Y4 Foodbank as a Youth Club

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Foodbank as a Youth Club Tackling food waste through recycling Social issues

Social responsibilities

Design Proposal

Skopje remains close to the national average with 28 per cent of its children living in poverty. In order to solve this issue, a proposal to create a food bank in the heart of Old Bazaar seems like an ideal site location as there is no existing food bank located in the heart of the city. The proposal is designed in partnership with local Food Bank Macedonia (FBMK) who has its own mission and duty to fight against hunger, food waste and poverty. By partnering with nearby restaurants, the food bank is able to be self-sustained. Skopje.

Youth volunteers serve meals for the locals and asylums who live without proper meals. The youth club mainly educates people about food recycling. Locals and asylums learn useful techniques on how food composting cycle works using organic waste. It also serves as a community hub. They gain mental and physical supports from the youth volunteers.

The proposal tackles food waste by applying food composting cycles. Vertical farming is implemented as the façade of the building. The youth club partners with nearby restaurants and recycle their daily food scraps. This helps to increase awareness about using composted food scraps as soils for crops. People composts the food and apply the composting techniques to their neighbourhood courtyard.

MArch Architecture (RIBA/ARB Part 2) Year 4 TS+ES Brian Wong Siew Horng

UEL 2019/2020 Unit 8 U1940639

- Site - Residential Housing - Public Institutions - Industry, - Commerce and Business - Greenery and Recreation - Mixed use - Mountain Vodno - River Vardar - Main Thoroughfares - Railways - Concentration of Air Pollution

Skopje overlaid by Plumes of Pollution Diagnosis of the condition of the environment in Skopje performed by comparing the values of indicators measuring pollution levels for selected elements of the natural environment. The analysed data referred to pollution levels (PM10) waste disposal methods, sources of emission, national health status, urban planning (zoning schemes), transport and infrastructure, as well as construction and land-filing activities.They were obtained from the Ministry of Environemnt and Phsical Planning, the World Health Organization and the general Urban Plan for the City of Skopje.

Location Plan 1:50,000 A3 Pollution Zone Mapping Unit Research

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Garbage and dirty areas ranked second after air pollution. TWorld Health Organisation reports they are unhealthy according to US AQI Level.

Site Analysis A3 Poverty Research Brian Wong Siew Horng

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- Old Bazaar - Site - Pre-modern - Modern (Brutalist) - Post - Modern - Skopje 2014 - Skopje 2014 Reconstructions

Food Talk Local youths are learning food nutrition knowledge.

Architectural timeline of Skopje A3 Old Bazaar and Context Group Research+Brian Wong Siew Horng

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Growing own foods in own community to create self-sustainable urban city.


Converting courtyard and underutilized urban voids with urban farming.


Reactivate Skanderbeg Square Masterplan designed by Arkitektura + BINA + Besian Mehmeti Architects.


A new masterplan design by using existing couryard linkages.


Recycle food scrap into farming through co.mposting.

Garbage location in Old Bazaar Skopje Candy bar wrappers, paper tissues and plastic bottles can be regularly seen on the streets of Skopje. The role of garbage bins remains neglected, and there is also garbage in the parks, on the lawns, benches, stations, buses, schools and kindergartens. The garbage collectors drive their handcart to collect the rubbish from restaurants, offices, apartment. The design intention is to reactivate and repurpose the vacant site. Besides, regenerate green belt in the old bazaar through recycling food and self-sustainable education from youth volunteers.


Partner with nearby restaurants to reduce food waste.

Urban Issues 1:10000 A3 Food Waste Nolli Mapping Brian Wong Siew Horng

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9 5 10 20 1

6 15


16 22








- Site - Road - Restaurant - Dessert - Bar and Coffee Shops - Grocery Stores - Pedestrian Walkway - Potential Courtyards for Green Plant - Handcart route

1 - Proper Pizza Restaurant 2 - Destan 3 - Burektore Etmas 4 - Pcela Restaurtant 5 - Family Restaurant SAC 6 - My New Concept Restaurant 7 - Market ALPI 8 - Besides Hostel Mickitos 9 - Piccolo Mondo 10 - Market 11 - Market 12 - Zekin Bit Pazar

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

- Вурекцилнина Стара Чаршија - Piccolo Mondo - Burektore Etmas - Slatkarnica Ohrid - Mon Ami - Baklava Nexho - Mickitos - Kaimuck - ei8ht Cafe Bar - Stone Caffe - Coffee Corner - Corleone

Food advocates in Old Bazaar Skopje As one of the oldest and largest marketplaces in the Balkans, locals and tourists love to visit the shops and restaurants. Hence, all restaurants are potential to be food partner to tackles poverty issues.


Urban Strategy Proposal Plan 1:10000 A3 Food Advocates Research Brian Wong Siew Horng

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① Proper Pizza Restaurant Fast Foods

Traditional Foods

② Destan

③ Burektore Etmas

⑬ Вурекцилнина Стара Чаршија

④ Pčela Restaurant

⑤ Family Restaurant SAC

⑥ My New Concept Restaurant

⑯ Slatkarnica Ohrid

⑦ Market ALPI

⑧ Besides Hostel Mickitos Groceries

Souveniers and Convenience Store

⑩ Market

⑪ Market

⑫ Zekin Bit Pazar

Traditional Foods

Convenience Store


Western Foods



Western Foods

⑨ Piccolo Mondo



⑲ Mickitos

Coffees and Cocktails

⑭ Piccolo Mondo

⑮ Burektore Etmas

⑰ Mon Ami

⑱ Baklava Nexho

Pastries and Slushies

Pancakes, Burgers and Teas



⑳ Kaimuck

Coffees and Alcohols


Food Advocates A3 List of Food Advocates Brian Wong Siew Horng

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Urban Strategy Proposal A3 Urban Intervention and Development Brian Wong Siew Horng

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Case Studies A3 Dom Mlatih, The Split, Croatia Brian Wong Siew Horng + Chun Li

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Building programs The building program defines the hierachy spaces of the building.

Case Studies A3 Dom Mlatih, The Split, Croatia Brian Wong Siew Horng + Chun Li

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Youth Banks Network Macedonia is an open network supporting youth employment using the youth banks model. This project is supported by USAID's Civic Engagement Project.

Client Collaborate with Distribute food to

Partnership Local Youth

Food Advocates

Volunteer Youth + Strategic Partnerships -

Proper Pizza Restaurant


Burektore Etmas

Pčela Restaurant


Family Restaurant SAC

+ Work Abroad/ Traineeships -

My New Concept Restaurant

Market ALPI

Besides Hostel Mickitos

Piccolo Mondo


Zekin Bit Pazar

Вурекцилнин а Стара Чаршија

Piccolo Mondo

Dlatkarnica Orchid

Mon Ami

Baklava Nexho


ei8ht Cafe Bar

Stone Caffe

Coffee Corner


Planning Drawings

Conceptual Design

Up to €470 per month €20 for disadvantaged students

Food Bank MK really does help change people’s lives and give them their simple basic needs.


Burektore Etmas

"FOOD FOR SITE-BHM" play as bank for food, non-profit, charitable, humanitarian organization that is in the area of multi-volume food, nutrition which is a "Tesen" rock to a useful value, i.e. to the end of the use, imprisonment, the work of a certain communion is not the ability to crawl in or to be used for any other trade purposes.

+ Study Abroad -

Up to €370 per month €120 for disadvantaged students

The main deed of our organisa is sauce and voe-so-ode to earth, "We're not going to be able to do that," Henderson said.



Refer to List of Food Advocates

Brief and Concept

€450,000 max funding for project duration of 36 months max €12,500 per month

To reduce hunger and malnutrition through the fight against food waste and the support and development of food banks in countries where they are most needed.

Cost Received


Design Revision


As Built Drawings


- Youth Volunteers from abroad - Youth Volunteers from Skopje - Others

Youth Outreach and International Funding Eramus+ provides strategic partnerships with £450,000 max funding for project duraction of 36 months max. Youth volunteers got opportunity to study abroad up to €370 per month and €120 for disadvantaged students. Youth volunteers usually work abroad or traineeships up to €470 per month and €20 for disadvantaged students

Professional Study A3 User and Client + RIBA Stages Group Research+Brian Wong Siew Horng

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Street Photos Thee street photos along my site.

Site Visit A3 Street Photos Brian Wong Siew Horng

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Green Materials

Compost Bay

Greens are materials that are rich in nitrogen or protein. They are also the items that tend to heat a compost pile up because they help the microorganisms in the pile grow and multiply quickly.

For effective composting, individual bays need to be a minimum of 1 cubic metre – and two or three bays are better than one. This way, there is a space for adding fresh ingredients, and one with compost ready to use.

- Grass clippings - Coffee grounds/tea bags - Vegetable and fruit scraps - Trimmings from perennial and annual plants - Annual weeds that haven't set seed - Eggshells - Animal manures - Seaweed

Brown Materials Browns are carbon or carbohydrate-rich materials. The main job of browns in a compost pile is to be food sources for all of the lovely soil-dwelling organisms that will work with the microbes to break down the contents of your compost pile. Also, brown materials help to add bulk and help allow air to filter through the pile. - Fall leaves - Pine needles - Twigs, chipped tree branches/bark - Straw or hay - Sawdust - Corn stalks - Paper - Dryer lint - Cotton fabric - Corrugated cardboard

Composting Processs

Drum Specifications

The food advocates deliver the food waste to food kitchen. The procedure as shown below: ① ② ③ ④

Shreds and store materials Combine Green and Brown Materials Turn compost unitil finished Apply on Garden

Compost Drum and Material Composition

- 55 Gallons - 900x600mm

The composting method, the commercial drum, creates an aerobic environment that accelerates the composting process with minimal smell. Depending on environmental conditions, this method can turn waste into compost in about two weeks.

- 40% Air Space - 40% Green - 20% Brown

The quantity of drums within the park is designed to fit the weekly average amount of waste produced by the residents located adjacent to the site. The project estimates a person produces one gallon of waste per week. The compost system builds the soil’s quality over time, and the size of a drum is a measuring device in which to apply compost to the landscape. Gardens are sized appropriately to a drum’s compost output.

Worm Bin A ‘worm bin’ or ‘wormery’ usually consists of at least two compartments; a lower collection sump for the liquid and an upper composting area where the kitchen waste goes in and the worms actively work.

Green Bin Green bin for green materials

Brown Bin Brown Bin for brown materials

Rotating Composters With a tumbler, you won’t have to manually turn heavy heaps of material, saving a huge amount of time and effort in the long run. As well as this, your compost will be protected from vermin and pests inside a fully sealed tumbler which is slightly elevated above the ground. Housing the compost inside a sealed tumbler also prevents unpleasant smells spreading throughout the garden.

Bamboo Hydroponic

Green Materials

Brown Materials

Garden Tools

Compost Drum

Composting Research Compost is rich in nutrients. It is used, for example, in gardens, landscaping, horticulture, urban agriculture and organic farming. The compost itself is beneficial for the land in many ways, including as a soil conditioner, a fertilizer, addition of vital humus or humic acids, and as a natural pesticide for soil. In ecosystems, compost is useful for erosion control, land and stream reclamation, wetland construction, and as landfill cover

In a typical hydroponic tower, the idea is to use a tube system with a pump to get water to the top layers. From there, you can use the assistance of gravity to channel the flow down to the reservoir. You can either use a single tube to deliver water to the top level or use multiple channels to different layers for optimal delivery of water and nutrients.

Composting Research A3 Composting process and materials Brian Wong Siew Horng

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Concept Research After visiting the site, conceptual sketches were drawn. Then online research on particular similar moodboards suit to the site.

Concept Research A3 Conceptual sketches and moodboards Brian Wong Siew Horng

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Ground Floor Plan

Third Floor Plan Design Development The food related programs research is done and transfer into the space planning. The design proposal of foodbank as a youthclub to tackle food waste through recycling.

First Floor Plan

Fourth and Mezzanine Floor Plan

Second Floor Plan

Fifth Floor Plan Design Development A3 Floor Plan Layouts Brian Wong Siew Horng

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Paper Model Based on the design development, paper model is made to test whether the structure stable or not.

Model A3 Paper Model Brian Wong Siew Horng

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Urban Design Proposal A3 Urban Intervention and Development Brian Wong Siew Horng

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- Site - Road - Restaurant - Dessert - Bar and Coffee Shops - Grocery Stores - Pedestrian Walkway - Potential Courtyards for Green Plant - Handcart route

1 - Proper Pizza Restaurant 2 - Destan 3 - Burektore Etmas 4 - Pcela Restaurtant 5 - Family Restaurant SAC 6 - My New Concept Restaurant 7 - Market ALPI 8 - Besides Hostel Mickitos 9 - Piccolo Mondo 10 - Market 11 - Market 12 - Zekin Bit Pazar

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

- Вурекцилнина Стара Чаршија - Piccolo Mondo - Burektore Etmas - Slatkarnica Ohrid - Mon Ami - Baklava Nexho - Mickitos - Kaimuck - ei8ht Cafe Bar - Stone Caffe - Coffee Corner - Corleone

Food advocates in Old Bazaar Skopje As one of the oldest and largest marketplaces in the Balkans, locals and tourists love to visit the shops and restaurants. Hence, all restaurants are potential to be food partner to tackles poverty issues.

Urban Strategy Proposal Plan 1:10000 A3 Food Advocates Research Brian Wong Siew Horng

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- 600 x 600mm Basin as per specs.#


- 300 x 2100mm Bamboo Hydroponic as per specs.


- 900 x 300 x3100mm Furniture cabinets as per specs.


- 100mm gap Drainage to ENGR details.


-150mm diameter Downpipe ato ENGR details.


- 600 x 600mm Fridge as per specs.


- 1700 x 1900mm Service lift to ENGR details.

① 300 x 300mm Green bin collects green materials as per specs.

⑥ ④

② 300 x 300mm Brown bin collects brown materials as per specs.6

③ 600 x 600mm Compost bays collect brown materials as per specs.

④ 600 x 300mm Rotating compost tumbler as per specs.

⑤ 500mm diameter Worm composting bin as per specs. ⑥ 300mm x 600mm Anaerobic compost bin as per specs. ⑦ Climbing green wall refer to details. Organic Market Route to Market Takeaway Front desk 6m2 Kitchen 12m2 Donation Hub Organic Market 36m2

PP1 - 1500 x 4800mm Polycarbonate Panel as per specs. PP2 - 2000 x 4800mm Polycarbonate Panel as per specs. PP3 - 1200 x 4800mm Polycarbonate Panel as per specs.

Route to Food Storage Compost Hub 5m2 Dry Storage 14m2 Cold Storage 14m2 Organic Garden -

PP4 - 2195 x 4800mm Polycarbonate Panel as per specs.

Route to Food Court Hawker Stalls 56m2 Gym 18m2


-1000 x 600mm Sink as per specs.


-300 x 300mm Spotlight to ENGR details.

Legends - Site - Pedestrian Walkway - Site Boundary - Foods



- 800 x 2100mm Glass door panel as per specs.

-1500 x 3000mm Sliding Panel as per specs.



- 1500 x 2100mm Sliding door as per specs.

- 1000 x 900mm Window panels as per specs.



- 600 x 600mm Stove

- 800 x 2100mm Window panels as per specs.


- Water Closect as per specs.


- 800 x 900mm Window panels as per specs.


- 900 x 900mm Window panels as per specs.

FD - 900 x 2100mm Fire door as per specs. FDD - 850 x 2100mm Folding doors as per specs.

Organic Market in the morning As one of the oldest and largest marketplaces in the Balkans, locals and tourists love to visit the shops and restaurants. Hence, all restaurants are potential to be food partner to tackles poverty issues.

Ground Floor Plan 1:100 A3 Morning Option Brian Wong Siew Horng

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Organic Market in the morning As one of the oldest and largest marketplaces in the Balkans, locals and tourists love to visit the shops and restaurants. Hence, all restaurants are potential to be food partner to tackles poverty issues.

Organic Market 1:50 A3 Organic Market Brian Wong Siew Horng

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- 600 x 600mm Basin as per specs.#


- 300 x 2100mm Bamboo Hydroponic as per specs.


- 900 x 300 x3100mm Furniture cabinets as per specs.


- 100mm gap Drainage to ENGR details.


-150mm diameter Downpipe ato ENGR details.


- 600 x 600mm Fridge as per specs.


- 1700 x 1900mm Service lift to ENGR details.

① 300 x 300mm Green bin collects green materials as per specs.

⑥ ④

② 300 x 300mm Brown bin collects brown materials as per specs.6

③ 600 x 600mm Compost bays collect brown materials as per specs.

④ 600 x 300mm Rotating compost tumbler as per specs.

⑤ 500mm diameter Worm composting bin as per specs. ⑥ 300mm x 600mm Anaerobic compost bin as per specs. ⑦ Climbing green wall refer to details. Foodbank + Youth Club Route to Foodbank Takeaway Front desk 6m2 Kitchen 12m2 Collection Hub Dining 36m2

PP1 - 1500 x 4800mm Polycarbonate Panel as per specs. PP2 - 2000 x 4800mm Polycarbonate Panel as per specs. PP3 - 1200 x 4800mm Polycarbonate Panel as per specs.

Route to Food Storage Compost Hub 5m2 Dry Storage 14m2 Cold Storage 14m2 Organic Garden -

PP4 - 2195 x 4800mm Polycarbonate Panel as per specs.

Route to Sport Club Sport Court 56m2 Gym 18m2


-1000 x 600mm Sink as per specs.


-300 x 300mm Spotlight to ENGR details.

Legends - Site - Pedestrian Walkway - Site Boundary - Foods



- 800 x 2100mm Glass door panel as per specs.

-1500 x 3000mm Sliding Panel as per specs.



- 1500 x 2100mm Sliding door as per specs.

- 1000 x 900mm Window panels as per specs.



- 600 x 600mm Stove

- 800 x 2100mm Window panels as per specs.


- Water Closect as per specs.


- 800 x 900mm Window panels as per specs.


- 900 x 900mm Window panels as per specs.

FD - 900 x 2100mm Fire door as per specs. FDD - 850 x 2100mm Folding doors as per specs.

Food Kitchen and Sport Club in the evening Food advocates deliver their leftover foods and food scraps to compost hub. Foodbank user collects donated foods and goods from the locals. Local youths join the sport club after their working hour before back home.

Ground Floor Plan 1:100 A3 Evening Layout Brian Wong Siew Horng

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⑥ ④

③ ② ①

Food Kitchen in the evening Food advocates deliver their leftover foods and food scraps to compost hub. Foodbank user collects donated foods and goods from the locals.

Ground Floor Plan 1:50 A3 Food Kitchen Brian Wong Siew Horng

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Sport Club in the evening Local youths join the sport club after their working hour before back home.

Ground Floor Plan 1:50 A3 Sport Club Brian Wong Siew Horng

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bw.architects B

- 600 x 600mm Basin as per specs.#


- 300 x 2100mm Bamboo Hydroponic as per specs.


- 900 x 300 x3100mm Furniture cabinets as per specs.


- 100mm gap Drainage to ENGR details.


-150mm diameter Downpipe ato ENGR details.


- 600 x 600mm Fridge as per specs.


- 1700 x 1900mm Service lift to ENGR details.

① 300 x 300mm Green bin collects green materials as per specs. ② 300 x 300mm Brown bin collects brown materials as per specs.6 ③ 600 x 600mm Compost bays collect brown materials as per specs. ④ 600 x 300mm Rotating compost tumbler as per specs. ⑤ 500mm diameter Worm composting bin as per specs. ⑥ 300mm x 600mm Anaerobic compost bin as per specs. ⑦ Climbing green wall refer to details. Youth Club Route to Foodbank Takeaway Front desk 6m2 Kitchen 12m2 Collection Hub Dining 36m2

PP1 - 1500 x 4800mm Polycarbonate Panel as per specs. PP2 - 2000 x 4800mm Polycarbonate Panel as per specs. PP3 - 1200 x 4800mm Polycarbonate Panel as per specs.

Route to Food Storage Compost Hub 5m2 Dry Storage 14m2 Cold Storage 14m2 Organic Garden -

PP4 - 2195 x 4800mm Polycarbonate Panel as per specs.

Route to Sport Club Sport Court 56m2 Gym 18m2


-1000 x 600mm Sink as per specs.


-300 x 300mm Spotlight to ENGR details.

Legends - Site - Pedestrian Walkway - Site Boundary - Foods



- 800 x 2100mm Glass door panel as per specs.

-1500 x 3000mm Sliding Panel as per specs.



- 1500 x 2100mm Sliding door as per specs.

- 1000 x 900mm Window panels as per specs.



- 600 x 600mm Stove

- 800 x 2100mm Window panels as per specs.


- Water Closect as per specs.


- 800 x 900mm Window panels as per specs.


- 900 x 900mm Window panels as per specs.

FD - 900 x 2100mm Fire door as per specs. FDD - 850 x 2100mm Folding doors as per specs.

Youth Club Local youths play games, sings songs, meetings, sharing foods, feeding pets, donates the foods and etc. Youth volunteers harvest organic products from bamboo hydroponic plants.

First Floor Plan 1:100 A3 Youth Club Brian Wong Siew Horng

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Youth Club Local youths play games, sings songs, meetings, sharing foods, feeding pets, donates the foods and etc. Youth volunteers harvest organic products from bamboo hydroponic plants.

First Floor Plan 1:50 A3 Youth Club Brian Wong Siew Horng

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bw.architects B

- 600 x 600mm Basin as per specs.#


- 300 x 2100mm Bamboo Hydroponic as per specs.


- 900 x 300 x3100mm Furniture cabinets as per specs.


- 100mm gap Drainage to ENGR details.


-150mm diameter Downpipe ato ENGR details.


- 600 x 600mm Fridge as per specs.


- 1700 x 1900mm Service lift to ENGR details.

① 300 x 300mm Green bin collects green materials as per specs. ② 300 x 300mm Brown bin collects brown materials as per specs.6 ③ 600 x 600mm Compost bays collect brown materials as per specs. ④ 600 x 300mm Rotating compost tumbler as per specs. ⑤ 500mm diameter Worm composting bin as per specs. ⑥ 300mm x 600mm Anaerobic compost bin as per specs. ⑦ Climbing green wall refer to details. Organic Market Route to Market Takeaway Front desk 6m2 Kitchen 12m2 Donation Hub Organic Market 36m2

PP1 - 1500 x 4800mm Polycarbonate Panel as per specs. PP2 - 2000 x 4800mm Polycarbonate Panel as per specs. PP3 - 1200 x 4800mm Polycarbonate Panel as per specs.

Route to Food Storage Compost Hub 5m2 Dry Storage 14m2 Cold Storage 14m2 Organic Garden -

PP4 - 2195 x 4800mm Polycarbonate Panel as per specs.

Route to Food Court Hawker Stalls 56m2 Gym 18m2


-1000 x 600mm Sink as per specs.


-300 x 300mm Spotlight to ENGR details.

Legends - Site - Pedestrian Walkway - Site Boundary - Foods



- 800 x 2100mm Glass door panel as per specs.

-1500 x 3000mm Sliding Panel as per specs.



- 1500 x 2100mm Sliding door as per specs.

- 1000 x 900mm Window panels as per specs.



- 600 x 600mm Stove

- 800 x 2100mm Window panels as per specs.


- Water Closect as per specs.


- 800 x 900mm Window panels as per specs.


- 900 x 900mm Window panels as per specs.

FD - 900 x 2100mm Fire door as per specs. FDD - 850 x 2100mm Folding doors as per specs.

Food Talk Youths volunteers share skills and knowledge more effectively to meet the needs of the local communities. They reach children with nutritional deficiencies or parents that did not know how to cook with no place to turn. With knowledge, they share the mpact childhood nutrition can have on adult life. We believe healthy children lead to a healthy community and able to fight food poverty in North Macedonia.

Second Floor Plan 1:100 A3 Food Talk Brian Wong Siew Horng

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bw.architects B

- 600 x 600mm Basin as per specs.#


- 300 x 2100mm Bamboo Hydroponic as per specs.


- 900 x 300 x3100mm Furniture cabinets as per specs.


- 100mm gap Drainage to ENGR details.


-150mm diameter Downpipe ato ENGR details.


- 600 x 600mm Fridge as per specs.


- 1700 x 1900mm Service lift to ENGR details.

① 300 x 300mm Green bin collects green materials as per specs. ② 300 x 300mm Brown bin collects brown materials as per specs.6 ③ 600 x 600mm Compost bays collect brown materials as per specs. ④ 600 x 300mm Rotating compost tumbler as per specs. ⑤ 500mm diameter Worm composting bin as per specs. ⑥ 300mm x 600mm Anaerobic compost bin as per specs. ⑦ Climbing green wall refer to details. Organic Market Route to Market Takeaway Front desk 6m2 Kitchen 12m2 Donation Hub Organic Market 36m2

PP1 - 1500 x 4800mm Polycarbonate Panel as per specs. PP2 - 2000 x 4800mm Polycarbonate Panel as per specs. PP3 - 1200 x 4800mm Polycarbonate Panel as per specs.

Route to Food Storage Compost Hub 5m2 Dry Storage 14m2 Cold Storage 14m2 Organic Garden -

PP4 - 2195 x 4800mm Polycarbonate Panel as per specs.

Route to Food Court Hawker Stalls 56m2 Gym 18m2


-1000 x 600mm Sink as per specs.


-300 x 300mm Spotlight to ENGR details.

Legends - Site - Pedestrian Walkway - Site Boundary - Foods



- 800 x 2100mm Glass door panel as per specs.

-1500 x 3000mm Sliding Panel as per specs.



- 1500 x 2100mm Sliding door as per specs.

- 1000 x 900mm Window panels as per specs.



- 600 x 600mm Stove

- 800 x 2100mm Window panels as per specs.


- Water Closect as per specs.


- 800 x 900mm Window panels as per specs.


- 900 x 900mm Window panels as per specs.

FD - 900 x 2100mm Fire door as per specs. FDD - 850 x 2100mm Folding doors as per specs.

Floristry The production, commerce and trade in flowers. It encompasses flower care and handling, floral design, or flower arranging, merchandising, and display and flower delivery. Youth are trained as florists to offer fresh flowers and related products and services to consumers.

Third Floor Plan 1:100 A3 Floristry Brian Wong Siew Horng

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bw.architects B

- 600 x 600mm Basin as per specs.#


- 300 x 2100mm Bamboo Hydroponic as per specs.


- 900 x 300 x3100mm Furniture cabinets as per specs.


- 100mm gap Drainage to ENGR details.


-150mm diameter Downpipe ato ENGR details.


- 600 x 600mm Fridge as per specs.


- 1700 x 1900mm Service lift to ENGR details.

① 300 x 300mm Green bin collects green materials as per specs. ② 300 x 300mm Brown bin collects brown materials as per specs.6 ③ 600 x 600mm Compost bays collect brown materials as per specs. ④ 600 x 300mm Rotating compost tumbler as per specs. ⑤ 500mm diameter Worm composting bin as per specs. ⑥ 300mm x 600mm Anaerobic compost bin as per specs. ⑦ Climbing green wall refer to details. Organic Market Route to Market Takeaway Front desk 6m2 Kitchen 12m2 Donation Hub Organic Market 36m2

PP1 - 1500 x 4800mm Polycarbonate Panel as per specs. PP2 - 2000 x 4800mm Polycarbonate Panel as per specs. PP3 - 1200 x 4800mm Polycarbonate Panel as per specs.

Route to Food Storage Compost Hub 5m2 Dry Storage 14m2 Cold Storage 14m2 Organic Garden -

PP4 - 2195 x 4800mm Polycarbonate Panel as per specs.

Route to Food Court Hawker Stalls 56m2 Gym 18m2


-1000 x 600mm Sink as per specs.


-300 x 300mm Spotlight to ENGR details.

Legends - Site - Pedestrian Walkway - Site Boundary - Foods



- 800 x 2100mm Glass door panel as per specs.

-1500 x 3000mm Sliding Panel as per specs.



- 1500 x 2100mm Sliding door as per specs.

- 1000 x 900mm Window panels as per specs.



- 600 x 600mm Stove

- 800 x 2100mm Window panels as per specs.


- Water Closect as per specs.


- 800 x 900mm Window panels as per specs.


- 900 x 900mm Window panels as per specs.

FD - 900 x 2100mm Fire door as per specs. FDD - 850 x 2100mm Folding doors as per specs.

Youth Residential A community of youth volunteers from Eramus. Youths are having yoga, organise parties and youth programs for local youth people. They sing and play music at over the balcony to street.

Forth Floor Plan with Mezzanine 1:100 A3 Youth Residential Brian Wong Siew Horng

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⑥ ① ② ③ ④

- Barbeque Garden - Youth Residential - Greenhouse Market - Youth Party Zone

⑦ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦

- Hydroponic Garden - Composting Garden - Pedestrian Street

East Elevation Youths are having barbeque and parties in the garden on roof top. Youth volunteers enjoy sunsets street view to the Old Bazaar. The greenhouse market and floristry open for local youths to purchasing and donation for the needy one. Local youth hangout with their friend in every corner of the garden. Youth volunteers are responsible to take care hydroponic garden. Food advocates bring food scraps for composting. Local youth enjoy the composting garden.

East Elevation 1:100 A3 Facade of Youth Club Brian Wong Siew Horng

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① ② ③ ④

- Barbeque Garden - Greenhouse Garden - Youth Residential - Youth Residential (Event Hall)

⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧

- Greenhouse Market - Floristry - Hydroponic Garden - Youth Party Zone

South Elevation Youths are having barbeque and parties in the garden on roof top. Youth volunteers enjoy sunsets street view to the Old Bazaar. Youth volunteer organise food poverty protest event The greenhouse market and floristry open for local youths to purchasing and donation for the needy one. Youth volunteers are responsible to take care hydroponic garden. Local youth hangout with their friend in every corner of the garden. The needy one received food donation at the counter. Some of them enter the foodbank to enjoy the meals.

South Elevation 1:100 A3 Foodbank entrance. Brian Wong Siew Horng

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⑤ ⑧

Family Restaurant SAC ① ② ③ ④

- Greenhouse Garden - Youth Residential (Event Hall) - Hydroponic Garden - Youth Study Zone

⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧

- Youth Party Zone - Entrance (Sport Club/Organic Market) - Entrance (Youth Club) - Rainwater Harvesting Pipe

West Elevation Youths are having fun in greenhouse garden. Youth volunteers organise food poverty protest in event hall. Youth volunteers are responsible to take care hydroponic plan. Local youths hang out with friends for gatherings. Sometimes, youths enjoy party event also. The front street promotes organic foods and ask for food donation for the needy one.

West Elevation 1:100 A3 Youth club and organic market entrance. Brian Wong Siew Horng

Title Scale Description Drawn By

- Pedestrian street walk - Service Lift and Fire Staircase - Railing - Adjacent Windows - Urban Block Courtyard - Rainwater Harvesting Pipes

Organic Market, Foodbank, Sport Club Local youths eat healthy food, receives healthy nutrition food, and improve their health and fitness.

Ground Floor Axonmetric 1:150 A3 A proposal according to site consideration. Brian Wong Siew Horng

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- Pedestrian street walk - Service Lift and Fire Staircase - Railing - Adjacent Windows - Urban Block Courtyard - Rainwater Harvesting Pipes

Youth Club Local youths are having social funs.

First Floor Axonmetric 1:150 A3 Youth Club Brian Wong Siew Horng

Title Scale Description Drawn By

- Pedestrian street walk - Service Lift and Fire Staircase - Railing - Adjacent Windows - Urban Block Courtyard - Rainwater Harvesting Pipes

Food Talk Local youths are learning food nutrition knowledge.

Second Floor Plan Axonmetric 1:150 A3 Food Talk Brian Wong Siew Horng

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- Pedestrian street walk - Service Lift and Fire Staircase - Railing - Adjacent Windows - Urban Block Courtyard - Rainwater Harvesting Pipes

Floristry Local youths are buying the flowers and learn how to plant at home. There are tutorial classes for them to learn how to take care their plants. At the same time, they can donate food or plant to the needy one.

Third Floor Axonmetric 1:150 A3 Floristry Brian Wong Siew Horng

Title Scale Description Drawn By

- Pedestrian street walk - Service Lift and Fire Staircase - Railing - Adjacent Windows - Urban Block Courtyard - Rainwater Harvesting Pipes

Youth Residential Youths staying in the building while they devoted themselves to serve the community. They organise the events for the local youths.

Forth Floor Axonmetric 1:50 A3 Youth Residential Brian Wong Siew Horng

Title Scale Description Drawn By

- Pedestrian street walk - Service Lift and Fire Staircase - Railing - Adjacent Windows - Urban Block Courtyard - Rainwater Harvesting Pipes

Youth Residential Youths staying in the building while they devoted themselves to serve the community. They organise the events for the local youths.

Forth Mezzanine Floor Axonmetric 1:150 A3 Youth Residential Brian Wong Siew Horng

Title Scale Description Drawn By

- Pedestrian street walk - Service Lift and Fire Staircase - Railing - Adjacent Windows - Urban Block Courtyard - Rainwater Harvesting Pipes

BBQ Garden Youths are having bbq with local youths. They share the foods they grow.

Roof Floor Axonmetric 1:150 A3 Barbeque Garden Brian Wong Siew Horng

Title Scale Description Drawn By

- Pedestrian street walk - Service Lift and Fire Staircase - Railing - Adjacent Windows - Urban Block Courtyard - Rainwater Harvesting Pipes

Greenhouse Youths grow food in the greenhouse areas.

Axonmetric Perspective 1:150 A3 Greenhouse Brian Wong Siew Horng

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① Pedestrian Street ② Sport Club ③ Gym Club

④ Foodbank ⑤ Composting Hub ⑥ Youth Reading Zone ⑦ Youth Club

⑧ Meeting Room ⑨ Bamboo Hydroponic

⑩ Youth Resting Zone ⑪ Floristry ⑫ Organic Greenhouse ⑬ Youth Play Zone

⑭ Youth Residential (Event Hall)

⑮ Youth Residential (Loft) ⑯ Youth Residential (Bathroom) ⑰ Youth Residential (Bedroom) ⑱ Water harvesting pond ⑲ Greenhouse garden

⑳ Barbeque Garden

③ ①

⑤ ④

Foodbank as Youth Club A gym club for those who like to get distracted by a bit of fun while they workout. By organising sport event, local youth surround the atrium to watch the event. At the same time, food poverty posters and donation box are ready provided for the needy one. The food advocates donates left over food and bring the food scrap for composting. The compost are recycled through organic plant in the greenhouse. Youth volunteers for Eramus+ stays in the building are responsible to take care the bamboo hydroponics and garden. They also organise special event to fight food poverty.

Section Perspective 1:100 A3 Technical Design with Details Brian Wong Siew Horng

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Date Time Altitude Azitude

: 21 Dec : 12pm (GMT+1) : 24.28° : -172.91°


-----------------------1 -------------------------------------2 ----------------------------------------3 -----------------------------4


slope 1°





① Pedestrian Street

Summer Date Time Altitude Azitude

: 20 June : 12pm (GMT+1) : 70.76° :-162.89°


Parapet Wall Detail

| 1:50

1 Parapet coping 2 Polycarbonate panel 3 Rigid Insulation 4 200mm 5 layer cross-laminated timber 5 Waterproofing membrane 6 100mm depth water harvesting drainage

② Sport Club


Flat Roof Detail

| 1:50

1 Parapet coping 2 Rigid insulation 3 200mm 5 layer cross-laminated timber 4 Waterproofing membrane 5 Timber wall cladding

③ Gym Club ④ Foodbank ⑤ Composting Hub ⑥ Youth Reading Zone ⑦ Youth Club ⑧ Meeting Room

⑨ Bamboo Hydroponic ⑩ Youth Resting Zone







⑪ Floristry


⑫ Organic Greenhouse ⑬ Youth Play Zone






⑭ Youth Residential (Event Hall) ⑮ Youth Residential (Loft) ⑯ Youth Residential (Bathroom) ⑰ Youth Residential (Bedroom)


Curtain Wall Detail

| 1:50

1 Window Panel 2 300mm sqm cross-laminated timber column 3 50mm timber floor tiles with inlaid underfloor heating pipes 4 Curtain window timber frame 5 Water piping on ceiling for hydroponic


Window Detail

⑱ Water harvesting pond

| 1:50

1 Window frame 2 Window Panel 3 200mm 5 layer cross-laminated timber 4 Rigid insulation 5 Timber wall cladding

⑲ Greenhouse garden ⑳ Barbeque Garden

⑥ 1-------------------------------------2-----------------------------------------------------------------1

--------------------------------2 ---------------------------3



④ ③

② C

Foodbank as Youth Club

⑤ C

Concrete Footing Detail

| 1:50

1 Waterproofing membrane 2 50mm timber foor tiles with inlaid underfloor heating pipes 3 Head of pile foundation


Roof Connection Detail

| 1:50

1 Glass panel 2 200mm 5 layer cross-laminated timber 3 Rigid insulation 4 Polycabonate panel

ile they workout. By organising sport event, local youth surround the atrium to watch the event. At the same time, food poverty posters and donation box are ready provided for the needy one. The food advocates donates left over food and bring the food scrap for composting. use. Youth volunteers for Eramus+ stayswho in the are responsible bamboo hydroponics and sport garden. Theylocal alsoyouth organise special to to fight foodthe poverty. A gym club for those likebuilding to get distracted by a bittooftake fun care whilethe they workout. By organising event, surround theevent atrium watch event. At the same time, food poverty posters and donation box are ready provided for the needy one. The food advocates donates left over food and bring the food scrap for composting. The compost are recycled through organic plant in the greenhouse. Youth volunteers for Eramus+ stays in the building are responsible to take care the bamboo hydroponics and garden. They also organise special event to fight food poverty.

Technical Studies + Environment Studies 1:100 A3 Details Drawings + Daylight Solar Strategy Brian Wong Siew Horng

Title Scale Description Drawn By

① Roof ① 1000x1000mm Polycarbornate panels form roof panels ② 200x200mm Cross-laminated timber beams and columns in 5 layers. ②

③ 800mm radius semi-arch on top 800x3100mm openings.

Vertical Wall ④ 750x1550mm Polycarbornate panels forms facade panel ⑤1450x3100mm Polycarbornates panels forms sliding doors

Lift Core ⑫ 300mm risers x 250mm threads Lift service staircase

⑬ 1400x2100mm lift opening Fire Staircase ⑭ 155mm risers x 250mm threads A landing every 10 risers

⑥ 800x3100mm Double glazing panels

⑮ Emergency exit to street

⑤ ⑭

⑥ ⑦ 800mm radius Semi-arch on top 800x3100mm openings ⑧ 600mm diameter Bamboo hydroponic ⑨800x4650mm Double glazing panels

Foundation ⑩ Cross-laminated timber on concrete footing ⑪ Rainwater harvesting from roof gutter Exploded Axonmetric 1:300 A3 Materiality Brian Wong Siew Horng

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Youth Club A3 Youths are having fun in youth club. Brian Wong Siew Horng

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Rooftop Garden A3 Youths are having barbeque party. Brian Wong Siew Horng

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