BWG Contact Magazine March 2019

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“Personalized Healthcare” 27 – 29

Wed – Fri

10.00 – 16.00 hrs. G Floor

Bumrungrad International Hospital (BIH) Building

30 – 31 Sat – Sun

10.00 – 16.00 hrs. M Floor

Bumrungrad International Hospital (BIH) Building

30 – 31 Sat – Sun

10.00 – 20.00 hrs. Central World

Central Court on the G Floor (near the main glass elevator)

Exclusive health check-up packages available at the Bumrungrad Health Fair only. Special healthcare seminars led by Bumrungrad doctors on various topics in Thai language. Basic health screenings available.

Chairman’s Message Greetings from an amazingly Spring like UK. I have seen my first lambs, making BKK seem a million miles away, which of course it is. February was a busy succession of events, beginning with an excellent evening at the Embassy. It was lovely to see so many past and present friends at our last drinks evening in the wonderful grounds of the Embassy and we are very grateful to His Excellency Mr.Brian Davidson and would like to say a huge thank you to him and our Social Events Team. The Valentines coffee and combined lunch activity were also a huge success and I was very sorry to have missed them, again thank you to all those involved in organising, hosting and attending. Without all your efforts these events could not happen. The Month of March sees the AGM on the 14th which I urge as many of you as possible to attend, as we still need your support. There are also still some positions available, if you feel you would like to join the merry band of volunteers, please just let me know. All details to be found in the magazine.

Ailsa Kneath

We are also hosting a quiz night at Bistro 33 this month so get your brains in gear. See you there! Tickets for the Combined Women’s Lunch which is to be hosted by us at The Kempinski on May 29th, as our 50th celebration, are available from the first of this month. Please support this very special day, as celebrating 50 years is a great and proud achievement! "If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way” Napoleon Hill

Welcome to the March issue of Contact, whilst the UK enjoys unseasonable good weather, things are getting hotter here, although mercifully in Bangkok at least the pollution seems to have eased. In this month’s issue you can find all the photos from the fab Embassy Drinks evening and the lovely valentine’s coffee; this includes also the recipe for the delicious apple cake from Sylvia Knoss which won the BWG Bake Off ! Also find details of the March Coffee, Activity, and the positions which are still vacant on the committee, including Editor of this very publication. It is honestly good fun and not tricky to edit so please anyone give me a shout if they are interested; the only reason I’m giving up is I’m moving country.

Claire Llewellyn

British Women’s Group Bangkok

Contact March 2019


BRITISH WOMEN’S GROUP The aim of the Group is to enable its members to meet socially, to welcome its new members and associate members to Bangkok and to establish a programme of social, welfare and cultural activities.


March Diary Page 5

AGM and Committee Roles Page 6&7

Embassy Drinks Report and Photos Pages 8-12

Valentines Coffee Report and Photos Page 14&15

March Coffee Details Page 17

Welfare Reports Page 18&19

BWG Quiz Night Page 21

March Activity Page 22

Combined Women’s Lunch/BWG 50th Anniversary Page 23

Membership News Page 25

Editor Advertising Please note that the deadline for advertisements is the 5th of the month prior to issue. Please contact advertising@bwgbangkok for more information. PLEASE NOTE : Contact is published as a service to our members to keep them informed of news and events within BWG. The accuracy of other information cannot be guaranteed and is not an endorsement by the group. This also applies to advertisements that are included in Contact in order to cover some of the production costs. Every effort is made to produce Contact in good time to reach members before the first scheduled meeting, but the editor cannot be held responsible for unavoidable delays caused by circumstance beyond their control. It is the members’ own responsibility to know when meetings are scheduled and to contact someone to check if any changes have been made. Members are also asked to bear in mind when booking actives that most venues are not deemed suitable for children over six months of age and to make appropriate child minding arrangements.

Contact March 2019


March Diary SUN



4 Mah-jong



5 Bridge Golf

6 Mah-jong Art Group














Newcomers Coffee @ Bistro 33




11 Mah-jong

12 Bridge Golf

13 Mah-jong Art Group

18 Mah-jong

19 Bridge Golf

20 Mah-jong Art Group

25 Mah-jong

26 Bridge Golf

27 28 Mah-jong Activity - Go Snoop! Art Group

AGM & Lunch @ Sheraton Four Points Sukhumvit

21 Coffee @ Tracey Nazif’s Apartment


30 BWG Quiz Night @ Bistro 33

Weekly/Monthly Activities You are invited to join these groups, but final approval is at the discretion of individual group leaders

Monday Mah-jong - (beginners welcome) (10am - 1pm) Tuesday Bridge - Audrie Sill Beginners/Intermediate Golf - (morning) Ann McKinnon Golf - (morning) Sheona Jackson Bookworms - 1st Tuesday (10am) Jane Upperton Scottish Dancing - 1st Tuesday (7:30pm) Karen Burr

Save the Date Activity : Royal Varuna Sailing Club 24th & 25th April St George’s Society 57th Annual Soiree Saturday 27th April @ Pullman Bangkok Grande Sukhumvit Combined Women’s Lunch hosted by BWG for our 50th Anniversary Wednesday 29th May @ Siam Kempinski Hotel

Wednesday Mah-jong - (beginners welcome) (1pm - 4pm) Art Group - Bistro 33 Sukhumvit Soi 33 (10am -12:30pm) Melissa Preston

Contact March 2019. 5

2019-2020 BWG Committee Elections for the 2019-2020 BWG Committee will take place at the AGM to be held on Thursday 14th March. If you would be interested in being part of our friendly and dynamic committee and be more involved in the day-to-day activities of the BWG, please consider joining us. All positions are available to members but we particularly require members to fill the following vacant positions. Membership (1 persons) • Arrange Newcomers Coffee Morning, including booking the venue, advertising the event, and attending the event. • Prepare details for Contact Magazine monthly with dates of newcomers, new member details and the birthday list • Process Application Forms, inputting the details into the database and updating the master directory • Attend Monthly Committee meeting, provide a report to the secretary prior to the meeting • Administer annual renewals organising several dates to enable members to come and pay, send out the new directory once renewals are complete • Birthdays, inform the birthday person of any ‘special birthdays’ eg 60,70 etc Online Media (1 or 2 persons) • Upload monthly events to the BWG website • Maintain BWG Facebook page (Admin) • Maintain the BWG Instagram Account (Admin) • Admin to Mailerlite • Maintain the running of the website • Update photos, articles, events • Upload the monthly magazine (Contact) • Maintain and update the database on the website Contact Editior (1 person) • Collate all articles for Contact every month and format the Magazine • Liaise with Advertising to ensure all the correct advertising is in the magazine and the artwork is up to date • Choose the cover image each month and write an editors note • Send finished magazine to Online Media in time for go live on the 1st of every month • Attend the monthly committee meeting, provide a report to the secretary prior to the meeting. Unfortunately if we are unable to find a volunteer by the AGM to take on the role of Contact Editor, Contact will cease to be available after the April However, details of all BWG events will continue to be available on the website, on our Facebook page and in regular Mailerlite reminders'.

Contact March 2019


Raffles (1 person) Responsibilities include: • Organising monthly raffles at lunches and coffees • Organising raffle prizes (often from donations from other members) • Selling tickets at events (it’s a great way to chat to everyone) • Passing monies raised to treasurer • Promoting the sponsors where appropriate • It’s a great way to meet other members of the BWG and all monies raised goes toward supporting our BWG charities. special events for BWG members.

Contact Advertising (1 person) Main responsibilities (via email, no need for personal interaction) • Advertisers: Manage requirements for replacement of artwork, facebook post wording and images, renewal, other inquiries; • Contact Magazine Editor: forwarding all changes requested by current advertisers, advising on adverts to be included in the next issue; • Online Media: forwarding requests for Facebook Posts and liaising on new advertising possibilities • Treasurer: requesting invoices and liaising on all advertising financial issues. • Others: Regular checking of the BWG Advertising Email Account and documentation. • It’s a great way to help BWG raise funds and it I is a very flexible position that can be done from laptop or phone while on the go!. No need for personal interaction or strict working hours/days.

BWG ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Thursday 14th March, 2019 at 11.00 am Four Points by Sheraton, Sukhumvit Soi 15

Agenda 1. Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting held on 15th March, 2018 2. Matters arising from the Minutes 3. Chairman’s Report 4. Treasurer’s Report 5. Welfare Report 6. Questions from the Members 7. Election of Officers and Committee for 2019/202 8. Any Other Business

Contact March 2019


Last BWG Embassy Drinks by Jenny Littlewood Queen Victoria, I bet she’s seen a few things in all her years in the garden at the British Embassy. There’s not many events at the Ambassador’s residence, Bangkok that don’t spill out into the tropical gardens under her watchful eye. On Tuesday February 5th the British Women’s Group Bangkok, were invited for drinks at the British Embassy. Many of us there were more than a tad nostalgic, wondering if this was our last visit to this tranquil pocket of Bangkok, before the Embassy move to their new office location. It is always a thrill handing over your British passport for checking on arrival at the Wireless Road entrance. Mostly because once you have made it through that whirligig of gate, without getting your floaty new frock caught in the sharp metal prongs, you are invited into the grounds with a solemn salute as a guest of honour. A short walk within the Embassy compound is a wonderful historic step back in time to an old colonial-era. The British Embassy relocated here in 1922, from the riverside. It was not a popular move as many British subjects considered the area on the outskirts of the city! A look up at the surrounding high rise hotels and the impressive Central Embassy building reminds how times have changed. To reach the Residence you pass the war memorial before entering the imposing white embassy residence with its green shutters, antique furniture and polished wooden floors. There is nothing stuffy about Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Thailand, Brian Davidson, he made us all feel very welcome at his place. We might have been enjoying drinks at the Embassy of the United Kingdom, which is a beautiful opportunity to dress up and meet old BWG friends but it was a relaxed affair. Music was provided by students from Regents School.On the lawn The British Club provided quite an Anglo-Thai spread of delicious nibbles. Think ham carved from the bone with English mustard and lemon meringue pie meets chicken Satay and larb moo tord.

Contact March 2019


Last BWG Embassy Drinks As the music played, the waiters in their union jack waistcoats moved amongst us carrying bottles of bubbles and jugs of beer to ensure we were well hydrated. Amelia and Kim, our BWG raffle ladies (I hope you’ve added this to your LinkedIn profiles girls?!) were dressed to impress in their BWG pinnies. They looked like they are having way too much fun and the generosity of guests showed. The raffle raised over thb 23,000. Ailsa, our BWG Chair drew upon years of classroom experience to quieten the party, no mean feat without a microphone! We joined her in thanking both Samitijev Hospital for their generous sponsorship of our event and the British Embassy’s Brian Davidson and his husband Scott for their continued support of our BWG Bangkok. The Ambassador was complimentary about the BWG and the importance of the BWG role here in Bangkok as he mixed and mingled amongst us. All the while Victoria, Queen of Great Britain & Ireland, Empress of India kept her solemn watch on events. The statue erected in loving memory by her subjects in Siam is popular amongst Thai people to bring good luck. And I couldn’t help but feel it was half our luck to be enjoying such a lovely evening! Maybe it was just me, or maybe the bubbles, but I think Queen Victoria almost cracked a ‘we are not amused’ smile, she knew a good party when she saw it!

Contact March 2019


Last BWG Embassy Drinks

Last BWG Embassy Drinks

Contact March 2019


Last BWG Embassy Drinks

Contact March 2019


nspiring ndividuals At KIS International School all students can shine. The midsize, caring community allows KIS students to be confident and to be appreciated as an individual, with unique dreams and strengths. The school is a full IB school, offering the International Baccalaureate Programmes for all age groups (IB Primary Years Programme, IB Middle Years Programme and IB Diploma), ensuring an academically rigorous curriculum that not only prepares students to be successful at university, but also teaches important life skills. KIS, it’s all about Knowledge, Inspiration and Spirit. Check out the students’ videos to learn more about their passion

Tel: +66 (0) 2274 3444 Email:

“With the power of imagination, characters can actually fly off the page” Jun, Grade 11.

Valentines Coffee Morning By Karen Wanliss It is clear from the warm welcome I have received from many of the BWG members that the cheerful morale created by this group of ladies will have a positive impact on my inauguration to the world of Bangkok expat. Having been in Bangkok 2 weeks and 3 days I headed to Soi 22 to be enthusiastically welcomed by Lynne at her spacious poolside apartment complex. For those members who could not make this coffee morning some highlights: • Sylvia justly won the BWG Bake Off with a delightful apple sponge. Putting my (not baked) truffles in the shade! My disclaimer was, and will remain; I don’t actually have an oven… • Place of Grace was supported with foodstuff contributions for their emergency food bank. • BCMF will benefit from a bountiful bale of towels brought by many. • Raffles were bought and won and the theme of Valentine provided goodies for us all to take away. The attention to detail was heartfelt – pink posies to take home, love heart sweeties for nostalgia and sharing, chilled and plentiful pink champagne, endless cups of tea and coffee as well as chat, laughter and time to catch up with friends who we, all too often, don’t see enough of. Personally I want to pass on huge thanks to Lynne for her kindness and hospitality sharing her home and time with us all, I know anyone else who was there would want to do the same.

Contact March 2019


Winning Recipe by Sylvia Knoss Preparation time: 15 min Baking time: 30 – 35 min 28 cm/11 in round tin cake sprayed with non-stick spray or just butter the tin Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4 Ingredients • 130 g/4.6 oz butter, softened • 3 -4 apples, depending of the size of the apples (sour tasting apples are preferred) • 3 eggs • 150 g/5.3 oz caster sugar • A small shot rum or brandy (optional) • 200 g/7.0 oz flour (no self raising flour) • 15 - 20 g/0.5 – 0.7 oz baking soda (always keep the baking soda in the fridge to make sure it will work – otherwise the heat will devastate the baking soda) • A pinch salt • 1 tsp vanilla extract • Icing sugar for dusting • Method: Peel and core the apples, cut them in quarters and cut parallel cuttings on the outside of the apple • Put all the ingredients at once (except apples) butter, sugar, rum, flour, baking soda in in a large bowl and mix with a mixer on high speed until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes • Pour the batter into the tin and smush/push the apples into the batter. Make sure there are not big gaps between the apples • Bake it for 30 – 35 min • Use icing sugar for dusting shortly before serving.

Other delicous entires from the Valentines BWG Great British Bake Off…

Contact March 2019


Valentines Coffee Morning Raffle Winners

Contact March 2019


March Coffee Please join us at Tracey’s lovely apartment for coffee, cakes and chat. Date : Thursday 21st March Time : 10:30am - 12noon Venue : Tracey Nazif’s Apartment Sukhumvit 43 Cost : 200bht for members, 250bht for non-members RSVP : to by Monday 18th March.

Little Birds - January 2019 By Gale Bailey MBE I was honoured to share the New Year Party with the Little Birds group in Udom Suk which took place on Children's Day in January. It was such a happy event with delicious food and an Irish ensemble, who are friends of Father Joe of the Mercy Centre, played and sang lovely Irish songs to us all. There was a presentation of gifts from the adults and I had bought Tesco gift vouchers which would give the young adults freedom to buy what they needed the most. Last BWG Embassy Drinks I felt really privileged to have shared such a happy and pleasant time with these young folk who have not had an easy life but hopefully things have improved for them in recent years. This is mainly thanks to the dedication of certain people especially Usanee Janngeon, John MacTaggart ably assisted by Moe Mongkol - there should be more people in the world like them.

Contact March 2019


BWG Award from the Royal British Legion Thailand By Gale Bailey MBE The Royal British Legion Thailand held an award ceremony at the British Club on 9 February where the British Women's Group Bangkok were represented by Ailsa Kneath and Gale Bailey MBE. BWG received an award for their dedication over the years in raising funds towards the Poppy Appeal. This was presented by David Haddon who is the new Vice Chairman of the RBL Thailand (Chonburi Branch) and Terry Sherwood who is the Poppy Appeals Organiser. It was a very pleasant event after which some of the RBL stalwarts went around the pubs and bars of Bangkok who have given their support to the Poppy Appeal for many years. Please note Ailsa and Gale went home and did not join the men!

Contact March 2019


Bangkok St.George’s Society 57th Annual Soiree Saturday 27th April 2019 Pullman Bangkok Grande Sukhumvit Sparkling Reception from 6:30pm ~ Gourmet 5 Course Dinner ~ Free Flow Wine and Beer ~ Dancing until 2am with ‘The Midnight Ramblers’ and a DJ

Tickets 3,500THB pp email :

BWG QUIZ NIGHT Saturday 30th March 2019 Doors open at 7.00 P.M. THB 500 members THB 600 non members Come and join us for a fun BWG quiz night Welcome drink, buffet food and entry into the quiz. The quiz teams will be limited to no more than 6 people. A Music Round, A Factual Round, A Fun Round. Prizes to be won


March Activity : Go Snoop! Discover some of the best parts of the city while playing a detective game and having fun! Go Snoop! is a 2-3 hours outdoor detective game that will take you to wonderful places and even some secret locations. Players are grouped into teams to hunt for clues in a specific area.Their mission is to crack a mysterious case! All you need is a sharp mind and comfy shoes. Date : Thursday 28th March Time : 9am meet at Golden Mount, duration of the game is 2-3 hours, walking distance is around 4km, Cost :950 baht which includes; equipment, materials, refreshments, surprises along the route and a gosnoop coordinator RSVP : to by Friday 22nd March

Contact March 2019


Duo of Cold Steamed Atlantic Lobster Salad and Tartar Fresh Raspberry, Crunchy Crouton Virgin Olive Oil and Lemon Vinaigrette ***** Oven Baked Tiger Prawn and Scallops “Pot au Feu” Horseradish Scented Tapioca, Caviar OR Natural Grass Fed Beef Tenderloin Garden Peas and Morels Mushroom Crispy Ham and Capers ***** Golden Dusted Non-classic Banoffi Sphere Coconut ice cream, Manjari Chocolate and Passionfruit ***** Petit Fours Freshly Brewed Coffee Selection of Fine Leaf Teas and Soothing Herbal Infusion

Tickets now available - THB 2500 Shopping from 10.00am, Welcome Drink and Lunch will be served at 12.00

For reservations please email:

Membership News Don’t forget to let Tracey ( know if any of your details change, or you leave us, so that they can keep the database and, of course members up to date with the latest information.

If you use Facebook you can join the group : BWG Bangkok Women’s Group

Newcomer’s Coffee Mornings March Wednesday 6th @ Bistro 33 22 Sukhumvit Soi 33 10am - 12noon April Wednesday 3rd@ Bistro 33 22 Sukhumvit Soi 33 10am - 12noon Please let Tracey ( if you are attending. New Members Anne Vitry-Baissas – I have lived in many countries for the last 20 years mainly Asia, Indonesia, China, Malaysia, Thailand (2001-2003) Philippines 92018) but also New Zealand. Our three children are in the UK. Karen Wanliss – This is my 2nd expat community having recently spent 8 successful years in Dubai. I am looking forward to getting to know a lot more about the culture of Thailand than I do at present. Having worked in previous locations this will be the first foray into expat group community activities, a venture I am looking forward to very much as socialising with our friends across the world is high on our priority list. Joining the weekly golf sessions may enable me to reduce my out of date handicap! Our sons are based in Melbourne and Dubai meaning the Bangkok location is excellent for us to travel. We maintain a home in the Midlands, being based there since 2000. Prior to my recent retirement I worked in education, a Nursery trained teacher who moved through the system to head up Secondary Special Education teams.

Birthdays in March 3rd March

Fiona Weber

6th March

Karan Burr

8th March

Jenny Littlewood

9th March

Joan Bartlett

9th March

Susan O’Hare

12th March

Latifa Handley

12th March

Linda Gibbs

13th March

Carole Ann Eastgate

18th March

Michele O’Neil

19th March

Sarah Lesko

21st March

Lynn Musson

22nd March

Dawn Gerson

26th March

Thama Edgworth

28th March Marshall

Raymonde Lemieux

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Bangkok Patana is a not-for-profit, IB World School, accredited by CIS and NEASC

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