15 minute read
Fischer Farm
areas and ecosystem to your little naturalist. Min 4 | Max 9 (LS) Be An Animal Keeper New! Fascinated with animals and how to take care of them? Here at Fischer Farm, we can show you what it takes to be the best animal keeper there is. You can take your knowledge with you and prepare for when you will become an animal expert. Learn how to properly feed, handle, and care for our farm animals as well as our more exotic reptile friends! Min 3 | Max 6. (PD)
Ever wonder how the world works? From the smallest bee creating a hive to learning how to churn butter, you will leave this class with more than you can imagine. Each week we will feature a new topic or idea that will get kids talking. This is a discussion based class with lots of hands on activities. Min 3 | Max 6. (PD) Forest Fables New! Join staff for a forest themed story and craft. Each week will feature a different forest theme to raise excitement and knowledge of our natural
Why Things Work New!
All About Fall New! Take some time to appreciate the change in the seasons by immersing yourself in all things fall. We will talk about why the leaves change, the harvest, and do tons of crafts and activities you can only do this time of the year. Enjoy the crisp Autumn air at Fischer Farm while doing something that reminds us why this time of the year is so special! Min 3 l Max 6 (PD)

New! Meet the Goats Drop by the farm and say hello to Pickles, Cookie, Ernie, and Bert! You will be able to hangout with our silly billies, give them snacks, and brush them. This experience allows you to be in their outdoor enclosure and get up close and personal. Sessions are subject to change based on goat needs and weather. (PD)
Program Be An Animal Keeper Why Things Work Forest Fables Forest Fables Meet the Goats All About Fall
Ages 5-10 5-10 5-6 5-6 All 5-10
Day/Date M, 09/14-10/05 W, 08/26-09/16 Sa, 09/19-10/10 Sa, 10/17-11/21 Farm open days W, 09/23-10/14
Time 3:30-4:30P 3:30-4:15P 10:00-11:00A 10:00-11:00A 2:00-2:30P 3:30-4:15P
Location Fischer Farm Fischer Farm Fischer Farm Fischer Farm Fischer Farm Fischer Farm
Activity # 601224-01 601624-01 606640-01 606640-02
Res | NR $40 | $48 $40 | $48 $20 | $26 $20 | $26 $2 $40 | $48

New!Virtual Story Time From the Nature Nook See the Nature Nook and listen to a story that will bring you to a magical place from the comfort of your home. Animals, nature, and mythical creatures will be some of our topics we will cover. Each day we will present a story that you can enjoy while hanging out in a fort or your own bed. Tune into zoom and let our very best story tellers do the rest! Min 6. (PD) Nature Crafts Develop your imagination in the great outdoors! Each week we’ll make a new craft using natural materials and learn about the importance of conservation, recycling, and what you can do to help protect our natural areas! No class 10/31. Min 4 | Max 9. (LS)
Weekend Discovery Club Get ready for an afternoon on the farm! Participants will learn about the natural history of the region, local history, and the skills needed to run a historical farm year round! No class 10/31. Min 4 | Max 9. (LS)
Preshool Family Campfire New! With Mrs. B Celebrate the beginning of Autumn with Mrs. B as we roast marshmallows, make s’mores and sing songs around a warm campfire. Everyone will receive a songbook. Dress accordingly for the cooler temperatures and bring a lawn chair. Min 10│Max 25. Instructor: Mrs. Cindy Banaszynski. (PS)
Virtual or At Home Programming Icon
Program Virtual Story Time Virtual Story Time Virtual Story Time Virtual Story Time Virtual Story Time Virtual Story Time Virtual Story Time Nature Crafts Weekend Discovery Club Family Campfire with Mrs. B
Ages All All All All All All All 5-10 6-11 3-5
Day/Date W, 09/02 W, 09/16 W, 09/30 W, 10/14 W, 10/28 W, 11/11 W, 11/25 W, 09/16-11/11 Sa, 09/19-11/14 Sa, 09/26
Time 11:00-11:45A 11:00-11:45A 11:00-11:45A 11:00-11:45A 11:00-11:45A 11:00-11:45A 11:00-11:45A 3:15-4:00P 1:00-2:00P 7:00-8:30P
Location At Home At Home At Home At Home At Home At Home At Home Fischer Farm Fischer Farm Fischer Farm
Activity # 681524-01 681524-02 681524-03 681524-04 681524-05 681524-06 681524-07 606840-01 606740-01 605145-01
Res | NR $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $35 | $45 $35 | $45 $5│$7

Wee Whittlers New! Join us at Fischer Farm to try out a new skill. Taught by a one of a kind whittler with an extraordinary imagination, you will leave with a brand new hobby. You will get a chance to work with your hands and learn to use tools to craft beautiful pieces out of wood that will be your very own. No experience is necessary, but creativity and a will to try things out of your comfort zone are a must! Techniques and craftsmanship will be taught in a one of a kind setting. You will for sure leave itching for more! Min 3 | Max 6 (PD)
Extra GOURDinary Art New! Everywhere they grow, cultures have been using gourds for centuries to create tools and art. In this class, we’ll learn about some of the art made with gourds around the world, and then work on our own festive creations. All materials supplied. Min 4 | Max 9 (LS)
New! Fischer Farm Care Package Each month you can get a one of a kind gift to use with your family or by yourself. Make sure to specify if this is for an adult or child, as packages differ. Each package will feature something related to gardening, home decor, activity, or self care that corresponds to that month. Each package will be filled with love and magic and specially picked out by our one of a kind staff at Fischer Farm. Payments are due the first Friday of the month, and your package will be ready for pickup shortly after. You will be contacted by our staff when your unique gift to yourself is ready to be taken home. Guided Tour Book a tour at Fischer Farm to learn about a family who left their mark in Bensenville. Walk back through time as we explore our buildings that date back to 1836 and our grounds that were home to the Native Americans before the Fischers even knew it existed. You will surely leave our museum with wonder and knowledge of the importance of the Fischer family and what they accomplished throughout their time here. To book a tour date and time please call or email Pamela Deckert at PDeckert@bvilleparks.org. $3 per person, children under 2 are free. (PD)

New! Virtual Guided Tour Book a time to virtually meet and learn about a family who left their mark in Bensenville. We will go back through time as we explore our buildings that date back to 1836 and our grounds that were home to the Native Americans before the Fischers even knew it existed. Similar to our guided tours, this option is dedicated to those who would like to have the Fischer Farm experience from the comfort of their home. To book a meeting date and time please call or email Pamela Deckert at PDeckert@bvilleparks.org. $15 per session. (PD)
Program Wee Whittlers Wee Whittlers Extra GOURDinary Art Fischer Farm Care Package Fischer Farm Care Package Fischer Farm Care Package Fischer Farm Care Package Guided Tour Virtual Guided Tour
Ages 18+ 18+ 14+ All All All All All All
Day/Date M, 09/14-10/05 M, 11/30-12/21 Su , 10/11 F, 09/04 F, 10/02 F, 11/06 F, 12/04 Scheduled Scheduled
Time 4:30-6:00P 4:30-6:00P 1:00-2:30P
45 min 45 min
Location Fischer Farm Fischer Farm Fischer Farm Fischer Farm Fischer Farm Fischer Farm Fischer Farm Fischer Farm At Home
Activity # 601324-01 601324-02 606126-01 601924-01 601924-02 601924-03 601924-04 601724-01 681724-01
Res | NR $80 | $96 $80 | $96 $15 | $20 $40 | $48 $40 | $48 $40 | $48 $40 | $48 $3 per person $15 per session
New! Read Between the Wines Book Club Interested in trying new books with fellow bookworms? Here at Fischer Farm we understand the value of reading and discussion and would like to start a community book club. Discussions once a month on a book members choose to read will be held via zoom, and special meetings will be held at Fischer Farm. Meetings can be done from the comfort of your own home with your favorite adult beverage via Zoom. Future meetings will take place in our historic farm house. If you are looking to connect with individuals who share a common hobby, this will be a perfect place for you. We are looking for a couple “Head Worms” who will be interested in leading discussions and setting up meeting times. If you have questions or would like to volunteer for this role, please contact Pamela Deckert at pdeckert@ bvilleparks.org (PD)
Crafty Crafters Tune in to make one of a kind crafts from the comfort of your own home. We will be doing virtual explanations with all the steps. You can make these crafts with supplies from your closets. Any additional supplies can be picked up at the Bensenville Park District! We will show you how to make projects you can wow your friends with. During our meeting time, you will be able to ask questions and discuss your ideas to make it even better. Interaction with friends while making new ones in a comfortable setting will be sure to help those at-home blues pass. (PD)
Farmside Yard Sale New!
Oct 3 | 10:00A-3:00P | Fischer Farm
Whether you want to have a mini rustic shopping spree or sell your items, this is going to be big! See page 6. (PD)

Paint & Sip Nights Pour a glass and un»wine»d for the night. Learn to paint in a historic setting from only the best. Our class will have you leaving with a painting that is sure to fit the mood of Fischer Farm. Come on out for a date, an evening to yourself, or a gathering with old friends! This class will supply you with all your artistic needs, but you must bring your own wine. Bottles are limited to no more than 750mL and you may not leave with an opened bottle. Min 3 | Max 6. (PD)
Program Read Between the Wines Crafty Crafters Crafty Crafters Crafty Crafters Paint & Sip Nights Paint & Sip Nights Paint & Sip Nights Paint & Sip Nights
Ages 21+ All All All 21+ 21+ 21+ 21+
Day/Date 1st F, 09/04-12/04 F, 09/4-09/18 F, 10/2-10/16 F, 11/6-11/20 F, 09/04 F, 10/02 F, 11/06 F, 12/04
Time 5:00-6:00P 3:30-4:15P 3:30-4:15P 3:30-4:15P 6:00-7:30P 6:00-7:30P 6:00-7:30P 6:00-7:30P
Location Virtual/Fischer Farm At Home At Home At Home Fischer Farm Fischer Farm Fischer Farm Fischer Farm
Activity # 601824-01 681424-01 681424-02 681424-03 601024-01 601024-02 601024-03 601024-04
Res | NR Free $40 | $48 $40 | $48 $40 | $48 $40 | $48 $40 | $48 $40 | $48 $40 | $48
Work towards your badges with the Bensenville Park District! Each program takes 1.5 to 2 hours and will fulfill most or all of the requirements for one of the badges listed. Rates are per troop. Want to do a badge program with your troop? Contact Lisa Semetko at (630) 238-4929, or lsemetko@bvilleparks.org to schedule your program today!

Daisy: Money Counts Leaf Girls will learn money skills like it’s 1899. First they will earn their money, then make a shopping list, and finally spend their money to buy supplies for their farm. Working towards badge 1, 2, and 3 of Money Counts Leaf. (LS)
Brownie: Bugs Scouts will learn all about the bugs living in Illinois’ forests. Girls will make and label their own bug chart, make some cool bug art, and go on a bug-finding adventure. Fulfills requirements 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of Bugs Badge. (LS) Junior: Geocacher Go on a treasure hunt with your Troop! You’ll learn what geocaching is, how to work a GPS, and how to prepare for a geocaching adventure. Then we’ll try out geocaching and make a trade item to take home. Fulfills requirements 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of Geocacher Badge. (LS)
Cadette: Night Owl Explore the night with your troop! You’ll learn about how nocturnal animals experience their world, go on a night hike, and have a bonfire with s’mores. Fulfills requirements 1, 2, 3, and 4 of Night Owl Badge. (LS)
Program Daisy - Money Leaf Counts Brownie - Bugs Junior - Geocacher Cadette - Night Owl
Days M-Sa M-Sa M-Sa M-Sa
Months Year-round May-Sep Year-round June-Aug
Hours 1.5 hours 1.5 hours 1.5 hours 1.5 hours
Location Fischer Farm Fischer Farm Fischer Farm Fischer Farm
Activity # 606140-01 606140-02 606140-03 606140-04
Per Group $94 $94 $94 $94
Lions: Ready, Set, Grow Learn all about the different ways to garden, eat some healthy snacks made from locally grown food, and try planting your own garden. Fulfills all requirements for Ready, Set, Grow Adventure. (LS) Tigers: The Sky is the Limit Check out the Farm after Dark with the Park District. We’ll study the stars of the night sky with our eyes and with telescopes, discover the names of constellations and the stars that make them up, and get the chance to make our own constella tions back inside. Fulfills requirements 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of Sky is the Limit Adventure. (LS) Wolf: Grow Something You’ll learn about Illinois’ growing zone and the plants that live in it, what skills you need to keep a healthy garden, make an awesome terrarium to take, and go home with a seed you planted in your own container. Fulfills requirements 2, 3, and 4A of Grow Something Adventure. Complete requirement 1 a month after program. (LS)
Program Lions - Ready Set Grow Tigers - The Sky is the Limit Wolf - Grow Something
Days M-Sa F-Sa M-Sa
Months May-Aug May-Aug May-Aug
Hours 1.5 hours 2 hours 1.5 hours
Location Fischer Farm Fischer Farm Fischer Farm
Activity # 606040-01 606040-02 606040-03
Per Group $94 $114 $94
Farmside Birthday New! Are y’all looking for the perfect birthday? Look no further, because here at Fischer Farm, we’ve got it all. You will be able to spend time with our animals, feed them, and even learn to groom some of them. Farmside activities will be led by one of our finest Farmhands, and afterwards you will enjoy pizza, drinks, and have a chance to open gifts! (Activities are based on age group of party.) (PD)

Nature Birthday Dive into a birthday like never before. Perfect for explorers and curious kids; this day will be one they will never forget! Led by your very own person al Adventure Guide, activities and discoveries will fill your special day. Afterwards, we will have pizza, drinks, and time to open gifts. (Activities are based on age group of party.) (PD)
Nerf-day Birthday Offering an action packed, high intensity birthday party to the perfect candi date. At Fischer Farm you will get a chance to blast your opponents through a range of games and activities to become the ultimate champion. Games will be led by our best sharp shooting Nerf Official, and all supplies needed will be provided. After an exciting day of games, we will finish off with pizza, drinks, and gifts! (PD)

Painting Birthday New! Perfect for kids and adults, this party package will send you home with a one of a kind work of art. Creating a masterpiece in an unique location will be sure to wow your guests. You will know how to paint like a professional after your birthday is over. We will supply you with all your artistic needs. After a creative day, we will have some time for pizza, drinks, and gifts! $20 per additional person (PD)
Birthday Theme Farmside Birthday Nature Birthday Nerf-day Birthday Painting Birthday
Ages 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+
Available Apr-Oct Apr-Oct Apr-Oct Apr-Oct
Hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours
Location Fischer Farm Fischer Farm Fischer Farm Fischer Farm
Res | NR $165 | $195 $165 | $195 $165 | $195 $240 | $324
Parties are available from April to October, please contact Pamela Deckert at (630) 766-7015 x125 or PDeckert@BvilleParks.org for any questions or to reserve your next party.
Birthday Party fee includes 12 children, additional children are $8 each.

Now booking for 2021! Fischer Farm is an ideal and unique event venue, as it is one of the oldest homesteads in DuPage County. The Farm is easily accessible and provides a wonderful rustic setting for any special occasion. The grounds and structures at the farm provide the perfect backdrop for photo opportunities that will provide many years of great memories. Rental packages include the farm grounds, or the granary. Additional add-ons include a guided tour and use of the fire pit. Rentals are available from April to October. Maximum of 50 people, Covid pending. For more information, please email PDeckert@BvilleParks.org.
Fischer Farm Rental Type Farm Field Granary Barn/Fire Pit Full Farmstead (Field & Barn)
Res. $85 hr. $50 hr. $110 hr.
NR $110 hr. $60 hr. $135 hr.
Professional Photographers & Filmaker Permits Fischer Farm is available for rental. Please contact Pamela Deckert at (630) 766-7015 x125 or email PDeckert@BvilleParks.org.

White Pines Golf Club 500 W. Jefferson Street (630) 766-0304 WhitePinesGolf.com Give the Gift of White Pines Golf Club! Holiday shopping can be done online at whitepinesgolf.com. For the person who has everything, you may purchase gift cards online or in the Pro Shop. Gift cards can be redeemed for golf, Pro Shop merchandise, and food and drinks in the 37 Bar & Grill.