BWD Magazine - April 2015

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#1 Variety Magazine - A Worldwide Publication

Monthly Issue - April 2015

tamara bubble humbly embraces her success!!

jacqui childs featured model of the month

inglath cooper the high price of making dreams come true

OVER a decades worth Of experience and knowledge

Features 04 Jacqui Childs April’s Featured Model Of The Month

06 Bishop Lawrence Hancock On An Relentless Quest

10 Fillthy Diviase Energetic Flow Into The Music Scene

11 Felipé Dro An Artist On The Rise

16 Ponce De’Leioun Honesty In Presentation

17 The Merrylees Dreamy Quality Of Music

21 Inglath Cooper (Author) The High Price Of Making Dreams Come True

COVER STORY 12 Tamara Bubble Proudly, Yet Humbly Embraces Her Success

Lifestyle | HEALTH 08 Earth Day Making Our Planet A Better Place To Live

09 Patriots Day Not To Be Confused With The Observation Of 9/11


4 Varicose Vein Prevention Tips

18 Be Inspired (Monthly Feature)

ENTERTAINMENT 7 Buffalo Bites (Monthly Feature) The Creative Audio And Music Production World 19 All Hands On Deck (Monthly Feature) Artist Development :: The Creative Process

22 BWD Radio (Monthly Sponsor)

2 • BWD Magazine •


last issue

In a world where a swipe across the virtual shelf has supplanted the casual stroll down the aisle, content driven media has become the golden chalice of promotion; fresh content delivered with the minimum of fuss constantly throughout the day has become the key to ensnaring the public interest, of reaching the plateau of fame and recognition you deserve to be standing upon. Without an audience to listen no-one can hear you talk. Without a pair of eyes to observe no-one notices when you achieve greatness and without a market waiting on pins to learn which direction their latest fascination will be coming from no-one will be holding the banners of congratulations when you finally step up to the limelight. With an empire of insiders working tirelessly away to bring you the biggest, best, and breaking news across the entire landscape of the media BWD Magazine has built a reputation as being one of the leading names in the industry. When we speak, others listen. With a worldwide audience of subscribers downloading and learning which name to look out for, which band they should be following, who the next Big Thing is going to be, BWD Magazine speaks to millions of awaiting ears each and every month. With the world as an audience BWD Magazine puts you firmly in the spotlight.

Editor In Chief V Keach

Editors/Writers V Keach/Various Contributors

Art Director, Graphic Artist(s) V Keach & BWD Graphics


Offical Website Twitter: BWDMagazine Twitter: BWDPromotions

BWD Magazine- ‘Leading Whilst Others Follow’

BWD Magazine • • 3

APRIL’s featured model of the month

Jacqui Childs STATS: Dress size: 5 Shoe size: 7 Height: 5’6 Weight: 125 lbs Measurements: 34DD-25-34 Hair: Blonde Eyes: Hazel Current Residence: Toronto, Canada 4 • BWD Magazine •


acqui Childs has been a model and actress since her first pageant at age 14.

By the age of 21 she had been published numerous times; including the “shoot that started it all”, with the legendary David Mecey for Venus Swimsuit Catalog. She had also appeared as an extra in films with John Travolta and Lee Majors. After taking 15 years off to raise her family, she re-entered the industry after doing a boudoir photo-shoot just for fun, which led to an appearance in the Toronto Sun as the daily Sunshine Girl.

Shortly after that she became an Anchor for Naked News and has had the opportunity to travel the world and interview some amazing personalities and characters. Jacqui has completed over 150 photo-shoots and has been published over 30 times in the last two years. Most recently, Jacqui had the opportunity to participate in the filming of a comedy sitcom pilot being pitched to all the major networks and has achieved Social Media Celebrity Status after having her Facebook page verified and grow to over 1.4 Million Fans in less than a year.

Jacqui can also be found on and is very active with both Twitter and Instagram. BWD Magazine states, “Jacqui also does nudity photo shoots.”

Contact Information Website: Facebook: jacquichildsmodel Twitter: @jacquichilds Instagram: @jacquichilds

Photography Credits Boots On Couch - Bold Daniel Photography Red Bathing Suit - Yaamon Mark Wong Fur Hat - Michael Willems Photography All Credits & Rights are Reserved

BWD Magazine • • 5

bishop lawrence hancock


ishop Lawrence Hancock is known for his no nonsense approach to leading God’s people yet maintains the heart of a shepherd as the Senior Pastor of the Final Harvest Church in Toledo, Ohio.

As an upperclassman of the African-American Joint College of Pentecostal Bishops, Bishop Hancock is poised to continue to lead the church well into the 21st Century as he sits at the table with America’s Senior Episcopal Leaders! Bishop Hancock has received awards including a full music proficiency scholarship in undergraduate school, and Songwriter/ Director of the Year at the Thomas A. Dorsey Gospel Music Convention. Having completed Music Business credentials at Depaul University and the Berklee College of Music, Bishop Hancock continues to study to show himself approved as he is now approaching his final year of Law School at Concord Law School-Kaplan University.

They are the motivation that thrusts him into deeper scholarship and a relentless quest in the Word of God to make disciples of people everywhere for harmonious living to the Glory of God. Bishop Hancock distinctly embodies those characteristics of a servant of all…willing to advance the Kingdom of God by any means necessary! Contact Information Website: www. Twitter: @BishopLLH Facebook: Bishop.Hancock.Music Instagram: Bishopllh iTunes:

With a balanced learning schematic, Bishop Hancock is emerging as one of the premiere Christian Leaders in America that will continue to serve the Universal Church as a subject matter expert in Ministry Measurables, Policy Deployment, and Music Ministry. The pride and joy of Bishop Hancock is his family. Wife Kevina and children Lawrence, Jr. (LJ), Lauryn Richelle, and Isreal Williams! All Rights Reserved

6 • BWD Magazine •

buffalo bites monthly feature Typically in this crazy new recording studio venture after a month out to

fully than a spray finished guitar might. I tried to wear a Parker guitar

move house, this month is a real stormer!

down when I was touring with my last band but the body finish still looked pristine even when the frets were shot, which is the opposite of how I want

We spent three days tracking two songs with Wolverhampton band Lakhota.

this one to be in ten years time.. A guitar with any character, in my opinion,

If Radiohead hadn’t taken the path of electronica and weirdness and stuck

is a guitar with battle scars and a few stories to tell.

to the big guitar anthems then Lakhota is probably what they’d sound like today.

Keep up with the studio @crownworks_ and See you next month, Happy Tracking!

We conducted the session in typical form; guide tracks first and then layering the instruments starting with drums. If you can get a great drum sound from the start it makes the whole process much easier, not only for me from a mixing perspective but for the band members who come to record afterwards. Tracking individually can be a delicate balance as engineer trying to keep one ear on the technicalities and one on the art. At the end of the day the artist is there for the art, not the technology so I’m always trying to find better ways of interacting so that the technical side doesn’t even surface as far as the bands are concerned. Drum Setup for the Lakhota Session Day 1 However, all said and done the results are great so far and currently awaiting the last mixing session with the band, I’ll let you know when it surfaces online. We have Glacier Bay back this weekend too, adding to and finalizing their debut single so really looking forward to sharing that one too. There’s more new clients coming to Crown Works Studio very soon too so come back next month for more on them, I can hardly wait! Another project I’ve been working on this month is more about the guitarist side of life than usual. I’ve got hold of a kit Les Paul guitar from Germany

16 Channels of very, very nice Audient ASP880 Mic Pre and Burr Brown

maker ML-Factory. I ordered a kit with the neck already set-in as I was a bit

A-to-D Conversion in our Control Room

scared of doing that myself to be honest. The box contained the guitar body/neck and all other bits were in a bag, including a half complete wiring loom, leaving a little soldering once I’d stained and finished the body (the fun bit). In true Les Paul tradition it’s mahogany body with Maple cap and mahogany neck are glued together, something a lot of these kits seem to overlook and provide bolt-on versions instead. Not great… Rob (Lakhota) auditioning mic’s for the lead vocal. Several layers of water based stain and I’d created my dream ‘lemonburst’(?) Instead of lacquering the neck and body I opted for Tru Oil as a clear coat, it’s traditionally intended for finishing gun stocks (how very rock

CrownWorks Studio - Twitter: @

and roll) and offers a finish that will age faster and hopefully less grace-

CrownWorks_ Buffalo Music Production

7 • BWD Magazine •

earth day: making our planet a better place to live Earth Day is celebrated worldwide on April 22. Earth Day is all about reducing, reusing and recycling to make our planet a better place to live.

> What can I do for Earth Day? The possibilities for getting involved are endless! Volunteer. Go to a festival. Install solar panels on your roof. Organize an event in your

> When is Earth Day?

community. Change a habit. Help launch a community garden. Communicate your priorities to your elected representatives. Do some-

Earth Day is honored around the world on April 22, although larg-

thing nice for the Earth, have fun, meet new people, and make a

er events such as festivals and rallies are often organized for the

difference. But you needn’t wait for April 22! Earth Day is Every Day.

weekends before or after April 22. Many communities also observe

To build a better future, we all must commit to protect our environ-

Earth Week or Earth Month, organizing a series of environmental

ment year-round.

activities throughout the month of April. > What is Earth Day Network? > Why do we need an Earth Day? Founded by the organizers of the first Earth Day in 1970, Earth Day Because it works! Earth Day broadens the base of support for envi-

Network (EDN) promotes year-round environmental citizenship

ronmental programs, rekindles public commitment and builds com-

and action, worldwide. Earth Day Network is a driving force, steer-

munity activism around the world through a broad range of events

ing environmental awareness around the world. Through Earth Day

and activities. Earth Day is the largest civic event in the world,

Network, activists connect, interact and impact their communities,

celebrated simultaneously around the globe by people of all back-

and create positive change in local, national, and global policies.

grounds, faiths and nationalities. More than a billion people partici-

EDN’s international network reaches over 22,000 organizations in

pate in our campaigns every year.

192 countries, while the domestic program assists over 30,000 educators, coordinating thousands of community development and environmental protection activities throughout the year.

8 • BWD Magazine •

honoring patriots day Patriot’s Day (or Patriots’ Day) commemorates the battles of Lexington and Concord, which were fought near Boston in 1775. Patriot’s Day is annually held on the third Monday of April. It should not be confused with Patriot Day, held on September 11 to mark the anniversary of terrorist attacks in the USA in 2001. > What do people do?

ules, but may not operate in rural areas. There may be some local disruption to traffic around the re-enactments and sports events, particularly in Boston. If Patriots’ Day and Tax Day fall on the same date, the deadline for filing an income tax return is extended for the residents of some states. Patriots’ Day is not a public holiday in other parts of the United States.

For some people in the states of Massachusetts and Maine, the third Mon-

> Background

day of April is a welcome day off work or school. In the area around Lex-

Prior to 1775, the area that is now the eastern part of the United States mainly

ington and Concord, re-enactments of the battles in 1775 and the events

consisted of British colonies controlled by the United Kingdom. The American

leading up to them are held. A particular highlight is the opportunity to ring

Revolutionary War, also known as the American War of Independence, was a

the bell that warned the local troops that British soldiers were approaching.

major step in the independence of the United States. The first battles in this war

Lectures, concerts and road races are also organized.

were fought in the areas of Lexington and Concord, near Boston, Massachusetts, on April 19, 1775. For this reason, the third Monday in April is symbolic for the

In the state of Wisconsin, April 19 is a special observance day for schools.

emerging independence of the new country.

On this date, schools are required to educate students about the events and

Paul Revere is among the patriots who are remembered on Patriot’s Day.

people centered on Patriots’ Day. It is recommended that the observances

The American silversmith is known for spreading the word of the Boston Tea

are held on the actual date, although they are generally moved to Friday,

Party to New York and Philadelphia, and for warning the Lexington Minutemen

April 18, if April 19 is a Saturday and to Monday, April 20, if April 19 falls

about the British invasion in 1775. The story of his “midnight” ride to Lexington

on a Sunday.

to discuss action plans against the British has been poeticized. An act to amend the Tennessee code regarding Patriot’s Day took effect in

> Public life

2008. The state’s code now officially includes the holiday and mentions that

Patriots’ Day is a state holiday in Massachusetts and Maine, where state, county,

its governor proclaims April 19 of each year as Patriot’s Day. This day is still

and municipal offices are closed. However, Patriots’ Day is not a federal public

not a public holiday in Tennessee. Patriots’ Day is also known as Patriot’s Day

holiday and federal offices are open. Many schools are closed for the spring

and Patriots Day. However, it should not be confused with Patriot Day, held on

break. Stores and other businesses and organizations may be open or closed ac-

September 11 to mark the anniversary of terrorist attacks in the United States

cording to local custom. Most public transit services run to reduced sched-

on that date in 2001. BWD Magazine • • 9


Fillthy Diviase

illthy Diviase A.K.A (FILLTHY RICH) born Joseph C. Sharp born and raised on the North side of Milwaukee. Experiencing the death of a family member and close friends, Fillthy became a product of the element of his environment. Surviving in the streets surrounded by drugs, violence and peer pressure of living on the North side of Milwaukee, Fillthy channeled his anger and energy into what motivated him. Inspired by musical influences such as 2Pac Shakur, Scare Face and Notorious Big.

hometown artist “Racks” which was also Fillthy’s first official video. Since 2012, Diviase has relocated to Atlanta, GA., and has hit the music scene with his energetic flow. Diviase continues to network and associate with some of Atlanta’s elite; in the music industry, such as Johnnie Cabbell, CEO of Global Vision Talent Agency. Diviase has recorded features with LA Boomman & N8 of MMI for his EP; expecting a spring release.

At 17, Fillthy began performing at venues throughout Milwaukee, opening for top entertainers such as Cash Money Hot Boys, Crucial Conflict, and Twista, just to name a few. In 2001, Fillthy worked with 414 Entertainment; a local record label, featured a single on Shife Niggaz VOL. I. Years later Fillthy found himself working with super producers such as Shawty Red & Kurt Kobane in Atlanta, GA.

Diviase is currently working on his second anticipated mixtape Hosted by DJ PEXCLUSIVEZ (BOYZ UP NORTH) which should hit the streets this summer. Contact Information: Website: Twitter: @FillthyRich

Fillthy Rich A.K.A. Fillthy Diviase released his first official mixtape (M.O.B BOY) Hosted by DJ PEXCLUSIVEZ TSM on Live Mixtapes titled, “LETS THROW A DOPE BOY PARTY” featuring

Facebook: Fillthy.Rich.7 Instagram: FillthyDiviase iTunes: All Rights Reserved

10 • BWD Magazine •


Felipé Dro elipé Dro aka Phil Payne was born in Silver Spring, MD. He has always had many gifts, the main one being music which later resulted in him becoming a DMV rapper/


PHILDAPHUTURE now going by Felipé Dro released his first mixtape titled, “Louder Than You”. Felipé Dro’s first mixtape did very well in the DMV his leading single, “Stupid Dope Move”. Felipé Dro is currently in the process of releasing his second mixtape titled, “Felipé Don”. Felipé Dro’s second mixtape will feature his hot new single “Gas Station”; which has recently been released. Felipé Dro is currently an independent artist on the rise. “Shout out to CCCLXVIII Raheem DeVaughn”, Dro states, “for giving him his breakthrough in this music business”.

Contact Information:

Music: Twitter: @Felipe_dro_ Facebook: PhilDaPHUTURE Instagram: Felipe_dro_ All Rights Reserved BWD Magazine • • 11


powerfully sexy Tamara Bubble glows on the cover of BWD’s April 2015 issue as she proudly embraces her success and emerging dominance of music, acting and more.

“I’m expecting to turn heads. Change minds. Evoke emotion. Hurt feelings if I have to, but most of all entertain. I’m not afraid to let my guard down because even my vulnerability can be both threatening and empowering. I’ll write about the good, the bad and the ugly” she says, reflecting on her artistry and indie come up.

exclusive interview Tamara we’ve witnessed your talent and growth, but can you give the readers a little background and what you’re currently working on? Sure. I’m a Brooklyn native recording artist, actress, songwriter and entertainer. I have a gospel background, but I perform Pop, Jazz, Hip Hop, R&B and Soul. I also have an EP out called “Living It Up”.

tamara bubble Website:

Can we get a little personal? Any love interests?

Twitter: @TamaraBubble

No and nope (laughs) because I’m married to the music, but I just released a brand new single titled “Towel Boy” for this very reason. Towel Boy is so personal, so exotic, and so confident. It’s so much bigger than the bubble. I wanted ladies everywhere to realize their power and make these guys step up their towel collection (laughs) and just maybe we’ll pay them a little attention. It’s Spring now so perfect timing to start taking applications.

Facebook: TamaraBubble Instagram: TamaraBubble


Cover Story

Speaking of applications, do you have any tv or film roles lined up? Yuuup. I actually have an announcement to make, but by the time this issue is published, the first episode will have been aired online (@UgonGetGot on all social media). I created (and will be the host of) a brand new TV show called “U gon Get Got”. The show will expose scammers in the entertainment business (sports, acting, music, comedy, etc.) as well highlight/recommend good companies and professionals; a platform that I believe will build a stronger independent community since the entertainment industry is one of the only arenas where there are no resumes. No way of tracking con artists so they go from city to city destroying people’s dreams. I wanted to develop something to give the dreamers hope and potentially save them some time and money pursuing their careers. Photo Credits: Andre Michael Photography 12 • BWD Magazine •

What is one thing your fans would be surprised to find out about you? Well they know I’m a very private person so they were shocked to see me start #TuesdayConfessions, where I post one secret a week on Instagram/facebook/twitter (all @TamaraBubble). It’s therapeutic (laughs) and embarrassing and hilarious all at the same time. What do you want people to take away from where you are right now in your music? Actually I’ve been in the studio a lot lately. I wasn’t going to share this yet, but I’m working a new project called “Proceed with Caution”. I’m putting everyone on notice. It’s Risque. It’s direct. It’s lyrically bold because I want to make an honest statement. My sound is really versatile so I’m sure my fans will appreciate all the genres I’m blending. I’m gonna rap, sing, and scat all on one track and maybe even threaten you. I’m excited about it! It’s so daring. When you’re not recording or performing live, what do you do for fun? Part of the reason that I got the name bubble is because I’m always laughing and smiling. My personality is definitely bubbly

so if and when I ever get free time, I play ALL types of games (except for relationship ones (laughs). Board games, card games, video games, comedy shows, amusement parks. If you can keep me laughing, we can definitely be friends. Who is working behind the scenes? Do you have a team? I have a teeny tiny stable of quality, hardworking people that I have entrusted with my career. They are responsible for my current success and sanity. My dreams of grandeur are impatient and I would probably drive myself crazy trying to do it ALL, but they see my vision and put in just the right amount of teamwork to make the empire that is the ‘The Bubble’ look effortless (laughs). I still do a lot of things ‘dolo’ like the songwriting, the graphics (I lowkey designed my last two recent singles “Just Say No” and “Towel Boy” as well promo around UgonGetGot!) and I’ve been my own stylist since I was 10, but I owe more credit than my FICO score can handle (laughs) to my wonderful manager Patrick (P.Spell Management), my sis and make-up artist Silhouette Beauty, my music producer KrazyFigz and my video producer Manny Mac. I have so many ideas floating around in my head and these guys really help me execute in a major way! xoxo All Rights Reserved - #BubbleOnDeck BWD Magazine • • 13

4 Varicose Vein Prevention Tips tied to Tight Jeans Sometimes things that are so common that we will take them for granted, and in doing so, dreadful consequences can occur. Varicose veins and tight jeans are two examples. As a cosmetic problem, varicose veins have a separate niche, but their nature needs to be understood. Here are four prevention tips tied to tight jeans...

Watch out for Levi Strauss Specials Besides the leakage of fluid and edema, varicose veins will eventually cause ulceration of the skin, which may need skin grafts to heal and blood clots called thrombophlebitis. These blood clots can break free to cause pulmonary embolus and sudden death. These are what we endearing call the “Levi Strauss Specials”!


Get those legs up

Avoid Tight Clothes Varicose veins in our lower extremities can result from prior childbirth, obesity, genetics, standing for long periods and yes, tight clothes. Tight clothes can cause this problem because of insufficient room in them that allows the blood to flow backwards and not return to the heart. That’s why they dilate with that unsightly look causing fluid leakage and edema. Throw on those “Tight Jeans,” and you will turn them into Field and Steam Magazine!


14 • BWD Magazine •

Varicose vein treatment includes leg elevation, support hose, and avoidance of all the things above. If traveling long distances, for example greater than 6 hours on a plane, then anticoagulants (blood thinners) may be necessary as a preventative measure, along with hourly leg exercises. People have died suddenly after a long flight, but during the wake you can hear their friends say,” Boy, those jeans look great”.


Use Natural Remedies


Natural remedies would include Horse Chestnut (supports healthy circulations to veins) and Pycnogenol (natural antioxidants). These dietary supplements do work, but only in the framework of all the supportive measures. Surgically, varicose veins can be treated, but ONLY as a last resort, as all surgeries are.

Every time you start the “Rumba” to get those jeans on, make sure that the music is very loud because your lower half will be screaming out in pain. Crossing your legs won’t hurt things as folklore suggests, but it will help prevent that unwanted pregnancy!

Dr. David L Vastola runs a private practice in Palm Beach, Florida, specializing in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, and is often called the Sherlock Holmes of Medicine for uncovering problems that other medical professionals missed. He has 4 books, 5 children, has been married for 34 years, has an assistant lovingly named Patrick the Poodle, and is showcasing a new TV pilot called, Good Health Hunting, at film festivals. Dr. Vastola also has an extensive media experience as a medical and nutrition expert on WJNO Radio, Fox News and CBS 12 News in Florida. His new book Fountain of Youth: Nutritional Therapies (Carrel Books/Skyhorse Publishing) is due for release in July 2015.


Brought to you by:

Dr. David L Vastola Website: Twitter: @DrDavidVastola Facebook: DavidlVastola Photo Credits: Dr. David L Vastola - All Rights Reserved BWD Magazine • • 15

Ponce De’Leioun


ake no mistake about it, nothing shines stronger than honesty in presentation. People relate better to things that they can believe in. A fact not lost on Ponce De’Leioun.

Key tastemakers within the industry share Ponce’s own fervent belief in his own talent. Most notably among them are Big Dawg- Tim Westwood, Hip Hop Legend Tony Touch and current mixtape King (Nas Resident DJ) DJ Green Lantern.

Back in WV, Ponce has become something of a staple for the state, helping to open doors for younger artists coming up and showing them the path that he is paving. It seems Ponce’s consistent work ethic is finding new ways to pay off this year. After all, they don’t call this game a hustle for nothin’.

There ís doing for yourself and then there ís ‘actually’ doing for yourself. Up to this point, he has got this far with out any manager, publicist or anybody else. Given his current path, success will continue to come on his own terms: quickly. In the past few years Ponce’ has quickly blazed through national tours, NYC artist appearances, WorldStarHipHop notoriety, and headlined venues across America’s RustBelt. Admittedly, the rap blogs have no shortage of talented rappers to cover and no shortage of young MC’s promising to kill the rap game. However, what is rarely covered is work ethic and will. Ponce has both in spades; be it on this side of the pond or the other. Ponce believes in the quote, “Always forward I’m movin” - Nas 2014 has been a huge year for Ponce, yielding the evidence of growth that every artist strives for in his career. Most importantly, being named #1 on Snoop Dogg’s Underground Heat countdown for his video “It’s on” and a freestyle on Tim Westwood’s BBC Radio 1 program. Both videos garnered huge hits online and it’s fair share of co-signs.

Contact Information Website: Facebook: PonceMusic Twitter: @PonceDeLeioun Instagram: PonceDeLeioun

16 • BWD Magazine •

Photographer - Brooke Shafer - All Rights Reserved



he Paul Weller (The Jam) fans are a fiercely partisan lot as I’ve found out to my determent in the past so opening for Weller is a mighty brave thing to do if your not a mod, Ocean Colour Scene or anything vaguely connected with that scene! Edinburgh lads ‘The Merrylees’ are as far from such genre as you can get so when they wandered onto the stage at ‘The Playhouse in Edinburgh’ to open for ‘Paul Weller” I feared the worst!!

Closing their criminally short set with ‘Black River’ an odd number reminiscent to early ‘Doors’ stuff… The crowd loudly cheer the guys off stage which deserves huge kudos as this lot are hard to please.

This is not the first time they had appeared on the same stage as the ‘Modfather’… . last year the opened a series of Forestry Commission events for Weller who loved them and personally asked them to open for him in Carlisle and their hometown gig in Edinburgh. Opening with ‘Ghost Of A Love’ to a reasonably filled Playhouse, the band got off to a great start, looking like they had stepped straight out of a sixties music programme the dreamy quality of their music soon had the crowd hypnotized and taking notice. Singles ‘Forever More’ and ‘For You’ were greeted with a well earned applause and rightly so as they were brilliant. The lads describe themselves as ‘Psychedelic Western Pop’, which became evident when, the play ‘Turn For The Strange’.

Contact Information

Website: Twitter: @TheMerrylees Facebook: TheMerrylees Instagram: TheMerrylees Bookings: Written by: Stuart Westwood - All Rights Reserved BWD Magazine • • 17

monthly Inspiration YOU HAVE POTENTIAL!

You need to trust Him and believe you can do whatever He says you can do. You will fulfil His purpose for your life. I never believed in

Do you know there are so many

myself. I had such a low self-esteem and I was too scared to take

people out there with amazing

the first step; I thought, what would they think of me, I am not good

gifts and talents who are just

enough, but I believed and trusted God to see me through, today I

sitting down and doing noth-

am walking in and fulfilling His purpose for my life. It wasn’t easy

ing about them?

They’re too

but it is a process and I am glad I took the first step as I love what

scared of taking the step to use

I do and do what I love. Sometimes not everyone will believe in you

the gifts God has given them

or even support you but as long as you’ve got God who believes in

for fear of what people may say

you, He will bring those who will support you, encourage you and

or not even believing they are

help you.

gifted in the first place. Are you one of such people? Put your confidence in Him and believe all things are possible. I would like you to know that God has blessed each and every one

Don’t stop believing!

of us with gifts, talents and abilities. He created you with purpose and has got great plans for you. But until you believe this, and see

I pray that as you read this that God will help you see yourself

yourself the way God sees you, you’d not be able to live your God-

through His eyes, with the gifts and talents He has given you.

given potential. You need to trust Him to enable you use your gifts. Whatever it is that is holding you back; Low self-esteem? Lack of

I pray that you will trust Him and take that first step. Remember

confidence? Fear? I want you to know that God created you with

You have got amazing potential, there is so much on the inside of

amazing potential and in all the earth there can be no one like you.


There is a certain sphere of influence that only you can reach. No one can do it like you. 18 • BWD Magazine •

Be Inspired! With Love, Eloho @Elohoefemuai | Facebook: /Elohosmusic

all hands on deck DJ SPOTLIGHT Peace, once again we’re back with another installment of our artist development series. Hopefully our initial endeavor Learn Your Craft was found by you to be enlightening and informative... In this piece we will be expanding on that topic. While everyone has their own style or method to music production or song writing there are some constants. We often think of music as freestyle or improvisational, and while it is those things at its core music is structured. The same freestyle or improvisational must fit into that structure or framework in order to work. This is best illustrated by a great freestyle rapper who can’t rhyme to a beat. While we know these are touchy subjects we write these words in the hope of assisting artists to move forward in their chosen profession and be successful. THE CREATIVE PROCESS It is not my intention with this article to tell anyone how or what to create, that is entirely the choice of the artist. It should be noted that there is a science to all things and this is no different. In addition, both music production and song writing are crafts that must be honed and respected. This is part of learning your craft. This article is about the importance of honesty in the creative process. Point blank, there is too much wackness out there. Really, let’s call it what it is. I know to call something, anything wack or inferior these days is to invite the label of “hater” being placed on you. That’s bogus. The lack of a standard, any standard even from the music buying public has inundated us with what any reasonable person would call trash. Why is this? In this day and age with all the technology

“The Creative Process” Artist Development


at hand that is available for music production one would think that today’s music would be unimaginably fantastically creative, absolutely incredible.... but it’s not. Much of this is as I spoke of in the inaugural article; time not being taken to properly learn what one is trying to do. There is also another large component, and that is the over reliance on technology over real talent and imagination. This leads to a type of creative laziness. Add all that together and you have what we hear all over the radio....a mess. Over the years music technology has gotten more sophisticated but also easier to use especially with the ever increasing use of programs over actual hardware. You can point and click and cut and paste with ease. This has been both a blessing and a curse. In the hands of someone who had experience with earlier technology and/or real instruments (gasp) and really understood how to do things, how to properly record and chop and loop a sample, how to balance sounds, create tension within the song and most importantly had ideas it just made the process faster. The saturation and subsequent affordability of music software made it so even the least talented or motivated could “create” music. Inspiration comes in all forms and all of us are building on those who came before us. However, with the onset of preset loops, bass lines synths and piano riffs a song could easily be built without much thought much less effort or inspiration.

(Continued On Page 20) BWD Magazine • • 19

ALL HANDS ON DECK The time when both the learning curve and the cost of studio time was prohibitive has long past. This did serve as a gateway of sorts that did help keep the least inventive and dedicated among us from taking it beyond the hobby stage. Then even if you did get a song done getting it distributed widely to the public was basically impossible without begin signed to a record label or having wealthy relatives. The internet changed all that. As an artist I think the main concern should always be the quality of the output. To that end there is nothing wrong with the rewrite, edit or retake. Don’t be embarrassed or ashamed, there is nothing wrong with taking a second look or giving more thought at how to turn a phrase more effectively or sweeten a track. Take your time, walk away from it for a while and let it breathe; maybe work on an entirely different song then approach it again. Even more importantly an artist that is honest with themselves and with their craft is very good friends with the garbage can. Yes, the garbage can. All of this

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goes for DJs too. Everything that one creates, regardless of the art form, is not going to be worthy of public consumption. Some ideas won’t work and there’s nothing wrong with trashing a beat, track or song and starting over from scratch. Sorry, everything you do isn’t going to be hot so please get over it now, the sooner you do the better for us all. .....written by DJ Sincere DJ Sincere is the founder of Drtybsmnt Multimedia, mobile/mixtape DJ, syndicated radio host and columnist!

Media Contact Information: Twitter: @Drtybsmnt Facebook (MultiMedia) /Drtybsmnt


inglath cooper

The High Price of Making Dreams Come True

The Voice, American Idol, and America’s Got Talent all have one thing in common. They are beacons for people who want to follow their dreams and for viewers who want to watch those dreams come true. Inglath Cooper author of The Nashville Series, shares the story of

Inglath Cooper fell in love with reading as a little girl, devouring most of the books in her elementary school library. At some point, Cooper decided that she wanted to pursue a writing career, creating romance fiction that might provide the hours of entertainment and escape her favorite books have provided for herself. She loves character-driven books that leave her feeling as if she’d really known these people and make her wish that she didn’t have to turn the last page.

three country star hopefuls: CeCe Mackenzie, Holden Ashford and Thomas Franklin meet when CeCe’s car breaks down on I-40 as she heads to Music City. Together they form an unlikely bond as they set out to discover their fate. Loosely based on some of Cooper’s own experiences as a country music songwriter, The Nashville Series explores the price of love,

Romance fiction has always appealed to Cooper because it deals with so many of the relationships in a woman’s life. Not only the love of her life, but often her relationship with her mother, sister or best friend. Romance authors have so much room to explore many of the meaningful moments and transitions in women’s lives. And who doesn’t love a good love story?

facing personal demons and making dreams come true. With over 42,000 followers on Facebook, Cooper knows how to deliver the perfect novel and keeps her readers begging for more.

Cooper was fortunate to have been chosen as a RITA® Award winner for best long contemporary romance novel given out by Romance Writers of America.

With all the romance and heartfelt emotions her fans have come to love, Cooper’s Nashville Series: --Tugs at the heartstrings when soul mates are forced to face the challenges of daily life --Questions whether life can be too good to be true

Outside of writing, Cooper’s actively involved in dog rescue, working with The Franklin County Humane Society to place dogs and cats in need of rehoming. Helping an abused or neglected dog go on to have a wonderful life with a family who loves them is more rewarding than she can possibly say!

--Gives readers insight into the price of achieving country music fame

“The Nashville Series - Part 8: “R U Serious”

--Shows that the path to true love is not all hearts and flowers, but


requires honesty and commitment

Facebook: InglathCooperBooks

--Touches on life with a child who has special needs --Includes a nod to Cooper’s personal passion: rescue dogs

Twitter: @InglathCooper Instagram: Inglath.Cooper.Books All Rights Reserved BWD Magazine • • 21


rom the sunny shores of a Floridian sky to the

underground and across a global stage.

ears and eyes of a worldwide audience BWD has grown from an acorn of an idea into an oak

Not only affording the world of music a genuine outlet to purvey

tree of industry-might, its roots deep within the

it’s unbridled talents BWD Radio also promotes and inspires the

strata of social sites and online promotions, its

musicians it unveils, the multi-faceted nature of BWD incorporat-

branches far-reaching and bearing fruitfulness aplenty.

ing all avenues of generating awareness and recognition to the talents it reveals, encouraging the growth of their fan-base and

Starting out developing websites Ms. Keach aka Ms. V proved her-

helping propel them onto the iPods and bedroom walls of a global

self more guru than mere graphic designer, her final works forging


a reputation of being the go-to girl for all things attention grabbing and intuitive.

With the recent successful launch of the BWD Radio app the audience all artists are looking to find are as close as they have ever

Quickly she began laying the foundations for what would become

been, right on the other side of millions of touch-screens and

her own empire, reputation growing with each engagement and

monitors, smart-phones and tablets all bearing the app’s visage

the horizon of possibilities expanding even further than first

across their surface.

dreamed. Now a major player in the world of radio and media, the leader in Whilst making some of the connections that would see BWD

the field of generating buzz around the artists it plays on its non-

become a leader in its field murmurings and mutterings regarding

stop, commercial free station, and proudly wearing the banner of

the state of the music business came filtering through the wire.

being The Home Of The Indie Artists BWD founder Ms. V has proven

Listening to the sounds of discontent chattering in the background

you don’t need a thousand lawyers fighting over who gets the

it became clear that, for all the talented individuals with credible

best parking spot in front of offices to forge a dominant empire

worth vying for the attentions of a label or promoter, those in the

of multi-faceted out-lets; as the late great British entertainer Roy

Industry were more concerned with how profitable a bottom-line

Castle once said ‘Dedication’s all you need’.

they could wring from their talents than the merits and music of the people themselves. Contact Information: An avid appreciator of new and classic music Veralyn saw a gap in the market for someone with the knowledge and nous, con-


nections and cunning, and - of course - the dedication to provide

Twitter: @BWDRadio_

a credible alternative to those as-yet unsigned greats of music, a

Facebook: BWDRadio

platform for them to launch themselves into the airwaves and soar into the charts. Instagram: BWDPromotions With each passing year BWD has grown in both experience and

Twitter: @BWDPromotions

influence, the listening world turning up the dial to be the first to


hear the latest unsigned extravagances of talent bursting from the

(Sponsers) Photo Credits: BWD Graphics - All Rights Reserved. BWD Magazine • • 22

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