BWG Bangkok Contact Magazine February 2020

Page 1


February 2020

BRITISH WOMEN’S GROUP The aim of the Group is to enable its members to meet socially, to welcome its new members and associate members to Bangkok and to establish a programme of social, welfare and cultural activities.


Directory Page 2

Chairman and Editor’s message Page 3

Diary Page 4

Operation Smile Pages 10-11

Welfare Pages 18, 22, 23, 30, 31

Book Club Page 28

Editor Advertising Please note that the deadline for advertisements is the 5th of the month prior to issue. Please contact advertising@bwgbangkok for more information. PLEASE NOTE : Contact is published as a service to our members to keep them informed of news and events within BWG. The accuracy of other information cannot be guaranteed and is not an endorsement by the group. This also applies to advertisements that are included in Contact in order to cover some of the production costs. Every effort is made to produce Contact in good time to reach members before the first scheduled meeting, but the editor cannot be held responsible for unavoidable delays caused by circumstance beyond their control. It is the members’ own responsibility to know when meetings are scheduled and to contact someone to check if any changes have been made. Members are also asked to bear in mind when booking actives that most venues are not deemed suitable for children over six months of age and to make appropriate child minding arrangements.

Chairman’s Message What a wonderful start to 2020 BWG has had. A great day out to the Polo with 30 people or more followed by an amazing coffee morning hosted by Sue Williams, the hostess with the “ mostest”, where we had nearly 50 people join us to kick start the Year of the Rat. Many thanks to Sue, we shall miss your lovely apartment. Our AGM Is due on March 26th, where we will be at The Pullman Asok hosting the meeting followed by lunch. Please put the date in your diaries as it is important to support your group. A mailerite has already been sent out, and if any one wishes to offer their services to the committee, it would be great as new blood is always Ailsa Kneath needed and appreciated. If you are interested please talk to a current member of the committee or let me know on Do not forget to sign up for our “Pool Party “ on Saturday 22nd of February, an evening to get together and catch up with old and new friends. Thought for the month: Difficult and meaningful will always bring more satisfaction than easy and meaningless. Maxine Lagace

Welcome to the February issue of Contact magazine. Lots of lovely photographs to share this month of the day out at the Polo and also the HDF children’s Christmas party in Khlong Toei. It looks like a very good time was had by all at both events. There is also the final instalment of Operation Smile by Jackie Reynolds. It has been a really interesting feature over the last three months and I hope it has encouraged some of you to donate to this very good cause. Happy reading!

British Women’s Group Bangkok

Contact November 2019

February Diary SUN







1 Mah-jong Art Group


3 Mah-jong

4 Bridge Golf

5 Mah-jong Art Group





10 Mah-jong

11 Bridge Golf

12 Mah-jong Art Group

13 February Coffee




17 Mah-jong

18 Bridge Golf




22 Poolside Party








Weekly/Monthly Activities You are invited to join these groups, but final approval is at the discretion of individual group leaders

Monday Mah-jong - (beginners welcome) (10am - 1pm) Tuesday Bridge - Audrie Sill Beginners/Intermediate Golf - (morning) Ann McKinnon Golf - (morning) Sheona Jackson Bookworms - 1st Tuesday (10am) Jane Upperton Scottish Dancing - 1st Tuesday (7:30pm) Karen Burr Wednesday Mah-jong - (beginners welcome) (1pm - 4pm) Art Group - Bistro 33 Sukhumvit Soi 33 (10am -12:30pm) Karin Worthington

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“With the power of imagination, characters can actually fly off the page” Jun, Grade 11.

Photos from the Thai Polo Open



n Convenie

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e Compreh


On the day of the patient’s appointment they arrived with two cheques, one for the original amount and the second for the additional 50%. Operation Smile had said they would like to hold a small ceremony by way of appreciation but the patient did not want to have any personal involvement and asked me to handle it. I arranged to go to their offices at 13.00 one afternoon soon after. When I got there I met Christina Krause the Executive Director. She said some staff were still at lunch but while we waited we could go ahead and make out the tax receipt for the donor. Obviously I didn’t want to do that as the surprise would have been ruined, so I said “Could we just wait on that until after we have taken the group photo as I’m not in a hurry”. She must have thought I was quite weird. Anyway to cut a long story a bit shorter, about 10 minutes later everyone had returned and they got a couple of posters and we all lined up ready for the photo. Then just as they were ready to take the photo I stepped out of the lineup and said “Would you mind if I just said a few words first?” As if they could say NO! Ha! Ha! So I continued with “I know I had mentioned in my initial email how much the amount today’s donation would be, but the donor on reflection had felt they should speak to their brother about it and due to that fact the amount has been changed.” Of course (as I had expected) they all presumed it had gone down. They said, in somewhat subdued voices, “That’s OK.” Then I hit them with the amount.

“FIFTEEN MILLION BAHT!” This was followed by an initial stunned silence, quickly followed by screams of disbelief and tears of joy.

Once composure was regained we took this photo - IT WAS GREAT. I am just so thankful to have had the honour of being a small part of such amazing generosity. When there is always such depressing news in the world this gives you hope! Jackie This happened to be my horoscope for the day I gave the cheques to Operation Smile. I don't follow my horoscope but it just appeared on my Yahoo mail page that day and caught my eye. Â "Turning your dreams into reality requires physical resources, not just hopes and wishes. Thankfully, you can relieve some of the individual burden by bringing key players on board. A lunch or dinner meeting could be a sensible way to screen who belongs on your team and who should not make it past the draft. You find it easy to share your ideas, which let you pick up on who is best responding to your call. When you express your truest self today, you can reach your highest potential. Intention plus hard work equals magic."

If you have enjoyed reading my donation story & would like to help this organisation it is easy to do by donating to the bank account below: "Operation Smile Foundation" Bangkok Bank, Central Embassy Branch A/C No. 009-8-00444-3

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January Coffee write up Here are some photos of our amazing January Coffee morning which was attended by nearly 50 people. There was an amazing spread of food enjoyed by one and all. Many thanks to Sue Williams for hosting and Liz Khan who was the barista, ably assisted by Justine .

“Thank you” from Little Birds Dear Khun Jane and the Crackers ladies
 I would like to take this opportunity, on behalf of myself and our Little Birds, to wish you all a very happy Christmas and a prosperous and healthy New Year.
 This year, as always, has been a very challenging one for us financially, however, with the support and dedication from you and the Crackers Ladies, our wonderful friends and donors, we have been able to do so much for our young adults and helped them to develop, spread their wings and achieve some of their dreams.
 We are eternally grateful for all that you do and continue to do for our young adults, your help and support, makes a huge difference to their lives, in so many ways.
 Thank you and we wish you all the very best for a wonderful Christmas and a peaceful New Year with your family Kindest regards, Usanee, the young adults and the volunteers staff

Spread the word! The BWG monthly Coffee Morning from now on will be held at The Living Room, Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit, every second Thursday of the month! We hope this venue is convenient being accessible from Sukhumvit Road or directly from Asoke BTS. The cost is THB 200 net/person for your choice of hot coffee and a piece of house cake. Additional discount of 30% on additional drink. Please RSVP as the hotel requires an idea of numbers attending each month. Everyone welcome!

Annual Christmas Party at Khlong Toei Nai Children’s Development Centre Expectant faces looked up as we arrived at the Khlong Toei Nai kindergarten to play games and enjoy some party fun with a group of 80 enthusiastic youngsters. We started off with introductions from all the volunteers explaining to the children their names and where they came from. The children proved themselves very knowledgeable about the UK, especially when it came to the English football towns such as Liverpool and Manchester! Our first game was ‘pass the parcel’, the children quickly got the hang of looking out for treats in each of the wrappers. We moved on to musical statues, it took some time for the children to all be ‘out’; in fact we had to resort to them standing on one leg! Eventually we had two main prize winners and sweets for everyone else. The children (and volunteers) were by now definitely warmed up and ready for some singing and dancing.

The Hokey Cokey came next followed by a rendering of ‘head and shoulders, knees and toes’ and then it was time for the children to wash hands and eat lunch. The children tucked into a lunch of chicken, sausage, rice and fruit provided by BWG.

After lunch the main event for the children arrived as Santa Bill came down the steps to give out presents to the children. Each child received a teddy bear and a goody bag

containing snacks, toothbrush and toothpaste, notebook and pencil with sharpener. (Thank you to Bumrungrad Hospital for providing the bags to put the goodies in.) The children were by now ready for their afternoon rest. The volunteers were warmly thanked by a small boy named ‘Stamp’ who spoke eloquently on behalf of his classmates. The children attending the kindergarten are aged 2 to 6 years old, the Khlong Toei Nai centre is one of many run by the Human Development Organisation bringing educational opportunities to very young children at a critical age and stage of development. Big thanks to Maria for her role in organising the day; thanks to committee members for bringing together the gifts and treats for the children; thanks to Martin for taking photos of the children with Santa; thanks to Santa Bill and volunteers on the day Ailsa, Siti, Amelia, Teresa, Fiona and Diane.

Royal Varuna Sailing Club Trip A date for your diary:

28th – 29th April 2020
 Royal Varuna Sailing Club, Pattaya
 Reserve your room now for our, now annual, trip to the beautiful Royal Varuna Sailing Club. This is an overnight stay, leaving Bangkok early on the Wednesday morning and returning late Thursday afternoon. As in previous years, there will be a beach BBQ on the Wednesday evening and the opportunity to try your hand at sailing (with qualified instructors). If that does not appeal, you can either lie by the pool or sunbathe on the beach and do absolutely nothing.
 Mini buses will be organised to take us to and from the club, the cost of which will be shared amongst us, when we have final numbers. These will leave and return to Emporium Suites at Phrom Pong. 
 The cost of each room is 1,590 bht (net). The rooms have single beds and an en-suite, so ideal if you would like to share.
 The beach BBQ is 750 bht ++ per person
 All other food and drink is what you want to eat/drink. The bar and restaurant are open all day.
 It is a fabulous trip and we hope you can join us. Husbands, partners and friends are more than welcome to join us.
 If you would like to reserve a room, please email No money needs to be paid until the 29th April, however any cancellations after 22nd April will incur the cost of the room. 
 If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to ask. 
 We hope to see you there ⛱ " # $

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HAPPY 90th BIRTHDAY Special birthday wishes to Daphne Colwell. Many congratulations on your 90th birthday! With love and very best wishes from everyone here at the British Women’s Group. Carols at BNH

Bookworms - February Book pick - ‘Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day’ by Winifred Watson Eight of us sat down at our first meeting of the year with apologies from four members.
 This book was written in the late 1930s before WW2 and is one of six books by the author each reported to be very different and some regarded as shocking for the times. 
 This book is the story of a vicar’s daughter, spinster and governess who is suddenly out of luck with no work, no money to pay rent, hungry and, who by opportunity and just a little cunning, finds herself in high society in the world of a nightclub singer and a world of abandon, cocaine and illicit affairs (none of which she knows anything about) governed by different rules to those normally learnt by a vicar’s daughter and a governess. She enters the life of the nightclub singer and in her spinster and governess uniform complete with an unbecoming brown coat she is welcomed and within the day depended on for advice on how the high society women who march through the pages should live their lives. All of this without any insight into what she is doing or saying to make such differences. It’s astonishing to read of the things she is credited with and how she becomes a necessary counsellor even to some of the high society men she meets. The book has been translated into many languages and fortunately has been brought to our attention today -some 90 years after it was written. It has also been made into a film (which I have seen and hence know the brown colour of her coat!) 
 This book was well received and enjoyed. A few considered it an easy read; light reading and frivolous at times. One of our members however remarked that although she found it an easy read, the underlying messages were also fascinating - how in just a day Miss Pettigrew moved away from her life’s knowledge and teaching into a new world well away from her parent’s teaching and found the new world stimulating, astonishing and alive compared to her old world designed by her parents which now seemed very boring.
 Her new friends also reinvented her -off with the old and on with the new -makeup, hairstyle and clothes so much so that she had to keep checking herself and her new look in a mirror to validate belief in her changed self. 
 This book was generally enjoyed and is a recommended read. 
 Scores 5/10 -1, 7/10 -4, 8/10 - 3

Next meeting is on Tuesday 4th February 2020 At Urbana, Lang Suan at 10 am-and the book for discussion is Tin Man by Sarah Winman
 We will discuss the next books to read. These books have so far been suggested. 
 1, A long Walk Home by Judith Tebbut
 2.All that remains by Sue Black
 3. The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion 
 4.Free food for millionaires by Min Jee Lee
 5. The Giver of stars by Jojo Moyes
 6.The Burning Chambers by Kate Moss.

Burma Children’s Medical Fund 

Since the beginning of this year, we have transferred patients and their caregivers twice from Mae Sot to Chiang Mai. In the week of Wednesday, 15th January, we transferred 5 patients and 4 caregivers in our patient van, sponsored by British Women's Group Bangkok. We would like to thank them cordially for their generous support towards our patients and their caregivers. While some will undergo initial investigative tests, others will be admitted to receive treatment.

Steps with Theera The BWG has been sponsoring Nicki in work experience for about 2 years now which has been so worthwhile. Max Simpson off Steps with Theera has supplied this update.

Over the past 6 months Nicky has grown into new responsibilities at both El Mercado and the Steps offices. He has shown a skill set for accounts administration and has been supporting with completing withholding tax documents, checking sales slips, filing transaction reports, filing expense claims and keeping petty cash logs. He continues to demonstrate that our community can work as equal to the rest of society with the appropriate support.

Thank you for your continued support, it makes a huge difference to his life and those of his peers who look up to him as a role model.

A big ‘thank you’ from the Cracker Ladies The Cracker Ladies had a very successful year and managed to make almost 200 boxes of beautiful crackers. The proceeds this year are being donated to the Little Bird Foundation, Clown Eckie’s Gift of Happiness Foundation and also Sister Louise’s Good Shepherd Sisters here in Bangkok. Many thanks to everyone for your continued support. Shirley and the Cracker Ladies

The Pink Polo, Thai Polo and Equestrian Club, Chonburi, Saturday Feb 22nd Message from Nick Argles - Editor of Expat Life Magazine: It promises to be the social event of the year so far and in the wonderful setting of the Thai Polo & Equestrian Club on the Pattaya to Rayong bypass. So get dressed up, reserve a table and have a wonderful day! 

Book a table through me if you like! 15,000B for a table of ten, food all day and one bottle of complimentary wine - but loads to drink! Easy access from Bangkok (roughly 90 minutes on the expressway) situated near the Siam Country Club on the Amphoe Bang Lamung Rd. The facilities there are first class The event starts at 12 midday and finishes at 6pm and a better class of people to spend the afternoon with you will not find in Thailand! We will provide the finest wines, food and company! Please check your diaries and try and make the event. It is all in aid of The Queen Sirikit Centre for Breast Cancer and there is probably no woman alive that has not been touched, affected, scared or had friends or family that have been, by this dreaded disease. Young, old, nationality, creed or colour, rich or poor. This is a disease that affects all women and spares no one. Let’s try and make a stand and show that we mean business and fund the research so that we can decrease the effect that it has on society today.

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