Arjuna, Aman, Moosa and Zia gained a place at the regional semi-finals of the Next Generation awards. As mentioned in the weekly newsletters, Year 9 had the opportunity during their PSHE lessons to tackle a current social problem in Birmingham and enter a competition in a bid to win £1,500 to implement their ideas to help deal with the issue. This Thursday Arjuna, Aman, Moosa and Zia presented their project to a panel of judges at the Birmingham Midlands Institute in the city centre. All four students have done BVGS extremely proud by articulating their points well, responding to difficult questions from the panel and behaving in a professional manner throughout the duration of the competition. Many other schools have taken part in this competition and we will wait to see if they have progressed through to the finals. We wish all of the boys the best of luck! #TeamRejuvenation
The Next Generation Awards