BWG Bangkok Contact Magazine January 2020

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January 2020

BRITISH WOMEN’S GROUP The aim of the Group is to enable its members to meet socially, to welcome its new members and associate members to Bangkok and to establish a programme of social, welfare and cultural activities.


Directory Page 2

Chairman and Editor’s message Page 3

Diary Page 4

BWG Christmas Appeal Pages 6-7

BWG Welfare Pages 12-15

Operation Smile Part 3 Page 20

January Activity Page 26

Editor Advertising Please note that the deadline for advertisements is the 5th of the month prior to issue. Please contact advertising@bwgbangkok for more information. PLEASE NOTE : Contact is published as a service to our members to keep them informed of news and events within BWG. The accuracy of other information cannot be guaranteed and is not an endorsement by the group. This also applies to advertisements that are included in Contact in order to cover some of the production costs. Every effort is made to produce Contact in good time to reach members before the first scheduled meeting, but the editor cannot be held responsible for unavoidable delays caused by circumstance beyond their control. It is the members’ own responsibility to know when meetings are scheduled and to contact someone to check if any changes have been made. Members are also asked to bear in mind when booking actives that most venues are not deemed suitable for children over six months of age and to make appropriate child minding arrangements.

Chairman’s Message Happy New Year to one and all, I really like the shape of 2020, so am hoping for great things ahead. Even if the ‘Year Of the Rat’ may be off putting! I am sure you are all recovering from over indulgence and are ready to make your New Year’s Resolutions, but remember to make things achievable so that you are not set up to fail before you start. Rule one, should be to fill in your diaries with BWG events, so you don’t miss out! This month we have some great things all ready planned, please note that the normal dates have been changed to accommodate events, kicking off with the much anticipated trip to the Polo on Saturday 18th January. Not too late to sign up, this is an amazing day of Ailsa Kneath wonderful food, fun, entertainment and great matches to watch. Culminating with a BBQ and fireworks. The coffee this month is on the 23rd, and lunch on the 30th. Look out for details in the magazine and mailerlite. May the months ahead be filled with excitement, love and good health. Ailsa. Thought for the month:Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love. Mother Teresa.

Welcome to the January issue of Contact magazine and wishing you all a very happy New Year and health and happiness for 2020. There is lots to read from BWG Welfare and also the third instalment from Jackie Reynolds regarding Operation Smile. Remember to put your name down in time for the January activity which is a full day out at the Thai Polo Open - a great opportunity to dress up and have an excellent time. I’ve also got a little bit of news of my own - a very memorable Christmas due to the arrival of our first grandchild! Happy reading!

British Women’s Group Bangkok

Contact November 2019

January Diary SUN











Mah-jong Art Group


6 Mah-jong

7 Bridge Golf

8 Mah-jong Art Group





13 Mah-jong

14 Bridge Golf

15 Mah-jong Art Group



18 Thai Polo Open


20 Mah-jong

21 Bridge Golf









January Coffee

30 January Lunch


Weekly/Monthly Activities You are invited to join these groups, but final approval is at the discretion of individual group leaders

Monday Mah-jong - (beginners welcome) (10am - 1pm) Tuesday Bridge - Audrie Sill Beginners/Intermediate Golf - (morning) Ann McKinnon Golf - (morning) Sheona Jackson Bookworms - 1st Tuesday (10am) Jane Upperton Scottish Dancing - 1st Tuesday (7:30pm) Karen Burr Wednesday Mah-jong - (beginners welcome) (1pm - 4pm) Art Group - Bistro 33 Sukhumvit Soi 33 (10am -12:30pm) Karin Worthington

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British Women’s Group Christmas Appeal



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Seeing BWG Welfare in action by Jenny Littlewood British Women’s Group Community visits Tuesday 29 October 2019

Attended by: Gale Bailey MBE, Julie Hedge, Jenny Littlewood, Jane Rodgers, Siti Survo It was one of those Bangkok mornings. Food poisoning, a car with a flat battery, the ever cancelling Grab arrival, and a taxi driver that you wanted to throttle. We’re so glad the British spirit of “Keep Calm and Carry On” got us ALL there in the end!

We were invited to visit two incredible organisations supported by BWG Welfare. Project Life SaiLom and the Christian Care Foundation for Children with Disabilities in Thailand (CCD) share a common vision for people living with disability. Both are located in Pakkred, just north of Bangkok.

We learn throughout the day how valuable and empowering their work is here in Bangkok. In Thailand abortion is illegal, attempts to terminate pregnancy can lead to deformities. In Buddhist belief, disability is often viewed as arising as punishment for ills in a previous life. Families are embarrassed, ashamed and often without the financial resources to cope with a family member born with disability.

Both organisations have been beneficiaries of BWG Welfare support over previous years. It was inspirational to get to know a little more about each organisation. As we learned more about their work, we saw some passionate and extremely dedicated leaders working in a desperately under resourced sector here in Thailand. We hoped to find out more about their needs and in return, we got to witness their immense appreciation of the British Women’s Group of Thailand.

Introducing SaiLom House Our first stop was at SaiLom House in Pakkret for their 5th Anniversary celebration. We arrived at 9.30 am to find the house buzzing with activity. In the front yard a mini bazaar was running with information tables, a silent auction, cards, books, cute face flannels and other fundraising opportunities.

Inside the house, the front room was transformed into a reception room for the celebration. Neat rows of chairs greet assembled guests of donors and sponsors. Such was the love and the support for Dorothy and SaiLom that it was standing room only. It does not take long to see why this is such a special organisation.

What is SaiLom? SaiLom means ‘Supporting and Advocating for Inclusive Living Opportunities Ministry’ was introduced by Dorothy Klynstra, the dynamic project founder. Dorothy explains Sailom was originally established to support young men aged 15 - 40 with developmental delay due to disabilities. Sailom House members live elsewhere in Government run homes.

The Sailom organisation offers love and life in a family environment, so the men can develop life skills to participate more in the community.

SaiLom’s 5th Anniversary Celebration: Music played a big part in the morning and the members clearly enjoy singing. They participated in a parable which was all about preparing the ground so everyone can learn. The singing was enthusiastic and got even louder and we were dancing by the time the birthday cake arrived!

‘You have all played a special part in our project's success. Please know, that we are very thankful that you have partnered with us’.

Dorothy presented Gale Bailey with a certificate of appreciation for BWG support over the past five years.

BWG contributions to SaiLom House: The British Women’s group have donated nets to cover the vegetable garden to protect against sun, money for shoes for all the boys, help towards Christmas party and have escorted them on day trips.

How can you help at SaiLom House? Dorothy is often looking for volunteers to become involved in a number of areas. In particular to assist with the monthly day trips which are often held on the last Thursday of the month. With your help, the young men will enjoy a change of environment to give them some independence.

Dorothy tells us all involved will appreciate ‘lot’s of good memories on every trip.’

Further information on SaiLom house can be found at:

Introducing CCD CCD attended the BWG Triple Whammy Coffee earlier in the year and Tarn’s presentation on their work was heartfelt and impressive.

What is CCD Rainbow House? The Christian Care Foundation for Children with Disabilities is a registered charity. They have provided care and support for abandoned special needs children in Thailand regardless of gender, nationality, creed or religion since 1986.

We joined CCD at Rainbow House, Pakkred, established in 1990 as a purpose-built care home for 20-30 children with disabilities. Here they provide specialised facilities, resources and individualised education programmes, in a loving environment.

As most of the residents attend local schools, CCD used the Rainbow House facilities to run an additional day care centre. Through this they are able to offer educational support and learning for children with disabilities integrating them with children from local government homes.

After a tour of Rainbow house, we were invited to join the Saenwian family of Khun Wasan (father), Khun Chariya (mother) CCD Project Director and daughter Khun Tarn to learn more about the diversity of their work.

The foundation works across Thailand. The community-based rehabilitation programme (CBR) aims to educate, equip and empower families caring for disabled children in rural areas of Thailand. The hope is this support means that families are less likely to abandon their disabled children.

Through an impressive presentation we also met two of their staff members: Gai and Tom. Both men came through Rainbow House as children and have now taken on administrative and computing roles thus giving back to the organisation that has trained and developed them to work with confidence and given them so much.

Gai, a young man with a love for table tennis and Chelsea Football Cub started in the Government home and in adult life has learnt computer skills which he uses to develop the new CCD website.

BWG contributions to CCD Rainbow House: The British Women’s group have donated towards the annual seaside trip where many children see the sea for the first time in their lives as well as rice after the flood when harvests were devastated and one of our members, Daphne Colwell, gave the proceeds from an auction for a sensory garden. BCTFN have supported larger projects – swimming pool for aqua-therapy, renovated safe play area, kitchen and equipment, new and more hygienic flooring for play room.

How can you help at CCD House? CCD is in need of English speaking administrative support. They need help on a regular ongoing basis as well as on an ad-hoc special project basis. They have over the years been very grateful for the assistance of several amazing English speaking volunteers but this is Thailand, and people move on. They are very keen to hear from any BWG members who would like to lend a hand.

Further information on CCD can be found at: or Facebook at Thank you to both SaiLom and CCD for the opportunity to visit and see firsthand what a difference you are making to those living with disability here in Thailand.

The BWG is involved with several groups and charities around Thailand. Should you wish to support either of these communities, please contact Gale via in the first instance.

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The finale to this amazing saga started in mid July of 2019, coincidentally on my birthday. The patient came in for their regular cleaning appointment and told me they had brought their cheque book in with them, which was unusual. After the appointment, they told me that due to the fact the clinic would be closing down shortly they wanted to write out one last cheque to Operation Smile. When the amount was stated I was in total disbelief. Once I had sufficiently recovered I wanted to say “Why don’t you just write it out in my name” (KIDDING?) They joked that maybe after receiving this check O.S. might offer me a job. I said due to the incredible size of the donation I didn’t feel I could just deposit it into O.S’s account and that I wanted to contact them for advice on how to handle this. So I sent them away with their cheque book. Up to this point I had had no personal contact with anyone in the O.S. organisation. Fortunately I had been given by another patient the name and email of a lady who volunteered with O.S. whom I planned to contact once I was retired to see about volunteering myself. So I sent her an email mentioning the amount and asking her how I should handle this. Unfortunately I didn’t think at the time to say “Don’t tell “everyone” at O.S. about it”. The return email a few days later mentioned “The whole office had erupted in screams and some people crying with joy!!” The patient was not due to return for about 10 days for a follow up appointment and I was somewhat stressing because now I needed to contact them about information that O.S. required for tax purposes. Initially I sent an email but didn’t hear back and was now totally stressing out that maybe they had changed their mind. After a couple of days I called and in the beginning of the conversation they said they had discussed the donation with their brother and I immediately thought “OH NO!” My worst fears are about to be realised!! However, now in fact they were going to give an additional 50% as they said there were also the running costs of the organisation to consider, not just the missions!!! Well I guess this will now run into Part 4 in February. HAPPY NEW YEAR Jackie If you have enjoyed reading my donation story & would like to help this organisation it is easy to do by donating to the bank account below: "Operation Smile Foundation" Bangkok Bank, Central Embassy Branch A/C No. 009-8-00444-3

Christmas Carol Singing at BNH Hospital By Gale Bailey MBE 10 Festively dressed ladies were welcomed at BNH Hospital for the annual carol singing sessions. They were well received in the children's ward then following a brief break when sherry and mince pies were partaken, the finale was performed in the lobby. Many visitors to the hospital were amazed to see and hear us and we received a lovely round of applause to finish off. A very pleasant way to spend a Friday morning before Christmas!

Taken at The British Club - 3 long term residents of Bangkok - sent by Joan Bartlett

A little bit of Editor’s news I just wanted to share my news with you all. Over the Christmas break Mark and I became first time grandparents to a little girl - Phoebe Grace.

She has been a very calm, chilled and lovely addition to the family and we are thrilled to be grandparents.

January Coffee Date : 23rd January 2020 Venue : Sue Williams’ apartment RSVP : to by Monday 20th January 2020

Type to enter text

BWG Christmas Lunch

January Activity - Saturday 18th January

We are now taking reservations for the Thai Polo Open on Saturday 18th January 2020
 This is a fabulous day full of polo, horse jumping, and of course people watching!
 The cost for the polo is 1,500TB per person which includes the polo, horse jumping, lunch, afternoon tea and a BBQ in the evening (wine and champagne can be purchased there).
 We will organise mini buses to and from Pattaya if needed (the cost of which will be calculated, when we know numbers). We will be aiming to leave Bangkok (Emporium Suites) at 9.30am and leaving Pattaya at approximately 8pm after the fireworks
 Husbands, partners and children are more than welcome to join us on this very special trip.
 If you are interested in joining us, would you please email stating numbers and whether you would like to come in the minibus. The final booking deadline is Monday 13th January 2020.
 We hope you can join us
 Sue and Sally

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DEDICATED TO SOI DOG RESCUE 1) PIM My name is PIM and life is pretty grim It used to be a joy when I belonged to a little boy. I know I chewed his shoes but that's what dogs do. One day I was dumped in a Wat and now I've been forgot. 2) THE RESCUE They took me off the street and gave me something to eat. Then I got a jab, it really wasn't fab I used to have mange, but boy look at the change!!! 3) LIFE OF A SOI DOG I was wandering the street with my friend Pete, looking for a treat. We walked around a bend and that was the end. A car hit Pete and knocked him off his feet. I knew it was bad now I'm so mad and oh so sad.

4) MY NEW LIFE There I was lost and sad Today I'm only glad, glad, glad They put me on a plane I ended up in Maine. Now I have friends in high places. I even shop at " Macy’s" 5) UP'S AND DOWN'S I used to be a pet I even had a vet. Now there's been a change and I'm covered in mange! I used to wake up happy now I'm only snappy. 6) ALONE There is no joy living on a Soi When I had a home I had no need to roam My coat was clean no one was mean. They taught me not to bite so I'm no good in a fight. Now I stand alone I really have to moan. I'm full of fleas Oh hear my plea's Just give me a bed and a roof over my head. By Jackie Reynolds

Christmas Coffee photographs

A ‘Thank you’ from the Mercy Centre Dear Khun Gale and all the ladies at the British Women's Group,

I would like to take this opportunity, on behalf of myself and our Little Birds, to wish you all a very happy Christmas and a prosperous and healthy New Year.

This year, as always, has been a very challenging one for us financially, however, with the support and dedication from you and everyone at the British Women's Group, our wonderful friends and donors, we have been able to do so much for our young adults and helped them to develop, spread their wings and achieve some of their dreams.

We are eternally grateful for all that you do and continue to do for our young adults, your help and support, makes a huge difference to their lives, in so many ways.

Thank you and we wish you all the very best.

Kindest regards

Nina, all the young adults and the volunteers staff

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR MERCY SCHOOL CHRISTMAS PARTY 2020 The annual HDF Children’s party has been scheduled for WEDNESDAY, 29 JANUARYat Klongtoeinai Preschool, Klng Toei. The welfare team will prepare all the necessary and we will meet at the Mercy Centre (map will be provided) at 0830. We will be taken to the school by HDF minivan. Games usually played include Pass the Parcel, Musical Statues, Musical Chairs on Newspaper plus Okey Cokey, Head Shoulders, Knees and Toes etc. The children are new to such things but it is lots of fun and a wonderful experience even if it is a bit noisy and hot. It is so rewarding to see the faces of the children enjoying themselves and having treats which are few and far between in their lives. Please contact if you would like to help or more information.

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