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under the spell of the creative and otherworldly Full Moon in Pisces. A Venus/Saturn opposition at the same time may bring separation or inhibition, which are contrary to the urge to merge of the Pisces Moon. There is not much rose-coloured romance during this time and relationships may feel restrained and cold. On Thursday and Friday the astro flavour is also quite polarised. Even though we have two practical and positive earth trines, from Sun to Uranus (surprise) and from Mercury to Saturn (strategy). The first one is enthusiastic and full of radical, new ideas, whereas the second one instigates a quite pragmatic and conservative outlook. There is a push and pull between innovation and sticking to tried and true methods. This may prove quite disruptive and it may get increasingly difficult to really express what you feel, which creates more division between people, in particular in close relationships. Tensions between Venus in Cancer and Mars in Aries are rising; their square is exact on Friday evening and could cause further alienation between partners. Try to stay kind and fair, and recognise if and when you need to get some space. On Saturday morning differences might be overcome (Mercury sextile Venus) and the vibe is definitely a bit more upbeat! On Sunday Mercury the messenger, moves into harmonising Libra and Lady Venus enters funloving, gregarious and at times a bit dramatic Leo. Monday to Wednesday are great days to further a project or to tie up loose ends. An inspiring Sun/ Jupiter trine is building (exact on the 10th) and comes just in time before Mars in Aries turns retrograde (also on the 10th) for a two months detour. More on that in next week’s edition... For the bigger picture read your Sun, Moon and Rising signs. A Tarot card is drawn for each astrological sign.
Astrology and Tarot Forecast consultations by Gisela FOR AN APPOINTMENT: giselasunshine@gmail.com.au or text 0431 894 408
g ARIES The Lovers Tarot card teaches the art and craft of longterm relationships, after the honeymoon has fizzled out. The myriad of polarities and opposite opinions that cause tensions can be defused by asking yourself what love would do in such a moment. This way you can learn how to stay emotionally close even if you are sure that you are right and your partner is wrong.
h TAURUS The 9 of Cups is the quintessential wish card. How often do you perceive your happiness to be in the future, only to be granted conditionally once this or that is achieved? The secret of this card lies in conjuring up the wonderful feelings of fulfilment and satisfaction, as if everything has fallen into place already. This enthusiasm and openness naturally guides you towards more of what you want.
i GEMINI The Knight of Disks relies on tried and true methods when new situations challenge him. He does not have much in common with the fast, curious and changeable spirit of a true Gemini. With him by your side you can learn how to balance your need for stimulation with the benefits that come from perseverance. Thursday and Friday might bring insights.
j CANCER The 6 of Disks symbolises accomplishment and the inner satisfaction that comes with it. Others might feel drawn to you for guidance and they marvel at your resourcefulness. There is a lot you can offer and your rewards lie in watching these people succeed as they follow your inspiration and directive. k LEO With Lady Venus in your sign from Sunday onwards and the 3 of Cups drawn you can look forward to a time of great warmth in relationships and creative fulfilment. This is not about ego gratification, but about living and nourishing yourself and others through the abundant love that flows from your open and generous heart.
l VIRGO The 7 of Cups symbolises the tendency to rely on your busy mind and your endless to-do-list too much, while neglecting the longings of your heart. By working hard and dutifully you may avoid feeling your inner emptiness, but it also keeps you stuck. If you take some time to explore your emotional discontent with the status quo, you can surely come up with some great ideas about finding more fulfilment.
a LIBRA The 8 of Swords represents doubt and confusion which are often a result of a difficulty establishing clear boundaries with others. You may feel the needs of another more strongly than your own, and your habit of trying to please and appease others does not bring you the peace you are looking for. Take some time to feel yourself and get in touch with your own needs.
b SCORPIO The 5 of Swords depicts inner and outer conflict which might keep you irritated. You have the power and energy to win but the costs can be high, in particular if you have to sacrifice your integrity. There might not be a satisfying solution available right now; nevertheless it is the perfect time to explore what drives you to be combative, compulsive or competitive. c SAGITTARIUS With the 10 of Swords drawn you may feel at a low point in your life. Matters of the heart or financial worries might preoccupy your generally optimistic mind so much, that you feel heavy in your heart. Avoid being self-depreciating, make a habit of counting your blessings and know that your apprehension will soon dissolve.
d CAPRICORN The Princess of Disks symbolises the creative force of the goddess in her gestation phase. You are a master of manifestation and the only thing that trips you over every now and then, is that you get impatient if you don’t get immediate results from your efforts. Remember that a lot of transformation and materialisation happens in the unseen and unfolds when the time is ripe.
e AQUARIUS The 2 of Cups symbolises love in action. What could you do today to express your love in more wonderful ways? Maybe you could surprise your loved one with something special, or if you are single you could just give yourself all the love and appreciation you ever wanted by practicing loving yourself unconditionally.
f PISCES The Prince of Disks advocates patience and perseverance. With him by your side you find it easier to take care of all the little mundane tasks that are necessary to build the world that you want to live in. Make sure you stay grounded, on track and try to avoid emotional swamps.