BWG Bangkok Contact Magazine April 2022

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April 2022

BRITISH WOMEN’S GROUP The aim of the Group is to enable its members to meet socially, to welcome its new members and associate members to Bangkok and to establish a programme of social, welfare and cultural activities.



Directory Page 2

Chairman’s message Page 3

Diary Page 4

Kamalaya Wellness Retreat Page 10

Book Club Page 12

Welfare Pages 16-17

AGM Report Pages 20-22

Sanja Stanley Page 24

British Women’s Group.

PLEASE NOTE : Contact is published as a service to our members to keep them informed of news and events within BWG. The accuracy of other information cannot be guaranteed and is not an endorsement by the group. This also applies to advertisements that are included in Contact in order to cover some of the production costs. Every effort is made to produce Contact in good time to reach members before the first scheduled meeting, but the editor cannot be held responsible for unavoidable delays caused by circumstance beyond their control. It is the members’ own responsibility to know when meetings are scheduled and to contact someone to check if any changes have been made. Members are also asked to bear in mind when booking actives that most venues are not deemed suitable for children over six months of age and to make appropriate child minding arrangements.

Chairman’s Message It can’t be Songkran already, but the thermometer is telling me otherwise. Thank you to those of you who came to the AGM, it was a very enjoyable day and quite a week for me as I had just become a grandmother (Yaa) for the first time. The next week was pretty good too with a surprise shower and a really great St. Patrick’s Day coffee morning at Petra’s. After no visitors for two years, I am about to be overwhelmed with four at once. It’s going to be fun, no really! Please take care and be safe, we have COVID cases in our community so it is important to take precautions and be diligent. Have a wonderful Songkran and Easter holidays, anything with an excuse for chocolate can’t be bad. Liz Hi Ladies and I hope that you are all well wherever you are in the world. If you have any articles to share for the magazine, maybe related to what you all have been up to over the past few months (holidays, baking, new hobbies etc), then please email your contributions to me at All contributions will be be very gratefully received and these will really help to preserve and strengthen our links as a BWG community.

British Women’s Group Bangkok

Contact April 2022

April Diary SUN










4 Mahjong

5 Bridge Golf Book Club

6 Mah-jong Art Group





11 Mah-jong

12 Bridge Golf

13 Mah-jong Art Group




Jackie Reynold’s games afternoon at Bistro 33 17

18 Mah-jong

19 Bridge Golf

20 Mah-jong Art Group





25 Mah-jong






Weekly/Monthly Activities You are invited to join these groups, but final approval is at the discretion of individual group leaders Monday Mah-jong - (beginners welcome) (10am - 1pm) Contact Jane Rogers Tuesday Bridge - Audrie Sill Golf - (morning) Ami 0971851834 Book Club - 1st Tuesday (10am) Lynne Smith 0957024638 Scottish Dancing - 1st Tuesday (7:30pm) Karen Burr Wednesday Mah-jong - (beginners welcome) (10am - 1pm) Contact Elizabeth Bryans Art Group - Bistro 33 Sukhumvit Soi 33 (10am -12:30pm) Julie.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! We would like to wish a really happy birthday to: Karen Wainwright - 4th April Becky Adderley - 7th April Anna Whitcraft - 8th April Ann Napier - 9th April Miles Potter - 10th April Catherine Bowers - 11th April Yvonne Ziegler - 16th April

Lisa Anaman - 17th April Shirley Kennedy - 2nd April Angela Fowles - 26th April Anna Morizzo - 29th April Elizabeth Pinyarnussorn - 30th April Maria Luisa Toxtle de Bell - 30th April

Have a wonderful day and we are all thinking of you.

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The Anantara Siam Hotel The Anantara Siam Hotel kindly provide raffle donations to the BWG. We have been there for afternoon tea and highly recommend the ‘tea for two’ for a special occasion!

Delina’s Italian Restaurant Delina’s restaurant provides space for BWG Book Club meet up and cosy coffee’s. They have an excellent lunch time menu which is worth checking out!

KAMALAYA WELLNESS SANCTUARY AND HOLISTIC SPA Have you ever thought of a ‘wellness’ holiday? Total relaxation, pampering, fitness consultations, detox, beach and pool, and of course top quality, freshly prepared food? No, I hadn’t either. Along with most people it wouldn’t be something I would choose to spend my money on. But don’t stop reading now, stay with me! Luckily my husband won a raffle of an all-inclusive package of 3 days/nights at Kamalaya, Koh Samui and what a treat it was. This is a top 5* retreat with all that goes with it. The attention to detail, the professionalism and friendliness of staff, the accommodation and facilities, the views (above from the deck and below from the gym), the excellent food and presentation (not a French fry in sight), all is second to none. The beautifully laid out accommodation is built in to a lush, rocky outcrop with its own private beach, and is designed to blend with the environment. As you would also expect there is little waste, with a no paper napkin, no straw, no plastic bottle policy, and instead provide complimentary water bottles and water stations and reusable items. On arrival there is a ‘consultation’ to establish aims – relaxation, stress, fitness, food detox? Also, there is a digital detox, with no digital devices in public areas. As well as your own personal programme of massages and therapies, there is also a whole programme to drop in and out of that are all ‘free’ to join such as Pilates, Yoga, Tai-Chi, Aerobics, Fitness and more. For us this was a ‘sneak peek’ and an amazing treat and was very, very impressive. It comes at a price but they do have ‘offers’ on their website that are worth checking out but it is very impressive.

THE ELEPHANT PARADE The Elephant Parade regularly support the BWG with donations to raffles. This Elephant Parade is a social enterprise with each elephant uniquely painted with @0% of profits going to elephant welfare and conservation. Support them if you can as they support us and don’t forget to mention BWG if you visit!

How To Kill Your Family by Bella Mackie A novel about rejection and betrayal, revenge and retribution that had many members eagerly turning pages in anticipation of gaining tips and pointers………… When Grace Bernard discovered that her absentee millionaire father had rejected her dying mother’s pleas for help, she vows revenge and sets about killing every member of his family. However, quite early on we learn that Grace is now in prison for a crime she didn’t commit! The irony! A wickedly dark romp about class, family, love… and murder that went down well with our readers. Many loved the witty wickedness and the irony of Grace’s incarceration was not lost. Most readers felt sympathy for Grace (a murderer) and were rooting for her to achieve her aims. There was also an interesting twist at the end that no one had anticipated……… All in all this book went down surprisingly well! Score - 8/10 Next Book is The Lieutenant by Kate Grenville to be discussed Tuesday 5th April.

Our very own Shout Outs! The BWG supports many Thailand based charities and in particular those that are education based – helping youth today to help themselves and their community tomorrow. Thailand Hilltribes Education Project BWG sponsor at least one student (15,000 Baht pa) through high school and university.

Human Development Foundation BWG sponsor 2 students in Klong Toey (8,000 Baht each pa) through high school and university.

Imagine Thailand Foundation BWG sponsor 2 students (12,000 each pa) through High School and University

Presentation Slums Mission Bangkok Known as the ‘Milk Run’, BWG donates towards the weekly milk runs and cost of baby milk powder and rice in Rung Moo community, Klong Toey.

New Life Centre, Chiang Mai BWG sponsor a child through high school and university (12,000B pa)

Steps BWG sponsors a student with additional needs (20,000B pa) to be trained and supported to find employment in the catering trade. Steps run three coffee shops/training centres in Bangkok – please visit and support!

Fatima Centre Empowering women and children living in poverty. The Fatima shop (near Villa Sukhumvit 33) sells a wide range of exceptionally well made embroidered goods that are fun, educational and unique. These goods are handmade and give women dignity as well as a fair price for their quality work. BWG offices are here and we pay rental to the centre for rooms and storage as well as supporting with further donations.

As well as our continued annual support to the above we are constantly making donations to other charities that need help. We recently donated 10,000B to Rejoice in Chiang Mai for milk powder for feeding mothers with HIV and also to Little Birds, helping support young orphans with HIV. Thank you for your support of BWG and our events, enabling us to support all of the above and more.

Shout Out! MedConsult – Dr Donna

Dr Donna always supports BWG with generous donations to raffle appeals. She is herself an active member of BWG and is often in attendance at BWG events – say hello and introduce yourself to her next time! Her company, MedConsult, has been active in Bangkok for over 35 years.

Currently the clinic offers one of the cheapest PCR/fit to fly tests in Bangkok at 1500B and is extremely competitive in pricing, of all services, compared to the major hospitals.

THE END PRODUCT - Blankets By Gale Bailey MBE

Many of our ladies knit or crochet 6" x 6" squares which are delivered to the Fatima Centre (via the Fatima Shop in Soi Villa) where Sister Louise's ladies sew the squares together to make blankets of different sizes to accommodate small and larger children. The blankets are backed to ensure they keep their shape and made ready for transportation up country. For many years now, Imagine Thailand (check out their Facebook page) has been collecting the completed blankets from the Fatima Centre then takes them up north where it gets pretty cold in the winter. BWG pay for the sewing up of the blankets plus the backing thus providing work and money to the Good Shepherd Sisters who do a wonderful job in the community.

Shout Out! Bistro 33 Bistro 33 is a long-term supporter of BWG. They give us space for mahjong and art groups and always contribute to our raffles. Please support them! They have space and catering for special events or parties and do an excellent Sunday lunch. www.

Shout Out! Varuna Sailing Club The Royal Varuna Yacht Club (RVYC) sponsor our raffles and donate prizes. RVYC is situated in Chonburi, only 2 hours away. If you want to get away from the air of Bangkok why not take a trip here? It is a family friendly place with accommodation, club house, private beach and more.

Shout Out! Jimmy’s Kitchen Jimmy’s Kitchen supports the BWG by providing raffle prizes. This is an excellent place to take visitors, or for anyone, to learn Thai cooking and carving. Please support him if you can. Phone 0819096729

Shout Out! The Royal Oak Pub The Royal Oak is a long-term sponsor of the BWG, allowing us meeting space as well as supporting raffles, and book sales. Bookshelves on the first floor are well stocked with up to date and popular titles and worth a look at 100B for 3 books. (Feel free to leave your own book donations too). The Oak does an excellent Sunday Roast and if you’re looking for an ‘English Pub’ with quizzes and sports events in the week, then this your pub!

AGM, 10th March 2022 Our AGM was held on the 10th, we had a good turnout and a good day. Our new patron, Christopher McCormick came along and introduced himself and we could confirm that our Queen’s Jubilee coffee morning on June 9th will be held in the Embassy residence. The following is pretty much what I said:“After the March 2021 AGM I remained Treasurer and was then made the Chairwomen’s deputy when Sue left for the UK and the Vice-Chair Laura was also travelling. When Thailand was put on the UK’s Red list I was officially made the Chairwoman. At that point most of the committee were away and with our Secretary Tina and Membership Secretary Karen, both fairly new members we held the fort, but it truly was the blind leading the blind. Lots of thanks and appreciation to Becky who edits and compiles our monthly Contact magazine and has kept us all up to date throughout it all. One success of the year though was getting around 50 people double vaccinated against COVID at MedPark Hospital. Not all members, I think we were all a bit skeptical in the beginning, but it happened. This is the third year that the Chair and Treasurer’s reports have begun with some comment alluding to the unusual year it has been. Perhaps it’s not so unusual now. Things ground to a halt after the AGM. We had no income at all for a few months with nothing happening. Zoom committee meetings and book club. In June cracker making started up with very few people, but we began to meet twice a week and others joined for an informal lunch on Wednesdays. Alms bowl coins trickled in and in October we began to hold coffee mornings and lunches. Numbers were very low with the average attendance being about 20 only. We started to collect membership dues and decided that our membership year would run January-December to mirror our accounting year and giving everyone four free months. Mahjong began again and we had a welcome influx of new, younger members replacing many who had left throughout the year. In fact, our membership stands at 78 paid and around 10 active honourary members. You’d think with those numbers we could manage a decent do. The BWG calendar is 1st Thursday of the month the committee meeting, all welcome. 2nd Thursday coffee morning, 3rd Thursday lunch and 4th Thursday activity. This is not set in stone of course, public holidays intervene, but you can mostly complete your calendar for the year on that basis. Mahjong Mondays and Wednesdays, crackers on Tuesdays and Book Club first Tuesday of the month. A crafting group is being set up too. To the money, our accounts are run in three funds. I’ve simplified things a bit so that it is easily understood. Firstly, we have a cracker fund, quite autonomous. Income comes from cracker sales and the profit, after deducting costs, is donated to pet charities. This year they still managed to donate B70,000 despite starting late and having fewer members. Secondly we have a General Fund. This fund is for our activities and group expenses. Most of our income these days comes from membership fees. Recently our coffee mornings and lunches are usually on a pay for yourself basis and that generates no income. Our sundry expenses cover things like insuring me as I go about town with the cash box; storage fees at the Fatima shop for our cardboard cutout Queen and the aforementioned coffee mugs and machines, etc.; expenses for our domain name and website; sending flowers to members in hospital or for significant birthdays or events. The largest sum is an

accounting jiggery-pokery of a transfer to the welfare fund to keep it in credit. The Welfare Fund has the same amount as income so the two cancel each other out and can be ignored. Welfare Fund income also comes from our generous members when we get together and we ask for your loose change and to buy raffle tickets. Given that we have not met so often and don’t always have raffles when numbers are so small, you can imagine that this income is much less. Book sales from our bookcase in the Royal Oak pub were also down as the pub was closed for months. There was pent up demand on the reopening so books are always needed to replenish stocks. Please remember that if you are clearing out books, they can be dropped at the Fatima shop. We are spending more on welfare payments than we bring in. A hangover from the days of our account turnover being more than a million. We still have money in the bank and we are determined to continue the education commitments that we have made. Other welfare payments are going to have to be reduced unless we can host some serious events to fund raise. Any suggestions? GENERAL FUND COFFEE LUNCHES MEMBERSHIP SUNDRY TRANSFER TO WELFARE TOTAL

INCOME 8,400 4,700 64,000 1,200


INCOME 15,700 7,400 69,200 15,600


225,000 332,900

EXPENDITURE 1,800 2,350 70,144 225,000 299,294 Add Balance B/F TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE 9,800 286,500 296,300 Add Balance B/F TOTAL WELFARE FUND

BALANCE 6,600 2,350 64,000 -68,944 -225,000 -220,994 631,031 410,037 BALANCE 15,700 7,400 59,400 15,600 -286,500 225,000 36,600 23,369 59,969

2021 was a very odd year. I didn’t go anywhere and BWG was pretty much my whole social life and I enjoyed it very much. As a Group I would say that we are older, that more of us are permanent residents, but also we have more members who are here for part of the year and travel for months at a time. We must adjust. Our not so new Committee is-

Chairwoman & Treasurer: Liz Dobson Vice-Chairwoman & Coffees: Petra Gordon Vice-Chairwoman & Lunches: Laura Smith

Secretary: Tina Boonyai Membership & Online: Karen Wainwright Contact Magazine: Becky Adderley Welfare: Gale Bailey MBE Activities: Sally Fisken General Member: Sue Williams These ladies have been wonderful over this past year, so onwards and upwards!” Liz Dobson

Shout Out! Tou Stainless Steel K Pan supports the BWG by giving raffle prizes. Please support him if you can. He has an excellent show room at Palladium Mall on the ground floor, Room 1B, 238, Zone Bit’s right towards the back! Mention BWG if you visit.

Tonpo Shop – Amarin Plaza K Porn supports BWG with donations to raffles. Please support her if you can. Her shop is on the 3rd Floor. She often has 50% discounts! Please mention BWG if you visit.


Congratulations to our very own BWG member, Sanja Stanley, who was recently appointed President of the United Nations Women’s Club (UNWC), Thailand. Hello, my name is Sanja Stanley. I am British, originally from Belgrade/Serbia, brought up in Africa, and have always felt like a global citizen during my nomadic life journey, accepting the unknown, loving the cultural diversities and expanding the knowledge of the international communities. My husband, myself and our 3 children have been In Thailand for 13 years after traveling for many years with my husband’s job in the UN. I love Thailand and have enjoyed being a member of many charity women’s clubs in Bangkok including the BWG and AWC, and after many different roles within the UNWC, Thailand, I accepted the role of President. The United Nations Women’s Club, founded in 1959 in Thailand, brings together women of all UN organizations as well as friends of the UNWC who participate in cultural, social and welfare activities. I am looking forward to continuing my support of the BWG welfare and club activities through working together with members of the UNWC and hope the two clubs will continue to support each other, nurture friendship, as well as encourage mutual growth, interclub participation and celebrate each other’s endeavors.

Amazing English Sent in by Gale Bailey MBE

*WHEN BODY PARTS ARE USED AS VERBS* Many parts of the body can be used as verbs in either a physical or a metaphorical sense. You can *head* a company, but if things go wrong you'll have to *shoulder* the blame, or *face* your investors. A good leader will *back* his employees, but if you don't *toe* the line the management can *skin* you. Did you *muscle* your way into that job? You might *eye* someone suspiciously, or wait for the police to *finger* a suspect. But if you need to get out of town, you can *thumb* a ride or you can ride with me if you can *stomach* the thought. Use strong *arm* tactic if you want to *elbow* out someone. I don't always sing along with the radio, but I sometimes do *mouth* the words. *(To all English-Language Lovers)*

Shout Out! PJ O’Brien’s PJ O’Brien’s supports the BWG with raffle prizes. You can find them just off the BTS at Phra Khanong. They often have live music on and have a British food menu as well as Thai. Please support them if you can.

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