This has been one of the shortest terms we’ve ever had but we have managed to cram so much in! As I write, the Junior Hockey Tour is enjoying their trip to Bisham Abbey, including fixtures against excellent schools like Sir William Borlase. Meanwhile, tomorrow sees our Ski Trip head off to Austria under the leadership of Miss Groves.
When I think about the progress made this term, I think of the words innovation and change The Vesey Innovation award led by Viraj G, STEM Ambassador U6, has been a welcome addition culminating in a really excellent Dragons’ Den style event, showcasing lots of exciting ideas on show. At the same time I have been really pleased to see the improvements in our sustainability work as a school led by Ms Stackhouse. I also thought that this year’s Careers Day gave pupils a real insight into the world of work in the 21st century.
As we innovate and change, we remember or values To that end, I have been really delighted with the school being acknowledged with awards for wellbeing and equality and diversity
Tonight is our Speech Day, where we celebrate the successes of our Upper Sixth Leavers and last year’s Year 11. Their successes are founded on hard work and good character.
As Year 11, 12 and 13 prepare for the forthcoming exams, I hope they will make really good use of Easter and do themselves proud by being organised and diligent in their revision.
Goodbye and good luck to our staff leavers, we will miss them very much.
Wishing everyone a lovely Easter.
Mr Robson Headteacher"Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself."
John Dewey 3
It has been a whirlwind term, with the brevity not stopping the busy life at Vesey We have had an action-packed, energetic term with an exciting event or trip happening every week, as we hope you enjoy reading about in this term’s edition Seeing the dedication our fellow students have put into everything they do, inside and outside the classroom, has been inspiring and has made us proud to be their School Captains. As this is our last Veseyan magazine before we leave Vesey, we wanted to share some special words about our time at the school
“Looking back on my seven years at Vesey, I feel a mixture of gratitude, sadness and excitement I am grateful for the chance to study at our fantastic school, having moved back from India for Y7, where I have met so many interesting, kind and driven friends, dedicated, caring staff and had the joy of throwing myself into the many opportunities we provide Being able to look forward to putting your blazer on and come to school to learn, smile and grow is invaluable So, leaving such a special place ultimately brings with it sadness. However, the end of one chapter marks the start of a new one and I can’t wait to see what the future beyond Lichfield Road holds – though I promise I'll come back to say hi as often as I can! Thank you to everyone for being a part of this memorable and magical time in my life”
“Whilst I have only been at Vesey for 18 months, I can genuinely say that my years here have been some of the most rewarding and formative in my life so far It’s something I do say a lot, but it really is true that Vesey is a community beyond its primary purpose as a school There is a level of mutual respect and compassion between all members of the Vesey “family”, which is something really unique about this school. There is a sense of the inevitable end to your school journey that looms over you throughout Year 13, and I admit that it can feel quite frightening to know that I won’t ever be in school again in a few months After all, school has been such an intrinsic part of our lives for so many years, it feels only natural that the notion of the end is confusing. Despite this, the relationships I have built over my time here are something I am confident in the longevity of, and the Vesey community is one that I, and many others in my position, hope to be a part of for many years to come ”
We write this the day before our a of the Class of 2023’s outstanding the qualities that got them there –generosity, to name a few – remind strive to be in the Summer term a Easter break everyone! Good luck t revision for the forthcoming exam
Adi and Esther, School Captains
"The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you."
B.B. King
The Art and Spanish departments spent 3 nights in the Catalan capital of Barcelona, Spain from the 6th to the 9th February. Ms Heer, Mrs Lanzarone, Miss Fee and Mr Williams accompanied 25 students in Years 12 and 13 for an activity packed trip that enhanced the A-Level curriculum in both subjects and enabled them to see and experience the art, language and culture of the courses they are studying.
Students were able to get up close and personal with the works of architect Antoni Gaudì such as the Casa Battlò, Casa Milà, Parc Güell and of course the masterpiece that is La Sagrada Familia Students were treated to a guided and interactive tour of the Basilica which was a highlight for most and it was wonderful to see their reactions to what may well become one of the wonders of the world.
We visited the Picasso Museum and art students spent time admiring and drawing in the National Museum of Catalan art and took an afternoon trip to Figueres to the Dali Museum which was well worth the journey
Spanish students were able to practise their language skills and excelled in an orienteering challenge around the Gothic quarter which brought out their creative and competitive sides whilst putting into practice their impressive Spanish skills
There was some down-time at the beach in which Mr Williams proved himself able to keep up with the football skills of Y13 whilst others admired the view, read and worked on a Spanish Vlog.
Of course-food featured prominently and students enjoyed visiting bakeries, shops and a Tapas evening and Spanish students also took part in a Paella workshop after which they could sample what they had helped to create The students were an absolute privilege to take away on our first 6th form trip abroad and their positive energy and behaviour was beyond exemplary
Despite an appallingly early start to the journey and a count of around 25,000 steps per day they were great fun and always well humoured and patient with any minor blips or changes to plans. We are very grateful to them for making the trip a success and for embracing all that it offered
In honour of the Olympic and ParaOlympic Games taking place in Paris this year, the French Department are running a competition each month from January through to July
January’s Challenge was to research and then explain what the 2024 Paris Games mascots represent. Pupils had to present their information on an A4 or A3 piece of paper. Their work could be in English but pupils had to have a glossary of at least 10 words in French.
February’s Challenge was to explain the significance of the Olympic and Para-Olympic rings
So far, the winners have included:
James 9B, Navtej 9G, Qasim 8P, Srikar 8P and Abhiram 8P!
Madame Marchand says "A big thank you to all the students who have taken part in our French Paris 2024 competition so far. We had a lot of excellent entries ”
Students from Years 9-11 have been taking part in a variety of national coding competitions over the past few weeks In the past week, students worked in pairs to compete in Round 1 of the Perse Coding Team Challenge, including coding solutions to various problems using the Python programming language, and we await the results once they have been moderated. Students who successfully qualify for the next round of the Challenge will have to team up with students from other year groups as they compete for the Braben Cup in March 2024
James A 11G, Isaac H 10W and Marcus J 9W, who all successfully qualified from the BEBRAS competition, held in November, have been competing in the Oxford University Coding Challenge. The pupils have found this a real challenge and a step up in complexity from BEBRAS with them needing to demonstrate skills in problemsolving, logical thinking and debugging their algorithms. Isaac said it was "a challenge but interesting" We await the results, and the top 20 programmers nationally will compete in the final round held in March 2024
CV proforma has been uploaded, alongside the potential interview questions. Each student needs to prepare thoroughly for their interview in order to make the most out of the experience
Alongside the Careers Fair offering insights into the main sector careers, bespoke careers workshops will be taking place More focused bespoke workshops exclusively for Years 12 and 13 students (with some students from younger years) on other dates
would respond to the need by senior students to explore themes/careers in more depth and in an informal, interactive format. Since September 2023, BVGS’s Corporate Partners and OV alumni have started contributing individual workshops to the following student societies:
Law Society
Medical Minds Society
Technology Society
Applied Engineering Society
Furthermore, a series of Construction and Development workshops will be taking place for students interested in such careers. For example, one corporate partner is due to deliver an interactive project and focused workshops to interest Architects, Engineers, Project Managers, Surveyors etc. in the Sixth Form. Also, programmes in development are underway:
Parental/Carer Engagement
Can you support the Careers department? Whether you can support our year 10 mock interviews on the 18th of April by interviewing students or hosting a bespoke workshop, we would love to hear from you. Please email a.orlandini@bishopveseys.bham.sch.uk
Many thanks, Careers Team
The STEM department has been as busy as ever with a number of trips, guest speakers and external competitions Here are just a few of the things that pupils have been up to:
We had Mr Rob Green come in to talk to students about scientific degree apprenticeships with CSR Training Mr Green discussed the benefits of pursuing a degree apprenticeship over a standard degree, highlighting the fact that apprenticeships could help reduce the skills gap present in the scientific industry. In addition to this, he explored the future of the STEM sector in the UK, such as nuclear fusion, quantum computing, and additive engineering This was incredibly well-received by the students present, and we hope to see Mr Green again to talk more about the opportunities in science
- Sohaib U6IThis term we welcomed Andy from Severn Trent water who delivered a very insightful talk about water treatment This is what our pupils had to say:
"The Chemistry talk by Severn Trent on potable water enhanced my understanding of how chemistry is applied in real life, particularly in ensuring safe drinking water for communities It also helped me remember the processes involved more effectively. Additionally, the talk introduced new career possibilities in water treatment and resource management, which is useful for those yet unsure of career choices post-18 Many thanks to Severn Trent for the insightful presentation and to the Chemistry department for organising"
- Pranay 11G"The speaker from Severn Trent Water was very engaging and informed us about how the water we need is cleaned and recycled It was a very engaging talk I would recommend for anyone wanting to learn more about the world around us"
- Tobi 11PThis year the BVGS Chemistry Department sent a team of students to the Top of the Bench Competition organised by the Royal Society of Chemistry and hosted by the University of Birmingham The team performed incredibly well and successfully made it through to the regional finals where they placed 10th out of 21 teams from across the West Midlands Below is an account of the finals by our Y9 students
"I was excited but nervous for the top of the bench competition The best part of the day was the practical challenge which fun because we inside of the universities labs but we had some difficulty trying to understand what to do We eventually came up with a strategic plan Timing was the essence in our short window - where we had to conduct experiments with Citric Acid and Sodium Carbonate, timing, retesting, planning, drawing and plotting our graphs. We found the written questions quite difficult but we persevered and we've done quite well in answering some high-level questions! We think that the Top of the Bench competition was a fantastic way to display our chemistry skills as well us prepare us for our GCSEs"
- Intishar A & Thomas H, Year 9In STEM society, we hosted a presentation from Colette Curran, an Environmental and Social Scientist from Arup During the presentation, Ms Curran explained the discussions she would have with engineers and local residents in order to find the optimal solution to environmental problems posed by urban expansion and infrastructure projects This included challenges such as reduction of the effects of dams and reservoirs on the local climate, the integration of elephant crossings to new railway lines spanning across Tanzania and the maintenance of coral reefs near oil rigs. Students were amazed at the range of circumstances and challenges that an environmental and social scientist can face on the job. Ms Curran also gave students a great idea of the pathways into environmental science, whether it be via university degree or degree apprenticeship We thank Ms Curran for her time and the valuable insight given during the session and look forward to possibly seeing her at future STEM events.
- Elliot G, U6VThe recent Women in STEM trip to the University of Birmingham was an incredibly rewarding and enriching experience that enabled me to gain invaluable knowledge The speakers not only inspired me with their individual journeys, but they also provided vital reassurance that careers can be flexible and that it’s worthwhile being bold with accepting opportunities and taking certain risks We were presented with an incredible board of speakers with a wide range of careers, making it extremely beneficial, as it meant that everyone attending the talk could take away relevant information and advice for their future profession
One career that was particularly notable to me was from the last speaker, who studied medicine She explained how although she is content with her career choice, she felt that she didn’t want to stop her hobbies that weren’t related to medicine, such as music and art This led her to exploring different options within medicine that allowed her to enrich her career whilst also engaging with these hobbies and she now produces medical art, which allows her to pursue her passion for art whilst still practising medicine
There seemed to be a theme of determination and will power in all of the journeys we were informed of, and this sense of resolve was absolutely passed onto all of us who attended through these motivating stories. It was gratifying to also hear from an Old Veseyan at the beginning of the talk, as she was once in the same position as us and it was immensely inspiring to learn about her successful career.
- Darcey T, L6IWith speakers from Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Engineering, it was a great experience to hear from so many that are excelling in their fields, coming from all over the world I would like to thank Mrs Miller and Professor Zoe Pikramenou from the University of Birmingham for organising such a wonderful display of female academic empowerment.
- Abi W U6 IV, BVGS STEM AmbassadorThis was an inspiring and insightful talk, where women opened up about their rewarding accomplishments in their exciting careers in the STEM field, overcoming years of stereotypes
- Amna B, L6VIII really enjoyed being able to see how the doctor found ways to combine her love for Medicine with her love for the arts Also, seeing how women were able to keep a healthy work - life balance because for some people the aspect of family is equally as important as their academic success
- Ria S, L6VIt was very interesting to hear about mixing studying with travelling and family life, and gave me a lot more confidence about the future and what I can achieve outside of just studying
- Zoe B, L6VIIThe inaugural Vesey Innovation Award recently wrapped up with a thrilling Dragons' Den event, marking the culmination of months of hard work and innovation by our students in Years 7-10 The competition aimed to foster design thinking, problem-solving, and most importantly, teamwork
Over 20 teams explored various STEM fields, tackling pressing challenges with innovative solutions spanning areas such as Robotics, AI, Extreme Engineering, Sports Science, and Climate Change. They were tasked with finding a problem in their chosen field, then conceptualising and developing an innovative STEM solution over the last 3 months with the support of their Sixth Form mentors.
At the Dragons' Den Final, each team pitched to a panel of esteemed STEM professionals - Peter Dines OV, Abbie Vlahakis, Robert Green, and Vinay Jalaf OV, who evaluated the teams' projects, providing valuable feedback and choosing our winners who they would hypothetically invest in!
The pitches were nothing short of inspiring, showcasing the ingenuity and dedication of our students Each team presented compelling solutions backed by extensive research and creativity.
Congratulations to Thomas P (10P) and Dwaipayan (10P) who achieved 1st place with their plane package delivery concept! Also, congratulations to Team Aquasweep and Team Bio Bin for their
commendable projects which secured them runners up Thank you to all participating teams for their hard work and dedication!
“The Vesey Innovation Award has been a testament to the innovative spirit and talent within our school community“
- VirajG - U6 STEM Ambassador
“It was an honour to take part in the Vesey innovation award and to present our pitches to the panel of the external judges that visited our school on Friday. Our team was lucky to be pickled out of the 22 teams that took part in this award and we witnessed many innovative ideas and exemplary pitches which were performed in front of the dragons and then ultimately the top three were the plane delivery solution, an autonomous boat that captures waste form the worlds rivers and a biogas electricity solution”
- Thomasand Dwaipayan (10P)
“I (Advay 10W), Anuraag (10W) and Abhinav (10P) worked together on the Vesey Innovation Award with the support of our mentor, Karum (U6). We conducted meticulous research, created a website and prepared a 5minute pitch, showcasing our app's potential to revolutionise the sports industry. Although we didn't win the competition, the feedback from expert judges helped us reflect on the importance of clarifying our aim, refining our presentation, and answering important doubts of the judges. Thank you to all team members for their dedication and hard work especially to Karum Sehmi for being
our mentor, Viraj Gupta and Mrs Miller for making this possible.”
- Team ‘Unleash Your Game’
“The Vesey Innovation Award was one out of the ordinary It struck me as being full of creativity and imagination. The development of our BioBin was quite protracted as we developed the product The combination of teamwork, resilience and confidence enabled us to achieve the runners up position in this competition”
- Team ‘Bio Bin’
One of the many highlights of this half term has been the Year 7 Curriculum Celebration Evening We had the pleasure of hosting all parents and carers of our Year 7 students for an evening filled with the vibrant display of Year 7's achievements across various subjects. From captivating artwork to innovative projects and engaging interactive learning experiences, Old Big School came alive with creativity.
Meanwhile, in Big School, our students led insightful presentations spanning every subject, showcasing their passion and dedication We had uplifting performances of French and Mandarin songs, demonstrations of exciting robotics, and a charming Shakespearean performance.
“Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.”Bruce Lee
On the 2nd of March, Junior Orchestra performed at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire alongside various members of the Senior Orchestra The concert had many other great performances, including a jazz band (which several of BVGS’s musicians took part in) and wind orchestra.
Our performance included many fanfavourites including the Eye of the Tiger and the ‘Simpsons’ main theme We replayed some previously performed pieces, such as Canticum, Hooked on a Feeling and a piece conducted excellently by Adi U6 VI, Seven Nation Army, which was the audience’s favorite as they clapped along to the performance.
While we were already familiar with a few of these pieces, the extra time we had to practice allowed us to further refine them in terms of our articulation and dynamics, allowing us to bring our performance to a
higher level, allowing not just the audience, but us to enjoy playing the piece much more.
The pieces we learnt more recently were phenomenal and the audience seemed to really enjoy it. Eye of the Tiger is an extremely well-known song and was immediately recognized by the audience, who loved it The same is true for ‘The Simpsons’ ‘The Simpsons’ is possibly one of the hardest pieces Junior Orchestra has played so far and is extremely actionpacked, full of hard rhythms, difficult melodies and was played at a fast tempo Despite this, the orchestra still performed excellently, leading to a memorable night, filled with exquisite music all around.
Thanks to Services for Education for inviting us to perform at the RBC
- Yudi 8RWhat better way is there to appreciate music than listening to musicians play it live?
That’s exactly what we had for our annual Senior Soloists Concert, where some of BVGS’ most musically talented students from years 11-13 performed on stage in Big School. The programme was filled with a plethora of different styles and genres, each adding their own colour and flavour to the concert. As I was writing this report, I came to realise that this contrast was achieved by splitting up all the piano players, having a different genre/instrument between each piano performance to keep the audience on their toes
The night started off with some smooth jazz played by Adi U6 VI on the sax which perfectly set the relaxed and welcoming mood for the audience. We then listened to Haydn U6III’s A-level Music oiano recital, where he played 3 gorgeous romantic and classical pieces (two by Chopin, one by Mozart), followed by a contrasting, yet just as impressive Freddie 11W on the electric guitar playing a piece by Mark Portnoy/John Petruchi (you could feel the walls of Big School shake with its power!)
Next, we had one of our Music Officers, James U6 VI, who played a very lyrical piece by Zdenek Fibich, a Czech Programmatic composer, followed by Ismaeal 11E on his electric guitar and absolutely amazing vocals,
singing a song by the White Stripes
We then had Karim U6 IV play one of his own compositions on the piano, demonstrating his skill set of musical ability and ability to improvise on the spot. We then returned to Adi, who swapped over to the Oboe, showcasing a very technical piece by Gabriel Grovlez, followed by Josh L6 II playing the theme from Interstellar, a must have listen if you’ve never heard it.
We then had Arjuna 11P on the viola, also demonstrating high technical ability with a piece by Vaughan Williams. We had another impressive piece by Chopin masterfully played by Ediz 11B (I’ve never seen fingers move so fast!), followed by a progressive rock piece played by Seth on the drums, that had had a complex time signature and definitely required a good understanding of tempo to play
The final 3 acts all consisted of the rest of the A-Level Music class, featuring Joseph U6 I playing his A Level recital (3 pieces, by Mozart, Rachmaninov and Scarlatti, all very technically impressive and grand pieces) Next we had Ethan L6 V playing the theme from ‘Schindler’s List’, another fantastic film piece.
Finally, we had Szymon U6 V, playing 2 virtuosic pieces by Horowitz and Messager, ending off the concert Overall, it was truly a spectacle to behold, and I hope that this talent shines on for the rest of the school year, and for all the years to come. - Szymon U6V, Music Officer
This year we have been fortunate to build a partnership with ‘The Vesey Hospital’, a private healthcare facility in Sutton Coldfield committed to excellence in patient care. The Vesey Hospital has opened its doors to our students, providing invaluable opportunities for work experience with a variety of health practitioners. Through this collaboration, our students have gained insights, which have cultivated a passion for healthcare that will undoubtedly shape their future careers. We are immensely grateful to the Vesey Hospital for their support and dedication to nurturing the next generation of healthcare professionals We look forward to continuing to inspire and empower our students on their journey towards making a positive impact in the healthcare industry
“The Vesey Hospital was very interesting in its ability to provide top quality service The doctors were caring and kind, not only to the patients but to myself as a student doing work experience.”
- Eduardo M (L6II)
“I enjoyed taking part in the operation as I could observe the preparations and safety precautions”
- Thomas Y (L6VI)
“I really enjoyed getting to sit in on an appointment where the patient had an electrocardiograph; it was fascinating to see the structure of the heart through a non-invasive technique”
- Saihaj B (L6III)
This term saw BVGS host the latest chess tournament for grammar schools across Birmingham. Each school competed in an U13 and Open section. Playing 7 rounds in blitz games (fast games – 3 minutes on the clock with two seconds added each move), Bishop Vesey A (Guhan 8B, Alfie 8P, Matt 8G and Kanvansh 7G) emerged on top and won the tournament!
We are very pleased to announce that we have achieved two prestigious awards this term: the Silver Equalities Award and the Wellbeing Pioneer award!
Completing the Silver Award builds on strong foundations to ensure that equality and diversity practice flows through all aspects of the school. Whilst the Wellbeing Pioneer award identifies organisations that are consistently evolving their employee wellbeing strategy and taking a holistic approach to support the mental, emotional, financial and social needs of their whole workforce.
On Friday 2nd February, a selected few of my peers and I took part in an online Model UN convention, with over 20 other schools from around the globe Our school was representing the delegation of Iran We were split into smaller groups to discuss subtopics regarding the overarching theme of climate change
My group was tasked with the challenge of presenting the other delegations, who were representing other countries such as the UAE and Canada, with resolution of reduction of global food waste by 50% by 2035 As presenters of the resolution, we were also required to present 9 different clauses to the other delegations and debate/answer questions regarding our forwarded clauses By the end of the presentation of clauses, each one would potentially have amendments made by the other delegations if the other delegations had a majority vote
A lot of research went into understanding the policies and needs of Iran, as well as other countries being represented at the conference Overall, any nerves for the event were dissipated immediately, as the experience of discussing and debating with other students with different viewpoints, and coming to a conclusion with regards to the topic of climate change was very rewarding Also, it was a great challenge that enriched our teamwork, oral and listening skills as well as our ability to create succinct research notes "
- Rayhan A L6VIIILast week, we had Mrs Bowen and our F1 in Schools team this year - Leo L6 V, Doug L6 III, Darcey L6 I, Sammy L6 IV, Matt L6 I and Luke L6 VII –compete in the National Finals in Rotherham after sailing through the Regionals. Here is an interview with them about their experience in the final.
Hello! We are Apex Racing, the team that represented BVGS in the Lenovo F1 in Schools National Finals F1 in Schools is an amazing opportunity for young people to get involved in STEM and gain valuable skills that will help them in their future It also encourages teamwork, problem solving and critical thinking The competition allows students to showcase their talents and creativity in a fun and exciting way Special awards are also available to female competitors, in order to inspire younger women to flourish in this predominantly male-dominated field
As this is only the school’s 3rd year of participating in the competition, we had very little experience going into the National Finals, and in some ways that spurred us on, determined that what we lack in exposure, we would make up for in effort Over the monthlong period between the Regionals and Nationals, we organised a fundraiser with Mario Kart and a bake sale, participated in an assembly promoting the competition to Year 7 pupils, and reached out to many local businesses; our eventual goal was to win the first place award at Nationals, and get to represent BVGS and England at the final peak - the Global Finals Unfortunately, we fell short, but this setback has only inspired us to 24
push ourselves further, both as individuals and as a team
Tell us about the trip to Rotherham for the Nationals, was there a highlight?
Each individual has their own personal highlights, but our biggest success was presenting our team to the judges and receiving feedback on it. After we’d worked so hard preparing for the Nationals, it was finally our chance to show off our achievements Hearing the judges give so much positive feedback on it: the beaming smiles on all our faces gave away how proud we were of each other We are also grateful for their feedback to improve on too, which highlighted to us exactly how we can clean up our act for next time.
Well done on coming first in the Project Management category. What do you think led to your success?
Although the award suggests that it was won by the Project Manager, the reality was that it was won through the endurance and perseverance of the team, keeping up with deadlines and stepping in to assist other members of the team when needed. The majority of
this award was won through the efforts of our Enterprise Manager, Darcey, whose organisation skills helped the team keep on top of the extensive amount of work we had to do; but no award is won solely by one person, and the team should all congratulate themselves on this achievement.
What were some of the biggest challenges you faced during the competition?
The two days of the competition required a lot of public speaking, presenting ideas and we did all this while fully aware that we had to portray the best image of ourselves we could whilst representing the team Naturally, we quickly became mentally exhausted It would have been easy to turn on each other in our frustration, but we remained calm and worked together cohesively It showed us that our values as a team are strong, and we have bonds strong enough to withstand the pressures of performance.
What was the most memorable moment for your team during the competition?
After the first day of the competition, we went out for a meal together It was the first moment of the day since waking up at 5am that we could truly just relax and be ourselves. We had already completed the majority of the competitions judging, so a sense of accomplishment was clear around the table All we had to do was finish up the final pieces and then wait for the verdicts of our work.
What were some of the most valuable lessons you learned from participating in F1 in Schools?
One thing we frequently fell victim to was complacency, especially in the early stages of the competition It was so easy to sit back and admire what we’d accomplished already, and
although it was of a high standard, it clouded our ambitions to reach top bands. Luckily, we had people such as OV Ben Crunkhorn and the teachers from the DT department to analyse our work and give us critical feedback, ensuring that we were not focused on the mountain we had already climbed, but rather concentrating on the peak we had yet to achieve
What's next for your team?
Usually, Year 12 is the final year of competing in F1 in Schools in BVGS, but there may be a possibility of us competing next year too, ensuring that it does not interfere with our A-Levels in any way. So, who knows, you might see us on here again next year!
You can watch their finals on Day 1 here (timestamp: 2:13:00) and Day 2 here (timestamp: 4:26:20) as well as them winning the award for Project Management here (timestamp: 29:55)
- Interview by Adi U6 VIThis term began with a bang with plenty of teams securing wins. The stand out from the bunch was the following results against OSH Bishop Vesey managed to secure 2 wins at U15 level, and 3 wins along with a draw at U12 Level against Old Swinford!
This was swiftly followed by yet another Wednesday Night Lights for our 1st Team and 2nd Team 2 very strong performances, however both teams did come up short! Stand out performances on the night from Mylo O, Jacob F end Luca M
Towards the end of January, there were yet again more strong performances from U12’s and Senior Sides. This was then followed up by another 2 wins for the U13s against KES Birmingham, Charlie Kirk the stand out player on the day.
February saw the return of the senior tour The 1st and 2nd Team toured to Belgium and France just prior to Half Term. In total 4 games were played, with both teams playing twice. First up for Parisis RFC for the 1st Team, this was a fantastic opening game with the first team securing a win in tricky conditions and pressure from the crowd! This was then followed by the 2nd Team winning at Caleise Rugby Club, closing out a 33-19 win in style! Struck with injuries, the 2nd team suggered a heavy defeat at Royal Hituro Rugby Club and the 1st Team put up a valiant effort against Boitsfort RFC, however they Player of the Tour and Mich awarded Top Tourer! Photo
March saw the return of our Annual U12 7’s Festival, this year being held on the top field and proving a great success! We had four winners on the day and all provide worthy winners, with some fantastic group stage action and what can only be described as a brutal final between Bablake and Old Swinford
Cup Winner – Old Swinford
Plate Winner – Bromsgrove Bowl Winner – Northampton School for Boys
Shield Winner – Monmouth School
Bishop Vesey reached the Cup Semi Final. Stand out players on the day were Sam Okubena and Ire Beckford-
Throughout our school rugby career, we’ve experienced an exhilarating journey filled with teamwork, passion, and growth From our humble beginnings as Year 7s to becoming key players of the team, every match has been a lesson in perseverance and dedication. The camaraderie forged on 32
the field and the unwavering support of our coaches and teammates fueled our determination to push beyond our limits. Whether it was the thrill of victory or the lessons learned from defeat, each game shaped us into a stronger and more resilient individual As we reflect on those unforgettable moments, we can cherish the memories made and the invaluable lessons learned that will stay with us long after our rugby days on the school field are over”
- James T U6 I, 1st XV Captain
“Before joining Bishop Vesey’s, I, alongside many others had never touched a rugby ball before Never would I have imagined the great memories, friends and lessons rugby has taught me through my 7 years at the school It has given me the opportunity to travel to fantastic places and have experiences that will undoubtedly last a lifetime. The coaches I have been lucky enough to play under have taught me life lessons and qualities that have helped mould me into the young man I am today I am forever grateful of their support. Rugby ignited a new passion within me and gave me a platform to learn discipline, leadership and the importance of team work I have made friends for life through the sport and with them I share memoirs I will always cherish. It was a privilege to be able to wear the black and white stripes of Vesey and it will forever hold a special place in my life”
TadhgU6 VII, 1st XV Vice Capt
coachofthe month
It has been a hugely exciting season for Bishop Vesey’s hockey with unprecedented numbers representing the school Over 200 competitive fixtures have been played across all age groups There are many stand out games and performances and the highlights of a senior hockey tour to Northern Ireland and junior hockey tour to Buckinghamshire as the Veseyan is published
In Year 7, over 60 boys have regularly attended training every Thursday and the boys have made huge progress since September They have been successful in a number of recent weeks with some excellent victories. The boys will benefit from the junior tour which will help to identify areas for improvement for next season and develop team spirit.
Year 8 have had a superb season with some notable highs along the way At the County tournament, a last gasp winner against Solihull ensured they finished in the runners up spot which gained qualification to the Midlands finals Here, they started well and looked likely to qualify for the semi-finals but faltered in the last two games In the ISHC Cup, some outstanding performances led to wins against Nottingham HS, Repton and Trent College led to an away fixture against Whitgift school, the National Champions. This was a step too far but will be an invaluable experience for the boys, having reached the top 8 in the country, which will help them to understand the levels that we aspire to
- Mr Howell, Director of SportYear 9
We started the season with a friendly home game against KES Birmingham in which we were winning 4-0 but at full time the game was abandoned due to one of our players being given a head injury by the KES centre forward
Then we went away to Warwick for a friendly and displayed great teamwork resulting in a convincing 3-0 victory After multiple other friendlies against local opposition, we faced our first National Cup knockout game in which we outclassed Ratcliffe College 4-0 at Wyndley
Our next National Cup game came in the form of Repton at home. After 70 minutes of hockey, the final score was Vesey 9 Repton 0, and it was during this game that we recorded their biggest victory over Repton school in history
On the 30th of January, our next opponent was Trent College who were extremely physical (had 2 players sinbinned) but we used superior ball skills
and structure to earn a 3-0 victory In preparation for our next cup game, we played a friendly at Wyndley against Solihull School Vesey prevailed and outplayed their opposition with a compelling 6-2 win
For Vesey to qualify for the last 8 in the country, they had to overcome their strongest opponents yet who were Warwick School With a tense first half, Warwick had a lead of 1 goal and after a valiant display from the Vesey team, the score unfortunately finished 2-0 to Warwick and we were knocked out of the National Cup
However there was one more tournament to play which would get us into National Finals and that was the Regional State School Championships We started strong with 3 dominant displays which resulted in us being top of our group. But to top our group, we faced Queen Mary’s who produced a miraculous performance which led them to a tense 1-0 victory over us Then to get into the final, we had to win the semi-final against Ecclesbourne college,but this proved to be effortless for us and we won 3-1
This put us into the final against Queen Mary’s where we came into our own. A break way goal from Jimmy put us into a 1-0 lead, followed by a great run by Esa where the keeper illegally fouled him and gave Vesey the chance to go 2-0 up with a penalty flick. A well dispatched Penalty Flick by Jimmy gave Vesey a 2goalcushion but Vesey desired more Which led to another goal by Jimmy followed by a well worked goal from open play scored by George Bradshaw. Vesey won the final 4-0!
5 days later, we played Queen Mary’s again in a friendly at Wyndley and won 11-1! Wonder goals from William M and
Luke C as well as a hattrick from Jimmy and George B, and goals from Samay D, Daniel H and Yousuf B.
Our final game of the 11 a-side hockey season came to an end when we had to play Loughborough away. This would prove to be a harder challenge and we thought, and for most of the second half the score was 0–0 However, through sheer determination, we managed to score 3 quick fire goals that left Loughborough stunned. This led to the end of our Hockey season, which was very enjoyable and incredibly successful
National State School Finals here we come...
Playing hockey at Vesey has been a journey full of ups and downs but it has ultimately brought together a bunch of lads into a squad that have been competing at the highest level in England for the past 7 years. Looking back to Year 7, I would have never thought I would be travelling to Amsterdam and beating top Dutch teams Hockey has created infinitely many memories and friendships that will last beyond our time at the school.
Whilst my time at Vesey was filled with many different coaches, they all had a love for the sport and enabled the team to grow from strength to strength forming the 1st XI that we play in today.
All of us who played here have immense gratitude for the hockey staff and the time they have devoted to us as individuals and as a squad. We will miss the hallowed turf of Boswell Road, and all are grateful for the opportunity to represent Vesey
- Tom U6III, 1st XI“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”
Helen Keller 32
This term’s House Festival was filled with events suitable for a vast range of students
From House Geography to Cross Country, the festival truly demonstrated the wide range of talent here at Bishop Vesey’s. High levels of participation and competition created a bright atmosphere which was presented by the many smiles and sportsmanship shown from all years
Many tense tiebreaker questions and teamwork between the years highlighted the maturity and community amongst Vesey. I loved seeing all the rushing to complete the next maths question, discussing which capital city the answer is and immense team work to succeed in netball
Finally, the results for this House Festival were
1st- White
2nd- Blue
3rd- Gold
4th- Emerald
5th- Purple
6th- Red
Events included Maths, Geography, History, Netball, Cross Country, Chess and the Big Science Quiz
- Jacob U6 III, House Coordinator
To honor the festive spirit of Chinese New Year, our students enthusiastically immersed themselves in various cultural activities both within and outside the school premises. Throughout the week, Year 12 embarked on an enriching excursion to Chinatown in London, while Year 9 delved into the captivating history and traditions of Chinese New Year during a special assembly.
Meanwhile, students in Years 7-9 participated in an engaging Treasure Hunt quiz, exploring different facets of Chinese culture within our school grounds Mandarin teachers and students alike indulged in a delightful session of Chinese food tasting and melodious renditions of traditional Chinese songs.
Adding to the excitement, Year 7 students were treated to a full day of vibrant Chinese New Year celebrations at Queen Mary's Grammar School, further enhancing their cultural immersion and fostering a deeper appreciation for Chinese traditions.
In celebration of LGBTQIA+ History Month, our Equality Officers, Sunny J and Evie M hosted very informative assemblies about the LGBTQIA+ community. This year’s theme was #UnderTheScope which celebrated the contribution of the LGBTQIA+ community to medicine and healthcare throughout history and today
Our Equality Officers began by reminding pupils about why we acknowledge LGBTQIA+ History Month and how it is important to celebrate minority groups and their achievements as well as to raise awareness of their ongoing struggles and discrimination They then gave examples of historical figures who contributed to medicine and were part of the LGBTQIA+ community
This month marked the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan for our Muslim pupils Throughout this auspicious period, Muslims worldwide observe fasting from dawn until sunset, breaking their fast with water, dates, and fruits after prayers
In honor of our BVGS Muslim community, we dedicated this week to Ramadan, culminating in our very first Community Iftar The evening began in Big School, thoughtfully arranged by our students with prayer mats for those observing to pray before breaking their fast. Refreshments of dates, fruits, and water awaited to end the day’s fast Following prayers, everyone gathered in the Dining Hall, where tables set up with refreshments awaited. As guests took to their seats and got to know one another, our students graciously served food boxes filled with samosas, spring rolls, chicken curry, naans and more to each guest.
A heartfelt congratulations and well done to Karim A, Charity Captain, and Usairam A, Head of the Islamic Society, for their idea to hold this event, as well as their successful organisation and hosting of this event. Also, a special thanks to Mr. Arif, whose generous sponsorship and assistance were instrumental in bringing this event to fruition
Throughout the week, our students also conducted informative assemblies and hosted sales of diverse cultural artefacts, enriching our school community with the spirit and traditions of Ramadan.
This is what some of our guests had to say:
“One of the best Vesey events EVER! So proud of everyone who put in the immense work to pull this off before and during the event (there was a lot of postiftar clean up!). Huge hats off to Karim and Usairam for leading this”
- Suleman Ahmed, OV
“’Spirit of togetherness’ is the best way to describe the warm connection in the air, which I felt despite not being a Muslim. Thank you to Karim and Usairam for their efforts (it isn’t easy putting together such an event!) as well as Mr Naeem Arif, for organising the delicious meals.”
- Adi M, School Captain
“Of the two years I’ve been at Vesey this will probably be the most memorable event I’ve been involved in - definitely worth the hours of work me and Usairam put in to organise Special thanks to the incredible volunteering team for helping facilitate the evening as well”
- Karim A, Charity CaptainWe have had a very busy term putting Sustainability at the heart of what we are doing at Bishop Vesey’s We’ve taken the Let’s Go Zero pledge, declaring our aim to become zero carbon by 2030 We’ve joined schools across the UK in this national campaign to show the overwhelming support for zero carbon schools, and inviting government and local councils to work with us to reach this goal. On Thursday 21st March, we welcomed Let’s Go Zero into the school to complete a sustainability audit with our year 12 Business Interns who are currently working on a Sustainable Business Proposal for Bishop Vesey’s
We know that schools can be the trailblazers for their community, responding to young people’s calls for action. In fact, they can inspire whole communities to tackle the climate crisis In the coming pivotal ‘climate decade,’ we will be part of Let’s Go Zero’s national network of schools and sustainability, sharing information about how to reach zero carbon, and working with local councils and government to make it happen
We’re committing to cut carbon in a number of key areas. Here are some of the things we’ve already done:
We have launched the Terracyle pen writing equipment campaign with the help of Mr Gordon and 7G and 7R and we have built links with industry experts from Sisk, Grid Edge and ARUP at our careers day on Friday 8th March Speakers provided a number of inspirational talks to students about jobs in the green sector and how their companies are committed to achieving net-zero.
Our Active Travel Ambassadors in 9P have worked with Alice Dale from Modeshift STARS and have won £200 to launch their campaign on anti-idling and safety on trains in an event at Birmingham Council House They will be launching their campaign to students in Years 7 and 8 in the Summer Term
We had the pleasure of welcoming to the school on Monday 18th March, Mark Southgate from MOBIE (Ministry of Building Innovation and Education). He led a really engaging workshop with our Year 12 Design and Technology and Geography students about building sustainable homes for the future
Our Eco Club currently made up of students from 7R have also been busy working on a recycling campaign which will become a whole school focus after Easter.
Our year 7 students recently took part in the Greenpeace campaign ‘The Big Plastic Count’ to record the amount of plastic waste being produced in households.
After Easter we will be expanding our Eco Committee with students from years 7 to 10 so look out for information on this in the week of assemblies from the 15th April and we will be celebrating Earth Day on Monday 22nd April
We are taking a positive step on a local level to help combat the climate issues we all face globally Together we can safeguard our planet for future generations
Ms. Stackhouse
"The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team."
Phil Jackson
As we conclude this term, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to the exceptional members of our staff who have dedicated decades of service to Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School, both collectively and individually. As they embark on new journeys beyond Vesey, we bid them farewell with warm wishes for success and happiness Their contributions will be deeply missed, and their legacy will continue to inspire us
Dee’s dedication to the development of the School’s ICT Systems has been outstanding and the transition of what ICT at the school has looked like over the last 14 years has been nothing short of remarkable Over the years his commitment to ensuring that the ICT facilities for staff and students keep in-line with commercial and technological developments whilst having a positive impact on Teaching and Learning has been very much appreciated by all
Dee has always kept a calm demeanour whilst often dealing with multiple priorities with the school complex and diverse ICT platforms. Always taking time to help colleagues he has made many friends at the school and is a highly respected member of staff. His exceptional leadership of ICT in the school will be missed by everyone at the school We are confident that his new role will continue to provide him with the exciting opportunities that he thrives on and we wish him the very best with his continued career development
- G SwindellsIt has been a real privilege to work with Dr Ademosu, he has been a great addition to the mathematics team. He is a very encouraging teacher both in and out of the classroom to all of his pupils. We wish him well with his next role. Keep in touch Sir!
- D RobsonMichele Wallis joined the School in 2012 having previously worked as in a Senior HR role at Sandwell Council.
Michele was the school’s first HR Manager and joined the school during the process of school becoming a single academy trust and she was instrumental in supporting the school through this intensive and complex transition
Michele’s experience in HR leadership has been a significant foundation and of real benefit to the school and she has been responsible for establishing and developing all the schools current HR policies and systems creating a culture for the successful operation and continued development of human resources for the benefit of the whole school community
Michele’s abilities to nurture and support all colleagues with empathy and consideration have stood out throughout the years She has excelled as a dedicated HR Manager being naturally people orientated and she has developed many close relationships over the years as a result This means that she will be missed by everyone here at Bishop Vesey's Grammar School as she embarks on the next chapter of her career and we wish her good luck for the future in all her new adventures of which we are sure there will be many -
G SwindellsMin Bousfield then Min Egan joined BVGS as an NQT in September 2011 after completing a PGCE at the University of Warwick, following undergraduate studies in her native Galway, in the Republic of Ireland. Her initial position at BVGS, was a maternity cover for a teacher of MFL but she impressed everyone enough to be awarded both a full-time contract and a role as the Head of Year 12 before her NQT year was completed
Min worked within the Sixth Form as a Head of Year for 6 years, as either Head of Year 12 or Year 13 Min had a distinguished record of academic excellence and first-class pastoral care She had a natural ability to form strong, trusting and purposeful relationships with her students, which resulted in excellent outcomes She then moved to Head of Year 8 (the current Year 13) as a Head of Year, taking this cohort through to Year 11, where they achieved outstanding GCSE results
Min, was instrumental to the growth and development of our Rowing provision, which was started in 2010 by Ian Bousfield and Brian Davies. Min started Girls Rowing at the School, which was an incredibly popular option In many instances, it ignited a passion for students, who have continued to participate in this activity into adult life The Rowing Club engendered a sense of community and competition, which was an integral part of ‘Character Education’ at BVGS Min, also ran morning fitness session for students and enabled students to participate in a range of regattas and competitions BVGS boats competed at Henley and in 2023; a team won the Under 18 National Junior Indoor Rowing Championships 2023.
Min Bousfield has provided a range of unique opportunities to the students at BVGS We wish her every success in her role as, Assistant Headteacher i/c Upper School and DSL at John Taylor High School, Barton Under Needwood - D
Goodwin“Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us.”
Oscar Wilde
The Old Veseyan community has become very active over the past few months with the OVA working well with the school, Veseyans RFC and other OV’s.
The introduction of the quarterly catch ups has provided an opportunity to bring a host of past pupils together and the Whatsapp group continues to grow in numbers and has added another means for us all to network. We are looking at ways to improve this with a network of groups on Whatsapp. We are also looking to establish a similar initiative in London
If this is something you are interested in the please contact me on 07806669312 or ebwpitt@hotmail.co.uk. Please also use these details to contact me if you are interested in playing in or simply attending the upcoming centenary rugby match in the article further ahead.
Ed Pitt Chair, OVAAs we strive to expand our alumni network and offer increased opportunities for networking, mentoring, and social engagement, our event calendar continues to flourish. Below, you'll find dates for all upcoming confirmed events Be sure to keep an eye on your inbox for additional events highlighted in our monthly OV Newsletter.
O.V.A Rugby Match - Celebrating 100 years Veseyans Rugby Club
Junior Spring Concert 7PM-9PM
Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School
Senior Spring Concert 7PM-9PM
Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School
Informal Catch Up
The Station Pub
BVGS Golf Day 12PM-8PM
Walmley Golf Club B72 1HR
Veseyans Family Picnic 12PM
Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School
Shaggy Dogs Tea Party TBC
Main School Presentation Evening 630PM-7:30PM
Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School
If you would like to come along to any of these events, please contact Chair of the OVA, Ed Pitt, at ebwpitt@hotmailcouk
On Thursday our Business Interns put their recent training into practice at a Business Networking Event with Canapés for the Schools Corporate Partners. Our Corporate Partners were extremely impressed with the confidence and professionalism of students which demonstrated that the Networking Seminar presented by Clive Poole of X2 Workspaces and Vanessa Henderson of Floral Jazz had been of great benefit for the students There was a presentation from Geoff Bolton (OV) from Talk the Cork.
The School’s Corporate Partnership Programme enables local businesses to support the development of students in a number of key areas including Business Networking, CV Writing, Interview Skills, LinkedIn and Communication Workshops and involvement in a number of local charity projects Our Corporate Partners also generously sponsor events, sports teams and other extra-curricular activities as well as being proactive in supporting the School’s Careers and Work Experience Programmes.
If you are interested in becoming a Corporate Partner please contact Claire Bolton cbolton@bishopveseysbhmschuk or Graham Swindells g.swindells@bishopveseys.bham.sch.uk.
The eagerly anticipated annual charity match between the current Bishop Vesey 1st Team and the spirited 'Old Boys' marked its second installment this Wednesday
Conceived by Ed Stevens, the captain of 22/23, this event has swiftly become a cherished tradition with promising longevity Mr Cairns anticipated a heightened standard of rugby this year, and the match certainly lived up to expectations.
From the onset, Bishop Vesey showcased their prowess, taking an early lead
However, as the 'Old Boys' found their rhythm, the game evolved into a fiercely contested battle, with both sides showcasing remarkable skill and determination
Bishop Vesey's strategic wide play proved particularly effective, with this year's captain, Tadhg P, seizing numerous opportunities.
Despite the match appearing destined for a draw reminiscent of last year's game, a late surge from the current 1st Team secured victory for Bishop Vesey While some returning Veseyans may have felt the effects of university life, their determination and resilience prevailed, clinching a well-deserved win for the school.
The Peter Bolton Project is an art initiative held annually within school in memory of Old Veseyan, Peter Bolton. Peter attended BVGS in the 1970s and went on to be an incredibly talented local craftsman Sadly, Peter passed away at the age of 30 but his passion for art has been kept alive by his brother Geoff Bolton who has funded and supported this project ever since This year as part of the
Peter Bolton Project, Year 8 pupils were asked to create their very own shadow boxes using recycled materials We were honoured to have Geoff Bolton come into school to present the winners with their certificate of achievement as well as a £10 voucher each.
Our annual Careers Day saw the return of many OVs to inspire our future generations of Veseyans. We welcomed back:
Nathan Philips, Quilter Cheviot
Lewis Allison, HSBC Degree Apprentice
Laura Hinsley, Azets
Cameron Bailey, Mott MacDonald, Civil Engineering Degree Apprentice
Suleman Ahmed, JLR Degree Apprentice
Yemi Adeboyejo Law Student
Henna Patel, Law Degree Apprentice
Peter Dines, Mercia Ventures
Nadeem Sheikh, Avensis Energy
Lucy Parize, KPMG
Beth Winterbottom, WSP Degree Apprentice
Khalid Malik, Restorative Dentistry
Ben Alford – Project Management
John Clarke, Cyber Security Aviva Insurance Ltd
Thank you all for giving up your time to help inspire the next generation of Veseyans.
For our inaugural Vesey Innovation Award, the school held a Dragons’ Den style competition for pupils to present their STEM inventions
Our Dragons were made up of members of the OV community who work in STEM fields: Peter Dines, OV, Vinay Jalaf, OV, Abbie Vlahakis, OV parent and Robert Green
After stumbling upon a captivating post within the archives of the Veseyan, which was commemorating 50 glorious years of OVA rugby, Ed Pitt, Chair of the OVA, was approached by the Veseyans RFC with a proposition: hosting a match to honor the club's imminent centennial milestone It would be great to see lots of OVs come together for this celebratory event
18:15 – 18:45 - 15 minutes each way OVA Vets v Casuals (non-contact)
19:00 – OVA Centenary Trophy match - BVGS v Veseyans Colts
21:00 - Presentations
The bar will be open from 18:00 and food will be available to purchase from 18:15. Food for players will be available after the game.
If you’d like to make an evening of it, just come along You can find the details of the event below:
Bring your picnic and family along for our first ever Veseyan Family Picnic! Set against the backdrop of our school playing fields, this June gathering assures fun for all ages From live musical performances to thrilling sports entertainment (and a bar)! We extend a warm invitation to all members of the OV community to come together and enjoy a summer afternoon in the sun!
If you are interested in taking part in a cricket match, touch rugby tournament, hockey or tennis match on the day, please contact Ed Pitt (07806669312 or ebwpitt@hotmail co uk)
Centrestage at Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School is delighted to announce the reinstatement of House Drama this summer!
Old Veseyans may be aware that BVGS hold fantastic house events throughout the school year, from sports, to baking, to Art, but House Drama has been absent from this list over 10 years... until now!
The chosen theme for the revival of House Drama this summer will be 'Into the Woods' Students, in groups with members of their school house, will be given extracts of plays which are set in forests, such as Dennis Kelly's DNA and Shakespeare's As You Like It. Students, in their groups, will be given a set number of rehearsals to work on, create and develop their pieces to the highest standard possible, under the direction of dedicated and experienced Centrestage team members
The House Drama competition event will take place at BVGS on the evening of Wednesday 26th June, to an audience of BVGS families, friends, staff, and alumni. It promises to be a brilliant celebration of the students' hard work and talents.
Ahead of this incredibly exciting event, Centrestage @ BVGS are on the lookout for a Judge If you are a BVGS alumnus/alumna and have some kind of theatre, drama, or performance background, we would love to hear from you, using the contact information below.
Furthermore, Centrestage @ BVGS are also looking for sponsors ahead of the event If you are passionate about introducing young people to the Arts and think this is something that you could help with, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Centrestage is an independent drama school which opened in January 2002, and offers quality teaching in all aspects of Speech, Drama and Acting We are proud to have offered Speech, Drama and Acting lessons at BVGS since 2015 In our time at BVGS, we have mounted many school productions, most recently including A Christmas Carol in December 2023 (pictured), and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe in March 2024 We aim to instill the belief into every child that they belong centre stage
To contact the Centrestage team, please email us at: admin@centrestageschool.org.uk
As we prepare for the forthcoming Speech Day 2024, which coincides with the publication of this magazine, we take a look back through the archives to The Veseyan magazine of 110 years ago, where they reported the Speech Day of 1914 (The tone was rather different 110 years ago!)
At Bishop Vesey's Grammar School, we take great pride in our accomplished and influential alumni network and we are dedicated to enhancing our role in facilitating connections and creating beneficial opportunities for Old Veseyans. That is why we are thrilled to introduce our monthly newsletter just for OVs Towards the end of each month, expect compelling updates, exciting opportunities, and exclusive invitations to our upcoming events, all designed to keep you engaged and connected to an extremely impressive alumni community.
If you are signed up to the alumni network but haven’t seen our monthly OV newsletter in your inbox, don’t forget to check your junk mail and add us to your mailing list
Reginald John Harvey was Headmaster at Bishop Vesey from 1975 until 1988, when he retired His funeral takes place at 14:30 on Friday 5th April at the Forest of Dean Crematorium GL14 3HU (no church service) followed by afternoon tea at The Speech House Hotel, Coleford GL16 7EL All welcome
It is with great sadness that we announce the recent passing of Nick Hammond, OV.
Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School