BWD Magazine - October 2013

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Worldwide Indie Music, Lifestyles, Entertainment Magazine


October 2013



BAYSIDE CENTER “A Holistic Approach To Your Inner Beauty.”



FEATURES 04 Ivan Mihaljevic & Side Effects (IM&SE) Epic In Every Sense of the Word


Matt Wolff

Beginnings that saw Sony Snapping up his band

10 The Room Impossible to Deny

14 Felicia Julianna Work Speaks for Her

16 Kollidescope Raw Talent and Passion

20 Glenn Lewis Every Song is a Conversation Piece

24 Sabrina Dier Incredible, Sensual Splendour

REVIEWS 18 VapeStick Stylish and High Quality

COVER STORY 12 Temara Melek A Multitude of Talent

LIFESTYLE 06 5 Tips to Prepare Potential Producers Whether Hip-Hop or House, Rap or Reggae...

22 Bayside Center (Breast Cancer Awareness) A Holistic Approach To Your Inner Beauty

ENTERTAINMENT 25 BWD Records (Sponsor) The Independent Music Label of the South

2 • BWD Magazine •



Having continuously been recognized throughout the music world as a vast movement with an undeniable force we at BWD Radio are now bringing you the best music and individuals within their field in a more easily digestible format; with a dedicated online magazine packed to the rafters with news, reviews, features and phenomenal artists from across the globe. Synonymous with breaking new ground and talent, our aim isn’t to deliver you an aggregator of articles; more like, the BWD Bible of breaking talent and breath taking bands turning heads and volume dials up to eleven. In each breaking issue we reveal the winners of the BWD Radio’s Indie Music Featured Artist Competition, a monthly competition where we invite you to Get On The ‘Visual’ Playlist for your chance to become one of the featured BWD Competition Winners. The winners are awarded the opportunity of talent exposure across the globe and throughout the world as part of our aim to prove a good tune isn’t limited to whatever celebrity judge endorsed single is currently riding high in the iTunes download chart. In each issue, we also bring you the newest faces in the world of modeling to watch out for in store windows, on the billboards, and in the high-street, as well as on the catwalks of Paris and Milan. Though that may be enough to fill the covers of most magazines, we’ll be taking things even further with exclusive ‘first-looks’ at the best in indie talent, our unique position

Editor In Chief Veralyn Keach,

Associate Editor Robert Baker,

within the world of media affording us the opportunity to bring you the next big hitters

Lead Contributing Writer

before anyone else and by combining the two enormous forces--presences of BWD Radio

Robert Baker,

and BWD Magazine into one with the newly launched new BWD website there is twice the promotion to deliver double the impact and even more worldwide exposure to its

Contributing Writer

featured artists.

Veralyn Keach,

All the freshest new faces and hottest new talent in one magazine, BWD Magazine in con-

Art Director

junction with BWD Radio is committed to setting the standard of what you deserve from a magazine with constant promotion through the BWD network of contacts and promoters. Did someone say BWD Promotions? The BWD Triple Threat Trio! Being in such a unique position affords us the ability to offer our services at ‘considerably less’ than most others, our network allowing us to expose your talent in all the right places

Veralyn Keach,

Graphic Artist Veralyn Keach,

without needless expense or additional ‘secret costs’ less scrupulous companies fill their

Circulation/Sales Officer(s)

small print and help fill their bank balances with.

Veralyn Keach/Robert Baker

Covering all aspects of media promotion (from social media sites through to music video promotion) we are able to offer the best when it comes to brand awareness and public recognition of your name or product, without compromising either your impact or finances. For price and space availability inquiries, please contact us via the contact details to the right where we can discuss your specific requirements to ensure maximum exposure.

BWD MAGAZINE: Where YOU go to get as much VARIETY in music, news, sports, entertainment and lifestyles!! MORE THAN JUST MUSIC.


IVAN MIHALJEVIC & SIDE EFFECTS ..Epic in every sense of the word and has to be heard to be believed.”


ursting out onto the radar from under the music-worlds nose, this Zagreb Croatian group was formed when guitarist impresario Ivan Mihaljevic took his prodigious talent behind the axe in a different direction to his then-band Hard Time.

Having already taken him around Europe twice and onto the same stage as The Scorpions and The Cult as well as the 2005 Wacken Open Air, Hard Time had been where many initially witnessed the almost impossible guitar mastery Ivan commanded. With his talents finding him appearing on stage with legendary creator of the Les Paul guitar at the Iridium Jazz Club in Times Square, New York, as well as working with John Denner on the artists solo album as confirmation of his range, the drive of the muse inside sparked a whole new collection of songs during this period that would form the basis for the inception of IM&SE. Quickly finding fellow band members in drummer Alen Frljak – whose own list of credentials include teaching at the Modern Rock Institute, as well as opening for Lamb Of God and Parkway Drive with the band Inciter – and bassist Majkl Jagunic the new group were dubbed Ivan Mihaljevic & Side Effects (IM&SE), and delivered their ground breaking first album in 2008 with the sublime Sandcastle.

4 • BWD Magazine •

It is GREAT to get this kind of support! says the band when talking with BWD about their music and the reception it has achieved.”

ONE OF THE MOST ICONIC AND GREATEST ALBUMS IN HISTORY The reception was positive and the demand only grew as IM&SE

bringing Big Rock and Undercode bassist Marko Karacic Karo to

found favour amongst some of the media’s most influential and

replace him. Regrouped and reinvigorated IM&SE released their

leading publications, their album searing across the airwaves as

third album in December 2012, Counterclockwise.

radio stations ensured an almost constant rotation.

media went wild, Vents Magazine calling it “…one of the most

Again the

iconic and greatest albums in history” Joe Mis of Hard Rock Haven Following this first triumph would be no easy task, the spotlight

saying “...Epic in every sense of the word and has to be heard to

well and truly on the group to deliver on a level that didn’t just

be believed.” Artists and Bands modestly stating ‘Ivan is a new star!

equal but excelled their debut work.

Never forget his name. He will conquer you.’

In 2011, IM&SE shone under the glare of the music public’s gaze

“It is GREAT to get this kind of support!” says the band when talking

with their second album Destination Unknown to the accompani-

with BWD about their music and the reception it has achieved.

ment of accolades and praise from all corners of the music world.

With one year ending on a high note, 2013 began on an even

Awarded Album of the Month by Europe’s biggest guitar maga-

higher one. The band having the honour of becoming the first

zine Guitar Techniques and earning Ivan 1st Prize in the Premio

UNOTV Winner in January and also officially becoming part of the

Laurentum Sms for his lyrics on the album Destination Unknown

DL Productions Rockstar Wrestling soundtrack; it seems the Side

sparked a fire within the soul of music itself, it seemed.

Effects of Ivan’s initial inspiration will bring even bigger things for 2014.

Shows supporting industry giants like Whitesnake, Richie Kotzen, and Paul Gilbert, as well as being the headline at the Zagreb gui-

Contact Information:

tar festival Guitar Master have been added to the bands legacy of


greatness-in-the-making their first album proclaimed the group


to be.

Twitter: @streetteamIM&SE Facebook: imandse

Filling up their calendar with numerous TV and Radio engage-

Photo Credits: IM&SE - All Rights Reserved

ments; 2012 also saw the group parting ways with bassist Majkl, BWD Magazine • • 5


Enthusiasm will get you started but it will be an open mind-


ed approach to the sounds and genres you will be expected to work on and within. A producer’s longevity is only as long as their ability to be able turn their talent to the task in hand. Some can become assured on a scene if they are able

all artists and musicians need a producer who

to define their mark, show their touch has been the difference between a Platinum

knows not just how to make something work but

or merely pallid sound.

the why’s, where’s, and what’s it called when’s of the process in taking what you hear in your head and turning it into what everyone else hears in their ears.

However, without being open to new genres and exploring how a particular sound fits together limits not only the number of people requesting your digital touch but also your knowledge and thus experience of being a producer. Knowledge is power and experience makes you more powerful; lots of the former will give you enough of the latter to get you closer in being able to work with the names

So if you fancy your chances of being the next

you ultimately want to be working with.

Name in the pool of producers that all the bigs and Biggie’s like the Beatles or Beiber turn to


when composing their next multi-platinum performance; take a moment away from the plethora of programs and dials on the desk and spend it with us, and the following Five Tips.”



A quick look at the list of equipment needed to be a producer is enough to put aspiration quickly in the shade; banks of dials and moveable switches all stoically lined up and frustratingly un-named being controlled by a single person in a swivel chair and pair of Beats, their hands a blur with a surgeons touch on the mass of sliders

before them, all set within the Starship Enterprise’s bridge is a sight not unfamiliar to anyone who’s ever laid down a track. 6 • BWD Magazine •

Even the most low-end of PC can run a variant of whatever program or piece

Each new mix should be an opportunity to demonstrate your sponge-like

of plastic panache a producer will have lurking about; the internet provides

absorbency within the producer’s chair, the library of music you have started

an unlimited number of simple to use music programs, the majority of which

to build on your hard-drive or filling the shelves on your walls evidence of

offer a ‘try-before-you-buy’ free download to let you get to grips with what

your study, the final mix receiving the artist’s approval being your diploma.

they offer over their competitors.

Don’t be shy in throwing out ideas and suggestions for directions to go or ways to express the sound; the trust a musician has in their producer is

From Ableton to Fruity Loops, Linux Multimedia Studio to Mixxx, the budding

almost absolute, your direction and lead likely to be indulged if you’re brave

producer can begin with the basics and go as far down the rabbit hole as

enough to bring it up. Steer rather than lead, suggest rather than insist, but

the proverbial drop will allow; nothing is stopping you from diving right on

be sure to stop off to admire the scenery from time to time.

in and getting wonderfully lost in the mix, so if your PC will run it and the imagination has dreamt it then enjoy the drop and send us a postcard.


‘WHY?’ I THINK ‘WHY NOT’ Remember that big book of song writing rules


The Man sent ‘round when you decided to look into this ‘producer’ thing?


Nothing says more about your skills as a producer than the body of work you can lay claim to having a hand in; so whether it’s a mad gangsta beats or a raucous rock riffs each track you work on goes towards proving your worth as a producer, and should be treated as such.

No; me neither. There is nothing in music that defines what it should sound like, other than

some loose ambiguity about it being a noise that appeals to the listener.

Ask to be kept informed of release dates and websites linking to the track to help cross-promote, and include them and the artists own webpage within your own online promotions and presence. Social sites and similar make

So with that in mind, experiment with your new found power and see what

advertising yourself so much easier than ever before, and a quick click to

you can do. Nobody ever wrote a list of music never made because someone

‘Like’ or ‘Share’ a song or single you’ve had a hand in ‘bringing to life’ will do

said they didn’t think it’d work, and there certainly isn’t an award for coming

more for raising awareness of your name and attracting more interest than

in first place on the list.

a credit buried deep beneath the track listing and acknowledgements on the back of the CD – if at all.

Stopping yourself from trying something no-one else has done before stops you from discovering why no-one has tried it before, and potentially being

If the artist is associated with a manager or label send them an email

the first to successfully make it work.

requesting any feedback they may have of the track, including they keep you in mind for any future projects or artists looking to make some music or lay

Inevitably there will be times when something simply does not work; learn

down their lyrics. Each quotable or praiseworthy comment is worth a quick

to spot these moments and how to either work around them or with them,

post on the internet or update of your site, and gives you another advert

prevent them from becoming a stumbling block in the future of your growth

promoting the calibre of your producer status.

as a producer. Not everything you try will sound right; but that doesn’t make trying it wrong.

Be brave, be bold, but above all be productive in promoting as you build your production skills. Your net worth will only increase if you network, so if you


think your work is finished when the track is then it won’t be too long before your career as a producer is too.


Making all those dials and sliders move about the place until the sound coming out the speakers meets your own personal approval will take time. Comparing what you achieve with the works of others can help you understand where you need to improve and highlight where any possible

areas of attention need to be focussed. Mixing a track for someone else will truly test your new skills, and by asking for a list of bands/artist who have achieved a particular sound they’d like you to bring to their track gives you not only somewhere to start but also a new avenue of noise and understanding to learn up on.

BWD Magazine • • 7


MATT WOLFF anchester, England stands beside Birmingham

sages of sound.

as being a worldwide acknowledged birthplace for new music and awe inspiring bands; entire

Maintaining our position as being ahead of the curve BWD

genres have been created within its borders and

Magazine took the opportunity to sit down and discuss the story

established ones redefined as bands such as Joy

of the Wolff with the man himself; ask him about his unbelievable

Division, The Stone Roses, and New Order reached

back story, reveal his current activity in the world of musicians, and

out across the stages of venues and clubs, arenas and avenues of

what future he has planned for the music he creates…

the global gig-going and stamped their Manchester-pride wherever they set foot.

…and Miley Cyrus.

Following in the well-shaped footsteps of some the best names and


known greats in the industry is an almost Herculean task of asking, made even more so when trying to achieve such a grand vision as a solo artist.

BWD: First of all introduce yourself to our readership, if you will..?

When armed with the command of skill that sees an orchestral list of instruments positively sing beneath his touch, a demand for his

Hi there! I’m Matt Wolff from Manchester England and I sing, play guitar and

creativity from within all genres of the industry reads like a Who’s

harmonica and write songs. I began my musical adventure at 15, singing and

Who for the musicianphile, and incredible song-writing skills that

writing lyrics before moving full time into song writing.

are as sensuous in their crafting of soul as they are fabulous in their forming of funk, it won’t be too long before the world knows of the

BWD: Founding iconic band Sweet Addiction, recording with Neil Fairclough,

legendary Wolff; specifically Matt Wolff, one of the best-kept secrets

Guy Garvey, key members of mega legends Queen, Happy Mondays, Iron

of the music world and artist extraordinaire.

Maiden, Stone Roses, 10cc, Primal Scream and ELO, Meatloaf/Cher producer Stefan Galfas, AC/DC producer Tony Platt, and even a personal introduction

From beginnings that saw Sony snapping up his band Sweet

to supreme music James Brown; your life-story seems to read like a musi-

Addiction within three months of the fifteen year old Wolff forming

cians ultimate dream of being part of an iconic band as well as working

the group, to being part of the live music collective El Presidente,

with some of the most influential musicians their respective genres have

to touring Europe with funk/rock band Psychic Psurgeons, there’s a


definite air of musical mythology in the making surrounding Matt. Sweet Addiction was the starting point in that it gave me real confidence as an

Having proven himself as a collaborative tour-do-force with whom-

artist. Me and Dave Airey (Sweet Addiction guitarist, co-writer and close friend)

ever he works like an anthropomorphic aural-army-knife Matt Wolff

never did the cover band thing, we went straight into writing our own stuff at

has now turned his finely tuned talents to following up on his first

15 years old, and when we got a record deal with SONY three years later we

solo-release, the Matt Wolff EP, with a full length album for the

reckoned our stuff must be as good as anyone’s!

8 • BWD Magazine •

Having the opportunity to perform and record your own songs with the best in

bound to see them again on the way down…”

the business was priceless experience and really helped me grow as a musician. We also did a lot of radio sessions, live TV performances and interviews, and we

BWD: Penultimate question time! You’ve been offered the chance to appear

got our promo videos on MTV, which was fairly new at the time and got the band

at a World Peace Announced event being held at Wembley Stadium, perform-

worldwide attention, so when Sweet Addiction folded I was well known as a

ing before a packed crowd and satellite broadcast; global coverage and

singer in the UK and the great concentration of amazing musicians in Manchester

international acclaim await the moment you step onto the stage and begin

meant that new projects and opportunities were popping up pretty much straight

your first song.

away. I did session vocals for everyone, toured Europe with a crazy funk/rock band called Psychic Psurgeons, started playing harmonica for Stephen Fretwell, per-

As a part of the event the organizers have hired a slew of 3D projectors to

forming on the tour that secured his deal with Fiction Records, I joined a sample/

throw images of famous musicians, past and present, onto the stage and

live music collective called El Presidente who worked with many of Manchester’s

interacting with the musicians in a pseudo All Stars show; from Beethoven to

leading lights in the late 90’s. I soaked up so many different genres of music

Black Label Society, the cornucopia of artistic names is yours for the choosing.

during this period, from soul and funk to dance and country that my style of songwriting and performing gained much more depth.

The only catch is you have to choose between Miley Cyrus or Mortis dancing about the place and lip-synching across the stage during your rendition of

BWD: Your five track EP - Matt Wolff Band: E.P. #1 - has been heavily praised

Give Peace a Chance. Of the two, which do you pick and why?

and received with much acclaim. With an album to follow, how different is it compared to the experience from working with such established artists with

Miley Cyrus for sure, it would get me noticed by millions of robotic sheep who

their own ‘sound’?

would blindly follow me anywhere and buy any old rubbish that had my face printed on.

Well some of those artists, Stephen Fretwell and Guy Garvey in particular, certainly influenced me when it came to writing my own material. Working with

BWD: And finally; what does the future hold for Matt Wolff? Any future col-

different artists and genres really opened my eyes as to the differing ways artists

laborative projects or releases on the horizon?

record, and not all of them are my cup of tea, but I can always take a positive from a session, even if it’s the way they mic the drums on a certain track, or how they

The album! More writing! Live performances! I’d love to get on a support tour and

achieve a particular vocal effect. I guess there isn’t as much pressure personally

take my songs around the world.

when doing someone else’s music, but it was interesting being involved with the development of a song from a non-writing role. Guy Garvey’s lyrics really made

Contact Information:

me up my game too! Website: BWD: It must feel different to take centre stage, as it were, be the focus of

Twitter: @mattwolffband

attention rather than someone else in that role?

Facebook: mattwolffmusic Photo Credits: Matt Wolff - All Rights Reserved

It’s a lot of pressure being the writer and performer. Sure, you get all the glory if success hits, but if it goes wrong there’s no one to blame but yourself! It is nice to not have to compromise though, and because the music is so personal to me it seems very natural. BWD: What was the drive behind your wishing to take up the mantle of creating an album of your own? There were personal lyrical subjects that I wanted to explore that I couldn’t expect a band to fit into, and musically my ideas are almost finished songs so there isn’t much room for a musician to improvise. When I first played the EP stuff to the band I used for that recording they were all “Yeah, let’s do this with it” and “A middle eight would sound good there” which was great, don’t get me wrong, but I’d done the ‘co-writing with a band’ thing to death, and this was different. I wanted this to be just me. BWD: Of all the artists you have worked with over the years are you able to reveal who was less than, shall we say, conducive to the writing experience? Like Ozzy Osbourne said: “Don’t tread on people on the way up because you’re BWD Magazine • • 9



rom a vocalist whose fledgling status as performer saw

single, A Casual Believer and A Multitude of Angels that shows you how great

him command the stage beneath the spotlights of the

songs aren’t written, they’re created; more than just a band making a song

theatrical boards, to a bass player whose early impact on

The Room convey themselves as being a group removing the empty sound

the NWOBHM scene included a massively popular sin-

of silence to expose the aural creation hiding underneath.



Formed by Progressive

produced by the Legendary Ian

Rock band GLD member

Gillian of Deep Purple fame; a

Martin Wilson in 2010,

drummer who turned pots and

The Room unveiled their

pans into percussion perfection

completed line-up of

and a guitarist whose life was

Steve Checkley, Steve

changed after a performance of

Anderson, Andrew Rae

‘Cavatina’ by John Williams, all

and Andy Rowe less than

the way to the Technic touches

a year later in 2011;

under the fingers of an accom-

along with the news

plished keys-man, London, UK

that they were working

band The Room may be only

on a debut album called

five in their number but are a

Open Fire.

legion in both their experience


and influences. They combine an

shows were booked and

artist’s palette of sound and sine




instantly piqued audi-

waves like spaghetti emerging through the speakers as songs captivate

ence interest, receiving massive acclaim alongside their promo single

attention and ignite the imagination.

release that whetted the appetite of fans and ticket-buyers in anticipation of their October performances.

Impossible to deny, it is exactly the sumptuous sounds of self-styled melodic-rock-with-prog-bits British band they deliver on songs such as their hit 10 • BWD Magazine •

THE ROOM ‘Open Fire’ was the aptly named title of The Room’s December 2012

specialists Backstage Montreal, Screaming through the Noise attain-

debut album. Released through Melodic Revolution Records and

ing radio-play status and on regular playlist rotation.

holding court over its nine track listing – seven original compositions and two re-mixed versions from their earlier release- The Room were

With their debut album ‘Open Fire’ available on iTunes, CD Baby,

invited to the US and Take 2 Radio to discuss not just the album and

as well as the band’s own website, their presence felt across The

its incredible sound, but the cause for which The Room’s frontman

Pond and heard Over the Radio, and awareness to their support and

Martin Wilson is championing with a Lion’s heart; raising awareness

involvement with the Childhood Eye Cancer Trust championed by the

of childhood cancer, specifically the disease Retinoblastoma which

household names of television and media, The Room have plenty of

attacks the retinas and takes away the sufferers sight.

space if you want to come ‘round and spend a while in their magnanimous company; your invitation is linked below.

His experiences of the life-changing disease through his own child being diagnosed, and subsequently losing his sight, were described

The Room are:

through the song Screaming Through The Noise, an emotional turmoil

Martin Wilson ~ vocals

of a journey he and his family endured through the dark times. The

Andrew Rae ~ drums

reach of the songs bold themes resonated all the way to the bright

Andy Rowe ~ bass & backing vocals

lights of Tinstletown, television star and actress of hit show The Bold

Steve Anderson ~ guitars

And The Beautiful Hunter Tylo joined The Room in their campaign of

Steve Checkley ~ keyboards

bringing people’s attention to the disease due to a personal affinity with Martin, her own daughter Katya similarly struck down with the

Contact Information:

infant cancer ‘Retinoblastoma’ as well.

Website: www. Facebook:

Such was the strength of the cause and undeniable appeal of the

Twitter: @TheRoom_eu

single The Room shortly found themselves signed to Canadian pro-

Photo Credits: The Room - All Rights Reserved.


BWD Magazine • • 11


rom the City of Angels comes the voice of an angel in the form of multi-talented singer/songwriter solo artist Temara Melek. With a life-long passion for performance, Temara is one of those gifted individuals who can count many strings in her bow

of artistry - such as acting, modelling, and dance – yet still finds new limits to reach for and broader horizons to conquer. Hardly surprising such a multitude of talent is to be found within her soul; influenced by such greats as Beyonce and Miley Cyrus, Temara is part of the new wave of musicians standing out from the crowd with a sound and style as captivating and exciting as their own influences once were. With her beguiling image and incredible voice it would seem the only thing preventing her from becoming the next chart storming success would be if she chose to retire from the music scene right now. Her recent signing to the CAA (Creative Artists Agency) has certainly confirmed her as the next breaking star, and with her latest single Karma’s Not Pretty (cowritten with Cassadee Pope - US The Voice Winner of 2012) set to make her the name on the tip of everyone’s tongue, BWD were fortunate enough to be able to sit down and speak a little with the rising star that is Temara Melek.


BWD: Welcome, and if you would like to introduce yourself to our audience; who is Temara Melek? I am a recording artist from Los Angeles, Ca. I have experience also in dance, acting and modelling. Singing has been my lifelong passion and I feel so blessed to be doing what my passion is. BWD: Your latest single release - ‘Karma’s Not Pretty’ – is currently whipping up a storm in the download charts? I wrote ‘Karma’s Not Pretty’ with my very talented friend, Cassadee Pope (US - The Voice Winner of 2012). The message behind the song is that if you mess something up and hurt someone, it may be too late to make it up because Karma comes around to get you and they have moved on and happy while you are alone. The inspiration was simply that this happens to people a lot and maybe this can open some people’s eyes to how they should treat others. I am so excited people have embraced this song. I truly feel I am blessed with the most wonderful fans in the world. BWD: You’ve managed to create your own space in the music world with your impressive sound and amazing voice; if you had to choose only one inspiration or person behind this, who would it/they be? Thank You! I would have to say Miley Cyrus is a huge inspiration for me. I was a fan of Hannah Montana when I was young and I love how she has progressed with her music and really does what SHE wants to do now. It’s from her heart and I admire that.

12 • BWD Magazine •


BWD: You recently announced your signing to the CAA (Creative Artists Agency) as your official agents for live and theatre bookings; how did this come about, and what does this mean for you as an artist? This is the most amazing thing that I could ask for. I appreciate them so much! This means I have the support of important and influential people in the industry when it comes to my tours and acting opportunities. The fact that they believe in me is such an honour. BWD: Which artist do you find most inspirational as a performer, and which as a musician? I find Beyonce inspirational as a “performer” because she goes all out and puts her heart and soul into her shows. As a “musician” I admire Taylor Swift because she is multi-talented in the aspect that she can sing, play the guitar, and write all her own songs. BWD: And finally; with the release of your latest single surely set to propel you further into the spotlight, what’s next on the Temara To-Do List?

Her recent signing to

There are so many things I want to do. I want to write many more songs, I want to tour the world, I want to

the CAA (Creative Artists

meet my fans, and I want to do charity work.... And so much more!

Agency) has certainly confirmed her as the next breaking star” Twitter: @The_TemaraMelek Facebook: TemaraMelekOfficial Website:

BWD Magazine • • 13


BWD: First of all introduce us to Felicia Juliana; who is she, where is she

BWD: From looking at your work it’s obvious you have a unique style all of


your own, manage to capture the depth and soul of the subject itself..?

Felicia Juliana is a Zimbabwe born UK raised photographer who uses her

I love the use of shadows and high contrast to make an image stand out,

extreme multi ethnic background, to explore culture and the vast contrasts

when I shoot I love using natural light however that can’t always be the case

between art, day to day life and fantasy through photography to create a

so when using artificial lighting I often dramatize the shadows to give images

moment not just capture what the eye can see but open up ones perception

a little more depth. I love to be close to my subject when shooting I think,

of the obvious.

especially regarding portraits, it allows the depth and soul to be captured. As awkward as that nervous moment of someone waiting for the shutter to be

BWD: Most people wrongly assume they can become the next Bill Bailey

released is, being up close allows me to engulf the moment the shutter finally

with an app and an iPhone; your work clearly shows there is more to tak-

goes, as if it were an exhale after trying to hold your breath for a period of

ing a picture than ‘point and click’..?


Photography has been a passion of mine from childhood, family portraits

BWD: Your talent behind the lens is quite remarkable; do you feel there is

at Olan Mills, watching my parents get flustered over how we were to be

anything left for you to learn?

portrayed in one single shot as it would last longer than any of us I realised that although photographs capture history, just like a history book they can

Definitely, I would love to learn more editing techniques as you can never

be altered to mould the viewer’s perception of that moment. As I grew older

know enough, I would also like to explore avant-garde photography; I fell in

I had an eye for art and but a lot of my time into dance, martial arts and art

love with the work of David La Chapelle when I was quite young his use of

&design, I loved them all, yet still found that I was more intrigued by the

colour, chaos and completely pushing boundaries takes my breath away. Also

photographs I had been taking of other dancers and my art work. From there

I have a love for fetish photography and high contrast black and white pho-

I decided to invest my time into learning the technical side to photography

tography I think nothing says ‘look at me’ like a dark, sexy yet sultry image. I

and being dyslexic it took me a while longer than everyone else in my classes

think David Enam and Danielle Tunstall are perfect present examples the fine

however, my practical work spoke for its self. I believe the only way to really

line between fear and attraction and that really inspires me to take a darker

capture emotion within a picture is to really be in the moment. For me as a

direction with my work.

photographer, I make it my job to really get involved in a project whether it be simple portraits or shooting in a compromising location. 14 • BWD Magazine •

WITH a quiet demeanour and unassuming attitude, photographer and

to both move and enlighten the observer of the moment.

impresario of the image Felicia Julianna carries with her the air of

From the edges of the outré Felicia turned her lens and attentions to

one who doesn’t feel the need to throw attitude or arrogance about

bringing out the musician within the music, a softening of her style

for the attention of others, preferring instead to let her work speak for

delivering more impact within the image as she reached out and


broadening her innate artistic side.

Speak it most certainly does, in volumes of accolade and awe inspir-

Engagements at music events capturing live shots and images along-

ing shots that have seen her gravitas rise in the world of the captured

side building promotional portfolios for rising models and artists have


seen her reputation as a photographer extend beyond the picture before the eye, and into audience accolades and affirmation as confir-

Born in Harare, Zimbabwe and growing up in the United Kingdom

mation of her impassioned talent.

Felicia’s austere approach is one born from a childhood that saw her initially hiding her African roots from those around her. It was only

Having worked previously with the noted modelling agency Models

after she decided to embrace her rich heritage of diversity and multi-

on Camera, clothing line Golden Touch Clothing, as well as location

culturism that the confidence of the artist within began to shine out

with shoots in France and Zimbabwe, she has also built a reputation

through the medium of art and, specifically, photography.

as the musicians’ photographer within music’s spiritual birthplace of the Midlands, UK.

Felicia’s out-put of work flowed as she became more confident throughout her teenage years, the expansive plains of the abstract

Currently building on her portfolio in fashion with an eye to commer-

and introspective wonders of the macabre and fetishist her worlds

cial shoots for magazines and major labels Felicia took time out of

to explore through a cameras gaze. Finding the inner spirit and able

her busy schedule to talk with BWD Magazine about the world behind

to bring out the soul within the subject demonstrated a natural

the lens she has made in her own image, interactive Apps and per-

understanding and empathy to capturing and revealing not simply a

sonal inspiration, and which One Direction her moral compass follows.

moment in time but the perfect moment, ensnaring within a single image a kaleidoscope of colour and expression, emotion and empathy BWD: Your work clearly speaks volumes about the level of professionalism

Knowing the demand such a picture of said event could create you grab

and integrity you retain throughout the shooting process; has there ever

your camera from your bag and ready yourself for his exit behind a row of

been any incident where this has been tested?

bins opposite the doorway. Then it occurs to you; maybe the band are after

Yes, haha. I did a shoot with a modelling agency and had the models explain

an official photographer, and being caught in such a compromising posi-

to me they want to look ‘bootylicous’ and tell me to focus on their backsides

tion may just be the open door to take you into the lad’s land of famous

and not their faces, thankfully I worked with a creative director who worked

people and opportunity and launch your career straight towards the stars

wonderfully through the awkward situation. Also I often shoot my sisters who

of Hollywood.

are both singers and having grown up with them its challenging being on set with them asking if their fat is sucked in and that I don’t make them resemble

So; do you choose to ‘take the money and run’ with a sniper-shot of his

certain family members. As compromising as it can be I don’t find it too hard

sin from your bin bunker, a list of rag-mag numbers already loading up on

to stay professional and focus on the task in hand, it gets stressful but I

your mobile browser, or do you take the moral high ground, risk a face-to-

always know I’ll look back and laugh one day.

face confrontation, and hope the acting skills you learned in your primary schools rendition of Annie are enough to help you pretend you don’t

BWD: Aside from yourself, who do you think is making waves in the sea of

notice the brown paper bags in his hands and the red flashing neon XXX

photography, a beacon if you like of originality and someone to keep an

sign behind him?

eye on?

I’d definitely choose to brush up on my acting skills, as having sisters that are

I think Click Jones Studio of imagery are a duo to look out for. Their work is

singers I know the battle of keeping your private life private.

eye-catching and creative. BWD: And finally; what does the future hold for Felicia? Any name you BWD: Penultimate question time! You’re halfway to an important appoint-

would care to drop or events you’re preparing for..?

ment with the model for the Bake Your Brains out Tanning Salon chain

I will be doing the cover of two E.P’s soon photographing a fetish act from

of stores – an appointment that has the potential for further work and a

London. I hope to get my work published and photography for Fashion Week

semi-regular income – when you accidentally take a wrong turn and end

in the future.

up lost. Stopping to check the GPS on your mobile, you look up and notice one of the members of the boy band One Direction entering what turns

Contact Information: Email:

out to be an adult book store.

Twitter: @FeliciaJulianax Facebook: FeliciaJulianaPhotography Photo Credits: Felicia Julianna - All Rights Reserved BWD Magazine • • 15


ombining the raw talent and passion to push

Like minds will always find similarly structured souls, and it wasn’t

beyond the boundaries, Kollidescope deliver the

long before the group – now collectively known as Kollidescope-

aural immersion of synergy and style to envelope

began work on their first EP. As a single from their upcoming

the imagination and expand the mind.

release, Kollidescope turned their attentions to a track Rahat had previously developed with the unparalleled and prodigious pro-

Formed when accomplished rapper Rahat moved from the confines

ducer The Silent Hope (aka Derek J. Oswald).

of established and pigeon holed genres into the expanse of glitch hop, Kollidescope was an inevitable force in the making; an inevi-

Remixed through the machine called Kollidescope the track Plasma

tability of sorts set to dominate the genre it would define.

was made available as a teaser for their upcoming winter release through the groups Soundcloud page, the free download being an

Inspired by the artists and sounds of EDM, Rahat initially began

incredibly moreish taste of the group’s first fully laden release.

building his reputation through collaborations with producers of Electronic Dance Music; establishing his talent as an electrifying

Having recently released his own solo album - The Awakening - as a

vocalist on the scene and building his body of work. A chance

free download on his website, Rahat shows why his drive is forcing

encounter through his Soundcloud page found Rahat discussing his

the music world to expand; performing with a genuine passion that

ideas and thoughts for

delivers time and again on

moving the genre into

each of the albums ten

new vistas with the





become the second

Bringing the tools with










world to ours, Soukai also demonstrates his effort-










the song Tremble; a track

seen him define his

released through Superdub

mark in Techno and

Records and available from

Trance; Soukai’s inter-

his Soundcloud page.

est in music started as a child, his natural

With the evidence of their

rhythm and flow domi-

individual skills offered for

nating the beat, his time as a percussionist a magnetic force that

free consideration, Kollidescope know the task before them is one

tied the collective group of musicians together in an unbreakable

of a momentous size and are aware they’re breaking ground in an


unchartered land; but are more than equipped for the challenge and prepared to live up to the mantle of being able to deliver

The idea of fusing EDM and Rap was brought to the fore, and

something that doesn’t just reach but exceeds everyone’s expecta-

between them the two artists began trading tracks and working


out how they wanted the landscape of layers to lie. With a background in Dubstep and a thorough knowledge of the nuances

With a name that could well be an adjective in its own right for

that move a track from being on one person’s playlist to being on

educating you as to the collaboration of passion and performance

everyone’s playlist, Soukai brought expertise along with enthusi-

awaiting the erstwhile listener, Kollidescope achieve to be just

asm, realizing the potential of combining two seemingly different

that; an incredible amalgamation of unbelievable sounds that cre-

genres into one awe-some sound.

ate the impossibly real panoramas for your pleasure.

“We are a collision of sorts of two different genres,” says Rahat,

Contact Information:

“We also see ourselves to be very much like Kaleidoscopes. We are

Facebook: Kollidescope

a bunch of jumbled trippy lights that work together to bring you

Twitter: @KollidescopeEDM Soundcloud: Kollidescope

something strange and cool.”

Photo Credits: Munlite Productions - All Rights Reserved.


16 • BWD Magazine •

KOLLIDESCOPE It feels really great to have support for a huge project like this,” says the group when talking with BWD Magazine. “We always appreciate the way many indie outlets give us lesser known artists a chance to shine. We’re working together to bring people music that we love and its great knowing that we will always have a platform to do this from.”

BWD Magazine • • 17


urrently proving themselves as not just the number

any pretenders to its crown can match.

one name within the UK for quality, satisfaction, and popularity, Vapestick E-Cigarettes are also proving

Solid in construction and smooth to the touch the dimensions

themselves to be the only thing celebrities don’t

and design closely matches that of a normal cigarette, comfort-

object to being caught on camera with.

able in the fingers and unnoticeable from the ‘real thing’ when used. Uniquely, it also gives you the feeling of fulfilment smokers

With the fashion worlds Queen of couture Kate Moss and the leg-

associate with cigarette smoking when drawn upon or ‘vaping’,

endary Rolling Stones guitarist Ronnie Wood both being snapped

a small but crucial part of the smoking experience missing from

on celluloid enjoying an indulgent vape, Britain’s Vapestick brand

competitor e-cigarette brands and a further showing of the care

brings with it a credibility and an unspoken air of assured elegance

and consideration of craftsmanship gone into the product overall.

other brands seem unable to offer. Those not feeling the nicotine-charged cartomisers suit their own Becoming Britain’s bestselling brand of e-cigarettes and the one

taste have also been well catered for with a range of flavoured

favoured by the world of the fabulous and famous speaks volumes

V-Shisha ‘stick, nicotine free e-cigarettes that come in a range of

of the high level of quality and essential must-have feel afforded

colours to match the V-Shisha flavour; Strawberry is a luscious

by Vapestick, -with a ringing endorsement coming from the afore-

red and Apple a glorious green, with Peach an appealing pastel

said Kate Moss, going so far as to have her own particular flavour

pastiche. The tip has been modelled to effect a circle of diamonds,

flown out on a privately chartered jet to her whilst on holiday.

and as a whole displays an exotic appeal both in the box and in

There’s clearly something special about Vapestick and its plethora

the hand.

of choice that manages to suit an individual’s style as well as a healthier lifestyle overall that is as priceless to be seen with as it

And for those moments of celebration there is the Vigar, an e-cigar

is complimentary to their image.

that continues the quality of the Vapestick’s e-cigarettes, with its incredibly real feel and outward appearance lending the user a

Dressed in a sleek black

richness of an experi-

sheen and producing noth-

ence previously only

ing more than water vapour

attainable to those

‘smoke’ and an inviting blue

with a more Cuban-

glow at its tip when drawn

created smoke.

upon the Vapestick XL delivers a smooth and satisfy-

A full charge of the

ing feeling smokers expect

battery core will last

when having had a cigarette,

the average smok-

but crucially with none of

er a days’ worth of

the toxic pollutants or carci-


nogenic poisons traditional

the V-Charger Case

tobacco has been proven to

containing space for






Comprising of two main components – a slim, rechargeable battery

and charging slot to refresh your spare battery core, there’s really

core and replaceable cartomiser tip containing nicotine –Vapestick

no reason and even less excuse to be caught out or seen without a

compliment their air of quality by offering more freedom of choice

ready-to-go Vapestick on hand.

in levels of strength and sumptuous flavours (from tobacco and menthol to the more exotic cherry, apple, and even vanilla) than

(Continued on Page 19 & 21)

.....with Michael Clapper, co-founder and chairman at VAPESTICK® Electronic Cigarettes 18 • BWD Magazine •


VAPESTICK® ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES BWD: Hello and Welcome to BWD Magazine. First off, how did you become

The first step was to come up with what we felt would be a strong brand and

involved with VAPESTICK®, and what exactly are e-cigarettes?

identity – one that really stood out and had a real chance of becoming the iconic

Thanks for the invite. I first became properly aware of e-cigarettes when my

brand for the e-cigarette sector. Our research showed that the act of using an

wife bought me one (when she was pregnant with our daughter) back in early

e-cig had become known as ‘vaping’, or ‘to vape’, and we came up with the name

2010. I was a very heavy smoker at the time - 40 a day for over 20 years - and

‘VAPE-STICK’ for that reason. The styling and packaging were also a major factor.

she was desperate for me to stop, given our imminent new arrival. I reluctantly

Most of the other products on the market (at the time) were low in quality and

took a puff, and was totally gob-smacked as to how closely it resembled smok-

performance, poorly packaged, and usually came with just a brown filter, white

ing. I decided, there and then, that this was the next business I wanted to get

body and amber light tip. We turned that on its head and came up with black

into, and to create a range of e-cigarettes that were stylish and of the highest

and chrome styles with blue light tips. This combination of branding, packag-

possible quality – so that smokers would be confident in what they were using,

ing and styling meant that we gained a lot of attention quickly. We started off

and proud to show off the fact that they had made the switch over to vaping. I

selling mainly on-line, with occasional trade fairs and markets. It was at one of

looked up an old friend - Michiel Carmel - who I’d remembered had mentioned

those shows where we were approached by Harrods; they really loved our range

something about e-cigarettes on Linkedin. It turned out that we shared the

and VAPESTICK launched in their Pharmacy department soon after. We quickly

same vision, so together we set about creating the VAPESTICK range. After 6

became one of their top-selling lines and have been so ever since. From early

months of planning, and several trips to the Far East, we launched the business

on, the reaction of smokers to our product range was overwhelmingly positive

in November 2010.

and other major retailers soon followed in stocking VAPESTICK, and the social

BWD: How have you managed to develop the brand into such a recognized

media buzz then really started to take off.


BWD Magazine • • 19

GLENN LEWIS With his latest single Can’t Say Love already riding high as the second most added song over at Urban AC, an accompanying video on constant rotation on VH-1 Soul, BET Centric as well as MTV, and a debut album release on Epic Records that saw him net not just one but two hit singles to take him to #4 on the Billboard Charts and turn You-Tube into His-Tube with a hit count in the millions, the Grammy Award Nominee R&B artist Glenn Lewis is surely standing on the very edge of greatness. Featuring a duet with Melanie Fiona on the single All My Love, production duties from the same Grammy Award winning duo who can include the artists Alicia Keys, Destiny’s Child, and Macy Gray amongst their body of work Dre & Vidal, and bringing together the combined talents of DJ Camper, Certifyd, Carvin Higgins and Ivan Barias as well as the exciting new face of up-and-coming producer Matrax, Moment Of Truth is an album geared up to be the most significant album launched from the world of R&B. With an appreciation of soul nourished by the likes of Sam Cooke, Stevie Wonder and Charlie Wilson’s body of work the Philadelphian R&B Star also found room in his musical lexicon for names such as Joni Mitchell and The Beatles to create and deliver Glenn Lewis’s own Language of Music - a language heard and understood by millions around the world on the soundtrack of the Jennifer Lopez film Maid In Manhattan with the single Fall Again. Ensnaring a Grammy Award nomination for his collaboration with Stanley Clarke and Amel Larrieux on the single Where Is The Love to sit alongside the Juno Award For Best R&B/Soul Recording with the self-penned top 40 Billboard Chart hit Don’t You Forget It, the anticipation for his latest album is as palpable as the songs on it are impassioned and intoxicating. “Every song is a conversation piece, a truthful moment. Moments that draw commonalities where people can really feel me and get to know me. This is a chance to see a different side of me as a man and all the experiences I’ve gone through since the first album till now.” – Quote Glen’s latest hit single Can’t Say Love is available for download now on iTunes.

Contact Information: Website: Twitter: @beingglennlewis Photo Credits: Glenn Lewis - All Rights Reserved.

20 • BWD Magazine •

VAPESTICK® ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES VAPESTICK - INTERVIEW CONT’D BWD: With such well known stars as Anouska O’Hara and Xara Xavier of The

to have the right range of flavours, nicotine strengths and accessories too.

Sweet Harlots, F1 Supremo Bernie Ecclestone’s daughter Tamara Ecclestone,

You also need to be able to easily get hold of on going supplies, and have

and Rolling Stones guitarist Ronnie Wood all snapped using a Vapestick, it

the reassurance of reliable customer service to back it all up when needed.

must be a ringing endorsement of the brand?

Once you find the brand that covers all those bases, then the likelihood is

We love the fact that so many celebrities have really taken to VAPESTICK.

you’ll stick with that brand, as seen with Kate and so many others. There

We have rock stars, pop stars, TV stars and Presenters, Models and Super-

have been no shots of Kate with her favoured e-cigarette yet, but we’re

models as our customers, and they have all chosen our brand on their own

looking forward to seeing them, and those of Simon Cowell, once they

accord, as opposed to via paid endorsements. Tobacco smoking hasn’t been

inevitably emerge.

considered cool for a long time now, and celebrities are well aware of that. E-cigarettes allow smokers to effectively carry on with their habit and lose

BWD: How does the company use its social media sites in helping raise

all the downsides. VAPESTICK products in particular, allow users to make

awareness to the brand and encouraging its growth?

a bold statement to the world: that they have chosen to vape and not to

We are extremely active on Facebook and Twitter, and more recently also

smoke. That in itself is cool. When celebrities are seen using a VAPESTICK

on Instagram, Pinterest and Google+. We firmly believe that these days,

instead of a tobacco cigarette, it’s a positive message and sets a great

social media is crucial to building any brand, as it is the perfect opportunity

example to their smoking fans.

to properly and publicly engage with your customers. We regularly post photos of our products, and of people using our products, new promotions

BWD: How have you managed to build the Vapestick brand into the UK’s

and product launches, as well as running attractive prize draws and compe-

No.1 e-cigarette supplier?

titions. It is a great way for us to receive real-time feedback on what we are

The short answer is through a lot of hard work and a bit of luck along the

doing well and also not so well, giving us the chance to fix things quickly

way! We have been highly focused on customer service and interaction,

when necessary.

and have become known as the e-cig brand with personality. As more and more smokers have been making the switch to vaping, and vaping has

BWD: Recently the tobacco industry has seen a fall in its sales, whilst at the

become more widely accepted and understood, VAPESTICK has quickly

same time e-cigarette sales have increased; this can’t simply be a random

become the ‘brand of choice’ for those smokers looking for quality, style and


performance. All of that is very important of course, but would mean noth-

No, I don’t believe that is random at all. All the stats suggest a direct cor-

ing if our products did not constantly evolve and were not widely available

relation between the fall in tobacco sales and the rise in e-cigarette sales

to purchase. We have a very strong online presence, and offer our custom-

and it’s not hard to understand why. E-cigarettes are a healthier alternative

ers the option of ‘delivery subscriptions’ so that their vaping supplies can

than tobacco, they are much cheaper, and they can be used almost any-

be delivered as often as they choose. We also offer an excellent on-line af-

where that smoking has been banned. They don’t leave behind foul smells

filiates program, so that our customers can refer others and earn a commis-

and they don’t stain your hands and teeth. These are all very compelling

sion for doing so. We are also stocked by many of the UK’s major retailers,

reasons to make the switch, and as more and more people do so, their

including; Tesco (Pharmacies), Argos, Londis, WHSmith (Travel), Red5, Costco

friends and family then do so, as do their friends and family, and so on. Ac-

and Makro, as well as thousands of other independent retailers like chem-

cording to ASH, there are now estimated to be around 1.3 million vapers in

ists, petrol forecourts and newsagents. It is a combination of all of these

the UK, out of around 12 million smokers, and some analysts are predicting

things - along with the growing number of celebrity VAPESTICK users - that

that e-cigarette sales will outstrip tobacco sales within the next decade. I

has allowed us to quickly become one of the UK’s market leaders.

personally think e-cigarettes have the momentum and potential to achieve that even sooner, as long as regulators and tax collectors don’t attempt to

BWD: With Supermodel Kate Moss prepared to have her favourite brand

curb that momentum.

of e-cigarette couriered out to her on holiday at some personal expense, there’s clearly more to e-cigarettes than simply being a fashion accessory? There’s no doubt that vaping is the new smoking, but it’s not just about making a fashion statement of course. In the same way as a smoker ends

Contact Information: Website:

up favouring one particular brand, the exact same applies with e-cigarettes,

Twitter: @VapeStick Facebook: VapeStick

although there is even more to it with e-cigs. Once you find the style, pack-

Photo Credits: VapeStick - All Rights Reserved.

aging and performance that ticks all the boxes, you also need that brand BWD Magazine • • 21

Dr. John Roach founded the Bayside Center for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in 2008 with the hopes of providing residents of Tampa, FL & surrounding communities with a holistic approach to all types of surgeries. By taking a holistic approach at his Tampa, FL office, he gives his patients the most natural results possible from their plastic surgery. At Bayside, taking a holistic approach means providing our patients with multiple treatments in order to achieve a higher level of success. Dr. Roach examines the entire patient. He incorporates diet, exercise, nutrition, personal training, yoga therapy, organic skin care consultations and more into his patient’s plastic surgery experience. His holistic approach to treating patients in Tampa, and elsewhere in Florida, means that he believes surgery is only a small component in the ultimate care of his patients. Before opening the Bayside Center for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery near Tampa, Dr. Roach received his Bachelor of Science in Biology from State University of New York at Oneonta. He then went on to earn his Masters in Biomedical Science from Barry University, and later his Doctorate in Osteopathic Medicine from NOVA Southeastern University. He earned his vast experience in general, plastic and reconstructive surgery by receiving training in numerous hospitals in Philadelphia and working with dozens of renowned surgeons. Dr. Roach’s experience and knowledge led him to be named chief resident in plastic and reconstructive surgery at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. Throughout his education and career he has earned numerous honors. He was on the chancellor’s list at the NOVA College of Osteopathic Medicine, he was a member of the Sigma Sigma Phi National Honorary Osteopathic Fraternity, and he received the H. Jeffrey Tourigian D.O. Memorial Scholarship Award. He graduated from medical school with honors, and now he hopes to incorporate his holistic approach to your plastic surgery. Whether you’re in Tampa, or elsewhere in Florida, you can count of Dr. Roach to provide you with the expert care and attention you deserve.

22 • BWD Magazine •

Dr. John Roach Takes A Holistic Approach to Plastic Surgery in Tampa, Lutz, FL & Beyond

Plastic Surgery for New Tampa, Wesley Chapel, Lutz, FL & Surrounding Areas

At the Bayside Center for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, we want to help you enhance your appearance with cosmetic procedures that produce natural-looking results. Whether you’re seeking plastic surgery such as a breast augmentation to lift and enhance your bust line, or you want a facelift that leaves you looking naturally youthful and refreshed, our highly skilled reconstructive plastic surgeon, Dr. John Roach, is ready to assist you with his knowledge and expertise. He expertly performs reconstructive and plastic surgery including tummy tuck procedures, liposuction, eyelid surgery, breast reconstruction, and more for men and women from New Tampa, Trinity, Lutz, Westchase, Palm Harbor, and beyond. Dr. Roach completed seven years of intensive training in general, plastic, and reconstructive surgery, and he practices at an in-house surgical center at the Bayside Center for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Lutz, Florida. Dr. Roach is an expert hand surgeon with experience in various types of hand surgery, including such as tendon repair, trigger finger repair, digital nerve repair, and amputation injury repair, among others. Additionally, he offers patients plastic surgery solutions when they’re undergoing general surgical procedures that may affect their appearance. Dr. Roach is a highly regarded reconstructive surgeon and uses his expertise to help women who have had mastectomies or unsuccessful breast augmentations to regain their self confidence through breast reconstruction. Our practice combines holistic strategies with traditional surgery to obtain the most natural results. For example, Dr. Roach may incorporate personal physical training, yoga therapy, as well as skin care consultations before and after your general and plastic surgery as a way to strengthen and nourish your mind, body and spirit. At Bayside in Lutz, FL we care deeply about our patients and their complete satisfaction. We encourage realistic expectations through education and ensure that each patient knows exactly what to expect from their procedure and the recovery process. Dr. Roach is a professional, caring and compassionate reconstructive plastic surgeon who pays close attention to detail to ensure that each procedure he performs will bring out the individual patient’s own natural and youthful beauty.

You’ve Asked For The Best, We Listened!!! Tell Them BWD Magazine Recommended Dr. Roach!!

BWD Magazine • • 23



Demand for her demure devilishness has seen regular engagements with Zivity and Twisted Angels; the Magna Cum Laude

Out of this world.

undergraduates’ current studies towards a Master’s in Social Work, a reminder to all that brains go hand in hand with this particular

If one were to attempt to describe the model Sabryna in one easy

beauty. Hence, leaving her other hand free to wield the pen of the

sound bite, neither of the above statements would be able to

creative muse within, her inspirational side unveiled as a skilled

deliver the full understanding of this young woman’s incredible

artist of creative depth and imagination that extends as naturally

sensual splendour nor of the captivating flush of emotion you feel

into the dedicated and detailed form of tattooing as it does onto

when first casting eyes upon her – though it may offer a veiled

paper and paint.

insight into the models intriguing spiritual interests. As a member of both the National Wildlife Foundation and Amnesty Coming from upstate New York, Sabryna is a first amongst equals,

International, Sabryna knows the difference a single voice can

this Lead Investigator for Cazenovia’s Paranormal Investigation

make, and is prepared to pay more than lip service for a better

Team; one of those whose infectious enthusiasm for life and

future with her works of voluntary community service seeing her

beyond is also blessed with a visual beauty that runs deep into her

put determination into deeds, words into actions, and actions into

soul, enriching the lives of those around her.


Such can be seen when, having graduated with an Associate’s

Enchanting, enriching and inspiring thoughout, there clearly is no

Degree in Liberal Arts and a Bachelor’s in Human Services at age

easy way to surmise what it is that makes Sabryna the powerfully

19, Sabryna took her captivating looks on their first step of what

compelling vision she is. As Sabryna herself states, “I am a girl who

is set to become her own path to the catwalks of Paris and Milan

lives life to the fullest, have the guts to try anything once, and without

through the open invitation of the internet.

fear of contradiction, is very much here to stay.”

It wasn’t long before the world started to succumb to Sabryna’s

Contact Information:

charm, her shrewd networking skills and acute business mind


seeing her quickly capture the attentions of several high profile

Twitter: @sinfullysabryna

modelling companies, their cameras capturing her magnetic qual-

Facebook: sinfulsabryna

ity of dark addictive splendour through a lens soon after.

Photo Credits: J. Photos Sabrina Dier - All Rights Reserved

BWD Magazine • • 24

BWD RECORDS, LLC INDEPENDENT MUSIC LABEL OF THE SOUTH Continuing to set the standard for others to follow

Owing to their unique position within the world of

BWD Radio has extended its vast reach in the me-

music BWD were able to snap up and sign Flori-

dia with the launch of its own record label, BWD

da based rapper 5 M.I.C-Z to their label, an artist

Records, LLC ‘The Independent Music Label of the

that brings with himself a level of credibility that


owes everything to musical talent and dedication and nothing to a cynical self-styled back-story and

Taking over a decade’s worth of industry knowledge

whose first release on the label – ‘Head Turna’ – has

and experience BWD Records, LLC - ‘The Indepen-

firmly established the label as serious competition

dent Music Label Of The South’ - is the culmination

to the established status quo.

of BWD’s vast expertise in the field of music and artist promotion; not content with simply waiting

Continuing to set the standard for others to follow

to see what single or artist reaches number one

BWD Radio has proven again the need to change

BWD Radio took their position of being known

and adapt in this never static landscape of media

globally as the leaders in discovering new indie

and music is key to continued growth and success.

acts and on the 26th of October 2012 launched

Pushing where others are content to stagnate is

their own record label, BWD Records. Dedicated to

the secret behind where BWD Radio currently find

finding the best as-yet unknown talent out there

themselves today, and with the launch of their own

BWD doesn’t limit itself to one specific genre; rath-

label in BWD Records it gives you some idea of just

er it extends its horizons to include all genres such

how far BWD Radio are aiming to go.

as rock, metal, hip hop and dance amongst others. A smorgasbord of scintillating new acts are present-

“Don’t just MAKE a Difference, BE the Difference.”

ed under the BWD mantle, representing the best of the best and most unique in their field, such as you

– BWD Records, LLC

have come to expect from one of the industry’s top

‘The Independent Music Label of the South’

media professionals.

Vi s i t w w w. B W D R e c o r d s . c o m o r w w w. Fa c e b o o k . c o m / B W D R e c o r d s . l l c

BWD Magazine • • 25

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