5 minute read
Early Childhood Programming
New! A Little Drama Ready, set, ACTION! This class will nurture self-expression, empathy, social-emotional skills and physical development, while having fun. Your child will use their creative skills and imagination to tell stories in their own way. This class is offered virtually on Zoom. Activity Kits will be available for pick up at the DGLC. Min 5 | Max 15. Instructor: Eileen Kubica. (LS)
New! Rock the House! Let’s get moving and grooving! We will be using instruments (lent to you for the class), our bodies and props, while we sing and dance. This class will meet on Zoom. Activity Kits will be available for pick up at the DGLC. Min 5 | Max 15. Instructor: Eileen Kubica. (LS)
Program A Little Drama A Little Drama Rock the House Rock the House
Ages 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5
Day/Date Tu, 01/12-02/02 Tu, 02/16-03/09 W, 01/13-02/03 W, 02/17-03/10
Time 10:30-11:15A 10:30-11:15A 10:30-11:15A 10:30-11:15A
Location At Home At Home At Home At Home
Activity # 785135-01 785135-02 785102-01 785102-02
Res | NR $40│$50 $40│$50 $40│$50 $40│$50
Preschool STEAM Club This club promotes a fun experiential learning process. Children develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of the world around them while investigating and inquiring theme-based Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math activities. We will observe, manipulate and experiment in every class. This class will be offered virtually on Zoom. Activity Kits will be available for pick up at the DGLC. Min 5 | Max 15. Instructor: Eileen Kubica. (LS)
Virtual or At Home Programming Icon
New! Little Travelers Let your little ones explore different cities around the world in this class. Each month your child will explore the games, music, and landmarks that are special to that city. This class is offered virtually on Zoom. Activity Kits will be available for pick up at the DGLC. Min 5 | Max 15. Instructor: Eileen Kubica. (LS)
Mini Art Masters Join Mrs. B as she helps your child develop and practice artistic expression while learning techniques used by some of the Masters of Art. Each class is designed to engage your child and help them create super-sensory, open-ended artwork. Children will develop an appreciation of art and gain self-confidence as they draw, paint, and create. This class will be offered in person. Min 5 | Max 9. Instructor: Mrs. Cindy Banaszynski (LS)
Let’s Be a Math Explorer Mrs. B will use stories and activities to provide open-ended, playful exploration of math concepts. This class will be offered in person. Min 5 | Max 9. Instructor: Mrs. Cindy Banaszynski (LS)
Activity Kits & Boxes Our programs come to life with our thoughtfully prepared Activity Kits! These will be available at the Deer Grove Leisure Center through a scheduled curbside pick-up after registration.
Program Preschool STEAM Club Preschool STEAM Club Little Travelers, Paris, France Little Travelers, Rio de Janiero, Brazil Little Travelers, Tokyo, Japan Art Masters, Van Gogh Art Masters, Matisse Art Masters, Eric Carle Art Masters, Giocometti Math Explorer, Sort it Out Math Explorer, The Shape of Things Math Explorer, Mouse Count Math Explorer, Pattern Bugs
Ages 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5
Day/Date F, 01/15-02/05 F, 02/19-03/12 F, 01/15 F, 02/19 F, 03/19 Th, 01/14 Th, 01/21 Th, 01/28 Th, 02/04 Th, 02/18 Th, 02/25 Th, 03/04 Th, 03/11
Time 9:00-10:00A 9:00-10:00A 10:30-11:15A 10:30-11:15A 10:30-11:15A 1:00-1:45P 1:00-1:45P 1:00-1:45P 1:00-1:45P 1:00-1:45P 1:00-1:45P 1:00-1:45P 1:00-1:45P
Location At Home At Home At Home At Home At Home Tiny Tot Preschool Tiny Tot Preschool Tiny Tot Preschool Tiny Tot Preschool Tiny Tot Preschool Tiny Tot Preschool Tiny Tot Preschool Tiny Tot Preschool
Activity # 785106-01 785106-02 785115-01 785115-02 785115-03 705175-01 705175-02 705175-03 705175-04 705145-01 705145-02 705145-03 705145-04
Res | NR $40│$50 $40│$50 $9│$14 $9│$14 $9│$14 $9│$14 $9│$14 $9│$14 $9│$14 $9│$14 $9│$14 $9│$14 $9│$14
Tiny Tot Virtual Preschool Ages 3-4 This program, offered virtually on Zoom, is designed to prepare your child mentally, physically, and emotionally for making the transition to the Preschool 4’s program. Our curriculum introduces children to colors, numbers, shapes, and concepts through a variety of activities. The children explore weekly concepts and themes. Circle time features interactive songs, flannel board stories, and an interactive calendar and weather activities. Children develop large motor skills during movement time and connect with nature outside your home. Monthly Activity Packets will be available for pick up at the DGLC. Instructor: Mrs. Cindy Banaszynski. Min 7 | Max 20. (LS)
Tiny Tot Preschool: Parents will be notified of no class dates prior to the first day of school.
Tiny Tot Virtual Preschool Ages 4-5 This program, offered virtually on Zoom prepares your child cognitively, socially, emotionally, and physically for making the transition to Kindergarten. Our curriculum, based on the Illinois Early Learning Standards, emphasizes self-discovery, teamwork and independent thinking. Children are introduced to Language Arts, Literacy, Math, Social Studies, Science and Nature Exploration through a variety of hands-on activities. Our professional and experienced teacher fosters a nurturing environment that addresses the individual needs of each child. Our well-rounded program includes local field trips, guest speakers, nature exploration, and a graduation ceremony. Monthly activity packets will be available for pick up at the DGLC. Min 7 | Max 20. Instructor: Mrs. Cindy Banaszynski. (LS)
Program Winter Tiny Tot Virtual Preschool Winter Tiny Tot Virtual Preschool
Ages 4-5 3-4
Day/Date M,W, 01/04-05/12 Tu,Th, 01/05-05/13
Time 9:00-10:00A 9:00-10:00A
Location At Home At Home
Activity # 785500-01 785503-01
Res | NR $220│$230 $220│$230
New! Fairy Tale Crafts Use your imagination as we bring to life enchanting fairy tales! We will sing, dance, perform and make magical fairy tale crafts. This class is offered virtually on Zoom. Activity Kits will be available for pick up at the DGLC. No class on 1/18. Min 5 | Max 15. Instructor: Eileen Kubica. (LS)
New! Parent Tot Adventure This class will encourage your child’s curiosity and expand their understanding of the world around them. You and your child will work together to create crafts, sing songs, listen to stories, and play games with a different theme each week. This class is offered virtually on Zoom. Activity kits will be available for pick up at the DGLC. Min 5 | Max 15. Instructor: Eileen Kubica. (LS) Fun In Motion Head to Toe Get ready to stretch and bend your muscles while playing and moving to music. A parent/caregiver must attend class. This class will be offered in person. Min 3 | Max 5. Instructor: Mrs. Cindy Banaszynski (LS)
Program Fairy Tale Crafts Parent Tot Adventure Fun In Motion Head to Toe Fun In Motion Head to Toe
Ages 1.5-2.5 1.5-2.5 2-3 2-3
Day/Date M, 01/11-02/08 M, 02/22-03/15 W, 01/13-02/03 W, 02/17-03/10
Time 10:30-11:15A 10:30-11:15A 6:15-7:00P 6:15-7:00P
Location At Home At Home Tiny Tot Preschool Tiny Tot Preschool
Activity # 785125-01 784434-01 705101-01 705101-02
Res | NR $40│$50 $40│$50 $40│$50 $40│$50