FINAL MAJOR PROJECT PROPOSAL This section of the report will introduce my concept for the final major project and will cover the rationale behind my idea and why I have decided to produce this product, a competitor analysis, visual inspiration and finally an overview of how the publication will be marketed.
FMP IDEA SYNOPSIS I am proposing to rebrand my online publication, that was created as a result of the Professional Practice module in order to improve my writing skills, and to expand it to a bi-annual print publication. Druzymag is a platform I created targeted towards females aged between 18-35 that have strong interests in fashion, beauty, art and culture. Throughout the pre-production of the online concept, I established that Druzymag is a publication that explores taboo topics within the fashion industry in order to try and influence a positive change and to be more than just an eye for the next seasons trend. Additionally, I want Druzymag to be a platform for creatives across the globe to be able to showcase their work whether that be photography, illustration or fashion design in the ‘Artist of The Week’ section, this is something that I am keen to elaborate on in the print copy and use it to an advantage when creating a visual layout. 12
COMPETITION It’s fundamental for the success of the print launch of Druzymag to acknowledge its key competitors in the industry and to be able to diversify where there may be a gap in the market. With more people choosing to adopt digital over print publications as it’s quick, free and easily accessible there has been a surge in new online magazines. Druzymag’s top competitor is Fizzymag, an online publication targeted towards women aged between 20-35 and have interests in fashion, sneakers, beauty and ulture. Fizzymag market themselves as ‘a lightning rod for cultural provocation, pushing boundaries and building an alternative community for strong women at every turn.’ (Fizzymag, n.d)The main similarities between Druzymag and Fizzymag is both the target demographic and content that reflects on controversial topics whilst also being a fashion focused publication.