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LEADING UP TO THE FULL MOON IN LEO (Saturday) Lady Venus moves out of the watery Piscean realms into courageous, adventurous and self-directed Aries where she resides until early March. For the next 10 days we have Venus and Mars, the archetypes for male and female energy, in fire signs. They are ready for a new perspective, and there’s hope for decisive, passionate action to follow. The Full Moon, also in a fire sign highlights this reset opportunity. Straight after the very energising Full Moon, Venus unites with Chiron, the archetype for woundedness and healing. This may be confronting and painful for people with planets in the early degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn. Be gentle with yourself and avoid rash reactions, even when it feels counterintuitive. On the upside this aspect offers a chance to celebrate diversity of opinions, beliefs and vision. The choice is yours and what you focus on naturally expands. If you can’t get any healing insight into these matters on Monday there is another opportunity to find more inner harmony on Wednesday… For the bigger picture read your Sun, Moon and Rising signs. A Tarot card is drawn for each astrological sign.
Astrology and Tarot Forecast consultations by Gisela FOR AN APPOINTMENT: giselasunshine@gmail.com.au or text 0431 894 408
g ARIES The 8 of Wands increases your need for fast and exciting action; you may feel fired up a lot and impatient! Be mindful about how much you take on, and to curb your over-reactivity. If you release a bit of the urgency and pace yourself just a little, this can be a week of great progress on quite a few levels.
h TAURUS The Princess of Cups is gentle, impressionable and rather idealistic. With her by your side you might feel very sensitive to your surroundings. When that happens your natural reaction is to retreat into the safety of your own inner world. However you may also realise the healing power of openness and vulnerability during this week.
i GEMINI With the 10 of Swords drawn you may hit a low point this week. Can you allow yourself to just feel it or do you have to have heavy judgement about it? The less you criticise where you are at, the easier you find the energy to move on. If you find yourself caught up in useless ‘what-if’ worst-fear scenarios, you only inflame the situation.
j CANCER The Prince of Disks and Cancer consciousness understand each other very well. They both focus on security and stability. They stick to the tried and true, yet they are not timid and their determination makes them unstoppable. This is the week to patiently chip away on duty after duty and to keep in mind that exactly because you lay solid foundations, bigger things will follow.
k LEO The 7 of Swords’ energy may feel like a direct attack. It bruises the ego. Especially around the Full Moon time you might find yourself strongly reacting to a situation and dropping into quite a negative and maybe self-sabotaging state. Be particularly aware of statements you start with, ‘Yes but’; they only make you insist on unyielding thoughts.
l VIRGO The Ace of Cups symbolises the big gift of the open heart. This is the week to truly get in touch with your innate sensitivity and the voice of your intuition that is guiding you. This is not the loud, critical voice, but a much softer, wiser and more compassionate whisper that comes straight from your heart.
a LIBRA The Strength Tarot card, in particular with the fiery Venus and Mars energy, gives you extra oomph when relating. You are less willing to compromise for the sake of peace and you show clearly where you stand. Your renewed passion for life may spark a creative, self-directed new endeavour.
b SCORPIO With the 8 of Cups drawn you have been hanging on to habitual non-generative relationship patterns for too long. This may have such a draining influence on you that it is difficult to get motivated right now. Don’t gloss over your emotional exhaustion, know your limits and then find some way to give a little r&r to yourself.
c SAGITTARIUS The Queen of Swords is astute and does not hold back her truth. At times she can be shocking and confronting. With her by your side you get to the heart of the matter really fast, as if you have x-ray vision, and action happens swiftly. You treasure authenticity, it makes life simpler and you don’t have to second-guess.
d CAPRICORN The symbol for Capricorn is a mountain goat that climbed past competitors and reached the top. Now it’s by itself up there, looking into the distant future… The 6 of Swords points out that you fare much better if you cultivate a team-spirit to navigate the highs and lows of this week. Difficulties can be overcome through conscious communication and an innovative group approach to old problems.
e AQUARIUS The Knight of Wands is the bringer of change and he invites you to take a leap of faith. Now is the time for courageous and decisive action. If you charge forward you land exactly where you want to be and in hindsight you may wonder why you have been hesitating for so long.
f PISCES Until Saturday Lady Venus, the love-goddess is still in your sign. In combination with the Prince of Wands drawn, it is a good idea to rise to the challenge of courageously showing where your heart is at. Romance and creativity are favoured, and the chances that you get exactly what you want are very high.