hall of fame. It's mainly known for land, along with small towns. North Carolina has a different surrounding as of Florida. North Carolina has a very historical event where the actual Wright Brother's officially flew a plane, outside the outer banks by popular beaches. North Carolina, has great college's too choose from for example you have Duke University, North Carolina State University that provide excellent educational plans to study for a major of your future careers. Here's the fact the minimum wage for North Carolina is way less then Florida currently they're providing $7.25 while in Florida they provide $8.05. Sure Eighty five cent's sounds small but it's a big difference. Along with economic differences. The main differences between Florida & North Carolina is considered an always hot environment while in north Carolina is different, mainly seasonal changes occur, Experiencing all of the changes in your surroundings. If you're looking for a more satisfying place to live in, it depends on your taste but if you'd like to experience many things I'd recommend Florida as I listed the reasons before by experiencing certain aspects such as the state provides more

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Compare And Contrast Prepositions

Prepositions are one of the basic structures that make up the whole sentence. Even though some sentences can hold meaning without the help of prepositions, others need it in order to be completely understood. When first learning how to translate and interpret English to Vietnamese or vice versa, students can face some difficulties regarding the use of prepositions. In both languages, it is undeniable that prepositions occur at a high rate of frequency in written or spoken form; however, they have different roles in term of characteristic and usage with a few similarities. Therefore, this paper's purpose is to compare and contrast prepositions in English and Vietnamese to give students a fresh perspective about prepositions and guide them how to use prepositions appropriately. more content...

This is clearly represented in English, for many research and studies about prepositions have been done. This, however, is not the case in Vietnamese. Prepositions, in this case, tend to be combined with conjunctions into one class, which is relational. The question is "Why is it the same thing but different in different languages?". That was the reason that made me first think of this topic when deciding what to write about.

Throughout this paper, we will cover from the basic definition to the usage and characteristics of prepositions in both English and Vietnamese in a contrastive view. I will also provide some implications at the end to help students of Translating and Interpreting use prepositions

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Comparison And Contrast Essay Topics

Chapter 16, Comparison and Contrast, explains the purpose and functions of comparison and/or contrast essays as well as how to use them in students' essays. Comparison and contrast means finding similarities, differences, or both. Comparison and contrast essays commonly have three purposes. First, they are important in expressing ideas. For example, I want to talk about my ideas about hip–hop and rap music so I compare and contrast them. The second purpose is to inform people. I may want to tell the audience that there are many similarities in two different religions. Third, I can persuade people through comparing and contrasting two things. For instance, I will argue that reading e–books is better than printed books by comparing and contrasting Get

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Compare and Contrast the Ideas and Techniques of the Poets in the some of the Love Poems we have Studied

Love is a very popular topic for poetry. This is because love is one of the only things that there is no scientific fact no true definition and can be thought of in so many different ways. Poets can use poems to portray all the different types of love that people feel, romantic, young, stereotypical, fake, possessive, physical, the list is endless.

Three poems that portray some of these are "The Flea", "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" and "A Woman to her Lover".

I like the poems "The Flea" and "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" by John Donne because of the imagery and metaphors he uses to give us an more content... Also it gives the image that wherever the circle starts it will always come back, just like the man will come back to the woman.

"Thy soule the fixt foot, takes no show

To move, but doth, if th'other doe."

In "The Flea" Donne uses yet another strong and prominent image, the flea, to try and persuade the woman in the poem to sleep with him. Donne shows the flea as something just as extreme as them sleeping together; because it has bitten both him and the lady their blood is mingled. "Mee it suck'd first, and now sucks thee,

And in this flea, our two bloods mingled bee;"

Since the 17–century idea was of sex as a "mingling of the blood", he realises that by mixing their bloods together in its body, the flea has done what she didn't dare to do. This is a very shocking image but

Donne uses it to contradict and almost trick the woman into sleeping with him. This is unlike "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning".

In "A Woman to Her Lover" is almost the woman's view to "The Flea". In the third verse of "A Woman to Her Lover" Christina talks of how her body is not something that her lover can use for his physical desires.

"My skin soft only for you fond caresses

My body supple only for your sense delight"

Christina uses alliteration of the soft f's and s's these gentle

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Compare and Contrast Essay By definition; love is a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. Love can be interrupted in many ways. Were we ever taught love or is it just a natural feeling towards a person? Some say you'll know the meaning of love when you fall in love, yet some don't believe in love at all.

The sculpture "LOVE" created by Robert Indiana and the sculpture "The Kiss" made by Auguste Rodin both share some of the same meanings behind the art work (Indianapolis Museum of Art) (Rodin's The Kiss Sculpture). A major similarity between the two is love; which attracts and speaks to people all around the world. Although they are spoken in different ways, they both have the idea of making love. Whether it more content...

This piece is also an abstract form of art and more modern the color is red and has a feeling of happiness and joy and you have the urge to feel love just by seeing it so large and up front. "LOVE" has always been placed out in the open demanding attention from a lot of people to see. "The Kiss" is more of a classic form of art and has been placed in more private areas. Although it has a distressing grey color "The Kiss" has more depth; the feeling of intimacy is strong and makes a statement. There are both similarities and differences in "The Kiss" and "LOVE". The emotion and meaning behind both are incredible, it shows and understands the meanings of love, lust, joy, and intimacy. Love can either be spelt out or expressed by action and is what both pieces show. Love can be interrupted in many ways, but there always has to be a kiss in love.

Works Cited

1.) "Love | Indianapolis Museum of Art." Love | Indianapolis Museum of Art. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2012. < /collections/artwork/love–robert–indiana>. 2.) Mr. Peterson. "Kiss vs Love." Scottsdale. 8 Oct. 1012. Lecture. 3.) "Rodin's The Kiss Sculpture." Rodin's The Kiss Sculpture. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2012.

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Compare and Contrast Essay

Technology Creating a Better World? Advancements in technology are supposed to make our lives easier. The time it takes for us to travel to another destination continues to shorten. Computers continue to advance at a rapid pace. Communicating with family and friends from another country has become easier than ever. It would seem as if everything is perfect. However, that is not the case at all. The irony of it all is that inventions that were supposed to make us connected to people close to us have actually had the opposite effect. Devices such as mobile phones, tablets, television, and laptops are just a few inventions that have us obsessed over them during our free time. With the advent of social media, we have become more engrossed more content...

Members of society have been so entranced with keeping in touch with everyone, that we often neglect the people closest to us. We would rather post pictures, write comments, and video chat with other people than our own family members (Wallis 14). In addition to the obsession over cyber–space connection, the bond from sharing quality time with your family seems like a distant thing in the past. The "bond" that the internet provides is superficial compared to the one a person can build with people. Wallis best describes this when she says "If you're IMing four friends while watching That '70s Show, it's not the same as sitting on the couch with your buddies or your sisters and watching the show together" (Wallis 18). Turkle explains this by stating "We've become accustomed to a new way of being 'alone together.' Technology–enabled, we are able to be with one another, and also elsewhere, connected to wherever we want to be" (Turkle 4). Technology has given people a false sense of being together when they are really not. Another common theme that the two essays share is that technology and social media has made us less patient. Turkle attributes this due to the lack of face–to–face conversations. She argues "Face–to–face conversation unfolds slowly. It teaches patience. When we communicate on our digital devices, we learn different habits...we start to expect faster responses"

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Compare Contrast Essay

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