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the woman you like.
Take your digital flirting skills up a notch with these sim Take your digital flirting skills up a notch with these simple rules for texting women. Believe it or not, there's a right ple rules for texting women. Believe it or not, there's a right way to send her a text.
Welcome to the digital age of dating! Texting allows a man to come up with witty and enticing responses from a comfortable location. It’s easy enough to master and with some basic guidelines—any man should be a pro in no time. Likewise, it can also be nerve-racking to come up with a perfectly good text. Here are some simple points to remember when texting the woman you’re interested in. 1. Focus on Your Goal Do you know the difference between a wish and a goal? A goal has a plan and an end date for accomplishment, and a wish is just a hopeless daydream. So when texting your crush, in addition to keeping the ball rolling, you might want to decide on asking her out eventually. Therefore, just like in any other interaction, a back-and-forth text conversation can take on different turns on different topics. And while it's a good practice to take your time, endlessly beating around the bush, wishing for the woman to go out with you miraculously is not a winning strategy if you want to get a date with her. 2. Keep Things Light Women love to see their phone buzz and read a text that’s cute, intriguing, and makes them laugh. But remember, don’t get too personal over text—it isn’t worth it and should be saved for in-person or phone conversations. Tell her something funny, not your life story.
3. Make Her Laugh Sharing funny things with a girl shows her that you have a sense of humor and you like spreading it around. Who doesn't like a person who makes them laugh? tween a wish and a goal? A goal has a plan and an end 4. Flirt, Flirt, and Flirt Some More Flirting over text date for accomplishment, and a wish is just a hopeless is one of the most important things you can do to keep a woman interested—flirtatious texts are a great way to generate sparks. Trust and comfort have to build asking her out eventually. Therefore, just like in any over time, but light and teasing messages will keep her
other interaction, a back-and-forth text conversation can take on different turns on different topics. And while it's a good practice to take your time, endlessly beating around the bush, wishing for the woman to go out with you miraculously is not a winning strategy if you want to get a date with her. 2. Keep Things Light Women love to see their phone buzz and read a text that’s cute, intriguing, and makes them laugh. But remember, don’t get too personal over text—it isn’t worth it and should be saved for in-person or phone conversations. Tell her something funny, not your life story. 3. Make Her Laugh Sharing funny things with a girl shows her that you have a sense of humor and you like spreading it around. Who doesn't like a person who makes them laugh? 4. Flirt, Flirt, and Flirt Some More Flirting over text is one of the most important things you can do to keep a woman interested—flirtatious texts are a great way to generate sparks. Trust and comfort have to build over time, but light and teasing messages will keep her
on her toes until then. Just be short and sweet. If you on her toes until then. Just be short and sweet. If you don't let your soft side out every once in a while, she won’t be interested in you for very long. 5. Be Patient Replying with three texts for every one she sends shows you’re too eager and too invested. You she sends shows you’re too eager and too invested. You shouldn’t over-think it, but go easy and feel out the pace of the conversation. If she takes an hour to respond, just give it a few minutes before messaging her spond, just give it a few minutes before messaging her back. 6. Avoid Improper Grammar Well-written text messages make you look mature and intelligent. Sloppiness is not only a turn-off but also a potential deal breaker. Some shortcuts like “np at all” are okay but “can’t wait 2 c u 2nite” borders on immaturity. Always double-check your spelling, grammar, and auto correct before you press send. 7. Use Emoticons Wisely A smile or wink is great for adding emphasis or being flirtatious. However, using them in every other sentence can be overkill and distracting from what you’re trying to say. Sticking to no more than one emoticon per message is usually a good idea.
6. Avoid Improper Grammar
piness is not only a turn-off but also a potential deal “can’t wait 2 c u 2nite” borders on immaturity. Always double-check your spelling, grammar, and auto cor adding emphasis or being flirtatious. However, using them in every other sentence can be overkill and dis tracting from what you’re trying to say. Sticking to no
8. Don’t Forget to Call Her 8. Don’t Forget to Call Her Do you want to know how to get your crush to instantly like you? Catch her com to get your crush to instantly like you? Catch her completely by surprise with this courtship technique that pletely by surprise with this courtship technique that dates back to the 1980s. Call her! Yes, texting is crazy dates back to the 1980s. Call her! Yes, texting is crazy useful and convenient, but it wouldn't be wise to rely useful and convenient, but it wouldn't be wise to rely on one form of communication. If you can get her to on one form of communication. If you can get her to send a smiley face over text using only a fraction of send a smiley face over text using only a fraction of your ability to communicate, think about the myriad your ability to communicate, think about the myriad of feelings you can give to her with a phone call. of feelings you can give to her with a phone call.