What Is Sustainability?
I hear the word sustainability almost every day, what does it mean? Is it about people, our environment, or jobs and money? Sustainability is about all of these things and more. Sustainability could be defined as an ability or capacity to reduce the foot print, reuse resources of something without jeopardizing the quality of what you are trying to accomplish. We all have been atfood establishment from fast food, take out to table cloth dining. And many times we scratch our head and wonder if they know what they are doing, from why is my food taking forever to I do not need to ask for my water to be refilled three times, and we all say to ourselves, I can run this place better than this. Having been in this industry, I wish I could say that...show more content...
Servers could be notified when the food is ready and placed on the shelf for pick up, TGIF for example in some of their locations they have tablets on each table so this way you can order at your leisure and will reduce the percentage of errors in ordering. If you think about it that will take some of the pressure of the restaurant for having people complain when they are waiting for the server to arrive at the table and take the order. Which Wich restaurants have their menu printed on a paper bag with all the options that they offer, you complete the order and hand it over to the person at the register, the beauty about this is that timing starts from the minute you pay for the order not when you arrive. This way if you can't make up your mind you are not taking the server's time while they are waiting for Get
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In today's global economy sustainability is very important; from the biological aspect to the industries they all play a role on the marine environment. As world population increases the demand of fish rises causing overfishing. Certain laws have been placed to limit the amount of wild fishing to reduce the risk of endangerment. To meet the demand of the population, fish farms are introduced. Pollution and health related issues are part of the challenges of fish farming. Sustainability also affects social areas such as beaches. The triple bottom line offishing is influenced by sustainability in many ways. One way is the demand for fish increases with population. As well there are new laws limiting fishing, ultimately forcing once...show more content...
Pollution is a damaging with fish farming. A group of wild fishing being fed to fish in the ocean will eventually transfer disease. As well, fish pollute the water from their wastes. Fish farming also affects the growth and genetics of the fish because they are not in a wild environment. More research should be completed to provide more adequate information and prevent negative outcomes for fish farming. If farmers were unable to produce fish, the wild fish population would be in trouble. The world would have an unreliable source of fish, because fishermen would be over fishing the waters. Consumers would have a limited menu of fish species. If there was overfishing social areas, such as beaches, would be greatly affected. As well, other wildlife would be greatly affected by overfishing. Over all, unless laws would be placed the world would not have enough marine life to sustain. The wild fishing in the waters would be greatly reduces to try and conserve what we have, if a law was in place. In conclusion, my thoughts on U.S. production if fish farming was disbanded are that the aquaculture economy would suffer. Also the population would have very limited sources and quantities of fish. There could also be positive changes made to help the fish reproduce more in the wild so we do not exhaust our fish supply. Designated fishing areas that have an excess of fish would also be a solution to wild fishing. Consumption of fish in the U.S. would be greatly Get
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Sustainability is a topic that has become very important in recent years. Sustainability is defined as, "the ability to continue a defined behavior indefinitely." ("Finding and Resolving the Root Causes of the Sustainability Problem", 2014) There are three pillars that make up overall sustainability: social, economic, and environmental sustainability. Social sustainability focuses on all human needs being met and a society functioning properly indefinitely. Economic sustainability is achieving a certain level of economic success indefinitely. It also involves having an extremely low percent of people living below the poverty line, which relates to social sustainability. Environmental sustainability is described as, "the rates of renewable resource harvest, pollution creation, and non–renewable resource depletion that can be continued indefinitely." ("Finding and Resolving the Root Causes of the Sustainability Problem", 2014) Achieving environmental sustainability will positively affect the social and economic aspects. These three categories are directly related to each other, and to truly reach complete sustainability each of the group's needs must be met. There are many ways for individuals, groups, companies, and societies to help make a difference in reaching this goal. Environmental issues are currently very prominent in the US and other countries. There are countless activists and researchers doing everything they can to make a difference. Most businesses, like
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Global Sustainability
MG20: Analytical Essay on Global Sustainability
Global sustainability is multi–faceted topic and is very complex. However, at its essence, global sustainability is defined as using your resources wisely today to give your children a better life tomorrow. It is the balance between using enough to develop right now but leaving enough for future generations. For example, if we were only looking at preserving the environment and not developing it, we might use none of the resources and leave them to be. But the problem with that is that then there is no resources for us to use. On the other hand, if we were just looking to develop the land, we would use all of our resources, but then there would be no more left for the future. Thus, I want our...show more content...
Renewable energy sources like solar, wind and hydroelectric are available but are not used often. I want us to put a limit on countries on how much non–renewable energy sources they can use. Only if we work together, help the other countries can we accomplish this. In fact, just today(1/24) Scotland has set a goal for using 50% renewable energy by 2030. I think that Scotland has set a realistic goal and that other countries should follow their lead. Non–renewable energy sources are bound to run out and when they do, we can either be ready by using renewable energy or have a global crisis. One of the best renewable energy sources currently is solar energy. Solar panels cost very little to install and have little to no maintenance. The sun provides us with more energy than we need. In fact, in just over an hour, the sun provides enough energy to run the world for an entire year. Even with the current 20% efficient solar panels, we could easily solve our energy problem. Therefore, by beginning to transition to solar energy today, we will be preventing a catastrophe of Get more content
What Does Sustainability Mean To You Essay
To me, sustainability means living so that what we consume does not vastly exceed what we contribute. It is to take care of our planet so that our planet can continue to take care of us. Sustainability, to me, means trying to make choices that have the least amount of negative impact on the earth. Sustainability is about survival and taking only what you need, then let it replenish at a rate that keeps the source producing so that it can be taken from again without depleting it completely. It means creating and maintaining an environment in which the beauty of life can live on for generations. In a sustainable world, there is a harmonious and healthy equilibrium between the Earth and all of its inhabitants. Marni Evans agrees with my statement
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Sustainability And Its Impact On Sustainability
what sustainability is? Sustainability could be defined as an ability or capacity of something to be maintained or to sustain itself. It's about taking what we need to live now, without jeopardizing the potential for people in the future to meet their needs. If an activity is said to be sustainable, it should be able to continue forever. what sets it apart from simply "environmentalism" or "environmental protection" Sustainability, in contrast to the environmentalism, represents the idea that human society should operate by utilizing industrial and biological processes that can be sustained indefinitely; this implies that those processes are cyclically rather than linearly oriented. As a basic concept, sustainability focuses on creating a better world and not compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs by embracing three core aspects: environment, economy and social equity. Sustainability encompasses environmentalism to a certain degree as one of the critical factors to ensure the sustainability of natural resources through environmental conservation and preservation. Natural Habitats believes that sustainability, as a vision is possible–embedding it as the core driver to ensure a responsible production. It is a long–term commitment that focuses on resource conservation, social development and environmental stewardship through: All in all, sustainability focuses on protecting the environment, increasing the livelihoods of local communities and
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Sustainability And The World's Ecology
While Sustainability and the world 's ecology are a well–known topic in most countries these days we are nonetheless a long way from achieving the measures of progress needed to gain a big difference to the universe. There are many factors that contribute to this lack of progress, such as low government funding or personal struggles with financial issues that prevent the use of more sustainable options and a generational gap of knowledge and education. These are some of the contributors to the limitations of education on this subject that will be looked at more in–depth further on. Benefits to ecological education now and into the future are that it aids to create critical thinking and empathy towards our surroundings. It gives thought to...show more content...
When you book a plane ticket they call for you to pay more money to help render the trip more sustainable, but why would you do that as its cheaper not to pay that extra money, things like this should be the contrary of what they are and you would discover more people willing to be sustainable if it is not costing them extra. This is where government funding should be stepping up helping the average person realize the modification. Schools call for funding to make sustainability an everyday function not just a topic they learn in a schoolroom. Their whole environment needs a makeover to replicate how we want our sustainable world to look, edible gardens need to be carried out so the children have a responsibility to care for and produce food for themselves, recycled and reused resources should be the foremost to be chosen, it necessitates to be second nature and easily accessible for schools to be ecologically literate and while we accept these limitations stopping us making this outcome we cannot truly go ahead. In the Australian Curriculum the cross curriculum priority is sustainability, however there is a vastly restricted depiction of unequivocal explanation of training that will ensue in the specified national objective of effective, educated people who work for Get more content
David Orr
When I was five years old I began school. In Kindergarden we learned basic things like letters, numbers, and how not to be fully engulfed in flames. For some reason, 2004 was the height of anti–fire education in Missouri and before I knew how to tie my shoes I knew that if I ever was ablaze, to cover my face, fall to my knees, and roll back and fourth. This is what my institution placed serious value upon and because I was a student of that institution I also placed serious value upon it. The same idea must be applied to a university's teaching of environmental sustainability. This is discussed in David Orr's "What isEducation For?" Through choosing a curriculum a university chooses what it places value onto, by making the environment a priority it showcases to the future generations that environmental wellness is an important responsibility for them to take ownership.
A university's job is create responsible adults. While they educate students on paying bills, owning a home, and living away from caretakers they must also educate students on the responsibility they have to the environment. "Whose responsibility was Chernobyl?" (Orr) Orr asks to illustrate how hard it is to assign blame to environmental issues because they problems are just so large. If everyone takes blame than everyone will strive fix troubles. "Knowledge of how to do vast and risky things has far outrun our ability to use that knowledge responsibly." (Orr) One of Einsteins biggest regrets was the push
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What Is Education For By
Max Weber believed in the power of an idea. This political theorist discussed how Calvinism was one idea that perpetuated the rise of capitalism. Few people ever examine the power of an idea, but if one examines and contemplates this theory, a realization comes across: that ideas drive society. The key premise is that some values of our society must be altered in order to avert catastrophic consequences. The way of life in developed countries is "the origin of many of our most serious problems"(Trainer, 1985). Because developed countries have high material living standards and consume massive quantities of all resources, "hundreds of millions of people in desperate need must go without the materials and energy that could...show more content... The environment is in danger from our pursuit of affluence. Serious worries come from predictions about the atmosphere. The burning of fossil fuels will raise temperatures and result in climatic effects. Rising temperatures could have horrific effects. First of all, food production could seriously be imperiled even by increases of only one degree celcius. If the temperature should increase by five degrees scientists predict the coastal island nations would be submerged and possibly trigger the next ice age. Another environmental concern deals with the soil. Our agricultural practices disregard the value of recycling food waste. Also, the use of pesticides and chemicals in agriculture lead to the poisoning of the soil and topsoil loss through erosion. Yields per acre for grain are falling and "we do not produce food in ways that can be continued for centuries"(Trainer, 1985). Even more disturbing is the deforestation of rainforests. This results in the extinction of many species, concentration of carbon dioxide, the loss of many potential medical breakthroughs, and possibly the disruption of rainfall. Opponents of the deforestation fail to Get more content
Essay on Sustainability
Sustainability Of Sustainability
One of the few things in the 21st century that is increasing as fast as cell phone technology is the human population and the demand for new biofuel solutions to quell global warming. The human population is estimated to increase well until 2050 topping out at around 9.6 billion people. The increase putting further pressure on agriculture to feed the ever growing world, as well as the dependency on fossil fuels and alternative fuel sources. To many, the solution is to intensify agriculture through the expansion of agriculture into new lands in order to boost production, and take some of the production for biofuel use. This may seem like an easy solution but it has a great toll. As agriculture expands into new ground, the biodiversity in that...show more content...
The solution to this stability issue is through biomass production. Humans have relied on combustible biomass for heat and energy for as long as the existence of man. In recent years, both the U.S. and the world have shown greater interest in generating heat and energy from biomass. This includes direct firing (biomass as the sole fuel), co–firing (biomass burned with coal), cogeneration (heat from burned biomass captured to produce more energy), and gasification (gas captured from heated biomass and then burned). The U.S. is one of the global leaders in export of wood pellets for energy use. In addition, crop residue, grasses, and many kinds of waste materials are increasingly pelletized by the United States for energy. Biodiversity has declined significantly as the grasslands of the Prairie Pothole Region have been lost to other uses. This resurgence of bioenergy interest in the Prairie Pothole Region, and potential to produce energy crops on productive cropland, combine to offer opportunity to produce both biomass and contribute Get more content
Economic Social Sustainability Essay
Is economic social and environmental sustainability achievable in today's world?
The aim of this paper is to try and give an understanding of "sustainability" to the reader and look into the various ideas surrounding the 3 pillars of a sustainable world. I am going to take you through the 3 topics in question separately before looking into whether or not sustainability is now even possible given the destruction we have already caused to the planet. I will also look into the millennium development goals as set out by the United Nations where in goal 7 they aimed to "ensure environmental sustainability". Towards the end of this essay I will give critical analysis to whether or not I believe personally sustainability is...show more content...
Realistically for something to be sustainable it must be able to continue forever. One breakthrough definition of sustainability came about in 1987 and reads:
"Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." (,. (2009). What is sustainable development?. Available: http://www.worldbank.org/depweb/english/sd.html. Last accessed 2/5/2014.) For all round complete sustainability you need the three pillars of economic, environmental and social sustainability all to be in sync and working as a whole sustainable connection. When one fails we cannot have complete sustainability.
Economic sustainability
Economic sustainability is a term used to identify different approaches that use resources at an economy's disposal by the best means possible. The concept is to encourage the use of resources in an efficient and responsible way; it is also the aim that long term benefits will come about through these implementations.
In most cases economic sustainability is measured in financial terms. The worth of assets and resources are often portrayed by the use of currency to display the total profit that has been produced by the resourceful use of those assets. Most people today spend above there means which they are not living sustainable lives as they cannot continue to spend
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Sustainability is one of the most controversial topics throughout the history, and as our society develop, we realize that being able to be sustainable is essential to survival of our race. The book Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Sustainability is a collection of articles on different side of various issues related to sustainability. In the book, Issue 8 discusses the ability of technology to deliver sustainability, and issue 16 and 17 discusses the sustainability of food and energy. While issue 16 and 17 are well–presented, the arguments in issue 8 are not very strong. Issue 8 Can Technology Deliver Global Sustainability?
As our culture develops, we gradually realize that we have to find a sustainable way of living so that we can...show more content... Idea of "leap–frogging" is a strong point of her argument, because it saves all the time and resources necessary for technological development, which in turn avoid the inevitable damage to the environment. In the article, she analyzes two places in the report, which adds variety to the sample; however, both countries are in Asia, and examples from other part of the world can make the argument stronger. Lewis provides a lot of details of the results of the wind turbines: "by 2006, India had reached 6228 MW of installations, surpassing its long–held target of 5000 MW of wind capacity by 2012 several years early" (195). She tries to show how fast wind turbine technology develops, showing that it is possible for technology to deliver sustainability, however, she never discusses the energy and raw materials required to make wind turbines, nor the maintenance of the wind turbines. In general, the article does not address the question "Can Technology Deliver Global Sustainability?" very well; it discusses wind turbine as the only technology, and the only two countries in Asia mentioned is not "global." The No section also did a good job explaining why it is difficult for technology to deliver sustainability; however, it does not address the issue really well, because it only discusses a small region in Africa. The authors of the no side article, Alan Colin Brent and David E.
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Increased expectations from society and demands to attract, satisfy and retain customers have made it strategically vital for companies to adopt practices and create products that strive to protect the natural environment. (Dangelico and Pujari 2010)
This review of Bansal and Roth (2000) and Dangelico and Pujari (2010) aims to advance our understanding on the motives surrounding why companies choose to go green, different types of green products and challenges facing companies that integrate environmental (green) sustainability in product innovation. In these studies, Bansal and Roth (2000) and Dangelico and Pujari (2010) apply theoretical sampling of 53 various firms in UK and Japan and in–depth interviews in 12 manufacturing firms in...show more content...
Both studies concur that the 3 motivations which push company to go green are competitiveness, legitimation and ecological responsibility. Under the motivation of competitiveness, firms engage in activities that increase their market share and reputation for instance development of green products , however ecologically responsible firms focus more on concern for social good as initiatives are majorly borne out of internal sensitivity to environmental issues . Firms motivated by legitimation are viewed differently by the authors, although they agree that a primary objective of these firms was to comply with set environmental regulations by avoiding bad publicity and penalties, Dangelico and Pujari (2010) suggest that these regulations mostly resulted to new business opportunities as new government policies could most times give room for business ideas.
The interaction of these 3 motivations often co–exist within a company, further explored by Bansal and Roth (2000) with a set of contextual variables; Issue salience (tangible ecological issues), field cohesion (formal and informal organizational network ties) and individual concern (personal values influencing motivation) leading to an advanced model of Get more content
Essay on Business
Sustainability is a growing concern for many individuals and companies as resources are becoming increasingly limited, hazardous, and expensive. Over the last few years, more people have been informed about sustainable options, which have been easier to obtain and contribute to, as well as wanting to purchase more sustainable options from companies. Since the idea of sustainability is so broad, everyone can contribute in a way they feel is most beneficial. Whether individuals and companies are giving back for personal or self–regarding reasons, it is still helping give back to the environment and provide a more sustainable future. Since sustainability is such a broad term that it can be hard to define or categorize. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a generalized definition for sustainability is "the ability to continue at a particular level for a period of time." While that is a broad overcast of a definition, there are really three pillars of sustainability that can be explored and contributed towards: Economic Development, Social Development, and Environmental Protection. The only pillar that seems to focus on giving back is Environmental Protection. This pillar encompassesrecycling, composting, reducing usage of energy resources, or just by taking a walk to save on gas for individuals. Companies must do much more to provide an impact to the protection of the environment.
Individuals, on average, tend to have more sustainable options for personal reasons, instead of
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Sustainability Of A Sustainable City
Today I will be discussing about sustainability, about how my suburb is sustainable, what a sustainable city looks like, how my suburb is managed and personal changes. This is a perfect example of a sustainable city, a future sustainable city in Dubai. It is 100% solar–powered, has organic farms, uses recycled water and has a green amphitheatre.
A sustainable city should haverenewable energy resources to sustain themselves. These are 5 types of renewable energy, hydroelectric, geothermal, solar, biomass and wind power. Burlington, Vermont is the first American city to become 100% reliant on renewable energy. Sustainable transport is a must as it lessens the carbon footprint. Some types of transport that are sustainable are walking, riding a bike or using a car with eco fuel. The city of Curitiba is well known for its bus transport system.
Many sustainable cities should leave a small ecological footprint. These are the components to calculate an ecological footprint, the amount of crop land used to grow food for human consumption, carbon emissions, grazing land used for livestock, forest required for timber, how much land is used for houses and fishing grounds. Green roofs have many environmental...show more content...
The Samford Ecological Research Facility is run by QUT. It is located in the Samford region. Their research is primarily focused on urban development and its impact on the ecosystem. Many people use solar power to provide energy for themselves. There are around 2000 solar power installations. The amount of solar power energy created is enough to power 2008 Australian homes. The old CSIRO building was built to do Tropical Pasture Research. It is being turned into an urban farm. Tank water is what makes Samford sustainable as well. Many people use these tanks to store water and to collect rain which will help stormwater
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Dreamworld Sustainability Essay
Introduction to Dreamworld's newest attraction
By Gordon Dao
Dreamworld's owners, Ardent Leisure has developed a park that has accounted for all difficulties of sustainability despite the location and size of the amusement park. Dreamworld is a theme park situated in Coomera, near the east coast of Queensland. Due to its isolation, it is imperative to have effective sustainability methods to reserve the resources expended by the park's energy demanding attractions. Sustainability will be the issue brought to light in this report, and a new ride will be implemented with all of the characteristics of being economically, environmentally and socially responsible. The management of the ride will be investigated in the report, including the legislations that govern sustainability.
The ride 'Waves of Doom' will be implemented into the theme park. It retains the concept of a wave pool, utilising water and electricity to create a periodic disturbance in the water basin (Harris, 2015). In order to generate the periodic motion, a pump...show more content... The three pillars are environmental, social and economically sustainability. However in this report, environmental sustainability will be brought to light, the two other pillars will be trivial. In order for environmental sustainability to be defined, general sustainability must be defined. Sustainability is the ability to continue a defined behaviour indefinitely (Thwink.org, 2015). For the environment, there are three aspects which must be sustained for, renewable resources, non–renewable resources and pollution. Therefore, environmental sustainability is the degree of pollution emission, renewable resource production and non–renewable resource consumption that can be continued indefinitely for future use.
CAROBN Get more content
Sustainability : The Issue Of Sustainability
SustainabilityThe issue of sustainability in today's generation has developed as a result of a rapid and enormous population growth, growth in our world's economy, and huge depletion of our natural resources. During the time of the Industrial Revolution our world population was around nine hundred million people. Since that time there has been an enormous growth in population, which in turn has placed a huge demand on our earth's natural resources. By the year 2000 the earth's population was six billion and about one hundred twenty percent of the resources were being depleted. The population is still growing tremendously. Growth in our world's economy is a result of an increase in productivity to keep up with the living conditions of our over populated world. The combination of human growth and economic growth has led to a depletion of our natural resources. The by–products of the depletion has created air pollution, water pollution, and a change in our biosphere, which is the ecosystem that consists of our total earth and all its living organisms. This is the reason we are faced with global warming, which is an increase in the overall temperature in the atmosphere of our earth. This climate change is a result of all the activities from individuals, as well as businesses, releasing huge amounts of gas emissions into our atmosphere. Sustainability is an extremely important subject when we think about the environment that we live in. Sustainability is meeting the basic Get
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Tesla Sustainability Essay
Sustainability of Tesla
Environmental Impact
Tesla Motors predominantly reflects the environmental aspect of sustainability as on contrary to typical car manufacturers, it has adapted the concept of electric cars as their product which reduce several environmental challenges that conventional cars cannot. The benefits of electric cars include eco friendliness as it does not contaminate the air, energy required for running the cars is cheaper than diesel and fuel, batteries of the cars can be charged through sunlight, low noise pollution, and its "easy assembly and simple design provide reliability and service life of an electric vehicle, expand service interval mileage "resulting in significant cost savings for the owner" (Vynakov & Savolova, 2016). Tesla has a leading–edge innovation in lithium–ion based battery technology which is 500 pounds more lighter then acid–based battery and has a range of up to 300 miles, it is far superior then the original acid–based battery which was extremely bulky and weighed a more then lithium ion–based battery and the acid–based battery had a limited range of only about 60 miles (Mangram, M., 2012).
Economic Impact...show more content...
Tesla partnered with Daimler, Panasonic, and Toyota to make large scale of Model S cars. In 2010, Toyota invested $50 million in Tesla shares in return Toyota sold its Manufacturing plant in Fremont, California called New United Motor Manufacturing, Inc. for $42 million (Stringham, E., Miller, J. and Clark, J., 2015). Tesla and Toyota both are benefited from this deal as Tesla got a space that was ready to retool, and Toyota didn't have to make a complete loss from the plant that they sold to Tesla. Tesla Recycled the whole factory to make adequate space to produce large scale of the Model S
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Reflection On Environmental Sustainability
This essay will review two significant environmental experiences I have encountered exploring the influences of these my life and how these have altered my view on what is environmental sustainability. An examination into these two experiences will follow into reviewing my perspectives on environmental sustainability and how these two experiences influenced this. To conclude a discussion on my role as a teacher and how this will impact myself when in the classroom.
Part A
The first experience I had was travelling through an area called Baynton about 100kms north east of Melbourne early in 2009. It was about 6 weeks after the Black Saturday bushfires devastated the whole region, driving through was incredibly eerie and unsettling. Everything was black and charred, in the paddocks there was no grass, no fences, all the trees were burnt trunks, no foliage at all was present. There were no animals grazing in the paddocks, no wildlife was visible and no green anywhere. Fire is a natural part of life as my friend told me that day, trees will grow again, fences can be mended, the animals and wildlife will return. People are what matter, thankfully no one lost their lives in the region I travelled that day. Seeing the devastation reminded me the power of nature and how there are still many natural occurrences that mankind cannot control or master. Speaking with residents (personal communication, March, 2009), similar and consistent observations were made that bushfire
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As it is commonly stated, an environmentally active student from the University of Connecticut–Stamford comments, "The first step toward solving a problem is admitting there is one" (Lanslots). In the area of environmental awareness, the solution must be executed on both an individual and a corporate level. Aldo Leopold states, "A conservationist is one who is humbly aware that with each stroke he is writing his signature on the face of the land" (73). Similarly we must realize that every action we take has an intended or unintended consequence upon our earth. Each step towards the conservation effort adds a signature to the plea to save our earth. As an up and comingchemistry scholar, it is important to raise awareness of the state of...show more content...
Smog is one of the most basic of the components harming our air. Not only are these pollutants harming plants and animals, but they are also affecting human health. Pollutants are not the only aspect of these threats that affect our health. While some people might question the reality of global warming, it is an issue that can be avoided altogether by simple programs to limit production of chemicals known to cause this warming process. Global warming due to carbon emissions over the past one hundred years has caused the melting of permafrost in the Arctic. If this material is released into our atmosphere, this will tip the methane balance overboard and flood our cities with extensive amounts of carbon dioxide and methane (Jubb). If this warming is not stopped, toxic gases will be released and limit the lifespan of humanity. In addressing this issue of depleting resources, diminishing climate, and polluted environment, we must first look at the micro level of the problem. This involves researching individual practices that can be performed in our daily lives and in effect, lowering our own carbon footprint. Many have heard that it is wise to recycle and that solar energy is becoming one of the most efficient ways to heat a home but what are some other ways to fix our deficiencies? India is one of the top nations producing carbon emissions from their households. According to Sristav, it is
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Essay on Sustainability