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Junior League Designer Bag Bingo

Women as Catalysts for Lasting Community Change


The Junior League of Shreveport-Bossier, Inc. has been serving the community for over 85 years. This non-profit organization of women is committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.

communities through the effective action

The Junior League provides training to its members, develops and supports community projects, bestows grants to orga munity projects, bestows grants to organizations in need, and gives scholarships to deserving high school graduates. Junior to deserving high school graduates. Junior League projects include Mentoring Ambitious Girls to Inspire Change (MAGIC), Artist for a Day, Health Literacy, Super Safety Saturday, Safe Sitter, and the Red Apron Pantry. To support its mission and projects, the Junior League of Shreveport-Bossier is hosting the Third Annual Designer Bag Bingo fundraising event on April 21. The 2022 Designer Bag Bingo Chair is Amanda Dewett, and Assistant Chair is Catherine Simpson. The “Girls Night Out” event pairs the fun of Bingo with designer handbags as prizes! Emcee for the evening will be Courtney Butts, Miss Louisiana 2020.

es! Emcee for the evening will be Courtney

Attendees can enter a $25 Diamond Raffle Attendees can enter a $25 Diamond Raffle from Sid Potts and $10 “Treat Yourself” Raffles for spa treatments, local art, restaurant vouchers, and more! There will be 10 rounds of Bingo. Prizes for the first nine are designer handbags, most donated by are designer handbags, most donated by Dillard’s in Mall St. Vincent and Dillard’s Dillard’s in Mall St. Vincent and Dillard’s in Pierre Bossier Mall. The Grand Prize is a in Pierre Bossier Mall. The Grand Prize is a Louis Vuitton “Graceful” handbag. In the past, the event has raised over $30,000. “We hope to exceed that amount $30,000. “We hope to exceed that amount this year,” says Dewett. “We are so excited about returning to an in-person event and about returning to an in-person event and grateful to all our supporters and sponsors. Grab your girlfriends and come out for a great evening!” League members are devoted to serving League members are devoted to serving the community and seeking projects in which they can have a measurable impact. the community and seeking projects in which they can have a measurable impact. Members provide approximately 4,000 volunteer hours annually devoted to commu-Members provide approximately 4,000 volunteer hours annually devoted to commu nity projects, a testament to the Junior League slogan: “We are women as catalysts for nity projects, a testament to the Junior League slogan: “We are women as catalysts for lasting community change.”

“Your continued support of our events in turn supports our mission of promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Thank you for supporting and leadership of trained volunteers. Thank you for supporting the work of the JLSB.” –the work of the JLSB.” – Sarah Giglio, President Sarah Giglio, President

April 21, 2022 — 6:00 pm April 21, 2022 — 6:00 pm

Cocktails, Dinner, Raffles, and Bingo! Horseshoe Riverdome

Tickets: $60 Individual; $600 Table of 10 jlsbdesignerbagbingo.eventbrite.com jlsbdesignerbagbingo.eventbrite.com


PRESENTING SPONSOR Morris and Dewett Injury Lawyers

LOUIS LEVEL Lindsey Pennington, MD Facial Plastics CINTAS Clarkes Jewelers SB Magazine

PRADA LEVEL The Moppet Shoppe Lang Orthodontics Community Bank of Louisiana

GUCCI LEVEL Republic Finance Progressive Bank L and Johnson Rental Properties and Investments, LLC Lee Davis

CHLOE LEVEL BOM Bank A Brighter Smile Dental Care Debbie Angelo Please and Thank You Paper Company Waynette Ballengee

HANDBAG SPONSORS Dillard’s Mall St. Vincent Dillard’s Pierre Bossier Mall

The Junior League of Shreveport-Bossier, Inc. juniorleaguesb www.jlsb.org

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