BWD Magazine - October 2015

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#1 Variety Magazine - A Worldwide Publication

Monthly Issue - OCTOBER 2015

wordsmith worldwide message

trick-or-treat ‘A True Way To Trick

Or-Treat Correctly...’

of ‘purpose’

Jasmine Jordan storytelling with passion

haunt-less halloween children can enjoy

Jahna Sebastian sultry songstress

OVER a decades worth Of experience and knowledge

Features 04 SupMikecheck Rising & Buzzing

05 Jahna Sebastian Sultry Songstress

14 Holland Meissner Dying To Be Angry

15 Methane Spit On Your Grave

22 Jasmine Jordan Incredible Range, Storytelling And Passion

COVER STORY 10 Wordsmith Worldwide Message Of ‘Purpose’

Lifestyle | HEALTH 08 Domestic Violence Awareness How To Spot Emotional Abuse

09 Breast Cancer Awareness Awareness... Prevention... Treatment

12 Dr. Vastola’s Monthly Advice Pros/Cons Of Our Computer Age

16 Be Inspired (Monthly Feature) Eloho Shares Her Words Of Inspiration

ENTERTAINMENT 06 Celebrate A Haunt-Less Halloween How Children Can Enjoy A Non-Scary Holiday

07 Best Times For Trick-Or-Treating A True Way To Trick-Or-Treat Correctly

17 All Hands On Deck (Monthly Feature) Sean Price (RIP) | 4th Disciple

18 Buffalo Bites (Monthly Feature) The Creative Audio And Music Production World 19 BWD Radio w/Ms V (Sponsor) 20 Day And Weekly Celebrations 21 Celebration ‘Themes’ For The Month 2 • BWD Magazine •


last issue

In a world where a swipe across the virtual shelf has supplanted the casual stroll down the aisle, content driven media has become the golden chalice of promotion; fresh content delivered with the minimum of fuss constantly throughout the day has become the key to ensnaring the public interest, of reaching the plateau of fame and recognition you deserve to be standing upon. Without an audience to listen no-one can hear you talk. Without a pair of eyes to observe no-one notices when you achieve greatness and without a market waiting on pins to learn which direction their latest fascination will be coming from no-one will be holding the banners of congratulations when you finally step up to the limelight. With an empire of insiders working tirelessly away to bring you the biggest, best, and breaking news across the entire landscape of the media BWD Magazine has built a reputation as being one of the leading names in the industry. When we speak, others listen. With a worldwide audience of subscribers downloading and learning which name to look out for, which band they should be following, who the next Big Thing is going to be, BWD Magazine speaks to millions of awaiting ears each and every month. With the world as an audience BWD Magazine puts you firmly in the spotlight.

Editor In Chief V Keach

Editors/Writers V Keach/Various Contributors

Art Director, Graphic Artist(s) V Keach & BWD Graphics


Offical Website Twitter: BWDMagazine Twitter: BWDPromotions

BWD Magazine- ‘Leading Whilst Others Follow’

BWD Magazine • • 3


supmikecheck upMikecheck (born Mike Montini, May 5th

Contact Information

1991) is a solo Rap/Hip-Hop/Pop Musician from Northern New Jersey. Website: SupMikecheck is a rising artist who has been

creating a buzz through social media.

Twitter: @SupMikecheck Instagram: @SupMikecheck Youtube: SupMikecheck

At age thirteen SupMikecheck had begun writing various styles of music.

Facebook: SupMikecheckFans Email:

By age sixteen SupMikecheck was very familiar with playing guitar, drums bass, and keyboard. Being a multi-talented artist is what brought him to being a solo artist. After releasing various demos on Myspace. It was clear that SupMikecheck was onto something and that his song-writing and creativity mixed with a sensational personality was only going to grow in his favor. SupMikecheck has been a very favorable role model because of how much he has accomplished independently. Instead of waiting on others he made it his duty to learn the music business and embrace it head on. Many find SupMikecheck an inspiration for his “never give up” attitude. He is a very positive musician and has already helped influence thousands of fans to keep following dreams of their own. All Rights Reserved

4 • BWD Magazine •

Jahna Sebastian


ahna Sebastian is multi-talented and generat-

Contact Information

ing a tremendous buzz.! Jahna’s music has been featured in Singersroom, AllHipHop, EurWeb, Bossip, Madam Noire, Stupid

Dope, Ouch Magazine, Jack Thriller, and Papercut Magazine; just to name a few.

Website: Twitter: @JahnaSebastian Instagram: @jahnasebastian Youtube: Multivizionmusic Facebook: JahnaSebastianWorld

Jahna graced the cover of Fashion I Con Magazine in December of


2014. In August of 2015, Jahna graced the cover of First Fit. In the summer of 2014, Jahna had performed several shows with the multi-platinum UK band Kasabian; of which, were on MTV’s Soundchain with Zane Lowe in January of 2015. Their performances, on the main stage of Pyramid at Glastonbury Festival, was broadcasted to millions of viewers on BBC. In addition, Jahna performed in the historic show at Victoria Park, Leicester called “Summer Solstice”. 50,000 people had attended. The show was filmed and screened at cinemas. It’s DVD will be released soon. The sultry songstress Jahna also headlined Baltic Summer Festival. Jahna released her EP “I Am Free” in July/August of 2014 and is currently working on her new EP titled, “Love Over Hate”.

All Rights Reserved BWD Magazine • • 5

celebrate a haunt-less Halloween Ways children can enjoy a fun, non-scary Halloween.

live-action role play Halloween video game. Decide on a theme. Children invent a character and create costumes. Parents or older

Some children are terrified by scary costumes. Parents don’t want

siblings might draw a treasure map, set tasks children must com-

them to miss out on the fun, just avoid the creepier aspects. Is it

plete or write riddles to help little ones find candy.

possible to celebrate a haunt-less Halloween? Absolutely! Here are alternative trick-or-treat activities.

Life-size Candyland. Create a living Candyland board game in the backyard. Invite neighbors to participate. Adults dress as characters

Truck-or-Treat/Trunk-or-Treat. Organize a group of friends to pass

and create stations based on the game.

out candy from the trunks of their cars or truck beds. Choose a non-spooky theme, like Disney movies, and host a costume contest.

Harvest gala Forego the Halloween theme altogether and focus on

Families can even decorate vehicles in keeping with theme.

fall. Set up autumn crafts and game stations in your barn, backyard or garage. Make a hay maze. Hide candy in leaf piles. Carve or paint

Educational costumes. There’s a whole world of non-scary costume

pumpkins. Bob for apples. Make popcorn balls. Serve cider and

ideas to choose from. Children can dress up as characters in books,


children shows or nursery rhymes. They might dress as famous people, favorite animals or in occupational attire. Encourage kids

Nursing home trick-or-treating. Here’s a win-win idea: children get

to create costumes from recycled materials. This saves money too.

to trick-or-treat in safe, controlled environments and lonely elderly folks get to enjoy Halloween with the kids. Check senior homes in

Safe houses. Ask around your neighborhood to find out who plans

your area for trick-or-treat opportunities.

to decorate with a haunted theme. Map out a trick-or-treat route that bypasses those homes.

Pay it forward. Teach children that Hallween can be about giving as well as getting. Turn one of above-listed ideas into a fundraising

Candy hunt. Maybe you live far from town or in a rural area? That

event. Sell tickets and donate the proceeds. In lieu of a fee, collect

makes trick-or-treat challenging enough as it is. So skip door-to-

canned goods for a food pantry. Gather animal care supplies for

door. Instead, hide candy in the yard and let children hunt for it. Let

your local Humane Society.

children dress in costume. If you have a large piece of property, this could be a great adventure!

Be sure to film the frolics share video copies with family far away. Halloween doesn’t have to be scary to be fun. It just takes is a little

LARP candy quest. Turn your backyard or house into a non-scary, 6 • BWD Magazine •

ingenuity and resourcefulness for everyone to have a good time.

best times for trick-or-treating There is a true way to trick-or-treat correctly.

Going out too late is only going to result in one thing and that is taking away from the kids’ chance of getting the good candy. Head

Halloween has become such a big deal over the years that it

out too much later and it could result in the children not getting

almost seems like it needs a longer season to it, much like

any candy at all. Most smart adults aren’t going to have their kids

Christmas. Haunted houses, parties, costume contests, and so

out too late anyway so it also takes away from allowing your kids

much more fill the month of October and keeps adults entertained

to enjoy the costumes of others.

beyond all belief. But we can’t forget about the kids who are out there for the dress-up and most of all, the trick-or-treating.

This also helps little ones avoid the sight of the older kids making a mockery of things and causing trouble. The less bad influences,

When taking your children trick-or-treating, adults need to

the better.

remember that it truly is all about them. It isn’t about getting things done as quickly as possible so that the grown-ups can head

~ Hit the streets at dusk

out to parties or whatever else is planned. These kids look forward

Heading out right as the sun begins to go down and the night

to this all year long and they need to enjoy it. That is why there

starts to creep in is a rather decent time for the door-to-door

truly are certain times which are best for trick-or-treating and

knocking and requests for treats. It is just light enough for them to

some that parents need to just work to avoid entirely.

see and actually that makes it an ideal time for the real little ones who may be too scared to be out into the darkness.

~ Don’t go during the daytime Kids don’t enjoy this. They truly don’t. Halloween is about trying to

~ Starting out around 7:00 or 7:30 PM is your best bet

be frightening or having at least a bit of scariness behind it even if

Maybe it isn’t the “witching hour,” but it sure is a great time to

their costumes don’t portray it. Going during the day totally ruins

go hunting for the best candy. Night has essentially fallen at this

any little amount of fear they may have inside them. While it is

time of year and the moon will be overhead. It’s early enough for

true that children aren’t looking to be frightened out of their wits,

there to be lots of costumes all over the place meaning your kids

it is in them to have a little bit of anticipation as to what could be

will enjoy the interaction with others and seeing how their outfits

behind the next tree or sitting on the upcoming porch.

compare. It also gives them the feeling like they are out much later then they should be.

~ Don’t go too late in the evening BWD Magazine • • 7

Domestic Violence Awareness Month How to spot Emotional Abuse and see it as the Domestic Violence

the truth is that the silent treatment is deliberately being used as a

that it is!

punishment. In fact, silent treatments are one of the most destructive forces in abusive relationships. Signs to watch out for:

The signs of physical abuse are obvious, but many women suffer the invisible abuse of emotional violence that leaves them confused and

> They frequently have temper tantrums over little things (feeling like you

disoriented. There are many tactics to this kind of abuse, but an over-

have to walk on egg shells)

riding sign is that real communication is impossible, which means

> Anytime you bring up a concern it gets turned around back on you (they

nothing ever gets resolved in the relationship. In fact, there is a con-

project it back on you)

stant barrage of insidious mental bullying that is hard to catch at first

> They trivialize your concerns by mocking you

if you don’t know the signs.

> They deny something happened (gas-lighting) > Their criticism comes in the form of underhanded jokes

Typically, you’ll be involved with a narcissist, but you’ve never even

> They make false accusations to you, like you never pick up the phone, or

heard what it means to deal with a narcissist. With a narcissist every-

you’re always late, or you’re cheating

thing is about him. A narcissist craves to be the center of attention

> They make themselves unavailable, and generally treat you as low prior-

and can never be inconvenienced by the mundane. While we deplore


the way they ignore our needs and refuse to accept responsibility and

> They blame you for everything including their depression

be accountable for the many ways they harm us, we vividly remember

> They never reassure you... it amuses them when you are hurt

the extraordinary charm and attentiveness they showed at the beginning

> They never apologize, because they generally cannot feel empathy

of the relationship. Often we find ourselves stuck responding to their

> When they come back after a silent treatment, they will act like nothing

immature, childish neediness, and feel compelled to help and mother



> They triangulate you either with another woman or one of their own family members, and then make fun of you calling you jealous.

Your idyllic relationship starts to unravel the moment you finally bring

> They try to “keep you in your place” by “forgetting” anniversaries,

up a need or concern of your own (a few months into the relationship

Valentine’s Day and are terrible gift givers

when the honeymoon phase has ended), and you’ll find yourself baffled

> They purposely withhold information to keep you in the dark either

by their cruelty. One of the easiest signs to spot is the frequent use of

through being evasive or by using little lies. They get a kick out of know-

the silent treatment as emotional torture. Anytime you bring up any

ing something you don’t know. It gives them a sense of power over you.

concern or need, you are made to feel like you are starting a fight, and

> They throw a temper tantrum to ruin any special events, like when you

one of the most immediate responses is the silent treatment. This

are out of town visiting family

silent treatment generally lasts a few days to a few weeks. Out of the

> They seem to act like selfish 2 year olds that want everything when they

blue, they will no longer respond to your texts or phone calls, often

want it or they’ll throw a fit.

you’re not even sure what happened. You feel disoriented and confused. What ever you do, don’t make excuses for them, like they need some time out, or they aren’t used to being in a relationship, because 8 • BWD Magazine •

Know the signs! “Save You or Someone Close to You!

breast cancer Awareness Month Awareness... Prevention and Treatment

> Dairy contains hormones that may increase breast cancer risk directly, or indirectly by contributing to premature puberty.

Breast cancer tumor can take a long time to develop, so early detection via mammogram may be too late. Mammograms and

> Melatonin suppression by meat and dairy may also contribute.

some other early detection devices may be too late in changing the course of the disease.

> Organic strawberries block cancer cell growth and, other berries, may block breast-cell DNA damage. Apples also reduce breast

Breast cancer is the the leading cancer killer of young women in

cancer risk. Soy foods have the distinction of both helping prevent

the United States.

breast cancer, by supporting normal pubertal development, and improving survival, especially for women on Tamoxifen.

The regular breast self exams that women are encouraged to do, do not appear to reduce breast cancer mortality, the effects of

> To decrease your risk of breast cancer, daily tea consumption,

physician breast examination are unknown, and it is not clear that

flax seeds, black beans, turmeric, and an hour of exercise every day.

screening for breast cancer with mammography, thermography, ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging does more good than

> There are some plant foods, though, that it may help to avoid.

harm on a population level because of the need to balance the

Kimchi, acrylamide in crispy carbs, and alcohol increase’s risk. The

cases in which there is benefit with the number of unnecessary

good news is that numerous vegetables, may be protective against

biopsies and surgeries.

breast cancer. The most useful are likely cruciferous vegetables (such as broccoli, kale, and cabbage) and allium family vegetables

You should still be doing breast self-exams every month, breast

(such as garlic, onions and leeks).

cancer when caught in the very early stages is now 95% curable. > (Shocker) Eating an egg a day ‘increases’ your odds of breast In conjunction with family history and external input, like the birth

cancer by ‘three’ times.

control pill can act as “fertilizer” to certain susceptible tumors, can certainly speed up the tumor process. > A plant-based diet may be beneficial in preventing, slowing down, and even reversing breast cancer. > Diets containing less meat will reduce the risk of breast cancer by lowering one’s exposure to anabolic steroids, heterocyclic amines.

BWD Magazine • • 9


U Revolution Entertainment (NU Revo) is the alwaysprofessional, ever-expanding, world-wide movement created by the CEO-Artist WORDSMITH. Our Mission is to entertain and educate through a Message of Purpose, and always by example relate that message through clean,

quality, and marketable Music for the Masses. “NU Revo” is home based in Baltimore, Maryland and we strive to build lasting relationships within our community, personally with fans and professionally with clients. We look to connect with established franchises that employ LIVE music and provide their clientele motivational entertainment with a meaningful message. We offer performance packages featuring Wordsmith with his LIVE Band tailored to fit any venue or event parameters and we guarantee the very best audience friendly content. NU Revolution is making great strides in the independent music scene and the biggest opportunity came in April 2015. Wordsmith and his LIVE Band joined forces with the Armed Forces Entertainment for a 19 day overseas concert tour! Wordsmith traveled to Djibouti, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait and Bahrain to perform for U.S. military personnel stationed there. This was a tremendous honor and we would like to provide the same high quality entertainment to audiences all over the country.


Wordsmith is an Indie artist in full control of his musical career. The emcee from Baltimore looks to represent his city on national and international stages with his Conscious-Commercial Hip-Hop and theatrical stage shows. His list of accomplishments reads like a major label artist, and his commitment to the business and the art has allowed “NU Revo”

Website: Twitter: @Wordsmith | Facebook: Wordsmith Instagram: WordsmithMusic | Youtube: Wordsmith Photography Credits: Andrew Mangum

to remain independent. His story is as inspirational and uplifting as his music. As a Hip-Hop artist and songwriter, Wordsmith has outgrown and overcome the negative stereotypes of the urban music genres. He has earned his chances and performed shows for grade schools and colleges, clubs

Cover Story

and bars, venues and theaters, even conferences and festivals. His music is free of profanity, full of message driven content and his dramatic style is embraced by Rock, Pop, Alternative, even Jazz music audiences.

A recent TV placement featured Wordsmith’s “Grudges & Growing Pains” on the new ESPN show Snoop & Son: A Dad’s Dream (season

Wordsmith’s cross-genre appeal and growing fame demanded a profes-

1, episode 3). Wordsmith also secured his biggest film placement

sional presentation for a widely diverse audience. He welcomed the

with his song “Happy Hour the Universal Blackout” used in the

challenge in building a LIVE Band and embraced his own evolution as an

soundtrack of the new movie Hollidaysburg.

artist to a front man knowing his efforts would enhance his concert performances and garner more reputable, more prolific gigs. Now Wordsmith

For 4 years running Wordsmith has earned the ASCAPlus Award

will only take the stage with his LIVE Band behind him.

from his PRO Society for his extensive catalog of licensed music.

Wordsmith has developed corporate approval through the licensing

Wordsmith has several albums released to his credit that are

of over 30 songs for film, television, internet video, video games and

available for purchase on iTunes, Amazon and other stores where

advertisement purposes with companies like NFL Network, CBS, NBC, Fox,

digital music is sold; Wordsmith’s Blue Collar Recital, King Noah,

Style, Bravo, Nintendo Wii and many more. Recent ad placements include

and Vintage Experience albums can all be found on his Pandora

Wordsmith’s “When in Doubt Give it Your Best” used by PS4 Hustle Kings

radio station. His newest album Apt. 507 is available digitally

trailer as well as “We Do It Better” used by Red Bull’s Street Skating Mystic

everywhere NOW and with physical distribution.

Sk8 Cup. 10 • BWD Magazine •

For Wordsmith, music is a constant balance of art and business where

What is your current state of residence and origin?

to be successful means always looking to further both at once. NU

I currently live in Baltimore City not too far from M&T Bank Stadium and

Revolution has capitalized off Wordsmith’s good reputation and grow-

Camden Yards. Originally I was born in Germany while my pops was sta-

ing fan base by securing professional clothing sponsorships with local

tioned out there in the Army; I still hold dual citizenship with Germany

outlet Route One Apparel and international outfitter Rude Boy Cloth-

and the US.

ing. Wordsmith and his NU Revolution brand are steady growing with the help of these new business partners.

When and what inspired the stage name ‘Wordsmith’? I came across Wordsmith one day while writing a rhyme that featured the

Wordsmith has toured throughout his career with stops in New York,

word blacksmith in it. It was like that moment of truth when I stopped

Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, Houston, Las Vegas, Boston, Baltimore,

and thought about how a blacksmith shapes and repairs things with their

Washington DC, Charlotte, Indianapolis, San Jose, Harrisburg, and over-

hands. I metaphored it to music and thought about how I create a verse,

seas in London, England. In 2015, he will continue that trend as he and

hook, bridge and an overall song; I was sold.

his band tour overseas US military bases in Africa and Southwest Asia with Armed Forces Entertainment. With this tour Wordsmith expects

Your story is ‘as inspirational’ and uplifting ‘as your music’. Fill us in!

to explode on the international scene!

Being a single father raising an 11 year old I adopted and a 4 year old that shares my blood life is a daily challenge. I still work part time as a Govt

Wordsmith has both lectured and performed at various music confer-

Contractor; holding a secret clearance, while chasing my music dreams.

ences around the country sharing his great music and professional ex-

How many artists do you know perform in Southwest Asia and Africa just

perience with other indie artists; conferences include SXSW, A3C, Mid

to come back home to a blue collar job. Still, all of these challenges make

Atlantic Music, Millennium Music, Launch and more. Wordsmith also

me special in my own right and allows me to be sympathetic to the world.

visits grade schools to perform for students and promote Anti-bullying

My struggles push me to uplift others and most of all give them a perspec-

narratives and a message of purpose.

tive on life; it all starts with seeking out your purpose and seeing why God put you here.

Wordsmith’s Purpose, his Dream can be seen clearly in his current, successful crowdfunding campaign with Indiegogo. Wordsmith looks to

Tell us about your latest debut album, single and the inspiration be-

utilize Indiegogo’s established network to connect personally with fans

hind the title(s), sound and storytelling. What can the listeners expect?

and funders around the globe and raise the necessary capital to prop-

Any Videos, off the album, released yet?

erly advance his music career. Flex funding means anyone may donate

My latest project is called “Apt. 507”, which is actually my apartment num-

at any time.

ber in the historical building in Baltimore City I live in. I have such a great view of Baltimore through my bay windows that I mentally put a

Wordsmith has always been an ideal candidate for public entertain-

soundtrack to the hustle and bustle of the city. I chose Bluesy, Jazzy and

ment and now incorporating elements of a LIVE band confirms his

of course Hip Hop undertones as the backdrop to the production of the

act is bankable. The LIVE Band was built in order to capture greater

album. City life to me has a certain sound, so I looked to capture that along

performance opportunities for the artist on the rise. Now with Word-

with touching on everyday subjects of blue collar life. I personally shot 6

smith’s momentum, NU Revolution Entertainment fully intends to ex-

videos for Apt. 507 that can be viewed at while

pose him to mainstream audiences with LIVE Band support.

the album can be bought on,,, Target. com, and in several mom and pop record stores across the US.

Exclusive Interview (Continued Page 23)

BWD Magazine • • 11

pros and cons of our computer age read me a story

Medical Downsides That May Exist! No one would deny that technology has effected all of our lives and with one of my daughters being a computer engineer, it’s a constant reminder. Many great things have resulted for sure but for every good one there are bad things too. Try on electronic medical records! Most people don’t realize that there are also medical downsides to this electronic revolution, so let’s review them.


Electronic e-books have become very popular because of their convenience and also the accessibility of getting books but they give off a blue light and it has been found to disrupt melatonin release for

sleep. As a result, if you are reading in bed prior to sleep it will be hard to get to sleep. I guess it likes reading an action thriller which releases epinephrine and cortisol which wakes you up. Reading them however with an electronic book will put a double

light me up


whammy on you, unable to sleep with your eyes WIDE OPEN, like an owl with his pants on fire!

All electronic equipment gives off radia-

take a deep breath

tion that if close enough and constant enough can affect our cellular DNA. Whether nuclear, ultraviolet, cell phone, router, etc., etc., we are starting to see

some worrisome associations. Cell phones and brain tumors, Low


Now, thanks to technology we have 3D printers. The only problem is that they give off UFP’S or ultra-fine particles of less than 100 nanometers that

“T” Syndrome in men with cell phones tucked into their pockets

when inhaled go directly into our blood

and cancer of the pancreas on lap top users. Regardless, radia-

streams. They find their way everywhere including the brain

tion is bad for our DNA so keep it away. Just because you can’t

causing free radicles and inflammation. It’s now recommended

see it doesn’t mean that it can’t hurt you like when you get close

that a large fume hood be used in a well ventilated room while

to a large TV and your hair goes straight out like Howard Stern

using them but that remains to be seen. Here again technology

because of the radiation.

and the human species, juxtaposition in an unhealthy relationship and opposites don’t necessarily attract!

12 • BWD Magazine •

Dr. David L Vastola runs a private practice in Palm Beach, Florida, specializing in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, and is often called the Sherlock Holmes of Medicine for uncovering problems that other medical professionals missed. He has 4 books, 5 children, has been married for 34 years, has an assistant lovingly named Patrick the Poodle, and is showcasing a new TV pilot called, Good Health Hunting, at film festivals. Dr. Vastola also has an extensive media experience as a medical and nutrition expert on WJNO Radio, Fox News and CBS 12 News in Florida. His new book Fountain of Youth: Nutritional Therapies (Carrel Books/Skyhorse Publishing) is due for release in July 2015.


IN SUMMARY As we all meander through our daily lives, we need to be cognizant of the technology surrounding us and their potential dreadful consequences. If you ignore these warnings and think that those organic turnips that you just bought at Whole Foods will save your life, guess again.

Brought to you by:

Dr. David L Vastola Website: Twitter: @DrDavidVastola Facebook: Dr David L Vastola Photo Credits: Dr. David L Vastola - All Rights Reserved BWD Magazine • • 13

Holland Meissner “Dying to be Angry”

About the Author/Publisher: Holland Meissner

A riveting account of an unparalleled journey through emotional

Holland Meissner is a self-proclaimed philocalist. She writes and

struggle, Dying to be Angry is author, Holland Meissner’s freshman

she sings. Holland is particularly fond of Broadway-style singing

debut. This book reveals the socialization of a lady and the chal-

and has recently began taking singing lessons.

lenge to balance being human and with being proper. Revealing the roots to oppressed anger, unleashes a firestorm in Meissner’s

Holland is currently working on other writing projects and hopes

life that leads to the unmaking and rebuilding of a human being.

the truth of her writings reaches the truth-station within all her readers.

This book is raw and written in today’s vernacular. The language is obtuse and profane at times, but it authentically relays the message of anger and its roots. In one chapter Meissner seems defeated, “I hope you never know the sting of someone saying they are sorry after they have hurt you to your core---and you know they do not mean it.” And, in a next, she is controllably enraged as she recounts events from her childhood— “Here this six foot tall coward was crouched beside a bed full of little girls.” This book is intended to point out the dangers of encouraging suppression of emotions in place of teaching appropriate dispelling of toxic feelings. This book is purposely a quick read and geared toward mature readers at all levels. Contact Information: Website: Twitter: @HollandMeissner Facebook: HollandMeissner

Available on Kindle and Nook. All Rights Reserved

14 • BWD Magazine •

Will be available in audio everywhere on October 1st



ethane formed in 2012 by brothers Tim Scott (Revenant/HatePlow) and Dylan Campbell and Tim’s longtime friend and guitarist Jimi Masterbo.

They quickly recruited drummer Andreas Strom and

released an EP Single, entitled ‘Southern Metal’, in 2014. Methane also spent 2014 touring both Scandinavia and the United States of America. Methane released a new two-song single ‘Spit On Your Grave’ featuring the title track “Spit on Your Grave” and “Blood, Sweat and Beer” on July 1, 2015. These songs were recorded in the fall of 2014 and are now currently available as digital downloads on most major digital music websites. Contact Information Methane planned a U.S. tour for September 2015 with Voodoo Queen Management of St. Louis. After returning from the states Methane will also be persueing European tour dates later in the fall. Twitter: @Methanemetal | Facebook: Methaneband Instagram: Methanemetal | Youtube: Methane Band

Methane has completed studio work on a full length album recording which is available for consideration by A&R Representatives and Music Producers for production and release.

All Regions: Booking, Press & Mgmt: U.S. Booking and Promotion:

METHANE is fueled by:

Kathey Waxler

Tim Scott - Bass and Vocals

Voodoo Queen Mangement

Jimi Masterbo - Lead Guitar

Dylan Campbell - Guitar, backing Vocals Andreas Strom - Drums

Norweigen Bookings:

Photography Credit: Patrick Niemi - All Rights Reserved

Thea w/TT Entertainment

BWD Magazine • • 15

Monthly inspiration Never look down on yourself or let anyone belittle you. You are Gods masterpiece, created in His image and likeness. In all the world there can never be another you. You are special and unique. Amazing just the way you are.

Be encouraged. You are Gods masterpiece, His treasured possession. Be Inspired! With Love, Eloho LATEST RELEASE!! Eloho - Speechless

Some people may not get you and may try to bring you down but stand tall, you are the apple of Gods eye. He’s mindful of you and has great plans for you. Not everyone will like you, Jesus wasn’t liked by all. They sought to kill him. I know sometimes we want to be approved and accepted by people but you need to know your place in God and carry yourself the way God sees you. When you do, you will not need to beg or look for acceptance. The right people will come around you. “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10 NLT 16 • BWD Magazine •

DOWNLOAD YOURS! Visit any of the below links! @Elohoefemuai | Facebook: Elohosmusic |

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all hands on deck DJ SPOTLIGHT “Destiny” best describes the recent partnerships between 4th Disciple and the late Sean Price. On August 5th, 4th Disciple, Price and Rhasun Tapp of Blakglobe Music Group got together for a session in Staten Island at Code Red Studios. The session also included Wu-Tang’s Inspectah Deck, Lounga Lo, Remedy (Code Red Entertainment) and up and coming MC, RIM from the group Davillins on Ruckdown Records. Initially, 4th Disciple and Price were going to record one or two tracks together but the unmistakable musical chemistry between 4th Disciple’s production and Price’s flow made these artists come to a mutual agreement to record a full length album featuring Deck, completely produced by 4th Disciple. The two-day all night sessions generated three verses from Price, two of them blessed by Deck which flow over dope 4th Disciple beats. Price and 4th decide to take a break and agree to reunite on Monday, August 10th, to finish the project.

“Sean Price/ 4th Disciple”

Press Release


Sean Price from a family member:

“Me and P had just only recently met but it felt like I had known him for years. He was a truthful Brother, Hip-Hop and the world will surely miss his presence. Utmost condolences to his family and crew.” ~4th Disciple The unexpected passing of the Boot Camp Click artist halted production of a project that was sure to be classic hip hop collaboration. The previously recorded songs will be placed on a compilation album. The project will feature an array of artists and will be released in the fall of 2015.

Submitted by DJ Sincere DJ Sincere is the founder of Drtybsmnt Multimedia, mobile/mixtape DJ, syndicated radio host and columnist. Media Contact Information: Twitter: @Drtybsmnt Facebook (MultiMedia) /Drtybsmnt DJ SINCERE for DRTBSMNT MULTIMEDIA

On Saturday, August 8th, 4th learned of the tragic passing of

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BWD Magazine • • 17

buffalo bites monthly feature Hiya folks! Hang on to your hats as we’ve had a busy couple of months since

everyone can understand. Check ‘em.

our last month’s dive into how to not get shafted by a record label. I’ve got to level with you now, I was absolutely humbled when the British So here’s a fly by tour of some of the highlights of the last four weeks at

Broadcasting Corporation contacted us to record a voiceover for their long

Crown Works Studio in Wolverhampton, UK including recording voiceovers

running series ‘The One Show’ with journalist and presenter Nick Wallis.

for BBC One – “The One Show”!

In a decade of recording bands I honestly never thought I’d get to be part of a prime-time evening TV show on our nation’s favorite channel!

We’ve recorded more demos for God Damn, and God damn they sound great! After recording a few tracks using guitar amp plugins (!) we returned

The session was not much more than an hour long but one of the most

to amplifier and microphone setups. I’m all for using amp simulators

intense things I’ve done so far in a studio. With Nick at a desk, in the live

sparsely in a mix but when you’re using all plugins for your guitar tracks it

room, I had a telephone next to me on speakerphone in the control room

can get very messy very quickly.

so everyone could hear everyone else. The One Show’s directors were on the line while we tracked the separate segment voiceovers and OK’d each

Working with Thomas from God Damn he uses an intricately balanced pedal

take as we recorded. It was a fascinating insight into how the whole process

board for his earthquake inducing guitar rig and even using plugins on each

of making the programme and the infrastructure of the BBC. I’ve been a

channel and trying to treat them as we would the amps, there is just no

massive fan of BBC music and science and nature documentaries for years

substitute for a great amp, guitar and player in front of a carefully selected

and since being involved in their schedule I’ve got a whole new level of

lineup of microphones. I promise you this.

respect for the company. We started recording at 2:45 pm, emailed the wav files directly to the BBC and waited for an OK before we let Nick continue

Tom’s amps in particular are all high-powered valve Orange heads span-

on his busy day. The first of two pieces using our audio aired on Monday

ning nearly 40 year vintage! It’s the headroom that this allows that really

night (28 Sept) and I believe the second was on last night (Thursday 1st

brings his sound to life, and life, and life!! The two guitar amps and one

October), these will be available on BBC iPlayer for a couple of days still

bass-head employed in the rig respond to absolutely every nuance of play-

I’m sure. I bet you can’t tell which it is but it sounded great to me. Proud of

ing, proximity to the amp and l sh*t you not, it’s something to experience

our studio, and myself.

in a relatively small space! They’re touring the UK NOW with Max Raptor and Radkey so if you like your music filthy and hard get along to one of

Something else I’ve been thinking about lately is starting a record label

the shows!

or working with labels... There’s a ton of information to get through and single-handedly running a studio is perhaps not conducive to finding time

We also had The Stirs back in the studio mid-September for the second

for these activities but never the less, it’s something I’m keen to develop. If

installment of their upcoming EP, another foot tapping blast from the

for no other reason than my own curiosity but now I’m in the situation I’m

lads that won’t disappoint and we’re looking forward to the next one this

in as a Producer, songwriter, mixer, session musician arranger and having a


great studio at my disposal. I think I can use my skills to help more people, and maybe find a ‘hit’ of my own! I know I work with plenty of talented art-

These guys subtle blend of Britpop, blues and rock delivers attitude in

ists and bands, surely it’s only a matter of time? Time, and utter devotion

spades but these guys are lovers not fighters and their music captures all

to the cause, of course!

that’s great about the genres they blend. Well worth keeping an ear out for. Native State returned to us too for the second installment of their tight,

If you’d like to get in touch (and please do) and find out more about topics

melodic punchy rock and upped the gain a little. Mr Nice is probably an

covered in these articles, or how I might be able to help you or your band in

equal favorite of the tracks we’ve recorded with these guys. Somehow I

the studio just drop me a line at and I’ll do

seem to connect it with Howard Marks the renowned cannabis trafficker,

my very best to help you find the answers. Just don’t ask about the meaning

author and touring talker but it’s not necessarily the truth. As their other

of life! All the very best and Happy Tracking!

tracks do, Seb, singer and lyricist for the band tells clearly thought out stories in his songs, firmly backed up with well written instrument parts and

CrownWorks Studio

some great drumming, these guys are definitely worth noting for future

Twitter: @CrownWorks_

reference. I think their tracks have a broad appeal and face themes that

Written by Gareth Rogers

18 • BWD Magazine •

From the sunny shores of a Floridian sky to the

underground and across a global stage.

ears and eyes of a worldwide audience BWD has grown from an acorn of an idea into an oak tree

Not only affording the world of music a genuine outlet to purvey

of industry-might, its roots deep within the strata

it’s unbridled talents BWD Radio also promotes and inspires the

of social sites and online promotions, its branch-

musicians it unveils, the multi-faceted nature of BWD incorporat-

es far-reaching and bearing fruitfulness aplenty.

ing all avenues of generating awareness and recognition to the talents it reveals, encouraging the growth of their fan-base and

Starting out developing websites Ms. Keach aka Ms. V proved her-

helping propel them onto the iPods and bedroom walls of a global

self more guru than mere graphic designer, her final works forging


a reputation of being the go-to girl for all things attention grabbing and intuitive.

With the recent successful launch of the BWD Radio app the audience all artists are looking to find are as close as they have ever

Quickly she began laying the foundations for what would become

been, right on the other side of millions of touch-screens and

her own empire, reputation growing with each engagement and

monitors, smart-phones and tablets all bearing the app’s visage

the horizon of possibilities expanding even further than first

across their surface.

dreamed. Now a major player in the world of radio and media, the leader in Whilst making some of the connections that would see BWD

the field of generating buzz around the artists it plays on its non-

become a leader in its field murmurings and mutterings regarding

stop, commercial free station, and proudly wearing the banner of

the state of the music business came filtering through the wire.

being The Home Of The Indie Artists BWD founder Ms. V has proven

Listening to the sounds of discontent chattering in the background

you don’t need a thousand lawyers fighting over who gets the

it became clear that, for all the talented individuals with credible

best parking spot in front of offices to forge a dominant empire

worth vying for the attentions of a label or promoter, those in the

of multi-faceted out-lets; as the late great British entertainer Roy

Industry were more concerned with how profitable a bottom-line

Castle once said ‘Dedication’s all you need’.

they could wring from their talents than the merits and music of the people themselves. Contact Information: An avid appreciator of new and classic music Veralyn saw a gap in the market for someone with the knowledge and nous, con-


nections and cunning, and - of course - the dedication to provide

Twitter: @BWDRadio_

a credible alternative to those as-yet unsigned greats of music, a

Facebook: BWDRadio

platform for them to launch themselves into the airwaves and soar into the charts.

Instagram: BWDPromotions Twitter: @BWDPromotions

With each passing year BWD has grown in both experience and influence, the listening world turning up the dial to be the first to


hear the latest unsigned extravagances of talent bursting from the

(Sponsers) Photo Credits: BWD Graphics - All Rights Reserved. BWD Magazine • • 19

october’s Bizarre, wacky & Unique Holidays THE DAYS OF OCTOBER (Including Observances) 5 Do Something Nice Day

20 Brandied Fruit Day

5 World Teacher’s Day

21 Babbling Day

6 Come and Take it Day

21 Count Your Buttons Day

6 Mad Hatter Day

21 National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day

6 Physician Assistant Day

22 National Nut Day

7 Bald and Free Day

23 National Mole Day

8 American Touch Tag Day

23 Tv Talk Show Host Day

9 Curious Events Day

24 Make a Difference Day (Neighbors Helping Neighbors)

9 Fire Prevention Day

24 National Bologna Day

9 Leif Erikson Day

24 United Nations Day

9 Moldy Cheese Day

25 Mother-In-Law Day - fourth Sunday in October

9 World Egg Day

25 Punk for a Day Day

10 National Angel Food Cake Day

25 World Pasta Day

11 It’s My Party Day

26 National Mincemeat Day

11 Take Your Teddy Bear to Work Day

27 Navy Day

12 Columbus Day

28 Plush Animal Lover’s Day

12 Cookbook Launch Day

29 Hermit Day

12 Old Farmer’s Day

29 National Frankenstein Day

12 Moment of Frustration Day

30 Frankenstein Friday

13 International Skeptics Day

30 National Candy Corn Day

14 Be Bald and Free Day

30 Mischief Night

14 Emergency Nurses Day

31 Carve a Pumpkin Day

14 National Dessert Day

31 Halloween (Of Course!)

15 White Cane Safety Day

31 Increase Your Psychic Powers Day

16 Bosses Day 16 Dictionary Day

Weekly Celebrations:

17 Sweetest Day Third Saturday of month 17 Wear Something Gaudy Day 15 International Newspaper Carrier Day 18 No Beard Day 19 Evaluate Your Life Day 20 • BWD Magazine •

Week 1 - Get Organized Week & Customer Service Week Week 2 - Fire Prevention Week & Pet Peeve Week Week 3 - Pastoral Care Week

Bizarre, Wacky, Silly, Unknown Holidays & ‘Observances’ There is a wealth of bizarre, unique, special and otherwise different holidays and “days”. Looking for a wacky day to celebrate, perhaps? There is a day for just about everyone and everything! CELEBRATION ‘Theme’ FOR THE MONTH OF ‘OCTOBER’ >Adopt a Shelter Dog Month >American Pharmacist Month >Apple Jack Month >Awareness Month >Breast Cancer Awareness Month >Clergy Appreciation Month >Computer Learning Month >Cookie Month >Domestic Violence Awareness Month >Eat Country Ham Month >International Drum Month >Lupus Awareness Month >National Diabetes Month >National Pizza Month >National Vegetarian Month >National Popcorn Popping Month >Sarcastic Month >Seafood Month BWD Magazine • • 21


Jasmine Jordan ontemporary R&B singer-songwriter, Jasmine Jordan, releases her newest single, “Smile.” The track is the stand-alone, follow-up single to her debut EP, Time Travel. “With incredible range, storytelling, and passion, Jordan captivates audiences with relatable narratives that convey love’s

enthralling and heartbreaking dynamics.” (You Know I Got Soul) Having only begun her solo career in the summer of 2014, Jasmine Jordan has already been named “An Artist To Watch” by urban tastemakers, including DJ Booth, Daytrotter and Singersroom. Her debut album, Time Travel, “brings back the style of 90’s R&B/Pop, while still coming across like a breath of fresh air.” (Planet Stereo Live) Released in March 2015, the video for the title-track features artist, Blanchard De Wave, and has garnered attention on YouTube.

Contact Information

Jordan embarked on a U.S. tour in support of Time Travel this past spring, selling out venues in Los Angeles and Seattle. Furthermore,


in celebration of Beck’s 2015 “Album of the Year” Grammy win for

Twitter: @TheRealJasmineJ

Morning Phase, Jordan was hand-selected by Capitol Records to

Facebook: TheRealJasmineJ

cover Beck’s single, “Turn Away.”

Instagram: TheRealJasmineJ

Jasmine just wrapped up four West Coast dates in support of her latest single “Smile”, which included performances in San Francisco,

Photography Credits:

Portland, Seattle and Los Angeles. The single has gained over

“Smile” photo by Milan Carter

55,000 views on Youtube and is continuing to turn heads. Jasmine

“Overalls” photo by Andric Booker

will be heading back into the studio to work on her next project and is looking forward to getting back on the road to share her message of positivity and love. 22 • BWD Magazine •

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wordsmith (Continued)

Share with us your previous album releases, titles and inspirations be-

Hip Hop singles on the radio today would barely make a mixtape 10 years

hind them. How do they stack up against your latest release? What

ago; shows a big change in how our society perceives this music as well.

separates your latest…in-between… and the oldest of music releases from one another? Inspirations, Sounds, Movements, Life Events, etc.?

What is NU Revolution? Where and when was it derived? Your inspira-

My previous releases are bridging the Gap with Chubb Rock, Vintage Expe-

tion, motivation behind the movement.

rience, King Noah and The Blue Collar Recital. I feel like with each album

I chose the name NU Revolution because I wanted to pave my own lane in

I became a better songwriter and continued to talk about relatable topics

Music. I’m not interested in sounding like anybody else. A trend is a trend

close to the hearts of the working class. My songs are profanity free, catchy

for a reason and they change weekly, monthly and yearly so I choose to

and embody who I am as a person.

start my revolution of music and build genuine fans.

How were you originally influenced by hip hop and what moved you

Do you have a motto or mission? If so, do share!!!

to pursue in it?

My mission is to entertain and educate through a Message of Purpose,

What’s crazy about my experience into Hip Hop is though it’s an Urban

and always by example relate that message through clean, quality, and

genre of music I was introduced to it by a Caucasian while living in Ger-

marketable Music for the Masses.

many the second time. Shout to Kevin Wilson for letting me borrow 3 tapes weekly from his shoebox collection. I have to say without that introduction

The Ladies WILL want to know… So are you single?

I may have never got into Hip Hop or wrote music. The second memory

I am very single so feel free to hit me up!

that dictated my love of Hip Hop was my parents buying me Run DMC’s “Tougher then Leather” and The Fat Boys are Back tapes. One, I was sur-

Where can we go to get your awesome music? The best “Google Key-

prised my parents knew who they were and it showed me they were paying

word” search?

attention to my increasing love for Hip Hop.

You can grab my music at,,, Target. com and many more. The best keyword search for me is “Wordsmith Bal-

What do you feel has been some of your greatest accomplishments?

timore Rapper”

Roll up your sleeves! We know you’ve many!! Highlights… Some of my accomplishments that stand out to me are winning the ASCA-

A behind the scenes look into “Wordsmith with his LIVE Band!” Please

PLUS Award 3 years in a row, earning Burger Kings Next 2 Blow in HipHop

introduce your band to us and the role(s) they play, if you will.

Weekly Magazine, touring to Southwest Asia and Africa, licensing music

Definitely, I got tired of doing the typical format of rocking with a DJ and

to ESPN, NFL Network, Fox, CBS, Nintendo Wii, 2 movies and more. Other

wanted to expand my LIVE Show to new heights, so this is the team to

accomplishments include gaining clothing sponsorships with Route One

make that happen!

Apparel and Rude Boy Clothing. My LIVE Band consists of Vernon Roberts (Music Director/Keyboard), ChrisThe most popular question asked over the years to so many artists!

tine Curtis (Vocalist), James Garner (Electric Guitar), Kareem Thompson

As a Hip Hop Artist and Songwriter, how do you feel about today's hip

(Drummer), Pep Rose (Bass Guitar) and Dan Wachter (Road Manager).

hop scene? Be candid! Tell us how you really feel. The lyricist’s version! Today’s Hip Hop isn’t all bad, but none of the music will leave a legacy.

And finally, what will your next project be? What can we look forward

There may be a handful of new generation artists that will be remembered

to in the coming months from Wordsmith? Videos, Performances etc.…

20 years from now, while the rest only last 2 to 3 years in the game. In my

Any dates we should be looking to circle on our calendars?

opinion it’s because the quality of Hip Hop and Urban music in general has

I’m not sure what my next project will be, but I can say it will be my most

reached an all-time low. Genres like Pop, Country and even R&B continue

commercial one to date!

to flourish due to great songwriting and memorable artists. Some of the BWD Magazine • • 23


BWD Magazine • • 24

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