BWD Magazine - May 2014

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Worldwide Indie Music, Lifestyles, Entertainment Magazine

May 2014

Overnight Collides

six inch ‘Almost There’ To ‘On Their Way’

Not Your Typical Metal

Natasha Watts

Nikolitsa Boutieros

OVER a decades worth of experience and knowledge

tamara bubble More Than Just An Artist To Watch!

buffalo bites Monthly Feature

Features 04 Overnight Collides Not Your Typical Metal

06 New Ents Mentoring A Wealth Of New Talent

10 Audio Kings Of The Third World An Electronic Goodness That’s Incredibly Addictive

16 Natasha Watts A Debut Proving To Be An Eden For The Ears

18 Tamara Bubble More Than Just An Artist To Watch

21 Dirty Gamez The Gravitational Force Behind The Music

22 Nikolitsa Boutieros (Music Review) Imbued With A Pool Of Talents

COVER STORY 12 Six Inch From ‘Almost There’ To ‘On Their Way’

Lifestyle 08 Put It On My Tab Where An Anti-Virus Must Be Considered


5 Tips To Tweet Like A Champ

A Direct Connection To Inform The World

ENTERTAINMENT 20 BWD Radio (Sponsor) Your Top Indie Artist’s ‘Global’ 24/7 Non-Stop Music Radio Station - Commercial Free - #1 in Genre Variety, Live & On Demand Shows, as well as, Monthly Feature Giveaways!

23 Buffalo Bites (Monthly Feature) Over 20 Years’ Experience In The Creative Audio World -- Music Production

2 • BWD Magazine •


last issue

Bridging the gap across all media platforms BWD Magazine is dedicated to turning the spotlight onto the figures and faces, names and in-the-knows hitting the headlines and filling the attentions of the entertainment world. From musicians to models, ground-breaking acts to artists and artisans, imagination is the only limit in BWD’s ambitions in bringing the audiences of the world to the names we feature. With over a decade’s worth of experience in the music industry and a crowd of millions worldwide spreading the word with each new release, BWD has established itself as the leader in its field.

BWD Magazine- ‘Leading Whilst Others Follow’

Editor In Chief V Keach

Associate Editor J Addams

Lead Contributing Writer J Addams

Contributing Writer V Keach

Art Director V Keach

Graphic Artist(s) V Keach, BWD Graphics

Circulation/Sales Officer(s) V Keach/J Addams

BWD Magazine • • 3


hen unbridled energies com-

Describing the self-titled release as ‘...a strong,

bine and focus their attentions

well-conceived debut album which showcases the

on a singular point the pressure

talents of each individual,’ and how it represented

exerted upon the area beneath

...’the collision, and subsequent fusion, of styles,

the energies dedicated scrutiny

emotions, and inspiration truly uniquely

and excitement that

has one of two options; bear the weight as if

their own...’ before succumbing to the overall

we are able to grace

nothing is amiss, or explode in a shower of

majesty of what they were hearing with the

applied physics.

simple…’not your typical metal,’ a promise more

It’s with great pleasure

the pages of BWD Magazine!”

than a preview. With the music industry slipping on its Speedos to dance in the rain of physics-in-action it is to

Having formed as a band in what seems more

Canada and specifically the capital of Ottawa

pre-destined than capricious fate Overnight

Ontario ardent audiences of aural amazement

Collides began when a guitarist named Andrew

travel to trace the cause of the disruption, the

and a drummer called Melissa met for a jam in

results of their investigations revealing at its

the heady year of 2012. With the touch-paper

epicenter the white hot fires burning in the

primed and the universe holding its breath the

hearts and souls of the three piece hard-rock

talent of natural musicianship was sprinkled

band Overnight Collides.

over the brow of former non-bass playing and completely unsuspecting boyfriend of Melissa

With a debut EP of perhaps the greatest showing


of focused energies the bands April 2014 release spent less than a day in the wilds of the web

Drenched in the downpour of sprinkled skills Scott

before the shockwaves of its landing on their

instantly fell into the position of bassist within the

playlists sent reviewers falling over themselves

group, his enthusiastic grasp of the subtleties of the

to be the first to acknowledge what an incred-

instrument a hitherto unknown attribute that was

ible and industry-changing sound awaited your

equal to that of a player many years in practice.

head-banging, horns up approval.

4 • BWD Magazine •

An fusion of styles, emotions, and inspiration which... is truly uniquely their own.

overnight collides

Twenty four hours later and Overnight Collides were a force to be reckoned with looking for a stage to target and audience’s attentions to completely overwhelm with a salvo of sounds. Sending out music meteorites in the guise of self-released demos and singles the mushroom clouds of acclaim caught the eyes and ears of LA based music producer Brian Lanese (Permanent Ability). Able to control the focus of the bands energies resulted in the realization of the Overnight Collides debut, a release so powerful as to promise to punch a hole right through the charts and directly into the silicon and circuits of iPods worldwide. ‘BWD Magazine has given us an opportunity to share with the world the successes we have achieved as a band in the last two years.’ The band said when informed of their feature win. ‘It’s with great pleasure and excitement that we are able to grace the pages of BWD

Looking set to be the tsunami that sends a devastating wave of


genuinely new musical direction to wash away the stagnant mire of the current incumbents clogging up the charts Overnight Collides’ debut release is available on iTunes, Amazon, and CD Baby. Contact Information: Website: Twitter: @OverniteCollide Facebook: OvernightCollides Photo Credits: Alex Lauzon Photography - All Rights Reserved BWD Magazine • • 5



may have the looks, the locale and indeed the

what would the song be.

legends of music pouting across its stages and parading through its streets but it’s Europe that

With a new release on ITunes and Amazon by Vici-Jo titled The Fool

has the legend which underpins the history of

In The Room is already reaching the Top 100 Amazon Dance Download

music; genre defining bands and artists that rep-

AND earning a national UK sponsor!

resent the best or boldest from all genres stand-out as inspirations to hold, benchmarks to reach, and greater heights to be scaled than

exclusive interview

previously thought possible. So where better than to the very beating heart of music’s soul

BWD: Hello and if you’d like to introduce yourself..?

should you go when looking for that next elevation in music’s evo-

Hi! I am Martin from New Ents Records. We are a new start up label in

lution, to the home of tea and crumpets called the United Kingdom

the UK. Although this is a new venture for us New Ents has existed as

and up to the front door of independent record company New Ents.

an entertainment and music company for almost ten years. Our work has focussed primarily around producing bespoke music products plus

Coming at a time when music is seeing a growing surge of apprecia-

the development and mentoring of live artists. Creating our own record

tive audiences discovering retro, disco, and Northern Soul New Ents

label seemed our next logical step and we are releasing our first tracks

finds themselves forerunners in the race to find and deliver music’s

at the end of March.

next big hits and hitters. BWD: You’ve launched into the world of bringing new music and Built around an ethos of affording unsigned artists a chance to be

artists out of the underground and into the spot-light, surely it’s a

seen and heard New Ents actively seeks material for submission and

Herculean task given the wealth of musical talent out there…

a-listen, reviewing and critiquing when requested and informing the

New Ents is a unique company in that we mentor a wealth of new talent

world through the social world of the web which new bands they

and have access to many live venues around the UK. This is a perfect

should be listening to and which up and coming artist is to go see

platform for the launching of new music and artists. Our ethos is to give

before they’re signed and the ticket prices go through the roof.

opportunity and advice to new artists and writers, in particular those with no preconceptions about genre.

Artists such as their discoveries in media producer and composer Will Berger, and Contemporary classics-to-be Vici-Jo and Gaz.

In our view music is music wherever it comes from and in whatever genre it sits.

With the next few weeks seeing the release of two singles from New Ents prepared to replace your current playlist - the first of which

We are simply looking to promote music in all its forms to the public

should already be available on iTunes right now - and backed by a

and most of all to give opportunity and give the record producing expe-

campaign to help bring you even closer to their offerings of aural

rience to new artists as part of our already proven successful mentoring

enlightenment, The ‘Man’ in ‘Many’ if you will, Martin sat down to

of talent. Not only do we provide the means to record singles, we also

speak to BWD Magazine about the new company; about its artists

have the means to promote them through our live gig venues which, is

and interests, it’s history and future, and if the world was a stage

something we feel is fairly unique for a label.

6 • BWD Magazine •

We have carefully chosen great singers and matched them to talented writers

Want’ which is already available on iTunes and Amazon.

to produce new and at the same time retro sounds which, we believe the public will enjoy.

For release details regarding ‘The Fool In The Room’ a retro soul track by Gaz & The Groove, out in May, be sure to follow us at the links provided below.

Vici-Jo is a great example. A former graduate of the world renowned Italia Conti stage school, she has just released her first single ‘Just Do What You Want’. This

BWD: Compared to the cookie cutter approach of the industry New Ents own

is a great 70’s style disco record and perfect for any 70’s night or disco party. She

roster looks to be quite a diverse bunch..?

will shortly embark on a tour of various UK venues where she will be performing

Yes, we do have a diverse set of artists. From Vici-Jo to Gaz & The Groove, Sophie,

her live funk disco set to large audiences which, is a great launch platform for

Will Berger and Funky Punk. Whilst we are a new record label we have produced

her new single and we are delighted that as a result of some modest chart suc-

music in many styles for clients for a number of years; some of which, have

cess has also picked up a national UK sponsor who are championing her single.

achieved good download and CD sales for our clients.

Gaz & The Groove are another New Ents Records project soon to be releasing

These have even included children’s songs! One even made it into the top 20

‘The Fool In The Room’. This track has been skilfully written to mirror the style

iTunes children’s download chart in 2012. This has shown us that there is a

of 60’s soul whilst at the same time having a relevant edge. Gaz is about to

huge potential for original music sales in many genres, some with large loyal

tour abroad and will be back in the UK to launch and promote his single while

followings such as Northern Soul here in the UK. This is why we are looking to

on tour throughout the summer. Any fan of The Temptations or old soul will

promote artists and writers with no preconceptions about music or genre.

instantly fall in love with this track when it is released in May. Other projects and genres we are looking at include 50’s style Rock n Roll, In releasing these singles we are hoping to capture a largely untapped niche

Country and Swing and Pop. Each project will be fronted by talented vocalists

market in new retro sounds.

and promoted through our live venue contacts. At the end of the day music is a business and whilst it is important to maintain integrity in the quality of musi-

Both tracks have been written by Will Berger, a talented new jazz musician and

cianship and song writing, it is also important to know your market and produce

media composer from House Of Noise.

your music accordingly.

BWD: What advantages do you feel New Ents has in being an independent

We are always interested to hear from artists on our Twitter feed and regularly

label that the big-boys of the industry don’t?

review the sounds we hear. We RT a short review and recommendation of those

New Ents Records prides itself on the personal touch. There are literally 1000’s

we like in any genre. Our only restriction is that we don’t review or RT anything

of artists and musicians carefully playing, writing and lovingly crafting their

that contains parental guidance lyrics or inflammatory content.

work only to find that a record company doesn’t even bother to listen or reply. At the very least we believe that an artist’s work should be heard, considered

BWD: Penultimate question time! If the ‘whole world is just a stage’, what

and constructive feedback given wherever possible. The same is true of anyone

would be the soundtrack?

that contacts us from the general public. In short, we are small enough to build

The dream while in bed,

relationships between the artist, label and the consumer.

The scratch of your pen, The tap of your foot,

It is this personal touch that we believe will generate a desire amongst artists

The tune in your head.

and music lovers to support each other. BWD: And finally; what’s next from New Ents? This approach may of course prove more challenging the bigger we become, but

A series of singles by new artists and writers covering a wide range of music

if it is part of our ethos in the first instance then it will inevitably be part of our

styles and genres will be launched through 2014 written by Will Berger and

success of The New Ents Records brand that will continue into the future.

other participating writers. We are now being supported by a national UK enter-

We also have the advantage of being able to consider the niche markets in

tainment and holiday brand titled Park Dean with over 400,000 customers regu-

music that large companies with large overheads and marketing costs may not

larly visiting their venues each year which, we hope will prove a spring board to

be interested in or even be aware of their existence.

even greater success for our artists.

Focussing on smaller consumer groups will allow us to harness the most power-

Contact Information:

ful marketing tool of all ‘word of mouth’. We have already received many messages of support and good will from radio stations, other artists and the public


particularly in these niche areas who are constantly overlooked by new music

Twitter: @NewEntsRecords


Facebook: NewEntsRecords

We have high hopes for Vici-Jo’s 70’s disco style party track ‘Just Do What You

Photo Credits: NewEnts -All Rights Reserved

BWD Magazine • • 7

put it on my tab Getting online is now a fairly simple procedure no matter which platform or device you choose to go surfing on, and with the free platform afforded by the web, long-lost friends need now only stay lost if they don’t accept your invitation. With the online world being quick to change from a warm, cosy bubble to a back-alley of stank and scams with a single misjudged click, it’s with some forethought an anti-virus must be considered, if only for the sake of your spam folder limits. Whilst we’re on the subject of limits there’s an almost unlimited number of apps fighting for your attention and tablet’s precious memory, intimidating the unwary and infuriating the unsure with apps that can be seen but remain forever undownladable, hopes raised then dashed as first the promise of seeing the must-have app sends your finger to the Install image, to desolation as the App store refuses to play ball! So clarity and security and sharing seem to be what’s needed; and fortunately enough, we have all three below.

8 • BWD Magazine •

However, much like a bridge of fairy tale, just underneath the surface lacks


a breed of human, referred collectively to as trolls; argumentative naysayers who will stand in the opposite corner of whatever platform you choose JUST FOR THE SAKE OF IT, a troll of the Twitterverse is far easier to

An anti-virus on your Android should be a day-

deal with than all those Billy-Goats Gruff would have you believe; a simple

one download, as the moment you open your

swipe or click to remove their offending nonsense from your eye and sud-

browser on your new tablet you are opening

denly the world becomes a much brighter place.

your tablet to a world of malware, Trojans, and the kind of hacking known only to the kind of

Through the official app you can look-up, locate, or lurk about the timeline

genius mind trapped within the body of a mis-

of just about anyone and anything the human mind and Hollywood can

understood fourteen year old high school student.


With opinion putting it right up there with the best in the business Avast

From film stars to friends, calligraphists to crazy cat-ladies, all you need

Mobile Security and Internet brings more than its weight to the table in

is an email address to start stalking celebrities and sharing away to your

terms of efficiency, expediency, and interface agreeability; from a full scan

heart’s content; thoughts, opinions, and pictures of your cat wearing a slice

of all memory both internal and external, a schedule to have it regularly

of bread.

snoop around the corners and shadows of your tablets’ memory banks, an anti-theft option that can have you locating your mobile online and then

As a way of keeping in touch with friends, following the latest happenings

locking or even wiping the entire contents of the device... The options

and doings surrounding your most favourite of interests it is unrivalled in

available within the free version is more than sufficient an offering to

popularity, and should be considered an essential download if thinking of

keep the majority of tablet owners safe, secure, and suspicious sectors free.

promoting your band or brand in a free and futuristic mini-media microcosm to a global audience - more of which in this month’s 5 Tips.

A web shield stands between your tablet and the terrors of an untamed internet when online, and when installing apps it will automatically scan

Tablet Market

them for any badness before lovingly writing into the code of your tablets’ inner guts.

What better way to test the limits of both Buy the brains behind the brilliance of this beauty for only a few bucks and

aforementioned apps as well as your friends’

yet further options are unlocked for your gleefully geeky digit to discover.

tolerance of your rampant ‘Share’-ing skills

An app locker to protect that Pac-Man high score, a Geo Fencing so your

than with another option to the stock Android

phone will only operate apps or perform in a pre-determined way if taken a

Google Play Store app.

certain distance away, and even the wonderful caught-in-the-act unwitting selfies of whoever it was that swiped your tablet and is right now having

Featuring a fairly comprehensive lumping together of apps specifically

their face sent through to the boys from The Wire.

optimized for Tablets and the like, Tablet Market cuts the Schrodinger’s Cat of app installation by listing applications that WILL work on a Tablet.

Quick, simple, and with a monthly subscription to unlock all of its Pandora’s Box of goodies, the unencumbered free version is surprisingly more than

Upon launch you are greeted with an indexing of categories highlighted by

capable of keeping your tablet in all its box-fresh tip-top trim.

smart icons; dip-dip-click on wallpapers, media, tools or entertainment, or go straight for the recently added juggernaut of fresh and new.


Swiping from one app description back and into another is a pleasure in piggy/pixel performance, the ease of travel between screens fluid and

Like a bridge between peoples Twitter is the

quick. Arranged on an un-distracting background icons and titles tile across

ubiquitous app synonymous with offering

and down grid-like and clean, the lack of eye-catching back drop helping

everyone a platform to discuss, debate, and -

draw attention to each app individually amongst its grouping, never once a

more often than not - send .JPG’s of cats with

confusing mess of information overload.

their faces jammed into slices of bread. The Pro option delivers the same fine selection of choice albeit advert-free What once was a fairy tale of sci-fi confection is now a realized instant

and improved speed - not much of an incentive to Go Pro, but you probably

soap-box for the vocal to stand and pontificate to the masses without fear

tip your waitress more than the less-than-a-buck price the developers are

of being stoned by objectors or the rain coming down and messing up your

asking, and for once the freebie will be something you actually choose

new -do.

and want.

BWD Magazine • • 9


ake the best night of your life and add your greatest achievement to date; multiply by the feel

exclusive interview

good factor of every neuron and synapse firing at the same time as if infused with pure caffeine,

BWD: Greetings and the Audio Kings Of The Third World are..?

mix with a healthy serving of electronic goodness

Johnny O Vocals, James Hall Guitar, Jack Cannon on Guitar, Keyboards,

and sweet, sweet punk and the resultant wave of

Bass and Samples.

complete emotional awe and enjoyment would need to carry a Surgeon General’s Warning of contents being incred-

BWD: From hooks that drag you in to loops that run around your

ibly addictive.

head for days; how do the Audio Kings Of The Third World create such a sound? Admit it; it’s witchcraft, right?

It is surely only a matter of time before such a label finds itself

It’s more elfin magic and middle earth potions. Ok it’s more a laptop.

on Philly Underground Records very own Audio Kings Of The Third

We decided early on that if we were really going to make music then

World latest release the Space Punk EP, an eclectic mix of the bands

it was going to be something

signature fusing of beats,

different with our own sound.

loops, guitars and synth to

We enjoy the mix of primi-

immerse the ears in a wall of

tive with futuristic and like

post punk sound and audio

to combine the two whenever


possible, like Garage Rock with Dance beats and Opera sound

Having burst out the base-

effects. We started out using

ment and broken into the

a drum machine because our



practice space was so small

Philadelphia band have ignit-

that when we were trying

ed the dry fields of familiar-

out drummers they were so

ity awaiting the music lover

loud it almost hurt. The drum


with an explosive eructation

machine progressed to laptop

of emotion fuelled fervour and fancy, expertly crafted and effort-

and samples. So we can get a much bigger sound when we play live

lessly delivered within their EP release.

and not have to compete with the drummer. Listen to us loud and you will hear all sorts of stuff.

Intrigued and inquisitive of this one-band tsunami of sound who recommend you ‘Set your Rock N’ Roll Phasers to Stun’, BWD

BWD: Could you tell us a little about the Space Punk EP?

Magazine took itself off to seek out Audio Kings’ Johnny Oates and

It’s a five song EP we released on BandCamp. Half of our set list is

Jack Cannon to find out more about the band; explore the themes

dancier and the other half is garage rock. We wanted to release an EP

behind their music and their stylistic sound, the stun within the

of garage rock early in the year just to see what we could do with it.

stunning and which Captain is their Captain.

Jupiter is the song we have had the longest and it’s a fun rocker with a catchy little lead. She – did really well on a comp we were on for Garage Punk, so we put that on.

10 • BWD Magazine •

Audio Kings Of The Third World Sky Was Red is a song about a crazy apocalyptic dream I had. I dreamt I awoke to a red sky and aliens were running around shooting everyone with ray guns and if they shot you, you would grow antlers. Crazy. Camera is a heavy art project of a song. It features a heavy bass riff, sonic guitar sounds and a keyboard riff I tried to reinvent from the first Resident Evil movie. As for 8Bit Man, I wanted to write a song using sound effects from the likes of Atari, Commodore and Gameboy. Hence the 8bit part. BWD: Without wishing to inflate your ego’s too much Audio Kings Of The Third World music feels richer, deeper, a single listen sufficient for enjoyment but repeated plays really showing the depth of the compositions. Thanks. That’s a nice compliment. Each of us has a deep love for all things music and are very eclectic in what we listen to. So I think if you came out to see us live you would hear all of that in our music. Whether it’s Garage Rock, Punk, New Wave, Electronica or 60’s Psyche - we try to mesh together the primitive with futuristic. BWD: Penultimate question time! Our Rock n’ Roll phasers are ready and set to stun, but of the two, which Captain is better; Kirk or Picard? It would have to be Kirk. Picard is getting so old he is in a wheel chair with a metal helmet on, while Kirk is young again and traversing the galaxy with a star ship full of hot chicks. You do the math. BWD: And finally; what’s 2014 looking like for Audio Kings Of The Third World? We have a few shows lined up this spring. There are about 4 or 5 compilations coming out that we will be featured on. Little Stevens Underground Garage Radio Show will be playing Jupiter and 8Bit Man starting in April. So if you have Sirius XM, listen for us. We also have an important benefit for Autism we are involved in to provide autistic children with instruments and lessons – ELEPHANTS FOR AUTISM MUSIC FESTIVAL MAY 16-18 2014. In addition, we are working on another EP to be released late in the year. It’s looking to have more electronica.

Contact Information: Website: Twitter: @AudioKings3w Facebook: AudioKings3w

Photo Credits: Audio Kings Of The Third World -All Rights Reserved

BWD Magazine • • 11


f we are to continue our evolution as human beings we must be mindful of where our race to the future is leading us. Mistakes set to rent asunder our charging feet can be spotted and avoided if one eye is kept on the teachings of our past.

Decisions made in haste are often mistakes repented at leisure, and if history shows us anything then it is how one man can make a difference. The figureheads whose passions drive the faith of their convictions and emotions of their beliefs into the consciousness of their audience, enchants them to their cause with an emboldening call to form en masses, be of one mind, follow and be led by a voice speaking truths and integrity and certain of their step underfoot. As if epitomizing that very thing an unassuming rock trio found that, whilst creating music worthy of their contemporaries approval, they

Cover Story

were missing a certain something; ability and talent were plentiful in supply, but it was when vocalist Andy Moisio knocked on the door, stepped up to the microphone, and laid his vocals across the surface of music and mind behind the direction of the band that the incredible breakout group Six Inch went from ‘almost there’ to ‘on their way’. Broadening the bands sound and taking it to the next level saw Andy develop his vision of incorporating a more melodic, enriching sound to

six inch Website: Twitter: @SixInchBand

the bands already captivating sound. Bringing a soul of sounds in the form of keyboards and violin in 2012 saw Pinja and Nestori swell the bands ranks, lending strings and synth respectively to the ever growing

Facebook: SixInchBand Photo Credits: Six Inch Band - All Rights Reserved

wash of emotive engorgement. With bassist Risto joining the group in late 2013, and guitarist duo Completely replete with an army of aural artists the band set about Dey and Kalle coming on board with six strings ready to re-write refining and defining their sound through an unending slew of live the rule-book Six Inch emerged from its internal re-shuffling’s

shows and appearances, touring Finland and Spain and broadening with a new-found energy and unbridled compulsion to rise beboth their sound and fan-base in equal measure. yond the limited horizons of their contemporaries, above all who Once home and honed the band took themselves to the studio and ap-

had come before.

plied their artistry to their debut release, the single Melancholic Whis- Now almost Legion in number with a healthy seven members and per of Life exposing the captivating creativity of Six Inch past its own rumblings of plans already in the works for a follow up second shores and across the world.

album release Six Inch took time out from leading the charge

of change to sit and talk awhile with BWD Magazine about their With a limited run of only one hundred and fifty copies of the band’s music and muse; how their sound has grown and developed and debut album smashed through the radar and firmly into the public’s what we can look forward to hearing from their future endeavview, earning the band the Akademia Music Award in Rock/Hard Rock ours, and possibly even get a poetic ending. category. Accompanying the award with the video for the track Whore of the Med-

exclusive interview

ical Science director Arttu Talvitie revealed the images within the band’s sound, creating a stunning display of powerful imagery as unique as BWD: As you go so shall we follow, but first; please, introduce Six Inch the music itself. to us. Six Inch started as a talented but quite ordinary dark rock trio back in 2010.

With the bands second video Wound Torn Bride - also directed by Arttu Then Andy Moisio joined the group and with his intimate and personal voice - the critics fell over themselves in awarding acclaim at Six Inch’s feet, took the place in lead vocals. their impact felt far and wide and furthering their worldwide grip of audiences’ attentions. 12 • BWD Magazine •

After a few demos and EP’s Andy had a vision of more unique, melancholic and

a bit different music taste but I think it’s a great thing for a band as long as we

mysterious sound. For that vision Andy wanted to have a violinist and a keyboard

can find the mutual note.

player so at the end of 2012 Pinja (Violin) and Nestori (keyboards) joined the band to make it more complete. They were ready to make their first album with

BWD: Your first album feels almost like a teaser of things to come, a taste of

dark and powerful elements combined with cinematic ambience. Before releasing

the sublime with promises of an even greater sound on your second album..?

the album Six Inch took to the road and played lots of gigs mainly at rock clubs

The Second album will be very important and we’re really working to make a

in Finland but also a small tour in Spain which was great because the band had

deep impact with it. I’m quite sure it will show some good results in the end.

always wanted to become international. Six Inch also released its first single

The first album was a bit unthought-of. We had some songs and wondered why

“Melancholic Whisper of Life” from the debut album. It was a limited edition of

not just record them and in the end we had an album. This time we’ve already

only 150 copies and later it won the LA based Akademia Music Award in Rock/

done demos and from those we’re starting to pick songs which will go through

Hard Rock Category.

a process of arrangement and producing before being recorded again. I think we will have more thought of, more mature, and more diverse music on our second

After the single had been published and received well the band finally signed its

album compared to the first.

first record deal with Italian label “DA-Records” and the debut album came out in the summer of 2013. At the same time Six Inch pulled out their first music video

BWD: Having already taken the band from the confines of its home-town

for the song “Whore of the Medical Science” and pretty soon after that the second

and out across Europe, how has your music been received by the different

music video “Wound Torn Bride” both directed by talented Arttu Talvitie, where


our audience took the album nicely and also the critiques were great. After the

Firstly, I’d like to say that we’re not really affected by public reaction; at least not

first album the band hit the crossroad and as a result they had do some line-up

on a conscious level. We’re trying to focus on doing our own thing and hope that

changes in late 2013. Andy’s good friend Risto joined to play the bass and they

listeners will also like it so that we could do it bigger in the future. People have

found Dey and Kalle who formed a young & dynamic guitar duo. With new energy

always said to me that we have such an ’international sound’. Maybe it explains

in the band Six Inch is now getting ready to come up with album #2 full of aces

why people outside Finland have found us more interesting than Finnish people

on its sleeve.

- at least I feel like it - maybe it’s just the shy characteristics of Finns compared to enthusiastic people in Latin America for example. Anyway, we’re happy that

BWD: From the first opening strains to the last few refrains there’s a unique-

people outside of Finland have found us too because we’re also hoping to tour

ness to Six Inch’s sound that defies easy comparison.


Our sound has already gone through a few revolutions. First there was a huge change when the violin and keyboards was added to the mix for the first album

BWD: Are there any future plans to take the band even further afield in the

and then there was a forced line-up change where we had to have a new bass

future; perhaps across The Pond and onto the shores of the States..?

player and new guitar players and the overall sound changed again quite a lot

For me it seems that the US will be one of the main areas for us but it needs a lot

and now we’re getting ready to deepen things up for the second album. I think we

of work to actually come there, but we’d love that. We need to build a bigger fan

have quite a unique thing going on and I haven’t actually heard people compar-

base. Hopefully we could get the second album to be released in the States also.

ing as so much to other bands. While there is definitely some vibes of older Korn,

Meanwhile, I hope everyone gives our debut a chance. It’s available on Spotify

mixed with some Marilyn Manson, but then we took all these main ingredients

for example!

and threw them to blender with some Danny Elfman (and other great soundtrack composers as well), gothic influences and finally spiced it all up with hint of

BWD: And finally! Finish this poem; Roses are red, Violets are blue..?

Nightwish and even pop elements. In a member level we all bring our own thing

While laying on my cozy grave.... I’m not asking anything new...Within the

to the table. We all have different kinds of musical backgrounds and we all have

shattered memory of yesterday....The colors of the flowers slowly fades away

BWD Magazine • • 13

5 Tips To Tweet Like A Champ Back in the early eighties we were encouraged to ‘let our fingers do the you underestimated the severe lack of imagination people show when walking’ and to ‘reach out and touch’, telecommunications encouraging picking names and the random name generator actually spitting somethe people of the world to connect and converse and speak long into thing use-able out its algorithms, it’s time to make some noise! the night on telephones nailed to the wall with numbers you had to physically dial.

By adding people!

Now we have several laws discouraging the random touching of strang- So a search of people you know adds a handful of followers; then another ers as well as the kind of freedom to interact with the people of the search based on things similar to what your brand/product is adds several world wherever and whenever we choose. Social platforms have become more friends to that list. Then publications covering the area you’re curthe new garden fence with which to lean upon, mull over the passing of rently invested in, followed by shows, YouTubers, ‘Zines and Celebrities the day on a soap box of silicon and in no more than one hundred and because, ‘know...they MIGHT re-tweet! - and before long you should have forty characters.

a healthy mix of brands you wish to have an association with and an audience of followers interested in such brands.

As a direct connection to inform the world of the web en masse your timeline is a free and wholly personal advertising space of limitless Don’t just follow or add for the sake of it; a few dollars will buy you far potential, a genuine leveller of a blank canvas for anyone and everyone more followers than all your hard clicking efforts can manage with a lot to avail themselves of and proceed to start getting with the connecting. more success in growing your numbers, and if it’s really important you give the impression lots of people like you then there’s a budget to suit

However, where to begin winning the war of words on the web and turn- your pocket out there amongst the many, many insta-follow services. ing missives into money, and characters into cash? Being able to see the wood for the trees can be difficult when swamped with the potential of Choose people or brands that have some connection with what you are the platform, so let’s take a deep breath, calm ourselves a while, and, with trying to promote, as the association and similarity will bring a better a sweet tea close at hand and a selection of biscuits to dunk, here are 5 view to your brand than having @SchoJoe332 re-tweet your advert for Tips to help you get started and see you Tweeting Like A Champ.

Select and Connect

Discount Friday for the third time that day. Try to reply to any messages as quickly and succinctly as possible, and always remember to keep it friendly but professional; a ‘Hi’ is fine. A ‘Yo, ho!’ is not.


Freshly signed up and logged in and stuck with an ‘@’ name that’s sort of what you were after, sort of a compromise of what you actually wanted with a string of random numbers on the end because

14 • BWD Magazine •

Attract, Don’t Distract


A few tweets a day replying to messages and

Use some common-sense, think before you tweet, and re-read before send-

commenting on daily events is fine - a four thou-

ing it out.

sand word diatribe on why the girl Cyrus has

Build Connections

finally cracked the secret of mediocrity to a level as yet un-fathomed by big brained scientists and the tattle column of the local rag is both uninter-

esting and unnecessary in drawing attention to your brand. Comments should be kept to a level you feel comfortable in defending


Remember those who re-tweet or favourite your tweets; check-in on what they’re sending out to their own followers edification and see where the

should they be challenged; if the best answer you can give to the above

chance to promote may lie. If it’s a music maga-

scenario is essentially ‘because I said so’ then congratulations! You have

zine or website and you have a single about to be dropped, then clearly

successfully lost all your privileges to the world of grown-ups and people

we’re talking a ‘hand in glove’ perfect fit situation. Messaging an abattoir

taking you seriously.

about your latest range of vegan sandals is unlikely to be of interest to the sausage makers of the world nor be worth the cost in internet allowance

Make a few simple adverts on Notepad or similar app to have an instant

in sending it. Speaking of common-sense stuff, drop a ‘@’ name from your

copy n’ paste message to send out; jot down things you think may be

connections into a tweet every now and then. Obviously, be specific; choose

of interest to your followers and actually spend some time constructing

a connection likely to find favour with what your message contains - don’t

those 140 characters in Shakespearean gold. A bit of time and effort now

overstate what you’re trying to say in your message either, as a few simple

will save time and effort in the long run, as well as the loss of any dignity

words (with a link) will be considered easier to read and thus more likely

should a misspelled word sends your tweet around the world for all the

to be read, and likewise sent along their own timeline and out before the

wrong reasons.

eyes of your possible new audience.

The World Is Watching

You can set up an auto-tweeting app on your account, set it to send out missives at precisely timed moments during the day, but a warning: If left unchecked in just how heavily you rely on such app’s you run the risk of having a timeline that’s nothing but automated cold selling reminding your followers that your request for their friendship was nothing more than a chance to sell them some new magic beans.


As easy as it is to remember it’s easier again to forget that every message you send out can be read by anyone with an internet connection and a Google close-by. Too many public figures and celebrities have attempted to maintain

Used responsibly and they’re as useful as you make them, an easy way to

the human touch with their fans and maintained their own social media

increase your promoting without being too over-bearing. Search up the

accounts, only to fall foul of the old adage of ‘open your mouth, close your

best for what you want it to do and get that thing set-up and working,

eyes, and you will get a big surprise’. By all means, have an account for

ready to regale the reader with informative tweets should you fail to find

sharing pictures of cats wearing sliced bread - what we shall call your ‘You’

anything work talking about in what’s currently trending.

account - but also have one you want the world to think of as showing you to be the best thing since sliced bread was worn by cats - what we shall



refer to as your ‘Better’ you.

Keeping abreast on current trending topics or

Your ‘You’ you complains about work, invites friends to join them in Battery

hash-tags and finding a way to mention them in

Farmer Online, and generally lets the world know when they get a bug up

your posts will increase your chances of being

their ass regardless of whose listening or if anyone cares.

found through searches of a particular theme; a sly mention of a sporting win here or an opinion

Your ‘Better’ you is the face of your business, the representative of your

on the latest number one single in the charts will help your brand reach

product, the image you project for the world to see and judge accordingly.

new audiences whilst maintaining a contemporary and ‘current’ appeal to

How you use your timeline will define how the internet sees and treats

your followers.

you; constantly fill your 140 characters with links to where people can buy/ download/send-you-money will make you come across as an un-interactive

Avoid anything mourning the loss of a celebrity or a joining of forces

advert. Throughout some similar focussed info or links you think compli-

against negativity in the aftershocks of a tragedy UNLESS it is a true heart

ments your own brand and you become a content generator for others to

felt show of empathy. Saying how sad you feel for the loss of ‘Funny Man’

save time looking for things to be interested in by checking-in on your

Doug McCluckin’ Trukk, and how the world will be less rosy for his loss is

timeline and seeing what’s what.

fine. Suggesting the bereaving fans buy a personalized heat-reveal mug showing in painful detail just how Doug Trukk earned the honorific of

Your ‘Better’ you doesn’t troll, get involved in arguments over their timeline,

McCluckin’ from your website to commemorate the event is not.

and always ALWAYS checks any links before re-tweeting them out! BWD Magazine • • 15


With a voice likely to become the voice of her

become the benchmark for those wishing to follow in her foot-

genre Natasha Watts has finally revealed her

steps, a road map if you will to the very centre of expressive self-

abundant talent to the masses with her long

belief and emotive illustration of life, loss and lamentation and

awaited and much anticipated self-titled debut


album. With the industry already churning up a path to her front door

As one of the United Kingdom’s brightest new musical lights

with the likes of Papa Records, Kaidi Tathum (Bugz In The Attic),

Natasha has already caused a stirring in the circles of singer/

Purple Music, Josh Milan, and many, many more thundering up to

songwriters worldwide, her emotionally charged lyricism and

knock the wood-work and engage her talents for themselves BWD

expertly crafted fusing of melody, mood, groove and gravitas

Magazine hitched up our caravan to the donkey and set out to

thrusting her into the attentions of her contemporaries as an art-

the shores abroad with an ‘X’ on our map sub-titled ‘Natasha Watts

ist whose position in the charts is destined to be at the number

Lives Here’ and our Mr T Sat-Nav informing us it ‘...pities da fool

one spot.

that don’t take a left!’ to ask about her debut album and how it all came about; the legend behind the lady and situations behind the

With her first single

soul, and even brushing on

Show Me resolutely

the topic of soul.

washing the UK Soul scene clean of the

‘Natasha Watts’ is available

ascribed styles of

through SedSoul world-

her contemporaries

wide now.

Natasha followed up her debut statement of intent with the Summer 2012 smash hit Back 2 U, produced by Ric Atari and taking her from the underground and into the charts. Based around her own experiences and the culmination of six years of focussed dedicated effort the Natasha Watts album is a debut proving to be an Eden for the ears, taken from the very soul of her emotions; a desirably rich sound it

EXCLUSIVE interview

evokes the fragility of femininity whilst expressing the strength in same, to be recognized as both powerful and precious, deliberate

BWD: Hello, and if you’d like to introduce us to the sensational

yet demure.

Soul Sista herself..? Hey Guys! I am Natasha Watts.

Produced by noted Modern Soul giants Frank Ryle and Cool Million himself Rob Hardt Natasha has already seen three singles

BWD: After collaborative works with other artists and musicians

released from the album break through the top ten Soul Charts,

you’ve finally revealed an album that is entirely Natasha Watts..?

with both Born A Star and Go Slow alerting the masses to her calls

I started writing the album over 2 years ago ... I never set out with

with third single Change taking the coveted number one spot.

a plan just a vision that I wanted to be my own artist with my own sound that people could relate to. It’s been an amazing journey get-

Having rounded out 2013 with Soul Survivors Magazine Best New

ting to this point and the people who have helped me to get there

Soul Act award the unveiling of her debut album looks set to

are all amazing in their own way. For me to be able to write the song

natasha watts 16 • BWD Magazine •

I did on the album… the music had to be on point, Cool Million… get

BWD: Appearances at the top of the charts and awards from the


industry itself; not bad for an artist only just releasing their first album..?

I have always wanted to sing, from a young age it’s been a dream.

It’s a full time job keeping up to date with my social media, but it’s a

Sometimes in life things don’t always go to plan so you have to take a

given you have to run it like a business, effectively. I am the CEO of

different road to get to your destination and sometimes it takes much longer than you would have liked but eventually you reach the goal

my own business and if I do not make sure I am here, there and every-

that you set out to do many years before.

where no one else will. I am very lucky that I have great supporters who really believe in what I do and all wish me success!

I had a dream. I believed in myself and have so far achieved what I’ve set out to do. I have been lucky enough to come into the world of Cool

BWD: From what we hear 2014 looks set to be an extremely soul-

Million and it’s been because of them that my life has changed!

ful one..? I think you are right. I have already been on a major high with the

BWD: With such a wide reaching depth of expression and talent

release of the album and now I have multiple shows, and I love per-

how did you manage to restrain yourself to only twelve tracks on

forming shows. It’s my favourite thing in the whole world. I will be

the album?

having my first full show at the famous Jazz Cafe in Camden on the

What a great question. To be honest I never wanted to write a load

22nd of June 2014. I can’t wait myself and with a full band! I think by

of songs and then have to decide which one would stay, etc. so I only

September I will be back writing for the next album and again I can’t

wrote 13 and 1 got dropped. I think I was pretty lucky that I liked all

wait for that! I am also playing Margate Soul Weekender. This is a

the tracks so it made it a lot easier for me at the end. I do believe that

new event only been going for a few years but already it’s becoming a

there is something for everyone on the album. I have tried to make an

mecca for the soul scene!

album with at least 8 single worthy tracks. I hate when I buy an album and there are only 1 or 2 tracks that I enjoy. My favourite track on the

BWD: And finally! Finish this sentence: Don’t wipe your feet on my

album is called ‘Born a Star’. This track is written for my mother who

soul and I won’t..?

passed away 6 years ago. I wanted a track on there for her but I never

piss on your parade!!!!! Hahahahhahaha!

wanted it to be a typical ‘aww she left, I am sad, blah blah blah,’ so I wrote about stuff she would always say to me. It’s from the heart and I love singing this one live. My next track that I love has to be ‘Good

Contact Information:

Love’. This feel good vibe always gets the crowd going and there is something about watching people getting down to a track that you


have written, I don’t think I will ever tire of that! I have written some

Twitter: @natashawatts

slower tracks on the album to which I have to say again capture that

Facebook: natashawattssinger

old style of, end of the night find a partner and have a good old dance.

Photo Credits: Natasha Watts - All Rights Reserved

BWD Magazine • • 17


n a world where everybody has a voice and is intent on

Delivering a live show to match her uncompromising aural performance

getting it heard it takes a certain kind of voice to be heard

showed Tamara as an artist as comfortable commanding a crowd as she

clearly above the hubris and hub-bub of incidental back-

was a natural behind the microphone, her genre-straddling set bringing

ground chatter clamoring for our attentions and cluttering

lovers of R&B and Soul together with those who favour a more Pop or Jazz

up our playlists.

flavor in their tastes of talented tempting tinctures, an audience as one in appreciation of the song.

To effortlessly stand out and be the center of attention without false hyperbole or arrogant entitlement takes more than mere talent alone; it requires

Demand for her presence has seen Tamara’s calendar filled with engage-

an emotional connection with the inner soul of song, and the confidence to

ments both on stage and off, the moguls of the media clamoring to fill the

know that ears will turn to the succor of song if said song is sweeter than

pages of their publications with words dedicated to extolling the various

the offerings of others.

virtues of Tamara’s tumultuous talents. Not to be left behind in exposing such a fresh fandango

Needing nothing more than a

of fantastic follies to

whisper of her voice to over-

the masses the big-wigs

come the largess of loudness

of television weren’t

surrounding her Tamara Bubble

slow in seeing her cap-

is threatening to turn the world

tivating their audiences

of music upside down and eight

before the cameras of

ways sideways with a voice that

such giants as NBC TV,

offers an oasis of calm within

the worldwide call for

the chaos, a moment of manna

her song impossible for

in music.

the industry to ignore.

Whether singing sonnets of

Firmly on the map and

expressively soulful release or

threatening to topple

leading the lyricists of hip-hop



through her masterclass of rhyme and remonstration this Brooklyn born

Tamara’s latest release Cut The Check has delivered yet another shot of

bombshell of a bard encapsulates what it is to be an artist at home within

much needed musical munificence to the world, an anti-dote of digital

the tone and replete in the beat.

decadence to the dross and din of vapid ‘chart sensations’ and copy-cat caterwaulers.

Having first donated her gift of song as a child in her church choir Tamara soon found herself moving out of the crowd and under the spotlight, her

With an uncompromising artistic taste to match such an unparalleled talent

emotionally charged vocals seeing invitations to perform live before awe-

Tamara Bubble is more than just an artist to watch; she is the only artist

struck audiences at the Williamsburg Music Festival, the A3C Festival, and

to watch.

even securing the stage at that most grandest of venues, the Apollo Theatre itself. 18 • BWD Magazine •



Contact Information Website: Twitter: @ TamaraBubble Facebook: TamaraBubble Photo Credits: Andre Michael Photography Manny Mac Productions All Rights Reserved

BWD Magazine • • 19

BWD RADIO is available on iTunes & Google Play! DOWNLOAD BWD RADIO’S HOT MOBILE APP

BWD Radio IS Your #1 Variety Station Spinning The Hottest Indie Music Artists of Today!! Non-Stop Music 24/7! All Genres! No Commercials! Your ON THE GO Station!

20 • BWD Magazine •

dirty gamez What measures can be used to weigh the true worth of a man? Is it

ence, some soul, and a lot of heart’ striking resonant chords within the

by the company he keeps or the actions he undertakes? The legacy

world’s soul and of their audiences worldwide.

he will leave or the impact on others his presence in their lives has? So for those with uncertainties remaining over how one’s worth is Perhaps it is all these things and yet even more besides, the inef-

truly understood of its value it is to JS and Enternal we turn, Bosh

fable measurement ascribed to gain insight into worth subject to

Gramz and Lazy B, Yellaboi and MakMurda amongst others we turn

the conditions placed upon them by those doing the weighing.

to illustrate that true worth is weighted by those who give us a measurement to be weighed against.

Better, then, to save the judgment of others to those who feel honorary enough to be so judged, and consider the words of cumulative

With the collective weight of worth offered within the combined

force Dirty Gamez who put aside such discriminations of the fear-

number of its members, it’s with no qualms we offer the notion that

ful and remind us that true worth is shown, rather than speculated

when the universe is finally mapped to its fullest Dirty Gamez will be


the gravitational force right at the very center of the orbiting stars.

Consisting of an army of aural auditors that number some twenty four voices in force Dirty Gamez is more than a Hip Hop Urban group;

Contact Information:

it is a finely studied science of lyrics and beat, rhythm and soul, that speaks of experience earned through the living of life in all its


oft-times ungainly moments, to emerge as artists in understanding,

Twitter: @kodirtygamez

sooth-sayers of song.

Facebook: KO-DirtyGamez Photo Credits: Dirty Gamez - All Rights Reserved

Delivering a three-dimensional beat for the ears to explore and


matched with the lyricism of insight afforded to those who bear no false pretense to the experience they speak Dirty Gamez holds nothing back in exposing the multitude of talent within their grasp, their unequalled drive proving them to be the most prolific groups in the State. In showing their worth to be weighted with wisdom the group has seen over four hundred thousand clamoring hands grab for their label releases, the groups ideology of music as ‘...emotion, a little sciBWD Magazine • • 21

Nikolitsa Boutieros


rom the center of the universe known as The Big Apple and

Consumptive and consuming Under The Moon was a three year

ready to take a substantial bite out of the many pieces of pie that

investment in creating, such music as to move throughout the

make up the media world comes multi-talented artist Nikolitsa

tangled wires of the human heart, able to draw and pull the

Boutieros, a laureate behind the lens and artisan of the air-waves.

listener into her world with the same passions conveyed by her camera on canvas.

With a reputation for having set an intimidatingly high bench mark for others to wistfully attain Nikolitsa’s natural insightful-

Having earned industries attentions and collected critical acclaim

ness for capturing the essence of a subjects soul through a

like baseball cards Under The Moon is an adventure through the

camera’s lens has seen her work snapped up to grace the pages

impossible, an escape to an unseen world of wonderful wisdom

of worldwide publications such as Time Out and Spin, witnessed

laid out for your consideration and consumption and we are very

Hollywood’s finest queuing up to become the next awed canvas

much welcomed indeed.

of imagery staring down from high galleries across the land - legends such as Patti Smith and Nick Cave just two of Tinsel Towns

5 out of 5 Stars

Titans submitting themselves to her unnerving understanding of creating magisterial imagery of iconic allure. Imbued with a pool of talents hiding a depth as ceaseless as the impact of her images Nikolitsa has revealed another side of her prolific personality, that of musical manipulation of a muse unceasing in imagination and singular in design with album release Under the Moon. Nikolitsa and the Comrades is the self-fronted outlet responsible for releasing the results of her driving muse, the Brett Hestla produced album an amalgamation of emotions made flesh through the sounds of experience and written in the language of emotions brought to life. Contact Information: Combining the energies of punk, the expression of alternative, and a multitude of melody Nikolitsa and the Comrades deliver an unbelievably rich aural canvas of sights and sounds, Nikolitsa’s vocals a guide through the voracity of a verdant soundscape.

Website: Twitter: @Lafemmeritz Facebook: Nikolitsa-Boutieros Photo Credits: All Rights Reserved

BWD Magazine • • 22

buffalo bites monthly feature Ever wondered what can make a great recording better?

In this session with talented young Birmingham (UK) band, Malone Malone, we found ourselves with three days to track two songs so

Well, that’s not an easy one to answer. All sorts of things make

there was time to experiment a little. In our previous session we’d

music sound better, from a naturally gifted performer who’s worked

wrung the life out of ourselves and the studio to complete one

hard to perfect their art to the ‘right’ combination of instruments

track in a day, which sounds pretty good but this time we could

and sounds, and the equipment used to record, mix, and edit these

make it sound more ‘expensive’, lol!

factors. Tom Wild, Foel’s in-house engineer had been playing with room Music (in most cases hopefully) comes from the heart and is

sounds and suggested we give it a go, ever happy to try another

expressed in a very personal way. Every nuance in breath, pitch,

engineer’s recommendations (especially someone who’s spent

timing and timbre combines to make the performance.

some quality time experimenting in that particular studio) we set about mic’ing the drum kit with close mic’s in the usual way.

But what about ambience? I’m not talking about the elusive ‘vibe’ that artist’s want, this time I want to explore the sounds ‘around’

We’re spoiled with two great rooms at Foel, being a converted barn

the sounds... Are you with me?

there are high apex ceilings with two main live rooms and a stone floored corridor providing plenty of scope for ambient mic’ing.

I’ve spent years recording bands with a very dry sound. When I say ‘dry’ I mean very little room sound, with the express intention of

Once we had at least one mic positioned close on each drum, hi-

having an intimate vocal or an absolutely in your face guitar tone,

hats and overheads, we began mic’ing the larger of the two rooms

something that seems to jump out of the speakers at the listener.

which was empty except for a piano. We used a beautiful Neumann

It’s also been a factor of time in a lot of cases as there isn’t always

SM69 Valve stereo mic, just forward of central and facing the kit.

the chance to re-amp or record an instrument in isolation to utilize

Being that the drum kit is projected out through a large double

a nice sounding space. Of course there are hundreds of artificial

doorway, this central stereo mic in line of sight of the kit will serve

reverb plugins and hardware, Altiverb by Audio Ease and Lexicon

to collect a more distant but reasonably stereo image of the drums

respectively make incredible sounding spaces from a variety

and cymbals than close mics and overheads alone.

of methods from Impulse Response recording in real spaces or complex mathematical algorithms, or both to give the listener a

A few feet behind the Neumann we added a pair of large dia-

perceived environment in which the sound ‘exists’.

phragm capacitor mics placed a few inches from either side wall or facing the wall. With the microphone’s null points toward the

In a recording session I ran this month at my favorite recording

drummer these mics pick up 99% ambient sound from the second

hideaway, Foel Studio in the heart of Wales, we tried something a

room and very little direct sound, by the time the sound of the kit

little different.

gets to these mics most of the stereo information is lost so when panned out wide it’s best described as a delayed wash with little

Now it’s entirely possible to record an acoustic band with a single

by way of attacking transients so it just adds ‘space’.

mic or stereo pair, placed properly between the performers and get incredibly honest recording results, especially as there’s not a lot

Once we’d sound checked the kit, and checked all the phase of the

one can do to any individual parts in the mix, this is the complete

mics we got Louis to bang out a beat and pushed up the ambient

opposite to how I’ve done the majority of my work, being that

mics. The drum kit comes to life! I like to record drums from the

most of the bands I record have electric instruments and frankly a

drummer’s perspective (possibly because I’m a closet drummer),

‘simple mic setup’ won’t cut it. You need a mic (or 5) on pretty much

adding these ambient pairs really breathes life into the kit, giving


you the space around the kit and a detailed representation of the room it’s in.

BWD Magazine • • 23

Everything I’ve described so far is fairly standard for drums, any studio or recording space with a stairwell or bathroom, corridor or empty room near the kit can collect sound there to blend back in, (think ‘John Bonham drum sound’). For me however the real magic started to happen when we did similar things with the guitar amps. A dynamic mic like Shure’s ubiquitous sm57 or similar close to the speaker cone (try different placements and angles for slight tonal variations) and a capacitor mic like an AKG C414 a foot or more back usually off axis with the speaker. In this session we also added in the drum room stereo ambient mics which again add that extra layer of perceived size. If you’re going to try this it’s important your Digital Audio Workstation can handle the extra inputs from each instrument but I’ll go through that next month when we finish this session. Fortunately with the advantages of digital workflow and a couple of basic tricks to distribute the computer’s power evenly there’s not much that can’t be done! Thanks for sticking with me this far guys, I know it’s a little bit more in depth but next issue there will be pictures. I promise. Until then, Happy Tracking!

Buffalo Music Production - Aiden Best - Foel Studio - Malone Malone - Photo Credits: & Buffalo Bites - All Rights Reserved

BWD Magazine • • 24

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