BWD Magazine - July 2015

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#1 Variety Magazine - A Worldwide Publication

Monthly Issue - July 2015

reverse order

OVER a decades worth Of experience and knowledge

Legendary force md’S

Features 04 Katherine Spike July’s Featured Model Of The Month

06 Take The Chance Common Passion For All Things Musical

08 Kat Perkins DRIVE - An Undisputed Expert

09 Lunden De’Leon Encouraging Young Children

10 TaylorMade Life Through His Eyes

11 DJ ILL WILL NYC Committed To The Listeners

16 Rob Marchitti Breaking New Ground & Refreshing Spirits

17 LA Virgil Seasoned Artist - Published Journalist

COVER STORY 12 Reverse Order Inspiring, Changing & Saving Lifes

Lifestyle | HEALTH 14 Let’s Talk About Sex How Much Is Enough?

18 Be Inspired (Monthly Feature)

ENTERTAINMENT 7 Buffalo Bites (Monthly Feature) The Creative Audio And Music Production World 19 All Hands On Deck (Monthly Feature) Exclusive Interview “Force MD’s”

23 BWD Radio (Monthly Sponsor) 25 Bizarre, Wacky & Unique Holidays 26 RO

2 • BWD Magazine •

Photography ( Back Page Takeover)


last issue

In a world where a swipe across the virtual shelf has supplanted the casual stroll down the aisle, content driven media has become the golden chalice of promotion; fresh content delivered with the minimum of fuss constantly throughout the day has become the key to ensnaring the public interest, of reaching the plateau of fame and recognition you deserve to be standing upon. Without an audience to listen no-one can hear you talk. Without a pair of eyes to observe no-one notices when you achieve greatness and without a market waiting on pins to learn which direction their latest fascination will be coming from no-one will be holding the banners of congratulations when you finally step up to the limelight. With an empire of insiders working tirelessly away to bring you the biggest, best, and breaking news across the entire landscape of the media BWD Magazine has built a reputation as being one of the leading names in the industry. When we speak, others listen. With a worldwide audience of subscribers downloading and learning which name to look out for, which band they should be following, who the next Big Thing is going to be, BWD Magazine speaks to millions of awaiting ears each and every month. With the world as an audience BWD Magazine puts you firmly in the spotlight.

Editor In Chief V Keach

Editors/Writers V Keach/Various Contributors

Art Director, Graphic Artist(s) V Keach & BWD Graphics


Offical Website Twitter: BWDMagazine Twitter: BWDPromotions

BWD Magazine- ‘Leading Whilst Others Follow’

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JULY’s featured model of the month

Katherine Spike


STATS: Height: 5’ 7” Weight: 209 lbs Measurements: 44-38-45 Hair: Black Eyes: Green

’m really striving to become

that quite freely through her model art works

an Alternative - Fetish and

and Body Piercings....of which she has 23 -

maybe Pin Up Model.” says

Beautifully outlining her natural feature’s on

Katherine Spike. “In the mean

her face - ears and body.

time, I’m a professional Body

Piercer & love it! “

Katherine Spike would love to be the new face of the Alternative and Fetish world! She

Katherine Spike is an aspiring new model - hop-

believes she can help to inspire large groups

ing to burst into the modeling fashion scene

of men and women in that looking different or

with a fiery blaze! She is filled with strong

enjoying pleasures that may be taboo in todays

passions/opinions and has a happy conviction

world can be hard but are defiantly not bad

for life!

things - and you can make something of your-

self and have confidence to do it!

Current Residence:

Mixed with a natural ability to create stunning and desirable fashion styles and looks,

This fun loving - adventures and curvalicious

Wyee, New South Wales Australia

Katherine Spike will make your jaw drop and

gal has a lot of hidden art and passion to show

add a cultured flare to every outfit she wears!

to the world -- As she’s ready to start the fire in your heart!

She loves the darker side to life and expresses 4 • BWD Magazine •

Contact Information

Website: Facebook: KatherineSpike1 Twitter: @KatherineSpike Instagram: Katherine.Spike Bookings/Inquires:

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take the chance


aving been born and raised in similar small town atmospheres, it isn’t a great surprise that these two artistic and handsome young men became “fast friends” at an early stage, first through their love of sports, and later, their common passion for “all things musical”.

Contact Information

Website: Twitter: @TTCofficial Facebook: TakeTheChanceOfficial Instagram: TakeTheChanceOfficial

One of their first collaborations that literally put their hometown of Sussex, New Brunswick on the map, was their skilful parody “From Sussex and I Know It”….a YouTube sensation that went viral in the Summer of 2012. From there, Take The Chance was born, with Jed focused on vocals, guitar, and bass, and Nathan adding percussion, vocals and keyboards. Hours and hours were spent in the basement studio in Jed’s home… creating, collaborating and dreaming of how they would bring their musical talents to the world. The cheeky duo released their debut single “Dance Now” in December 2013. The track received glowing reviews online and the duo were invited to perform at a number of festivals to audiences in excess of 20k, alongside the likes of “Midnight Red & Fifth harmony”. Offering soulful ballads to pumping pop-rock, their music is a strong representation of their musical ability and creative talents. With catchy beats, relatable lyrics, and a growing fan base, these new songs are proof that these two musicians have no intention of slowing the pursuit of their dreams. Photos: Toya Harvey - All Rights Reserved

6 • BWD Magazine •

buffalo bites monthly feature So we’re here again at the tail end of what has been a mixed month, at

Avantone recommend it as a room mic on drums but I wanted to get it

Crown Works Studio in Wolverhampton, UK. We spent quite a few days at the

closer to the action in a technique I hadn’t tried before; Drum ‘Fat Mic’. This

beginning of June doing some acoustic treatment work in the Live Room.

is when you add a mic, typically a condenser mic, directly above the Bass Drum Shell at fairly close range, I opted for around 5 or 6 centimetres above

As much as we loved our room for its massive drum sound and everything it

the kick with the top of the mic pointed at the Snare drum and roughly

adds to the room mic’s on all sources we felt a tiny bit more control was in

equally between the rack and floor Toms. The idea being that this place-

order for the low mid band of frequencies, 200-600kHz and a little restraint

ment adds ‘thump’ to your kick drum and some ‘thwack’ to your snare and

in the upper mid frequencies around 2kHz (where the most audible effects

toms. It worked a TREAT! I had my usual drum sound up at the time and

of room ambience are found).

when I added the Fat Mic it did exactly what I was expecting, and it was in phase with my overheads, always a bonus! The bottom end of the kit really

We installed a few more acoustic panels in the previously untreated end

woke up in a pleasant way adding what I’m going to call ‘girth’ to the overall

and a couple of drapes in carefully selected places and boom! Noticeable

drum sound, particularly after some low-pass filtering although the very

differences in the feel of the room, to put it into layman’s terms we’ve

nature of a proper ribbon mic is to slightly roll off anything above 5kHz.

defined the notes in the room, so when you play a guitar chord through an amp each note is clearer and seems more balanced, there’s also more direc-

Other than the utter peril the delicate ribbons were in being so close to the

tional precision now that there are less first and second reflections. Now I’m

drums and cymbals I’m considering this mic and position a big winner this

not claiming to be an acoustic scientist but we’ve definitely improved an

month. Now, for this session we had a great band in the studio, and pretty

already great sounding room! Stage two of treatment was building Mega-

fresh off the back of their support slot for Foo Fighters (!) at Manchester

Baffle! A 1.3m x 2.5m beast which now resides on it’s side in our Live Room

Arena recently (fortunately before Mr Grohl took himself out of the tour,

for the overall tightening and separation of sounds while tracking. One side

best wishes for your recovery Mr Grohl!) the latest and freshest 2-Piece rock

holds 4 acoustic panels for pretty hefty absorbtion, the back-side has a little

band to storm the scene, Ladies and Gentlemen, “God Damn!” (See Links)

treatment in the higher registers and can be witnessed here: CrownWorks Studio - Mega-Baffle!

Tom and Ash popped in for a day to record a couple of demo’s and nailed two strong tracks to the proverbial wall of rock with big-assed mallets.

A brand new piece of outboard gear arrived too in the form of “Antonio

Ash’s drumming is just what you expect from someone providing a strong

Demaria Labs” ADL CL1000 Compressor/Limiter. Based on a the incredibly

half of the overall band while Tom’s guitar sound is possibly the biggest I’ve

famous Teletronix LA-2A valve compressor the ADL is recommended for

recorded to date. A variety of pedals and no less than three amps give a

use on vocals and guitar but we found it to be useful on almost everything,

sound I probably won’t forget in a hurry, two Orange Guitar heads and a 500

notably DI Bass Guitar. As long as you’re fairly gentle it’ll catch everything

watt Orange bass head firing in unison, divided by octave pedals and hard

and remain clean and accurate but we found giving it a little grief with a

core fuzz. It’s like Satan’s personal guitar rig, even when put through our

Drum Room mic and hammering the peak limiting gave us a subtle grain

studio 2x12 cabs (thankfully) instead of Tom’s massive Orange cab wall for

to the audio which really suited the heavy lightly distorted drum sound we

gigs. Should the recordings become publically available you’ll be amongst

were after.

the first to know! Fingers crossed! You should definitely get yourselves to one of their shows if my studio experience was anything to go by, they’re

On test this month from our audio tech friends at Giraffe Audio we have

all over the UK and Europe currently and I’m certain the shows will keep

a new Ribbon Microphone from Avantone (the people who make the Mix

getting bigger, along with their unique sound.

Cubes). The Avantone CR-14 Ribbon Microphone is a Dual Ribbon mic with two medium length foils located next to each other like little audio soldiers

I’m going to wrap it up here for now and get on with our latest project

as opposed to a single ribbon in most of these types of microphone and I

for new emerging record label Negart Records based in Nottingham UK

have to say I’m very impressed, more than I was with the new Royer entry

and focusing mainly on solo female vocalists, Our first track written by

level 101 we had last month and this mic comes in at under half the price!

myself and client Charlene is shaping up nicely. More next month and until

It proved it’s website blurb about capturing detail and accurate sounds in

then Happy Tracking!! CrownWorks Studio -

front of guitar cabs and being a mic on ‘test’ we thought it’d be rude not to

dio Twitter: @ CrownWorks_ Buffalo Music

try it on a drum kit.

Production also sources referenced were:|||

7 • BWD Magazine •


kat perkins hen it comes to ‘Drive’ - Kat Perkins is an undisputed expert.

Maybe it’s because she grew up in the middle of nowhere in North Dakota - a town so small the population only recently went from ‘unincorporated’ to 281. That meant a lot of things, including that the nearest rock show was always hundreds of miles away. To get anywhere, a girl like Kat - literally and figuratively - had to have ‘Drive’. Almost as soon as she stepped off the stage, of her highschool graduation, she went 600 miles east to Minneapolis, Minnesota - where her enormous talent and undeniable stage presence carved out a place for her on both the music and theater stages of the Twin Cities. Those who saw her as ‘Columbia’ Twin Cities’ Hit production of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, are still talking about it. She drove many more miles to headline annually at Sturgis - where iron butts from across the country swarmed to rock out with her.

coach Adam Levine said what many had said for weeks: “Kat Perkins is hands down one of the best singers we’ve ever had on The Voice.” However, the conclusion of the show was hardly a Dead End. She now travels across the country sharing with kids from elementary to high-school her unique message of remaining determined, courageous and following their dreams. Her first single ‘Fearless’ hit #5 upon release on the iTunes charts - produced independently and by John Fields (Pink, Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez). Her latest single ‘Drive’ was released on June 2, 2015 and with an album, of the same name, will release on July 10th. “It’s about freedom,” Kat said, “Escape…” she smiles then reconsiders the word. “For me, there is just this feeling that fills you when you’re behind the wheel. You can just go - ya’ know what I mean - you can really go anywhere.”

Contact Information

A different kind of Drive took her overseas where she proudly performs - as recently as Christmas - for our troops in the Middle East. In fact, it was a road-weary night on the way home from a USO show that Kat gave an impromptu performance around a piano in an airport in Amsterdam - a video went viral, and Hollywood took notice.

Website: Twitter: @katperkinsmusic Facebook: katperkinsmusic Instagram: katperkinsmusic YouTube: /user/KatPerkinsMusic

A year later, she had not only been invited to audition for THE VOICE but went all the way to the top 5 where her 8 • BWD Magazine •

Kat Perkins - All Rights Reserved

Lunden De’Leon

Some women are go-getters. Some women are businessminded. Some women use their struggles as building blocks for their success. Lunden De’Leon are all of these things.

According to an entrepreneur is a person “who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk.” In a perfect world, a smiling picture of the stunning De’Leon would accompany this impressively apt definition. Barbados born, South Carolina-bred, De’Leon had her fair share of ups and downs before she came to be known as the powerhouse she is now. After a brief stint as a Burger King employee as a teenager, De’Leon, who was bitten by the entertainment bug after seeing her gospel-singer father perform, decided to pursue her dreams and found herself in Hollywood, homeless and with only $200 to her name. Through a roommate, who would offset things in De’Leon’s life in ways she could never imagine, things began looking up. After attending a model calling, De’Leon, whose motivation was solely to overcome her “hungry and penniless” state at the time, she not only booked the audition, but scored a one-year modeling contract the same day. Not long thereafter, De’Leon made her small screen debut on the hit series Vital Signs, - filmed in Los Angeles, but broadcast in Germany - in which she starred as a young woman trying to make it in the United States, a storyline not too far off from the rising star’s own life. De’Leon continued to make a name for herself with a host of subsequent movie and television appearances, including the NBC sitcom,

Just Shoot Me! De’Leon’s biggest break, however, came in 2003 when she launched her very own record label, Dirrty Records. Upon the label’s success in its home of Los Angeles, a second branch was set up in South Carolina, where the entrepreneur still calls home.

With an eclectic roster of artists signed to the label, including Seattle-based punk band The Slumps and the British indie rock quartet, The Fades, whose music has already been featured on the NBC hits “Life” and “Friday Night Lights,” De’Leon proved that she was an innovative force to be reckoned with. And people took notice. What followed was a mention in New York-based hip hop magazine The Ave, vaunting De’Leon as “one of the most significant women in entertainment” and in 2004, an induction into the Caribbean Hall of Fame, alongside reggae legend Bob Marley and acting great Sidney Poitier. Since then, De’Leon, who also received her own day (February 7) in Los Angeles as proclaimed by former mayor James K. Hahn, has made sure not to rest on her laurels. Recently, De’Leon started her own movie production company, Palmetto Film Studios in Marion, South Carolina, which distributes between five and seven films a year. In addition to that, De’Leon started The Lunden De’Leon Foundation, where she encourages young children to follow their dreams, in just the determined way she did. All Rights Reserved :

Twitter: @2lunden | Facebook: lundendeleon BWD Magazine • • 9


taylormade bram Taylor, aka TaylorMade, is a storytelling artist that raps about life through his own eyes; while putting it into words were everybody can relate.

At 35 years young, TaylorMade was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. Now residing in Austin, Texas he is making great Hip-Hop, Rap, and R&B music. TaylorMade’s plan is to promote his new album called “Outta Tha Darkness”. He is going to put the album on music and social networking sites, on bulletins and blogs. TaylorMade has already set his plans in motion by sending his demo out to local, internet and college radio stations throughout the United States, as well as, Independent and Major Record Labels. TaylorMade performed in Austin, Texas at Kick Butt Coffee on August 12, 2009 for the booking company called Afton. He has written numerous songs and worked with many different unsigned artists.

Contact Information:

Website: Facebook: abram.taylor.33

TaylorMade’s goal is to create a fan base, doing local shows and event, as well as giving out his business cards. In addition, collecting email addresses in exchange for a free MP3 track. “I won’t stop until my dream, of becoming a well-known… best lyricist around the world, comes true”, says TaylorMade. 10 • BWD Magazine •

Twitter: @2TMade Email:

Graphics ImageKandi.Com - All Rights Reserved



ilfredo Rodriguez aka DJ ILL WILL is out of the

ILL Entertainment Radio Station has given DJ ILL WILL the oppor-

Tri State Area. He is of Puerto Rican descent and

tunity to broadcast live to listeners worldwide and expose his DJ

born in September 19, 1971. ILL WILL was raised

mixing skills, as well as hosting talent. Throughout his walk as a DJ,

in the metropolitan areas of New York, New Jersey

ILL WILL has been featured in a couple Hip Hop music videos which

and Connecticut. He is currently residing in Jersey

are currently available on YouTube.

City, NJ. DJ ILL WILL has been featured in magazines such as We Grind Hard DJ ILL WILL is a professional DJ with over 15 years of experience in

Magazine and M Pire Magazine. He also had the opportunity to be

spinning music, of various genres and is committed to giving the

interviewed on The Certified Show by Kevin Foxx II and Boss Ladies

listeners whatever they want to hear.

Radio Show.

As an active DJ, ILL WILL has had the opportunity and the pleasure

Lastly, ILL WILL has hosted numerous mixtapes which can

to entertain a crowd of multi-cultural people. He performs at pri-

be found on mixtape sites such as DatPiff, Coast2Coast, and

vate parties, major events at various clubs and lounges. In addition,

NerveDjsMixtapes; just to name a few.

for numerous artist Showcases and Open Mic’s throughout New York City and the New Jersey area since 2007.

DJ ILL WILL’s inspiration as a DJ traces back to DJ Red Alert, Tony Touch, Funk Master Flex, Whoo Kid, DJ Clue, DJ Enuff, DJ Carmelo

In the midst of this DJ ILL WILL had the pleasure to work with The

and Suss One.

Underground Star Choo Biggz, and the opportunity to meet with major artist such as Maino, Cassidy and Joel Ortiz; just to name a

“I want to thank The Most High for blessing me with this talent


and opportunity as a DJ”, says ILL WILL. “My family, friends and fans for their continuous support. Of course, my children which are the

In 2007, DJ ILL WILL created a business and official website called

reason why I work so hard.”

ILL Entertainment; a company designed as an outlet for independent artist’s music and talent.

Contact Information

Website: Twitter: @djillwill

In addition, ILL WILL owns and operates an Hip Hop and R&B online

Facebook: djillwill71

radio station which is registered with the National Association of

Instagram: djillwillnyc

Digital Broadcasters and licensed through ProNetLicensing™. The radio station can be found on the website itself and on Tunein.

DJ Ill Will - All Rights Reserved BWD Magazine • • 11


everse Order is a pop/rock band from the United States. After finishing a tour of 33 states and Russia, they’ll spend the summer writing new music. They’ve had three successful EP’s, and are working hard to create music that will be fresh and exciting; at times collaborating with others to make it special. Their songs draw from challenges, experiences, and relationships we face in life. Catchy music and well written lyrics are always delivered in a powerful live performance. “They rocked the stage each and every time they stepped on it!” Meg McAlduff (Producer) America’s Got Talent. While they have their own sound and style, they’re most comparable to Fall Out Boy, One Republic, and Maroon 5. They’ve had many magical performances across the country, but the ones they’re most proud of are those where they give back by inspiring, changing, or saving a life. In 2012 the band was overwhelmed with people confiding in them about being bullied or contemplating suicide. They realized something had to be done and created, Reverse the Trend. The concert / assembly is requested by schools everywhere. Each member tells their own story of being bullied and overcoming it in a safe and positive way. Students are taught to take that negative energy and turn it into something good and positive. Hundreds of schools all across the US as well as other countries are requesting it. Reverse the Trend is a certified 501c3 charity. They will be starting a crowdfunding effort to enable them to travel to each school. More information can be found at www.ReverseTheTrendNow.Org. Look- out for great new music and tour dates. If you get the chance to see Reverse Order, be sure to check them out. John, Drew and Cruise are great guys both on and off the stage.

reverse order Website: Twitter: @ReverseOrder Facebook: ReverseOrder | Youtube: ReverseOrder Instagram: ReverseOrderOfficial


Cover Story local tour dates Jul 10 Horse Park Upper Freehold, NJ Jul 11 Freedom Fest Upper Freehold, NJ Jul 22 St. Ambrose Festival Old Bridge, NJ Jul 25

33rd Annual Quick Check Festival Of Ballooning Readington Township, NJ Jul 31 Help Reverse Order STOP Bullying! (Fundraiser)

All Rights Reserved 12 • BWD Magazine •

Hackettstown, NJ

exclusive interview

Photo by Tarina Doolittle BWD: Please introduce yourselves, the role you play in the Band, where are y’all originally from & currently located? RO: I’m John Russo, I play guitar and sing lead vocals as well as write most of the music. Like the other band members we are all from and currently live in NJ, but we’re going to be moving to California sometime this year. I’m Cruise I play the drums and also sing lead and backup vocals. I also do all the graphic art work for the band. Drew here, I play guitar.

would listen to like Bruce Springsteen, KISS and Billy Idol, but when we started finding our own music we connected with bands like Alice in Chains, Nirvana, Linkin Park, Sum 41, and Blink 182. Drew was influenced by a lot of these artists, especially the more pop punk bands like Blink 182. What inspires us today are bands like Fall Out Boy, One Republic, and Maroon 5 who create incredibly unique and powerful songs that ride that line between rock and pop.

BWD: When and what brought you together to form the group, as well as inspired the stage name “REVERSE ORDER”? RO: Cruise and I (John) are brothers, our parents took us to a lot of different concerts when we were younger so we always loved music. We went to the School of Rock (SOR) after seeing the movie, where we found out not only did we love music, but we loved playing it. At SOR you learn music from all the great artists of different genres. That was fun but then we decided we wanted to play our own music, so we formed Reverse Order. We entered a talent show and we needed a name for them to put on the program. After much brotherly arguing, our dad looked up and saw reverse order written on a white board my mom used when she homeschooled me and said, “Reverse Order that’s your name”. And yes, I was homeschooled in 7th and 8th grade. We became serious about music being our profession in 2011, that’s when Drew joined the band. Up until then it was more of a fun thing, with different friends joining us for different shows.

We decided to write and perform pop/rock music because it allows us more creative freedom (musically and lyrically) instead of just labeling ourselves as rock or pop. We are passionate about writing powerful rock anthems that talk about real issues going on in the world and different struggles people go through, but we also want to write songs that allow the listener to have fun and forget about something that may be going on in their lives. Being a pop/rock band we can do both!

BWD: Who were some of your individual Musical Influences while growing up and if diverse; what inspires you to be the musicians that you are today, Why “POP ROCK”? RO: Growing up Cruise and I listened to the artists our parents

BWD: How would you describe your music for the public audience if they have never seen or heard of “REVERSE ORDER” Until Today? RO: Our music is very powerful. Whether it’s a song talking about a serious issue, or a song that’s just about a pretty girl we saw at a concert, you will be able to feel that passion energy. I highly recommend coming to a live performance because that passion is multiplied when we have that incredible energy from the crowd to feed off of.

(Continued on Page 22 )

BWD Magazine • • 13

SEX- SO HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH? INTRODUCTION I’m at a loss when it comes to sex because Dr. Ruth died. I’m only kidding of course and how did she ever become a sex guru anyways? I’ll never forget the first time I heard this dwarfing, squeaking “expert” explain how the penis was to be placed.............??? That for me was a personal disincentive!

the quota It’s been said, by again another sex expert, that on average we should have sex 2.5 times a month to have a healthy sex life. Does that mean that if over 10 you are an Olympic champion or are you a selfish overindulgent pervert! Or does it mean that if under 2.5, you are an incompetent, already washed up, throw in your chips,


14 • BWD Magazine •

Shower with your clothes on, and you should start singing opera. No, of course not in either case but where is the truth? the truth Unless you have “Low T Syndrome” in men or and endocrine distortion in women, sex is a normal part of life. I’m no Dr. Ruth and thank goodness for that, but I advise patients to act and be “normal”. Granted the sexual mores have changed and are less well defined (some categorize them as a sport), but for any long term relationship, it needs to have meaning. The ancient Greeks got it right because they said that love was really a two part phenomena and gave them separate Gods. The first three months of a relationship was for the God “Erotica” and after three months, the God “Phila” which was used to name Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love. Get the drift?


Dr. David L Vastola runs a private practice in Palm Beach, Florida, specializing in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, and is often called the Sherlock Holmes of Medicine for uncovering problems that other medical professionals missed. He has 4 books, 5 children, has been married for 34 years, has an assistant lovingly named Patrick the Poodle, and is showcasing a new TV pilot called, Good Health Hunting, at film festivals. Dr. Vastola also has an extensive media experience as a medical and nutrition expert on WJNO Radio, Fox News and CBS 12 News in Florida. His new book Fountain of Youth: Nutritional Therapies (Carrel Books/Skyhorse Publishing) is due for release in July 2015.


ADVICE FROM DR. VASTOLA Whenever I’m in a dilemma with my patients and sexual problems, I think of that famous psychiatrist Billy Crystal in the movie, “Analyze This”. Not Dr. Ruth, but Dr. Billy who advised his patients to do everything and anything that feels comfortable with their relationship. Whether one or a hundred times a month, who cares and whatever is in their relationship are the ground rules and to compare them with others is not only foolish but silly. Forget any so called self-proclaimed expert and just take a good look at them and ask yourself who had sex with them and how often?

Brought to you by:

Dr. David L Vastola Website: Twitter: @DrDavidVastola Facebook: Dr David L Vastola

Aphrodite - Greek Goddess of Love & Beauty

Photo Credits: Dr. David L Vastola - All Rights Reserved BWD Magazine • • 15


rob marchitti

ob Marchitti grew up in Arvada, Colorado, just outside of Denver. After selling Midland Book, Inc., where he was Founder and CEO of the company, he planned on moving to Las Vegas, Nevada.

Rob moved to Las Vegas, Nevada in 1996 where he found his passion for real estate. Rob worked consistently as a Realtor with some of the largest real estate companies in Nevada such as ‘Americana Group Realtors and Realty Executives of Nevada’. He has sold hundreds of properties and has been a mentor and trainer to new and seasoned real estate professionals throughout the Las Vegas valley. Rob found is passion for film in 2004, as an actor on the horror film “Murder-Set-Pieces”, where he played a bus rider and shot the behind the scenes. In 2010, Rob founded Strong Image Films, LLC a Las Vegasbased independent motion picture film production company assembled from creative and business entertainment industry professionals.

The story was written not to glamorize drugs but to show a raw and gritty realistic lifestyle with a lot of pathos. It takes place in the city of sin from the seedy streets of Downtown Las Vegas to the posh suites of the Strip. Rob is the writer/director/producer of “The Printer” to be shot in Las Vegas for Strong Image Films as well. “The Printer” is a crime drama action film that tells the story of a compulsive Blackjack gambler who heads to Las Vegas on his grandmother’s inheritance and sets up a counterfeiting ring to support his habit. Rob is currently in development with the horror thriller feature films “The Final Table”, “Grimmerson Manor” and “The Intruder 3D”. He also worked as a background actor on “Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2”, “Arms and the Dudes” and “Sin City Saints”. Rob’s goal is to produce motion pictures that will entertain, surprise, touch the soul, break new ground and refresh the spirit of true independent filmmaking through provocative story-telling. He resides in Las Vegas.

Contact Information

The Glass Circle Entertainment, LLC was formed by Rob, as an investment company for the motion picture feature film “The Glass Circle” to be shot in Las Vegas. He is the writer/ director/producer of the film for Strong Image Films.

Website: Twitter: @robmarchitti Facebook: robmarchittifilms Email:

“The Glass Circle” is a crime drama thriller film that tells the story of a Las Vegas drug dealer who lives a crazed drugged out lifestyle alongside many gonzo cronies, but eventually opts out of the business before it destroys him. 16 • BWD Magazine •

Rob Marchitti - All Rights Reserved


la virgil

truly seasoned Artist, a published Journalist specializing in the Arts, an International Film Documentarian, current Television Producer, published Author, Artistic Marketing Agent, ASCAP Songwriter, Arranger, Consultant, Community Activist, Event Planner, and most of all a Pioneer.

Co-produced Contemporary Gospel Album with legendary saxophonist Keith Lee for HisMultiMusic. This included everything from hiring of various musicians and background vocalists who were given chosen pieces to learn ahead of time. Hiring of photographers, wardrobe stylist, booking of studios, engineers and design team for CD production.

She was once referred to as the Mother Teresa of Bermuda’s creative talent. She has pioneered not for the fame or fortune but has shed tears over us recognizing, believing and supporting ourselves.

In her earlier years she and her team produced “Chances ‘97”, the first “Road Safety Music video commercials” “Gospofest 97. Then in 2005 she promoted “Radical Praise” the first Gospel reggae concert at St. Paul’s AME Centennial Hall where she was publicly ridiculed by the media because she was behind the “first devil music” and now it is just another common music genre.

With all her ventures she promises to assist others by promoting and displaying their dreams before the world. She brings her creative pioneer skills having produced and coproduced many successful shows, workshops, television series and overall events. As a journalist LA has interviewed numerous celebrities as well as independent artists. Has had over 300 published articles some of which were published in “Bermuda Times”, “The Bermuda Sun”, “The Royal Gazette”, “Skope Magazine”, “Vent Magazine” “Bella Online” and recently the national online “” She is the Philadelphia Music Examiner for She also was the first to inaugurate local artists CD reviews.

Recently she received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Recording Academy signed by the CEO and chair of the Board of Trustees of the Grammys for her contribution to the creative community.Contact Information. Her most current attribute to the roster is the feel good 30 minute television show “The Light Switch” which she produces for her company. This airs monthly in Philadelphia on Comcast 66 and Verizon 29. These are just ‘some’ of LA Virgil’s hightpoints. She has accomplished so much more! Be sure to visit her contact links!

She had to step outside of her box and push her envelope by having to interview and work alongside New York’s top stylists and make- up artists. As a result she recently coproduced an industry staging performance of a recording group in Midtown Manhattan before a crowd of standing room only.

Website/Full Bio: Twitter: @LAVirgil4His Facebook: la.virgilmaldonado (Ranking #4) Instagram: lavirgil4real LA Virgil - All Rights Reserved BWD Magazine • • 17

monthly inspiration There is joy in achiev-

So permit me to tell you! You have what it takes to achieve your

ing your dreams. A sat-

dreams,.You have what it takes to discover your purpose and walk

isfaction comes when

in it. You have what it takes to be who God has called you to be.

you know you are walking in your purpose and

Never allow anyone or anything belittle you. Not even yourself. See

doing all that God has

yourself through the eyes of God, see yourself the way God sees

called you to do. We all

you. Start taking steps towards achieving that dream.

have dreams we want accomplished but most

So you want to be a designer? Take that first step. You want to start

times its taking that first

a nursery school/daycare? Start from where you are. You want to be

step that’s our challenge.

a writer or a singer? Pick up your pen, start writing or your comput-

The fear of the unknown

er, start typing. Sing the songs in your heart to your phones. Thank

holds us back. A wise

God for technology. What is that thing you are passionate about?

friend once said to me

Just take that first step of faith and see God order your steps.

‘It is the steps of a righteous man that the Lord orders, not the intentions or the thoughts’. Psalm 37:23 The steps of a good man are

Truth is... if you do not work towards achieving your dreams, God

ordered by the Lord and He delights in his way.

will raise someone else to do same. Haven’t you noticed that certain desires you have had in your heart but have not done anything

You might say ‘but I don’t have what it takes, I don’t have the right

about them, you see or hear someone else doing the exact same

connections. I don’t have the full package, I don’t even possess the


necessary skills or characteristics.’ I have been inspired and challenged by certain people who have Philippians 3:13 says ‘I can do all things through Christ who strength-

taken that first step and are excelling. I too have taken that first

ens me’. My favorite version of the bible, ‘The Message puts it this

step so I just wanted to encourage you to do the same. You can do

way ‘Whatever I have, Wherever I am, I can make it through anything

all things through Christ. You can make it. You have what it takes.

in the One who makes me who I am’ Wow! Such profound words. You

Be Inspired! With Love, Eloho

can make it through anything in the One (Jesus) who has made you what you are. 18 • BWD Magazine •

@Elohoefemuai | Facebook: Elohosmusic |

all hands on deck DJ SPOTLIGHT

“Force MD’s” Exclusive Interview

MONTHLY FEATURE Were back in the DRTYBSMNT with more legendary artists. Coming out

tion for Tommy Boy Records. He gave us an audition date to go to Tommy Boy.

of Staten Island, NY and smashing hit after hit before the Wu Tang Clan

I decided to bring the rap part too. I got Mercury and Dr. Rock and we all just

did it. These gentlemen were definitely trailblazers in Hip Hop and

went ahead as the Force MC’s and the LDs all the same time, give them the

R&B AND were a template for many who came after them. These guys

RnB and Hip Hop at the same time. Then we changed our name to the Force

have a heavy story themselves that still hasn’t been told. We have the

MD’s, because we blended Force MCs and LDs and became the Force MD’s. MD

pleasure today of interviewing the Force MD’s.

stands for musical diversity. We’re very versatile to rapping, singing, reggae we


do it all. That’s how we became the Force MD’s. We were definitely one of the

Gentlemen, thank you so much.

pioneer groups that opened the doors about RnB & Hip-Hop. All these groups

Hey, thank you brother, thank you dear brother.

like Jodeci.... we just opened the whole door, because we used to be called the dual hip-hop at first, but it was a lot of soul singing, the funky beats and then

Straight into it, like I said, you guys have such an incredible story. Start from

we came with the ballads and that’s how we really started.

the beginning if you would be so kind. Okay. We definitely started out in Staten Island. Definitely one of the first to

I was definitely going to ask you about that in terms of being the forerun-

come is Stanton Allen. We started in the game as the Fantastic LDs, that was

ners for a lot of the stuff that came later including the whole Mary J Blige

our name at first—Fantastic LDs. We were, it was consisted of me, TC, Khalil and

era with the hip hop beats and the RnB melodies on top. When that whole

Jessie. We sang at talent shows, we went

era started to really break; what did you

to a lot of talent shows and then we start

think at the time?

singing on the ferry. We saw these country guys singing, they had a big guitar case out

Yes. We didn’t know what we started. We did

and a lot of people started throwing money

it, but we didn’t know that it would go to the

in the case and the light bulb went off,

magnitude it is now. Now, we just feel blessed

“If we could do that, we could make some

that, you know, to give people ideas on what

money too.”

to do is just give a funky beat, like “Let Me Love You, Forget me Girl, Itchin’ for a Scratch”,

We started doing that and we made the

the ground breaking songs that started that

half hour trip to Manhattan from Staten

whole chunk of music. We were just blessed

Island back and forth. We made like $80 in

that we were the ones that started it.

the first trip. I was a young kid like 15, 16 years. That was good for us. I said, “This is easy money right here.” We have our model if we broke, take the boat

When did you guys decide to go all RnB?

and we started making our money from there. I used to also rap with a group

Wow! That’s a good question man, when we did our first ballad, which was

called Force MC’s, I was in two groups, I was in my brother’s the LDs and the

Tears, that was a top ten record. Tears was definitely the first hard RnB 70s-80s

Force MC’s that consisted of me, Mercury, Dr. Rock and K’wan. We were the first

soul song, we made, that really just hit the crowd, “They can sing.” They heard

from Staten Island to go uptown to Harlem and the Bronx to let the people

“Let Me Love You”, but Tears really put the soul into the whole sound of the

know that Staten Island could rap too.

Force MD’s. These guys can really sing for real. That was our first top ten song. Tears was the first followed up by “Here I Go Again” and we started coming back

When you guys started singing on the ferry was the idea to get a record

to back with the ballads. We’re just blessed man, we’re just blessed and thankful


that people felt what we felt when we sung those songs. Even today, it’s hard

This is what happened, as the LDs, we were on the boat and Mr. Magic from

to even do a show without performing “Tears”. The audience they make us like,

the radio station saw us sing, he said, “These guys are really good” and need to

“We want to hear Tears,” so that’s a fan’s favorite.

go to Tommy Boy Records. He took us and he said I want you guys to go audi

(Continued On Page 20) BWD Magazine • • 19



It absolutely is. Tell me who was doing the production, who was doing

way, we want to express it first, and we want to put that out first. It doesn’t

the writing? I know that Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis wrote Tender Love,

make sense to work six, seven years on a documentary and just finishing it

but in terms of your music as a whole, who was doing the production and

right now and put the Unsung out before it. You know what I mean?

the writing? It was a lady.... her name is Robin. She co-wrote with us for a lot of our

I appreciate you so much, men. Good luck on everything that you’re doing

earlier music, “Tears and Here I Go Again”... and she’s also a big part of our

out there. I’m excited to see what’s going on. I’m excited to hear the song.

movement. We had Mr. Magic. He helped with “Let Me Love You”, when we

I just thank you for taking the time out and talking with me. I really

first came out with that.

appreciate it. t’s just new movement that we got going on. It was the blessing about this

If you guys don’t have an Unsung, you guys need that. You guys deserve

new movement that’s going on. It’s like a lot of love that we believe that


wasn’t there is really so much there and like quadruple amount.

Let me address that because you brought up the Unsung, because as a matter of fact we’re just on a phone a few days with the gentleman at Unsung as

It’s scary man, because it’s just a good feeling to know that a lot of people are

well as last year, we had talks with TV One and it’s one of the producers in

basically supporting and fully behind what we’re doing right now. We spoke

charge of producing the Unsung series. Pretty much they have strong interest

about earlier with the BET and all the different award shows, when you see

in doing an Unsung on us. We have for the last six years been working on

the BET award shows with the RnB or the Hip-hop, the reality of it is going

our own documentary and what we got that is what we basically want to put

to come, they’re going to really acknowledge and accept the faces of some of

out before we do our unsung for the mere effect that is a 90 minute feature

the founders, especially the RnB Hip-Hop. You know what I mean?

and it’s really raw. What do you think you guys are going to do differently, as far as for these We want to put that out before we edited up into a 45 minute or 42 minute

young kids, what type of music are you going to bring to the young generation

Unsung and you kind of missed the whole layers of all the different things,

that’s going to pull them in to let them know?

you know bringing back the full circle, all the different elements that was brought together with the footage that we got. We want to express it that 20 • BWD Magazine •

(Continued On Page 21)

This is Damien answering here. One thing is we got to let them know Force

That’s a good question. (Khalil) We would love to work with somebody

MD’s. If they listen to our sound, they listen to the One-Two Step, they’ll see,

like R. Kelly, because R. Kelly has the versatility and he can just go

“Wow, those guys they might say, “They’re old school.” No we’re not old school,

anywhere with the music.

we soul school. One thing we’re bringing back is good soul music. It’s not all the water down, computerized but it’s definitely some you can dance two steps

Are the Force MD’s working on a new album?

to, rock with, to be with your love one with, cry to and all that, real emotion

Yes, we are bro. (Khalil) Shout out Magic! Yes, we’re definitely doing an

we’re bringing back to songs. That’s been lost in a lot of the songs nowadays

album. Shout out to one of the main producers on deck with us, Magic.

that we hear today.

He’s like a really up and coming solid producer that can really deliver the vision that we have. Not everybody can do that, but he’s one guy

We’re bringing back class. The way we carry ourselves, a lot of times a lot of

that can deliver the vision and playing the music the way we feel it

emphasis is on what happens off the stage and behind the scene. Much of this

and interpret it, where it makes sense, where we believe in the magic

negativity and the media and all that, one thing they won’t get from the Force

that he has, and can do, that’s why his name is Magic.

MD’s is that, they’re going to get a class act and this is how you’re supposed to represent your music, your group and all that, that’s what they’re going to

You guys are a definition of music and just to hear your bringing

get from us.

back some new music is just some good things to my ear. I salute you guys and I definitely have a lot of respect for you guys. What

In terms of what do you see, because most of RnB music now is

angle are you going to go in now? You’re going to keep the tradi-

leaning into what, it’s leaning towards hip-hop. In terms of what-

tional sound or are you going to try to bring us something else?

ever the RnB that is out there, what do you think of that and do

What is the game plan?

you think of lifting, do you see any move, new changes in the RnB

We’re going to bring them back with the classic Force MD’s sound.

or anything like that?

The sound’s pretty much the same. It just has a 2013 twist, but it’s

This is Khalil speaking. With the new RnB, we are looking at it like

definitely the music that we’re bringing as well as that, it’s going to

there’s a new generation, new experience, and new direction trying

sound like, if you just blink your eyes and went back in time, when

to save some of the best elements from the classic era and they just

you first heard the Force MD’s and you blink your eyes and you listen

basically doing what they’ve experienced but they can’t give us the

today, you’re going to still get that feeling like, “Wow, the Force MD’s

same music we experienced.

never left. The sound still hot, but it’s just updated.” One thing also Steve and Khalil, TCD was their brother. They’re brothers, these are

Damien: One thing we agree with you about Sincere. He definitely has

legendary brothers. On his dying bed, his wish was for them to keep

the right name, because he’s a cool brother. He’s very Sincere. You don’t

holding it down and don’t let the band down. That’s another thing

meet too many people that Sincere. He says one thing and he does

that Mercury and TC felt their legacy has to continue in a positive way.

what he says. He definitely will always have the Force MD respect,

We sat around and discussed this and said, “Look, for the love of music,

whenever you’re calling us, we got him.

for the love of the fans, people still asking like, “When are you coming with new music and all that?” We had to do this.

There’s a lot of new artists out there, if you had the opportunity to work in conjunction on an album with any artist, whether be HipHop or RnB, who would you like to work with; for your style and that you are willing to represent?

.....Interview & Written by DJ Sincere Media Contact Information: Twitter: @Drtybsmnt Facebook (MultiMedia) /Drtybsmnt DJ SINCERE for DRTBSMNT MULTIMEDIA - All Rights Reserved BWD Magazine • • 21

Photo by Tarina Doolittle



BWD: How is REVERSE ORDER separating themselves or standing out from other Pop Rock groups out there today, looking to get noticed? RO: What makes Reverse Order stand out from other Pop Rock groups happens both on stage and off stage. Unlike many Pop Rock bands, we aren’t afraid to write songs that connect with people on a deeper note. Examples of this include songs like Our City which talks about the Boston Marathon bombings, and Not Alone which talks about the affect bullying has on people including ourselves.

RO: Our three EP’s are The Life Of The Party, Right Now, and Made in America. My favorite EP would have to be Made In America because it’s the first album where we really connected our alternative rock roots with that more fun pop rock sound. Musically you can hear the songs go from super fun summertime songs like “These Summer Nights”, to more gritty alternative rock songs like “Waiting” and “Nothing Left To Give” which fuse the sounds of heavy guitars and thick synthesizers. The songs also have a wider variety of topics ranging from current events, to songs about girls, to songs about self-reflection.

On stage we have an explosive live performance that will get you on your feet and singing the entire show. We go into the audience to sing, dance and interact with fans, on stage the three of us are so tuned in to each other and the audience it comes off more like a show then just a bunch of guys singing and jumping around. We engage our fans in multiple forms of audience participation from singing songs with us, getting them following along with what we’re doing on the stage whether it’s clapping, jumping or dancing. Off the stage we’re all about the fans. We greet them when they come in and stay until the last person, gets a photo or autograph. There’s no hanging in a green room, or leaving right after a performance.

BWD: Tell us about the videos you’ve released. Do you have a favorite? RO: It’s definitely a close call between our three recent videos for Nothing Left To Give, Here Before, and Hold On. We made the decision to do these three videos in mostly black and white, and they all have their own unique feel. I’d say “Here Before” definitely stands out as we channeled a more rock ballad vibe by filming in the Gibson NYC Showroom using their historic studios, beautiful grand piano, and classic guitars. It’s definitely a fun video to watch.

BWD: You’ve had three successful EP’s. What was the inspiration behind them, the EP titles, and what can the listeners expect from your sound and lyrical storytelling on them? Which EP is your favorite and why? 22 • BWD Magazine •

BWD: Where Can We Go & Get Your Music and See your Videos?? RO: Our music is available on iTunes, Pandora, Spotify and our website You can see our videos on . (Continued on Page 24)


rom the sunny shores of a Floridian sky to the

underground and across a global stage.

ears and eyes of a worldwide audience BWD has grown from an acorn of an idea into an oak

Not only affording the world of music a genuine outlet to purvey

tree of industry-might, its roots deep within the

it’s unbridled talents BWD Radio also promotes and inspires the

strata of social sites and online promotions, its

musicians it unveils, the multi-faceted nature of BWD incorporat-

branches far-reaching and bearing fruitfulness aplenty.

ing all avenues of generating awareness and recognition to the talents it reveals, encouraging the growth of their fan-base and

Starting out developing websites Ms. Keach aka Ms. V proved her-

helping propel them onto the iPods and bedroom walls of a global

self more guru than mere graphic designer, her final works forging


a reputation of being the go-to girl for all things attention grabbing and intuitive.

With the recent successful launch of the BWD Radio app the audience all artists are looking to find are as close as they have ever

Quickly she began laying the foundations for what would become

been, right on the other side of millions of touch-screens and

her own empire, reputation growing with each engagement and

monitors, smart-phones and tablets all bearing the app’s visage

the horizon of possibilities expanding even further than first

across their surface.

dreamed. Now a major player in the world of radio and media, the leader in Whilst making some of the connections that would see BWD

the field of generating buzz around the artists it plays on its non-

become a leader in its field murmurings and mutterings regarding

stop, commercial free station, and proudly wearing the banner of

the state of the music business came filtering through the wire.

being The Home Of The Indie Artists BWD founder Ms. V has proven

Listening to the sounds of discontent chattering in the background

you don’t need a thousand lawyers fighting over who gets the

it became clear that, for all the talented individuals with credible

best parking spot in front of offices to forge a dominant empire

worth vying for the attentions of a label or promoter, those in the

of multi-faceted out-lets; as the late great British entertainer Roy

Industry were more concerned with how profitable a bottom-line

Castle once said ‘Dedication’s all you need’.

they could wring from their talents than the merits and music of the people themselves. Contact Information: An avid appreciator of new and classic music Veralyn saw a gap in the market for someone with the knowledge and nous, con-


nections and cunning, and - of course - the dedication to provide

Twitter: @BWDRadio_

a credible alternative to those as-yet unsigned greats of music, a

Facebook: BWDRadio

platform for them to launch themselves into the airwaves and soar into the charts.

Instagram: BWDPromotions Twitter: @BWDPromotions

With each passing year BWD has grown in both experience and influence, the listening world turning up the dial to be the first to


hear the latest unsigned extravagances of talent bursting from the

(Sponsers) Photo Credits: BWD Graphics - All Rights Reserved. BWD Magazine • • 23

REVERSE ORDER BWD: How did “Reverse Trend” happen...? What inspired the name and your passion behind the movement? RO: After appearing on America’s Got Talent in 2012 we did a school tour. We were overwhelmed by how many students would talk to us in person or through social media about the problems they were having being bullied. Some of them were so distraught that they were cutting and contemplating suicide. Each of us had dealt with bullying in our own life. Cruise was the new kid in middle school, Drew was the kid that was overweight when he was younger, and I deal with a lot of cyber-bullying on social media especially after America’s Got Talent. You get those that love you and those that just want to do everything they can to bring you down, even threaten you. We knew we had to do something so we started to go to some schools and teen centers to talk to students about our experiences with bullying and how we dealt with it. All of a sudden people were talking about us and recommending to others that they bring us to their school or teen center. In order to handle all the requests, more than 250 in the 2014/2015 school year spread out all over the country, we knew we needed to become a 501c3 charity so we could try to get donations to cover some of the expenses. Our name came from a sign that was posted at Alice Cooper’s Solid Rock Teen Center promoting one of the first anti-bullying 24 • BWD Magazine •


talks we gave. www.ReverseTheTrendNow.Org BWD: After finishing a tour of 33 states and Russia, what’s next for “REVERSE ORDER”? RO: We’re writing new songs that we hope to release in the fall. We’ve have more than 140 Reverse the Trend shows booked for next year, we’re looking into touring with other artists and bringing our music to other countries. We also hope to write a book.

July’s Bizarre, wacky & Unique Holidays Bizarre, Wacky, Silly, Unknown Holidays & Observances There is a wealth of bizarre, unique, special and otherwise different holidays and “days”. Looking for a wacky day to celebrate, perhaps? There is a day for just about everyone and everything. THE MONTH OF JULY 2015 > National Blueberry Month > National Anti-Boredom Month > Unlucky Month for weddings > National Cell Phone Courtesy Month > National Hot Dog Month > National Ice Cream Month > Week 2 “Nude Recreation Week”1 Canada Day 1 Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day 1 International Joke Day 2 I Forgot Day 2 World UFO Day 3 Compliment Your Mirror Day 3 Disobedience Day 3 Stay out of the Sun Day 4 Independence Day (U.S.) 4 National Country Music Day 4 Sidewalk Egg Frying Day- Hmmmm, I wonder why!?! 5 Build A Scarecrow Day - first Sunday in month 5 Work-a-holics Day - even though everyone is on holiday 6 International Kissing Day 6 National Fried Chicken Day 7 Chocolate Day 7 National Strawberry Sundae Day 8 Video Games Day 9 National Sugar Cookie Day 10 Teddy Bear Picnic Day 11 Cheer up the Lonely Day 11 World Population Day 12 Different Colored Eyes Day 25 • BWD Magazine •

12 Pecan Pie Day 13 Barbershop Music Appreciation Day 13 Embrace Your Geekness Day 13 Fool’s Paradise Day 14 Bastille Day 14 Pandemonium Day 14 National Nude Day 15 Tapioca Pudding Day 15 Cow Appreciation Day- Go out and give a cow a hug 16 Fresh Spinach Day 17 Peach Ice Cream Day 17 Yellow Pig Day 18 National Caviar Day- something’s fishy here 19 National Ice Cream Day (third Sunday of the month) 19 National Raspberry Cake Day 20 National Lollipop Day 20 Moon Day 20 Ugly Truck Day- it’s a “guy” thing 21 National Junk Food Day 22 Hammock Day 22 Ratcatcher’s Day 23 National Hot Dog Day 23 Vanilla Ice Cream Day 24 Amelia Earhart Day 24 Cousins Day 25 Culinarians Day 25 Threading the Needle Day 26 All or Nothing Day 26 Aunt and Uncle Day 26 Parent’s Day - fourth Sunday in July 27 Take Your Pants for a Walk Day 28 National Milk Chocolate Day 29 National Lasagna Day 30 National Cheesecake Day 30 Father-in-Law Day 30 International Day of Friendship 31 Mutt’s Day!

reverse order

Photos by Tim Kuder BWD Magazine • • 26

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