2 minute read
Ellie Corley. PG
Weekly New Jobs ADDED Jobs
ASSISTANT MANAGER / PRODUCE MANAGER Santos Organics Mullumbimby is looking for an experienced and hard-working Assistant Manager with strong customer service focus, confident in sales and able to work 5 days, 38 hours/week (incl. Saturdays). Santos Organics Byron Bay is looking for an experienced and hard-working Produce Manager with strong customer service and sales focus, able to work full-time, 38 hours/week. For more information visit SANTOSORGANICS.COM.AU/EMPLOYMENT

Ellie Corley BUSINESS COACH TELL US WHERE YOU’RE FROM AND HOW YOU ENDED UP IN BYRON? I am originally from the UK, near Cambridge. I graduated as a filmmaker and worked at the BBC for a while on Top Gear and the Asian Network. One day my husband said “why don’t we have an adventure - I’ll work, you write a book or something.” So, here we are in Byron! He is working on the ELVIS movie - the book is unfinished. YOU CURRENTLY DO SOME WORK WITH LOCAL ENTREPRENEURS - WHAT DOES THAT INVOLVE? The biggest challenges for small businesses are understanding their customer, finding their unique selling point, managing their time, and of course funding. We coach around 300 very different businesses, helping them to manage those challenges.

IF YOU COULD CHANGE ANYTHING ABOUT BYRON, WHAT WOULD IT BE? My old CEO recently said to me ‘Does Byron really exist? I thought that was a fake place on Instagram.’ I think in a way we have overshared Byron's attributes, and sadly it's on 'the must see’ bus. This is a challenge for the nature of the place. COMPLETE THIS SENTENCE – “I LOVE …. to eat Marmite (sorry Vegemite lovers!). “It’s the growing up spread you never grow out of."
IF YOU WENT TO A FANCY-DRESS PARTY, WHO WOULD YOU GO AS, AND WHY? Uma Thurman. Because she is beautiful, powerful and I loved the role she played in Kill Bill.
BYRON IS RENOWNED FOR ITS WILD BRUSH TURKEYS - HAVE YOU ENCOUNTERED ANY? Yes, we love a Turkey in our house. "Petal" our Northern Terrier dog does a pretty good job of chasing them off - it's her daily Pilates exercise.
To learn a bit more about Ellie and what she does, jump over to www.buildgrowrun.com.au or take a look at the socials @buildgrowrun