BWG Contact Magazine March 2020

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March 2020

BRITISH WOMEN’S GROUP The aim of the Group is to enable its members to meet socially, to welcome its new members and associate members to Bangkok and to establish a programme of social, welfare and cultural activities.


Directory Page 2

Chairman and Editor’s message Page 3

Diary Page 4

RVYC Trip Page 6

Book Club Page 7

BWG AGM Page 10

Noh Bo Mission Pages 18-21

Little Birds Page 25

Editor Advertising Please note that the deadline for advertisements is the 5th of the month prior to issue. Please contact advertising@bwgbangkok for more information. PLEASE NOTE : Contact is published as a service to our members to keep them informed of news and events within BWG. The accuracy of other information cannot be guaranteed and is not an endorsement by the group. This also applies to advertisements that are included in Contact in order to cover some of the production costs. Every effort is made to produce Contact in good time to reach members before the first scheduled meeting, but the editor cannot be held responsible for unavoidable delays caused by circumstance beyond their control. It is the members’ own responsibility to know when meetings are scheduled and to contact someone to check if any changes have been made. Members are also asked to bear in mind when booking actives that most venues are not deemed suitable for children over six months of age and to make appropriate child minding arrangements.

Chairman’s Message As we race towards the month of “Mad March Hares” we may not be suffering from wind and rain but you may not need to cook this month, as you will see from all the adverts we have been invited to partake in many lunches with our fellow women ‘s groups. We are putting together BWG tables for ESTiN and The Hong Kong Ladies Group lunches. Please contact me if you are interested. The most important event for us is our AGM on March 26th, at 11am, followed by lunch at The Pullman, Asok. This is your chance to support your group, even if only for the meeting, and bring along any new ideas. We do hope as many of you as possible will be able to join us, and Ailsa Kneath share a glass of fizz or two to see in the new committee and thank the out going committee for their last year of sterling service. It is important in this time of change to give your full support. Thought for the month. Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. Charles R Swindoll

Welcome to the March issue of Contact magazine. There are two very interesting Welfare articles in this month’s magazine one focusing on Little Birds and the other on the Noh Bo Mission. Do check the diary page also because there are many exciting activities through the month of March for you to attend. Finally many warm wishes and congratulations to Gale Bailey MBE and her husband Michael on their 50th Wedding Anniversary this month. I’m sure they will enjoy celebrating and reflecting on many happy memories together. Happy reading!

British Women’s Group Bangkok

Contact November 2019

March Diary SUN














8 Holi festival

9 Mah-jong

10 Bridge Golf

11 Mah-jong Art Group

12 Monthly coffee




16 Mah-jong

17 Bridge Golf

18 Mah-jong Art Group



21 ESTIN Mardi Gras


23 Mah-jong

24 Bridge Golf

25 East Meet West Fair








Weekly/Monthly Activities You are invited to join these groups, but final approval is at the discretion of individual group leaders

Monday Mah-jong - (beginners welcome) (10am - 1pm) Tuesday Bridge - Audrie Sill Beginners/Intermediate Golf - (morning) Ann McKinnon Golf - (morning) Sheona Jackson Bookworms - 1st Tuesday (10am) Jane Upperton Scottish Dancing - 1st Tuesday (7:30pm) Karen Burr Wednesday Mah-jong - (beginners welcome) (1pm - 4pm) Art Group - Bistro 33 Sukhumvit Soi 33 (10am -12:30pm) Karin Worthington

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We oer a British-style education for an international community, from Nursery through to Graduation. Find out how our approach to learning and outstanding teaching sta develop global citizens who shape their world through independence, empathy, creativity and critical thinking. Contact us at | +66 (0) 2785 2200 | 643 Lasalle Road, Bangkok 10260

Bangkok Patana is a not-for-profit, IB World School, accredited by CIS and NEASC

Royal Varuna Sailing Club Trip A date for your diary:

28th – 29th April 2020
 Royal Varuna Sailing Club, Pattaya
 Reserve your room now for our, now annual, trip to the beautiful Royal Varuna Sailing Club. This is an overnight stay, leaving Bangkok early on the Wednesday morning and returning late Thursday afternoon. As in previous years, there will be a beach BBQ on the Wednesday evening and the opportunity to try your hand at sailing (with qualified instructors). If that does not appeal, you can either lie by the pool or sunbathe on the beach and do absolutely nothing.
 Mini buses will be organised to take us to and from the club, the cost of which will be shared amongst us, when we have final numbers. These will leave and return to Emporium Suites at Phrom Pong. 
 The cost of each room is 1,590 bht (net). The rooms have single beds and an en-suite, so ideal if you would like to share.
 The beach BBQ is 750 bht ++ per person
 All other food and drink is what you want to eat/drink. The bar and restaurant are open all day.
 It is a fabulous trip and we hope you can join us. Husbands, partners and friends are more than welcome to join us.
 If you would like to reserve a room, please email No money needs to be paid until the 29th April, however any cancellations after 22nd April will incur the cost of the room. 
 If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to ask. 
 We hope to see you there ⛱ " # $

Bookworms - March Book - Tin Man by Sara Winman
 This is Sarah Winman’s third novel. It’s a story about friendships, longing and unrequited love set in Oxford and rural France-spanning the late 60s to early 70s. 
 The story is about two boys Ellis and Michael who meet in Oxford when they are 12 years old. This morphs into something more romantic when they are adolescents on holiday in France but this ends when they return to the UK.
 Later Ellis meets and marries a woman called Annie and for a time Ellis, Michael and Annie are a close trio but then Michael moves to London and they lose contact. 
 The story is told in two halves which made some of us feel we were reading two different books. 
 The the first by Ellis when we learn something of his childhood and that he wanted to be an artist rather than a panel beater in the car industry and the second by Michael when we learn about Michael caring for his gay lover G until G dies of AIDS and Michael is grieving but he recognises he is also grieving for the unrequited love of Ellis.
 This book provoked extreme views with the first to score saying ‘I hated it, didn’t like it‘ and gave 3/4 and the second person’s comment was ‘I loved it’ and she gave it a 9. 
 We did have some discussion about the two halves-Ellis told his story in a fully objective unemotional way which led to him being the ‘ Tin man’ and well described as ‘hollow inside’ contrasting with Michael’s story told with more feeling and in an intimate tone. We all preferred Michael’s half of the book. It was described as uplifting which no one could feel that way about Ellis’ book. 
 Some of us found the book to be a hard read- jumping from one story to the next and back and forth over the years so it’s not a book to put down and pick up - I went back to the beginning three times- whereas those who read straight through found it unputdownable and an easy read and enjoyed it.

Scores out of 10.

3/4 - 1 , 6 -2 , 7 -1, 7/8 -1 , 8 -2 , 9 -1.

Next meeting at Urbana, apartment 28-6, 55, LangSuan , Pathumwan on March 3rd at 10 am reading - A Long Walk Home by Judith Tebbut
 April 7th 2020- All that Remains by Sue Black
 May 5th 2020 - The Taxidermist’s daughter by Kate Moss 
 June 2nd 2020 Father of Lions by Louise Callaghan one man’s remarkable quest to save the Mosul Zoo from ISIS

July 7th 2020 Lady in Waiting by Ann Glenconner - an extraordinary life in the shadow of the Crown. 
 At present this book is only available as a hardback or if you choose it on audio trial it is free.

Calling all golfers or would-be golfers!!! This month I started a new hobby – golf. Initially this arose out of a ‘if you can’t beat them, join them’ attitude. My husband is a very keen golfer and I am rapidly becoming a golf widow, so with this in mind I decided to take the leap and learn to play. I’d dabbled for a little bit, usually at the driving range, where I would join him to ‘have a go’. As you can imagine, I was enthusiastic but fairly hopeless and, if I actually managed to hit the ball, it would generally not go very far and also not in the right direction. So, it was at one of these sessions at the driving range, when things were definitely not going well and my levels of frustration were gradually increasing, that I noticed my husband having a conversation with another gentleman which eventually ended in something along the lines of “I think my wife could do with some help”. This was my first meeting with Louis. Louis Esselen is a pro-golfer from South Africa who has recently begun teaching golf in Bangkok. He has played and taught in many countries around the world and, during his younger pro days in the South African Pro Golf League, has played against golfers such as Ernie Els and Retief Goosen. In 2002 he was named in the top 20 teaching pros in South Africa by the leading golf magazine ‘Compleat Golfer’. He has also written a book entitled ‘Classic Golf Swing Lessons’. So far I have had 4 lessons out of a set of 10. Louis started by working on my grip, stance and swing and these elements have been the focus of my lesssons and my practice sessions imbetween. He is enthusiastic, very knowledgeable, and above all patient. The lessons are focussed but fun and Louis corrects errors in calm and encouraging manner. I can already notice the progress that I am making and this is really motivating. There is a golfer in there somewhere waiting to make an appearance!! This is Louis. He is based at the Nonsi Driving Range (behind Tesco Lotus on Rama 3). Louis is happy to provide lessons for a range of skill levels from beginner upwards. Maybe you are an absolute beginner like me or maybe you have played for a number of years but would like guidance on how to improve your game still further. Either way I can wholeheartedly recommend Louis as a pro golf coach to work with you to develop aspects of your game. Also, to tempt you still further, the first lesson is free!! Louis’ contact details are: Tel: 0931116643 Email:

nspiring ndividuals At KIS International School all students can shine. The midsize, caring community allows KIS students to be confident and to be appreciated as an individual, with unique dreams and strengths. The school is a full IB school, offering the International Baccalaureate Programmes for all age groups (IB Primary Years Programme, IB Middle Years Programme and IB Diploma), ensuring an academically rigorous curriculum that not only prepares students to be successful at university, but also teaches important life skills. KIS, it’s all about Knowledge, Inspiration and Spirit. Check out the students’ videos to learn more about their passion

Tel: +66 (0) 2274 3444 Email:

“With the power of imagination, characters can actually fly off the page” Jun, Grade 11.

Dear Friends,

The Hong Kong Ladies’ Group is hosting a global friendship charity luncheon. The month of March marks the International Women’s Day and this event will be part of the celebrations for women empowerment.

Baht 100,000 will first be donated to Bangkok Post Foundations at the event. Further proceeds will be donated to other charity organisations on women empowerment and education.

This event has received successful participation and support from many embassies, namely China, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, Morocco, Nepal, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Turkey.

Event: “East meets West” Food & Tourism Fair 2020 Date: 25 March 2020 (Wednesday) Venue: Swissotel Bangkok Ratchada 10 a.m. Vendor Tables

10:30 a.m. Registration

12:00 noon Lunch

Menu: Sit down international buffet served at table, plus food booths from many embassies.

Cost: B2,500 (VIP)

B1,200 (Standard)

Hope you will all support and join us for this wonderful event!

Happy Golden Wedding Anniversary Gale

Gale Bailey MBE is expecting another medal for endurance as she celebrates her golden wedding anniversary on 7 March 2020 with her husband Michael Bailey.

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Spread the word! The BWG monthly Coffee Morning from now on will be held at The Living Room, Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit, every second Thursday of the month! We hope this venue is convenient being accessible from Sukhumvit Road or directly from Asoke BTS. The cost is THB 200 net/person for your choice of hot coffee and a piece of house cake. Additional discount of 30% on additional drink. Please RSVP as the hotel requires an idea of numbers attending each month. Everyone welcome!

Noh Bo Mission By Jackie Reynolds Hi Everyone, On the 15th - 18th February I was fortunate enough to be invited along on the Christ Church Bangkok Karen Ministry Trip to visit The Noh Bo Academy and assist in the painting of some of their classrooms. It is in a remote location 100+km from Mae Sot, closer to the Karen Refugee Camps of which there are sadly far too many people housed for far too long and who, without organisations like this providing additional educational opportunities for their young, would have very little chance of a successful future. This is one of the organisations the BWG has supported for quite a few years and now with first hand experience of the school, teachers and children, I would say it is money very well spent. The ages of the students both boys and girls range from 11 - 22 yrs of age (most of which are boarders.) For this trip, I was with Sue Jones the vicar’s wife and a fellow BWG member, who sadly is moving back to the UK soon. This was her 1st visit with 3 other members of the church, Chris the organiser, Sara a doctor plus her 2 children aged 6 and 9 (also leaving and moving to Botswana in June, where she will be a great asset in that part of the world I'm sure) and last but not least Robert a music teacher from Rugby International School near Pattaya who was a newcomer. We flew into Mae Sot then had an ‘adventurous ride’ in the church's pick up truck, which I have to say has seen better days but was thankfully up for the task, the

last stretch of road being full of challenging potholes.We wont mention the return trip, those there know what I refer to Ha! Ha! I went thinking I would be hands on painting but with the amount of willing student volunteers we mostly took a back seat and let them at it. We did some ‘quality control’ as they initially enthusiastically slapped a lot of paint onto the brushes, rollers and then the walls!! Sara's children also couldn't wait to to join in, her daughter decided to also paint one of her hands in the bright green colour which when dried actually looked like a rubber glove! Once they were let loose with the colourful paints the 7 rooms were done in quick time over the next 2 days. Have to say the preparation of the rooms and cleaning of the brushes, rollers etc, took up a lot of our time(not to mention getting the paint off hands, legs, faces etc ) A fun time was had by all. As the amount of volunteers gave me more free time I also was able to get another group of students together on one of the days and we went on a trash collection and general clean up mission around the compound. I do love some trash clearing - you can see the result immediately which is rewarding in itself. Meanwhile Robert was preparing music lessons he would be giving to some of the students on 2 of the days. Chris and Sara met with a contractor to look at the church’s next major project which is to upgrade the volunteer sleeping quarters. I wish them all the best and once achieved should enable them to have more long stay volunteer teachers come over. There was a football tournament going on at the academy whilst we were there and this seemed to be the focal point for the area bringing other teams together to compete in a fun activity, watched by supporters. The

academy even has a female football team which I was pleased to hear. The large football pitch is in the centre of the compound with the classrooms, student dormitories, food hall, teacher and volunteer accommodations surrounding that, with mountains as a backdrop. On Sunday morning we went to a church service at the newly built church across from the academy. Sue had been told the congregation when singing "sounded like a Welsh choir”. High praise indeed! I felt this might be a "slight exaggeration" but I have to say their voices were in total harmony and this all with no musical accompaniment, they sounded lovely. To be honest I was looking around to see where the speakers were but no it was the congregation. Before we left on the last day, the headmistress Candlepaw (interesting name I thought) very kindly gave us each a gift which consisted of fabric and items made by the ladies in the camps. This is another way Christ Church raises funds to support the academy whilst also helping the people in the camps by selling some beautifully made 100% cotton pieces of fabric, sarong length (B250). I’m actually using my piece of fabric as a TV dust protector and it looks very pretty and hides the 47in eyesore TV screen when not in use. They also have various bags (B250 - B300). If you would like to buy any of these products and in doing so help support this worthy cause please contact Khun Fon on These missions are such a great and rewarding way to spend some of my retirement time and I look forward to my next adventure, wherever and whenever that might be.

February Activity

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LITTLE BIRD FOUNDATION by GALE BAILEY MBE I was delighted to be invited to attend the New Year’s party at the Little Bird’s house on Udom Suk again this year as it is such a pleasure to be among the happy throng of young adults who have had some severe knocks in their lives. They have lost family due to AIDS and even though they are HIV positive themselves, with the daily supply of anti-retro viral drugs, they keep healthy. A young couple had a baby which is not HIV positive as drugs taken during pregnancy prevent this from being transferred to the foetus. Most of them have jobs but some could not come as they were working. They are such good friends, more like family really, and they have a great repartie with each other – so good to witness. Sally Voravarn was also there as well as other supporters of the group including 2 Irish singers who are friends of Father Joe Maier and a couple from Australia who have

sponsored one of the girls since she was 14! She is now 22 and has graduated from university – they are so proud of her – quite rightly so! After LOTS OF FOOD – pizzas, pasta, doughnuts – presents were given out between the young ones which brought forth much laughter. Money and vouchers which had been donated by the sponsors were handed out and Sally had brought some of her knitted teddies to give away. The ones who could not attend the party had presents saved so they did not miss out. What a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon which we both expressed as we sat over a couple of beers on the way home. We felt privileged to be with such a great group of young people – such a tribute to people like Usanee Janngeon, John MacTaggart and Moe Mongkol who initiated the group which is now a Foundation. WELL DONE!

February Lunch Photographs Wine Connection



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behind a e d i Clinic. t e n h t a t s s i t n I a Th PD d’s new O a r g n u r Bum It is perfect for minor illnesses, prescription refills, preventive care including vaccinations, or a doctor’s note. Instead of waiting for hours on end you can see a doctor, settle the bill, receive your prescription and be on your way in under an hour. Simply scan the QR code to learn more about the new OPD Instant Clinic. Contact Center: 0 2066 8888


e Compreh

Mahjong Club I wonder if you have ever thought about playing mahjong. Maybe you have played before but a long

time ago or maybe you have never even heard of the game. Either way we would love you to consider

giving it a go again or consider joining as a ‘newbie’.

The BWG runs two mahjong groups - one which meets at the British Club every Monday 10am to 1pm

and one which meets at Bistro 33 on a Wednesday afternoon from 1pm to 4pm.

You really don’t need to have any experience of playing previously as all the ladies who meet at both of

these venues will be most willing to teach you how to play and are very friendly and patient teachers.

I guarantee by the end of the first session you will feel confident enough to have a go playing as an

individual and certainly if you have played any card games before, you will pick this game up very


I would really encourage you to give the game a go. Its an excellent opportunity to socialise and chat

as well as develop new new skills as a mahjong player. If you would like to come to either the Monday

or the Wednesday session just send me a message on +66988312970.

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