Jamaican Entrepreneurs Magazine. Artist Feature. Winter 2022. Lyrical Boss/Lyrical Zi Boss.
Lyrical Boss you say huh? Who is he?
Born, Bred, Raised and Residing in St Thomas, Lyrical is a true native of the first parish. The mannerism carries that of confidence, not to be misconstrued for conceit. The welcoming spirit of the individual, similar to that of the ‘forgotten parish’. The writer wants to further place and personify St Thomas on the map. The way the parish is being revitalized and gentrified, there are different music lovers migrating to and from the parish, whether it be overseas or another parish. The writer and artist's first official interview was on the Fun Factory radio show on Newstalk93fm in June 2021. The segment was ‘Hardcore Thursday’ or ‘Entertainment Thursday’, where the hosts and show focuses on upcoming artists, writers and producers.