BWD Magazine - June 2013

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Worldwide Underground Indie Music Entertainment Magazine

dj smallz

June 2013


max’s guitars customs for less

Anjeza Gega

southern smoke

unquestioning air of intrigue “Nothing is impossible, if you take the steps to believe that there will be an open door for every hundred knocks you make.” BWD Magazine • • 1

a decades worth of experience and knowledge

Features 04 Anjeza Angie Gega UnQuestioning Air of Intrigue

09 Kennie Dubb Blazing a Trail

10 Xpress Awareness Campaign

14 Max’s Guitar Store Online Musical Instrument Outlet

16 Austin St Cloud A Hero’s Share of Pain

18 Rahat Chowdhury Broadening Musical Horizons

COVER STORY 12 DJ Smallz Southern Smoke - “Meet the Loud Pack!”

reviews 08 E-Lites The Smoking Alternative

Lifestyle 06 Five Tips for Writing Your 1st Song When trying to compose your first song


19 BWD Records

2 • BWD Magazine •

The Independent Music Label of the South

last issue

FROM THE EDITOR Having continuously been recognized throughout the music world as a vast movement with an undeniable force we at BWD Radio are now bringing you the best music and individuals within their field in a more easily digestible format; with a dedicated online magazine packed to the rafters with news, reviews, features and phenomenal artists from across the globe. Synonymous with breaking new ground and talent, our aim isn’t to deliver you an aggregator of articles; more like, the BWD Bible of breaking talent and breath taking bands turning heads and volume dials up to eleven. In each breaking issue we reveal the winners of the BWD Radio’s Indie Music Featured Artist Competition, a monthly competition where we invite you to Get On The ‘Visual’ Playlist for your chance to become one of the featured BWD Competition Winners. The winners are awarded the opportunity of talent exposure across the globe and throughout the world as part of our aim to prove a good tune isn’t limited to whatever celebrity judge endorsed single is currently riding high in the iTunes download chart. In each issue, we also bring you the newest faces in the world of modeling to watch out for in store windows, on the billboards, and in the high-street, as well as on the catwalks

Editor In Chief Veralyn Keach,

Associate Editor

of Paris and Milan.

Robert Baker,

Though that may be enough to fill the covers of most magazines, we’ll be taking things

Lead Contributing Writer

even further with exclusive ‘first-looks’ at the best in indie talent, our unique position

Robert Baker,

within the world of media affording us the opportunity to bring you the next big hitters before anyone else and by combining the two enormous forces--presences of BWD Radio

Contributing Writer

and BWD Magazine into one with the newly launched new BWD website there is twice

Veralyn Keach,

the promotion to deliver double the impact and even more worldwide exposure to its featured artists. All the freshest new faces and hottest new talent in one magazine, BWD Magazine in conjunction with BWD Radio is committed to setting the standard of what you deserve from a magazine with constant promotion through the BWD network of contacts and promoters. Did someone say BWD Promotions? The BWD Triple Threat Trio! BWD MAGAZINE’S SERVICES: Being in such a unique position affords us the ability to offer our services at ‘considerably less’ than most others, our network allowing us to expose your talent in all the right places without needless expense or additional ‘secret costs’ less scrupulous companies fill their small print and help fill their bank balances with.

Art Director Veralyn Keach,

Graphic Artist Veralyn Keach,

Circulation Officer Veralyn Keach,

Sales Officer(s) Veralyn Keach/Robert Baker

Covering all aspects of media promotion (from social media sites through to music video promotion) we are able to offer the best when it comes to brand awareness and public recognition of your name or product, without compromising either your impact or finances. For price and space availability inquiries, please contact us via the contact details to the right where we can discuss your specific requirements to ensure maximum exposure. BWD MAGAZINE: Where YOU go to get as much VARIETY in music, news, sports, entertainment and lifestyles!! MORE THAN JUST MUSIC.

BWD Magazine • • 3

with an unquestioning air of intrigue and...

Anjeza Angie gega The love and talent for modeling has inspired her love for fashion.”


ith an unquestioning air of intrigue and grace radiating from within, Angie Gega carries with her that intangible yet international air of mystery that leaves you feeling drawn to her presence. Albanian born, Angie began showing the world glimpses of light shining

from the inner prism of her character, the many sides of her character surfacing at age five with a passion for the arts and a thirst to soak up as much as she could find. Such an unquenched desire saw her focusses turn to the world of ballet at age seven, and with an ability only waiting to show itself as an equal to Angie’s enthusiasm, her future seemed certain. Italy, Greece, and most of Europe became her dance-floor as at age thirteen she found herself touring Europe as a professional dancer, constantly learning and absorbing the many cultures and histories of the cities and continents visited that helped start to define the person she would become. A move to Greece after graduation saw Angie study psychology at a prestigious college associated with the UK’s luminary Sheffield University, wherein her clear talent during drama class saw her approached with the offer of considering work within the field of dance, which in turn saw her laying claim to a signing contract – somehow befitting Angie’s mastery of communications and her grasp of six languages. 4 • BWD Magazine •

However, grass grows around stationary objects, and soon Angie took the contract and her two degrees in broadcasting and communication earned from her studies to America, right to the

Nothing is impossible, if you take the steps to believe that there will be an open door for every hundred knocks you make.”

very heart of the arts and entertainment world, the city of angels and artisans, Los Angeles. Ever the altruist, Angie has reflected her elegant demeanour in the world of modelling with a view to using her recognition for the betterment of others; various assignments for charitable causes have seen her travel the world as her own ambassador for charity towards the less fortunate and giving to those who would otherwise go without. As a singer she has attained a level of recognition and success under the guise of Anjeza, a level that has seen her collaborate with some of the worlds most renowned producers. Her recent single ‘Still Believe’ is currently achieving numerable downloads on the iTunes charts, alongside other chart single and playlist pleaser, ‘Feugo’. Though enough for some and plenty for the rest, the early spark of imagination and wonder that saw Angie first become engulfed by the arts has carried her through to the world of television, appearances of some of the most phenomenal and historically memorable series and shows such as ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ and ‘I’m Alive’ adding further to the list of accomplishments and accolades. When discussing the announcement of her win Angie re-enforced her belief about achieving such reward and accomplishments; ‘Nothing is impossible,’ she said, ‘if you take the steps to believe that there will be an open door for every hundred knocks you make.’ With each day affording a seemingly unending horizon to reach out and claim as her own personal playground, we can only wonder at what future plans are currently hiding behind the hypnotising Eastern European eyes of Angie Gega. Contact Information: Website: Twitter: @AnjezaMusic Facebook: anjezamusic Photo Credits: Anjeza Angie Gega - All Rights Reserved

BWD Magazine • • 5

five tips for writing your first song inspiration not perspiration

You don’t need a command of the English language enviable of the greatest of play writes to string a sentence or six together when trying to compose


your first song; and whilst most artists will talk in interviews about the difficulties and dramas they went through in creating their latest release in an

So you’ve been bitten by the beat and drawn to the decks and with one hand in the air and the other wrapped ‘round a pen, it’s time to write you some songs. So where to start? Whilst almost any subject or thing can be written about, you’ll probably be better inspired to draw on your own personal experiences – go with what you know, as it were.

Think about significant events or standout moments in your life and make a note of the ones that could be worked into something more. It doesn’t have to be something

effort to drive sales and appear credible in the eyes

personal or private, though; maybe you’re affronted at the recent hiking of the price

of their fans, the actual writing of a song is a fairly

of cheese? Maybe the next door neighbour’s kids have been screaming all day and

simple process…”

the Police have threatened to have you arrested if you insist on wasting their time with what they deem as ‘non-emergency calls’? Or maybe you just really like the act of blinking? Anything and everything is fair game in the writing world, the only real consideration being whether you feel the drive behind the subject matter to turn it into a song. So go nuts, think big, and open your ears as wide as possible so you can properly hear your stereo as you…

listen to your influences Whether Bono or Black Veil Brides, The Family Stone or

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Smashing Pumpkins, whoever you cite as influential in your decision to step into the world of musical composition will shape the sound you make to some degree; read any artists list of influences and it’s not hard to see where

Bowie has influenced Manson or Elvis just about every artist since his first single

What about that lead into the chorus? How noticeable is it you couldn’t think


of a better way to keep the momentum going so you just fudged it a wee bit and hoped it’d work? Do the riffs hook you in or does the rhythm throw you off?

Learning any new skill is easier when given examples of those in a similar vein, and much like being back at school it is only through paying attention and

Being able to spot flaws in your own work isn’t always easy, so ask for some

listening when someone is trying to give you information do we learn properly.

feedback off a neutral party. If you rehearse in a studio ask the guy on the desk; if your bedroom’s your beat-room go to a forum of musicians - there is less

Learning how to craft your own unique sound may take some time, so having

likelihood of being sold a false dawn about your skills whilst also relieving

a reference to begin structuring your magnum opus will help focus your atten-

some of the pressure of exposing your work to the world. A chance to appreciate

tions. Don’t go for a direct emulation of your influences; nobody wants a second-

how someone else hears your work will give you invaluable insight into your

rate version of an already established act. However, using the basic structure as

own skills, how far along you are and where you could do with some focus in

a template for your own creations will give you some guidance and direction in

tightening things up.

your writing as you try to figure out how you want everything to sit. But whether rock or rap, indie or underground, it can all feel rather daunting and Speaking of which…

even over-whelming if you don’t remember to…

get some structure

k.i.s.s - keep it simple, silly

Depending on where your own style may lie the


basic structure of ‘intro, verse, chorus, verse, chorus, outro’ is one used across the board, and is as flexible as it is ubiquitous in song writing. Listen to almost any song and the same basic template will be all

Arguably the unspoken mantra of musicians, the


present and correct, but alongside that simple struc-

mnemonic of Keep It Simple, Stupid should be your watch-word when first looking to write a song. No-one is saying you can’t jump straight in and compose a full orchestral score; more power to your elbow if talent has blessed you thusly.

ture will be many off-shoots and stanza’s, bridges and bits that build the song into something more, something unique to the artist.

However, no-body falls out of the womb running and quoting Shakespeare, and by constructing simple structures you gain confidence and capability in your

Listen closely and see how an intro doesn’t always jump straight into a verse

compositions. Each finished song will be both the reward and the inspiration

and a building swell just before the chorus is harder to achieve without a bridge

that push you into creating a new one, and with each new track you will get

before the two. Again, genre and style will determine how you approach your

better at building more rounded, fuller songs as you learn how better to apply

own building upon the basic foundations, and having such a simple and clean

your craft.

foundation to build on helps stimulate the creative juices as you don’t feel so encumbered by having strict rules you feel you need to follow.

They will also become the tool with which you judge your own level of abilities by, your more developed and better trained musical ear showing you where you

Once confident in your composition skills you’ll be off and running and experi-

could have improved those earlier works, what bit didn’t fit quite right, and how

menting with all sorts of time signatures and pace changes like the best of ‘em;

far you have come in composition and writing when compared to when you first

and just like ‘The Best Of ‘Em’ you’ll also want to take a moment or two to…


critique and consider

It’ll become easier to spot where things could’ve been improved with the growth in your musical skill-set, and the confidence you’ll get from being able to hear how your compositions have changed and evolved will not only justify all those


All the pieces are in place and the bridges are sturdy

times when writers block won and the monitor ‘fell off the table and into the

and segue between the verse and chorus and back

wall’, but they’ll also feed the musician within to become stronger, leaner, and

into a swell before leading the whole thing back into

fitter for the challenge of taking a handful of words and an earful of noise and

the next verse; but is it finished? Strictly speaking a

crafting wonders with sound-waves.

song is never finished, constantly evolving with each performance, but the basic ‘finalized’ version of it

If you can whistle you can write a song, and even if you can’t you can learn how

needs to be as close to the sound you heard in your head when you first started

to play an instrument or form a beat and string a line or two together and create

drafting it. So now it’s time to get picky.

something truly amazing.

That killer riff you open the song with is undoubtedly the best thing ever to fall

Remember what we’ve covered here, approach it with an open mind, and before

down the ears of the listener; but does it work quite so well by the forty ninth

you know it that first song will be written and ready to be joined by many more.


Nobody got rich by just whistling, anyway.

…really? BWD Magazine • • 7



s the most recognized brand of e-cigarettes, E-Lites have

Smoking it is just like smoking a real cigarette; the hit you get when

made a name for themselves as the de facto name in vap-

inhaling is obviously unlike that you’re used to from a traditional ciga-

ing. Not intended as a replacement for other forms of NRT,

rette. It’s a lot less harsh for a start, the bite at the back of the throat

E-Lites are nevertheless an increasingly popular alterna-

missing. What it did do was quell my fix for a nicotine hit, however, and

tive to more traditional forms of smoking cessation that

much quicker than I was expecting. With the E-Lite I found that without

offer a remarkably similar experience to that of a real cigarette, but with

that visual reminder of how much was left/would be wasted; I was tak-

the benefits of containing none of the toxic pollutants or choking smoke

ing fewer and fewer pulls and still felt like I’d had ‘a cigarette’.

of tobacco. It feels slightly larger than a real cigarette, too, its solid construction Marketed as a smoking alternative, each cigarette is made up of two key

requiring a much firmer hold in the fingers than I was used to which

components; the white main body of the cigarette and a replaceable

resulted in one E-Lite being lost to the inner workings of a street sweep-

faux filter tip that screw together and present a very real impression of

ing cart as it hit the floor and was whipped away by the whirring brushes

the image of a cigarette– albeit one with a glowing green tip that lights

on the front.

up when you take a pull and flashes to let you know when the battery needs a charge.

After a week of first supplementing, then supplanting my tobacco intake with E-Lite I found my overall dependency reduced; the act of ‘having a

A small vent on the seal between the tip and the battery draws air

smoke’ fulfilled my need for the habitual hand-to-mouth act of smoking,

into the atomizer chamber housed inside the tip, wherein also sits the

and with the small amount of nicotine contained in the tip it certainly

sponge-like material that’s soaked in propylene glycol, nicotine, and

stops that ‘smokers stress’.

tobacco flavours. As you take a pull the atomizer heats up, the solution becomes a vapour, you inhale and voila; simulated smoking.

Stats and Facts *Contains no tobacco, no tar, and no second-hand-smoke smell

Picking the Menthol Flavoured E-Lite Starter Kit, I was surprised to find

*Does contain nicotine, and also contains water, propylene, glycol, glyc-

they didn’t just look like a real cigarette, but did in fact contain nicotine;

erol and flavourings

just in significantly reduced amount to that of a real cigarette (the lowest

*Each tip contains the equivalent of forty cigarettes

strength at 1.6% per ml for Lights and Menthol, whilst Regular strength

*The G9 battery will last an average of between thirty and forty ‘ciga-

is still only a paltry 2.4% per ml).

rettes’ before needing a recharge, and over 300 recharges before needing to be replaced.

Inside the packet there were two replacement tips, one G9 battery core,

*Considerably cheaper than the traditional forms of smoking

and USB charger. Taking a tip and the core I was able to ‘smoke’ straight away – I was sure there would be need of the USB charger before I was

Contact Information:

able to use it, so this was a surprise. Photo Credits: E-Lites - All Rights Reserved

With each E-Lite the equivalent of 40 cigarettes - and with between 300 and 400 charges before each battery needs to be replaced - there’s certainly enough mileage in each ‘Lite’ before needing to worry about running out. 8 • BWD Magazine •


kennie dubb rtist, performer, musician, lyricist and social commentator,

attentions of Jaison Black Rose, an artist of the visual persuasion who

Ken Williams Jr., approaches the mantle of encapsulating

drew inspiration from the lyrics of Kennie Dubb to create accompanying

all these titles and more under the banner of the most

imagery that’s engaging and compelling, as if Cannes held an exclusive

exciting new alternative hip hop artist to ever grace a

unveiling to a new way of seeing the world as described by the words

stage in the great State of New York.

of Kennie Dubb.

Growing up in the North East of the Bronx, Kennie Dubb was unleashed

As a musician you aim to reach the eyes and ears of an audience; as an

onto the world when a ten year old; Ken Williams Jr., had taken one look

artist Kennie Dubb wants to reach the minds and hearts as well, and with

at it and realized it was just waiting for his arrival.

the upcoming release of the hugely anticipated mixtape ‘Unsung Hero’ dawning on the horizon, Kennie Dubb’s fact bringing mission of testing

His platform of hip hop chosen was to be the platform that his musi-

the limits of hip-hop’s vast skies could well crown him the world’s first

cal aspirations would launch from. Kennie Dubb quickly reached and


surpassed the stars in his level of skill and subtle understanding of the

Contact Information:

genre. His lyrics a composition bought on by real life happenings and


personal experience, the imagination behind his lines are often forth-


right and frank, but seldom anything other than explosive and insightful.

Twitter: @KDtheOasis Facebook: KennieDubbMusic

As should be expected from an artist capable of taking himself to the

Photo Credits: Kennie Dubb - All Rights Reserved

very front of the current hip hop revolution, creativity a much-in-demand commodity within the genre and Kennie Dubb seeming to hold the lions share with singles such as ‘Only One Way Up’ and ‘Love (You)’. Blazing a trail across the skies of the music world quickly gained him the attention of the media, with Urban Digital taking a particular interest in Kennie Dubb, cataloguing his activities and promoting his music to an audience that spans the globe. His rise to the heady atmosphere of fame has also bought him to the

BWD Magazine • • 9

inspire, dream, believe, this is what I live by.....


hen the world was informed of the suicide of Kurt

Despite all our advances as a society the subject of suicide is still

Cobain it seemed almost impossible to accept

handled with an almost taboo quality, no clear answers to be given and

the icon of

no firm understanding to be

a genera-

offered by those not affected

tion with

by the individual’s passing.

what seemed to be the perfect

Which is why charities like

life would choose to end it all

CALM (the Campaign Against

in such a senseless and wholly

Living Miserably) are so cru-

unexpected act.

cial to helping prevent such actions being taken and

The unfortunate truth of the

lives being lost.

matter is he was not the first artist with what we call

Focusing on encouraging

‘a perfect life’ to have com-

people to express their emo-

mitted such an unfathomable

tions in a self-constructive,

action; INXS frontman Michael


Hutchence, Joy Division’s Ian

manner-- CALM’s mission

Curtis and Feeder drummer Jon

statement of ‘…showing that

than -destructive,

Lee are just three more of the many well-known and much loved artists

there are many methods of talking about things instead of bottling

to sadly lay claim to the infamy of joining the list of exceptionally tragic

them up, with a pen, a guitar, in a diary or with just meeting friends’

losses to music.

quenched music has stepped up to help, and brought the world of music with them.

10 • BWD Magazine •

xpress Xpress: Album Campaign

c.a.l.m Campaign Against Living Miserably in their own words.... Xpress: The Album is a seventeen track album released as part of the ‘Xpress’ campaign. Xpress is an awareness campaign on behalf of CALM, highlighting the emotional benefits of artistic expression. The album features known acts including The Strokes, The Libertines, Reverend and The Makers alongside The Cold One Hundred, Black Lights, Stalagmites, The Hyena Kill and many more.’ Being one of the best albums to be released this year for sheer quality of music on offer and choice of artists on the list, and with all profits from the album going to the CALM charity, Xpress: The Album represents not just an unbelievable album but one of the simplest, yet possibly most important, donation you could make this year.”

Contact Information: Xpress Team (photo) - left to right, Sam Price (Designer/ArtDirector), Ben Tallon (Xpress Director), Dirty Freud, (Xpress: The Album curator/producer), Danny Allison, (Photographer)

BWD Magazine • • 11

cover story


hen talent matches ambition very little is able to

Lil’ Jon manage to sit comfortably between the launching of his own

stand in the way, as proven in the form of DJ Smallz

brand, turning it into a phenomenon on DJ Smallz ‘to do’ list – along

and his ceaseless list of ever growing music creden-

with playing to packed out houses on a worldwide tour that saw him

tials most other artists can only hope to accomplish.

perform in Canada, Switzerland, Europe and the States.

Florida born but universally known, DJ Smallz stands tall in the hip-

Current projects include working with executive producer and Grammy-

hop field; his passion and intensity for his work reaping the respect

nominated producer Drumma Boy on his latest album, Southern State,

of his fellow contemporaries and an almost rabid following of loyal

the concept of which being described by Smallz himself as Chronic

fans, bringing with them an incredible reception wherever he appears.


As a DJ he has already established himself as being one of the most

With any extra hours in the day Smallz somehow manages to find

exciting leaders in his field, clearly holding the reins of power with a

are filled with working alongside his DJ crew, The Loud Pack, and

firm grip yet deft touch. By successfully launching his own Southern

overseeing his own production company, The Prescription. The media

Smoke brand, Smallz brings with it the reputation his name and music

have also been requesting their own piece of his time with appear-

have rightfully earned, a genuine credibility to the brand that money

ances on MTV’s Direct Effect and appearing within the pages of the

simply cannot buy. Alongside is DJ Smallz own Southern Smoke Radio,

seminal publications in the world of music – including but not limited

which has taken to the airwaves on Sirius Satellite Radio & Dish

to the Rolling Stone, USA Today, XXL Magazine, and widely read and

Network to showcase new talent and fresh mixes.

respected newspapers; USA Today and the New York Times.

In turn this has helped propel both major and independent artists into

His name may be Smallz, but his acumen and entrepreneurial exper-

a worldwide arena, the respect carried by the name DJ Smallz ensuring

tise are showing the world it’ll be the only thing about this hip hop

a level of immediate fan attention to the artists he aligns himself with.

artist that is.

Musically, and collaborations with Big Boi (Outkast), Ludacris and

12 • BWD Magazine •


With a great beard, comes great responsability; Death before Shaving.”

BWD Magazine • • 13


Max’s Guitar Store is one of the successful independent stores finding its

South American Tropical Fish breeding business, Max knew only too well

audience and customer through embracing the online worlds bringing

the long hours and longer days that awaited anyone starting a new busi-

together of people from far and wide into a local community. A bespoke

ness from scratch if they were aiming to succeed; of time spent away from

online musical instrument outlet specializing in high end name brand

the family home and those closest to him in some unspoken and uneasy

refurbished guitars, the focus on affordability for the consumer without

compromise of the lost time being worth the reward in the end.

compromise on the product has earned the company a reputation many businesses would be envious of.

‘I wanted to be able to manage my own time and I wanted to be able to manage my business from any location in the US from a tablet, laptop and

The epitome of embracing the ‘American Dream’ it was after one day


deciding to turn a part-time hobby and full-time passion into a lifelong future that Max’s Guitar Store went from being a ‘Dream’ and started to

A musician himself, Max had already amassed a mental catalogue of guitar

become a reality.

knowledge during his years as accomplished guitarist and enthusiastic collector; talent behind the plectrum meant he understood what people

Already well-educated in the world of finances through his own successful

14 • BWD Magazine •

wanted from their instrument in how it played and felt, the expectations

of a musician looking to invest in what could possibly be the guitar they

‘I started out with the purchase of 5 refurbished guitars. I managed to grow by

wrote their million selling hit single on, and the importance of owning an

investing every penny earned back into the business.’

instrument that feels as perfect in the hand as it does personal in choice. Business experience behind the drive and once vested with a modest capital

Alongside a strong future Max’s Guitar Store has also built a strong reputa-

from a start-up loan, Max’s Guitar Store was launched.

tion, with the list of selected manufacturers they deal with recently growing to include master builders of hand-crafted custom guitars and basses,

Knowing quality of instrument didn’t have to mean lack of affordability, Max’s

Brubaker Instruments.

first step was in securing a reliable source to supply instruments. ‘I’m very happy that I was able to add Brubaker Instruments to my line-up, ‘I came across the website of a centre of used instruments. I contacted the centre

Luthiers that makes basses and guitars for professional musicians.’

immediately and placed my first order for 5 “refurbished” guitars the same day. Those were beautiful instruments, basically brand new without a mark; every

This forging together will see the ties Brubaker has with over thirty of the

single guitar was setup to perfection.’

world’s most well-known and respected manufacturers of guitars strengthening the stores range and also affording its customers that most desirable

Once assured of the products’ quality and the haste with which they sold, Max

of pieces amongst musicians; a hand-made custom guitar. With a wealth of

strengthened the relationship between himself and the supplier by securing

necks and body wood, and any number of pick-up and hardware configura-

him as the stores main source, building the reputation and integrity Max’s

tions to fill up the 100+ hours each instrument has lavished on it during its

Guitar Store has become known for.

build, a lack of imagination really is the only reason you’d be walking away empty handed after a virtual visit.

‘The instruments come from major manufactures and wholesale distributors, discontinued models and or are factory finish 2nd models; overstock & unsold

With interest from several well-known guitar manufacturers encouraging the

first quality new-old stock, or discontinued brands they may have available from

attention of a global market, the continued expansion of Max’s Guitar Store

time to time.’

will soon see it pushing at the edges of its online store.

Interest led to inquiries which in turn led to the placing of orders and even-

Photo Credits: Max’s Guitar Store - All Rights Reserved

tual snow-ball effect of growth in both reputation and stock that has seen


Max’s Guitar Store a business with a strong future.

Twitter: MaxsGuitarStore

BWD Magazine • • 15

Facebook: Maxsguitarstore


st. Kloud freedom and the pursuit of maintaining same is natural


s a former coast guard, Austin St Kloud could be placed

ity stands behind the microphone to deliver an artist’s voice across the entire

into the camp of unsung heroes who make the world a bet-

scope of his work; with only one mind to steer the song. Austin is able to bring

ter place yet see little of the recognition they deserve; if it

you around into his world as if waiting for you to arrive, effortlessly, picking

weren’t for the self-penned and unbelievable album Chloe’s

you up with the fluidity of his compositions and letting you drift through the

Pet Rhino, showing not only can this particular hero sing but

visions of sound and inspirations while revelling in the wonder of it all.

the betterment he brings through his musical enrichment of the world is

‘I want to blaze a new trail for Artistic musicians,’ he reasons when discussing

being widely recognized and acknowledged.

his win with BWD. ‘I want to push down the doors and walls of the sandbox

Born with a natural gift for music, father of five Austin displayed his prow-

they want us ALL to play in.’

ess from a very early age; by age five he’d already surpassed the teachings

To describe is to define, indeed, and though comparisons with such musi-

his father had given him on guitar, and before he was a teenager Austin had

cians as Iggy Pop, Henry Rollins, and even the most singular of musical artists

added bass guitar and drums to the growing list of instruments falling under

Beck are duly awarded without hesitation, it is with some reluctance Austin

his command.

takes such luminaries to heart.

A succession of garage bands throughout high school saw Austin gar-

‘I say never judge a book by its cover. Some have called me a breath of fresh air

ner the experience and insight into performance and composition, though

in a musical landscape void of artists willing to try anything new, but I am just

grow disillusioned by the unmatched level of creativity and passion for

me. I am just a man with goals and dreams like everyone else--Freedom to create

the craft in those around him.

artistic music! ‘

Indeed, such experiences turned

Freedom and the pursuit of

Austin away from the music world

maintaining same is natural to

entirely, the coast guards instead

a hero, drives them to pursue

where he would remain until the

their desire despite and possibly

undeniable impulse to create and

in spite of whatever challenge

perform called him back to the

or trial that may stand in their

shores of sonic waves and reso-

way. Though Austin St. Kloud has

nating soundscapes.

already taken more than a hero’s

The bright lights and big ideals

share of pain in his life, it is in

of Las Vegas became his first port

his music and Chloe’s Pet Rhino

of call as Austin began seeking

we find the anchor that is his

other musicians to create music

inspiration and passion for us all

with. However, after a fruitless

to hold onto.

search, the promise held by those bright lights faded and along with them any thoughts of being able to find the right mix of musicians he could define as his band.

Contact Information:

While tragic in execution, the circumstance with which Austin took the lead and began his career as a solo artist is why Chloe’s Pet Rhino is as unique and thoroughly satisfying an album as it is. The passing of a second born son is an


experience none should have to know the feeling of; though Austin carries the

Twitter: @AustinStKloud

weight of its knowledge, it is within the passion of his music that we see the

Facebook: Chloes-Pet-Rhino

full range of his emotions and talent others had failed to convey. Playing bass and lead guitar, drums and keyboard, this one man band of abil16 • BWD Magazine •

Photo Credits: Austin St. Kloud - All Rights Reserved

I want to blaze a new trail for Artistic musicians,’ he reasons when discussing his win with BWD. ‘I want to push down the doors and walls of the sandbox they want us ALL to play in.”

BWD Magazine • • 17

Rahat Chowdhury broadening his musical horizons From the shadows of the Bronx to the spotlight of the stage comes hip hop artist extraordinaire, Rahat Chowdhury, a musician with a handle on the beat that transcends the proscribed notions of the genre to mix heritage and music into something a little bit more special, more unique and fresh than most others. Having moved from the dusky streets of Bangladesh to the shores of opportunity in the USA, it was within the Bronx’s influential surroundings that Rahat first found his latent musical talent piqued. Practice fed the hunger to improve, quickly seeing him become a rapper held in some regard by his fellow and more experienced contemporizes whilst still only a teenager. An introduction to hip hop by his best friend saw the world shift slightly and Rahat’s focus shift to this new form of creative composing. ‘I started off in my bedroom with a cheap computer mic and no idea what I was doing,’ he immodestly revealed. ‘I feel like I’ve grown so much as an artist over the years.’ It was when first his attentions and then his heart were captivated by the girl who would go on to become his fiancé that the insatiable drive to musical perfection started seeing him standing head and shoulder above his fellow artists on the scene, defining and honing his craft, and realizing the sounds he felt were his emotions; put into music for all the world to experience, as well as, win the hand of the fair maid along the way, too. As an outlet for expression, Rahat found music to be a malleable, almost acquiescent platform to expose the raw nerves of inspiration in an unflinching and uncompromised view. Such was the case behind the phenomenal single ‘A Seraph’s Gift’, the release by Rahat a tribute in the memory of his best friend and inspiration behind his love of hip hop. ‘When blogs or magazines like this one show me some love it really makes me feel like I can do this,’ he says, ‘makes me realize that there are people out there who enjoy my music and believe in my art.’ Currently broadening his musical horizons through expanding into Electronic Dance Mix with the single ‘Anthem Flow’, the prolific Rahat Chowdhury has released yet further proof of his talents with the free to download album, ‘Awakening’- a title that, after experiencing Rahat’s latest display of his artistry within music for the first time, feels very apt indeed.

Contact Information: Website: Email: Twitter: @rahat_music

18 • BWD Magazine •

Facebook: pages/Rahat/256872331043604 Photo Credits: Rahat Chowdhury - All Rights Reserved

bwd records, llc independent music label of the south BWD Records, LLC ‘The Independent Music

Owing to their unique position within the

Label of the South’. Taking over a decade’s

world of music BWD were able to snap up

worth of industry knowledge and experience .

and sign Florida based artist 5 M.I.C-Z to their new label, an artist that brings with himself

BWD Records, LLC - ‘The Independent Music

a level of credibility that owes everything to

Label Of The South’ - is the culmination of

musical talent and dedication and nothing

BWD’s vast expertise in the field of music and

to a cynical self-styled back-story and whose

artist promotion; not content with simply

first release on the label – ‘Head Turna’ – has

waiting to see what single or artist reaches

firmly established the label as serious com-

number one BWD Radio took their position

petition to the established status quo.

of being known globally as the leaders in discovering new indie acts and on the 26th

Continuing to set the standard for others to

of October 2012 launched their own record

follow BWD Radio has proven again the need

label, BWD Records. Dedicated to finding the

to change and adapt in this never static land-

best as-yet unknown talent out there BWD

scape of media and music is key to continued

doesn’t limit itself to one specific genre;

growth and success. Pushing where others

rather it extends its horizons to include all

are content to stagnate is the secret behind

genres such as rock, metal, hip hop and dance

where BWD Radio currently find themselves

amongst others. A smorgasbord of scintillat-

today, and with the launch of their own label

ing new acts are presented under the BWD

in BWD Records it gives you some idea of just

mantle, representing the best of the best and

how far BWD Radio are aiming to go.

most unique in their field, such as you have come to expect from one of the industry’s top

– BWD Records, LLC

media professionals.

‘The Independent Music Label of the South’

BWD Magazine • • 19

V i s i t w w w . B W DR e c o r d s . c o m o r w w w . F a c e b o o k . c o m / B W DR e c o r d s . l l c

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