BWD Magazine - August 2013

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Worldwide Underground Indie Music Entertainment Magazine

left for red ground work to success

August 2013

Mrs melodey there’s a new girl on the block

YOUNG TROUBLE “Believe in yourself, Build a Team, and Trust Nobody but Yourself.”

exit state bands patronage of a charity

BWD Magazine • • 1

a decades worth of experience and knowledge

Features 04 Left For Red Laying the Ground Work to Success

08 Nightfall Creating a Legacy

10 Exit State The Band’s Patronage of Charity

16 Mrs Melodey New Girl on the Block

18 Fly Federation Fashion House and Creators of Exclusivity

20 Edidion Music that is as Universal as it is Ground

COVER STORY 12 Young Trouble Believe in Yourself

reviews 14 Max’s Guitar Store Epiphone SG 400 Review

Lifestyle 06 Five Tips on Dealing with Rejection The Pursuit of Becoming a Best-Selling Musician

ENTERTAINMENT 25 BWD Records (Sponsor) The Independent Music Label of the South

2 • BWD Magazine •

last issue

FROM THE EDITOR Having continuously been recognized throughout the music world as a vast movement with an undeniable force we at BWD Radio are now bringing you the best music and individuals within their field in a more easily digestible format; with a dedicated online magazine packed to the rafters with news, reviews, features and phenomenal artists from across the globe. Synonymous with breaking new ground and talent, our aim isn’t to deliver you an aggregator of articles; more like, the BWD Bible of breaking talent and breath taking bands turning heads and volume dials up to eleven. In each breaking issue we reveal the winners of the BWD Radio’s Indie Music Featured Artist Competition, a monthly competition where we invite you to Get On The ‘Visual’ Playlist for your chance to become one of the featured BWD Competition Winners. The winners are awarded the opportunity of talent exposure across the globe and throughout the world as part of our aim to prove a good tune isn’t limited to whatever celebrity judge endorsed single is currently riding high in the iTunes download chart. In each issue, we also bring you the newest faces in the world of modeling to watch out for in store windows, on the billboards, and in the high-street, as well as on the catwalks of Paris and Milan.

Editor In Chief Veralyn Keach,

Associate Editor Robert Baker,

Though that may be enough to fill the covers of most magazines, we’ll be taking things even further with exclusive ‘first-looks’ at the best in indie talent, our unique position

Lead Contributing Writer

within the world of media affording us the opportunity to bring you the next big hitters

Robert Baker,

before anyone else and by combining the two enormous forces--presences of BWD Radio and BWD Magazine into one with the newly launched new BWD website there is twice the promotion to deliver double the impact and even more worldwide exposure to its featured artists. All the freshest new faces and hottest new talent in one magazine, BWD Magazine in conjunction with BWD Radio is committed to setting the standard of what you deserve from a magazine with constant promotion through the BWD network of contacts and promoters. Did someone say BWD Promotions? The BWD Triple Threat Trio!

Contributing Writer Veralyn Keach,

Art Director Veralyn Keach,

Graphic Artist Veralyn Keach,

BWD MAGAZINE’S SERVICES: Being in such a unique position affords us the ability to offer our services at ‘considerably less’ than most others, our network allowing us to expose

Circulation Officer

your talent in all the right places without needless expense or additional ‘secret costs’ less

Veralyn Keach,

scrupulous companies fill their small print and help fill their bank balances with. Covering all aspects of media promotion (from social media sites through to music video promotion) we are able to offer the best when it comes to brand awareness and public

Sales Officer(s) Veralyn Keach/Robert Baker

For price and space availability inquiries, please contact us via the contact details to the

right where we can discuss your specific requirements to ensure maximum exposure.

recognition of your name or product, without compromising either your impact or finances.

BWD MAGAZINE: Where YOU go to get as much VARIETY in music, news, sports, entertainment and lifestyles!! MORE THAN JUST MUSIC.

BWD Magazine • • 3

left for red The Roadrunner 2012 Age of Hell Tour.”


eft For Red have not been slow in living up to the accolade of ‘Modern Metal with a Progressive twist’; from an almost instant and constantly growing supportive fanbase to being voted number one in respected music publication KERRANG!s competition to have single ‘Kneel Before You Die’ featured on the TNA IMPACT WRESTLING tour (an event witnessed by over 120 coun-

tries worldwide), Left For Red are one of the foremost British bands carving its own musical legacy in giant, deep wounds across the airwaves and iPods of musicians and metallers alike. Formed in late 2009 and inspired by such greats as Pantera and Tool, Left For Red (LFR) are more than a band; they are an explosion in music looking for a stage to detonate upon. Infecting crowds and concert goers with powerful melodies, thundering drums, and showering the songs with riffs containing more hooks than a trawlerman’s meeting, these five lads from Dudley have seen what horizons their influences reached and have seemingly vowed to pursue even greater plateaus. With the release of their first EP – the three track demo Vol 001-Empty Shell – Left For Red lay the groundwork of their legacy, the singles still garnering repeated air-play on radio today. An almost pandemic-like response of appreciation and accolades from an enthusiastic musical audience saw the band take to the road supporting Chimaira and Revoker on the Roadrunner 4 • BWD Magazine •

Left For Red lay the groundwork of their legacy, the singles still garnering repeated air-play on radio today. “


2012 Age Of Hell Tour. With ‘down time’ a concept for others with low expectations, LFR took themselves back into the studio, re-emerging with their second album Vol 002-Mercy Flight (released December 2012 on ARC Records). With appearances at Basement Fest supporting Beholder and being named as the main act for the SOPHIE charity event (The Sophie Lancaster Foundation - individual members of the band have also found themselves in demand, with bassist Dan standing in for EotR of Sylosis during the Slings and Arrows tour. With their future calendar plans currently being filled with Beardfest at Rock Zombie, Dudley on 7th and 8th August with Necrotize, Destroyed Beyond Belief, I Hate You More, Gehtika and more, and the 23rd seeing them take SCARfest at The Underground, Stoke on Trent by the throat alongside Hypothesis, Jettblack, Skarlett Riot, Beholder and others, BWD Magazine were lucky to catch LFR before they launch themselves back into the arena of audience annihilation this summer at the Out of the Ashes Festival ( to talk a little about the band, their music, and their much-in-demand and demanded muchly sound. Members: LC Decoy - Vocals, Aaron Foy - Guitar, Philip Smith - Guitar, Daniel Carter - Bass, Rob Hadley – Drums Contact Information: Website: Twitter: @LeftForRedBand Facebook: leftforreduk Photo Credits: Left For Red - All Rights Reserved

BWD Magazine • • 5

(Cont’d on Page 24)

five tips on dealing with rejection One man’s meat is another man’s poison, and having

prepare for failure before success

invested not just your time but your money, life, bloodsweat-n-tears into the musical masterpiece currently sitting on the desk of another A&R Person’s desk you may feel a certain confidence in being contacted for another shovelful of belly filling sonic sweetness served up to them on a ten album contract deal.


Rarely do miners find gold in the first shovel of dirt, and the number of artists who have had platinum debut albums isn’t as many as the charts and a cleverly worded biography would have you believe.

For every ‘Appetite for Destruction’ there’s a Playing with Fire; every Night Visions by Imagine Dragons there’s a Crazy Hits by Crazy Frog.

So finding out another didn’t just send the feast

You may already have the custom Hummer paintwork matched to the colour of your

back but deigned to tell the chef how to chop onions

toe-nail varnish but until the row of zeroes on your bank statement are appearing

by remarking on the folly of the garnish can be a little

under ‘Account Amount’ rather than ‘Amount Into Overdraft’ it’s best to maintain your

hard to swallow.

knowledge of where sells the cheapest noodles. Even well-established and successful acts aren’t guaranteed a hit record with every

You may consider yourself an artiste’ rather than artist, your music more creations than chords; and whilst a

release; tastes change and the music scene is constantly shifting, so what’s in demand now might not be in six months’ time. Even if, by the time your tracks hit the air and ears of your potential audience the taste for what you produce is still current, the

certain amount of arrogance disguising itself as confi-

number of acts and musicians all plying the same sound could have completely

dence is needed to succeed in the pursuit of becoming a

flooded the market making it difficult for yours to stand out.

best-selling musician, it needs to be served with a side of reality flavoured ant-acid if you have any intention of preventing a bitter backwash.” 6 • BWD Magazine •

This driving of the market into a frenzy of gravy train jumping adds even more acts and artists onto the list of names vying for the same slice of pie as you, and nobody wants a bit without icing. Make no mistake, a good album won’t go completely unnoticed; it just may not be noticed by as many people as you’d like.

don’t take it personally


tomorrow, and a bruised booty hurts for quite a while after.

ask why Postal carriers could fill entire stadiums with the number of press packs and cd’s addressed ‘For The Attention Of-‘, and it’s difficult to fully appreciate the amount of emails sent to the inboxes of A&R Departments across the globe on a daily, even hourly, basis, filled with an

explosive blurb of descriptive detailing the awesomeness of ‘the attached sound



Even though you’re certain every sound you make is like angels kissing your eardrums because that’s what your mum told you not everybody likes heavenly bespittled ears. Some will give feedback if you ask, and getting a profes-

sional critique of your work could be quite beneficial to your creating and succeedMaking your music stand out from the others will go a long way to getting an Ear

ing in the world of essential listening.

In Charge hooked and intrigued, but aside from inventive origami packages or perhaps a Singing Telegram Courier it’s as much as you can do to ensure all the

Sometimes it’ll be a formal and routine ‘no space on our current roster’ reply; other

details, links, information and essential sounds are included within each mail-out.

times it may yield a more positive response of depth or overview of what they perceived as areas for improvement or focussing your efforts.

Fighting through the mountain of mail means most tracks won’t get too long an initial listen; if after a few seconds play nothing catches the ear of the listener it’ll

Just because they have an opinion, however, doesn’t make them right. It could turn

get quickly listening to something else. Maximizing the quality of sound on offer as

out you had simply sent your death metal demo to a hip-hop label, or your retro

well as ensuring the tracks you send are the absolute best in your catalogue is the

rock rumblings to a more contemporary company.

very least you can do to boost your chances of that ear listening longer. Ask, enquire, find out and take on board what the ear has to say; you won’t know But still, if the response you receive is less welcoming you into the fold and more

what they’re talking about unless you’re prepared to listen.

regrettably unable to accept your tracks keep a level head; whomever said ‘thank you but no’ does not know or have any personal investment in you or your music.

use it to your advantage

To them it’s a purely professional decision, based solely on the music they hear. Television may have convinced some a few tears and a sob story are sufficient to ensure a ‘sympathy signing’, but viewer ratings count for little in the decision making of a music publisher. Take it on the chin and move on; one rejection is not the end of your career, and


even the Beatles got passed over several times before a contract was thrust under

Whichever way you cut it the fact of the matter is a professional ear that’s attached to a person whose job it is to listen to music for a living has given consideration to your music. Don’t take what they say personally, but do take it seriously.

their noses. They have no emotional or personal attachment to you or your music so don’t

it’s ok to get angry but not stupid

have any agenda or reason to appease or mislead you; what they say could be the unbiased viewpoint able to point out the slight flaws or unnecessary fluff bogging your sound down and preventing you from moving forward.


It’s ok to feel pissed off with whoever said your music wasn’t good enough for them to consider driving dump-

Reviewers do a similar job, but a review needs to be interesting and enthralling and

er trucks of money up to the front door of your house;

full of captivating sound bites and quotes for the benefit of either the reviewer or

rage, scream, tear the walls down and bury the ashes

artist themselves. It can be hard to see the wood for the trees when a favourable

under a pile of bile and spit. But DON’T react negatively

review this week is countered by a negative the next, and even across the format

to whoever said ‘no’. Yes, it may be natural to hurt back

of similar musically themed publications the response can waver from ‘Buy-buy!’

when hurt, but remember the Professional Head of the Professional Musical Artiste

to ‘Bye-bye!’

you’re telling the world you are. Look at your work and consider the feedback you have received to it. Is there a comFiring back a reply to whomever turned you down detailing your exact thoughts

mon theme or comment that keeps popping up? Is there an area you were unaware

and opinions of the subject of their parentage may feel wholly justified in your

needed attention in your composition? Should you look to investing in something

mind at the time; but it may turn out they’re someone you need to contact or have

that helps improve your vocals instead of relying on an auto tune?

dealings with later down the line, and as luck would have it they do remember that email from back when and would like to show you the family tree painting they

Try and remain impartial and even to their comments, and listen and compare

have hanging on the wall next to the door marked EXIT.

their reasons against what you can hear. Take nothing personally and leave room for considering their side, and if nothing else you have a nice chunk of text with

Maybe they may have an idea who WOULD be interested in or more suited to han-

a name attached to it to cut and edit into the new blurb on the back of your next

dling your music; politeness and manners will stand you more of a chance of them

demo release.

passing along a few names and leads then derogatory comments and tantrums. As the old saying goes, the ass you kick today may turn out to be the ass you’re kissing BWD Magazine • • 7


nightfall hen you make history you create a legacy; and such it was in

have cutting them a spare set of keys to.

1991 the genre of death metal was given not only the chance

BWD: First of all introduce Nightfall to us; who are they, and why should they be

to witness the birth of a new musical legacy but also hear the

on our iPods?

sound of a new benchmark in the genre being created at the

We are a death metal group based in Athens, Greece and the band has been in exis-

hands of the band known as Nightfall.

tence for over two decades. I’d say we should be on your iPod if you are a fan of death metal in general.

Coming from the heart of music’s soul – the sumptuous land of Greece - and re-

BWD: The bands path to getting signed seems to have happened extremely

defining the genre they control with each subsequent album release, Nightfall

quickly, Nightfalls only demo release (the four track release Vanity) grabbing the

have been expounding upon the limits of what a band can achieve within the

attentions of Holy Records..?

field of death metal for over two decades now. Whilst most would see this as the

Yes, Nightfall was the first Greek metal act to sign with an international label; Holy

time for releasing greatest hits albums and touring old hit singles, Nightfall are

Records was French. I suppose that the conditions were right at the time, and Nightfall

seemingly just reaching their stride with the group signing to the American label

was the choice act. The early 90s was a special time for underground death metal…

Metal Blade Records and releasing two albums packed with all new material and

you had groups like Death really starting to make headway into the mainstream (or as

a markedly different sound for rabid fans consumption.

close as you can ever get…thinking specifically about “The Philosopher” video being on MTV here in the States).

Line-up changes and a new direction has found Nightfall fully into 2013 with an

BWD: The latest incarnation of Nightfall seems to be the strongest yet; how are

almost entirely new group of musicians from the bands early inceptions and their

guitarist Constantine and bassist Stathis Ridis settling into the fold?

1992 release Parade Into Centuries - released on French label Holy Records – to

They are excellent additions. Constantine is a monster guitar player and Stathis R.

the powerhouse of a group responsible for the phenomenal album releases of

is one of the most low-key, easy-going guys I know. An excellent personality for a

Cassiopeia on the bands current label Metal Blade Records.

bassist, no? BWD: Having already established Nightfall’s sound what prompted the bands

Sole founder and the mastermind behind the group, bassist and frontman Efthimis

change in musical direction?

Karadimas has seen the band change and define its sound from its early days

I don’t think Nightfall has ever really been confined to one sound, although I will

of the band’s initial impact of its one and only demo release – entitled Vanity –

say there are stylistic similarities between the records. The earlier albums were a bit

resulting in the band being signed to French label Holy Records, to co-headlining

rawer, and there was even something of a more gothic, more straight-forward period

the stage before a stellar crowd with British group and known metallers Cradle of

(at least in my opinion). The past 2 records (Cassiopeia and Astron Black) definitely

Filth, wherein Nightfall performed their 2010 release Astron Black and the Thirty

have similarities when compared to one another, and I think this is the result of the

Tyrants to almost apoplectic reception from the crowd.

line-up more than anything. We all mixed in well together! BWD: How did the fans respond to the new route Nightfall took?

With the band’s latest album Cassiopea further building on the solid foundations

It seems to be quite positive. There was a period of silence before Astron Black came

of the Nightfall legacy BWD sought out the group to ask what sparked the inspira-

out, and our first performance afterwards was a co-headlining show with Cradle of

tion that would ultimately lead Nightfall into becoming the legacy-making force

Filth in which we played that record in its entirety. We got a good response, but were

they are, how the band’s latest members guitarist Constantine and bassist Stathis

always asked why we didn’t play some of the older, more familiar songs. At that time,

Ridis are settling into the Nightfall fold, and also which city they would like to

we wanted to introduce the new line-up and focus on the present/future.

8 • BWD Magazine •

BWD: Being the force in the musical genre you are, do you feel the pressure to

to retain its edge, its own unique sound, or has it helped shape and define the style

supersede fan’s expectations of a Nightfall album with each new release, or do you

of the band?

focus on creating great music first and let the promotion team worry about the

I believe I already touched on this…the line-up changes did define the Nightfall sound


as new outlets for what is ultimately Efthimis’ vision. If Nightfall had had a solid line-up

We really do this for ourselves, first and foremost…there is no real outside influence in

throughout the years, I think there would have still been an edge, it just would have

our writing or decision making. Having said that, the fan base has been consistent over

been different! It’s almost impossible to say.

time, and is still growing thanks to new exposure through Metal Blade Records.

BWD: From your own perspective within the industry where do you see it heading

BWD: From line-up changes to rumour of a split, how do you manage to maintain

with regard to how bands reach their fans, find a new audience, distribute their

the level of credibility within the music that keeps Nightfall from being ‘just another

music, etc?

band’ in your genre?

Easy: live and via the Internet. Labels can assist in this process, but the amount of

Nightfall’s true source has always been Efthimis, so all the line-up changes have really

fan-to-band contact these days is crazy. When I was young, big bands would have fan

done is put a new spin on the core Nightfall sound – a way of keeping things fresh and

clubs you could join to get pretty impersonal connections to the band. These days, you

exciting, perhaps. We tried to put a lot of new sounds and dynamics into Cassiopeia

might get a personal comment from a member of a band on your Facebook page. It’s

while still holding on to what we started with Astron Black, which was a fairly signifi-

ridiculous. Since records don’t sell anymore, constant touring is almost a necessity for

cant departure from the sound of Lyssa or Am I Jesus?, in my opinion. I think we found a

unestablished acts to gain any real traction, save for the few major label opportunities

great new interpretation of Efthimis’ core drive, and that keeps things fresh.

still available – these are fewer and farther between than ever before.

BWD: The bands last release Cassiopeia was praised and acclaimed with equal

BWD: Penultimate question time! Nightfall have been performing a week long run


at a prestigious theatre and arts complex that celebrates and investigates all forms

I felt that the critical reception was overwhelmingly positive. We even got on college

of the art world’s many faceted plains (music, photography, macaroni and chocolate

radio here in the US, which is no small feat. We definitely didn’t get that with Astron

button re-creations of the launching of the Titanic), to celebrate the complex’s inau-

Black. We were exposed to a lot more press and more critical reviews this time as well,

gural grand opening and unveiling to the world. Guest host Tom Jones is mid-way

and it was great to see that almost all of them found us favourably.

through his acceptance speech of having the Chest Hair and Panties wing names

BWD: Exactly how did Nightfall become signed to the record label Metal Blade

after his achievements to Welsh-kind when the Mayor announces Nightfall are to


be given the key to the city for their graciousness at being the events soundtrack in

Mutual connections, contacts, and interest. We began talks with them during the time

history. Which city (fictional or real) would Nightfall want to the key to belong to?

Astron Black was starting to take shape. I like to think it was an easy and wise choice

Athens would be the easy and obvious choice, I suppose. But let’s go with Atlantis. That

by both sides!

would be awesome.

BWD: What’s been the biggest difference between where Nightfall started with Holy

BWD: And finally; what does the future hold for Nightfall? Any live plans or album

Records and where they currently bestride with MBA?

announcements on the horizon?

Hmm…the musical climate is entirely different. The Holy Records days were really pre-

We have been discussing live opportunities and are weighing various options. As for a

Internet (dominance, at least). The underground scene ebbs and flows as always, but

new record…well, we just put Cassiopeia out, so I imagine it will be some time before

today you can really reach so many more people in such an easier fashion than before.

the muse strikes again! Thanks for your time!

I feel that we have a nice connection with our fan base via the Internet. Efthimis could probably comment more on how things were back in the day, but I think it’s great now

Contact Information:

– direct and immediate.


BWD: With two new members (guitarist Constantine and bassist Stathis Ridis) join-

Twitter: @nightfall_music

ing the fold, what can fans expect from the new line-up?

Facebook: nightfallgr

Time will tell. Each line-up change has brought something unique to the Nightfall

Photo Credits: Nightfall - All Rights Reserved

sound and I don’t imagine this one will be any exception. BWD: Without the change in line-up, do you think Nightfall would have been able

BWD Magazine • • 9

inspire, dream, believe, this is what I live by.....


rom the confidence brimming out of every performance

sent them on tour with the legendary guitar hero and utterly incompa-

to the craftsmanship cut deep into every song you’d

rable Michael Schenker and his Temple of Rock.

be forgiven for thinking


With the release of their

State are one

latest album ‘Lets See It All’

of the luminaries, the estab-

on June 24th Exit State have

lished acts that have inspired

provided further proof of

as much as they have sired the

their musical magnificence,

next generation of bands.

the bands patronage of the charity chART (‘Children’s

So for a band whose first

Hospice Arts Organization’)

release was as early in the

resulting in all proceeds

recent past as 2010 with debut

and monies raised through

release ‘Death Of A Rockstar’

various download options

on King Prawn Records there

from second single release

is clearly something about

‘Crystalline’ being donated

the band and their music that

to the charity.

makes them as complete a band and as effortless a group working as a single entity as Exit State

Being the jet-setters that we are, BWD used the power of the internet to


cross the Atlantic and ask these four Lancashire lads who Exit State are, what exactly is chART, and life’s the conundrum that is double-buggies

With their first release securing the bands name their second album

down the shampoo aisle.

‘Black Veins’ cemented their reputation as musicians and their future with the label Rocksector Records, who instantly signed the group and 10 • BWD Magazine •

Feature & exclusive interview

exit state

BWD: Who are you and why should you be on our iPods?

mined and committed to making music that our fans love and enjoy for as long

We are Exit State a melodic hard rock band from the UK and if any of you guys

as we are physically able to and we will just keep going. Of course it would be

like the music of Alter Bridge, Foo Fighters or any other bands of that nature,

fantastic to have the success that bands such as Alter Bridge and Foo Fighters

then we most definitely need to be on your iPod.

enjoy but all in all as long as we keep getting back the awesome feedback from

BWD: Tell us a brief history of Exit State so far.

the fans we are happy – but we sure as hell wouldn’t turn down a world tour

Exit State started in 2008 and we managed to make an impact on the scene

in the Iron Maiden airplane. hahahaha

very quickly much to our delight. Around 2009 we signed our first record deal

BWD: What would you attribute such (almost overnight) recognition to?

with King Prawn Records and immediately set about writing and recording our

I think that the world is once again ready to hear rock music based on sound

debut album ‘Death of a Rockstar’. The record was released in 2010 and was

musicianship, great melody and interesting lyrics that people can actually feel

very well received both by fans and critics alike. Shortly after its release we

an affinity with. We seem to be able to very easily connect with people. We

shot a video for the opening track ‘Lost Beyond Belief’ and that video shot to

don’t sit around chatting, wondering about how we manage to achieve this it

No1 in the KarrangTV most requested chart which literally blew our minds.

just seems to be a natural thing for all 4 of us, probably because we just refuse

From there we decided to record a second album following hot on the success

to behave in any other way other than normal everyday guys who like drinking,

of the Death of album and in 2011 we released ‘Black Veins’ which once again

football, women and who just happen to play in a rock band haha.

was greeted with high praise. From there we became regulars on KerrangTV

BWD: With the release of your debut album Death of a Rock Star on King

and then began really picking up some fantastic show supports including

Prawn Records you seem to have hit captured the imagination of an await-

Michael Schenker, Black Spiders, Mallory Knox and Reckless Love to name but

ing audience of fans?

a few. This has all lead us to our 3rd studio album ‘Lets See it All’ which was

Yeah – I think it goes back to what I was saying on the previous question

officially released Mon 24th June 2013.

about the world being once again ready for good old fashioned rock music

BWD: From the outset the band seem to have made a massive impact; a

that we all grew up on and love. We haven’t set out to re-invent the wheel

number one video on Kerrang TV Chart Request Show and supporting some

here but we do have an agenda of making the best possible music and the

of the biggest names in the world of metal (Blaze Bayley, Dave Evans of AC/

best possible songs that will without doubt appeal to the fans of music that

DC). It must feel like fate for Exit State to be the biggest thing in music?

we all like listening to and the Death of a Rockstar record certainly seemed

The industry as it is today is indeed a very tough nut to crack, but we are deter-

to engage with those people who do enjoy that music. BWD Magazine • • 11

(Cont’d on Page 22)


ate can be a capricious dame indeed, and seldom does Opportunity find itself standing at your door twice. When fate has decided the way things WILL be then even Opportunity must bow to her demands. Such is the story of hip-hop supremo and

star-in-the-ascendency Mr Gabriel Louis aka the artist formally known as Young Trouble. Hailing from Florida’s Ft. Pierce, Young Trouble’s musical aspirations first found themselves being acknowledged in 2000 with the double-disc mixtape ‘Money Talk’, an entirely self-penned, produced and recorded release. Public reception to the release prompted the single ‘Jail Time’ to appear, and with it the start of the wave Young Trouble’s popularity would begin to ride. Hard work and incredible writing saw Trouble’s wave grow higher throughout the years, with 2009 seeing him gain much interest from Slip N Slide Records. Fate demanded much more from Trouble, however, and a brief incarceration denied him the chance of fulfilling his potential with the label. Quite why Fate would snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in such a manner started to become clear when, after entering the Coast 2 Coast Mixtape Competition in 2011, he was selected to have his newest single featured on the official mixtape release. As if proving that experience is what it takes to truly reap the rewards of your hard work, Fate also revealed the offer to be featured on the CTC Mixtape would be accompanied by an offer to release his official single with the CTC Mixtape Compilation Series. Being so close under Fate’s scrutiny has given Trouble’s music something many talk about but few have full understanding of; experience of life. With it comes an honesty and integrity that has proven Trouble as an artist of genuine merit and worth; of being able to walk the walk he talks the talk of, carrying the assured confidence of a man unafraid to say things how they are, because he has seen and experienced them for himself. With the release of his Official Mixtape entitled “Celebrity Lifestyle” (BeforeDaDeal) -featuring many special celebrity guests – BWD Magazine sought to discover a little more detail to the broad strokes Fate has applied to the artist known as Young Trouble.

exclusive interview

BWD: Tell us a brief history of your career so far. I began my music career in 2001 working with a few local groups gaining knowledge and experience. Then later in 2009 I began working with a company by the name of Coast 2 Coast Mixtapes where i was submitting songs and being featured on mixtapes hosted by major artist. In December of 2011, I established my very own record label entitled Poor 2 Rich Entertainment. On February 24th of 2012 I Released My 1st Official Mixtape Mr. Certified (IamHim) which had over 11,000 downloads and counting. This lead to deal offers by Slip N Slide Records etc. BWD: What drove you to becoming the artist you are today? My Passion for Music at an Early Age. BWD: What would you describe your sound as? Street. BWD: What inspires you to create the music you do? Real Life Experiences. 12 • BWD Magazine •

young trouble Cover Story Believe in yourself, Build a BWD: Compared to your contemporaries, what sets you apart from being ‘just another artist’ in your genre?

Team, and Trust Nobody

My sound and image.

but Yourself.”

BWD: What’s your personal view on how the record industry has evolved?

The record industry is looking for talented artists that aren’t afraid to invest in themselves.

BWD: What’s your biggest achievement as an artist so far?

Trouble/307869632576664 Being Invited to BET’s 106 & Park Wild Out Wednesday, and being offered a record contract with Slip n Slide

Instagram: Trouble561

Records. BWD: What advice would you give to fellow artists trying to find their own audience? Believe in yourself, Build a team, and Trust Nobody but Yourself. BWD: Is there a particular message or ethos you want people to take from your music? Believe In Yourself. BWD: What are the biggest obstacles for an artist such as yourself, in your experience? Building relationships. BWD: What’s the best and worst thing about playing live? Best thing about performing live is the connection with your fans, the worst thing about performing live is when you perform new music and fans don’t know the songs. BWD: And finally; what does the future hold for you? Any future plans or announcements on the horizon? Yea be on the lookout for that Official Mixtape Coming Soon entitled “Celebrity Lifestyle” (BeforeDaDeal) with many special celebrity guest features.

BWD Magazine • • 13


Customer Feedback Dear Maxsguitarstore, “I wanted to take a moment to say THANK YOU. This guitar completely wiped me out. WAY, WAY beyond expectations. The sound was spectacular and the guitar’s look and feel is to die for. Big, bold sound and with the warm sunburst you chose for me, it also has that “WOW” factor! This guitar absolutely made my day. I’m in guitar heaven.” Ricky

Bringing the guitar you want at the price you can afford, “Max’s Guitar Store” (http://

Out of the box and immediately you can tell there’s been an extra level of after- hosts some of the most well-known and recognized brands

market attention paid to the SG 400; the shine is flawless, the strings are bright,

currently available for the discerning guitarist wanting a high quality instrument

and the set-up is absolutely spot-on. Whereas, normally you’d be expecting to pay

that offers a little something extra and at a fraction of the cost. In this review we

an additional sum for preparing an instrument to this level, “Max’s Guitar Store”

shall be looking at one of the innumerate select pieces on offer from Max’s Guitar

have gone that little bit further than off-the-shelf outlets in what they offer you

Store, the iconic guitar of many an axe-wielding musician and bedroom guitar-god,

for your money and it certainly shows.

the re-issued classic that is the Epiphone SG 400.

Epiphone SG 400 Review


A quick wind on the traditional Gibson-styled Wilkinson Deluxe tuners (slackened for transport purposes) and a perfect pitch across all six strings is attained. The distance between the strings and the fret-board is wonderfully low, a true player’s



guitar in the hand, the pinched harmonics biting without buzz and sounding bril-


Mahogany – glued in

liantly bright.


24.75 inches

Neck Profile

D shape, slim

With its D shaped profile the neck is straight and true and like pure silk; the


22 fret Rosewood

rosewood fret board has a welcoming feel beneath the fingers and playing it is

Neck Pick-up

Alnico Classic Humbucker

almost effortless- again, one more in the plus column for Max’s who have come

Bridge Pick-up

Alnico Classic Humbucker

up trumps with their prepping of each instrument before shipping. The frets sit



snug and flush within the neck and have been polished and smoothed to the



point of being almost imperceptible where they sit, the running of a hand up and


1 Volume, 1 Tone 500K pot control per pick-up, Push-Pull

down the edge showing up no snags or corners of unhammered fret. Looking


down the neck and it’s as straight as an arrow, the Rosewood fret-board suitably


14 • BWD Magazine •

understated and showing off the peerless set-up of the instrument.

Turning the guitar over reveals a black plastic back panel hiding nicely tidy wir-

pot out to create a single coil sound, and it’s like Clapton’s coming through the

ing and pots, and another excuse to marvel at the sheen of the cherry veneer

amp, the double cut-away shape of the SG-400 allowing ease of access to those

and count the grain in the wood beneath- for a guitar that would normally

22 frets on any string and like butter to play due to the expert set-up.

retail at a significantly higher price it’s getting harder to justify the extra cost an off-the-peg outlet expects you to pay, especially when looking at the machine-

Dialling up and down on each of the four tone/volume controls takes nothing

head and truss rod cover screws (which can become loosened and are an easily

more than a brush of the finger to achieve, the transition through the 1 to 10

forgotten area of after-market quality control) and finding every single one flush

positions a well-oiled execution of precision that reveal just how far the level of

and true within their holes.

attention has gone into this instrument, the speed knobs living up to and surpassing their name.

The strap buttons are secure and firm and backed by felt to protect the veneer, and the jack input is likewise perfectly flush and surrounded by a brace of four

A thorough inspection around the edge of the scratch-plate, the hardware and

classic speed knob dials. The volume control for each of the pick-up also houses

pick-up surrounds finds nothing but an unblemished veneer and incredible

a Push-Pull mechanic that allows you to turn the instrument into a single-coil,

grain beneath, and all are highly finished and compliment the rest of the guitar

rather than hum-bucker, configuration and each has a satisfying click when


Pushed/Pulled accordingly. Conclusion: The difference between buying a guitar off-the-peg or from someA serial number on the back of the headstock and mother of pearl Epiphone

where with a more personal approach to each sale is what makes this particular

logo and decal on the front and there is nothing visually that points to it being

model of Epiphone simply the most stunning example of its kind; the quality

a refurbished piece, no ‘tells’ or ‘blemishes’ that could be seen as reason for its

of the finish, the attention to the smallest of details (such as the individual

lower price point.

setting on each of the six saddles to achieve a pitch perfect tone across all six strings), makes it feel unique, exclusive, something head and shoulders above

Plugged in and flicked to the back pick-up and the sound of classic rock fills the

the homogenized retail outlets selection of same yet noticeable inferior dop-

air; power chords have weight and single notes have bite, the sustain satisfy-

pelgangers. It brings the guitar on a par with those bearing the hallowed Gibson

ingly long and clear. The D shaped profile neck feels comfortable to hold in any

moniker, a level of quality previously only available to those able to afford four

position, the fret edges smooth against the liquid finish of the mahogany fret-

figured guitars, reminding you why the SG was once called the ‘fretless wonder’

board and polished to an equally high-end instrument feel.

and revealing why “Max’s Guitar Store” is becoming known as the online store for true musicians.

Flicked into the neck position and the tone dialled down and with the Push-Pull

BWD Magazine • • 15


oming from the UK with a sound influenced by her exotic

of the landslide, Mrs Melodey now sees her calendar filling with interview

African roots, fused with the sounds of iconic R&B and Hip-

appearances on Deja Fu FM, Music Nest Radio, as well as one or two promi-

Hop, and delivered by an artist whose very presence projects

nent and well-known stations currently being kept under wraps and forming

an alluring gravitas that you cannot help but be drawn to,

part of an up-coming announcement from the artist.

singer/songwriter Mrs Melodey is promising to become the

name on everyone’s lips.

When discussing her win Mrs Melodey is quick to thank the magazine’s audience for their acknowledgement of her obvious musical prowess, saying ‘…being an art-

Having already worked with such well-known producers as Samklef and Jamie

ist from the UK (they have) given me the opportunity to reach overseas…given me

Sellers, Mrs Melodey is already

a platform to spread the word that

establishing herself as an artist

there’s a new girl on the block!!!’

of note. Indeed, her latest single – the Jamie Sellers produced Mr

With the unveiling of a soon-

Naij - looks certain to both turn

to-be released video - an acous-

up the heat and chill out the

tic take on the hit, Mr Naij –

mood in her own sumptuously

that brings out an entirely new

compelling way.

dimension of depth and soulful expression in the song, inter-

Response to this latest single

views and appearances set to fill

release has seen Mrs Melodey’s

what time she may find between

hit filling the airwaves through-

live shows and the studio, as well

out the world, becoming a regular

as an up-coming announcement

spin in the playlist of respected

you won’t want to be left out

UK station London Reprezent

from, Mrs Melodey seems to be

Radio 107.3fm by the multi-tal-

a promise already being fulfilled.

ented ‘DJ of ceremony’s’, DJ Neptizzle. Awareness to the hit single has also seen Mr Naij appearing as the soundtrack to an abundance of club-goer’s nights as London Club DJ’s have been quick to

Contact Information: Facebook: mrsmelodey

include the song within their own set, no doubt driven by the demand of her


ever growing audience and public awareness

Twitter: @MrsMelodey

. And to further cement this singer/songwriters reputation an interview with BBC 1xtra saw her discussing her music with host DJ Edu; seemingly the start 16 • BWD Magazine •

Photo Credits: Image1st London - All Rights Reserved.


freedom and the pursuit of maintaining same is natural

…being an artist from the UK (they have) given me the opportunity to reach overseas…given me a platform to spread the word that there’s a new girl on the block!!!’

BWD Magazine • • 17

inspire, dream, believe, this is what I live by.....


espite nurturing a reputation for being the city that

Such demand comes through their own brands style, influenced by New

never sleeps, New York has been responsible for the

York’s most singular of cultures and history to create a unique authen-

realization of many a dream; from the glamour of Jane

ticity that is woven throughout its very select range.

Fonda as she enchanted the world to the boards of Broadway where thespians tread on their first steps to

Embodying the values and belief BWD stands for we were lucky enough

Hollywood, nothing is impossible in the eyes of the big Apple’s denizens

to sit down and talk to Fly Federation’s founder to dig a little deeper,

who find inspiration within its folds.

probe a little further, and learn a little more about the company behind the bold brand breaking out

From within these folds we

of the borders of the Big

find fashion house and cre-






Federation”, accompany whose

BWD: Who are you and why

beginnings may still be fresh

should you be on our radar?

but whose products and range are some of the most exciting

“Who am I” is too complex to

and unique the world of fash-

answer right now. I can tell you

ion has seen.

about me though. Simply stated; I have the mind-set and energy of

“Fly Federation” are preserving

a typical seventeen – year – old.

the notion of ‘the individual’

Meaning, I am arrogant and con-

with its range of designs being

fident; plus I can be naive about

released on a first-come, first-

human struggle. The combination

served basis.

of these qualities makes me feel like I can be and do anything I want, and that nothing anyone says or does can stop me.

Rather than mass-produce an unlimited run of the same design each product is released and sold in limited numbers. Such exclusivity

I strive to be positive and positive people and actions should be on a radar. My cloth-

ensures a quality within the brand that is building Fly Federation’s repu-

ing line offers a respectable and authentic style young adults enjoy wearing.

tation as being one of the most exciting new fashion houses to emerge for quite some time. 18 • BWD Magazine •

the FLY FEDERATION - exclusive interview

BWD: Tell us a brief history of the company.

all the effort seemed justified?

Due to my popularity on instagram, I received many requests to promote and advertise

Every order at the moment is most fulfilling. Support from anyone reminds me that

clothing lines. I saw it as a business opportunity because I am primarily business orientat-

my efforts are justified. Fulfilling moments build upon each other, meaning, every past

ed. I decided one night to take the initiative and design my own shirt. Seeing that it was

moment is important and counts.

well received encouraged me to start my own clothing line and to promote my own work.

BWD: Could you imagine being where you are now if it wasn’t for the internet’s ability

BWD: Who are your inspirations, your influences?

to make everything global whilst also within easy reach?

My greatest inspiration is my father. I always admired his initiative to start businesses.


He has been very successful because of the positive attitude of what he desires he can

BWD: Is there a particular brand or designer you think people should be looking

achieve, with a plan. I have not really seen him with a stagnant dream. Everything he

out for?

really wanted to do he did.

I’m focused on developing my brand.

BWD: What would you describe your brand as; who’s it for?

BWD: What are the biggest obstacles for a company such as yourselves, in your

The name of my brand is “Fly Federation”. It represents young spirited people getting


together to express themselves in a care-free, laid-back manner. However, it remains

Being young.

respectful to the individual identities. The brand is people like me; comfortable being

BWD: What’s the best and worst thing about your job?

themselves and gathering to create a federation that shows the world how fly that is.

I enjoy everything. Every challenge is necessary. It helps me grow.

BWD: How do you promote your company name and brand; do you find social media

BWD: Have there ever been any disasters/incidents in the early days of starting the

sites such as Facebook and Twitter essential or simply an additional promotional

business you would care to forget about but wouldn’t mind sharing?


Selling t-shirts before the manufacturer had them printed and ready.

Instagram has been a great asset to the rapid growth of my company. It has been a

BWD: And finally; what does the future hold for you? Any future plans or announce-

simple yet efficient promotional tool. A small group of supporters easily turns to national

ments on the horizon?

recognition due to its ability to spread interests, by referrals, sharing pictures and likes

Having “Fly Federation” clothing available on-site at multiple locations.

within the broad network of the Internet. BWD: Compared to your contemporaries, what sets you apart from being ‘just another

Proving dreams only come true for those who dare to dream, Fly Federation’s range

brand’ on the high-street?

of tailored items of fashion individuality are certainly living up to its inspiring strap-

I am focused not on comparing, but giving the best I have to the development of my


designs. BWD: What’s your outlook on the changing face of the fashion industry?

‘Dress to impress or Don’t Dress at all’.

The fashion industry is more personal and localized than it has been in the past. BWD: What’s been the most fulfilling moment of building the company, the moment BWD Magazine • • 19

EDIDION Emerging from California’s Westside and exploding across the pages of Hip Hop

His munificence clearly isn’t limited to gifting the world with his music, with

Stardom 101 Magazine’s ‘Class of 2012’ to steal not just the much coveted front

half of all monies made from the sale of hit single ‘One Life’ going to the charity

cover but the attentions and adoration of thousands of fans across the globe,

Oxfam America to help better the lives of those less fortunate than ourselves.

Edidion is quickly making the hip-hop scene re-evaluate its current level of originality and creativity with his own incredible standard-bearing sounds, raising the

Describing his vision as one of creating music that is as universal as it is ground

benchmark his contemporaries have set whilst single-handedly redefining the

breaking Edidion’s sound is one that eschews exclusion and commands inclusion,

genre as he goes.

the ears each track catches becoming captivated by his sublime performance, the scene being ever redefined with each new song.

Carving himself a reputation as being an artist you simply cannot ignore has seen Edidion able to define himself as a force of unparalleled equal, christened

Public demand has seen him kept in constant rotation across the airwaves of

by Music Connectz Magazine as the ‘Next To Blow’ and an undisputable statement

radio and innumerable appearances on mixtapes, as the cry for Edidion’s sound

underlined by his appearance on the cover of industry respected and universally

has become more a roar of almost Dickens-esque clamouring for more, more,

acclaimed publication ‘Young Celebrity News’ 2013 issue.


Little wonder, with the buzz surrounding Edidion quickly turning this quietly spo-

It was only a matter of time before the inevitable call for a wider audience was

ken and unassuming young man into a recognized talented artist; displaying the

heard by the television industry, Edidion appearing on BEN Televisions ‘Lifestyle

potential to unleash an aural sensation of sound that sends shivers of excitement

on Ben’. His effortless performance on-screen showed a natural star on a par

down the spines of the audience, public reception of such single releases as ‘My

with the likes of Usher, Kelis, or even Justin Timberlake, just waiting for a sky big

Time Now’, ‘Put In That Work’ and the club banging ‘Birthday’ has proven Edidion’s

enough to bestride with his blindingly bright talent, chasing such contemporaries

skill at effortlessly changing the face of the genre.

firmly onto the side-lines and into the shadows of yesterday’s sound.

Since only 3 years of age Edidion’s passion for expressing himself through music

Currently endorsed by ‘Nutz Headphones’ and making the Amazon and iTunes

has shone through; a natural talent, his captivating voice and soulful sound

download charts a reflection of the blazing passion that burns within this hot

brought him the adulation of others. By age thirteen, he had already started lay-

young artists smouldering soul, Edidion is clearly more than just another artist

ing the foundations of what would become the artist the world would know as

of his craft; he is the beginning of a unique and energizing new sound breaking

Edidion, his vocal styling growing and becoming more defined as a performer,

across the horizon, basking an eager audience in the heady glow of a bright new

stronger, and showing the beginnings of his trademark soulfully hypnotic sound.

dawn. Contact Information:

Though growing up was far from the easy path travelled by some, it became the fuel for the determination that drove Edidion forward, pushing him to become

more than just a ‘sound-alike’ like so many of his peers seemed satisfied to attain.

Facebook: Edidionmusic

It was this same determination and dedication that sees the quietly spoken

Twitter: @Edidion2012

young man becoming the controller of the tides he has set to turn in music

Photo Credits: Edidion - All Rights Reserved.

circles, the master behind the microphone enthralling the wave-form world with a mesmerizing sound, enriching voice, and disarming youthful good looks. 20 • BWD Magazine •

Official Website: Facebook: ChamaneEnergyDrinkOfficialPage

BWD Magazine • • 21

V i s i t w w w . B W DR e c o r d s . c o m o r w w w . F a c e b o o k . c o m / B W DR e c o r d s . l l c

exit state

Feature & exclusive interview (Cont’d) We learned many lessons from the Death of album which we applied to Black

Bands do have to do much more work to get recognized these days than they

Veins and similarly we learned many lessons on Black Veins that we have

ever have had to, but that’s half the fun isn’t it? haha.

applied to the new album ‘Lets See it All’ and we firmly believe that this

BWD: What’s been the biggest reality shock of the band’s career so far

record will see us grabbing more fans than we thought possible.

(good or bad)?

BWD: With the charts traditionally full of disposable singing contest win-

Thankfully, it was a good reality shock and it was when we played at the

ners and re-hashed pop, how important is mainstream chart success to

world famous O2 Shepherds Bush Empire in London last May 2012 as sup-

the band?

port to the legendary ex-UFO and Scorpions guitarist Michael Schekner. With

A simple truth is that a mainstream hit will significantly raise your profile

it being London and not having much impact in that big city due to very few

as a band but it is very difficult here in the UK for rock and metal bands to

shows there previous, we were wonderfully astounded when we rocked out

achieve that kind of success in the mainstream charts much for the reasons

with 1100 fans of Michaels and the fact they really “got” us and almost tore

you have just given. People seem to think music is now about being an aver-

our merch desk to shreds at the end of the night haha. We all concluded that

age singer(s), happy with a years’ worth of mediocre success. It is NOT about

a show like that every night is definitely worth all the hard graft and has

those things, it is about what comes from within and your ability to connect

spurned us on even more so ever since.

with the music. Most people on those shows just want fame and do not get

BWD: What advice do you wish someone had given the band when Exit

what it’s all about like many others who might not write and perform songs

State first formed?

but sing them with conviction and have trodden the boards and learned their

Probably the phone number to Matt Elliss of Axis Studios Doncaster who

apprenticeship out there in the world playing shows in empty bars, sleeping

produced our latest album hahahaha

on floors and in the back of cold vans. So hell yeah a mainstream hit would

BWD: Recently you released the single Crystalline off the new Exit State

be nice but we aint gonna pin all our hopes and dreams on such a thing – the

album - Let’s See It All – with proceeds being donated to chart (Children’s

world is brimming with rock fans and we can enjoy meeting as many of them

Hospice Arts organization ). How did this come about?

as possible without the need for a mainstream hit.

Well chART are a wonderful group that are dedicated to bringing music

BWD: How important was the bands signing to Rocksector Records in

and the arts to children with life-limiting conditions and severe disabilities

projecting Exit State onto a worldwide audience?

throughout hospices in the UK. As mentioned, last May 2012 we were enjoy-

Simply put signing to Rocksector changed everything for us. We were already

ing a wonderful tour supporting Michael Schenker on his UK dates when the

managed by them at the time our old record label King Prawn Records loving-

fabulous Wayne Findlay (Michaels guitarist and keyboard player) recommend-

ly sent us on our way to them with their best wishes knowing that Rocksector

ed us to Suzanne and Carol, the guys from chARTUK, by saying they must

were best placed to help us realise our career goals, but the work that has

check us out as we are a very good band (which was awesome of him to say

been done by them since 2011 has made all the difference to this band and

so). They did and indeed enjoyed our set. So it was wonderful for them to ask

we thank them every day for it. Rocksector are an ‘old skool’ record label in

us to become official supporters a few weeks after the show which we were

the way they do things. They simply will not sign any band they have not

delighted to accept. Around December of last year, we decided we wanted to

seen perform live and very rarely will they sign any band off one performance

do something special for the guys and so we approached them with the idea

alone, preferring to see them in both their hometown comfort zone and at

of dedicating not only the song Crystalline to their work but also all proceeds

the out on the road, unheard of as a band, shows. They actually develop and

from the sale of the single which of course, they were thrilled with. As a

work with their bands, actively developing their skills and careers. The whole

result of that work the guys asked us to become Patrons of the charity and

thing is like a brilliant family atmosphere.

we accepted without hesitation as we are proud to be a part of their work.

BWD: What’s your personal view on how the record industry has evolved?

BWD: And where can we download and donate to this cause?

As in anything in life things move on and change and it’s about our ability to

The bundle packs are available via iTunes and Amazon and links can be found

embrace those changes that makes all the difference to a band. The advent

at our website

of the digital era has many pro’s but also equally many cons in as much it

BWD: What’s the best and worst thing about playing live?

is easier to get your music out there these days however, such is the fact of

Absolutely EVERYTHING is the best thing about it – playing music with 3 of

saturation of good, bad and indifferent artists, it is doubly hard to be heard

my best mates, seeing the crowd singing your songs, screaming when I ask

and seen and make an impact. Bands may need to have 4, 5 or even 6 albums

them, jumping and moshing when we do, and then meeting them at the end

under their belts these days to make an impact as appose to the traditional 1

of the show to have a beer and a chat and get to know and make friends with

or 2 (dependant on genre of course). It’s about longevity in today’s bustling

all these wonderful rock music lovers. Unfortunately at this level the worst

industry and a firm unwavering belief that you are able to achieve your goals,

thing about it is only getting 40mins to an hour to play hahaha we would do

whatever they may be, and just stick at it and push through the tough times.

it for 5hrs if we were able.

22 • BWD Magazine •

BWD: Have there ever been any disasters/incidents on stage or tour you

BWD: And finally; what does the future hold for Exit State? Any future

would care to forget about?

plans or announcements on the horizon?

We have been very fortunate in that regards that nothing major has happened

Simply put, we intend to tour the hell out of this record and get hopefully grab

(touch wood haha) although at one show in Birmingham UK, my strap locks

a gazillion more new fans – we have already begun tinkering with ideas for a

failed on my guitar half way through a song as I went to sling it down my

4th album and there will also be single releases from the new album and new

side to talk to the audience and it made a god awful “CLANNNNG” to which I

videos – busy times ahead – we wouldn’t have it any other way.

just stood looking at the audience, smiling, then shrugged as our tech dived to retrieve it – I did enjoy a small game of cat and mouse as I ran around the

Contact Information:

stage making it difficult for him to catch up with me and put the damn thing back on haha – thankfully he saw the funny side.

Website: Twitter: @ExitState

BWD: Penultimate question time! Television has been calling and more

Facebook: Exitstateband

specifically the big-wigs at Network Overlord (‘You See What We Say!’)

Photo Credits: Exit State- All Rights Reserved

have been asking if Exit State are interested in a ‘warts and all’ documentary on the band. They say it will be a fully ‘hands off’ affair, the band under no orders to act in a certain way or kneel to their rule. However, after you have agreed to their request your manager finds a leaked memo from the network detailing several contrived scenarios – angry ex’s turning up with a double-buggy and crocodile tears, long-lost conjoined twins you never knew you had surprising you down the shampoo aisle - intending to ‘spice things up a bit’ for the watching audience. Forearmed with such knowledge of the potential disaster-piece it will be do you call up and cancel and hope they were only joking about that whole ‘breach of contract’ clause, or embrace the crazy and await your tickets to the Jeremy Kyle Show? Tell them to go f *** themselves and go back out on tour rocking out with the DVD box set of The Osbournes! hahahaha BWD Magazine • • 23

left for red Feature & exclusive interview (Cont’d) BWD: Who are you and why should you be on our iPods?

BWD: What’s your biggest claim to notoriety as an artist so far?

We are Left for Red a Groove Metal band from Dudley, West Midlands. We

We recently won a KERRANG! Competition to be featured on TNA IMPACT

should be on your IPods because……Well why not? If you love heavy metal

WRESTLING! We got in a tour bus, went down to London for the day to see

then we are essential to your collection.

TNA Live, Met Wrestlers, Got introduced as a celebrity in Wembley Arena and

BWD: Tell us a brief history of yourself.

then had our song ‘Kneel Before You Die’ broadcasted across the world in over

Left For Red are a Five Piece Heavy Metal band originally formed in late 2009.

120 countries.

LFR have a wide range of influences including Pantera, Deftones, Tool and

BWD: What advice would you give to fellow artists trying to find their

Strapping Young Lad to name a few. LFR’s sound is a mixture of Punk, Metal

own audience?

and Rock. Some of our highlights are being crowned winners of KERRANG’S

Support your local scene! If you support other bands, they will then support

TNA comp 2013 and some huge support slots with huge bands such as



BWD: Is there a particular theme or message you are trying to convey

BWD: Who are your musical influences?

with your music?

We are influenced by so many bands it would take forever to list them all, here

We don’t really have an overall message within the lyrics as some of them

are some of our main ones: Mastodon, Devin Townsend/SYL, Guns N Roses,

are conceptual. Whereas the other songs can be about anything from being

Pantera, Dillinger Escape Plan, Down and Slayer. We are also heavily influ-

arrogant and cocky and more negative aspects of the human psyche to songs

enced by local unsigned bands such as Under Blackened Skies, Valous and

that contain a positive message about standing up for what you believe in. As

Gehtika to name a few as the quality of their music makes us up our game.

a band we do have the philosophy of not taking life too seriously as you may

BWD: What would you describe your sound as?

never get out alive and just having a good time.

Left for Red’s sound is a mixture of powerful melodies, catchy riffs and a

BWD: What are the biggest obstacles for an artist such as yourself, in your

thundering rhythm section. It makes you want to sing, dance and beat the


crap out of the person next to you.

How saturated the music market has become and the way it seems the music

BWD: What inspires the music you create; any specific moments or inci-

industry wants to treat up and coming bands. As well as just getting a solid


fan base , all the practicing, the blood sweat and tears, the long hours, people

We are inspired by Alcohol, Boobs (we use Front magazine to help us write

not approving of your music. There are too many barriers and obstacles to

songs), Graphic novels and Movies (mainly horror), Rock and Roll and a large

mention but if you love it you keep at it.

dose of Heavy Metal.

BWD: What’s the best and worst thing about making music?

BWD: How do you promote your music; do you find social media sites such

The best thing is getting to be creative with you best friends and the worse

as Facebook and Twitter essential or simply an additional promotional

thing is having to be creative with your best friends! Hearing songs back you


have written and the sense of pride and achievement is amazing, but nothing

We find social media extremely useful for promoting, Twitter and Facebook is

beats the buzz of playing live and feeding off the energy of the crowd. The

a great way to spread your music across the world and also a useful tool for

longs nights and traveling can suck but it’s worth it. Oh and beer is one of

reminding your fans that you have gigs coming up.

the best things about making music.

BWD: Compared to your contemporaries, what sets you apart from being

BWD: Have there ever been any disasters/incidents in the mixing room

‘just another artist’ in your genre?

you would care to forget about?

We don’t try to sound like anybody else, we have never sat down and said

Apart from Rob the drummer missing out a whole section of a song when

I really like so and so’s new album I think that’s a direction we should take

laying down his drum track due to him playing it by memory along to a click

or I want to sound like them. We don’t take much notice of what’s going on

track with no backing and then not realising until two dates later when the

around us and just write music we like. Also all 5 members of the band have

vocals where going down no. The recordings have always been fun experi-

different tastes in rock/metal/indie and we combine all the different styles to


create something new.

BWD: And finally; what does the future hold for you? Any future plans or

BWD: What’s your outlook on the changing face of the record industry?

announcements on the horizon?

The big labels don’t seem to be taking chances on bands any more as it is all

We are planning on recording our next music video later in the year, as well

about money and not about talent. We have found the bands that are doing

as writing the follow up to our last EP Vol 2 ‘Mercy Flight’. We are going on

better are the bands who are doing it all by themselves, gathering contacts

tour early Autumn and have some major support slots we are looking forward

and getting there name out there. Major labels are all about money and not

to announcing but before then we are playing some festivals during the

about talent.

summer such as Out of the Ashes Festival ( with Kuru, Under Blackened Skies, Malandra and Severenth to name a few and also SCAR Fest with Lawnmower Deth, Beholder, Jettblack, Evil Scarecrow

24 • BWD Magazine •

and many more.

bwd records, llc independent music label of the south

BWD Records Releases Artist “5 M.I.C-Z” Self~Titled Debut Album!! Available In All Major Digital Outlets Worldwide 7/16/13 Why Wait? Get Your Own Copy Now!!

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Vi s i t w w w. 5 m i c z . c o m o r w w w. Fa c e b o o k . c o m / 5 m i c z

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