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Water’s Edge Aquatic Center
Learn to Swim
Life is letter when you’re swimming!!! The Water’s Edge Aquatic Center Learn to Swim Program is made up of various levels that teach participants of varying ages and abilities.
Our Learn to Swim program is taught in our indoor, heated pool, with sessions running year-round. Please call the Water’s Edge Aquatic Center or Edge Ice Arena at 630-766-8888 to register.
Pre-Swim $80 | $90 Starfish – Preschool Level – Introduces basic swimming skills and water safety through fun and games while building confidence in the water.
Beginners $80 | $90 Guppies – Level 1 – Teaches stroke coordination, floats and underwater exploration with assistance of flotation device or instructor. Minnows – Level 2 – Teaches Level 1 skills focusing on participant completing skills without assistance of flotation device or instructor.
Adult $105 | $115 Sea Turtles – Classes are geared around participants’ swimming ability, ranging from beginner to advanced levels.
Advanced $105 | $115 Eels – Level 3 – Introduces four competitive strokes and diving with emphasis on proper stroke technique. Stingrays – Level 4 – Refines four competitive strokes focusing on strength for proper execution of stroke technique. Dolphins – Level 5 – Expands upon Level 4 skills, while incorporating competitive starts and turns into instruction. Sharks – Level 6 – Focuses on mastering the four competitive strokes, starts and turns with emphasis on strength and endurance.
Call 630-766-8888 for details & registration
Program Evening Aqua Fitness Evening Aqua Fitness Evening Aqua Fitness Evening Aqua Fitness

Ages 16+ 16+ 16+ 16+
Day/Date M, 08/17-09/21 W, 08/19-09/23 M, 10/05-11/09 W, 10/07-11/11 Daytime Aqua Fitness – Offered Year Round Aqua Fitness incorporates cardio, strength training and stretching for an all body workout. Increase your metabolism, build muscle tone and strength, improve balance and relieve tension - all with pain-free, no-impact movements. Water’s Edge Aquatic Center. Ages 16+. Call (630) 766-8888 for days/times offered.
Adult $6/$12, Senior Citizen 60yrs+ $3/$6
Evening Aqua Fitness This 6 week class offers a little of everything - from range of motion exercises to cardio to strength training and stretching. Whether you are new to Aqua Fitness, looking to start a new healthy, active lifestyle or simply adding another activity to your fitness regimen, Aqua Fitness is for you!!! Water’s Edge Aquatic Center. Ages 16+. Call (630) 766-8888 for details and registration.
Time 6:00-6:45P 6:00-6:45P 6:00-6:45P 6:00-6:45P
Location Water’s Edge Aquatic Center Water’s Edge Aquatic Center Water’s Edge Aquatic Center Water’s Edge Aquatic Center
Activity # Res | NR $45 | $55 $45 | $55 $45 | $55 $45 | $55
We Are Making it Easier! Programs have been divided into color-coded sections to make it easier for you to find your favorites, and maybe even find something new!
Virtual or At Home Programming Icon Registration Info Program registration begins August 18. All deadlines for registration are one week prior to the start date, unless noted.

Little Chefs At Home Bring our Little Chefs recipes to your home! Each week participants will be emailed a super easy do it yourself recipe. Participants are then encouraged to email pictures to Shane Varvil at svarvil@bvilleparks.org. Pictures will be posted on Bensenville Park District social media accounts. (SV) Big Wheels Race New! Drivers start your... Big Wheels! The Bensenville Park District is excited to offer its first ever Big Wheels Race. Drivers are encouraged to bring their big wheels to compete against other racers. Trophies will be given to 1st -2nd place finishes in each age group. Don’t have a Big Wheel? No problem. The Park District can provide you with one while supplies last. Register by 9/14. (SV)
Program Little Chefs At Home Little Chefs At Home Big Wheels Race Wheel Get Movin’ Wheel Get Movin’
Ages 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5
Day/Date Tu, 09/15-10/06 Tu, 10/13-11/03 Sa, 09/19 W, 09/09-10/14 W, 10/21-12/02
10:00A 6:15:7:00P 6:15-7:00P
Location At Home At Home DGLC At Home At Home
New! Wheel Get Movin’ Vroom, vroom! Zoom, zoom! Rev up your engines, grease your wheels and get ready to roll. Have fun learning all about different modes of transportation such as cars, buses, boats and trains. We will create and test our creations, play games, and sing songs. Get ready to travel while using your imagination! This class will meet on Zoom, Activity Kits will be available for pick up at the DGLC. No class 11/25. Min 4 │Max 15. Instructor: Eileen Kubica. (PS)
Activity # 686027-01 686027-02 605155-01 605185-01 605185-02
Res | NR $5 $5 $10 | $15 $39│$52 $39│$52