The BVI Beacon (October 12, 2017)

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In theirSurvivor’s Words Story — page 18

The light that comes from wisdom never goes out.

Thursday, October 12, 2017 |

Hurricane kicks up fundraising storm Donors advised to use caution

| | 50 cents

‘We were on our own’

Cut off by Irma, VG came together By AMANDA ULRICH


illi Charles was sitting behind a folding table in an empty room above Scotiabank on Tuesday, an audio mixer By CLAIRE SHEFCHIK and laptop at the ready, a mic in his hand. In front of him, a sheet of Faced with the images of devasprinter paper read: “ON AIR, tation in the Virgin Islands after PLEASE BE QUIET.” Hurricane Irma, many of those Mr. Charles was in the midst with connections to the territory of commanding 88.5 VG ROC have been eager to help, reaching FM — the sole radio station for the only weapon they had: broadcasting in Virgin Gorda their pocketbooks. after Hurricane Irma — in be“We are in recovery mode right now. The most appropriate tween regular news updates. “There was a big challenge in donation is a cash donation, getting information to the local and there is a fund set up by Photo: AMANDA ULRICH community,” Mr. Charles said the government that can receive Theodore Stevens looks over the wreckage of his mother’s home on Tuesday in Spanish Town, Virgin Gorda. In the wake of them,” said Sharleen DaBreo, Virgin Gorda see page 8 Irma, the sister island was completely cut off from the mainland for several days. director of the Department of Disaster Management. The two official Hurricane Irma Relief funds are based in the United Kingdom and United States and hosted by fundraising sites JustGiving and Pledgeling. But with dozens of online fundraising sites allowing hundreds of multinational organisations, small businesses and By CONOR KING DEVITT individuals to ask for cash, all claiming to help the islands, many would-be donors are strug- Ricardo Ragnauth was frustrated. gling to decide who should get While working his way through the mazetheir cheque. like alleys, unguarded staircases and debrisThe VI government issued a filled side streets of Huntums Ghut, the BVI statement Sept. 11 concerning Red Cross volunteer had come to a disheartthe many Irma-related fundraisening realisation: It would be very hard to ers being solicited. reach everybody. “Several queries from the pub“It’s so random,” Mr. Ragnauth, 18, said. lic have been received seeking conThe H. Lavity Stoutt Community College firmation of the authenticity of a student was conducting needs assessment surnumber of the relief funds pro- veys door-to-door in the Fifth District last Photo: CONOR KING DEVITT posed for the British Virgin IsSurveys see page 16 BVI Red Cross volunteer Ricardo Ragnauth asks a few children in Huntums Ghut about their neighbours. Fundraising see page 17

Door to door, Red Cross surveys need Starts in Districts 4, 5 and 6

Page 2 | October 12, 2017 | The BVI Beacon

Opinion Editorial Board

Russell Harrigan, Publisher, CEO | Freeman Rogers, Editor | Conor King Devitt, Business Editor

EDITORIAL Irma will take a toll on mental health Not all of Hurricane Irma’s damage can be gauged with the naked eye. The storm is sure to take a psychological toll on many residents that will last years if not lifetimes. In the coming months, then, everyone should be cognisant of their own mental health as well as their loved ones’ and neighbours’. All Irma survivors have been through a lot, and thousands stared death in the face as the elements raged around them and perhaps even killed a loved one. Such harrowing experiences are not easily left behind. They can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder, nightmares, irrational fears and other psychological effects that can be extremely difficult to shake. Then there is the matter of loss. The storm robbed thousands of their homes and other possessions, not to mention their jobs and their way of life. Add to that the stress of trying to cope with daily living in a territory where essential services are limited, medical facilities are overtaxed, transportation is difficult, hygiene is compromised, apartments are overcrowded, and mosquitoes swarm in many areas. Such stressors can cause or exacerbate depression and a range of other psychological ailments. Particularly at risk are children, the elderly, the mentally ill, and other vulnerable community

members. Indeed, several Virgin Islands seniors here and abroad have died since Irma, and it seems likely that this spike was in some cases related to anguish or other difficulties caused by the storm. Moving forward, residents should treat themselves kindly, acknowledging and patiently working through the psychological effects of Irma. If needed, they should seek professional help. To assist, the government should ramp up mental-health services, working to ensure that they are easily accessible for everyone with minimal wait time. It is encouraging that leaders have already mentioned such issues, and that they have committed to providing robust counselling services in schools. This is a great place to start, and we hope that they follow through. Other government agencies and businesses should also do what they can to help staff members and their families through this difficult time, including offering in-house counselling if possible. Churches, of course, also have a role to play in offering spiritual solace to their parishioners. The psychological damage of Irma won’t go away anytime soon, but with proper care it can be managed. And managing it is a must if the VI is to recover from the worst disaster in recent memory.

The BVI Beacon encourages the submission of letters and commentaries, but reserves the right to edit, revise, summarise or reject any unsolicited material. We will presume that all letters addressed to the Beacon or its staff are intended for publication unless otherwise stated. Views expressed in letters, commentaries or personal columns do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of this newspaper.

REPORTER’S NOTEBOOK NORMALCY NEWS Beaconites are pleased to announce that as of this week they have returned to their regular publishing schedule. Advertising and editorial deadlines are back to normal, and the print edition will hit the streets each Thursday. They have yet to return to their usual office, however, and continue to operate out of Oyster Global Marketing near Rite Way in Pasea. To contact the advertising department, call 443-7832 or e-mail For editorial, call 540-4646 or email Beaconites thank readers and advertisers for their patience and assistance, and they wish everyone the best of luck recovering from Hurricane Irma.

ONCE A BEACONITE... When a former Beacon reporter announced about two weeks after Hurricane Irma that she had sent a care package via FedEx, her ex-colleagues were thankful but sceptical. Given the situation on the ground, they assumed that the package would never arrive. But Fed-Ex came through: Last week, the company called to ask them to come pick it up. Beaconites were thrilled to get the box filled with water purification tablets, snack bars, t-shirts, drink mix — and, because the former co-worker is an animal lover, cat treats. Beaconites thank her, and they thank Fed-Ex for their hard work. While they’re at it, they also thank other former co-workers who came through in their time of need. Like the packagesender, a former business editor contributed articles from the United States, and another covered the Virgin Islands’ plight for his current newspaper in the Cayman Islands. A former reporter in the VI even took videos of the storm as it raged.

Several others offered to help in any way they could, as did many of their parents and friends. After such selfless shows of support, Beaconites felt well loved indeed, and they were reminded of a popular saying in their newsroom: Once a Beaconite, always a Beaconite.

Several afternoons spent admiring the marine life in the shallow reefs around Tortola, Virgin Gorda, Anegada, Peter Island and The Indians convinced him that he needed to get his scuba certification and see fish in deeper waters. Though the storms delayed those plans, the Beaconite was happy to hear about the survival of one of the territory’s renowned dive spots: the wreck of the RMS Rhone. Dr. Shannon Gore, the managing director of the Association of Reef Keepers, dove the Rhone recently and said coral at the site appeared to sustain little damage, even in the shallows. “It was a fairly quick dive but great to see all the marine life thriving,” she wrote in a message to the Beacon. “ Visibility was 100 feet plus.” As time goes on and more ser vices reopen, the Beaconite plans to get his dive certification and hopes he gets the chance to explore the Rhone in the future.


#VICORALSTRONG In the months before Hurricane Irma, a Beaconite developed a small obsession with snorkelling and explored as many reefs as he could access.

Never did a newbie Beaconite expect to be discussing with her colleagues during her first week on the job the precise arm motion needed to achieve a proper “bucket flush.” Nor about the charms of sleeping under a soaking wet sheet to both keep cool and avoid bug attacks when the generator turns off for the night, or counting how many sluggish mosquitoes she can squish on the wall above her head in the morning, too bloated with her own blood to fly away. Or whether it’s acceptable to all eat off the same plate because the office lacks the running water to wash it. But since now she has discussed all of this, she feels truly part of the Beacon family.



The BVI Beacon | October 12, 2017

A Letter to Irma Dear Irma, You’ve made quite an impression. Left my island a broken and barren lesson, a message for those of calmer minds But you wouldn’t know that, would you? ’Cause you didn’t stay to see the things that you did do. You didn’t know what you could do. We didn’t know what you could do... but we do now. See, life before you was amazing. I lived on paradise ’fore you came in and made changes as easy as rolling a pair of dice.

TV 10/12/17

Lessons from Irma the ‘devourer’ There are lessons to be learned from the Hurricane Irma tragedy. Irma was a devourer that ate up the lives and livelihoods of residents here and in other islands including St. Martin and St. Thomas. In the Virgin Islands, Irma devastated the social, administrative, economic and physiDICKSON cal infrastructure. IGWE The damages to the VI will amount to billions of dollars. The exact figure is unknown, though one prominent insurer estimated more than $200 million in liabilities for his organisation alone. That appears a very conservative number considering the devastation. Then there are the damages that cannot be easily estimated: the social and psychological impact of the storm. After Irma, it was a surreal experience to visit various yacht harbours on Tortola such as Nanny Cay, Hodges Creek Marina, or The Moorings. Yachts and other boats were piled one upon the other like heaps of garbage. Many were million-dollar-plus vessels. Similarly, large parking lots — such as the ones at the Central Administration Building, the Road Town ferry terminal and car dealerships — became junkyards for vehicles. The main hangar at the Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport and the stands at the Ellis Thomas Downs were mangled beyond recognition. The narrative around the territory held the common theme of total devastation.

Economic concerns Irma did not simply destroy the physical infrastructure of the VI: It devastated the economy. Irma destroyed the tourism industry, which will

have to be rebuilt. Thankfully, because of the nature of financial services — including the fact that it is a digitally driven industry — the impact of Irma on the territory’s financial and banking industry will not be as terrible as the impact on the tourism and retail sector. This is where the benefits of a hyper-connected globalised world are most evident. Irma destroyed the livelihoods of thousands in the private sector, especially those in the tourism and retail industries. Public officers will have to be much more aware of the need to manage scarce resources efficiently, as the loss of public revenues becomes more manifest in the months ahead. Government workers will have to become labourers, cleaning and restoring their offices and departments to pre-Irma standards. As businesses rebuild, thousands of workers will be laid off with tragic financial and social implications for families.

I had my friends, but my friends done gone and left me. (You just had to scare them off.) I had my home, but my home’s done gone and left me. Really it’s nothing more than walls. I had normal, but my normal done gone and left me. Wait, actually, you should know a bit about that. My new normal’s strange,

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and though I don’t wanna get used to her… I’m starting to. I’ve gone back to an old life but not my life — back in time where everyday people are struggling: patchy service, no Wi-Fi, no phones. No electricity. Can’t go home, but we can’t stay outside. We’ll suffocate without pride, Survive just to die again. Heard Maria’s your friend. Makes sense cause you’re both so needy. So greedy. Started calm but then you overreacted. Have to say it ’cause the fact is you were unwelcome. You and Maria never belonged here. Should’ve taken your cue and left with Jose. But don’t worry: It’s okay. Life will go on without you. Sincerely, Those You Left Behind Editor’s note: The authors are students at Cedar International School.

Linnell M. Abbott, Founder

Psychological impacts



Then there is the loss of home and life. Despite the fact that there were deaths in the single figures, the stress from personal loss from Irma will trigger depression and sadness that will be widespread, requiring months of professional intervention and management. The loss of a home and business for an elderly person is a much more traumatic experience after a lifetime of working to build a secure financial life. Psychologists and professionals in related fields

Russell Harrigan, Publisher, CEO

Newsroom: (284) 494-3434 or 494-6164 Subscribe: (284) 494-3434 Advertising: (284) 494-3434 Fax: (284) 494-6267 E-mail:, Website: Mail: P.O. Box 3030, Road Town TortolaVG 1110, BritishVirgin Islands © 2016, The BVI BEACON

Lessons see page 23

Freeman Rogers, Editor Conor King Devitt, Business Editor Todd VanSickle, Sports Editor, Production

CORRECTIONS The BVI Beacon is committed to excellence. For corrections, call (284) 494-3434.

Page 4 | October 12, 2017 | The BVI Beacon

Local News Kids’ programmes kick off


Seven locations hosting ages 3-8 By CLAIRE SHEFCHIK With early childhood centres and primary schools around the territory damaged by Hurricane Irma, government-run educational programmes have stepped up to fill the gap. They began operating last Thursday at seven locations around the territory, serving ages 3 to 8. On Monday at the E. Walwyn Brewley Softball Field in Road Town, a group of 6-year-olds sat in a circle while one girl read aloud from a book called Farm Flu, about a boy who decides to heal his sick animals with chocolate donuts and popcorn.

Education see page 14


Photo: CLAIRE SHEFCHIK Students listen to a classmate read a book under a tent Monday at the E. Walwyn Brewley Softball Field in Road Town.

Do I have a job? Many VI workers uncertain after Irma By CONOR KING DEVITT Before Hurricane Irma obliterated his Cane Garden Bay workplace, Augustine Fontaine spent most afternoons flipping burgers, cooking fish and frying chicken for beachgoing tourists and residents alike. The chef at Rhymer’s Beach Hotel, Mr. Fontaine is now more likely to be seen with a wheelbarrow than a spatula as employees work to rebuild the now-shredded restaurant facility. Though he remains at the hotel, which is also his home, he is unsure when he’ll get to cook again and what his job will look like going forward. “You don’t have the comfort Photo: CONOR KING DEVITT like you did before,” Mr. Fontaine said, lamenting the mosquito- Hurricane Irma caused significant damage to both Rhymer’s Restaurant and Paradise Club Restaurant and Bar in Cane Garden Bay. Similar levels of destruction throughout the territory have left many Virgin Islands residents in various industries Layoffs see page 24 wondering about the future of their jobs.

The government’s new business centre will open soon at the Sebastian Building in Road Town, according to the Department of Trade, Investment Promotion and Consumer Affairs. “Through our centre, businesses can have access to a functioning and comfortable space to take care of basic administrative tasks,” DTIPCA Director Karia Christopher said. “The business centre will provide essential supportive services, which include computer and internet access for the purpose of business operations, and we will also provide business counselling to entrepreneurs.” No opening date was provided, but the facility “is anticipated to be operational from mid-October,” and will be accessible to the public from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily, according to a government press release. Appointments will be required to access the computer systems and to schedule business counselling. Premier Dr. Orlando Smith appointed Ms. Christopher the liaison officer for the business community shortly after Hurricanes Irma and Maria. Her department subsequently identified priority areas of industry deemed crucial in the rebuilding process, including grocery stores; restaurants and bakeries; construction and maintenance companies; furniture stores; hardware stores; cleaning companies; laundromats; auto repair businesses; beauty salons and barber shops; day cares and pre-schools; and fishing businesses. Ms. Christopher said the list is a work in progress, and she encouraged all struggling businesses to visit the department and schedule an appointment with a trade inspector. For more information call 486-9710 or 468-9553.

Local News

The BVI Beacon | October 12, 2017

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VI marks one month since Irma Storm’s victims identified By AMANDA ULRICH

On Friday — exactly one month after record-breaking Hurricane Irma ripped through the territory, killing at least four and destroying huge swaths of infrastructure — government officials and religious leaders

held a ceremony to commemorate the anniversary. “Certainly many of us will remember Hurricane Hugo, Marilyn, Luis, Lenny and all the others,” Carolyn Stoutt Igwe, permanent secretary for the

Deputy Governor’s Office, said. “But none can compare with Hurricane Irma. The Cabinet has decided that it’s fitting we gather here this afternoon and just give God thanks.” Dozens of residents, alongside police officers from the United Kingdom and the Cayman Islands, took part in a moment of silence to remember the four men killed in the storm and several others who died afterwards. Towards the end of the hourlong service in Queen Elizabeth II Park, Premier Dr. Orlando Smith took the stage to describe his own hurricane experience. “I remember just two days before when I was basically addressing the country on BVI radio, I said to everybody: Find a safe place during the hurricane. It might be a bathroom, it may be just a room with four walls, but find a safe place,” he said. “And the reality is I found that safe space myself — it was my bathroom. We had about six people in there.” The premier acknowledged that thousands across the territory also feared for their lives and lost homes and businesses. “I heard these experiences from many, many people of what they were going through,” he said. “And if you look around at the hillsides, you’ll see evidence of what everybody has gone through. We have a big challenge ahead of us to try to build back this country. But as I said before, we know that with individual challenges we all rally to the task. We will do what we have to do.”

Irma deaths The event also served to officially identify and honour those who died in the storm, including athletics coach Xavier “Dag” Samuel, Charles Thomas and Derek Ragnauth. Though Ms. Stoutt Igwe did not name the fourth victim — merely referring to him as “Mr. John Doe” — police this week identified him as Richard Benson, a charter captain from St. John. Though Mr. Benson’s ex-wife, Linda Worthington, announced his death on a GoFundMe page in late September, police said a family member was not able to identify the body in person until

Photo: AMANDA ULRICH Dozens of residents came together in Queen Elizabeth II Park on Friday to commemorate the one-month anniversary of Hurricane Irma.

Sunday night. Mr. Benson, a California native, lived and worked in St. John as a charter caption. He is thought to have left the island on his boat, the Goddess Athena, in an attempt to escape Irma. His body was found on Tortola the day after the storm.

Other deaths Though some elected leaders have said that Irma killed five people, the Department of Disaster Management has maintained that the death toll was four. However, others, including multiple senior citizens, have died since the hurricane for various reasons. They include former ZBVI Radio founder Merrit Herbert; longtime educator Inez Turnbull; pilot and businessman Neville Brathwaite Sr.; and Lilian Romney, a businesswoman and widow of former Chief Minister Cyril Romney. Vincent Wheatley, chairman of Virgin Gorda’s recovery committee, estimates that six have died on the sister island since Irma. Meanwhile, Tortola resident Norbert “Fix It” Wheatley remains missing, Police Information Officer Diane Drayton said. He was last seen on Sept. 10.

Page 6 | October 12, 2017 | The BVI Beacon

Local News

Fire service finds new purpose after Irma regular line, which he said have been working well so far. In the absence of emergency numbers, residents in need of officers’ assistance have been contacting the department via Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and in ways so old-fashioned that a 19th Century fire brigade would recognise them. “People have just been running down the street calling to us for help,” he said, adding, “It’s not a comfortable feeling.”

UK donates two vehicles By CLAIRE SHEFCHIK From the street, the damage to the Road Town station of the Virgin Islands Fire and Rescue Service is obvious: a blown-out roof, broken windows and doors, a sign missing its letters. But parked outside on Tuesday was a shiny new truck, one of two recent donations from the United Kingdom, and newly arrived volunteers from Team Rubicon were being shown the ropes. Inside the office of Chief Fire Officer Zebalon McLean, things almost looked normal. “All this communication equipment was damaged,” Mr. McLean said. “We just now got it up and running.”

Lost roof

Upstairs, however, it was starting to rain. Drops fell through the exposed rafters, wetting the floors in rooms that once housed office desks and chairs, file cabinets, a secretarial pool, and countless personal trinkets from officers’ desks, as well as a wall full of patches from fire stations all over the world — only about half of which remain. It’s a station clearly struggling for a sense of normalcy. But for Mr. McLean and his officers, perhaps the main challenge they face is psychological. Most of the officers lost their uniforms, which hit them particularly hard because it stripped them — literally — of a physical symbol of the pride and identity of working for the fire service. “We’re a paramilitary organisation,” Mr. McLean said. “We march, we salute. We like to be able to do that in proper uniform. But now guys are coming in jeans and t-shirts.” Station Officer Tyrone Caddle added, “Guys are worried that we’re not out there in our full firefighting regalia. But at the same time, they want to get out there and assist the community in any way they can.” Most fire officers lost their homes, according to Mr. McLean. “They actually had to come

Sleepless nights

Photos: CLAIRE SHEFCHIK Chief Fire Officer Zebalon McLean points out some of the damage at the Road Town fire station, which lost much of its roof during Hurricane Irma. A fire officer, below, shows a Team Rubicon volunteer how to use equipment at the station. The territory’s regular emergency numbers aren’t working, but the department can be reached at 468-9040 or 346-5721. into the station to get clothes, because they lost them all,” he said. “I went through my locker and found a belt. One guy said he didn’t have any belts. I gave it to him.”

Vehicle damage The officers also take pride in their vehicles, three of which were damaged beyond repair. “One of them, in Cappoons Bay, was destroyed when a wave washed over it,” he said. Still, he’s proud that the service was responding to calls and clearing roads within 24 hours of the storm. Besides uniforms, equipment and trucks, the agency is even missing beds. “The barracks are compromised, so officers, when they’re on duty, have been sleeping in vehicles to try to get to some rest,” he said. Mr. McLean credits at least five agencies from abroad with helping pick up the pieces, including the United Kingdom volunteer organisation Team Rubicon, which has continued to stop in and provide help. “They helped us clear out the entire second floor of the station,” he said. “We appreciate the support because we usually have to

deliver the support.”

Help from abroad The department also received assistance from officers of the Antigua and Barbuda Fire Department and a team of two EMTs and two paramedics from Barbados, who have since returned home. And thanks to the recent donations of two vehicles from the UK, the agency now has four fire utility vehicles, including two fire engines. Soon, though, Mr. McLean and his officers will be on their own. However, because they are so often occupied with responding to others’ calls and needs, the time-

line for getting back to business as usual is difficult to predict. “Ideally, we’d get our services back up and running by the end of the year,” he said. “But it’s not just about having a bright Christmas. It’s about restoring hope.”

Emergency numbers It also troubles him that the territory’s emergency service numbers are not yet operational. “The equipment we have is not robust enough to fix them,” Mr. McLean explained. “Cell phones need a hub, and we don’t have that hub.” However, Digicel and CCT have donated two temporary phone lines to use in place of the

The fact that the department is not properly equipped to perform its job weighs heavily on officers. “It’s caused us a lot of sleepless nights: that someone’s life may be in danger, that we may get to someone’s property too late to save it.” He knows that the public, accustomed to officers being available to do their jobs whenever they’re called, are not as sympathetic to the challenges going on at the department. “Nobody wants to hear it,” Mr. McLean said. “Nobody wants to hear that officers are stressed, that they’re working long hours, that their future is uncertain. The public fully expects that when they call us, we will come.”

Trash burning An additional sore spot for the department is all of the burning garbage and debris from Irma. The government issued a statement asking residents to stop burning now that trash collection has resumed normally. But many haven’t, and it’s causing a real headache for the department — literally in some cases. “Healthy people will get sick, and sick people will get sicker,” Mr. McLean said. He thinks many people don’t recognise how toxic the fumes are, and the government has too much on its plate to properly educate people about it. Still, other officers at the station expressed optimism. “This is our new normal. First days after impact, we were worried,” Mr. Caddle said. “But we’re going to come back better.” Mr. McLean agreed that it is important to restore hope. “When people start thinking that this is how it will always be, it can get depressing,” he said. “You have to think bright thoughts.”

Local News

The BVI Beacon | October 12, 2017

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DDM: Shelter numbers drop below 100 Community centres to accept school occupants By FREEMAN ROGERS Fewer than 100 people are now living in public shelters around the territory, down from more than 300 in the days after Hurricane Irma, according to Department of Disaster Management Director Sharleen DaBreo. “Then numbers have gone down drastically, so every day it’s a different number,” Ms. DaBreo said Tuesday. Currently, a total of eight shelters are open on Tortola, Virgin Gorda, Jost Van Dyke and Anegada, according to the DDM director. In part because some of them are in schools that government hopes will restart classes soon, the Ministry of Health and Social Development has been assessing and repairing community centres that were damaged in the storm. “The shelters at schools, we have to try to get them closed so that schools can resume operations,” Ms. DaBreo said.

Community centres The ministry team started with the East End/Long Look Community Centre, an official shelter that was badly damaged during Irma, forcing refuge seekers to kick open doors at the nearby Francis Lettsome Primary School. Shelters see page 25

Page 8 | October 12, 2017 | The BVI Beacon

Local News

Virgin Gorda: Cut off by Irma, island came together Continued from page 1

ten days to get everything under control, to where we had medical supplies and food.”

after playing a song. “For a while we just had a pickup truck with speakers in the back. “We got this FM transmitter set up, and have three news programmes a day, but the whole rest of the day the air was dead. I thought, why have dead air and not music? It’s good to keep people’s mind occupied.” One of the most crucial aspects of Virgin Gorda’s recovery process has been getting reliable information to the community of about 4,000 people — and establishing a governing body to relay it. VG 88.5 was created towards the end of September, but for several days immediately after Irma, the island was virtually cut off from the outside world.

Operations centre

Isolated On Sept. 7, residents walked outside to find utter destruction, and realised there was no way to make contact with government officials on Tortola or learn the status of other islands. “We had no telecommunications — zero,” said Vincent Wheatley, who works as the sister islands coordinator in the Deputy Governor’s Office. “We can’t call anyone, no one can call us. So by word of mouth, we walked around saying: ‘Tomorrow, 10 a.m., town meeting.’” The Virgin Gorda community swiftly took matters into its own hands, despite the lack of marching orders from Governor Gus Jaspert or Premier Dr. Orlando Smith. Mr. Wheatley said it took about a week to receive a call from the governor. “We had to let the people know we’re okay; someone is in charge. We were shocked that no one came,” he said. “And after no one came, no one called. We didn’t know what happened; we didn’t know that Tortola was also devastated. The only contact I had was with the BVI London Office, and they only knew a little from the Navy ship and Tortola. “It was very, very scary for people to know that we were cut off. If we don’t have food, we don’t have water, what are we going to do? It took us maybe

Photos: AMANDA ULRICH VG residents hang out on the porch of their apartment. Though their roof blew away during the hurricane, they were able to get wood and materials to build back part of it. The BVI Electricity Corporation office in Spanish Town, below, was almost completely destroyed, but a team of dedicated volunteers have been able to get power back to certain parts of the island.

Mr. Wheatley wrangled up five other people who work in various sectors of public life — tourism, medicine, security, education, religion — and together they set up the Virgin Gorda Recovery Operations Centre, which he chaired. “We were on our own,” he said. “We started reassuring people that there must be law and order, they must obey the curfew, and we will try and take care of the needs. And that’s where we started.” The recovery centre (including the radio station) operated out of the Scotiabank building, part of which was empty before Irma, in Spanish Town. The new de facto government set a curfew, held more town hall meetings, and reached out to high-profile Virgin Gorda residents, some of whom were in the United States, for aid. Mr. Wheatley called James Hagedorn, CEO of Scotts Miracle-Gro, and the first Saturday after the hurricane the billionaire was able to get five boats from Puerto Rico to Virgin Gorda with supplies. Mr. Hagedorn wasn’t the only private donor the island had on its side. Sir Richard Branson also made trips over from Necker Island and arranged for boats to evacuate residents to Puerto Rico. “That first town meeting, I looked in the crowd and Branson was there,” Mr. Wheatley said. “We didn’t even have a loudspeaker or anything; we used a speaker on the ambulance. He said, ‘I’m with you.’ And he has been.” In total, the island has relied on seven major donors for aid, according to the coordinator. Two distribution points were set up, and residents were able to pick up food, hygiene products, water and medication three days a week.

Request to gov’t When the governor and the premier visited Virgin Gorda a week after Irma, Mr. Wheatley had two requests: that they respect the structure that had been put in

Virgin Gorda see page 9

Local News

The BVI Beacon | October 12, 2017

Virgin Gorda from page 8 place, and that aid be allowed to come directly to the island rather than going through Tortola. “We were able to get aid quicker than Tortola because inventory there had to be unpacked, see exactly what was in it, then repacked and shipped. We would have been three weeks behind if that had happened with us,” he said. But one major worry for leaders in Virgin Gorda, along with those throughout the territory, was maintaining law and order. The community was solely reliant on local police for about two weeks before UK military arrived, according to the coordinator. “It was a hard battle to get them to send personnel,” Mr. Wheatley said. “I personally had to call the [Foreign and Commonwealth Office] and say, ‘We need military in Virgin Gorda for security.’ “We didn’t want to send the message that looting was okay. I think if we had gotten them over a bit earlier we would have had less looting. They thought they had impunity; they could do whatever they wanted. They thought the police were damaged too; they couldn’t do anything.” A local business set up space for 30 military personnel to be housed, according to the coordinator, but only nine were sent.

Recovery to rebuilding Almost five weeks after Irma, the island is making large strides towards normalcy. The UK military has left, and about 15 Cayman Islands and UK police officers are assisting local forces for the next few weeks. Residents have running water for certain hours of the day and several parts of the island have regained power, including the Nurse Iris O’Neal Clinic, the Virgin Gorda Elderly Home and many other public buildings. The recovery committee has even been able to take boatloads of supplies to Anegada and Jost Van Dyke over the past few weeks. In the VG ROC headquarters, command stations are still up and running, serving anyone in the community who needs assistance. There’s a table for those who still want to evacuate, a station for inquiries about insurance, and a corner that has become a library full of donated books.

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Upstairs, maps of the territory cover cinderblock walls and inspirational quotes have been printed out. “A little progress each day adds up to big results,” one at the door reads. Volunteers are working to assess who needs building materials and which area schools will reopen when (the base manager of the recovery operation, Laura Fox, estimates that all will be open by January).

Future unclear

Photos: AMANDA ULRICH Virgin Gorda’s only broadcasting radio station, 88.5 VG ROC FM, keeps the community informed by airing three news programmes a day. A worker, below, attempts to get current up and running for the Virgin Gorda Elderly Home.

Now that Virgin Gorda is transitioning from a state of emergency into the rebuilding phase, the future of VG ROC and its specific duties is a bit murky. Mr. Wheatley said he is meeting with government officials this week to plan how exactly the small team that resurrected the island will take a back seat. He’s also in the process of converting VG ROC into a non-profit. “Now government should be assuming more responsibility, and the committee less responsibility,” he said. “But we need to make it a transition. There’s a little bit of friction happening between the two groups; there’s a communication gap.” Since the committee formed, it has been in charge of almost everything: keeping inventory of supplies coming in, loaning machinery, handing out aid, and, until a few days ago, even passport operations. “This functioned outside of government, so we became the government,” Mr. Wheatley said. “People need to know that they can’t rely on us for these services here; they now have to come from the government, not us. But it can’t be an abrupt situation.” Mr. Wheatley is confident that after sitting down with the premier, VG ROC will be able to determine what its role will be moving forward. And by bootstrapping VG radio, determining a central point of command, and arranging steady supplies from donors, the group has fostered an even stronger sense of community pride. “The people of Virgin Gorda must come first,” Mr. Wheatley said. “It will not be a political agenda being played out. It will be humanitarian, for the benefit of the people. It doesn’t matter how it goes, but it must go that way.”

Page 10 | October 12, 2017 | The BVI Beacon


ACROSS 1. Caper 6. Killer whale 10. Rant 14. Hawaiian veranda 15. Genuine 16. Quaint outburst 17. Up to 18. To diet 19. Gentle 20. Spontaneous abortion 22. Hodgepodge 23. Type of airplane 24. Rowed 26. Invented the light bulb 30. Infractions 32. Frothy 33. Donnybrooks 37. A few 38. Historical period 39. Be unsuccessful 40. Aggrandize 42. Donkey 43. Metal money 44. A long narrow ship 45. Thai currency units 47. Wager 48. Drudgery 49. Shed light on 56. Backside 57. Not under 58. Anagram of "Doles" 59. Not guys 60. Bites 61. Step 62. X X X X 63. Location 64. Manicurist's board DOWN 1. Add 2. Deliver a tirade 3. Against 4. Found on a finger 5. Party pooper 6. Course around a star 7. Back 8. Camber 9. Albeit 10. Repentant 11. Nimble 12. Unexpired 13. Cocoyam 21. Tall hill

25. Alien Life Form 26. Anagram of "Sees" 27. Bad end 28. Poetic foot 29. Temporarily incapable of speaking 30. Clean between teeth 31. Ow! 33. Whirl 34. Indian dress 35. Novice 36. Notch 38. Exclusions 41. A parcel of land 42. Thin plain-weave fabric 44. Precious stone 45. Cleansing agent 46. Passageway 47. An exchange 48. A magician 50. 57 in Roman numerals 51. Past tense of Leap 52. Standard 53. Away from the wind 54. Rip 55. Countercurrent


Local News

The BVI Beacon | October 12, 2017

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Residents warned about stomach viruses Urged to wash hands often Government is warning residents to wash their hands and use other good hygiene practices in order to avoid food- and waterborne illnesses in the volatile post-Irma environment. “We are really concerned about gastroenteritis,” Environmental Health Officer Tianna Frazer said in a press release. Ms. Frazer explained that the lack of running water and food-storage capacity across most of the territory increases the risk of the ailment. “Persons are also cooking with contaminated cistern water, which can also pose a problem,” she said, adding, “We want to encourage persons — especially those who are working with food — to maintain proper hand-washing hygiene and to ensure that food is being prepared with clean potable water.” Viral gastroenteritis is a common infection of the stomach and intestines that results in

vomiting and diarrhoea. It can be caused by rotavirus, norovirus, bacteria, toxins, parasites, and some non-infectious diseases, according to government. Ms. Frazer said that viral gastroenteritis, which is highly contagious, can be spread by the vomit or faeces of an infected person through contact such as shaking hands or sharing food or drink. “As schools and day-care centres across the territory continue to reopen, all schools and school administrators are encouraged to be hygiene conscious,” she said. “Toys and surfaces should be disinfected often, and feeding/eating utensils, wash rags, towels and blankets should not be shared from one child to another.” To further reduce risks, residents should promptly disinfect contaminated surfaces with chlorine bleach-based cleaners and promptly wash soiled clothing, according to the Environmental Health Division.

CAMPION TRADE & FINANCE LIMITED (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) (BBC NO. 1781578) NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 204, subsection (1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on 27 September 2017. The Liquidator is HADLEY J. CHILTON of Baker Tilly (BVI) Limited, Tropic Isle Building, Nibbs Street, P.O. Box 650, Road Town, Tortola VG1110, British Virgin Islands. Dated this 11th October. Sgd: Hadley J. Chilton, Voluntary Liquidator.

Photo: FREEMAN ROGERS Heavy rains fell in recent days due to a tropical wave moving over the territory, and the wet weather is expected to continue this weekend with the arrival of another system. Above, a river of water washes down Joes Hill Monday morning.

Tropical wave brings rain, flooding More expected this weekend By FREEMAN ROGERS Sporadic heavy rain that started over the weekend continued through much of yesterday, periodically flooding parts of Tortola including Road Town, Johnsons Ghut and Duffs Bottom. The rains were due to a tropical wave coupled with a “deep layer trough” that lingered in the area,

according to the Department of Disaster Management. As of yesterday morning, the weather was expected to continue.

Tropical waves Meanwhile, another tropical wave has formed over the Atlantic Ocean and is headed this way. The system is expected to move over the territory on Saturday, bringing more rain and thunderstorms, according to DDM. However, it is not predicted to grow into a major storm: The chance that it will develop over the

next week was 10 percent as of yesterday.

Tropical Storm Tropical Storm Ophelia also has formed over the Atlantic, but it does not currently pose a threat to the VI since it is headed away from the Caribbean. It was expected to strengthen to a hurricane before reaching Portugal and the United Kingdom next week. For more information go to DDM’s website,, or Facebook page, BVI DDM.

Page 12 | October 12, 2017 | The BVI Beacon

Local News

Curfew continues past state of emergency New hours are 10 p.m.-6 a.m. By CONOR KING DEVITT Residents now have until 10 p.m. to be on the roads before being in violation of curfew, which remains in force despite Governor Gus Jaspert’s decision to lift the state of emergency last Friday. The curfew — which previously started at 8 p.m. — was able to continue due to some swift legal manoeuvring by the governor and lawmakers, who rushed the passage of the Curfew Act, 2017, last Thursday during the first House of Assembly sitting since Hurricane Irma. Mr. Jaspert first declared a public period of emergency on Sept. 7, the day after Hurricane Irma made landfall and devastated much of the Virgin Islands. The state of emergency was designed primarily to allow for the rapid introduction of a curfew, according to the governor. Under the 2007 VI Constitution, a state of emergency equips the executive with the means to bypass normal legislative routes through the House of Assembly and pass regulations for “securing the public safety, the defence of the Virgin Islands or the maintenance of public order, or for maintaining supplies and services essential to the life of the community.” Such regulations are designed to expire when the state of emergency is lifted. That stipulation is why lawmakers pushed through the Curfew Act, which the governor signed on Friday. “My intention is to end the state of emergency as soon as possible,” Mr. Jaspert said in a press conference last Thursday. “To do this, Cabinet agreed that we needed a separate Curfew Act to enable the curfew to continue as we restore vital services.” After the press conference, HOA members met at Save the Seed Energy Centre — the usual HOA chambers were heavily damaged during Hurricane Irma — and

suspended normal standing orders to allow for three readings and a debate of the bill in a matter of hours. Though their enthusiasm varied, each lawmaker who rose to debate the legislation expressed some degree of support, and the House unanimously passed it after going into committee stage.

Bill details The three-page act — Gazetted on Oct. 5 — vests the governor with the power to impose a curfew, though it subjects that power to section 57(3) of 2007 VI Constitution, which obliges the governor to act on advice from the National Security Council. The NSC is made up of the premier, another designated minister, the attorney general, the police commissioner and the governor. Section 57(3) does, however, have a backdoor: If the governor believes that following the NSC’s advice would have an adverse effect on the United Kingdom or the VI, he or she can ignore it. The newly passed legislation also doesn’t allow for single curfews longer than 14 days, though the governor can order subsequent curfews if necessary. The punishment for being convicted of breaking the curfew is $1,000 and/or up to three months in prison, though people will have

defence from conviction if they are travelling from work directly to home, are involved in an emergency, or have written permission from the governor. The legislation also allows certain professions — if specified — to be exempted, and for curfews to be localised in certain areas of the territory. Additionally, HOA members will never be subject to the curfew. During the debate on the bill, Education and Culture Minister Myron Walwyn explained that though the freedom to move around the territory is a constitutional right, it is not an absolute right. Movement, he said, is a qualified right that can be infringed when absolutely necessary for the protection of the territory, something he argued the Curfew Act is doing.

Current curfew order On Friday, the governor signed his first curfew order based on the new law. It is the maximum length, 14 days, and extends to Oct. 20. It exempts any worker employed in essential services as defined in section three of the Labour Code, private security service providers, and Customs and Immigration officials. The curfew lasts from 10 p.m. until 6 a.m.

Local News

The BVI Beacon | October 12, 2017

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New bill would help market VI limited partnerships Lawmakers gave act first reading last Thursday By CONOR KING DEVITT The Limited Partnership Act, 2017 — introduced by lawmakers during last week’s House of Assembly sitting — is designed to allow the Virgin Islands to market limited partnerships as an international investment vehicle. A limited partnership happens when two or more people unite to form a business, but one or more is liable only for the amount of money they have invested. Currently, LPs in the VI are regulated by the Partnership Act, 1996. This new bill — which has yet to be Gazetted — would overhaul that legislation and is supposed to position the territory to better compete for LPs with other

offshore jurisdictions. Some of these jurisdictions have significantly improved their LP models in recent years, according to the Financial Services Commission Business Development Legislative Subcommittee. “Limited partnerships have become an internationally preferred structure for investment activity and are frequently used as a vehicle for establishing and promoting private equity funds, other investment structures and joint ventures,” an FSCBDLS and BVI Finance Limited statement read. “This new bill, once enacted, will ensure that we remain competitive as well as enhance the reputation of the BVI as a leading international business and finance centre.” The FSC’s most recent statistical bulletin reported that 22 limited partnerships formed in the VI in the second quarter of 2017, bringing the total number of active LPs in the territory to 712.

CDEMA funds vouchers in East End after Irma $25k programme to be audited By CONOR KING DEVITT

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The Caribbean Disaster Management Agency donated $25,000 to create a cash voucher system for residents in the Seventh and Eighth Districts, according to Sharleen DaBreo, the director of the Department of Disaster Management. The money came in the form of grocery store vouchers and was distributed in $50 increments to 500 people, Ms. DaBreo explained. “We’re having it audited by CDEMA,” the director told the Beacon on Friday, adding, “It’s already out, so they’re auditing it to see how effective it was and whether the system that we agreed on was actually implemented fully.” Such systems can help facilitate cash donations, which many relief professionals argue are the most effective way to help a devastated area. “I think that anyone that lives outside the territory should think about donating funds,” explained Anna Dobai, the team leader of the British Red Cross emergency needs delegates assisting the BVI Red Cross, “because for every item you ship, you’ve got shipping fees. This is the case for all disasters: If organisations like the Red Cross received the money that would have been the cost of the items sent plus the cost to send them, we [could have done] a lot with that money.” The British RC delegate also pointed to the twofold benefit of cash donations: Not only are they used to help an individual or family in need, they can also serve as an injection into the local economy and assist local business.

Page 14 | October 12, 2017 | The BVI Beacon

Local News

Education: Kids’ programmes kick off Continued from page 4 “Is junk food good for you in real life?” their teacher asked. “No, it makes you vomit!” one little boy replied gleefully. Later, the children set their own example by enjoying minibags full of vegetable chips provided to them free by the United States-based non-profit organisation Convoy of Hope. “They’re working on social skills, reading, art and sports. It’s not a formal curriculum; it’s all about fun,” explained Germaine Scatliffe, an education officer at the Road Town centre, pointing to each of the different tents set up around the field. “At the same time, we don’t want them to be too far behind when they do start school.”

Activities Under the tents, from 9 a.m. until 2:30 p.m., the schedule has made time for reading books, working on art projects, singing songs about the islands, and learning about hygiene. Besides Road Town, programmes have been set up at six

different locations around the territory: the Cappoons Bay basketball court, the Sea Cows Bay Methodist Church, the Baughers Bay basketball court and the East End football grounds on Tortola; the Bregado Flax Educational Centre parking lot on Virgin Gorda; and the Claudia Creque Educational Centre school grounds on Anegada. Education and Culture Minister Myron Walwyn recently explained why the public education system, which normally begins serving children at age 5, has chosen to open the programmes to children as young as 3. “We have … recognised that many of our early childhood centres have been damaged by the hurricane and so we are making an exception,” Mr. Walwyn said in a Sept. 28 statement. He added that the programmes will remain open until Nov. 6, the start of the new academic term. “We are hopeful that by this date enough early childhood centres would have had a chance to reopen and be able to accommodate the younger children,” he said.

Ms. Scatliffe added, “We really want to help parents relieve the stress of the hurricane. They can clean up their homes, go to work, without having to worry.”

‘User-friendly’ She said parents and children have been giving the programme good reviews so far. “The setting is user-friendly. A couple kids were bawling when they were dropped off yesterday, but they adjusted pretty fast.” Ms. Scatliffe added that the Photos: CLAIRE SHEFCHIK government has received help from numerous volunteer organisations Students read together at an early childhood programme at the E. Walwyn Brewin operating the centres, including ley Softball Field in Road Town. UNICEF, which has been working with other local schools to implement its Return to Happiness programme to help children deal with recovering from disasters. “They are doing songs, drawings, and poetry,” she said. In addition, AGRA is supplying sanitary facilities, including a cistern for washing, portable toilets, and hand sanitiser, and Convoy of Hope is providing lunch to each child. Negotiations are ongoing with Road Town Wholesale to provide beverages.

Local News

The BVI Beacon | October 12, 2017

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Photo: GIS A fire at the power station in Pockwood Pond started early Sunday morning, but was quickly extinguished, officials said.

Minister: Plant blaze won’t delay power progress Fire started at switchgear, according to government A fire that started at about 5 a.m. Sunday at the Henry Wilfred “Freddie” Smith Power Station in Pockwood Pond was extinguished by plant staff and members of the Virgin Islands Fire and Rescue Service, government announced. “The fire originated with switchgear located in a formerly operational portion of the electricity plant,” according to a Sunday announcement from Government Information Services. “The fire contained to that area was successfully extinguished and a thorough assessment of damages will be conducted.”

Communications and Works Minister Mark Vanterpool thanked the BVI Electricity Corporation and the VIFRS for their response. “They reacted quickly and did a marvelous job,” Mr. Vanterpool said, adding that an initial assessment of the damages determined that the fire has not delayed plans for restoring power to the territory. He added that power has been restored to some areas of Pockwood Pond and the BVIEC is working hard to restore power to other areas. Since the passage of Hurricane Irma, power has been restored to supermarkets, gas stations in central areas, and businesses including funeral homes, along with some areas in Long Swamp and Virgin Gorda, according to government. WEKESA LIMITED (In Voluntary Liquidation) BVI Company No. 1824419 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 203, subsection 3 of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the above-named Company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation of the Company commenced on the 9th day of October, 2017 and Susan V. Demers of Tropic Isle Building, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands has been appointed Liquidator of the Company on the 9th day of October, 2017. Dated: 9th day of October, 2017. (Sgd.) Susan V. Demers, Voluntary Liquidator

Page 16 | October 12, 2017 | The BVI Beacon

Local News

Surveys: Volunteers work to gauge need Continued from page 1 Friday, in hopes of gathering information to help decide who would receive some of the Red Cross’s limited amount of household supplies. The process, however, was neither easy nor straightforward. Some people weren’t home, some people needed help for their family in another district, and some said they had already been reached by previous RC volunteers. Mr. Ragnauth and the other surveyors also had no clear path to take: They’d been told to work their way across Huntums Ghut — an area so damaged from the storm it can make other parts of Tortola look mild by comparison — and knock on as many doors as possible. The Red Cross’s goal, howPhoto: CONOR KING DEVITT ever, was not to reach each and every resident. Rather, the BVI Red Cross volunteers Jahmaine Liburd and Tijorn Skelton survey a Huntums Ghut resident. Huntums Ghut, below, was agency wanted to gather a data among the hardest hit areas on Tortola. Preliminary results of a Town and Country Planning Department assessment sugsample that could be compared gest that about half of the buildings there are uninhabitable. to the information already collected by the Department of Disaster Management, to see if their needs assessment criteria yielded similar results. “It’s a standard process done by nongovernmental organisations,” explained David Dalgado, a British Red Cross emergency needs delegate sent to the VI after Hurricame Irma.

Knocking on doors Standing in the valley of Huntums Ghut and looking in each direction at the quagmire of decimated houses and torn-up apartment units — the Town and Country Planning Department estimated about half of the buildings in the community are uninhabitable — it seemed evident why some verification would be needed. In order to accomplish that, Mr. Ragnauth and three other HLSCC students — Tijorn Skelton, N’Khoy Stoutt and Jahmaine Liburd — spent most of the afternoon knocking on doors and asking awkward questions to people in hard situations. “Has your household income been more than $1,400 since the storm?” Mr. Stoutt asked a woman while she showed him her blownout windows.

“Is anyone in your home suffering from a disability?” Mr. Ragnauth asked another woman as she sat on her damaged deck. The answers to such questions would help decide who received supplies from the BVIRC’s load of tarpaulins, kitchen sets, cleaning items, mosquito nets, insect repellants, jerry cans, hygiene products and adult

diapers. Distribution of those donations has already begun in both Purcell Estate and Huntums Ghut, according to Mr. Dalgado.

Keeping cool Mr. Dalgado spent part of Friday afternoon training the four college students how to properly survey people in need. “We’re doing a survey in

which we examine households and assess them to see if they are eligible to receive aid,” Mr. Liburd said, practising his frontdoor lines on Mr. Dalgado. “We have limited stock, so by assessing it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll receive aid. However, if you take the assessment it will put you up for consideration.” The BRC delegate responded

with sharp questions, prepping the volunteers on how to deal with a stressed populace suffering from catastrophe. The training proved to be for a reason: A few people responded intensely to the needs assessments, barking about what help they wanted or what damage had been done. Lornette Stevens, a teacher who has volunteered at the BVIRC for more than 20 years, oversaw the four college students as they worked their way through District Five. She provided some advice after one particularly animated encounter. “People are frustrated,” Ms. Stevens said. “They might take it out on you. Just keep your cool.” For the most part, however, people were calm and appreciated the work they were doing. “They seem very grateful,” said Mr. Liburd, who also helped with the needs assessments in Purcell Estate. “Some of them, what you realise is that they just want somebody to talk to about their issues.”

Spreading out supplies After the BVIRC’s data is merged with DDM’s, the organisation will generate a list of names of people and households eligible for some of their supplies, according to Mr. Dalgado. From there, the BVIRC will show the list to a committee of people from the area compiled by the Ministry of Health and Social Development. The committee will help clean the data, pointing out potential double-ups of people who may be in the same household or suggesting important names that might have been missed, Mr. Dalgado explained. After the first round of distribution, the BVIRC also plans to do additional assessing to fill in the gaps of people who were not reached, he added. For the four college students, who were in between paying jobs and hadn’t yet started school, the volunteering was about playing a part in the VI’s recovery. “We all born and raised here,” Mr. Ragnauth said. “This is our island. Our country. We just wanted to help the country. It’s just like when your house dirty, you clean your own house. Our country in need, so we help our country.”

Local News Fundraising

from page 1

lands in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma,” the statement read, urging those who begin funds to provide the government with “an indication of expected use of the funds so that the authenticity of the proceeds can be assessed.” In the USVI, acting Attorney General Joycelyn Hewlett warned that the US Department of Justice National Center for Disaster Fraud had already received more than 400 complaints about scams related to Hurricanes Irma and Maria, including “fake charities claiming to be providing relief for victims.” “While compassion, assistance, and solidarity are generally prevalent in the aftermath of natural disasters, unscrupulous individuals and organisations also use these tragic events to take advantage of those in need,” Ms. Hewlett said in the statement.

Fundraisers In this territory, fundraisers have brought in hundreds of thousands of dollars for various causes. So far, some of the most prominent organisations raising funds here are OneLoveBVI, founded by Jim Scott and Lauren Taylor, both former VI residents, and BVI Unite, sponsored by billionaire Sir Richard Branson, who owns Necker Island. The website for the latter says that Sir Richard Screenshot: GOFUNDME.COM himself is covering 100 percent of the overhead, so all A search for “BVI Irma” on the fundraising website GoFundMe brings 260 results. donations will go directly to to start online fundraisers, either for frequent visitor to the territory for help local residents. “Many of the people who left their employees or to help the islands more than 25 years, eschewed the after Irma are sending money back generally. Among the hundreds of large charities and gave money to a here to try to help,” said real estate well-known entities with pages on small, family-run business in East End agent and consultant Jessica Fry, GoFundMe or other sites are The that she knew personally. “I suggest you find a particular who has been helping coordinate Moorings, Conch Charters, Myett’s, aid from abroad. “But there’s a feel- De Loose Mongoose, Callwood Rum connection to assist the islands,” she Distillery — and even a group called said. “Corporations will always get ing that it’s just sitting there.” back on their feet. It’s the small Given that, many businesses big “BVI Mosquito Control.” Deborah Buzzy, a US resident and businesses that really need help.” and small have taken it upon themselves

The BVI Beacon | October 12, 2017

Staff ‘lost everything’ Kirstie Palmer of BVI Yacht Charters explained her inspiration for starting a GoFundMe page to help her employees. “Every one of our staff lost something, whether it was a roof, house or belongings. We had so many people e-mailing, saying, ‘What can we do to help you?’ We became overwhelmed with support but didn’t know what they could do. We decided to set up the GoFundMe for any member of staff that lost something in Irma. It will help them build roofs, buy clothes, food and water and keep them on this island to help us all rebuild it.” The campaign has already surpassed its $30,000 goal. Cane Garden Bay resident Graeme MacCallum has set up a fundraiser on YouCaring to bring power and water back to his district using generators. It has been successful so far, surpassing its $50,000 goal. However, he said not every fundraiser has good intentions. “I know at least one fundraiser set up by a former islander who hasn’t lived here for four years,” he said. Shakti Segura,a marketing consultant based in Carrot Bay,is helping one of her clients set up a post-Irma fundraiser. She said she also knew people based abroad who were capitalising on Irma, trying to raise funds for themselves. “They haven’t been here for years, and are asking for money,” she said. “What do they need it for?” A Monday search of the GoFundMe site using keywords “Virgin Islands”and “Irma”turned up 260 results. A few pages set up immediately after the hurricane show photos of individuals claiming to have lost everything, asking for funds either to help them evacuate or rebuild their homes. Others claim to be collecting food, water and canned goods to “help the VI” but provide

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few details on who is collecting the money or who will receive it. Some of them have been set up by former residents from as far away as the US and Switzerland.

Watching out for fraud GoFundMe has a section of its website addressing the possibility of fraudulent campaigns. It reads in part: “In the wake of the damage caused by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, thousands of campaigns have been created on GoFundMe to help those affected. Our Trust and Safety team is working around the clock to ensure that donors understand how their donations are being used.” They said funds may be put on hold unless they can demonstrate the following: • who the person raising funds is; • their relationship to the parties they’re raising funds for; • how the funds will be spent; and • the plan to get the funds to the recipient. Site staff urge anyone who suspects fraudulent activity to report it.Victims of fraud may qualify for a refund. The site also states, “While GoFundMe and its payment partners do provide a number of safeguards to deter fraud, we must insist that visitors follow the advice stated on each and every campaign: Only donate to people you personally know and trust.” In addition, according to GoFundMe, its site isn’t compatible with bank accounts from United Kingdom territories. Anyone running a campaign through GoFundMe in the VI must go through a third party in a country compatible with the site. Ms. Segura offered similar advice as GoFundMe, saying that her client’s campaign “won’t be asking for money from strangers.” “We expect that the only people who will give are customers that we’ve already worked with and who know and trust us,” she said. “Only give money to people you know.”

Page 18 | October 12, 2017 | The BVI Beacon

Local News

SURVIVOR’S STORY IN THEIR WORDS JAIMEZ STOUTT Jaimez Stoutt, 27, survived Hurricane Irma with his grandparents and his great-aunt, who is in her 90s. They started out in their one-storey concrete house in Huntums Ghut, but after the wood roof gave way, they ran into another building during the eye of the storm. The United States Army veteran, an engineer at CCT, said his military training and service in Afghanistan helped him survive the ordeal. The following are his words, as told the week after Irma. He and his grandparents and great-aunt have since evacuated to the United States, but he plans to return.


hen the hurricane was coming, I was at home with my grandma and my great-aunt, who’s about 90, and my grandpa. My aunt just came down for the hurricane; her whole house is gone actually, so if she didn’t come she’d have been ripped up also. During the hurricane I was watching my neighbour’s roof actually getting lifted off, and in that instant I realised ours more than likely would go next. I always have my Army boots in the house, so I started putting on my socks. I put on my boots and my work pants — the first pair I could get — and literally as I put it on the roof peeled off.

Nowhere to hide Before the roof peeled off, I was telling my grandparents to put on shoes, but they didn’t, you know. So now when the roof peeled off, I ran in the living room and grabbed my great-aunt first and took her in the kitchen; went back, grabbed my grandma, took her in there. My grandfather, he could walk, so he walked in there. I got the dining room table, put it in the walkway to kind of stop stuff from blowing in on us — just taking refuge behind that for a minute — but then my aunt, because she’s pretty old, she couldn’t really stand too long, so she asked me to get a chair for her. When I went out to get a chair, a block hit me in the neck: throw me down, almost knock me out. But I got up, went to get the chair. I got one for my granny and one for my [great-aunt]. While we was in there, the kitchen door was taking so much damage from what was going on outside. We had a metal door with metal shutters and they was just bending like they was about tear off. I say if that door rip off we

gonna die in here. So I open the fridge now and I basically rip out everything that was in there; fling it out. And then I throw the fridge basically slanted by the sink on the ground so they could put their head under it. While we was in there taking refuge, I noticed on our roof we have a lot of blocks there ready to fall, and I said to myself those blocks gonna fall on us if they come down. So I observed that my grandfather’s closet basically had a roof, even though the roof was gone in the whole house. I said that probably would have been the safest place. So I basically grabbed them again: grabbed my aunt, carry she over there; then put she on a box; then went back for my granny, did the same thing. And all this time the wind blowing, everything flying out through the house. My grandfather went over there, and we was in there for a little bit.

Storm’s-eye escape When the eye came now, I already say, “We can’t stay here; we gotta get out of here.” So I went outside and I looked and they had an apartment building right next to James Todman apartment building that was completely destroyed and everybody in the building was basically running downstairs to take refuge in one apartment room. I shouted, “Yo, we got space over there?” And they was like, “Yeah!” So I grabbed my aunt and I had to carry them over there because they didn’t have on shoes. They diabetic, so if they got a cut any time they could have bled out, you know? So I grabbed her, walked over the rubble across the road to the apartment; went back to my grandma, did the same thing. My grandfather followed. It was about 20 of us in this

building, and they was basically trying to board up their porch door and windows because they hadn’t broken as yet. I was telling them, “Yo, that is gonna break still!” My aunt was sitting right by the window and I didn’t feel safe with her sitting there. I could already see that something was going to happen, so I grab her again and I pick her up to move her from there. And I overheard the eye pass and blow back open everything, break all the windows. Then glass start flying everywhere, and I had just [carried] her into the bathroom where everyone was taking refuge. Whoever couldn’t make it was stuck behind a couch, because the living room and the kitchen basically lost everything. It was like a constant flow of air through the house, so you had people taking refuge in the kitchen: some behind the couch, and like 15 of us in the bathroom. The elderly had to sit down on the tub, the toilet, because they couldn’t stand. You had a little girl on the sink. It was packed and hot. We had to hold up a sheet by the doorway because the glass was everywhere and we didn’t want it to get in there.

First aid While we was in there, I was assessing, making sure nobody bleeding, because you don’t want anyone bleeding out. When I was in the military I was a combat lifesaver, so I know what to do when it comes to stopping bleeding and stuff like that. When the storm passed, we moved from there to another secure building that wasn’t damaged. I had a buddy whose bone was sticking out of his hand; I had to put a tourniquet on his arm. Then I went around to assess other guys. There was one guy who got

sucked out of his house, and he was basically in agonising pain, but he wasn’t bleeding, so I told them to leave him for while because I thought it was his spine, you know. But he ended up walking to the hospital when he get a little better.

After the storm I had my great-aunt, my grandfather and my granny who I had to deal with, and me and a couple other guys was sleeping in a daycare, in cribs and stuff. The elderly was in a building that was actually pretty safe. We left them over there because they needed the space. And every morning, man, it was a challenge: I had to get up, go down the road to get food for the three of them; make sure they eat. And you know with old people you can’t get too much stuff with sugar. You got to get certain stuff. It was just a constant struggle. My aunt, two days into it, her daughter was coming for her, but they couldn’t come get her because they didn’t know where she was and they didn’t have no communications. But they came in the nick of time because she was taking ill from not getting her medication for like two days. Everything blow out of the house.

Hospital lobby I had her insulin and I kept it cool for two days in a freezer, which was basically drying up. I eventually took her to the hospital because Jose was coming and I didn’t have sufficient medical stuff to deal with her. We lost all her pills: She took about five, six pills a day, and all of them blew away. So I wanted her there. And actually it was a good thing I took her there, because the doctors say her pressure was get-

ting really high and I didn’t know. If I didn’t go, she probably would have been in a bad situation. She was in the hospital a couple days. It was kind of frustrating because they was basically downplaying a lot of stuff with the old people. They was basically focusing on patients that was already taken in and not really taking care of the elderly. They wasn’t really giving them food and stuff like that, so even though they were in the hospital lobby, every day breakfast, lunch and dinner I had to take for them; water. They was in the lobby the whole time. They wasn’t in the hospital; they was in the lobby. I had to basically still do everything while they was in the hospital. It was kind of breaking me down, because I don’t like to see my granny like that. She have a lot ailments and she’s not getting good sleep, she’s not getting to shower; her skin was peeling. It was a bad situation.

Feeling helpless I feel if it wasn’t for me it would have been worse because I had the military experience when I deployed. To me, here ain’t that bad because nobody trying to kill you here, but man… . When you don’t have answers you feel helpless. This is the first time in my life I didn’t have answers. But I figured it out. Everybody got a story, so I won’t make it seem like mine’s the worst one. But it was pretty bad, and my grandfather tell me all the time that if I wasn’t there they would’ve died, because they would’ve stayed right in there and everything fall on them. Interview conducted, condensed and edited by Freeman Rogers.

Local News

The BVI Beacon | October 12, 2017

| Page 19

Government payroll delayed again DG: Cheques will come this week On Oct. 2, government announced that payments to public officers that were due on Sept. 30 had been delayed to Oct. 9 because of “technical challenges.” Now they have been delayed again. “Public officers, as a result of reduced power to the Central Administration Complex, which could not fully sustain government’s server system, there will be a further delay in the processing of payroll for

the end of September pay period,” Deputy Governor Rosalie Adams said in a statement released Sunday evening. However, she said that government anticipates that payroll will be issued by the close of this week. “We thank you for your understanding during this time and again, we apologise for this delay in payment and any inconveniences caused,” she said. “We value your hard work and commitment to the government of the Virgin Islands and ask for Photo: FREEMAN ROGERS your continued support as we rectify this issue during the recovery The government is blaming another delay in public officers’ salaries on reduced power to the Central Administration Buildand rebuilding of the territory.” ing, which was largely destroyed in Hurricane Irma.

‘Operating plan’ in the works for the territory To guide Irma recovery A 100-day “strategic operating plan” is in the works to guide the rebuilding process in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma, government announced Sunday. To help establish the plan, a session was held Sunday and Monday for government officials and other stakeholders. “The outcome will identify the things to focus on in this first phase of stabilising our territory,” according to a government press release. The sessions are being facilitated by Peter Richardson of the Paterson Center, a Colorado-based company that specialises in strategic planning. Included in the discussion was Premier Dr. Orlando Smith; Deputy Premier Dr. Kedrick Pickering; Communications and Works Minister Mark Vanterpool; Education and Culture Minister Myron Walwyn; Junior Minister for Tourism Archibald Christian; Ninth District Representative Dr. Hubert O’Neal; Financial Secretary Glenroy Forbes; government permanent secretaries and other department heads; and tourism and financial services industry leaders that government did not name.

Photo: GIS A meeting was held Sunday and Monday to establish a “100-day strategic operating plan” for the territory’s recovery.

CM Investment Company Limited (In Voluntary Liquidation) IBC Company Registration Number 377648 BC Company Re-Registration Number 1066927 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 204, subsection (1) (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on 21st day of August, 2017. The Liquidator is Ms Duan Shuqin of Unit K, 20/F, Kings Wing Plaza 2, 1 on Kwan Street, Shek Mun, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong. Dated 21st day of August, 2017. Sgd: Ms. Duan Shuqin, Voluntary Liquidator

Page 20 | October 12, 2017 | The BVI Beacon

Local News

Virgin Islands drums up support in UK, US Wheatley meets with politicians, VI diaspora By FREEMAN ROGERS BVI London Office Director Benito Wheatley has been attending meetings abroad in order to garner support for the Virgin Islands’ ongoing effort to recover from Hurricane Irma. The sessions included a round of conferences of the major United Kingdom political parties, concluding with the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester from Sunday through Wednesday. There, he met with government ministers including International Development Secretary Priti Patel MP; Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon MP; and Transport Secretary Chris Grayling, according to a statement from Mr. Wheatley’s office. He also spoke with Tom Tugendhat MP, the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee in the UK House of Commons. “It was essential to attend the conference to update attendees on the BVI’s recovery and the importance of the territory’s reconstruction with UK assistance,” Mr. Wheatley said. “There is clearly political support for the BVI in the ruling party.”

Other conferences The director also attended the Labour Party Conference in Brighton from Sept. 24-27, where he met with senior members of official opposition party, as well as London Mayor Sadiq Khan. Before that, Wheatley attended the Liberal Democrats Party Conference in Bournemouth from Sept. 1619, where he engaged party leader Vince Cable and other senior party members. “I am very pleased that there is cross-party support in the UK for the BVI’s economic recovery and reconstruction,” Mr. Wheatley said. “We have been able to effec-

Photos: PROVIDED BVI London House Director Benito Wheatley has met with various members of the Virgin Islands diaspora in recent days. BVI London Office Director Benito Wheatley, below, poses with United Kingdom International Development Secretary Priti Patel. tively communicate the extent of the devastation caused by Hurricane Irma in the BVI and the importance of UK support for the territory in the near and long-term.”

Diaspora Mr. Wheatley also helped facilitate meetings with members of the VI diaspora in the UK and the United States in recent days, his office stated. Town hall meetings were organised in partnership with the BVI London Office in the UK in Manchester on Oct. 3 and London on Sept. 15; and also in New York on Sept. 19 in association with BVI Family & Friends New York. At those sessions, Mr. Wheatley said, members of the diaspora discussed their plans to assist the territory through supply drives and fundraising events. “The BVI communities in the UK and US have been doing everything in their power to assist relief efforts and are planning more events and fundraisers to support the territory’s recovery,” he said.

“An international BVI diaspora network will certainly be of great value to the territory as we rebuild.”

Premier calls in In London, Premier Dr. Orlando Smith updated the town hall meeting by phone on the government’s recovery efforts and commended the diaspora for their support. Meeting attendees also discussed ways in which they could assist the territory in the reconstruction process with their professional experience, business networks, financial resources and ideas. “I was moved by how committed BVIslanders in the UK and US are to the BVI and impressed at how well they have already organised themselves in cities such as London, Manchester and Bristol in the UK; and in the US in New York, Washington DC, Atlanta and in North Carolina,” Mr. Wheatley said. “There is a deep desire by our communities abroad to be directly involved in recovery and reconstruction.”


The BVI Beacon | October 12, 2017

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Page 22 | October 12, 2017 | The BVI Beacon

Photo: PROVIDED Police Commissioner Michael Matthews thanked the first set of Bermuda police officers shortly before their departure at the Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport on Saturday.

Six Bermuda cops leave, six more arrive Deputy Police Commissioner Alwin James swore in a second set of officers from the Bermuda Police Service over the weekend following the departure of the first set on Saturday. The new set have now begun their three-week tour of duty, according to the Police Information Office. Police Commissioner Michael Matthews welcomed them and praised their predecessors. “We have enjoyed the company of six very highly professional armed officers from Bermuda who have worked alongside my own officers in pro-

viding reassurance and safety in the communities here following Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Maria,” Mr. Matthews said. “These officers have now returned to their country to continue policing their own communities.” He added that police in the Virgin Islands are still operating in a challenging environment, but the new set of Bermudan officers will help to return the territory to “a normal state of policing and normal levels of law and order.” The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force also continues to receive support from Cayman Islands and United Kingdom police officers.

JVD trio hit with drug charges Arrested during curfew in SCB Three Jost Van Dyke males were charged with drug offences on Oct. 4 following a police operation in the Sea Cows Bay area the previous night, according to Police Information Officer Diane Drayton. While conducting patrols during curfew hours, officers from the Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands,

the United Kingdom and Bermuda stopped and searched the vehicle and uncovered a large quantity of both drugs and cash. As a result, Dwayne Borris Donovan, 28, Shomarie Jahmeed Chinnery, 27, and Rubbie Pickering, 27, were charged with unlawful possession of cannabis and unlawful possession of cannabis with intent to supply, police said. The cash and drugs were confiscated and remain part of the investigation, according to Ms. Drayton.

SMITTERS ENTERPRISES CORP. (In Voluntary Liquidation) (BC No. 1741504) Notice is hereby given that SMITTERS ENTERPRISES CORP: - is in voluntary liquidation; - commenced voluntary liquidation on 6 October 2017; - Mrs. Elmarie Ibanez is the Liquidator whose address is at 55 Viviers street, Schoemansville, Hartbeespoort, 0216. Sgd: Mrs. Elmarie Ibanez, Liquidator


The BVI Beacon | October 12, 2017

| Page 23

Lessons: Writer gives post-Irma advice Continued from page 3

of Irma squarely will get the territory back on its feet faster.

talk about the seven stages of grief: shock, guilt, denial, anger, depression, grief and acceptance. The territory will pass through these various stages until the society comes to the full acceptance of the loss and devastation the territory suffered. The loss of a home is tantamount to bereavement. The shock of the total destruction Irma wreaked on the VI will have to be worked out mentally. As after the death of a loved one, the grieving process will take time. For some, it takes years to get over the shock of sudden loss. Therefore residents must be allowed to grieve and express their genuine feelings about their experiences of Irma. Some individuals will require professional counselling and psychiatric intervention. Facing the psychological implications

‘Tragic loss’

This is not the time for acting like everything is normal and okay. The VI has suffered a tragic loss. The man of granite will sooner or later experience his vulnerability to bereavement if he has had heavy loss in the storm. Ignoring the social and psychological implications of what the territory experienced on Sept. 6 is simply unhealthy. Full acceptance of the devastating social and economic consequences of Irma on private and corporate life will take time to achieve. It may be shorter for some, but we all, in one way or another, will have to go through the grieving process and its seven stages. Then the true rebirth of the VI can proceed. Connect with Mr. Igwe on Facebook and Twitter.

Artim Holdings Limited In Voluntary Liquidation Company No. 1762354 NOTICE is hereby given that Artim Holdings Limited has entered into voluntary liquidation with effect from the 14th day of September, 2017. Sgd: Penelopi Sidera

Odayer Financial Inc. In Voluntary Liquidation Company No. 1796929 NOTICE is hereby given that Odayer Financial Inc. has entered into voluntary liquidation with effect from the 14th day of September, 2017. Sgd: Penelopi Sidera

Nional Portfolio Ltd. In Voluntary Liquidation Company No. 1791113 NOTICE is hereby given that Nional Portfolio Ltd. has entered into voluntary liquidation with effect from the 14th day of September, 2017. Sgd: Penelopi Sidera GEOLANA MARKETING LTD. (In Voluntary Liquidation) Company No. 1526698 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 208 subsection 3 of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company was dissolved and struck off the Register of Companies with effect from 27th September, 2017. Dated 11th October, 2017 Sgd. ISLE ANGELIKA KAUFMANN Voluntary Liquidator

Eastern Petrochemical Investments Limited In Voluntary Liquidation Company No. 1640221 NOTICE is hereby given that Eastern Petrochemical Investments Limited has entered into voluntary liquidation with effect from the 2nd day of October, 2017. Sgd: Penelopi Sidera

Page 24 | October 12, 2017 | The BVI Beacon

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Layoffs: Many uncertain after Irma Continued from page 4 swarmed living conditions and his workplace uncertainty. He is not alone. With the private sector still reeling from the damage wrought by Hurricane Irma, career apprehension, opportunity losses and layoffs across different industries continue to affect the day-to-day lives of many Virgin Islands residents.

Tourism Perhaps the most obviously affected employees work in Mr. Fontaine’s industry: Widespread destruction and uncertain tourism prospects have sent shockwaves through the territory’s hospitality businesses. Charter operators must contend with heavily damaged fleets.Taxi drivers are facing the prospect of altered cruise ship itineraries. Bartenders and servers work at restaurants feeding a smaller population. Down the beach from Mr. Fontaine’s workplace, Myett’s Restaurant and Hotel also suffered catastrophic damage and was forced to lay off employees across the board. Val Rhymer, who co-owns the business with her husband Kareem, set up a GoFundMe account for her employees in need and purchased a load of relief supplies, though their delivery was delayed due to the chaos Hurricane Maria caused in the region. “We will build Myett’s in CGB and will be back again,” she wrote in a message to the Beacon. “It'll take some time but we will be back. And we will rehire the staff that helped us to make it as successful as it was a month ago if we can.” For some in hospitality, the storms pushed back the return of an already-lost job. On Tortola,the Turtle Bay Resort in Lambert was nearing its scheduled reopening date of November 2017. With that was supposed to come about 40 new jobs for residents and a few internships for students. The storm delayed those plans, however. “Although Wyndham Turtle Bay Resort was so close to [finishing] its renovation, the resort was severely damaged and it’s with great sadness that we communicate that therefore [it] will not re-open this November,” the resort stated on its website. The company did not provide a timeline for reopening. On Virgin Gorda, Rosewood Little Dix Bay was scheduled to be

lease in the near future after we discuss with employees,” Mr. Strickland wrote after being asked about layoffs.

LABOUR LAUNCHES JOB PROGRAMME The Labour Department has launched a job programme for Virgin Islanders and belongers, as well as work permit holders with permission from the Immigration Department to seek alternate employment, according to Government Information Services. “Persons who register with the programme will be given the opportunity to be included in our existing database, which employers utilise to source qualified candidates to fill vacancies,” Labour Commissioner Janice Rymer said in a press release. The programme kicked off in the First District on Saturday. It will continue in the eight other districts from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday at the following locations: • Second District: To be announced • Third District: Valerie O. Thomas Community Centre • Fourth District: The Band Stand • Fifth District: The basketball court across from the Church of God of Prophecy • Sixth District: Ground floor of the Virgin Islands School of Technical Studies • Seventh District: The Stickett • Eighth District: Entrance to Parham Town • Ninth District: The Vanterpool Building in The Valley, Virgin Gorda, and a yet-to-be announced location in North Sound, VG nearing the end of an 18-month renovation period that saw about 300 people laid off in May 2016. Hurricane damage forced the resort to delay its reopening — previously scheduled for December — to a yet-to-be-announced date, postponing the return of jobs to the island.

Other industries It’s not just hospitality employees dealing with uncertainty. Harneys BVI — which employed more than 180 people before Irma — had to lay off 18 people, including three lawyers. “In accordance with local law, the redundancies have been made on a temporary basis and the firm has expressed the sincere hope that as the BVI recovers and Harneys is able reopen more office space, some of those affected employees will be recalled to resume their duties without loss of continuity or seniority,” the law firm wrote in a Sept. 29 press release. Three days earlier, CCT announced employee layoffs. “Unfortunately, due to the devastation caused by both hurricanes, CCT must temporarily reorganise our workforce to facilitate the rebuilding of the organisation,” the company wrote in a press release. “The reorganisation of the workforce, although painful, is a necessary part of CCT’s survival.” BVI Cable TV, which merged with CCT in June, released a nearly identical statement the previous day. Some major companies did seem

to fare better with regards to employee retention. Rite Way — one of the largest employers in the territory with about 500 employees on its payroll — has only let six people go, according to Guy Strick-

land,the managing director of Rite Way and Road Town Wholesale. Still, it was not entirely clear if this would be the entirety of Rite Way’s layoffs going forward. “We will be making a press re-

Government plan? In an interview with the Beacon last week, Premier Dr. Orlando Smith was asked whether government has a concrete plan to deal with the issue of joblessness. “That’s a discussion that’s ongoing,” Dr. Smith (R-at large) replied, without divulging further details. On Monday night,the Labour Department issued a pair of announcements providing further insight into government’s plan for the future. One was a request for business owners and employers to provide the department with information regarding the status of their business as well as the status of their employees, in order for Labour to assess the workforce needs of the VI. The other outlined the registration process for Labour’s new job programme, which began last Saturday and will continue this weekend (see sidebar). The point of the new programme will be to provide people with job opportunities and help rebuild the territory, according to Labour Commissioner Janice Rymer.

Local News

The BVI Beacon | October 12, 2017

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Shelters: Numbers drop below 100, says DDM Continued from page 7 “The roof has been fitted back onto that structure, and anyone that is [sheltering] in the East End area will then move into that shelter,” Ms. DaBreo said. Those numbers might be small: At the start of last week some 40 people were living at Francis Lettsome, but by Monday of this week there was only one occupant there, she said. Meanwhile, assessment is ongoing at other community centres — including the one at Long Trench, where people are already living — so that residents sheltering in nearby schools can move into them as soon as possible, she added.

Road Town shelter Though some residents living in the Multi-purpose Sports Complex in Road Town said they had been told they would need to leave this week, Ms. DaBreo said she doesn’t expect that shelter to close so soon. However, she added, a team that includes volunteers from Rotary and Team Rubicon is working with shelter occupants to help them move back home or to join friends and family. “They’re assessing the homes of those individuals in [the Multi-purpose Sports Complex] and other shelters throughout the territory, and they’re going to be carrying out repairs to homes so we can get them back in,” Ms. DaBreo said.

Photo: FREEMAN ROGERS Children listen to a story at the Long Trench Community Centre on Sunday, Oct. 1. Assessments are ongoing to gauge what repairs need to be made to secure the facility, where displaced residents have been living since Hurricane Irma, after the storm blew out several doors and windows. Other community centres around the territory are also being assessed and repaired.

Guv Jaspert: ‘Recovery Plan’ in the works But few details provided Governor Gus Jaspert said last week that he is working with Premier Dr. Orlando Smith and other government ministers toward “fully implementing”a “Recovery Plan”that will “see the Virgin Islands become even better than it was before.” No such plan has been provided to the public, and attempts to obtain it were not immediately successful. The governor did provide a few broad de-

tails, however. “Ministers are working on key programmes in their respective areas,” he said. “Plans are being finalised for housing needs for those affected by Irma but who are not insured; and a plan is in place for education, and I am pleased that schools have started to reopen.” He added that “a number of ” ministries and departments “suffered considerable losses” from the storm, but “we have re-established government services and we are identifying critical resources which need to be quickly replaced.”

Though most of the United Kingdom military personnel left the territory last week, he said, the ship RFA Mounts Bay remained in Road Harbour and “a core team of specialist engineers” was still here to support infrastructural repairs.

Security council The National Security Council met last Thursday, he added, and he and the council are briefed regularly by Police Commissioner Michael Matthews on security matters. “I am also grateful that we have continued support from police officers from the UK and our friends in other overseas territories,” the

governor said. In the future, Mr. Jaspert is planning to deliver an address every Friday unless urgent matters arise that necessitate an earlier message, he said. “As we move forward now, let me urge everyone to continue to demonstrate the community spirit of togetherness and resilience that has contributed to our progress to date,” he added. “The recovery efforts need to keep that same spirit of togetherness and mutual support shown so far for us to be successful as we go forward.”

AVIATION TRINIT Y CORPORATION (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) BC No. 1745232 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to section 204(1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on the 10th day of October, 2017. The Liquidator is Eduardo Jose Neves, with address at Rua Vereda do Amanhecer, 202, Veredas das Geraes, Nova Lima, MG, Brazil, 34000-00. DATED: October 10, 2017 Signed: Eduardo Jose Neves

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Barbados Accommodat i o n : A r j a n Apartments- Quality air- conditioned rooms. Airport & e m bassy t r a n s fe r s, available. Group Specials. Tel: (246) 438-6112 or ( 2 4 6 ) 2 3 1 - 0595 or email: arjan@caribsur F o r V i s a f o r m a ssistance call (284) 545-0409.

Newly renovated one bedroom; share bathroom with one tenant, kitchen and living room with 3 other tenants; $400 per month with a security deposit of $400. Location: Towers, West End up from the Towers Well in a blue bldg. Only responsible persons apply. Call Mrs. Carol Dawson or Mr. Kelvin Dawson at 284-440-3359, 5473983, 495-4716.

Furnished or Semi Furnished spacious beautiful 3 1/2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms house with spectacular view; open concept kitchen, laundry room two porch and garage. Location: Great Mountain/Fahie hill area. Only responsible person apply. Call Mr. Kelvin Dawson or Mrs. Carol Dawson at 284-5473983, 440-3359, 495-4716.

East End Reg. Section, Block 3240A, Parcel 148, 4 Bedroom, 4.5 Bathroom private residence w/pool & 1 Bedroom 1 Bathroom guest cottage w/ gym & garage on 4.214 acres, selling price is $4,850,000.00. Interested Belonger please call BVI Sotheby's International Realty on 1.284.494-5700 or 340-5555.

Marine Salvage and Towing Company looking for a good all rounder. Must have extensive boating experience, dive certification, mechanical skills. Must be willing to work 24 hours, 7 days a week, standby on call basis. Contact Kevin 346-3333.

COMMERCIAL SPACE Three (3) commercial sections great for business, available for lease. Sections of 200 square feet. All sections with a/c, separate entrance and ample parking. For further details and pricing information call 342-6772 or 541-9709.

Long/Short Term: With enchanted view of beautifully landscaped garden and sparkling crystal view of Sir Francis Drakes Channel and Road Harbour, 3 and 2 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, Condo nested in the secluded and tranquil hills of Fort Hill. Includes Internet, water, Gas and Cable. A must have. Call 343-9622

REAL ESTATE LAND FOR SALE, Parcels 91 and 92 of Block 5945A of the Virgin Gorda East Registration Section, measuring lot area 4.776 acres. Price US $2,950,000. Contact Oil Nut Bay Inc. at 393-1000.

NOTICES Ulwen International Ltd. In Voluntary Liquidation Company No. 1871371 NOTICE is hereby given that Ulwen International Ltd. has entered into voluntary liquidation with effect from the 15th day of September, 2017. Sgd: Penelopi Sidera Yerof International Ltd. In Voluntary Liquidation Company No. 1822774 NOTICE is hereby given that Yerof International Ltd. has entered into voluntary liquidation with effect from the 15th day of September, 2017. Sgd: Penelopi Sidera

FOR RENT Spacious, fully furnished, air conditioned, three bedrooms apartment with excellent view of Harbour. Available in MacNamara. Tel. 494-8779. Simply Elegant: 1 Bedroom/1 Bath apartments in tranquil Fort Hill private complex with spectacular view of Sir Francis Drakes Channel & Road Harbour. Just 5 minutes from Road Town, these secluded little apartments are brand new & perfect for working professionals; Fully-furnished with A/C, WiFi, flat-screen TV, fridge, stove, 'gas, water, an attractive balcony and large concrete parking area with easy access. Serious inquiries only, call Call 343-9622

BRINELLE INC (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) (BBC NO. 1662314) NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 204, subsection (1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on 3 October 2017. The Liquidator is HADLEY JAMES CHILTON of Baker Tilly (BVI) Limited, Tropic Isle Building, Nibbs Street, P.O. Box 650, Road Town, Tortola VG1110, British Virgin Islands. Dated this 11TH October 2017. Sgd: Hadley J. Chilton, Voluntary Liquidator.

Land for Sale at West End, Tortola. Registration Section: Mount Sage, Block 2334B, Parcel 8 (approximately 0.05 acres). Asking price $30,000. Contact Tel (284)-344-4456 or (284)540-8957.

HELP WANTED Sales /Production Assistant Must have own transportation o r ability to reach West End in a timely manner. Abi l i t y t o w o r k w e l l with others and in a fast pace environment. Prev i o u s re tail experien ce and references are necessary. Basic arithmetic s k i l l s r e quired and c o m p uter experience a bonus. BVIslanders/Belongers preferred. Call 494 –2178 for appointment.

GUANA ISLAND HOTEL seeks a full time Housekeeper to work as part of a small professional Island Resort team. We seek a highly energetic individual with excellent guest services skills and a “can do” attitude, self-motivated, flexible, honest, have appropriate hotel experience and skills with a keen focus on our guest’s needs and comfort. This position requires continuous standing and movement, frequent bending and lifting. Good customer service and a pleasant personality is a must. Ability to work flexible hours including weekends, evenings and public holidays and requires staying on-island some evenings each week. Belongers preferred. Please send resume and professional references addressed to Andrea Starkey at P.O. Box 3527, Road Town, Tortola or e-mail:

CLASSIFIED RATES • Rates: Classified ad rates: $7 for 20 words, 30¢ per additional word.

WARRIOR PARTNERS INC (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) (BBC NO. 1691507) NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 204, subsection (1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on 28th September 2017. The Liquidator is HADLEY J. CHILTON of Baker Tilly (BVI) Limited, Tropic Isle Building, Nibbs Street, P.O. Box 650, Road Town, Tortola VG1110, British Virgin Islands. Dated this 11th October 2017. Sgd: Hadley J. Chilton, Voluntary Liquidator.

• Copy: Copy must be received by 2 p.m. Tuesday in order to be accepted for publication on Thursday

SUNWING INTERNATIONAL LTD. Company No. 63024 (In Voluntary Liquidation) NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 204 (1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that SUNWING INTERNATIONAL LTD. is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on 10th October, 2017 and Walter Huber of Langstrasse 151, 8004 Z rich, Switzerland, has been appointed as the Sole Liquidator. Dated this 11th day of October, 2017. Sgd: Walter Huber, Voluntary Liquidator.

• Deadline: Camera-ready display ads must be received before 5 p.m. Tuesday in order to be accepted for publication on Thursday.

Classifieds HELP WANTED Chiquito Bar & Restaurant requires two bartenders. Call 3416350. South Side Villa in Jost Van Dyke looking for Gardener/Handyman full time. The pay is $6 per hour. Interested persons please call Kevin Penn at 496-8300. The Restaurant at Leverick Bay is looking to fill the following positions to start the 20172018 season. Interested applicants must submit a resume via e-mail or it can be dropped off at the Restaurant office. Interviews will be scheduled when resumes are submitted. Full-time Bartender and (Part-time Seasonal Bartenders)– Eager applicants must have bartending experience in a very high paced environment and knowledge of a POS systems. Part-time bartender position is seasonal. Full-time waitress and (Part-time Seasonal waitress) – Enthusiastic applicants must have at least 1year experience and or have worked in the hospitality industry. Must be able to work in a fast-paced environment while keeping a professional manor. Part-time waitress position is seasonal. Most shifts for parttime starts at 3:45pm. Bussers – Part-time seasonal – must be comfortable working in a fine-dining environment and shifts are all evenings. We will train. Two Pot Washers/Dishwashers/Kitchen Cleaners. Must be able to lift heavy pots and pans, clean kitchen equipment and must be able to assist Chef in busting Lobster. No allergies to seafood please. Applicants must be a team player that can follow guidelines and direction from management is required. All positions will work weekends/nights/ holiday’s and Poker Run. Please send resume to: Landscaping Company seeks Landscape Laborers. Must be strong, fit and hard working. Driver’s license beneficial. Call 340-5872. Skyworld Food Theatre is seeking a Sous Chef. Two years minimum industry experience required. Please submit CV to

HELP WANTED FOXY’S on Jost Van Dyke is hiring immediately for full an d part time positions. Servers/Bartenders/ Line Cooks/ Chefs/ Maintenance/ Retail Staff/General Aid/ Farmer/ Data Entry Operator/Craft Brewer of Beer. Applicants must have pleasant, outgoing personality and be h a r dworkin g / trustworthy. BVIslanders or Belongers Preferred. Interested persons may forw a rd t h e ir resumé or work history descri p tion to or drop o f f in person at Foxy’s. No phone calls please . In order to continue developing the quality of educational provision two qualified teachers are required at Virgin Gorda Assembly of God Cornerstone Primary School. Belongers / Christian preferred. Please contact the Administrator Pastor Mr. Peter D’Abreau for more details etc. at 3415018 or Po. Box 1076, Valley, VG. Restaurant requires a chef with a minimum of three years experience in a fast paced kitchen. The applicant must be passionate about food preparation and working with fresh foods. Must also be very knowledgeable about the preparation of seafood and the use of Caribbean spices. Please send written application, portfolio and resume to: Front of the House Restaurant Managers - Immediate opening for a full time qualified, experienced, outgoing, fun, hardworking, and honest individuals at Myett's in Cane Garden Bay. Applicant must be flexible with working day and night. Caribbean restaurant & hospitality experience would be a plus. A couple team would also be considered. Event planning experience would also be a plus. Please email your resume and picture to Belongs preferred however will consider processing a work permit for the right fit. This ad is not being placed only to obtain a work permit. 1 labourer and 1 skilled wood worker needed for marine construction company. Call 5434464.

The BVI Beacon | October 12, 2017

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A BVI based Interior Design Consultancy seeks a competent “person” to assist with projects and co-ordination. Applicants must have experience both with interior design and supplier liaison. Knowledge of Caribbean styles and options essential as is experience of dealing between local contractors and clients. The successful candidate must demonstrate an understanding of computer literacy, CAD and Project presentation. Good interpersonal skills essential. This person must be willing to work weekends and long hours when necessary and hold a valid BVI driving license. Please apply by email to or in writing to Manager, P O Box 857, Road Town, Tortola, BVI.

lander & Belongers preferred, but all qualified candidates should send resume/CV including relevant employment references to:

PST Law is seeking to recruit an Associate Attorney to expand our civil, family and criminal practice. The candidate should be eligible to be admitted to the Bar of the Territory of the Virgin Islands and have an interest in civil and criminal litigation and be willing to work long hours. Candidate must also be capable of developing own clientele. Applications must be made in writing to the following by September 21st, 2017: Attn: Patrick Thompson, PST Law, P. O. Box 3850, Threllfall Road, Sea Cow’s Bay, Tortola, or Email:, Telephone: 284-346-8069

PEG LEG RESTAURANT at NANNY CAY seeking for the coming season full time and part-time BARTENDERS-WAITRESS-WAITER. All applicants must be skilled servers within hotel grade service training and hospitality experience. All qualified candidates apply by sending CV to BVI Belonger's preferred. Esquared Limited, DBA Hendo's Hideout, Jost Van Dyke, Virgin Islands is seeking full-time and part-time positions for the following: Bartenders, Wait Staff, Administrative Assistant, Accountant, Sales Clerk, Bar Manager, Line-Cook, Sous-Chef, Prep-Cook, Sushi Chef, Pastry Chef, Cleaner and Maintenance person, Dishwasher, Beach Waitress, and Operations Manager, Bartenders/Wait Staff/Cooks. Applicants must have 2 years’ experience working in a fast paced restaurant/resort. Must be familiar with POS systems and have a wide knowledge of food, wines, and cocktails. All Admin/Manager applicants must be proficient in Microsoft Office, Quickbooks, and POS systems. Cooks must be capable of preparing all types of food and have experience working in a busy kitchen. General Manager must have relevant experience working in this field for 5 + years and must be willing to reside on JVD. All candidates must be literate, personable, hard working and must be prepared to travel to or live on Jost Van Dyke. BVIs-

MACHINIST BENCH FITTER FABRICATOR required for machine shop. applicant must have at least five years’ experience in workshop processes and practice using standard machine shop tools and equipment. general duties to include turning, milling, boring, grinding, tube bending, welding. mail cv to 346 6735 Sales Associate - Latitude18 is seeking a part time/full time Sales Associate for our retail clothing stores. Must be an honest, reliable, and enthusiastic individual. Customer service, written and oral communications, math and computer skills are essential. Basic duties will include but are not limited to assisting store managers with all store duties such as selling to customers, restocking merchandise, keeping the stores in clean and presentable condition. Candidate must be physically fit and if required able to do heavy lifting. Successful applicant must provide their own transportation and be able to work at both our locations, Road Town and Frenchman’s Cay. Weekend, holiday and overtime work will be required when necessary. Previous experience is helpful but not mandatory. Please apply only if you meet all or most of the above requirements. ONLY BVIslanders or Belongers need apply. If you need a work permit or a work permit transfer we can’t help you. Please apply by emailing CV to or call 494-7807 for an appointment. Applications are available only from our main office in Sea Cows Bay. Diamond Construction is looking for three experienced construction workers. Applicants must be able to produce/finish at level 5 standard. Call 499-9933. Mangrove Guesthouse is looking for 1 full time and 1 parttime Housekeeping Attendant to join our team! For more information, contact 441-5752.

Necker Island (BV) Limited is seeking one Groundsman. The successful applicant must be based on Virgin Gorda and hold a valid, clean driver’s license. They must have basic knowledge of tropical plants, composting techniques, irrigation systems and pest control methods, and be able to lift loads exceeding 50lbs. They must have good communication skills in written and verbal English. Computer literacy an advantage. Please send your resume to People and Welfare Joanna Morris on: or call 393-3000 to request an application form. Chef’s Pantry Leverick Bay is seeking 1 full time Cashier/Truck driver. Must be willing to work Weekends, Holidays and nights. Deli duties, cleaning, cashing and stocking shelves part of the job. Good hygiene and people skills a must. BVI Islander/ belonger is preferred. Send resume to m OR Call Nirvanie @ 540 2596 Resume is a requirement. Marckenson Air Conditioning seeking one secretary. Call 284343-9511. El Toro Concrete Virgin Gorda BVI is currently seeking applicants with at least five 5) years’ experience to fill the following positions: cement truck drivers, heavy equipment operator, heavy equipment mechanic and concrete pump operator. Interested persons can send CV to or telephone 1-284-494-8533.

Page 28 | Thursday, October 12, 2017 | The BVI Beacon







Paradise Lounge Bar & Restaurant, Cane Garden Bay, kitchen assistant needed. Applicant must be able to work flexible hours. Please contact 495-9910.

WANTED: 1 Experienced Property Manager (min. 7 years). Must be involved in all functions that directly impact occupancy and the physical property including accountability for the physical management of the structures and outdoor areas. Must be able to take sound instruction, and work with pride, efficiency and independence. Call 4408160

STERLING GROUP (BVI) LTD seeking Compliance Consultant, with former or experience in the area of compliance for financial services. This individual will work closely with myriad clients, to assist with compliance assessments, identification and management of risks, training and strategy building for new lines of business. REQUIRED QUALIFICATION: The Compliance Consultant is a high energy organized thinker, a self-driven professional, possessing the following skills and attributes: At least 3 yrs. experience in the field of Compliance; Excellent knowledge of AMLTF regulatory guidelines; Problem solving skills with attention to detail with accuracy; Ability to prioritise tasks and work under pressure to meet deadlines; Strong interpersonal and closing skills. APPLICATIONS: May be emailed to:

Waitresses and waiters needed for very busy bar and restaurant;Must be well experienced, versatile, honest and capable to join our hard working team. Belongers and BVIslanders preferred. All applications Considered. Email.

Olde Yard Village Condominiums in Virgin Gorda requires a full-time Room Attendant with at least two (2) years housekeeping experience. Applicantsmustbewillingtoworkweekends and holidays, trustworthy, hardworking and respectful of people’s privacy. Interesting candidates, please email resumes to:

Driftwood Spa requires a Manager/Spa Therapist with at least 10 years experience and 1 Spa therapist with over 5 years experience. Apply to P.O. Box 852, Road Town, Tortola. AGS Ridgeview and Woodworking on Virgin Gorda is seeking applicants for the following positions: labourers, masons, carpenters, electricians, joiner and plumbers. Please send resume to: or call 494-8533. Successful candidates must be able to work unsupervised and have at least 5 years’ experience in the required fields. Must also be team players and willing to work hard. Landscape Company seeks experienced Operations Manager. Must be qualified Landscape Architect with at least 15 years’ experience in design, construction, maintenance of landscape & irrigation systems, familiar with subtropical plants. Detailed knowledge of irrigation systems set-up, repair and troubleshooting. Lead on design of both hard and soft landscape. Good communication skills to work closely with design groups and external consultants to support projects teams. Must be proficient in AutoCAD, Illustrator, Photoshop, Rhino and SketchUp. Fluency in English & Spanish an advantage. Excellent organization skills Email: Solid State Construction requires two landscape workers. Applicants must have general knowledge of plants. Interested persons can call to make an appointment or for further details. No. 340-8780. Belongers or BVIslanders preferred. A rapidly expanding Information Technology is seeking a Cisco and Jumper Specialist. This person must be cisco or jumper certified to serve our rapidly growing customer base. Please send resume to

Wheatley Transport Services is seeking an experienced Driver. Applicant must be bilingual, Class C license and shuttle permit preferred. Interested persons please email resume to or contact Dorna at 443-0034. Accountant for Apparel Company: Fast-growing locally based apparel brand seeks an accountant to assist with the growing demands of our business. The job will entail working with your US office and assisting with managing our sales reps and Caribbean accounts. The job includes but is not limited to these responsibilities: manage customer invoicing and payments; coordinate shipments to Tortola including freight & import duty payments; oversee BVI payroll, taxes and deductions; pay our sales reps and off-island employees; pay our suppliers and vendors in New York, Peru and China; manage cash flow from our several revenue streams: wholesale, local stores and online. Prepare financial reports to include monthly, quarterly and annual reports including sales summaries and P&L reports to be submitted to our external auditors. The applicant must be familiar with Quickbooks, have a minimum 4-years experience as an accountant, and be willing to work weekends and BVI holidays. Send CV to or mail to P.O. Box 857, Road Town. BVIslanders and belongers preferred. Unique Creations is looking for two Cosmetologists with at least 5 years’ experience. Interested persons please send resumes to: P.O. Box 1270 the Valley Virgin Gorda BVI.

Hot Spot Club is seeking bartenders. Send resume to PO Box 1048, The Valley Virgin Gorda, BVI. The Restaurant at Leverick Bay is looking for a Grounds Man/Handyman. Applicant must be hard working and willing to be a team player. A valid BVI Drivers License needed. Must work weekends and Holidays and some nights for events. BVIslanders preferred but all should apply. Please email resume or drop off at The Restaurant Office to schedule an interview. Late night Bartender needed, hours 6pm-2am Monday-Saturday. Must know how to mix drinks and knowledge of cash register. Contact 494-4995. Latin Connection seeking 2 Bartenders.Call 341-3588. Rest Easy Home Health & Care Agency is seeking 2 Health Care Workers. Please call phone 443-2899 or 541-4047. Marckenson Air Conditioning & Refrigeration looking for a Technician. Call 343-9511. Ecoscapes is currently seeking a Carpenter/Landscaping Builder.To apply call 547-3137.

Seeking one Babysitter. Call 3416210. Evergreen Quest House in Jost Van Dyke needs a Housekeeper with over two years’ experience. Phone 547-4293. Aragorn’s Studio seeking specialist in cutting Plasma. Contact 495-1849 or 542-0586. Two full time Cooks needed at Mimi’s Kitchen. Please contact 1-284-346-2276. Mervin’s Plumbing Services seeking (1) one Plumber. Call 343-8176. WANTED: One qualified Electrician with 10 years’ experience. Must have experience with Low Voltage Systems and be prepared to travel on boats, work weekends and holidays. Most jobs will be in VG. Call (284)-340-2996 to arrange an interview. Belongers preferred. Mine Shaft Is seeking the following positions: Chefs, Waiters, Bartenders. BVIslanders / Belongers Preferred. Send resumes to PO Box 1048, The Valley Virgin Gorda, BVI. BVI based term charter yacht looking for year round live aboard Captain and yacht Chef team. Must be a couple due to shared living quarters/sleeping berth, work long hours including holidaysandweekendsasrequired.Crew willberesponsibleforbusinessmanagement, accounting, marketing, daily running of yacht, mechanics, provisioning, menu,cleaningandmakingbeds,guest services. Both crew must have STCW, B1/B2 & CD1 visas and min 3 years upscale charter experience. Captain req’s valid license and Dive Instructor credentials. Chef req’s culinary training, Dive master min. BVIslanders/Belongers preferred. Email CV and documents to:

Structural Welding and Fabricating needs1Part-TimeStructuralWelding Supervisor - candidate must be fully certified, have a minimum of 15 years of Structural Welding Experience and willing to work weekends & holidays. Other job requirements will be discussed. Please call 284342-8643 RESIDENT MANAGER Luxury private island /resort in Caribbean seeks hands-on, experienced Resident GM, or couple, with at least 7 years in the hospitality industry to manage business including operations, guest services, and maintenance.Successful candidate will possess an education from an accredited hotel school and have strong communication, decisionmaking, organization and leadership skills. The ability to manage budgets and control costs in relation to revenue is necessary for position. Must have a strong working knowledge of inventory management, hotel operations, sales and marketing, food and beverage, marine engine & maintenance is required. Proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, PMS, POS, Quickbooks and booking systems is also required. Belonger preferred. Please send resume and professional references to: Portcullis (BVI) Ltd is currently seeking an experienced and driven individual to join our team as a Corporate Services Administrator. The responsibilities will involve all facets of incorporation and post-incorporation services, including the preparation of resolutions, certificates and registers, maintaining our database, liaising with clients, external service providers and other Portcullis Group offices and working together with the compliance department to obtain satisfactory due diligence. The successful candidate will have 3 or more years’ experience in a similar role and will ideally have an Associates Degree in a business related subject or ICSA certificate level qualification. They will have excellent communication and interpersonal skills, be self-motivated and be keen to work in a fast paced

Classifieds HELP WANTED and dynamic environment. To apply for this role, please email your CV and cover letter to with marked attention to the Managing Director by October 31st. WANTED: 1 Labourer (minimum 3 years); 1 Experienced Carpenter (min. 5 years), 1 Experienced Mason (min. 5years), 1 heavy equipment operator (min. 5 years; 1 experienced Welder; and 1 - 20 yard dump Truck Driver. Must be able to take sound instruction, and work with pride, efficiency and independence. CALL 440-8160. BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS, 150 Cover, very popular 'al fresco' Bistro type Bar and Grill located in the beautiful BVI specialising in open flame grilled Meats and Fish, seeking excellent, well adjusted, experienced, hands on Kitchen/Restaurant/Bar Manager to be a lead part in our small dedicated team. Must be experienced at least Sous chef/head chef kitchen responsibility, menu creations, cost controls, purchasing, staffing, administration, ensuring kitchen and restaurant protocol at all times, POS experienced and maximizing margins in a difficult island environment. Needs to have awesome maÎtre d' experience and the ability to be hands on daily in the restaurant and bar. Job Type: Full-time. Email. Chiropractor with sports massage experience needed. Belonger preferred. Email CV to Portcullis (BVI) Ltd is currently seeking an experienced and driven individual to join our team as a Corporate Services Administrator. The responsibilities will involve all facets of incorporation and post-incorporation services, including the preparation of resolutions, certificates and registers, maintaining our database, liaising with clients, external service providers and other Portcullis Group offices and working together with the compliance department to obtain satisfactory due diligence. The successful candidate will have 3 or more years’ experience in a similar role and will ideally have an Associates Degree in a business related subject or ICSA certificate level qualification. They

HELP WANTED will have excellent communication and interpersonal skills, be self-motivated and be keen to work in a fast paced and dynamic environment. To apply for this role, please email your CV and cover letter to with marked attention to the Managing Director by October 31st. The British Virgin Islands Red Cross is at an exciting stage of development as it continues to support the recovery efforts following the disasters of the 2017 hurricane season. The organization is committed to meeting the needs of persons who are vulnerable to crisis and disasters. We are looking for suitably qualified individual to fill the following position: Disaster Management (DM) Officer: working under the direction of the Programme Manager, the DM Officer will support all programmatic activities of the BVI Red Cross related to emergency response, disaster risk reduction and resilience-building at the community level. The salaries offered will be commensurate with qualification, experience and ability. Job descriptions and application form can be found on the BVI Red Cross Facebook page. Applicants should send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and the completed application form to by October 19, 2017. Early applications are encouraged. The British Virgin Islands Red Cross is at an exciting stage of development as it continues to support the recovery efforts following the disasters of the 2017 hurricane season. The organization is committed to meeting the needs of persons who are vulnerable to crisis and disasters. We are looking for suitably qualified individual to fill the following position: Finance and Administration Manager: to support the Director of the BVI Red Cross to ensure the effective and efficient financial and administrative management of the Branch, enabling it to deliver activities and services as defined in its work plan. The salaries offered will be commensurate with qualification, experience and ability. Job descriptions and application form can be found on the BVI Red Cross Facebook page. Applicants should send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and the com-

HELP WANTED pleted application form to by October 19, 2017. Early applications are encouraged. The British Virgin Islands Red Cross is at an exciting stage of development as it continues to support the recovery efforts following the disasters of the 2017 hurricane season. The organization is committed to meeting the needs of persons who are vulnerable to crisis and disasters. We are looking for suitably qualified individual to fill the following position: Programme Manager: working closely with the Director, the Programme Manager is responsible for planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating BVI Red Cross projects and activities, including disaster management and risk reduction programmes. The salaries offered will be commensurate with qualification, experience and ability. Job descriptions and application form can be found on the BVI Red Cross Facebook page. Applicants should send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and the completed application form to by October 19, 2017. Early applications are encouraged. The British Virgin Islands Red Cross is at an exciting stage of development as it continues to support the recovery efforts following the disasters of the 2017 hurricane season. The organization is committed to meeting the needs of persons who are vulnerable to crisis and disasters. We are looking for suitably qualified individual to fill the following position: Volunteer & Support Coordinator: will support both the Director and the Programme Manager in all aspects of the volunteer management cycle, including managing the First Aid programme, together with overseeing all aspects of general office coordination. The salaries offered will be commensurate with qualification, experience and ability. Job descriptions and application form can be found on the BVI Red Cross Facebook page. Applicants should send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and the completed application form to by October 19, 2017. Early applications are encouraged.

The BVI Beacon | October 12, 2017

SERVICES Chapman Learning Center Daycare and Preschool is accepting application for the 2017-2018 Academic School Year. Location: Towers, West End up from the Towers Well through a red gate. For more information call Mrs. Carol Dawson at 284440-3359, 495-9070, 499-8301. "Learning is Fun and Creative"

NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE THE ESTATE ROADWAY, Verges, Foot Path and Beach Parcel at Little Trunk Bay Estate, Virgin Gorda will be closed midnight 10 September 2016 to midnight 11 September 2017. Signed Esther Development Co. AVIATION TRINITY CORPORATION (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) BC No. 1745232 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to section 204(1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on the 10th day of October, 2017. The Liquidator is Eduardo Jose Neves, with address at Rua Vereda do Amanhecer, 202, Veredas das Geraes, Nova Lima, MG, Brazil, 34000-00. DATED: October 10, 2017. Sgd: Eduardo Jose Neves.

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NOTICES WHITE RAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED (In Voluntary Liquidation) Company No. 646013 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 204, subsection (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on the 6th day of October, 2017. The Liquidator is Humphry Leue of Macnamara Road, P.O. Box 4754, Road Town, Tortola VG1110, British Virgin Islands. Dated this 9th day of October, 2017. Sgd: Humphry Leue, Voluntary Liquidator.

TEXVILLE LIMITED Company No. 133454 (In Voluntary Liquidation) NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 204 (1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that TEXVILLE LIMITED. is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on 6th October, 2017 and ARMIN DOBLER of Heiligkreuz 6, 9490 Vaduz, Principality of Liechtenstein, has been appointed as the Sole Liquidator. Dated this 11th day of October, 2017. Sgd: ARMIN DOBLER, Voluntary Liquidator.

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TORA INVESTMENTS LTD IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION Company No. 1042213 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 204, subsection (1) (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is voluntary liquidation commenced on the 26th day of September, 2017. The liquidator is Galatia Efstathiou of 30 Gr. Xenopoulou Street, 3106 Limassol, Cyprus. Dated: 9th day of October, 2017. Sgd: Galatia Efstathiou, Voluntary Liquidator

KEY POINT MEDIA GROUP INC. (In Voluntary Liquidation) (BC No. 1670418) Notice is hereby given that KEY POINT MEDIA GROUP INC.: - is in voluntary liquidation; - commenced voluntary liquidation on 5 October 2017; - Angela Diane Zympilou is the Liquidator whose address is at Idaliou 2, P.C. 4632, Kolossi, Limassol, Cyprus. Sgd: Angela Diane Zympilou, Liquidator

GAZIO ASSET HOLDINGS LIMITED IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION Company No. 1805451 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 204, subsection (1) (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is voluntary liquidation commenced on the 25th day of September, 2017. The liquidator is Galatia Efstathiou of 30 Gr. Xenopoulou Street, 3106 Limassol, Cyprus. Dated: 9th day of October, 2017 Sgd: Galatia Efstathiou Voluntary Liquidator

THE BVI BUSINESS COMPANIES ACT, 2004 TROPIC PARTNERS CORP. (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the British Virgin Islands Business Companies Act, 2004: a) TROPIC PARTNERS CORP. is in dissolution; b) The date of commencement of the dissolution is the 9th October, 2017; c) Alex Rolando MUNOZ DE LA ROSA of Avenida 12 de Octubre, Villas de Andalucia Bdg, Office 1-D Tower A, Panama, Republic of Panama is the Liquidator. Sgd: Alex Rolando MUNOZ DE LA ROSA, Voluntary. Dated: 9th October, 2017.

STANZA BUSINESS SERVICES LIMITED IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION Company No. 1600388 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 204, subsection (1) (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is voluntary liquidation commenced on the 29th day of September, 2017. The liquidator is Andreas Raftis of 30 Gr. Xenopoulou Street, 3106 Limassol, Cyprus. Dated: 9th day of October, 2017. Sgd: Andreas Raftis, Voluntary Liquidator NEROCELLE INVESTMENTS LIMITED IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION Company No. 1789106 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 204, subsection (1) (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is voluntary liquidation commenced on the 9th day of October, 2017. The liquidator is Galatia Efstathiou of 30 Gr. Xenopoulou Street, 3106 Limassol, Cyprus. Dated: 10th day of October, 2017. Sgd: Galatia Efstathiou, Voluntary Liquidator MARPLUS LIMITED IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION Company No. 1827145 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 204, subsection (1) (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is voluntary liquidation commenced on the 5th day of September, 2017. The liquidator is Andreas Raftis of 30 Gr. Xenopoulou Street, 3106 Limassol, Cyprus. Dated: 9th day of October, 2017. Sgd: Andreas Raftis, Voluntary Liquidator HOKLEY BUSINESS SERVICES LIMITED IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION Company No. 1777763 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 204, subsection (1) (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is voluntary liquidation commenced on the 10th day of September, 2017. The liquidator is Galatia Efstathiou of 30 Gr. Xenopoulou Street, 3106 Limassol, Cyprus. Dated: 9th day of October, 2017. Sgd: Galatia Efstathiou, Voluntary Liquidator PRENE INVESTMENTS LIMITED IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION Company No. 1805451 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 204, subsection (1) (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is voluntary liquidation commenced on the 19th day of September, 2017. The liquidator is Galatia Efstathiou of 30 Gr. Xenopoulou Street, 3106 Limassol, Cyprus. Dated: 9th day of October, 2017. Sgd: Galatia Efstathiou, Voluntary Liquidator

THE BVI BUSINESS COMPANIES ACT, 2004 ZIP ADVISORS CORP. (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the British Virgin Islands Business Companies Act, 2004: a) ZIP ADVISORS CORP. is in dissolution; b) The date of commencement of the dissolution is the 6th October, 2017; c) Roberto RODRIGUEZ BERNAL of El Dorado – Home N°7, Boulevard Marcasa, Corregimiento de Rio Abajo, Panama, Republic of Panama is the Liquidator. Sgd: Roberto RODRIGUEZ BERNAL, Voluntary. Dated: 6th October, 2017. VECTUM LIMITED IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION Company No. 1827203 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 204, subsection (1) (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is voluntary liquidation commenced on the 29th day of September, 2017. The liquidator is Galatia Efstathiou of 30 Gr. Xenopoulou Street, 3106 Limassol, Cyprus. Dated: 9th day of October, 2017. Sgd: Galatia Efstathiou, Voluntary Liquidator

WELMONT GROUP LTD. BVI Company N° 1622919 (the "Company") a BVI Business Company NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 204(1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that Michella Callender of La Toscana, Calle Palladium, Casa 24-E, Corregimiento de Juan Diaz, Panama City, Panama, has been appointed as the voluntary liquidator of the Company pursuant to a resolution of the directors of the Company dated October 10, 2017 and the resolution of the member(s) of the Company dated October 10, 2017. Dated this October 10, 2017. DOWEL TRADE AND INVEST. LIMITED IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION Company No. 1763172 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 204, subsection (1) (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is voluntary liquidation commenced on the 28th day of September, 2017. The liquidator is Galatia Efstathiou of 30 Gr. Xenopoulou Street, 3106 Limassol, Cyprus. Dated: 9th day of October, 2017 Sgd: Galatia Efstathiou Voluntary Liquidator

TSN Brands LTD. (In Voluntary Liquidation) (BC No. 1558881) Notice is hereby given that TSN Brands LTD.: - is in voluntary liquidation; - commenced voluntary liquidation on 10 October 2017; - Diana Agathokleous is the Liquidator whose address is at Makedonias Street 2B, P.C. 4540, Paramitha, Limassol, Cyprus. Sgd: Diana Agathokleous, Liquidator ASB Technologies LTD (In Voluntary Liquidation) (BC No. 1578883) Notice is hereby given that ASB Technologies LTD: - is in voluntary liquidation; commenced voluntary liquidation on 10 October 2017; Diana Agathokleous is the Liquidator whose address is at Makedonias Street 2B, P.C. 4540, Paramitha, Limassol, Cyprus. Sgd: Diana Agathokleous, Liquidator STRUCK OFF BUTTE INVESTMENTS LIMITED (In Voluntary Liquidation) Company No. 1439152 NOTICE is hereby give pursuant to Section 208, subsection (3) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company was dissolved and struck off the Register of Companies with effect from 26th day of Septemebr, 2017. Dated this 9th day of October, 2017 Sgd: Galatia Efstathiou Voluntary Liquidator

SUBO INVESTMENTS LTD. IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION Company No. 1059165 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 204, subsection (1) (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is voluntary liquidation commenced on the 29th day of September, 2017. The liquidator is Humphry Leue of Alpha Consulting Services Inc., PO Box 4754, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands. Dated: 9th October, 2017. Sgd: Humphry Leue, Voluntary Liquidator


The BVI Beacon | October 12, 2017

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TANGUY BUSINESS CORP. (In Voluntary Liquidation) Business Company No.: 607289 NOTICE is hereby given to Section pursuant 204(1)(a)(i) and (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on the 3rd day of October, 2017. The Liquidator is Elmar Jerjen of Scheideggstrasse 75, 8038 Zürich, Switzerland. Dated this 10th day of October, 2017. SGD: Elmar Jerjen, Voluntary Liquidator

Xirotia Ltd. (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) BC No. 1513000 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to section 204(1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on the 9th day of October 2017. The Liquidator is Kimberlly Zagira Tello Guerra with address at Panama, Arraijan, El Tecal Por El Tajonazo Pasando a la Derecha Hasta el Final Casa F39 Verde. DATED: 9th day of October 2017. Signed: Kimberlly Zagira Tello Guerra

WHITWELL SERVICES HOLDINGS LIMITED IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION Company No. 1806106 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 204, subsection (1) (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is voluntary liquidation commenced on the 19th day of September, 2017. The liquidator is Irina Loutchina Skittides of 15, Dimokritou Street, Panaretos Eliana Complex, Office 104 Potamos Germasogeias 4041, Limassol, Cyprus. Dated: 9th day of October, 2017. Sgd: Galatia Efstathiou, Voluntary Liquidator

Page 32 | October 12, 2017 | The BVI Beacon ALPHA PRINCIPAL HOLDINGS LIMITED IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION Company No. 1856621 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 204, subsection (1) (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is voluntary liquidation commenced on the 20th day of September, 2017. The liquidator is Andreas Raftis of 30 Gr. Xenopoulou Street, 3106 Limassol, Cyprus. Dated: 9th day of October, 2017 Sgd: Andreas Raftis Voluntary Liquidator SAMURAL INVESTMENTS LTD. BVI Company N° 374516 (the "Company") a BVI Business Company NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 204(1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that Michella Callender of La Toscana, Calle Palladium, Casa 24-E, Corregimiento de Juan Diaz, Panama City, Panama, has been appointed as the voluntary liquidator of the Company pursuant to a resolution of the directors of the Company dated October 10, 2017 and the resolution of the member(s) of the Company dated October 10, 2017. Dated this October 10, 2017.

RANDBURG CAPITAL LTD. BVI Company N° 1799929 (the "Company") a BVI Business Company NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 204(1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that Michella Callender of La Toscana, Calle Palladium, Casa 24-E, Corregimiento de Juan Diaz, Panama City, Panama, has been appointed as the voluntary liquidator of the Company pursuant to a resolution of the directors of the Company dated October 10, 2017 and the resolution of the member(s) of the Company dated October 10, 2017. Dated this October 10, 2017.

LANDMAIN COMPANY LTD. BVI Company N° 1842355 (the "Company") a BVI Business Company NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 204(1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that Michella Callender of La Toscana, Calle Palladium, Casa 24-E, Corregimiento de Juan Diaz, Panama City, Panama, has been appointed as the voluntary liquidator of the Company pursuant to a resolution of the directors of the Company dated October 10, 2017 and the resolution of the member(s) of the Company dated October 10, 2017. Dated this October 10, 2017.

GREAT PORTLAND LTD. BVI Company N° 1466342 (the "Company") a BVI Business Company NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 204(1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that Mr. Bernard Alfred Haissly with address at Chemin du Petray 33, 1222 Vesenaz, Switzerland, has been appointed as the voluntary liquidator of the Company pursuant to a resolution of the directors of the Company dated October 10, 2017 and the resolution of the member(s) of the Company dated October 10, 2017. Dated this October 10, 2017.

Notices G2 Crew Services Limited BVI Company N° 1730354 (the "Company") a BVI Business Company NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 204(1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that Michella Callender of La Toscana, Calle Palladium, Casa 24-E, Corregimiento de Juan Diaz, Panama City, Panama, has been appointed as the voluntary liquidator of the Company pursuant to a resolution of the directors of the Company dated October 10, 2017 and the resolution of the member(s) of the Company dated October 10, 2017. Dated this October 10, 2017.

MBrothers LTD (In Voluntary Liquidation) (BC No. 1762332) Notice is hereby given that MBrothers LTD: - is in voluntary liquidation; - commenced voluntary liquidation on 9 October 2017; - Ms. Yuliia Khirska is the Liquidator whose address is at Pavlivska Street 4/8, apartment 8, Kyiv 01054, Ukraine. Sgd: Ms. Yuliia Khirska, Liquidator

ALPAREX LTD. BVI Company N° 408499 (the "Company") a BVI Business Company NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 204(1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that Mr. Bernard Alfred Haissly with address at Chemin du Petray 33, 1222 Vesenaz, Switzerland, has been appointed as the voluntary liquidator of the Company pursuant to a resolution of the directors of the Company dated October 10, 2017 and the resolution of the member(s) of the Company dated October 10, 2017. Dated this October 10, 2017.

BERINGER VENTURES LIMITED Company No.: 493452 (A BVI Business Company) (In Voluntary Dissolution) NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 204, subsection (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on 6th October, 2017 and the liquidator is Corinna Shan-Shan Lam of 2503 Bank of America Tower, 12 Harcourt Road, Central, Hong Kong. Dated this 10th day of October, 2017. For and on behalf of BERINGER VENTURES LIMITED. Sgd: Commence Overseas Ltd.

DAWSON UNITED LTD. BVI Company N° 1760601 (the "Company") a BVI Business Company NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 204(1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that Michella Callender of La Toscana, Calle Palladium, Casa 24-E, Corregimiento de Juan Diaz, Panama City, Panama, has been appointed as the voluntary liquidator of the Company pursuant to a resolution of the directors of the Company dated October 10, 2017 and the resolution of the member(s) of the Company dated October 10, 2017. Dated this October 10, 2017.

Mitraduo Ltd. (In Voluntary Liquidation) (BC No. 1927745) Notice is hereby given that Mitraduo Ltd.: - is in voluntary liquidation; - commenced voluntary liquidation on 9 October 2017; - Mr. Guy Yvon Marie is the Liquidator whose address is at Beau Vallon, Mahe, Seychelles. Sgd: Mr. Guy Yvon Marie, Liquidator

NETHERTON HOLDINGS INC. BVI Company N° 287374 (the "Company") a BVI Business Company NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 204(1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that Michella Callender of La Toscana, Calle Palladium, Casa 24-E, Corregimiento de Juan Diaz, Panama City, Panama, has been appointed as the voluntary liquidator of the Company pursuant to a resolution of the directors of the Company dated October 10, 2017 and the resolution of the member(s) of the Company dated October 10, 2017. Dated this October 10, 2017.

FLORES INVESTMENTS LTD. BVI Company N° 499683 (the "Company") a BVI Business Company NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 204(1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that Michella Callender of La Toscana, Calle Palladium, Casa 24-E, Corregimiento de Juan Diaz, Panama City, Panama, has been appointed as the voluntary liquidator of the Company pursuant to a resolution of the directors of the Company dated October 10, 2017 and the resolution of the member(s) of the Company dated October 10, 2017. Dated this October 10, 2017.


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Notices GOOD WILL SERVE INC. (the "Company") a BVI Business Company BVI Company N° 1807215 NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 204(1) (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that Androulla Mantoles of 13 Zyrichis, Pissides Court, office/flat 202, 3048 Limassol, Cyprus has been appointed as the voluntary liquidator(s) of the Company pursuant to a resolution of the director(s) of the Company dated September 18, 2017 and the resolution of the member(s) of the Company dated September 18, 2017. Dated on this 18 day of September, 2017. LOUSBURG MANAGING CORP. (the "Company") a BVI Business Company BVI Company N° 524359 NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 204(1) (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that Mr. Neofytos Proteriotis, residing at Kimonos 27, 4630, Erimi, Limassol, Cyprus has been appointed as the voluntary liquidator(s) of the Company pursuant to a resolution of the director(s) of the Company dated September 4, 2017 and the resolution of the member(s) of the Company dated September 4, 2017. Dated on this September 4, 2017. NEESON LIMITED (the "Company") a BVI Business Company BVI Company N° 1386205 NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 204(1) (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that RAQUEL ZORAIDA GONZALEZ LARA, with address at Plaza Centro Building, No. 8, Ricardo J. Alfaro Avenue, El Dorado, City of Panama, Republic of Panama has been appointed as the voluntary liquidator(s) of the Company pursuant to a resolution of the director(s) of the Company dated September 20th, 2017 and the resolution of the member(s) of the Company dated September 20th, 2017. Dated on this 20 day of September, 2017.

SibOil Ltd (the "Company") a BVI Business Company BVI Company N° 1848841 NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 204(1) (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that Stathia Dimofanous of 6 Kyknou street, 3070 Limassol, Cyprus has been appointed as the voluntary liquidator(s) of the Company pursuant to a resolution of the director(s) of the Company dated August 24th, 2017 and the resolution of the member(s) of the Company dated August 24th, 2017. Dated on this 24 day of August, 2017. PRISTELLA FINANCIAL LTD. (the "Company") a BVI Business Company BVI Company N° 1787369 NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 204(1) (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that Stathia Dimofanous of 6 Kyknou street, 3070 Limassol, Cyprus has been appointed as the voluntary liquidator(s) of the Company pursuant to a resolution of the director(s) of the Company dated October 4, 2017 and the resolution of the member(s) of the Company dated October 4, 2017. Dated on this 4 day of October, 2017.

PIGASUS SERVICES LTD (the "Company") a BVI Business Company BVI Company N° 1791260 NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 204(1) (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that ROIS POTAMITIS, of 13 Lamartincu, 3076, Limassol, Cyprus has been appointed as the voluntary liquidator(s) of the Company pursuant to a resolution of the director(s) of the Company dated September 22, 2017 and the resolution of the member(s) of the Company dated September 22, 2017. Dated on this September 22, 2017.

TAYER HOLDINGS LTD. (the "Company") a BVI Business Company BVI Company N° 1690830 NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 204(1) (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that Charoulla Lesta of 205 Christodoulou Chatzipavlou, Louloupis court, 2nd Floor, Flat 201, 3036 Limassol, Cyprus has been appointed as the voluntary liquidator(s) of the Company pursuant to a resolution of the director(s) of the Company dated September 21, 2017 and the resolution of the member(s) of the Company dated September 21, 2017. Dated on this 21 day of September, 2017.

FRAIN OVERSEAS LTD. Company No. 1908230 (In Voluntary Liquidation) NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 204 (1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that FRAIN OVERSEAS LTD. is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on 1st September, 2017 and Ursula Guss of Holbeinstrasse 20, Postfach 9274, 8036 Zürich, Switzerland, has been appointed as the Sole Liquidator. Dated this 5th day of September, 2017. Sgd: Ursula Guss, Voluntary Liquidator.

Notices SARNIA HOLDINGS CORP. (the "Company") a BVI Business Company BVI Company N° 1513110 NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 204(1) (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that Christophe Fischer at Rue des Battoirs 7, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland has been appointed as the voluntary liquidator of the Company pursuant to a resolution of the director of the Company dated October 5, 2017 and the resolution of the member of the Company dated October 5, 2017. Dated on this October 5, 2017.

BLUEGARDEN TRADING LTD (In Voluntary Liquidation) Company No. 1066982 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 204, subsection (1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on 4th October 2017.The liquidator is Mr Harry Thompson of Harbour House, PO Box 4428, Tortola, British Virgin Islands. Dated 05 October 2017. Sgd: Mr Harry Thompson, Liquidator.

Bellarosa Holdings Ltd (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) BC No. 1623125 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to section 204(1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on the 5th day of October 2017. The Liquidator is Phani Schiza with address at Antoniou of 16, Krinon street, 3110, Limassol, Cyprus. DATED: 5th day of October 2017. Sgd: Phani Schiza.

Dunmore Properties Services Inc. (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) BC No. 1795541 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to section 204(1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on the 5th day of September, 2017. The Liquidator is Yanielle Gomez of Delta Tower, 8th Floor, Elvira Mendez St. & Via Espana #122 Panama. DATED: 5th October, 2017. Sgd: Yanielle Gomez.

White Cosmos Ltd (Company Number: 1819699) (the “Company”) NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to 204(1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on 2nd day of October 2017. The Liquidator is Cassandra Glasgow-Penn, of Chapel Hill, East End, Tortola, British Virgin Islands, VG 1120. Dated: 9th October 2017. Sgd: Cassandra Glasgow-Penn, Liquidator.

LEDA DEVELOPMENT VENTURES CORP. (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) BC No. 1616964 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to section 204(1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on the 5th day of October 2017. The Liquidator is Fanny BUSHI with address at 2 rue Thalberg, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland. DATED: 5th day of October 2017. Sgd: Fanny Bushi.

The BVI Beacon | October 12, 2017

Spinel Group Limited (In Voluntary Liquidation) Company No. 1707850 Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 204(1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on 6th day of October, 2017. The Liquidator is Anna Vidal of Athanasiou Diakou 9A, 2643 Nicosia Ergates, Cyprus. Dated this 6th day of October, 2017. Sgd: Anna Vidal. THE BVI BUSINESS COMPANIES ACT, 2004 ALIZE WORLDWIDE LTD. (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the British Virgin Islands Business Companies Act, 2004: a) ALIZE WORLDWIDE LTD. is in dissolution; b) The date of commencement of the dissolution is the 6th October, 2017; c) Thomas REISCHL of Landstrasse 25, 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein is the Liquidator. Sgd: Thomas REISCHL, Voluntary. Dated: 6th October, 2017.

THE BVI BUSINESS COMPANIES ACT, 2004 EANDJ SERVICES LIMITED (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the British Virgin Islands Business Companies Act, 2004: a) EANDJ SERVICES LIMITED is in dissolution; b) The date of commencement of the dissolution is the 29th August, 2017; c) Diego L. Restrepo, Esq. of 2600 South Douglas Road, Suite 913 Coral Gables, FL 33134, United States is the Liquidator. Sgd: Diego L. Restrepo, Esq., CPA. Dated: 29th August 2017

THE BVI BUSINESS COMPANIES ACT, 2004 NEWFIELD ASSETS LIMITED (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the British Virgin Islands Business Companies Act, 2004: a) NEWFIELD ASSETS LIMITED is in dissolution; b) The date of commencement of the dissolution is the 5th October, 2017; c) Mr. Andreas Papasiantis of Dragatsaniou 15, Latsia 2220, Nicosia, Cyprus is the Liquidator. Sgd: Mr. Andreas Papasiantis, Voluntary. Dated: 5th October, 2017.

THE BVI BUSINESS COMPANIES ACT, 2004 RIDLEY TRADE LIMITED (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the British Virgin Islands Business Companies Act, 2004: a) RIDLEY TRADE LIMITED is in dissolution; b) The date of commencement of the dissolution is the 01 September, 2017; c) Roberto RODRIGUEZ BERNAL of El Dorado – Home N° 7, Boulevard Marcasa, Corregimiento de Rio Abajo, Panama, Republic of Panama is the Liquidator. Sgd: Roberto RODRIGUEZ BERNAL. Dated: 01 September, 2017.

GERIMILLE COMMERCIAL CORP. Company No. 1607686 (In Voluntary Liquidation) NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 204 (1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that GERIMILLE COMMERCIAL CORP. is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on 4th October, 2017 and QUERUBE C. DE NUÑEZ of MMG Tower, Ave, Paseo del Mar, Costa del Este, Panama City Rep. of Panama, has been appointed as the Sole Liquidator. Dated this 9th day of October, 2017. Sgd: QUERUBE C. DE NUÑEZ, Voluntary Liquidator.

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Annirose Ltd. (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) BC No. 1045887 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to section 204(1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on the 5th day of October 2017. The Liquidator is Fanny Bushi with address at 2 rue Thalberg, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland. DATED: 5th day of October 2017. Sgd: Fanny Bushi. RAINER TRADING S.A. (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) BC No. 1669296 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to section 204(1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on the 5th day of October 2017. The Liquidator is Ilka Himer with address at Landstrasse 39, LI9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein. DATED: 5th day of October 2017. Sgd: Ilka Himer. Zarp Enterprises Ltd. (In Voluntary Liquidation) Company No. 1758437 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 204, subsection (1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on 5th October 2017. The liquidator is Mr Harry Thompson of Harbour House, PO Box 4428, Tortola, British Virgin Islands. Dated 6th October 2017. Sgd: Mr Harry Thompson, Liquidator. Zarp Enterprises Ltd. (In Voluntary Liquidation) Company No. 1758437 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 204, subsection (1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on 5th October 2017. The liquidator is Mr Harry Thompson of Harbour House, PO Box 4428, Tortola, British Virgin Islands. Dated 6th October 2017. Sgd: Mr Harry Thompson, Liquidator.

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NOTICES BVI Business Companies Act TRENFIN ENTERPRISES LIMITED Voluntary Liquidation Notice is hereby given that TRENFIN ENTERPRISES LIMITED has been dissolved and has been struck from the Register of Companies. Sgd: John B. Foster, Liquidator.

BVI Business Companies Act BOULTON OVERSEAS LIMITED Voluntary Liquidation Notice is hereby given that BOULTON OVERSEAS LIMITED has been dissolved and has been struck from the Register of Companies. Sgd: Gabriela Perez, Liquidator.

HOMESTEAD OVERSEAS CORP. BVI Business Company Act. (Voluntary Liquidation) Notice is hereby given that the voluntary dissolution of HOMESTEAD OVERSEAS CORP. commenced on 3rd October, 2017 and that Marcos A. Munoz of Calle 4a #1836, Ciudad Radial, Juan Diaz, City of Panama, Republic of Panama. has been appointed liquidator of the company. Dated this 6th October, 2017. Sgd: Marcos A. Munoz, Liquidator.

ALTAMIRA HOLDINGS LIMITED BVI Business Company Act. (Voluntary Liquidation) Notice is hereby given that the voluntary dissolution of ALTAMIRA HOLDINGS LIMITED commenced on 3rd October, 2017 and that Arturo Halatzian of Araoz 137, CABA 1414, Argentina. has been appointed liquidator of the company. Dated this 6th October, 2017. Sgd: Arturo Halatzian, Liquidator.





Michberg Commercial Traders Ltd. BVI Business Company Act. (Voluntary Liquidation) Notice is hereby given that the voluntary dissolution of Michberg Commercial Traders Ltd. commenced on 4th September, 2017 and that Marcos A. Munoz of Calle 4a #1836, Ciudad Radial, Juan Diaz, City of Panama, Republic of Panama. has been appointed liquidator of the company. Dated this 6th October, 2017. Sgd: Marcos A. Munoz, Liquidator.

GLITTERMAN LIMITED BVI Business Company Act. (Voluntary Liquidation) Notice is hereby given that the voluntary dissolution of GLITTERMAN LIMITED commenced on 1st September, 2017 and that JOHN B. FOSTER of La Alegria de Praderas del Rocio, Villa Zaita, Las Cumbres Casa C-217 Panama, Republic of Panama. has been appointed liquidator of the company. Dated this 6th October, 2017. Sgd: JOHN B. FOSTER, Liquidator.

BVI Business Companies Act ISKRA INVEST S.A. Voluntary Liquidation Notice is hereby given that ISKRA INVEST S.A. has been dissolved and has been struck from the Register of Companies. Sgd: John B. Foster, Liquidator.

CRINBOW INTERNATIONAL LTD BVI Business Company Act. (Voluntary Liquidation) Notice is hereby given that the voluntary dissolution of CRINBOW INTERNATIONAL LTD commenced on 1st September, 2017 and that Gaston Silveira of 25 de Mayo 713/301, Montevideo, Uruguay. has been appointed liquidator of the company. Dated this 6th October, 2017. Sgd: Gaston Silveira, Liquidator.

CFL Service Inc. BVI Business Company Act. (Voluntary Liquidation) Notice is hereby given that the voluntary dissolution of CFL Service Inc. commenced on 4th September, 2017 and that Ismenia Guerra of Fco Noguera 200, Providencia, Santiago, Chile. has been appointed liquidator of the company. Dated this 6th October, 2017. Sgd: Ismenia Guerra, Liquidator.

HERBEST FINANCE LIMITED BVI Business Company Act. (Voluntary Liquidation) Notice is hereby given that the voluntary dissolution of HERBEST FINANCE LIMITED commenced on 3rd October, 2017 and that Ernesto Castillo Cho of Urbanizacion Brisas del Golf, Calle 44 Oeste, Casa L241, Panama, Republic of Panama. has been appointed liquidator of the company. Dated this 6th October, 2017. Sgd: Ernesto Castillo Cho, Liquidator.

Latinoamericana de Alimentos S.A. BVI Business Company Act. (Voluntary Liquidation) Notice is hereby given that the voluntary dissolution of Latinoamericana de Alimentos S.A. commenced on 3rd October, 2017 and that Oscar Hernan Toro Salazar of Democratica Sur, Manzana 28, villa 2, Duran, Ecuador. has been appointed liquidator of the company. Dated this 6th October, 2017. Sgd: Oscar Hernan Toro Salazar, Liquidator.

ZODIAC ASSET HOLDINGS LIMITED BVI Business Company Act. (Voluntary Liquidation) Notice is hereby given that the voluntary dissolution of ZODIAC ASSET HOLDINGS LIMITED commenced on 3rd October, 2017 and that John B. Foster of La Alegria de Praderas del Rocio, Casa # C-217, Villa Zaita, Las Cumbres, Panama, Republic of Panama. has been appointed liquidator of the company. Dated this 6th October, 2017. Sgd: John B. Foster, Liquidator.

LUDIVERSE INC. BVI Business Company Act. (Voluntary Liquidation) Notice is hereby given that the voluntary dissolution of LUDIVERSE INC. commenced on 31st August, 2017 and that JOHN B. FOSTER of La Alegria de Praderas del Rocio, Casa C-217, Villa Zaita, Las Cumbres, Panama, Republic of Panama. has been appointed liquidator of the company. Dated this 6th October, 2017. Sgd: JOHN B. FOSTER, Liquidator.

AMBERGRIS ENTERPRISES INC. BVI Business Company Act. (Voluntary Liquidation) Notice is hereby given that the voluntary dissolution of AMBERGRIS ENTERPRISES INC. commenced on 3rd October, 2017 and that Ernesto Castillo Cho of Urbanizacion Brisas del Golf, Calle 44 Oeste, Casa L241, Panama, Republic of Panama. has been appointed liquidator of the company. Dated this 6th October, 2017. Sgd: Ernesto Castillo Cho, Liquidator.

ETANA LIMITED BVI Business Company Act. (Voluntary Liquidation) Notice is hereby given that the voluntary dissolution of ETANA LIMITED commenced on 31st August, 2017 and that Antoine Mari of 41, Avenue Hector Otto, 98000 Monaco. has been appointed liquidator of the company. Dated this 6th October, 2017. Sgd: Antoine Mari, Liquidator.

VALERIE SHIPPING INC. BVI Business Company Act. (Voluntary Liquidation) Notice is hereby given that the voluntary dissolution of VALERIE SHIPPING INC. commenced on 3rd October, 2017 and that Riccardo Spigolon of 74 boulevard d' Italie, 98000 Monaco. has been appointed liquidator of the company. Dated this 6th October, 2017. Sgd: Riccardo Spigolon, Liquidator.

The BVI Beacon | October 12, 2017

NOTICES Sophia Shipping Inc. BVI Business Company Act. (Voluntary Liquidation) Notice is hereby given that the voluntary dissolution of Sophia Shipping Inc. commenced on 3rd October, 2017 and that Riccardo Spigolon of 74 boulevard d' Italie, 98000 Monaco. has been appointed liquidator of the company. Dated this 6th October, 2017. Sgd: Riccardo Spigolon, Liquidator. ADRAMA ASSOCIATES LTD BVI Company N° 1916340 NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 204(1) (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that Mr. Nikos Korellis of 29 Kalograion str., 1021 Nicosia, Cyprus has been appointed as the voluntary liquidator(s) of the Company pursuant to a resolution of the director(s) of the Company dated September 18th, 2017 and the resolution of the member(s) of the Company dated September 18, 2017. Dated on this 18 day of September, 2017.

BARANOKI CORP. BVI Company N°1792383 NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 204(1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that SERGIO RISSO FERRARO with address at Costa Rica 1661/103, Montevideo, Uruguay has been appointed as the voluntary liquidator(s) of the Company pursuant to a resolution of the director(s) of the Company dated 18th day of September, 2017 and the resolution of the member(s) of the Company dated 18th day of September, 2017. Dated on this 18th day of September, 2017.



TISSEN HOLDING, CORP. (In Voluntary Liquidation) Company No. 1048395 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 204, subsection (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on the 4th day of October, 2017. The Liquidator is Vladimir Romanov of Apt. 128, Parkovaya str., 32A, Dolgoprudny, Moscow region, Russia. Dated this 5th day of October, 2017. Sgd: Vladimir Romanov, Voluntary Liquidator.

BOSHELL BUSINESS INC. (the "Company") a BVI Business Company BVI Company N° 1831122 NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 204(1) (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that RAQUEL ZORAIDA GONZALEZ LARA, with address at Plaza Centro Building, No. 8, Ricardo J. Alfaro Avenue, El Dorado, City of Panama, Republic of Panama has been appointed as the voluntary liquidator(s) of the Company pursuant to a resolution of the director(s) of the Company dated September 20th, 2017 and the resolution of the member(s) of the Company dated September 20th, 2017. Dated on this 20 day of September, 2017.


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FPG Privat Ltd (the "Company") a BVI Business Company BVI Company N° 668500 NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 204(1) (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that Ekaterini Adamou of Mariou Christoforou 9A, Palodeia, 4549 Limassol, Cyprus has been appointed as the voluntary liquidator(s) of the Company pursuant to a resolution of the director(s) of the Company dated September 18th, 2017 and the resolution of the member(s) of the Company dated September 18, 2017. Dated on this 18 day of September, 2017.

GASPIR INTERNATIONAL CORP. (the "Company") a BVI Business Company BVI Company N°1906431 NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 204(1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that RODRIGO LUSSICH RACHETTI, of Misiones 1371 Piso 4 Of 40, Montevideo, Uruguay has been appointed as the voluntary liquidator(s) of the Company pursuant to a resolution of the director(s) of the Company dated 19th day of September, 2017 and the resolution of the member(s) of the Company dated 19th day of September, 2017. Dated on this 19th day of September, 2017.

DENSEL INVESTING INC. a BVI Business Company BVI Company N° 1831212 NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 204(1) (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that RAQUEL ZORAIDA GONZALEZ LARA, with address at Plaza Centro Building, No. 8, Ricardo J. Alfaro Avenue, El Dorado, City of Panama, Republic of Panama has been appointed as the voluntary liquidator(s) of the Company pursuant to a resolution of the director(s) of the Company dated September 20th, 2017 and the resolution of the member(s) of the Company dated September 20th, 2017. Dated on this 20 day of September, 2017.

LATEEF SERVICES LTD. (the "Company") a BVI Business Company BVI Company N° 1538185 NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 204(1) (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that Charoulla Lesta of 205 Christodoulou Chatzipavlou, Louloupis court, 2nd Floor, Flat 201, 3036 Limassol, Cyprus has been appointed as the voluntary liquidator(s) of the Company pursuant to a resolution of the director(s) of the Company dated October 3, 2017 and the resolution of the member(s) of the Company dated October 3, 2017. Dated on this 3 October, 2017.

GENERAL BUSINESS ASSETS LIMITED (the "Company") a BVI Business Company BVI Company N° 1685654 NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 204(1) (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that Stathia Dimofanous of 6 Kyknou street, 3070 Limassol, Cyprus has been appointed as the voluntary liquidator(s) of the Company pursuant to a resolution of the director(s) of the Company dated September 18th, 2017 and the resolution of the member(s) of the Company dated September 18, 2017. Dated on this 18 day of September, 2017.

MOMI UNION CORP. BVI Company N° 1889667 NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 204(1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that Julio Cesar Viquez Medina with address at Urbanización Villa de Don Bosco, Calle Primera Nro. Maz. 9-110, Depto. 0, Panama, Republica de Panama has been appointed as the voluntary liquidator of the Company pursuant to a resolution of the director of the Company dated August 28, 2017 and the resolution of the member of the Company dated August 28th, 2017. Dated on this 28th day of August, 2017. Sgd: Julio Cesar Viquez Medina, Liquidator.

CORVUS OVERSEAS LTD. BVI Company N° 1787378 NOTICE OF LIQUIDATOR’S APPOINTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 204(1) (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that Charoulla Lesta of 205 Christodoulou Chatzipavlou, Louloupis court, 2nd Floor, Flat 201, 3036 Limassol, Cyprus has been appointed as the voluntary liquidator(s) of the Company pursuant to a resolution of the director(s) of the Company dated August 24, 2017 and the resolution of the member(s) of the Company dated August 24, 2017. Dated on this 24 day of August, 2017.

MILANCREST CORPORATE LIMITED Voluntary Liquidation Notice is hereby given that MILANCREST CORPORATE LIMITED has been dissolved and has been struck from the Register of Companies. Sgd: John B. Foster, Liquidator.

MERITUM CAPITAL CORP. (In Voluntary Liquidation) Business Company No.: 409135 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 204(1)(a)(i) and (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is in voluntary liquidation.The voluntary liquidation commenced on the 3rd day of October, 2017. The Liquidator is Elmar Jerjen of Scheideggstrasse 75, 8038 Zürich, Switzerland. Dated this 10th day of October, 2017. SGD: Elmar Jerjen, Voluntary Liquidator

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NOTICES Flovel Business Inc. (In Voluntary Liquidation) Company No: 1631532 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 204, subsection (1) (a) (i) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on 14th day of September, 2016. The liquidator is Johannes Jeremias Boshoff of c/o Harney Westwood & Riegels Singapore LLP, 138 Market Street, #24-04 CapitaGreen, Singapore, 048946. Dated 14 September 2017. Sgd: Johannes Jeremias Boshoff, Voluntary Liquidator.

EXCEL VIEW (BVI) TRADING LIMITED (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) BC No. 513001 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to section 204(1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on the 3rd day of October, 2017. The Liquidator is LIU, CHIA-CHUN of 10F.9, NO. 325, DANAN RD., SHIHLIN DIST., TAIPEI CITY, TAIWAN, R.O.C. DATED: 5th October, 2017. Sgd: LIU, CHIA-CHUN

BVI Business Companies Act BONLIS FINANCE LIMITED Voluntary Liquidation Notice is hereby given that BONLIS FINANCE LIMITED has been dissolved and has been struck from the Register of Companies. Sgd: Ernesto Castillo Cho, Liquidator.



Global Common Investment Limited (In Voluntary Liquidation) Company No: 1441346 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 204, subsection (1) (a) (i) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on 18th day of September, 2016. The liquidator is Johannes Jeremias Boshoff of c/o Harney Westwood & Riegels Singapore LLP, 138 Market Street, #24-04 CapitaGreen, Singapore, 048946. Dated 18 September 2017. Sgd: Johannes Jeremias Boshoff, Voluntary Liquidator.

RODET LIMITED (In Voluntary Liquidation) Company No: 525131 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 204, subsection (1) (a) (i) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on 26 September 2017. The liquidator is Tatenda Gotosa of Craigmuir Chambers, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands. Dated 26 September 2017. Sgd: Tatenda Gotosa, Voluntary Liquidator.

BATENE INVESTMENT LTD. Company No. 1612849 (In Voluntary Liquidation) NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 204 (1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that BATENE INVESTMENT LTD. is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on 4th October, 2017 and QUERUBE C. DE NUÑEZ of MMG Tower, Ave, Paseo del Mar, Costa del Este, Panama City, Rep. of Panama, has been appointed as the Sole Liquidator. Dated this 5th day of October, 2017. Sgd: QUERUBE C. DE NUÑEZ, Voluntary Liquidator.

BVI BUSINESS COMPANIES ACT GOLDSIX OVERSEAS CORP. Voluntary Liquidation Notice is hereby given that GOLDSIX OVERSEAS CORP. has been dissolved and has been struck from the Register of Companies. Sgd: Marcos A. Muñoz, Liquidator.

BVI BUSINESS COMPANIES ACT JILBAY LIMITED Voluntary Liquidation Notice is hereby given that JILBAY LIMITED has been dissolved and has been struck from the Register of Companies. Sgd: Marcos A. Muñoz, Liquidator.

MAINLEAD LIMITED (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) BC No. 558927 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to section 204(1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on the 3rd day of October, 2017. The Liquidator is Low Soon Seah of 21 Seletar Road, #01-61, Singapore 807021. DATED: 5th October, 2017. Sgd: Low Soon Seah



BVI Business Companies Act CORRIGAN LEVIN & CO. INC. Voluntary Liquidation Notice is hereby given that CORRIGAN LEVIN & CO. INC. has been dissolved and has been struck from the Register of Companies. Sgd: John B. Foster, Liquidator.

SUNSHINE HONG KONG DEVELOPMENT LIMITED (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) BC No. 1783389 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to section 204(1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on the 25th day of September, 2017. The Liquidator is ZHANG Shuwen of 2-5-1, No. 14 Haiqiaoyuan, Haikou Road, Ganjingzi District, Dalian City, China. DATED: 5th October, 2017. Sgd: ZHANG Shuwen.

THE BVI BUSINESS COMPANIES ACT, 2004 TKZ Trading LTD. (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the British Virgin Islands Business Companies Act, 2004: a) TKZ Trading LTD. is in dissolution; b) The date of commencement of the dissolution is the 5th October, 2017; c) Alex Rolando MUNOZ DE LA ROSA of Avenida 12 de Octubre, Villas de Andalucia Bdlg, Office 1-D Tower A, Panama, Republic of Panama is the Liquidator. Sgd: Alex Rolando MUNOZ DE LA ROSA, Liquidator. Dated: 5 October, 2017.

BOYSANE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED BVI Business Company Act. (Voluntary Liquidation) Notice is hereby given that the voluntary dissolution of BOYSANE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED commenced on 4th August, 2017 and that THEKLA IOANNIDOU of Digeni Akrita 45, 1070, Nicosia Cyprus. has been appointed liquidator of the company. Dated this 6th October, 2017. Sgd: THEKLA IOANNIDOU, Liquidator.

DUXTON FINANCE LIMITED BVI Business Company Act. (Voluntary Liquidation) Notice is hereby given that the voluntary dissolution of DUXTON FINANCE LIMITED commenced on 1st September, 2017 and that John B. Foster of 2nd Floor, Humboldt Tower, East 53rd Street, Urb. Marbella, Panama City, Republic of Panama. has been appointed liquidator of the company. Dated this 6th October, 2017. Sgd: John B. Foster, Liquidator.

LIGHTSTONE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED BVI Business Company Act. (Voluntary Liquidation) Notice is hereby given that the voluntary dissolution of LIGHTSTONE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED commenced on 18th September, 2017 and that will Mr. John B. Foster of 2nd Floor, Humboldt Tower, East 53rd Street, Marbella, Panama, Republic of Panama. has been appointed liquidator of the company. Dated this 6th October, 2017. Sgd: Mr. John B. Foster, Liquidator.

The BVI Beacon | October 12, 2017




ELEANOR SHIPPING INC. (Voluntary Liquidation) Notice is hereby given that the voluntary dissolution of ELEANOR SHIPPING INC. commenced on 3rd October, 2017 and that Riccardo Spigolon of 74 boulevard d' Italie, 98000 Monaco. has been appointed liquidator of the company. Dated this 6th October, 2017. Sgd: Riccardo Spigolon, Liquidator.

NOTICES Trento Universal Ltd. (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) BC No. 1845983 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to section 204(1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on the 5th day of October 2017. The Liquidator is Silke Müller with address at Landstrasse 39, Ll-9490, Vaduz, Liechtenstein. DATED: 5th day of October 2017. Sgd: Silke Müller.

FLORENCE SHIPPING INC. (Voluntary Liquidation) Notice is hereby given that the voluntary dissolution of FLORENCE SHIPPING INC. commenced on 3rd October, 2017 and that Riccardo Spigolon of 74 boulevard d' Italie, 98000 Monaco. has been appointed liquidator of the company. Dated this 6th October, 2017. Sgd: Riccardo Spigolon, Liquidator.

BVI Business Companies Act Elephant Investments (carry) Limited Voluntary Liquidation Notice is hereby given that Elephant Investments (Carry) Limited has been dissolved and has been struck from the Register of Companies. Sgd: John B. Foster, Liquidator.

ARMTEC MARKETING SYSTEMS LTD. (In Voluntary Liquidation) Company No. 1036281 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 204, subsection (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on the 4th day of October, 2017.The Liquidator is Vladimir Romanov of Apt. 128, Parkovaya str., 32A, Dolgoprudny, Moscow region, Russia. Dated this 5th day of October, 2017. Sgd: Vladimir Romanov, Voluntary Liquidator.

MARIBOR BUSINESS, LTD. (In Voluntary Liquidation) Company No. 1049494 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 204, subsection (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on the 4th day of October, 2017. The Liquidator is Vladimir Romanov of Apt. 128, Parkovaya str., 32A, Dolgoprudny, Moscow region, Russia. Dated this 5th day of October, 2017. Sgd: Vladimir Romanov, Voluntary Liquidator.


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THE BVI BUSINESS COMPANIES ACT, 2004 COLLINSWAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the British Virgin Islands Business Companies Act, 2004: a) COLLINSWAY ENTERPRISES LIMITED is in dissolution; b) The date of commencement of the dissolution is the 5 October, 2017; c) Anghel R. George of 2nd Floor, Hewlett Building, 197 Main Street, Box 260, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands is the Liquidator. Sgd: Anghel R. George, Dated: 5 October, 2017

THE BVI BUSINESS COMPANIES ACT, 2004 Fucailu Management Corp. (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the British Virgin Islands Business Companies Act, 2004: a) Fucailu Management Corp. is in dissolution; b) The date of commencement of the dissolution is the 01 September, 2017; c) Geir Peter LINDKVIST of Hofacker 4, 8808 Pfaeffikon, Switzerland is the Liquidator. Sgd: Geir Peter LINDKVIST. Dated: 01 September, 2017. Fobreese Systems Ltd. (In Voluntary Liquidation) Company No. 1812972 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 204, subsection (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on the 4th day of October, 2017. The Liquidator is Humphry Leue of Macnamara Road, P.O. Box 4754, Road Town, Tortola VG1110, British Virgin Islands. Dated this 5th day of October, 2017. Sgd: Humphry Leue, Voluntary Liquidator.

SITEK ALLIANCE LTD. (In Voluntary Liquidation) Company No. 587468 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 204, subsection (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is in voluntary liquidation. The voluntary liquidation commenced on the 4th day of October, 2017. The Liquidator is Vladimir Romanov of Apt. 128, Parkovaya str., 32A, Dolgoprudny, Moscow region, Russia. Dated this 5th day of October, 2017. Sgd: Vladimir Romanov, Voluntary Liquidator.

FORGAHEM FINANCIAL, CORP. (In Voluntary Liquidation) Company No. 1048408 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 204, subsection (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is in voluntar y liquidation. The voluntar y liquidation commenced on the 4th day of October, 2017. The Liquidator is Vladimir Romanov of Apt. 128, Parkovaya str., 32A, Dolgoprudny, Moscow region, Russia. Dated this 5th day of October, 2017. Sgd: Vladimir Romanov, Voluntar y Liquidator.

Page 40 | October 12, 2017 | The BVI Beacon

Sports&Recreation TENNIS

Back into the swing of things By TODD VANSICKLE On Monday, the Tortola Sports Club hosted a free tennis clinic for players ages 5 and older. It is the first event the TSC has held since Hurricane Irma battered the Virgin Islands, leaving many residents without a home and demolishing sports facilities throughout the territory. The free clinic was spearheaded by TSC Director of Tennis Amine Elouazzani and coach Katerina Stecova. The event is in conjunction with the junior tennis programme which was “built from scratch” during the past four years by the TSC coaches, according to Ms. Stecova. All told, the programme reaches about 100 youth players on Tortola and Virgin Gorda, who learn basic tennis skills and rules during 30-minute to onehour sessions. However, organisers anticipate participation numbers to drop due to Hurricane Irma. “A lot of the families and their children evacuated,” Ms. Stecova said. “Obviously, we wanted to do something good for the community. So for the ones who did stay we wanted to offer something for the kids to enjoy and find some normalcy in everyday life.” The free clinics started on Monday, but rain showers cut the sessions short for the handful of youth players who attended the first class. “I think for the first couple weeks it will take time to get the numbers up,” Ms. Stecova said. “Not a lot of people know about it.” Currently, there are no adult sessions, but eventually will be introduced as things return to normal, Ms. Stecova said. Although numbers are expected to take a dip, the coach expects a lot of the youth participants to be new players, which is the goal of the junior tennis pro-

Photo: FREEMAN ROGERS Katerina Stecova works with a youth tennis player during a free clinic at the Tortola Sports Club.

gramme, she said. After Hurricane Irma’s passing, the TSC held up well in comparison to other sports facilities throughout the territory. The lower two courts suffered minor surface damage and the fence was knocked down. However, the TSC staff was able to fix it temporarily, until a new

fence can be installed leaving the courts in playable condition. The upper two courts did not fare as well and are currently unvailable for play, until the surface can be repaired, according to Ms. Stecova. Despite the damage and the limited court space, the TSC coaches remain optimistic.

“We can do a lot with two courts,” Ms. Stecova said. “We got lucky with that.” Today, Ms. Stecova and Mr. Elouazzani were planning a trip to VG to assess the tennis courts at Olde Yard Village, where sessions are held on the sister island. If the courts are in good condition, the TSC plans to continue

its VG youth tennis programme on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The free clinics on Tortola are held three times a week — Monday, Wednesday and Friday — until Nov. 10 starting at 4 p.m. For more information, email Freeman Rogers contributed to this report.

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