BWD Magazine - 2015

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#1 Variety Magazine - A Worldwide Publication



David Vastola the ‘man’ behind our health tips!

DJ Punch the king of the mix

Rasmiyyah Sahirah featured model reigning champ

OVER a decades worth of experience and knowledge

happy New Year!!

Features 04 Rasmiyyah Sahirah Reigning Champ 2014 - Featured Model Of The Month


D. Trump

Music With Substance

10 Laugh At The Fakes Challenging The Trends Of Today

16 Shenae Company, LLC Bringing Business To Every Aspect Of The Industry

17 Eddy Lieberman Feet Tapping, Reflecting Music

21 Dee-1 If Tupac And Lauryn Hill...

22 DJ Punch King Of The Mix

COVER STORY 12 Dr. David Vastola The “Man” Behind The Health Tip

Lifestyle 08 Popular New Year’s Resolutions Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

09 10 Best Apps To Keep Resolutions Apps To Keep You On Track

11 Write, If You Live To Get There Mary Jo Sonntag (Featured Author)

18 Be Inspired Eloho Shares Her Monthly Inspirations

HEALTH 14 Healthy Drinking Resolutions Viable Ideas For Achieving Your Resolutions

ENTERTAINMENT 7 Buffalo Bites (Monthly Feature) The Creative Audio And Music Production World 19 All Hands On Deck (DJ Spotlight) “The Tox Doc” Part 2- “Super Foods and What to Avoid”

24 BWD Radio & Ms. V (Indie Advocate) Well-Known As The Go-To Girl (Sponsor)

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last issue

In a world where a swipe across the virtual shelf has supplanted the casual stroll down the aisle, content driven media has become the golden chalice of promotion; fresh content delivered with the minimum of fuss constantly throughout the day has become the key to ensnaring the public interest, of reaching the plateau of fame and recognition you deserve to be standing upon. Without an audience to listen no-one can hear you talk. Without a pair of eyes to observe no-one notices when you achieve greatness and without a market waiting on pins to learn which direction their latest fascination will be coming from no-one will be holding the banners of congratulations when you finally step up to the limelight. With an empire of insiders working tirelessly away to bring you the biggest, best, and breaking news across the entire landscape of the media BWD Magazine has built a reputation as being one of the leading names in the industry. When we speak, others listen. With a worldwide audience of subscribers downloading and learning which name to look out for, which band they should be following, who the next Big Thing is going to be, BWD Magazine speaks to millions of awaiting ears each and every month. With the world as an audience BWD Magazine puts you firmly in the spotlight. BWD Magazine- ‘Leading Whilst Others Follow’

Editor In Chief V Keach

Editors/Writers Various Contributor Sources

Art Director, Graphic Artist(s) V Keach & BWD Graphics


Offical Website Twitter: BWDMagazine Twitter: BWDPromotions

BWD Magazine • • 3

JANuary’s featured model of the month


STATS: Birthdate: 9-16-82 Height: 5’3 Measurements: 34-26-38


Petite Model, Trained Dancer,

Rasmiyyah has successfully worked as an

and aspiring Actress; known

optician in her city, where she is the only

as Rasmiyyah Sahirah, is

African American providing optical services

from a small beach island

to patients ranging from age 30-92.

resort in Ocean City, New

Jersey; also known as, The Garden State.

In addition, Rasmiyyah is a Jazz/Ballet teacher. “Who says you can’t beat the odds, overcome

Being raised in a city with an average popu-

adversity, and represent a strong intellectual

lation of seven thousand; African Americans

African American Woman.” says Rasmiyyah.

Hair: Black

comprise only 2 percent of the population. This alone has been an enlightening experi-

Rasmiyyah is beating the odds and is con-

Eyes: Brown

ence of growth for Rasmiyyah.

fident that she will achieve greatness in

Current Residence: Ocean City, New Jersey

One of Rasmiyyah’s hardest struggles; while

her entertainment life and success in her teachings.

growing up in a small town, was understanding the best way to adapt within such a

Rasmiyyah is a dancer, instructor, and trained

racially split population.

performer of dance; in her local area. She has

Rasmiyyah came from a family of drug addic-

cess, and stand out from the rest.” Rasmiyyah

tion and very small career earnings. Whereas,

states. “I know I will put my small island on the

there hasn’t been a single entertainer thats

map with one of my many entertaining talents

accomplished any success. A daily work life

of Dancing, Modeling and Acting.”

learned, “You must risk it all, strive to be a suc-

is all we would see; upon every visit.

4 • BWD Magazine •

Rasmiyyah Sahirah

Contact Information Facebook: Rasmiyyah.Sahirah Email: Photo Credits: Andre Mc Neil, Thomas Woods & Jamil B Studio Photographer Lawrence Lowe Mua Staci Hardy - All Rights Reserved

BWD Magazine • • 5



orn Donald Terrell Johnson, who would later be known as

for Independent Record Label of the Year. At the SCM Awards in 2014, Bama

D. Trump, on January 4, 1985 in Birmingham, AL. In 2008,

Bread Entertainment, LLC was nominated for Record Label of the Year, and

D. Trump (also nicknamed Trump for short) officially

Trump was nominated for Slept on Artist and Mixtape of the Year. Bama Bread

began his music career as a manager of independent

Entertainment, LLC was also nominated for Hip Hop Movement of the Year

artists across the state of Alabama. As a result, in 2009,

in 2014 at the Gulf Coast Real Talk Awards. D. Trump plans for his upcoming

D. Trump would later manage these artists under his own company, Open

project to serve as a way of shedding light on the truth and struggle about

Gate Management, LLC. His love for music began to surface and in 2011; he

what it is like to be born and raised in Alabama. As an artist, D. Trump aspires

stepped in the studio for the first time as an independent artist and not

to be recognized as an award winning, hard-working and professional Hip

a manager. Without hesitation, Trump recorded his debut single Dopeman

Hop music artist. D. Trump displays immense focus and extreme dedication

Spokesman. During an interview conducted by Reverbnation about D. Trump,

toward working to become one of the greatest music artists of all time.

with a few music critics, this is what one reviewer had to say about his music: “Usually people just throw together hip hop music and don’t take the

D.Trump is diligently working on his latest project Alabama History Mixtape,

time to carefully place each lyric. Each lyric seems to be well thought out and

and hopes to release it as early as February 2015. D. Trump appreciates all

well placed in the song. Big props to this artist on making such a great track!”

the love and support he has been receiving from his fans. His fans are his

-Reverbnation Reviewer

true inspiration.

D. Trump takes pride in the lyrics of his songs and believes that all his music has substance. It is important for his fans to be able to connect with him on a personal level. Keeping them in the know on the latest happenings with D. Trump, projects that he’s currently working on and the like is essential to the great relationship he proudly has with his fans. Currently, he is working on his second solo mixtape entitled Alabama History; with plans to release in early 2015. Also, D. Trump’s current single, Spill The Drank, is being heavily promoted, and he has just launched a national radio campaign for the single. The video for Spill The Drank released on Vevo in late October 2014. With

Contact Information

the promotion of his current single, and the projection to have his second mixtape released in Early 2015, Trump also plans to go on tour in 2015. Well-

Music Website:

known producers, B.Smith of Deceptaconz Productions, DJ Plugg, and Grammy

Twitter: @Tharealdtrump

Award winning producer Bolo, will also be on the mixtape.

Facebook: /Realdtrump Instagram: Tharealdtrump

Alex Williams and Trump founded Bama Bread Entertainment, LLC in February 2010; in Birmingham, AL. In 2011, shortly after creating their label, the Southern Entertainment Awards in Memphis, TN nominated them 6 • BWD Magazine •

All Rights Reserved

buffalo bites monthly feature Greetings and New Years cheers to one and all!

We also had the pleasure of a Yamaha electronic keyboard dropping in, not something I thought I’d ever say but still! This one had hammers just like

Have you had a suitably musical start to your year? We’ve been badger-

a real upright piano, the only difference being there were no strings for

ing away tidying up a few projects and planning world domination from

them to hit, weirdly enough, they’re just there for the ‘clunking sound’ that

Wolverhampton UK, outwards!

tends to be incorporated into many piano’s sounds. It belongs to one of the chaps I’m in a music production project with and as we had some time to

I’m still in December to be honest as I write this Month’s Bites, “4 sleeps ‘til

play around we gave it a good go. The piano comes with direct outputs at

Christmas” as i’ve heard several times today! Bah.. I cant say I’m enjoying

the rear so we plugged them into the pre’s via DI boxes and set about the

this one yet but now the majority of the work is done I can start to relax a

instrument with microphones. A pair of small diaphragm condenser mic’s

little if I’m lucky, and feel more seasonal, as opposed to seasonally affec-

on the hammers (some removal of panels had to take place for this to hap-

tively depressed! It’s a bizarre blend of excited and exhausted that aches it’s

pen) blended into the DI sound gave us back some of the realism with the

way around my broken body this month and yes I’m exaggerating.

plain DI signal but to really open it up and add some air around the piano we mic’d up the room, around 8 meters away with a stereo pair of AKG

I’m not a natural builder but I think I’ve done a decent impression of one

C414s. Obviously we were using the keyboard’s on board speakers to excite

this last half of 2014. It’s been a busy month at the end of what’s been a

the room, just the hammers from 8 meters away would definitely introduce

thoroughly bat shit crazy year. (Pardon my expression but hey, you know me

too much noise...! Blending this pair into the piano mix really opened up

by now, right?)

the believability of it being a real piano, adding a depth of field the DI signal and some mechanical hammer sounds was a real surprise, don’t get me

January last year saw us cremate my Dad, much change in my mother’s

wrong, there is no substitute for a real, well tuned piano but this was about

house and lifestyle, and a dip in my clients through sheer ill planning.

as close as I’ve heard from microchips.

February to May was a time of wondering what happens next and redecorating, trying to fit in the odd trip to Wales to record bands. May saw

In other news a local radio station have interviewed us and taken a selec-

the inception from a single conversation, the idea of building a studio and

tion of our work from the last few weeks, time to thank Helen Cash of

developed into a search for property. Once we’d decided on our current

101.8 WCR FM! In a thoroughly enjoyable session, amidst much innuendo

location the wheels turned, much work was done and now we’re finally run-

and planned misinformation I think we managed to pull off a half decent

ning paid sessions at Crown Works Studio, and folks… it sounds better than

attempt? We shall have to wait to hear how bad we were! Lol.

we’d imagined. Right, with all the new year-new start nonsense covered let’s crack on with what’s news in my life!

We have also had Aiden Best in working on his second EP, his first having been put together in the loft home studio I operated until we took on

The highlight for me so far this month has been Audient contacting us

Crown. It’s shaping up to be a great little collection of tunes and a world

regarding a feature on their website. We use (pretty much exclusively)

apart from the first one, again, the ASP 880’s playing a large part in that

their fantastic ASP 880 preamp/converters here at our studio and they still

as well as the Trident EQs and Warm Audio WA76 compressors (and a few

surprise on a daily basis. Quick to use and a with variety of voicing’s, albeit

years in the game). Aiden writes from the heart and everyone could take

subtle, in combination with an outboard EQ and compressor, and of course

something from his perspective on daily life. This time he bought a few

a talented musician or two we’ve been really impressed with how good and

friends with him who just happened to be a fantastic drummer and a couple

how easy these pre’s are to use. That might have been a different preamp

of great bass players and working in a very laid back kind of manner parts

if Focusrite reps hadn’t got my name wrong in several communications, lol,

have been written, developed and recorded in a surprisingly easy and great

but I digress. We’re happy to champion the ASP 880 all day long.

sounding body of work. An absolute pleasure to work with again, and getting better every day from gigging like an absolute beast.

We fitted power conditioners in the control room too, and what a difference! I’d read a bunch of tech blogs while trying to decide if it was worth

This year is starting out very promising. Looking forward to sharing it with

it, whether they would remove the noises we wanted them to and yes! For

you all again for another 12 months! Happy New Year and Happy Tracking.

the win! The noise floor of our system must have dropped at least 25-30dB meaning quieter recordings and more detail where there was just hiss.

Buffalo Music Production - Crown Works Studio -

7 • BWD Magazine •

popular new year’s resolutions > Manage Debt > Save Money > Drink Less Alcohol > Volunteer / Help Others > Get Organized > Take a Trip

It’s hard to believe it’s that time of year again. It is time to say goodbye to the old and hello to the new - a brand new year is here! Whether you chose to ring in the New Year with a great big bash or small, intimate get-together with a few of your favorite friends, it’s time to reflect and remember the year’s past and look forward onto the new possibilities. Many people have kicked off the New Year with a new resolution.

Top Tips to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions Besides ringing in the New Year with a glass or two of champagne and kissing that special person at the stroke of midnight, it is es-

Whether you plan to finally kick the habit, embrace a healthier life-

timated that 45 percent of Americans make New Year’s resolutions

style or pay down that debt, New Year’s resolutions are simple to

(and 38 percent never do.) And interestingly, 39 percent of people

make but often difficult to keep. While many have the best of inten-

in their 20’s achieve their resolution goals while only 14 percent of

tions, it’s time to plan your winning strategy now.; if you haven’t

folks over 50 achieve theirs.


Popular New Year’s Resolutions According to the University of Scranton and, popular resolutions for the New Year include: > Lose Weight > Quit Smoking > Fall in Love > Get Fit and Healthy > Find a New/Better Job > Get a Better Education > Manage Stress

8 • BWD Magazine •

> In order to keep those resolutions, make them attainable and specific. Many are too general. How many pounds do you want to lose? One or 50? > Give yourself a specific time-frame. How many pounds do you want to lose in a week or a month? > Be flexible. > Keep a record of your journey. > If someone you know has the same goal, why not tackle it together? The buddy system helps keep you motivated. > Reward yourself from time-to-time. You deserve it! All Rights Reserved

10 Best Apps to Keep Resolutions Just in case you need a little help, take a peek at a few handy-dandy apps to keep you on track. 1. Fooducate - If you want to eat healthier, this free app for iOS and Androids is a must-have! Simply scan the barcode on your grocery products and find out what nutritional grade the product receives.

7. Quit Now! - This free tool will keep track of how much money you’ve saved, how long it’s been since your last cigarette and help you cope with anxiety. 8. Mint Personal Finance - This free app, for Androids, iOS and Windows Phones, helps keep track of your budget and saving goals.

2. Lose It! - If you want to get in shape this year, Lose It! is a must-have! This free app is for Android and iOS.

9. BillGuard - This free app includes colorful graphs and charts to help you lower your monthly expenses.

3. Nutrino - This free app will build a personalized menu for you tailored specifically for your needs.

10. Take a Break - Need to unwind a little? Check out this free app for iOS and Androids and relax with 7 or 13-minute meditation sessions.

4. Human - This free app for iOS helps keep you moving and uses location tracking to measure your activity.

Happy New Year!


5. Buy Me a Pie - Never forget anything at the grocery store again with this handy app. Save time and money by managing and synchronizing that grocery list with other family members. Available for iPad, iPhone, Android devices, this app is not freeit’s $2.99.


6. Cessation Nation - If kicking the habit is your goal for the New Year, Cessation Nation is the app for you!

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BWD Magazine • • 9


laugh at the fakes ith a name as unique and identifiable as their

Dawson and mastered by Andy VanDette (Rush, Dream Theatre, Kid

sound, Toronto, ON’s LAUGH AT THE FAKES is a

Rock, Deep Purple, Bruce Dickenson, Bif Naked) is a “no filler riffs,

band that challenges the trends of today’s rock

just money riffs”, as vocalist / guitarist Mason puts it, “the record

and metal scene. Since the bands inception in

deals with today’s most newsworthy topics: War, guns, murder and

2010, LATF has combined elements of metal,

corruption. It’s real, it’s raw and, of course, it’s honest.’

hard rock, and prog to create an unmistakable sound. Debuting their six song EP ‘One Night Only’ in 2011,

Touring across Canada, the Toronto-based group has built a

they return in 2014 with their lat-

solid following with music that’s

est offering ‘Dethrone The Crown’

geared to stand the test of time.

their first full length produced

Heavy, melodic, crushing and

by Greg Dawson and mastered

catchy – Laugh at the Fakes is

by Andy VanDette (Rush, Dream

all that and more. “It’s like they

Theatre, Kid Rock, Deep Purple,

are a hard rock band that likes

Bruce Dickenson, Bif Naked). Due

to explore their thrashy-side too.

out on November 14th, the band

I love it because I enjoy the

is now streaming the first single

catchy melodic vocals but at the

‘Killing Time’. Vocalist / guitarist

same time I can bang my head

Everett Mason comments:

pretty seriously too. You don’t

“After months of writing, rehears-

hear albums like this one very

ing, and recording, I am happy

often, if at all. I can’t really think

to say our brand new album

of anything that comes close to

“Dethrone The Crown” is complete.

being like this album as a whole.”

It has been a lot of hard work but I

-Rock Music Critic

can confidently say that our band has never sounded better! Here is

Contact Information:

our brand new single “Killing Time.” I hope you enjoy it!” Website: “Laugh At The Fakes” features Everett Mason (Vocals and Guitar),

Twitter: @laughatthefakes

Galen Weir (bass), Kevin Daliri (guitar) and Chris Avalos (drums).

Facebook: laughatthefakes

Their debut six-song EP ‘One Night Only’ was released in 2011 and their 2014 follow-up full-length album, Dethrone the Crown, is scheduled to drop this fall on November 14th. Produced by Greg

10 • BWD Magazine •

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Featured Author write, if you live to get there


rite, If You Live to Get There” reveals a remarkable compilation of photographs and personal letters written by ancestors of coauthors Mary Jo Sonntag and mother Mary K. Sonntag. First-hand accounts of intimate day-to-day details of American frontier life in the 19th and 20th centuries.

family’s history, where they may discover common themes and unexpected truths in the unique voices of their forebears.”

”As my mother and I sorted through letters chronicling the family’s history from 1842-1962 and their migration from Vermont to California’s gold fields, we discovered a rich and detailed portrait of pioneer life,” said Mary Jo. “Compiling them was a 14-year labor of love.” Letters tell of hardships, joys; travels via ox carts, wagon train, stagecoach; marriages; births; deaths; blizzards; malaria; crops. “What impressed us is these people were entrepreneurs who ran ranches, hotels, boarding houses, resorts,” Mary Jo said. “JWD Phillips was a superintendent of mines, held patents for mining equipment, and ran for State Assembly twice. My ancestors revealed themselves to be real pioneers who contributed their labor and love to a growing nation.” Highlights from the hundreds of letters include accounts of Relief Fields informing her sister they were going to ‘tar and feather Jim Thompson at Newport for keeping bad women’; JWD Phillips building the Phillips Station resort at Lake Tahoe, known for ‘its grand scenery and no rattlesnakes or poisonous vines’; Sierra Nevada “Vade” Phillips establishing a mineral-water resort, turning water into profit with the slogan ‘Tastes better than whiskey!’ “Across thousands of miles and multiple generations, our family stayed connected through these letters. My mother and I compiled this book to honor our ancestors, their experiences and the times in which they lived,” Mary Jo said. “Perhaps ‘Write, If You Live to Get There’ will inspire readers to delve into their

Website: Twitter: @MaryJoSonntag Facebook: MjSonntag Author: Mary Jo Sonntag - All Rights Reserved

BWD Magazine • • 11


r. David L Vastola runs a private practice in Palm Beach, Florida, and is often called the Sherlock Holmes of Medicine for uncovering problems that other medical professionals missed. He has 4 books, 5 children, has been married for 34 years, has an assistant lovingly named Patrick the Poodle, and is showcasing a new TV pilot called, Good Health Hunting, at film festivals. His new book Fountain of Youth: Nutritional Therapies (Carrel Books/Skyhorse Publishing) is due for release in 2015.

exclusive interview BWD: Welcome! Please introduce us to Dr. David Vastola.? Hello, my name is Dr. David L Vastola. I run a private practice in Palm Beach, Florida, specializing in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, and have been called the Sherlock Holmes of Medicine for uncovering problems that other medical professionals missed. I have had a full life with 4 books, 5 children, a great marriage with my wife Gail for 34 years, and have an assistant lovingly named Patrick the Poodle. I am currently showcasing a new TV pilot called, Good Health Hunting, at film festivals, and have a new book called Fountain of Youth: Nutritional Therapies (Carrel Books/Skyhorse Publishing) due for release in 2015. BWD: Following your Gastroenterology Fellowship; what had influenced the last minute change of mind from accepting an offer of three years training at the Mayo Clinic; as a G. I. Immunology, and becoming the Chief of Gastroenterology at Deaconess Hospital? Maybe Their Advantages… Disadvantages?

david vastola Website: Twitter: @DrDavidVastola Facebook: DavidlVastola Dr. David L Vastola - All Rights Reserved


Cover Story

The last minute change from the Mayo Clinic to the State University of New York at Buffalo was hinged on two things. One, I was offered the Chief of Gastroenterology at the Deaconess Hospital, which was their new Family Practice Residency and a great opportunity.

BWD: When….Where did you begin teaching and after five years of service, what inspired your change of being in a full time teaching position; at the University of Buffalo, to relocating down to Florida as an Internist and Gastroenterology specialist delivering full service care?

Secondly, most of my family still lived in Buffalo. And as being part of a large Italian family, I wanted to stay home. I had been away for five years, and it felt good being home. The obvious disadvantage was not going to the Mayo Clinci, which was and still is a major feather in anyone’s cap. I was honored and terribly at loth to turn it down. Dr. Thomas Tomasi, who I was to work with there, is a wonderful professor and calling him up to withdraw was one of the hardest things that I ever had to do.

As Chief of Gastroenterology, my teaching in the medical and pharmacy school began immediately for all levels, including medical and pharmacy students, interns, residents and fellows. When I moved to Florida, there were no teaching opportunities until I was able to obtain a teaching position in the pharmacy department at Palm Beach Atlantic University ten years ago. I began with anatomy, physiology, microbiology and have now been teaching nutritional therapies for the last eight years. At the same time, my clinical practice of internal medicine and Gastroenterology continues.

12 • BWD Magazine •

BWD: How were you able to form a practice free of H.M.O.s restric-

and consultants can all be reached in one day, and all are university

tions? Was it a long, gruelling and dragged out process? Can you

trained with reports on my desk in three hours.

also take a moment to provide our readers with a better understanding of the H.E.P.A Law and why no one in any medical field posi-

BWD: Impressively, you’ve been on WJNO radio for twenty years, Fox

tion are able to provide or share information of a patient….why the

Television during the 10:00 p.m. news for eight years and Channel

limitations? Maybe a better understanding will keep people from

12 CBS, during the 5:00 p.m. news hours providing medical updates

getting so upset when they are turned away when asking questions,

and nutritional advice. How did these opportunities come about and

i.e. over the phone statuses, etc.?

what inspires you to take on the challenges of providing awareness

When the HMOs came to Florida in the early 1980s, I fought hard

to the public audience?

against them even arranging for the AFL-CIO to come here for unioniza-

I call them, “The dominos of life” because they all fell, one after the other.

tion. I felt, and still do, that collective bargaining is the doctors only

They started with the HMOs as mentioned earlier, and here we are 30

hope to survive. As of today, I manage my patients care without the in-

years later with a reality TV program currently in Los Angeles being

tervention of the HMOs, which gives me the freedom to deliver the best

evaluated with several networks. I guess my Copenhagen Window is the

care that I can. HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Ac-

reason why I got involved, which is a genetic ability to predict the future

countability Act from the Clinton administration and privatizes medical

that has been researched by the military. Some people can analyze hun-

records. Because of unintended consequences however, it has become

dreds of thousands of possibilities and derive a conclusion being able to

a tremendous burden, especially with the electronic medical records. If

look into the future - that is the Copenhagen Window.

you want to know why the doctors are disappearing and go the way of the Doo Doo bird, government and insurance companies are the reason

BWD: And finally, you’ve went from teaching, to providing public

why. One of the extremely malignant processes with the HMOs is their

awareness, a reality show and still continue with running a full ser-

policy to reward doctors for doing less and penalize doctors who do

vice clinic. How do you balance all that? Do you ever sleep? {Laugh-

more for their patients.

ing} You are also a soon to be “official” author in the ‘world of bookstores’ with a book release coming up in 2015? How is that coming

BWD: Your practice treats the whole person and offers a full range of

along? What inspired you to write this book?

medical services to patients under one roof. What are these services,

I never once ever considered the option of not doing any of this. I do

as well as the benefits for your patients in choosing your clinic over

sleep, but am extremely efficient with my time. I find myself doing two

other Internist and Gastroenterology practices? Methodologies?

and three things at a time, but that’s just who I am. My book, The

My practice policy is to treat patients under one roof, and for the most

Fountain of Youth-Nutritional Therapies will be released July 15, 2015,

part, in one visit. Quality with a streamlined delivery includes, EKGs, X-

and is on Amazon presale now through Skyhorse-Carrell books. It came

Rays, Doppler and sonograms, pelvic exams, blood analysis, pulmonary

about because when teaching my nutritional course, I could not find one

function and oxygen levels, along with a nutritional assessment is all

decent textbook for my students. This book, in my humble opinion is for

part of every patient’s care. The patients are not inconvenienced, and

everyone interested in honest, sincere, and documented nutritional ther-

receive everything they need in an expeditious manner. Specialty X-Rays

apies. Lastly, I’ve written three other books, and they are close behind! BWD Magazine • • 13

healthy drinking resolutions For most people, the New Year is an opportunity to make things better, or should I say, make a new beginning. Let me share with you some viable ideas for your New Years resolutions, which are focused on healthy drinking and are achievable. Let’s start with four simple ideas so the only glitzy thing here will be me.

Set Drinking Limits With January football games and cabin fever, we have had almost every excuse in the world to drink alcohol. Alcohol, both short and long term, costs us millions of dollars in health care cost so from this time forward, one drink for women and two for men is a reasonable resolution. The reason why only one for women is that alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer over one drink daily.


Drink the best alcoholic drink My advice is drink red wine with dinner because of the Resveratrol, sirtuins and polyphenols in it, which you will not find in any other beverage, including white wine. Alcohol in moderation does help clean out blood vessels of plaque, but beyond these limits there is no benefit.


14 • BWD Magazine •

Drink like the French

Why do the French have longer life spans as compared to Americans when they start drinking alcohol at an early age? The reason for the paradox is the resveratrol, sirtuins and the other things that I have already mentioned provide cardiovascular protection found in their red wine. Therefore, resolve to drink red like the French.


Watch out for the Winter Blues

Dr. David L Vastola runs a private practice in Palm Beach, Florida, and is often called the Sherlock Holmes of Medicine for uncovering problems that other medical professionals missed. He has 4 books, 5 children, has been married for 34 years, has an assistant lovingly named Patrick the Poodle, and is showcasing a new TV pilot called, Good Health Hunting, at film festivals. His new book Fountain of Youth: Nutritional Therapies (Carrel Books/Skyhorse Publishing) is due for release in 2015.


The winter weather misery, whether it be snow in the north or rain in the south and west coast, can be associated with an increased alcohol consumption. Most people don’t realize that alcohol is a depressant, and the seasonal effect can make it worse, along with serious curtailing ones sexual abilities. Meaning Mr. Happy ain’t so happy! That will of course make everything worse, so is it worth it?


I think that what should strike you is really how simple it can be to make a difference in your health by managing your drinking. These four resolutions are based on fact, and do work, yet will not interfere with most people’s life style therefore making them more likely to be successful. “It is better to prevent than to treat!” Who said that? Oh, it was me!

Brought to you by:

Dr. David L Vastola Website: Twitter: @DrDavidVastola Facebook: DavidlVastola Photo Credits: Dr. David L Vastola - All Rights Reserved

BWD Magazine • • 15

SHENAE COMPANY, LLC Bringing Business To Every Aspect Of The Industry Shenae LLC is a company that provides various services to various clients with a worldwide reach in music, modeling, sport athletes, and much more. OUR MISSION is to make sure that the clients get any and everything that is needed. We work for our clients. We want to make sure that our clients make it to the top! “BRINGING BUSINESS TO EVERY ASPECT OF THE INDUSTRY” is the motto that this company follows, and are determined to do just that. We are a company that delivers “Grade A” results with their well known guarantee of “Showing n’ Proving” they’re worth the service and your time. Shenae Company, LLC breaks down into 3 different small service categories: *Shenae Public Relations, LLC *Shenae A&R, LLC

but through it all she managed to graduate with the class of 2006 at Roosevelt High School and Brown Mackie College with a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration. LaTia’s always had the passion to help others succeed and even wanted to become a fashion designer as she was growing up. While in High School, LaTia decided that she wanted to start a PR/Artist Management business to help people who needed Public Relations and Management work done. LaTia wants to continue helping people get to the next level in their career so she decided to start her own business called SHENAE COMPANY, LLC. A Company that’s already blooming into an fine Fashion, Management and Relations Firm! Contact Information Website: Twitter: @Mzladiipr

*Shenae Fashion, LLC

Who is LATIA SHENAE??? ... An SEA2015 Nominee... “Internet Hustler of the Year” VOTE NOW! That’s just for Starters!! “HARD WORKER”, “DEDICATION”, and “FOCUS” are just a few words that you can describe LaTia Shenae, CEO. LaTia Shenae was born in Gary, Indiana on November 12, 1987 to a young married couple; Tara and Darnell Blackmon. LaTia shortly moved to Indianapolis at the age 3. It was there that she learned how to live in the BIG CITY and become a BIG PEOPLE person. All during her life, LaTia went through trials and tribulations; 16 • BWD Magazine •

All Rights Reserved



eeing the power and magic that a vehicle such as music could make in the world, Eddy Lieberman started playing guitar as a young teen. Even to this point, he loves simply jamming with his friends, looking for that moment in time when everyone in the room knew they’d just created something special. Inspiring new bright young artists to find their own vision and performance, Eddy teaches music occupationally when he’s not preforming. Whether playing in an assortment of different bands, spending countless hours writing or arranging, to adding his special sound to someone else’s music, there is never a time where Eddy isn’t doing something musically related.. There isn’t a style Eddy doesn’t like, and this is made obvious in how he approaches a piece of music, i.e. like a fan. Eddy Lieberman is a walking, talking jukebox. His influences span several genres as well as decades of music. Enjoying classic rock, the blues, jazz, and even country. Eddy is always looking for ways to enhance the musicality of a piece. Whatever a song needs, Eddy works hard to find the missing ingredient that will make a difference.

Contact Information Website: Twitter: @eddylieb1 Facebook: /eddy.lieberman

His music will put a smile on your face, move you to reflect and tap your feet at the same time. All Rights Reserved - Eddy Lieberman

BWD Magazine • • 17

monthly inspiration Isaiah 43:19 For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland

God has amazing things in store for you, but you have to be willing to open up to Him. Change is one of the most difficult things for us to face, however change is inevitable. The reason we sometimes resist change is because we have become comfortable with where we are in life. We get used to the things around us, even when they are not perfect. We simply accept it because it’s familiar. However, when we resist change, we get stuck in life. There’s so much God wants to do in you and through you. He’s got amazing plans for you. He wants to see you grow, prosper and flourish, but you have to be willing to accept change and see His blessings in store. You have to open up and let Him. Get ready and keep your heart focused on Him. As we celebrate the New Year, I want to encourage you to believe God for new things. I challenge you to live outside the box and open up to see the great things He’s destined for you. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Embrace change and see the blessing God has in store for you. Twitter: @Elohoefemuai | Facebook: /Elohosmusic Happy 2015 With Love, Eloho 18 • BWD Magazine •

all hands on deck DJ SPOTLIGHT

“The Tox Doc” Dr. Noreen Khan Mayberry

MONTHLY FEATURE That’s all you had to say, because I need my hair to grow. I’m going to be

Part 2- “Super Foods and What to Avoid”

eating chia for breakfast. Yes ma’am. So you ready for my next super food? Alright, turmeric, or curcumin, you know,

This month we continue our interview with Dr. Noreen aka the Tox Doc.

that yellow stuff, what gives mustard its yellow texture, flavor, and scent. So turmeric is used a lot in Caribbean and Indian food. It protects the liver. It

Okay, so Dr. Noreen, what super food can we eat to prolong our life and

maintains a good level of liver antioxidants, and antioxidants are protective

counteract these toxins?

chemicals that, they kind of swim around and they get rid of all the nasty chemi-

I have my top five picks for 2014, and really forever. Once you start eating them

cals that are cancer causing chemicals, all the free radicals, so you want your

now and incorporating them in, you’re just going to keep going with it. So my

liver antioxidants to be at the right level. So you want turmeric. It stops excess

number one are chia seeds, remember the chia pets, the ch-ch-chia pet? Same

blood clotting. It is an amazing, like I said, antioxidant powerhouse. It’s great

kind of concept there. When you soak chia seeds in water, they are the high-

for your eye health, your heart health, your skin, also lowers cholesterol and

est plant-based source of omega 3 fatty acids, and they lower pain. You know,

high blood pressure. It helps to regulate your blood sugar levels, so all of my

they’re an analgesic, so if you’ve got aches and pains, chia’s good for that.

diabetics need to incorporate turmeric in. It lowers high insulin levels in blood.

They lower inflammation,

It stimulates bile production

they protect the liver specifi-

in the liver. Again, that helps,

cally, and they’re extremely

you know, detoxify, and it’s

high in fiber. They also can

good for gall bladder health as

improve your neurological

well as its anti-inflammatory,

or cognitive function. They

which all of the foods that we

will decrease high choles-

eat in packages causes’ inflam-

terol and keep your joints

mation. Inflammation is pro-

lubricated, okay?

tective in the short term, but if we’re always inflamed, it’s

But they taste kind of,

not good for us. So turmeric is

you know, it’s kind of, like,

anti-inflammatory, so you want

slimy. It’s like eating okra.

that, and it also is great for the

Well, you know, it does have

skin. If you mix a little paste of turmeric and put it directly on

a slimy taste, but let me tell you what I’d do with it. I’d just soak them in the water, or I’d just soak them

your skin, it helps to remove those scars or lighten up those darkened areas on

directly in my yogurt. I put them in my yogurt and I let them soak. Also, like, if

your skin. So it’s great that way, or also if you have razor burn in some areas

you have a protein shake, like I’ll soak them in water or I’ll blend them into my

like underarms or other places.

smoothies or shakes. So you just blend them in. You don’t have to eat them, you know, just by themselves.

What about coco butter? You can use cocoa butter on your skin, It’s great for the skin, and especially,

Thank you so much for that, because guess what, I tried them in my cereal

it’s a much better alternative to, like, putting Vaseline, which is a, you know, a

and honey I was having a hard time eating that cereal. I was like hell no!

petrochemical, on your skin. So if you’ve got those really rough patches, I always

I just want to say one other thing in regards to chia. For women who love their

recommend cocoa butter. But what I’m talking about is any kind of discolored

hair, skin and nails to look good, you definitely want to incorporate chia seeds

areas that you have.

into your diet, because the fatty acids give you long, shiny, pretty hair. (Continued On Page 20)

BWD Magazine • • 19



I love fried chicken, what about that?

How much do we need?

Oh, Lord. Okay, fried chicken. Fried chicken is also something you should

Let’s say you’re 150 pounds. I say drink at least 150 ounces a day. So that’s

reduce your exposure to. There are so many free radicals when you fry food,

just generally my rule, or at least half of that. At least 75 ounces, but that’s

and I love fried food too, but again I didn’t say give it up, I just said reduce

not really enough to me. I mean, if you can drink a gallon of water a day,

your exposure.

that’s excellent. It is so good for you. We’re 98% water, and we’re constantly dehydrated. We’re constantly in a state of dehydration, the majority of people

Oh God, I’m going to shoot myself again. Noreen, I used to like you until

in the world, not just in this country.

you said that. You still love me, because I’m trying to give you quality of life later on down

A lot of people have fibromyalgia. They don’t know what that is or why people

the line.

have it, but really, it has a lot to do with what we’re eating and what we’re

Yes, I think you’re awesome.

exposed to. Same thing with development of diabetes, that can be prevented. A lot of these foods they put in amounts of ingredients that they know will

Next is ginger, ginger is awesome, protects the liver, it helps the liver regrow

cause an addictive effect that will make you crave it and want more, you

after it’s been physically damaged. So anyway, you need more ginger in your

know, like an uncontrollable addiction to, like, a fried chicken, or a potato

life. It’s anti-inflammatory, it helps metabolize fat cells. It’s a fat burner.

chip, or a certain kind of candy.

It regulates blood sugar, it reduces allergic reactions, and also, when you have allergies, drink some

Dr. Noreen, it has been such

ginger tea.

a pleasure to have you on the show.

I need to let

Next one is kale. Kale is

everyone know where we

amazing. It is rich in sulfur

can get your supplement.

containing compounds. It helps the liver detoxify a

You can link to me on all

wide range of prescription

of my social media sites, my

medications, pesticides, and

books are there. We ship it

other types of environmen-

out the next day.

tal toxicants. It’s got a ton of vitamins and minerals.

Flawless, it has been a plea-

It’s anti-inflammatory, anti-

sure to come and be a guest

viral, antibacterial, tons of

on your radio show. Please

fiber, lots of vitamins. Lastly, pomegranate. When pomegranate is in season, load up on it. When it’s

consider having me back in the future, and I’ll try not to miss you.

not in season, get the juice. It protects against liver damage, but it also fights the inflammatory processes involved with Alzheimer’s disease according to

Media Contact Information:

new research, so you definitely want pomegranate in your life. Osteoarthritis, gum disease, and what’s great also about pomegranate, it kills bacterial

Twitter: @Drtybsmnt

plaque germs, so it’ll keep your breath fresh. The easiest thing you can do to

Facebook (MultiMedia) /Drtybsmnt

detoxify is to up your water intake. Most of us do not get enough water. Up that water intake.

Interviewed by Flawless da RAPCHICK for DRTYBSMNT MULTIMEDIA


20 • BWD Magazine •

dee -1

BWD: Before we jump on in... Who or What influenced the stage

Player of choice, whose music would we find?

name of ‘Dee-1’ and what does it represent to YOU?

Last two albums I’ve purchased are my homies Logic and MC Jin...

I started rapping in college, at a D1 school... And I’m “thee one” that

Other than that, just instrumentals.

was chosen by God to do this, and since my real name is David, I combined all that into Dee-1.

BWD: What has been your greatest accomplishment or achievement Thus far, as a music recording artist?

BWD: Where are you originally from and where do you hail now?

Just changing people’s lives for the better through my music. That

New Orleans and New Orleans.


BWD: When did you actually begin your music career as a record-

BWD: And finally….What’s next for Dee-1? Outside of your current

ing artist and realized that you wanted to get into the Music &

happenings and releases, do you have some live events, music

Entertainment Industry?

videos out and or coming out, or any other project happenings

I had been rapping since 2005, but started professionally in 2010.

for 2015 that you would like to share with us? What can we look forward to in the coming months from you?

BWD: Who were some of your Musical Influences while growing

Yep. Feb 17th, 2015 I’m releasing my “3’s Up EP.” Make sure y’all sup-


port! This is a big moment in my career and it’s my 1st project I’m

I grew up listening to Nas, DMX, Cash Money Records, and No Limit

dropping since being signed, so sales definitely count. Numbers mat-


ter, so if we say we want to support real music, Feb 17th is a chance to do it.

BWD: How would you describe your music for the public audience if they have never seen or heard of “Dee*1” until today’s interview? If Tupac and Lauryn Hill had a son with a New Orleans accent, it would be Dee-1. BWD: With the well-known Theme of “Staying in Your Own Lane and Just Doing You”, how do you separate yourself from the artists of Yesterday, Today and in the Future of your music career? Because I know what makes me different and I make sure I put that on display for the fans to recognize as well. BWD: With a brand new single titled “Against Us” already released and doing well on its own, how did it feel to make the “Top 10” of


iTunes’ Emerging Artist’s Chart”?

Twitter: @Dee1Music

Honored. Came a long way from teaching middle school math a couple

Facebook: /Dee1Music

of years ago. BWD: If we were to check your iPod, Mobile Device or CD/MP3

Instagram: /Dee1Music All Rights Reserved BWD Magazine • • 21

DJ PUNCH “Slept on DJ of the Year” SEA2015 Nominee



ho is DJ Punch??? ... An SEA2015 Nominee... “Slept on DJ of the Year!” DJ... And... That’s just for Starters!!

Dj Punch is an 29 year old Creator/CEO of the MixAHolicDjs, DJ/A&R/President of Internet Marketing at Gerch Music Group, Dj/Promoter/A&R for the SniperSquadDjs, NerveDjs... And NerveDjsMixtapes. Naptown’s very own, midwest swag topped off with an Worldwide reach!

Contact Information Website: Twitter: @DJPUNCH317 Email: All Rights Reserved 22 • BWD Magazine •

BWD Magazine • • 23


rom the sunny shores of a Floridian sky to the

underground and across a global stage.

ears and eyes of a worldwide audience BWD has grown from an acorn of an idea into an oak

Not only affording the world of music a genuine outlet to purvey

tree of industry-might, its roots deep within the

it’s unbridled talents BWD Radio also promotes and inspires the

strata of social sites and online promotions, its

musicians it unveils, the multi-faceted nature of BWD incorporat-

branches far-reaching and bearing fruitfulness aplenty.

ing all avenues of generating awareness and recognition to the talents it reveals, encouraging the growth of their fan-base and

Starting out developing websites Ms. Keach aka Ms. V proved her-

helping propel them onto the iPods and bedroom walls of a global

self more guru than mere graphic designer, her final works forging


a reputation of being the go-to girl for all things attention grabbing and intuitive.

With the recent successful launch of the BWD Radio app the audience all artists are looking to find are as close as they have ever

Quickly she began laying the foundations for what would become

been, right on the other side of millions of touch-screens and

her own empire, reputation growing with each engagement and

monitors, smart-phones and tablets all bearing the app’s visage

the horizon of possibilities expanding even further than first

across their surface.

dreamed. Now a major player in the world of radio and media, the leader in Whilst making some of the connections that would see BWD

the field of generating buzz around the artists it plays on its non-

become a leader in its field murmurings and mutterings regarding

stop, commercial free station, and proudly wearing the banner of

the state of the music business came filtering through the wire.

being The Home Of The Indie Artists BWD founder Ms. V has proven

Listening to the sounds of discontent chattering in the background

you don’t need a thousand lawyers fighting over who gets the

it became clear that, for all the talented individuals with credible

best parking spot in front of offices to forge a dominant empire

worth vying for the attentions of a label or promoter, those in the

of multi-faceted out-lets; as the late great British entertainer Roy

Industry were more concerned with how profitable a bottom-line

Castle once said ‘Dedication’s all you need’.

they could wring from their talents than the merits and music of the people themselves. An avid appreciator of new and classic music Veralyn saw a gap

Contact Information:

in the market for someone with the knowledge and nous, connections and cunning, and - of course - the dedication to provide


a credible alternative to those as-yet unsigned greats of music, a

Twitter: @BWDRadio_

platform for them to launch themselves into the airwaves and soar

Facebook: BWDRadio

into the charts.

Instagram: BWDPromotions (Sponsers)

With each passing year BWD has grown in both experience and influence, the listening world turning up the dial to be the first to hear the latest unsigned extravagances of talent bursting from the

Photo Credits: BWD Graphics - All Rights Reserved. BWD Magazine • • 24

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