BWD Magazine - August 2015

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#1 Variety Magazine - A Worldwide Publication

Monthly Issue - AUGUST 2015

preston pritchett nth

mo e h t f o l ode


OVER a decades worth Of experience and knowledge

Features 04 Preston Pritchett August’s Featured Model Of The Month

06 Nakaya (nuh-kai-yuh) A Force To Be Reckoned With

08 Lamb Of God Blazing “Heavy Music” Mercilessly

10 L.A. Racines (Author) The Shield In The Shadows

11 Aaron Cohen A Dark Mix Of... “Home Less”

22 Blacklist Union Back To ‘Momo!”

24 Devil City Angels Premieres Debut Video “Boneyard”

COVER STORY 12 Mooky aka Yung Mook West Coast Native, Making Moves

Lifestyle | HEALTH 14 The Battle Of The Sexes Dysfunction vs Libido

18 Be Inspired (Monthly Feature) Eloho Releases “Speechless” Single

ENTERTAINMENT 7 Buffalo Bites (Monthly Feature) The Creative Audio And Music Production World 19 All Hands On Deck (Monthly Feature) Exclusive Interview With “2 Live Crew”

23 BWD Radio w/Ms V (Monthly Sponsor) 25 Bizarre, Wacky & Unique Holidays 26 Lamb Of God (Back Page Takeover)

2 • BWD Magazine •


last issue

In a world where a swipe across the virtual shelf has supplanted the casual stroll down the aisle, content driven media has become the golden chalice of promotion; fresh content delivered with the minimum of fuss constantly throughout the day has become the key to ensnaring the public interest, of reaching the plateau of fame and recognition you deserve to be standing upon. Without an audience to listen no-one can hear you talk. Without a pair of eyes to observe no-one notices when you achieve greatness and without a market waiting on pins to learn which direction their latest fascination will be coming from no-one will be holding the banners of congratulations when you finally step up to the limelight. With an empire of insiders working tirelessly away to bring you the biggest, best, and breaking news across the entire landscape of the media BWD Magazine has built a reputation as being one of the leading names in the industry. When we speak, others listen. With a worldwide audience of subscribers downloading and learning which name to look out for, which band they should be following, who the next Big Thing is going to be, BWD Magazine speaks to millions of awaiting ears each and every month. With the world as an audience BWD Magazine puts you firmly in the spotlight.

Editor In Chief V Keach

Editors/Writers V Keach/Various Contributors

Art Director, Graphic Artist(s) V Keach & BWD Graphics


Offical Website Twitter: BWDMagazine Twitter: BWDPromotions

BWD Magazine- ‘Leading Whilst Others Follow’

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AUGUST’s featured model of the month

Preston Pritchett STATS: Age: 20 Height: 6’ 0” Weight: 175 lbs


reston Pritchett is a country

“Whenever things would get tough”, says Preston,

boy from Selma, Alabama.

“we would turn our faith to God and Family”.

Pritchett is “that” guy who

BWD Magazine asked Preston, “Are there times

everyone thinks is a weirdo.

when you feel the past trys to dictate your future? If so, what keeps you motivated to keep

Preston is an outgoing person that loves to EVER Give Up”.

Measurements: 40-32-33 Hair: Black Eyes: Brown

pushing forward?”

explore and try new things. His motto? “Never “In life there will be times when you will fall”, says Preston “but it’s not about how many times Preston grew up in a single parent home of

you fall that matters, it’s how many times you get

three. His dad stayed in their lives; continuing

back up”.

Shoe: 12

to provide family support.

Current Residence:

Preston admits that they did not always have

to fulfill the dreams of becoming a professional

the best of days and one year, Christmas had


Troy, Alabama

Preston continues to do everything in his power

passed them by without celebration. He was always thankful for his Mom having instilled ‘all we needed for Christmas’ was family..

4 • BWD Magazine •

“You’re on the right track!”, says BWD Magazine.

Contact Information Facebook: Pop.Pritchett Twitter: @PrestonPritche1 Instagram: Preston_Pritchett Bookings/Inquires:

All Rights Reserved - Preston Pritchett BWD Magazine • • 5



akaya is a New York native, born and raised in Queens. Coming from a church going family, Nakaya pronounced (nuh-kai-yuh) showed an interest in music at a very young age, playing the drums and singing in his church’s choir at age five and rapping at age twelve. It wasn’t until high school that he began to combine his vocal talent with his rhyming skills and developed a sound all his own.

Compelled by an incredible passion for music, and backed by undeniable talent, “The Prince of Queens” is heavy on his grind refusing to take failure as an option.

Once he did, Nakaya formed a group and began doing shows and making appearances across the east coast. Following a 3 1/2 year stretch in prison, along with dealing with the obstacles of life, and the disbandment of his group, Nakaya rose from the difficulties a new man.


Contact Information Twitter: @Nakaya24 Facebook: 24Nakaya Email:

Nakaya aka “The Prince of Queens” obtained a greater hunger for his music, and a stronger drive towards success. Never losing the faith that his lyrical talent and singing abilities were gifts meant to be heard, he began formulating a unique movement, surrounded by a likeminded team, grounded in hard work and anchored in fearless determination. Nakaya wants to be known as more than just a successful performer and artist. He has plans of delving into the business sector, with the ultimate goal of doing outreach in his community, and beyond. Nakaya is a force to be reckoned with as he creates unique music and catchy hooks. All Rights Reserved 6 • BWD Magazine •

buffalo bites monthly feature It’s been another peaceful month here at Crown Works Studio, NOT! We’ve

couple more hours we had the bones of a backing track ready for working

actually been rather busy truth be told and we’re picking up momentum

out the vocal lines and getting some guides down so that I could develop

every week with new studio enquiries coming from all angles.

the track further in my own time. I’ve put a reasonable amount of effort into the song since then and am nearly ready for Charlene to return to the

Following on from recording God Damn for the first time last month, this

studio for a last vocal blast before mixing, I’m at that nervous point before

month started with a very different band indeed. Far from the heavy riffs

she hears it for the first time since the initial session, hoping I’ve gone the

and ear mincing vocals, the lads of the band ‘Native State’ bring a slightly

right way with it... The song will be included in a compilation album release

more pop-fused sound although still a firm guitar band and able to rock

in the next few months so having heard some of the other likely songs I’m

festival and pub audiences alike.

hoping we’ve got a good one here. It certainly sounds good to me!

We recorded two songs in the standard studio manner, guide tracks first

The Third session I’ll tell you about here came about because of my past

then drums, bass, guitars and vocals all individually, in this manner we can

work with Ocean Colour Scene, a UK band you might have heard of? I

take full control of the individual sounds as well as the ambience sounds

contacted Oscar’s (OCS Drummer) son Leon, who plays in a local outfit, The

we have available. It’s widely understood that a nice quality ambient mic

Samuel Rogers Band which I’d spotted online and have been following on

on drums, or a pair of stereo room mic’s helps to glue the sound together.

Facebook and Instagram for a while. I spoke to Leon and on recommendation of his Dad and they agreed to come and record with us.

Adding a stereo ambient on your bass tracks can give you something close to the fantastic Clash bass sound, with just a little added ambience on all

The difference with this session is that these guys are very much a groove

of your instrument tracks it can really help glue the whole sound together

based band and being a three piece we decided to track them all together

at the mixing stage and help keep some of the energy in the song where

in our Live Room. Drums were mic’d as my usual arrangement, along with

there’s a danger of recording to a click can sort of ‘lose’ some of the bands

Sam’s Marshall amp tucked in behind our new ‘mega-baffle’ (heavy duty

natural pace throughout the track. Of course, you’re going to need a lot of

2x3 metre floor standing baffle/gobo) with a couple of close dynamic mic’s

microphones and a computer or recording media that can deal with the

and Chris’s bass was DI into our Audient 880. Sam provided a basic vocal

higher demand of multi mic’ing each instrument.

via an SM58 in the room with them too. My primary concern here was spill from the guitar and vocal onto the drums but with sensible volumes there’s

The antidote to losing the energy? Tempo maps and carefully considered

hardly any spill at all which was very good news for me.

speed up/slow downs. With a little extra care a tempo map will fit exactly what the band usually play live, with the added bonus that you can edit

The band’s first take ended up as the right take and I agreed to track five

things should they need it but I’m sure that if you catch a Native State gig

songs with them that day, two more than originally agreed purely because

near you (UK), you’ll agree that they are a ninja-tight band anyway! We’re

they sound awesome playing together. The other four tracks went down

back in the studio with the natives next month and hopefully should have

brilliantly too and once we’d added a couple of extra overdubs and vocals

something to show you all before too long.

we were ready for the ‘guest’ players.

The next session in was Charlene, care of Negart Records, a label I’ve only

Guitar was first up and some tasteful yet mellow blues guitar were deliv-

just started working with based in the Midlands (and a little bit north) the

ered more than adequately by Stu, Ange added some truly powerful vocal

label is growing pretty well and Charlene is the first in a series of Solo

answers and backing vocals, and to finish things some steamy harmonica

Female artists I’ll be working with, something that you regular readers

melting playing from Al which spiced up the one very bluesy track incred-

might spot is a little out of my comfort zone but we like a challenge here at

ibly, even brought his own mic and amp! The EP may be available soon so

Crown. This challenge was to come up with a backing track and help find a

keep an eye on our Crown Works Studio page for more info on all of our art-

place for the vocals which Charlene had written herself, but not playing an

ists and sessions! We’ve got some gear reviews for you next month too so

instrument herself it’s my job to provide the music then mix it once finished

from me and my crazy producer life I bid thee farewell and Happy Tracking!

to present to the label. (Fairly standard I guess?) CrownWorks Studio We thrashed out a few ideas on a guitar and were scratching our heads Twitter: @CrownWorks_

a little for the first hour or so then suddenly it all changed and within a

Written by Gareth Rogers

7 • BWD Magazine •

lamb of god


or all its depth, diversity and

The combination of vocalist Randy Blythe’s

vast army of fans worldwide and a formi-

excoriating growls and roars, guitarists

dable reputation for delivering the goods


Willie Adler and Mark Morton’s precision

on stage, with countless headlining tours

ambition, modern metal

attack and the bowel-shattering rumble of

and festival appearances contributing to

needs its figureheads, its

rhythm section John Campbell (bass) and

their status as standard bearers for heavy

heroes and its leaders. Lamb of God have

Chris Adler (drums) has both refined and

music. 2012’s Resolution album marked

been blazing mercilessly away at the fore-

redefined the notion of aggressive metal

a startling evolution in the band’s sound,

front of heavy music for the last 15 years,

in the modern era.

displaying laudable levels of experimental

upholding metal’s intrinsic values of hon-

fervor and sonic breadth. It built upon the

esty, intensity and creativity while also

From the raw savagery of 2003’s As The

successes of previous years by smashing

daring to push boundaries and think out-

Palaces Burn and its immaculate follow-

into the US Billboard charts at #3 and

side the heavy box. Exploding into view

up Ashes Of The Wake in 2004 to the

looked to usher in a new era of acclaim

with 2000’s seminal debut New American

widescreen pomp and melodic intricacy

and achievement.

Gospel, the Virginian quintet inadvertently

of Sacrament in 2006, the band’s rise

kick-started the so-called New Wave Of

to glory was steady and unstoppable.

Of course, what happened next is well

American Metal at the dawn of the 21st

By the time they released their #2 US

documented. Vocalist Randy Blythe’s tri-

century; and have notched up a succession

Billboard-charting album Wrath in 2009,

als and tribulations in the Czech Republic

of huge commercial hit albums and

Lamb of God were simply one of the big-

– wherein he stood accused of causing

remorselessly toured the globe ever since.

gest metal bands on the planet, with a

intentional bodily harm to a fan at an

8 • BWD Magazine •

LOG show in Prague in 2010 and faced a lengthy prison sentence

The song 512 is asking ‘How am I handling this?’ Anyone who’s

– momentarily threatened both his freedom and the future of

been locked up will probably understand what I’m trying to say.

his band. Eventually acquitted on all charges, Randy has spoken

It’s about the brutal psychic shift you undergo when you become

at length on his experiences and while it would be inaccurate to

incarcerated, because it’s not a normal situation at all. People in

state that the new Lamb of God album – VII: Sturm Und Drang –

prison think and act 100% differently from people on the outside.

represents the story of those dark days, it undoubtedly had a huge

It’s a different world.”

impact on the lyrical direction that he took this time round. Reflecting this overall theme, VII: Sturm Und Drang features several “There’s no way around it, my trip to the gated community in Europe

songs that arose from Randy’s fascination with digging deeper into

was the starting point for writing this record,” he states. “I wrote

the horrors of history, the strength of humanity and our never-

the opening track, Still Echoes, almost in its entirety. You’re familiar

ending battle against oppressive, dishonest regimes. Closing track

with the Misfits song London Dungeon, which is about when they

Torches was inspired by the story of Jan Palach, a Czech man that

got arrested? Well, I’m a huge Misfits fan so I thought I might as

set himself alight in Wenceslas Square in protest against the Soviet

well write my own London Dungeon, except for it’s not in London. I

Union’s invasion of Czechoslovakia. The furious Engage The Fear

also wrote parts of the song 512 while I was there, so I had those

Machine deals with the manipulation of mass media to control

two things. But writing in there was an act of preservation for my

the masses, using scare tactics and outright lies to spread fear

morale, I suppose. Being creative, whenever I’m going through

and paranoia, as with the recent worldwide Ebola scare and its

something rough and I don’t have anything else to turn to, I pick

exploitation by unscrupulous broadcasters. Meanwhile, the hair-

up the pen…”

raising brutality of Anthropoid was inspired by the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich, the ‘Butcher Of Prague’ and architect of the

With such a dramatic entry point for the writing process for Lamb

Nazis’ final solution, in 1942. His assassins were “ratted out” and

of God’s seventh album, this was never going to be an upbeat affair.

found themselves holed up in a local church crypt, with 800 Nazi

Inspired by those initial lyrical ideas, Randy Blythe and guitarist

stormtroopers out for their blood.

Mark Morton have conjured a collection of dark and menacing but ultimately inspirational lyrics for VII: Sturm Und Drang, an album

“They held the Nazis off for eight hours,” Randy explains. “These

that deals with extreme real life circumstances and mankind’s

guys fought ‘em until they ran out of bullets and then they killed

ability to weather the most brutal storms in the ongoing quest for

themselves so they wouldn’t be taken prisoner. So you can go into

peace and happiness.

that crypt in Prague, and I did, and you can see where these guys were trying to dig through the wall into the sewer. It’s extremely

“It’s a record about how people handle extreme situations,” says

heavy. These were superior men. That’s about as high level as you

Randy. “The literal translation is ‘Storm And Stress’ – it sums up

can get, in terms of character and doing the right thing. Situations

everything on the record, it really does, perfectly. Obviously it

don’t get much more extreme than that.”

started with me being in prison, but this isn’t my prison album. 9 • BWD Magazine •

(Continued 16)


L.A. Racines Shield in the Shadows” is an action-packed book with a romantic twist that gives readers a rare glimpse into life in the early Fifth Century Roman Empire, a time when paganism was on the wane, but barbarian invasions from Germania were on the rise.

After a devastating attack by Huns on their remote Christian commune, sixteen-year old Theona and her father flee with other survivors to find a new home. Eventually they join a massive invasion of the Roman Empire led by the pagan Gothic king Radagaisus, described by ancient writers as “a demon worshipper.” Very quickly, Theona catches the dangerous interest of Radagaisus’ younger son. On the other side of the frontier, Marius Ausonius, a young Gallic aristocrat, joins the Roman army and must stand against the hordes descending one of the key alpine passes into Italy. Theona and Marius meet unexpectedly in very human circumstances, and that experience has lasting consequences for both of them and their peoples. L.A. Racines carefully researched this story over a twelve-year period to craft a tantalizing story of what it was like to be a Roman citizen at a time when the Empire was struggling against more frequent and aggressive invasions by northern people groups, as well as the tightrope that barbarian Christian believers walked during that period, one not well known or understood by many today. 10 • BWD Magazine •

L.A. Racines has been noted as “a gifted spinner of legends” with an eye for historical accuracy. As a long-time student and teacher of the Bible, L. A. Racines’ life experiences—including teaching in Nigeria during the BiafranNigerian Civil War— influence her writing. Her fans will be happy to know that she is currently preparing to write the second novel in the series. A Shield in the Shadows is available online from Xulon Press’s online bookstore,, LifeWay Christian Stores, Barnes and,, and

A Shield in the Shadows is available online from Xulon Press’s online bookstore,, LifeWay Christian Stores, Barnes and,, and

All Rights Reserved



ohen’s second commercial release marks an evo-

month due to a fortunate error on the part of French television

lution in sound for the Seattle native and Queens

station OFIVE TV. Somehow, a technical glitch led to one of Cohen’s


music video’s playing on repeat for four days straight. The unexplainable situation spiked interest in his music and garnered the

‘Home Less’ contains a dark mix of harsh lyricism

and melodic yet ambient hooks, recreating the feel of a New York

young artist a slew of new overseas fans. With the new surge of attention, Cohen is likely headed to Europe again soon.

winter spent couch surfing and sleeping in studios. *Make sure to keep an eye out for Aaron Cohen as he continues to It is Cohen’s most intimate music to date, weaving moments of

climb up the ranks of the rap game.

frustration, apathy and hunger together with clever braggadocio and critical observations of the world around him. The EP features production from Kemal, 20th Letter and Coopatroop as well as guest verses from Alexander Spit, Wati Heru and Young Joey. Known for his artistic visuals, Cohen is set to release a new music video in the following weeks. His third visual off of the ‘Home Less’ EP will be set to the project’s opening track “Sidelines,” a favorite amongst his followers. Cohen followed up his new EP with a series of shows, opening up the West Coast leg of Potluck and Wrekonize’s (Strange Music) nationwide tour. Cohen plans on hitting the road again soon in

Contact Information

anticipation of his next EP due later this year. Website: Even in-between projects, Cohen continues to release music, most

Twitter: @AaronCohenRap | Facebook: AaronCohenMusic

recently dropping a collaboration with buzzing French producer

Instagram: AaronCohenMusic | YouTube: TheAaronCohen

Myth Syzer entitled “Panes.” Photography Credit: Subcuzz - All Rights Reserved

Cohen’s bubbling French fan base grew dramatically in the past

BWD Magazine • • 11


iya “Mooky” Ra’oof was born in Monterey, California on 8/11/87. He had made plenty of moves in and out between Portland, Oregon and where he later relocated to Los Angeles, California. Mooky started his own independent record label “New West Music Group”, and is shockingly releasing street albums aka “mixtapes” month by month. Mooky has worked on singles with Dale” Ramtrax” Ramsey singer, songwriter, and producer for Ludacris, Justin Timberlake and many other mainstream hip hop artists. Mooky is also currently working with upcoming producers nationwide and overseas. His plans are to give the world more than just one specific type of sound..... He wants to make music for the entire world to understand and appreciate. Through the tough times as an adolescent, “Mooky” grew up with a street background as you can hear through his voice, lyrics and a unique sound that separates him from the rest. You can basically say he is in a league of his own! For the last 3-4 years, Mooky has made a shocking name for himself. He’s independently making front pages of magazine covers, back to back stunning videos; of which he and Director Cypress Jones teamed up on, to only create a shock wave across the West coast and even New York City. “Consistency is key” says... (The West Coast Native). Through the eyes of “Mooky” there is no thought of failure. His parents came from a crucial background. His Mother survived a third world country war, in the state of Eritrea (East Africa), at the age of 13 while also serving in the military around that age. His Father grew up In Oakland, California around the time “The Black Panther Movement” was in full effect. There is a lot of history behind this young soul that digs deep down to his roots that shine’s light to his voice. It’s no secret that the young artist “Mooky” is Piru affiliated. Different from the rest he has a unique way of staying in his own lane, and creating much more than just “Gangster Rap”. 12 • BWD Magazine •

mooky Website: Twitter: @TheRealygMook Facebook: Draoof | Instagram: Yg_mook Booking: :

Cover Story West Coast Native

exclusive interview

What’s is your current state of residence and birthplace? I’m currently residing in Las Vegas, Nevada. I was born in Monterey, California then resided to Portland, Oregon as a Youth. My whole life I have lived in different places but nothing Tops “Portland”. That’s home base. What has inspired you to be influenced by hip hop and to pursue in it? As a child my father was a big NWA fan so that got me into the whole Gangster Rap Scene.. My first CD was “Bone Thugs” E. 1999. I became a huge fan since the age of 8. I just fell in love with music after that.... MC Hammer and Master P was highly played in our car as a child. What is your favorite scary movie?

The originality is gone and I don’t get the same feeling from how the OG’s in the game did it. It’s messed up man! What is New West Music Group? It is my new brand that I am pushing from the ground up! I started New West a few years back and my cousin HB was my right hand man. I mean we did everything with each other, laughed, cried, celebrated, fought and won! He was recently killed last summer and it brought me to depression and I ended up losing hope... I had an epiphany about 6 months ago so I had to step it up and start from scratch again but push an even harder line! So are you single? It’s complicated lol. random, but since you ask imma say the whole scream series because growing up those were the movies that were popular at the time and it made the female wanna get closer to me every time they got scared haha. I’m a big Freddy Krueger fan also so the early Nightmare on Elm Street as well! How do you feel about today’s hip hop scene? Two thumbs down!!! I can acknowledge a few off the back. Kendrick Lamar, J.Cole, there’s others but we would be here all day, however, the majority of it is disappointing! Never in my life have I felt this way about music...well hip hop.

All Rights Reserved BWD Magazine • • 13

The Battle of the Sexes The Impotent Studies

Erectile Dysfunction vs Libido INTRODUCTION For the past two to three years, men have had the spotlight with the “Low


Just recently it was reported that the FDA approved Viagra for Women. Yahoo, there is dancing in the streets and Sandra Fluke is in line at the pharmacy but guess what,

T (testosterone) Syndrome” and its replacement. Libido, erectile dysfunction

the studies were poorly done. They used

have FILLED the headlines (excuse the pun), and the ladies have been left

only subjective guidelines and in my opinion it was passed for

out which has left a void. I can just sense the feeling of deprivation! That

political reasons. “The guys have it and we don’t”! So now we

was filled at least temporarily by Sandra Fluke at Georgetown University

have a $35 dollar pill for women for the wrong reasons that can

Law School and her condom issue, but now we have Viagra for women……..!

cause sudden death from a heart attack, blindness and deafness! Remember, Viagra is used for erectile dysfunction, not LIBIDO!

Viagra vs Reality


For $35 a day for years we have had Viagra and alike drugs, i.e. Cialis, Levitra, etc., to treat men with erectile dysfunction. That means that Mr. Happy, “has left the building”!

The “Straight” Truth


If you are a women with any kind of sexual dysfunction, get expert medical opinion and I mean an expert who will not run you into needless, expensive, and

It’s not used for libido.

dangerous medications. You don’t want

Normal protocol is to check testosterone levels and if they are

to be a “FLUKE” of nature. If you are having libido problems, get

low then it is replaced, but Viagra will not help a low libido.

your testosterone levels checked and if low replace it. It is inex-

That’s key. For women too, their libido is driven by testosterone

pensive, safe and you won’t drop dead “in the saddle” or end up

and if low it may have to be replaced. In order for gasoline to

looking like Gabby Hayes!

work, you need to put it in the gas tank not the back seat! , 14 • BWD Magazine •

Dr. David L Vastola runs a private practice in Palm Beach, Florida, specializing in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, and is often called the Sherlock Holmes of Medicine for uncovering problems that other medical professionals missed. He has 4 books, 5 children, has been married for 34 years, has an assistant lovingly named Patrick the Poodle, and is showcasing a new TV pilot called, Good Health Hunting, at film festivals. Dr. Vastola also has an extensive media experience as a medical and nutrition expert on WJNO Radio, Fox News and CBS 12 News in Florida. His new book Fountain of Youth: Nutritional Therapies (Carrel Books/Skyhorse Publishing) is due for release in July 2015.


ADVICE FROM DR. VASTOLA Sexual dysfunction encompasses both libido and erectile dysfunction and unless your name is Caitlyn Jennings they are different problems depending on your gender. Viagra for women, in my opinion is insulting, dangerous and a waste of money and the last thing that you want is to be wearing boxer shorts to make room!

Brought to you by:

Dr. David L Vastola Website: Twitter: @DrDavidVastola Facebook: Dr David L Vastola Photo Credits: Dr. David L Vastola - All Rights Reserved BWD Magazine • • 15



To match the jarring intensity of the lyrics, the music on Lamb of

“It’ll be cool to get out and tour the world and play this new stuff

God’s seventh album had to be both powerful and emotionally

for the fans”, says Randy. “As always, I’ll try to see things I haven’t

shrewd. In keeping with their previous works, VII: Sturm und Drang

seen before, get out and do some photography and writing as well.”

contains all the cherished LOG trademarks, but as with its prede-

“I’m really lucky to still be doing this with these guys and tour

cessor Resolution, this is not a record that sits comfortably within

around the world,” Mark concludes. “That’s an honor and it’s one I

a cozy formula. Instead, from the flailing muscularity of Erase This

don’t take for granted. It’s great to be part of something that’s as

to the startling melodic vocals and surging crescendos of Overlord,

cool as Lamb Of God.”

from the skull-rattling grooves of Still Echoes to Embers’ heartrending mixture of fragility and grandeur, this is both a consolida-

Witten by: Dom Lawson, June 2015

tion of the values that Lamb of God have long upheld /and/ a bold leap into fresh territory that once again heralds the expansion of


this band’s unique vision. With guest appearances from Deftones’ frontman Chino Moreno (on Embers) and Greg Puciato from The Dillinger Escape Plan (on monumental album closer Torches), VII: Sturm und Drang is a cohesive, focused and emotionally devastating piece of work.

Randy Blythe - Vocals Mark Morton - Guitar Willie Adler - Guitar John Campbell - Bass Chris Adler – Drums

“The last few years were definitely a unique period for us and one that doesn’t compare to anything we’ve gone through before,” states Mark Morton. “But for me, the writing process hasn’t changed. I just play the guitar and when something cool comes up and it’s relevant and appropriate to Lamb of God, I’ll document it and get it catalogued for future use. The difference this time was that me and Willie (Adler, LOG guitarist) collaborated a lot more than ever before. It grew from bits and pieces that Willie and I both brought in and we melded them into songs, with great results.” “We set out to try and make a 10-song record,” Randy notes. “The concept of the album is getting lost nowadays, and one reason I think is that every fucking record is 18 songs long now. Albums used to really just be moments in time and they defined where the band was at that moment. Now I think there’s a lot of overwriting… this concept of more is better, and I think that’s nonsense. So we decided on ten songs, that’s it. Josh really encouraged Mark and

Contact Information:

Willie, those two write the tunes, instead of bringing in complete compositions on their own – and we’ve done that a lot in the past


on records – and he got them to work together more. That hap-

Twitter: LambOfGod

pened quite a bit with this album and I think it made it much more

Facebook: LambOfGod

cohesive and a stronger record as a result.”

Instagram: LambOfGod

Having lived through times that would have stopped most bands

Adrenaline PR and Maria Ferrero at 732-462-4262

in their tracks, Lamb of God are back in 2015 with a renewed


sense of purpose and a fresh perspective. They will embark on a full European Festival tour in the summer of 2015, and then the summer’s Last Stand Tour across North America, as direct support for Slipknot, and also featuring ‘Bullet For My Valentine’, and ‘Motionless In White’. Lamb of God are ready to roll. 16 • BWD Magazine •

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Jazmynne Young-Matthews


n this EP all the voices are my own,” explains Lady Jazmynne.

She is making reference to Lady Jazmynne’s recent single, “I’m Gone,” Produced by Kustom of Washington, D.C. Her fans and curious minds may hear more on her website and recent music on Sound Cloud. Most people are quite surprised to learn all the voices are my own.” Lady Jazmynne got her start in a Pentecostal Church. She sang all throughout high school and even directed that church’s choir while still in her teenage years. As an adult, there were festivals and clubs that got a glimpse of her amazing talent.

husband are busy making business connections that will introduce her music world-wide even if that means relocating out of the U.S. Without the distractions of children Lady Jazmynne is busy creating music every day. That music is her legacy, and that legacy changes lives. “I gotta leave a message behind” she explains. The next project on the agenda is a music video, in which LJ Productions is accepting donations on Paypal to achieve this goal.

It didn’t’ stop there. Lady Jazmynne has headlined at many events. In addition to singing on stage to Patti Labelle, she has also been a staunch advocate for many organizations and causes. This Priestess of Music is proud of her advocacy work. Today, when Lady Jazmynne walks into any bar in Las Vegas, or any city, that performs live music, there will invariably be those who walk up and ask, “Are you Lady Jazmynne.” That question is often followed by, “Are you going to sing?” Lady Jazmynne is known for her unique delivery of dance and funk; therefore adopting the slogan “Music Priestess of Soulful Dance and Timeless Funk.”


She is not afraid to push the envelope both in the studio and in the way she shares her music. Her latest music is available on her website ( for donations in both U.S. dollars and the new crypto-currency Bitcoin. Residents of Las Vegas, Nevada, Lady Jazmynne and her

Email: :


All Rights Reserved BWD Magazine • • 17

Monthly inspiration When last did you sincerely say ‘Thank You’ to God? You know we can be so bogged down with praying and asking God for the things we desire that we forget to thank ‘Him’ for the things ‘He’ has already done. He loves our thanks.

a lifestyle of thanksgiving and see God move and change things in your life. Be Inspired! With Love, Eloho

JUST RELEASED!! Eloho - Speechless

Read with me the story of the ten lepers in the bible. Like 17:11-18. Jesus healed 10 lepers and only one of them returned to say thank you. And Jesus asked were there not 10 men that I healed where are the other 9? The other 9 got what they always wanted but didn’t acknowledge the one who made them whole again. Sometimes we act like the 9, we say ok I have what I need now so I don’t need You God. Are you like the 9 or like the 1 who returned? I choose to be like the one who returned. I choose to give ‘Him’ thanks at all times. DOWNLOAD YOURS! Visit any of the below links!

Thanksgiving opens the door for you. It releases you and places your trust in God alone. Thanksgiving is not just oneoff but it’s a lifestyle. I want to encourage you to cultivate 18 • BWD Magazine •

@Elohoefemuai | Facebook: Elohosmusic |

all hands on deck DJ SPOTLIGHT

“2 Live Crew” Exclusive Interview

MONTHLY FEATURE The opportunity to sit down with one of the founders of arguably the

ings helped open other doors for other artists to exercise their freedom

most controversial and litigated group in the history of Hip Hop; if not

of speech?

music entirely, could not be missed. This groups members had their

“Yea well we did a lot because if nobody stood up at that time, a lot of these

shows shut down, they were arrested and their music banned all for

acts today wouldn’t be able to record and so forth and they’d be rapping PG

exercising their first amendment rights of free speech and self-expres-

lyrics all the way. So you know they’ll be nickelodeon’d down.”

sion. Many politicians and “family values” activists made their names and careers during this period by grandstanding and using the oppor-

Exactly. So now I’m asking you, I want you to take me back to during that

tunity to gain media attention and notoriety. Please enjoy as we chop

period of time when you were going in and out of court when there was this

it up with ‘Fresh Kid Ice’ of the legendary and the infamous ‘2 Live Crew’.

big controversy over you just saying we want some p**** or something like


that as an example (as that’s the name of one of their songs in case you

Fresh Kid Ice: “Yo what’s up Fresh Kid Ice from the 2 Live Crew.”

didn’t know). I want you to take me back to that period of time. What was it like, did you feel like quitting or did you feel like we can’t quit because

Oh, well we want to give you some love, how you doing?

we’ve got to fight this battle. How did you feel during that period of time?

“I’m good, I’m good, I’m good. “It is the china man.”

“Well, we felt that we had to stand up for what we believe in because the music was our form of expression and to us at that time our music was something

Well alright baby!

like what Redd Foxx or Richard Pryor would be

“Fo sure.”

saying on records. Also locker room talk like what guys would say in their locker room or

So I’ve researched your history and I did

what a female would say to her friends. Like

not know this, but you are a very contro-

the female may come around and say that guy

versial crew. You were like in and out of

got a big d*** or whatever, you know what I’m

court and you had a lot of drama going

saying? And we were just saying what we’d say

on with you right?

behind closed doors.”

“For sure. We had a few little things going on.”

You were just keeping it real “That’s right.”

Yes. So we’re going to talk about that. Because you are one of the original members of the group.

Ya’ll say that we want some and that’s it.

“Right. I am one of the guys who started it.”

“Exactly because when you go to a party that’s your ultimate goal right?”

That’s right. Ok so let me ask you this. Back in the days your album “As Nasty

No but I can understand what you might think. Ok so let me ask you this

As They Wanna Be” was banned! The album was banned for lack of clean

question. I know you must have heard some of the music that is out right

lyrics. It was banned from the radio, people couldn’t sell it, and later the

now, do you ever listen to some of the music that’s out right now? And have

judges overturned this. So during this period it was illegal, because you

you ever thought to yourself oh man, these guys are copying our style! Have

couldn’t buy or you couldn’t sell anything that was the 2 Live Crew. Is that

you ever had that thought about a song or group that came out?”


“Hmmm… Not really you know. A lot of it is some sort of flattery or whatever

“Yea, in some areas. Yea people would go to jail over it for selling it and so forth

you know because they are expressing themselves the way they should because

and we also got arrested for performing some of the lyrics in Broward County.”

sometimes the clean version can’t do it all so you got to put a curse word here or there to bring your point across.”

Ok so now after going through all that you went through, just to have your voice be heard, do you think that what you have done in these proceed-

(Continued On Page 20) BWD Magazine • • 19



green baby!” “You know what I’m saying, I think it’s owed to us.”

“You know and it’s a good thing because it leaves room for us to come back and do what we are doing now you know? Like we understand that we’ve got

Are you still making this fun music, what is your style like now?

a new single that’s out right now called ‘Take It Off’ and we’ve got the album

“Well we’re still doing 2 Live Crew style music but what we have done is

coming later this summer so it’s all good.”

we’ve got some young cats around us and stuff like that so we’re trying to stay relevant so we’re trying to upgrade the tracks and so forth so we can be

Ok so we’re going to find out all of that because you are going to give me

in the same lane of what’s going on but still be 2 Live Crew. We don’t want

all that information before you get out of here.

to lose our essence.”

“Fo sure.” So are you guys still touring, what’s been going on in the last year or so? Considering that you guys were pretty much in my opinion one of the

“We’re always touring and getting ready to shoot the next video next month

pioneers in this music where you did curse and where you did talk about

and so forth. We’ve got a record heading towards the radio right now and

sex and where you did talk about women and you did put it out there. Do

everything because we’ve got to be us and when music isn’t fun anymore then

you think that you guys were a little bit ahead of your time?

I’d give it up but right now it’s still fun.”

“I think we were right on time for our era due to the fact that if we didn’t do it, if we didn’t do what we were doing then, the progression of music would

I’ve heard that when you travel to other countries, when you leave the

have not moved on to this level now because we did a lot of things. When we

United States you get a lot more support. Do you find that that’s the case

started we created our own label and all that stuff back then. We were inde-

with the 2 Live Crew?

pendent and so forth and now these young independent artists are getting

“We get the most love everywhere. In every state, every city, every country and

good deals and so forth and hip hop is growing up to be what it’s supposed

so forth because that’s one thing that we never did too much with which is

to be and making a lot more young millionaires. And creating jobs.”

over expose ourselves out there in different markets so we have a lot of countries of where people are saying when are you coming over here, when you’re

That’s right and I know you are trying to get yourself a piece of that 20 • BWD Magazine •

coming over here, when are you going to do this and so forth, you know?

And that’s one of the things that keeps 2 Live Crew kind of fresh.”

“With Pac? He was cool, we were straight. And you know I met him when he was with Digital Underground and then when he went solo

So there’s still a demand to see you? People still want to hear you

and came down to do I think it was ‘splash down on the beach’ and

and see you perform live?

stuff you know. We hung out for a little bit and gave him a couple

“Yea and especially when we’re performing live at the strip clubs and

beers and stuff you know? He’s cool you know?”

stuff like that. You know? It’s a good thing.” What did you say you gave him a couple of beers like he was charity Woooooo!!! Have you performed at the King of Diamonds yet?


“I don’t like performing at the King of Diamonds because it’s so big

“Nah, nah. We were hanging out drinking some beers you know? It

and basically when you go to the King of Diamonds I’m hanging with

was.... you don’t know how we do the splash down here in summer

all my friends so everybody would know so it’s all good.”

time in the heat when it’s hot as hell out there. You know you get the beers out there, the cooler and you know we were there drinking some

I know that you guys have been interchangeable meaning you’ve

beers and talking.”

had this artist here, added, you’ve subtracted etc. Who is in this group right now and is this it, is this the final group?

Oh alright. You know something? You have been a pleasure to talk to.

“Right now it is myself and brother Marquis. I guess we’re the two (2)

I want to say thank you so much, If I’m ever in Miami I’m going to hit

rappers that everybody knows our voices that have been on all the

you up because I will need to hang out with somebody from the 2 Live

hits. So basically that’s it. We try to do other things and so forth but

Crew because I’m 2 live!!

other members are doing other things at this time so we’re doing our

“That’s right and everybody’s got a little 2 live in them.”

thing.” Ok and you say you have a new song coming out ‘Take It Off’, what’s up with that? The song is called ‘Take It Off’ and its available now on ITunes and so

Written by DJ Sincere Interview conducted by Flawless daRapChick for DRTYBSMNT MULTIMEDIA

forth. I want all you guys to check it out. We’ll be shooting the video next month.” Media Contact Information:

Have you ever met Notorious BIG?” “No I never met him, I met Pac.” Really? And what was your experience like when you met him?

Twitter: @Drtybsmnt Facebook (MultiMedia) /Drtybsmnt DJ SINCERE for DRTBSMNT MULTIMEDIA - All Rights Reserved BWD Magazine • • 21

BLACKLIST UNION Los Angeles hard rockers Blacklist Union are back with their forth CD entitled ‘Back To Momo!’ Tony West and Todd Youth, two of rock n’ roll’s most controversial outlaws in 2015, wrote 13 blistering tracks for the CD. You are guaranteed inspiration with this brand of street rock with songs like “Alive N Well Smack in the Middle of Hell,” “Superjaded,” and “Evil Eye.” Hailed worldwide as the next big rock band, Blacklist Union are clearly on their way from the street to the elite. Formed in 2004 by frontman Tony West, Blacklist Union released their debut ‘After The Mourning’ in April of 2006, which was met by critical acclaim all across the globe. From Memphis to Melbourne to Louisiana to London, Blacklist Union instantly made a mark throughout the rock n’ roll underground. Their follow-up in 2008 ‘Breakin’ Bread With The Devil’ with tracks including the title track, along with “Sixty-Five Steps Away” and “Wicked Love Song,” received the same amount of critical acclaim and put them on the map in the rock n’ roll world yet again. The band’s third full-length CD entitled, “Til Death Do Us Part” was released in 2012 and features amazing tracks including “Alabama Slammer,” “Diggin’ 4 Gold” was received yet with the highest ratings and reviews in the press. Blacklist Union are getting ready to release their fourth CD, ‘Back to Momo,’ which will without a doubt be received with the same level of enthusiasm and will certainly be exposing them to a larger audience around the world.

22 • BWD Magazine •

Blacklist Union have toured nationally receiving five star reviews from music industry magazines, fanzines, webzines, and has a continuously growing fan base both domestically and internationally. With all of their hard work and perseverance, Blacklist Union are a true rock n’ roll band that continuously push themselves to the limit in every aspect of their music. Singer/songwriter Tony West tackles real life situations that affect each and every one of us in one form or another. From character assassination, to name dropping, addictions, sexual innuendos, romance, friendships, birth, death and living on the edge of destruction is just a fraction of what is touched on in their music. Blacklist Union recently signed with Doug Goldstein and When Pigs Fly Entertainment. The former Guns n’ Roses manager and current Blacklist Union manager has said that ‘Back to Momo’ is “The best record that he’s heard since ‘Appetite For Destruction’ and that “Tony West is the hardest working frontman he knows.” Keep a lookout for the first single and video for “Alive N Well Smack in the Middle of Hell” coming soon! (Written by Alison “MetalBabe” Cohen and Craig Brzezinski) Website: Facebook: BlacklistUnionRocks MySpace: BlackListUnion Twitter: BlackListUnion All Rights Reserved

From the sunny shores of a Floridian sky to

underground and across a global stage.

the ears and eyes of a worldwide audience BWD has grown from an acorn of an idea into an oak

Not only affording the world of music a genuine outlet to purvey

tree of industry-might, its roots deep within the

it’s unbridled talents BWD Radio also promotes and inspires the

strata of social sites and online promotions, its

musicians it unveils, the multi-faceted nature of BWD incorporat-

branches far-reaching and bearing fruitfulness aplenty.

ing all avenues of generating awareness and recognition to the talents it reveals, encouraging the growth of their fan-base and

Starting out developing websites Ms. Keach aka Ms. V proved her-

helping propel them onto the iPods and bedroom walls of a global

self more guru than mere graphic designer, her final works forging


a reputation of being the go-to girl for all things attention grabbing and intuitive.

With the recent successful launch of the BWD Radio app the audience all artists are looking to find are as close as they have ever

Quickly she began laying the foundations for what would become

been, right on the other side of millions of touch-screens and

her own empire, reputation growing with each engagement and

monitors, smart-phones and tablets all bearing the app’s visage

the horizon of possibilities expanding even further than first

across their surface.

dreamed. Now a major player in the world of radio and media, the leader in Whilst making some of the connections that would see BWD

the field of generating buzz around the artists it plays on its non-

become a leader in its field murmurings and mutterings regarding

stop, commercial free station, and proudly wearing the banner of

the state of the music business came filtering through the wire.

being The Home Of The Indie Artists BWD founder Ms. V has proven

Listening to the sounds of discontent chattering in the background

you don’t need a thousand lawyers fighting over who gets the

it became clear that, for all the talented individuals with credible

best parking spot in front of offices to forge a dominant empire

worth vying for the attentions of a label or promoter, those in the

of multi-faceted out-lets; as the late great British entertainer Roy

Industry were more concerned with how profitable a bottom-line

Castle once said ‘Dedication’s all you need’.

they could wring from their talents than the merits and music of the people themselves. Contact Information: An avid appreciator of new and classic music Veralyn saw a gap in the market for someone with the knowledge and nous, con-


nections and cunning, and - of course - the dedication to provide

Twitter: @BWDRadio_

a credible alternative to those as-yet unsigned greats of music, a

Facebook: BWDRadio

platform for them to launch themselves into the airwaves and soar into the charts.

Instagram: BWDPromotions Twitter: @BWDPromotions

With each passing year BWD has grown in both experience and influence, the listening world turning up the dial to be the first to


hear the latest unsigned extravagances of talent bursting from the

(Sponsers) Photo Credits: BWD Graphics - All Rights Reserved. BWD Magazine • • 23


DEVIL CITY ANGELS premieres their debut video for the track “Bone-

less performance and unique stage presence. Brandon is the front man that

yard” from their self-titled album, scheduled for release September 18th

people are going to want to see again and again.

through Century Media. The video was shot in Los Angeles and was directed by Marco De Molina. You can view the video at UltimateClas-

Rudy Sarzo (Bass) - Rudy has been a professional recording and performing

artist worldwide for over 25 years. As a member of Ozzy Osbourne’s band, from March 1981 to September 1982, he toured the world in support of the


“Blizzard of Ozz” and “Diary Of a Madman” records. His bass playing can be

Rikki Rockett (Drums) - best known as founding member and drummer of

heard on Ozzy’s multimillion selling CD “Tribute” and “Speak of the Devil” CD

Poison for almost 30 years, selling over 20 millions records. In 2007, Rikki

and DVD.

created the company Rockett Drum Works because, as a drummer himself, he understood how a beneficial a custom kit would be to other artists. Since

As a member of Quiet Riot, from September 1982 to January 1985, Rudy re-

then, the company has taken off to be a thriving business endorsing some of

corded the multi-platinum albums “Metal Health” (the first Heavy Metal de-

the best drummers in the music industry.

but to reach #1 on the Billboard charts) and “Condition Critical”.

Tracii Guns (Lead Guitar) - most notably credited as founding member and

As a member of Whitesnake, from April 1987 to September 1994, Rudy re-

lead guitarist for L.A. Guns, as well as the following: Hall of Famers Guns N

corded the multi-platinum album “Slip of the Tongue”.

Roses, all star band Contraband and Brides of Destruction. Throughout his career, he has sold over 7 million records.

Since then, he has joined a re-united Quiet Riot, Yngwie Malmsteen’s Rising Force, Dio, and Blue Oyster Cult to tour across the world. Rudy is also cur-

Brandon Gibbs (Lead Vocals/Guitar) - the powerhouse voice, songwriter and

rently a member of Animetal USA and TRED.

guitar player who started his career at the age of 14, with his twin brother in a band called Gibbs Brothers. During his tenure with Gibbs Brothers, a friendship formed with Rikki Rockett leading to Rockett producing the bands CD. (Brothers N Arms) Brandon was content to be the blues/rock guitar player who captivated the audience with his mesmerizing, beyond his years guitar playing. In late 2010, Brandon took his guitar on the road for a one-man acoustic show, where he connected with the voice he had never unleashed. He began recording songs and by August, 2012, his song “This Town”, was on ESPN2 and NHRA season. Brandon teamed up with Cinderella bassist, Eric Brittingham, and started touring as an acoustic duo. They later added guitar-


ist Jeff LaBar (Cinderella) and drums to create Cheap Thrill, which toured for

Facebook: DevilCityAngels | Twitter: DevilCityAngels

almost 2 years, and appeared on the Monsters of Rock, Cruise to the Edge and


Moody Blues Cruises in 2013 & 2014. He has stunned audiences with his tire-

All Rights Reserved

24 • BWD Magazine •

August’s Bizarre, wacky & Unique Holidays Bizarre, Wacky, Silly, Unknown Holidays & Observances There is a wealth of bizarre, unique, special and otherwise different holidays and “days”. Looking for a wacky day to celebrate, perhaps? There is a day for just about everyone and everything. THE MONTH OF AUGUST

• • • • • • • •

August 1: Girlfriend’s Day. ... August 2: National Mustard Day. ... August 3: Sisters Day. ... August 4: Single Working Women’s Day. ... August 5: National Underwear Day. ... August 8: Happiness Happens Day. ... August 9: Veep Day. ... August 12: Vinyl Record Day.

25 • BWD Magazine •


BWD Magazine • • 26

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