BWG Bangkok Contact Magazine July 2020

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July 2020

BRITISH WOMEN’S GROUP The aim of the Group is to enable its members to meet socially, to welcome its new members and associate members to Bangkok and to establish a programme of social, welfare and cultural activities.


Directory Page 2

Chairman and Editor’s message Page 3

Diary Page 4

The Odyssey (part 3) Pages 8-10

Book Club Page 14

What have you been up to during lockdown? Page 16

Varuna Yacht Club Trip Page 18

Quiz Answers Page 21

Editor Advertising Please note that the deadline for advertisements is the 5th of the month prior to issue. Please contact advertising@bwgbangkok for more information. PLEASE NOTE : Contact is published as a service to our members to keep them informed of news and events within BWG. The accuracy of other information cannot be guaranteed and is not an endorsement by the group. This also applies to advertisements that are included in Contact in order to cover some of the production costs. Every effort is made to produce Contact in good time to reach members before the first scheduled meeting, but the editor cannot be held responsible for unavoidable delays caused by circumstance beyond their control. It is the members’ own responsibility to know when meetings are scheduled and to contact someone to check if any changes have been made. Members are also asked to bear in mind when booking actives that most venues are not deemed suitable for children over six months of age and to make appropriate child minding arrangements.

Chairman’s Message How amazing that we have sped through and finished half of the year having been nowhere fast, and regretting having bought a 2020 calendar! Life is beginning to return to a sort of normal and it is rather lovely to start to talk to real people again. The committee will be having our first real live meeting on the 2nd July, although we had become a dab hand at Zoom, just about mastering not talking over each other, as have the BookClub ladies. The Welfare Committee have also been busy on your behalf, sanctioning monies to our giving calendar charities, and have given a bigger than normal amount to Wanchai Tripiyachart Thanksgiving Home, who were in desperate straits. Also making a new donation to SOS, ( Scholars Of Sustenance) a new charity to us, hopefully a biopic of their works will appear in our magazine this month or next. The Cracker Ladies have had a few social distancing lunches joining Ailsa Kneath with the Book club, and Mahjong will be starting again for those members who are also British Club members. So slowly life is returning. We have therefore instigated a low key coffee morning on the 9th July at Indulge restaurant at Asok, a mailerlite has been sent out, for those members who feel happy to venture out. We have also arranged for a social drop in gathering at the same restaurant on 16th July in the evening, starting at 6 pm. We hope that these events will get us gently back into the swing, and enable us to chat and catch up. Also Sue Williams has reinstated the Veruna trip, 5th & 6th August, check the Face Book page, this has become an annual fun event. Looking forward to life becoming nearer normal, and to meeting up with you very soon. Thought for the month:Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans. It is lovely to be silly at the right moment. Horace.

Welcome to the July issue of Contact Magazine and I hope that you are all keeping well wherever you are in the world. The UK has had some mixed weather recently but some of that has been really hot and sunny allowing plenty of time in the garden topping up the tan and barbecuing. I’m also really looking forward to being able to visit family again as the lockdown restrictions are loosening. Fingers crossed that this is the right time to relax the restrictions and it certainly does feel a bit odd having a bit more freedom. Regular hand washing, social distancing and mask wearing have become habits now and I think that will continue for a good long time. Take care and stay safe.

British Women’s Group Bangkok

Contact May 2020

July Diary SUN







1 Mah-jong Art Group





6 Mah-jong

7 Bridge Golf

8 Mah-jong Art Group

9 Monthly coffee




13 Mah-jong

14 Bridge Golf

15 Mah-jong Art Group





20 Mah-jong

21 Bridge Golf











Weekly/Monthly Activities You are invited to join these groups, but final approval is at the discretion of individual group leaders

Monday Mah-jong - (beginners welcome) (10am - 1pm) Tuesday Bridge - Audrie Sill Beginners/Intermediate Golf - (morning) Ann McKinnon Golf - (morning) Sheona Jackson Bookworms - 1st Tuesday (10am) Jane Upperton Scottish Dancing - 1st Tuesday (7:30pm) Karen Burr Wednesday Mah-jong - (beginners welcome) (1pm - 4pm) Art Group - Bistro 33 Sukhumvit Soi 33 (10am -12:30pm) Karin Worthington

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e Compreh

The Odyssey – Part 3 By Ulysses – A Special Correspondent

Well it is now three weeks since I tried my Great Escape only to get stopped in my tracks at Frankfurt by the Germans. A bit like what happened in 1944 but at least the Germans didn’t stop me from getting home on this occasion, in fact they made damned sure I did. I am trying my best to follow the edicts of Boris and, as much as I can, avoid contact with the human race. Life continues to be varied but I do find it a tad sad that the highlight of my week is a trip to Sainsbury’s and, if I am very lucky, I can go via Boots and this is coming from the biggest officinaphobe the world has ever seen. It is good to see though that people in the supermarkets continue to be nice and polite – sometimes through gritted teeth it has to be said. You can just imagine them praying for the end of the lockdown so they can return to their usual Neanderthal ways but for the moment all is good in the land of closed pubs and curry-houses. There is no problem with the shelves being empty anymore. Obviously, most people now have enough toilet-paper to keep them going until next the apocalypse and the food aisles are brimming with produce, well all were but one place in Sainsbury’s this morning anyway. If you wanted sausages and fried eggs for your breakfast tomorrow you were buggered I am afraid. I can only imagine someone is making a giant omelette for some reason and will, hopefully, donate it to those who need it. If they do not then may they choke on a load of cracked eggshells! A friend commented on the fact I sent him a message at midday Thai time. Once he had worked out that the UK is now on British Summer Time (BST) and not Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) he calmed down a bit. However, he was still worried for me as most people know not to talk to me until I have consumed at least one coffee and the chances of me being up at six o’clock in the morning in Pattaya are about the same as me getting back to Thailand before the end of the month. Nonetheless, I do find myself getting up at what, in usual circumstances, would be extraordinary hours. It is normally then that the automaton clicks in, i.e. sit on the ‘throne’ for a while reading the latest news or diving into my Asterix collection,

this is followed by the usual ritual of shaving, showering, dressing and getting ready for work. This has now gone by the wayside. First of all went the day clothes regime and then the shaving – my wife now thinks I look like Hagrid from Harry Potter. Which I think is slightly unfair to poor old Hagrid as he is definitely more hirsute up top. I am now contemplating whether or not I can get away with not showering every day. I have no-one to offend unless some poor misguided person comes to the door. One whiff of me would certainly send them on their way. I am still debating this one. As for the ‘throne’ I am sure that part of the regime will stay – certainly tomorrow anyway as I plan a chicken vindaloo for tonight. That reminds me, I must put the toilet paper in the freezer………. It is after my morning ablutions that I then start to plan my day and this is where things go awry. Plan what? There is nothing to plan. Yes, I do respond to emails – rather more quickly than I do when I am in Thailand as it happens – and other forms of social media but I still refuse to do Facebook or TwitTwatTwot or whatever it is called. Despite these actions, even now, I get bombarded with things via LINE and WhatsApp. To get away from this, I try the television. Not a wise choice, if it is not someone telling me to donate money every month to help some poor, helpless donkey it is someone telling me that help is available if I need it but I should always obey social distancing. And if that is not enough then there are numerous adverts stating that supplements are the only thing that will save me from every disease known to mankind. Now, I know I didn’t exactly excel in my Chemistry O-levels but why in God’s name does anyone want to throw magnesium down my throat? The last time I had anything to do with the damn stuff it burned with a bright white flame and I nearly caused the school laboratory to blow up………and they want me to eat it!!! It is almost as bad as the commercial promoting turmeric saying it is vital for my bodily balance. Well stuff that, I get all the turmeric I need in my curries thank you very much and they taste a lot better than some bloody tablet I can tell you. Despite my loathing for social media and most forms of communication that do not involve a handshake and saying “Cheers” over a glass of something alcoholic, a

friend of mine has got me onto Zoom. Now, before COVID-19 came along, the only time I associated this word with anything was when I wanted a close-up of something on my camera. Henceforth, it means I can talk to people and they can see me too. In fact, it has almost become a necessity of life and I am astonished Amnesty is not demanding it for everyone. I have yet to work out how to set up a meeting but even I can click on the invitation that has been sent through. It is nice to chew the fat with mates and talk the usual gonads one does over a pint but I am told that a pint of port is not really acceptable. I am not sure I understand this as I am not in the same room as them and so cannot offend them too much. Maybe it is the pronunciation of such complicated words as ‘he’, ‘she’ ‘it’ and ‘they’ after an hour or so. We will be doing it again tomorrow afternoon so I shall report back and see if the above cogitations are correct. As I mentioned in Part 2 of this diatribe, I am astonished at the amount of runners I am seeing on the pavements of Berkshire at the moment. I am delighted to report, bored as I am at certain times of the day, I have not stooped to this degrading form of using up time. I was worried that my friend, Ian, may have some sort of exercise machine in his flat. I should have known better – silly me! He is as good and reliable as ever and despite an epic search of his apartment I could turn up nothing more energy-sapping than a knife sharpener. I am even happier to announce that he only has one knife! After all this running around – metaphorically it must be said, I find myself tired out and have to sit down with a Gin & Tonic. Initially, I was eager to try all the different kinds of tonics they have over here but have reverted to tradition and can state here and now there really is nothing more refreshing than a Tanqueray gin and Schweppes tonic (not the low fat rubbish mind!) with a twist of lemon. I used to watch the news over here but am immediately depressed as the argument goes on interminably as to what will happen over the coming months. Either Neil Ferguson, of Imperial College fame, will get a sainthood or he will be sent straight to Hell with the order of “Don’t pass Go”! I do not know which but, if certain people in the UK have their way, I suspect it will be the latter. Everyone is throwing so many facts, supposed truths and charts around, it reminds me of Mark Twain’s comment about “Lies, damned lies and statistics”. Nobody knows who or what to believe. It is all so confusing that I will just have to have another G&T to try and make any sense of it at all.

Spread the word! The BWG monthly Coffee Morning from now on will be held at The Living Room, Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit, every second Thursday of the month! We hope this venue is convenient being accessible from Sukhumvit Road or directly from Asoke BTS. The cost is THB 200 net/person for your choice of hot coffee and a piece of house cake. Additional discount of 30% on additional drink. Please RSVP as the hotel requires an idea of numbers attending each month. Everyone welcome!

Bookworms - July

Lady in Waiting- My extraordinary life in the shadow of the Crown by Anne Glenconner
 This was another Zoom meeting for the BWG bookclub. True to it’s title Anne Glenconner’s life was most extraordinary and for anyone with the slightest interest in the Royal family and tales of British aristocracy and fabulous wealth this is definitely a book for you. It’s well written, it’s funny, it’s sad and encompasses many events in the life of 87 year old Baroness Glenconner who was born into an ancient family and brought up on the fifth largest estate in England. Her father the Duke of Leicester was equerry to the Duke of York who later became George V1 and the two families mixed together from an early age. Anne describes Queen Elizabeth’s coronation where she was a lady in waiting and then her long service to Princess Margaret. Anne was married to a rather eccentric Colin Tennant who developed the island of Mustique and among the guests there we meet Roddy Llewelyn, David Bowie and Mick and Bianca Jagger. 
 Despite her wealth Anne needed to be the strong woman she was as her eldest son died from complications of drug addiction and the second son died of Aids and her third son was in a terrible accident which he survived but was left with sequela. Luckily her two twin daughters came to no harm to date. 
 This is an easily read book although not so easily listened to on Audio and you will understand why if you search on YouTube and find Anne Glenconner - described as an real character shocking everyone telling very funny stories in a very plummy accent. If you don’t read the book do look on YouTube for Anne Glenconner.

Scores: 1- 6/10, 4- 7/10, 2- 8/10, 2- 9/10

Next Meeting: July 7th , hopefully at 28 -6 Urbana, 55, Lang Suan; Pathumwan, Chitlom. Closest BTS Chitlom. Follow signs to Mercury Ville and proceed down Lang Suan on the left side of the road. Go past Cape House, Muse Hotel and then you will see Urbana. Ask for help to go up in the security lift behind the reception desk. Tel: 081946 7364

Next picks:
 July 7th - The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn
 Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier
 August 4th - The Time Travellers Wife by Audrey Niffeneger
 September 8th - The Giver of Stars by JoJo Moyes

Books suggested and waiting:
 Convenience Store Woman by Saka Murato
 The Great Alone by Kirsten Hannah 
 The Rosie Project by Graeme Simpson
 Clan Of the Cave Bear by Jean Auel
 The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough
 Light a Penny Candle by Maive Benchley

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A big thank you to Jane Williams who responded to the ‘What have you been up to during lockdown?’ request. What a beautiful garden and the hard work that Jane and Dad have put in is evident Dai and I have been busy in our garden. We have dug a vegetable patch, built a dry stone wall and unearthed a cobble path. Amongst many other things. The weather has been kind to us so outside every day.

gehfg.pdf 1 8/12/2561 11:48:54









Royal Varuna Sailing Club Trip New Date:

5th - 6th August 2020
 Royal Varuna Sailing Club, Pattaya
 Reserve your room now for our, now annual, trip to the beautiful Royal Varuna Sailing Club. This is an overnight stay, leaving Bangkok early on the Wednesday morning and returning late Thursday afternoon. As in previous years, there will be a beach BBQ on the Wednesday evening and the opportunity to try your hand at sailing (with qualified instructors). If that does not appeal, you can either lie by the pool or sunbathe on the beach and do absolutely nothing.
 Mini buses will be organised to take us to and from the club, the cost of which will be shared amongst us, when we have final numbers. These will leave and return to Emporium Suites at Phrom Pong. 
 The cost of each room is 1,590 bht (net). The rooms have single beds and an en-suite, so ideal if you would like to share.
 The beach BBQ is 750 bht ++ per person
 All other food and drink is what you want to eat/drink. The bar and restaurant are open all day.
 It is a fabulous trip and we hope you can join us. Husbands, partners and friends are more than welcome to join us.
 If you would like to reserve a room, please email Sue Williams on No money needs to be paid until the 6th August, however any cancellations after 29th July will incur the cost of the room. 
 If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to ask. 
 We hope to see you there ⛱ " # $

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“With the power of imagination, characters can actually fly off the page” Jun, Grade 11.

Answers to last month’s I and J quiz


1. ICELAND, INDIA, INDONESIA, IRAN, IRAQ, IRELAND, ISRAEL, ITALY, JAMAICA, JAPAN, JORDAN 2. Janet Jackson, Julio Iglesias, Jason Isaacs, Joan Jett, Jeremy Irons, Judas Iscariot 3. Jesus Jones 4. Clive James, Ulrika Jonsson, David Icke, Dom Joly, Phil Jupitus, Sally James 5. JAPANESE, JCB, JACK 6. Inverness, Jakarta, Ipswich, Istanbul, Jodhpur, Juarez 7. The real ones are:
 I was looking back….
 I flushed you…
 I’m Just A Bug…
 I Would Have Writ…
 I Been Roped... 8. Indiana Jones, Iago, Jumanji, Jack Rabbit Slims 9. Iris, JANE, Ivy

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