Research and Concept Development for Druzymag.

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Druzy mag Research and Concept Development

Carrie-Beth Blackburn C3541325 Magazine Wordcount: 2,388 Research and Concept Development Wordcount: 3,162


Druzy mag Fashion, Beauty, Art and Culture Issue 1 Spring/Summer 21

Photography by Amanda Souza and Pawel Czerwinski


CONTENTS The magazine industry: Print revival......................................................................................................4 Proposal.............................................................................................................................................................5 Action Plan........................................................................................................................................................6-7 Competitors.......................................................................................................................................................8 Visual Inspiration.............................................................................................................................................9 Flat Plan..........................................................................................................................................................10-15 Logo Branding.............................................................................................................................................16 Cover...............................................................................................................................................................17 Content i. Skin Is In: Our Three-Step-Routine to a Glowing Complexion..............................................18 ii. The Brand That’s Teaching Us Not to Be Afraid of Body Hair..................................................19 iii. How Depop Users Are Gentrifying Charity Shops.....................................................................20 iiii. Creative Spotlight..................................................................................................................................21 iiiii. Druzy recommendations...................................................................................................................22 Magazine Image References...................................................................................................................23-25 Magazine References.................................................................................................................................26 Research and Concept Development Image References..............................................................27 Research and Concept Development References...........................................................................28 Appendix........................................................................................................................................................29 3

THE MAGAZINE INDUSTRY: PRINT REVIVAL In today’s digital landscape, consumers can quickly access relevant news stories from their favourite publication within seconds using their mobile devices; likewise, anyone can set up their own publication, all they need is a Wi-Fi connection and domain name. The main advantages of digital publications are that they are free and accessible 24/7/ Although it’s easy to disregard print media, consumers do still enjoy the tradition of picking up their favourite magazine at their local newsagent. According to Technavio, the magazine publishing market is expected to grow by $3.43 million between 2021-2025 and the print segment is ‘expected to generate maximum revenue in the magazine publishing market, owing to the rising number of magazine readers.’ Fashion magazines, also known as ‘glossies’, are in extremely high demand, and are also the most saturated category in the publication market. The names leading the way in the industry are Vogue, Marie-Claire, and Elle, all of which are targeted towards females with high aspirations and a healthy salary. These magazines have retained their consumers as they continue to diversify and ensure that the content across their print and online channels are different to cater for the type of consumer. The publishing industry as a whole has seen tremendous growth over the past few years despite the popular misconception that the book industry is being rapidly digitalised. The opposite is true – consumers are more likely to enjoy physical copies of books and magazines compared to their digital counterparts. ‘only 25% of U.S. adults read an ebook in the last year. That number is actually down from peaks at 28% in 2014 and 2016.’ - (Publishing Industry Trends in 7 Charts - Submittable Blog, 2021) Consumers often claim that physical sensation plays a role in picking up a magazine, quoting the smell and weight of the product is so much more appealing than skimming through an article on a small screen. Many had predicted trends of this type of print being left behind as a traditional past-time but it seems the industry is as strong as ever and consumers are not getting bored of holding their favourite magazine in its entirety in the palm of their hands.


PROPOSAL For my final major project, I will be creating a bi-annual print publication titled ‘Druzymag’. I originally came up with the concept for this publication in October, as a part of the Professional Practice module, in an attempt to further improve my writing skills. I have already created a website and social media page for the publication, but I would like to further challenge myself and expand into print publishing. Throughout the process of creating Druzymag, I identified that I’m interested in creating a platform that isn’t afraid of voicing opinions on what might be considered as a controversial topic, this is to promote positive change within the industries that I write content on and to be a fashion forward magazine that isn’t solely focused on the next seasons trend. Druzymag is targeted at women, aged between 18-35, and have keen interests in fashion, beauty, art and culture. They are educated and have a modest amount of disposable income that they like to spend on life’s experiences, beauty products, and capsule items for their conscious wardrobe. The Druzy reader tends to opt for magazines that have a clear aesthetic and make for good coffee table decoration. I want Druzymag to also act as a creative platform for individuals showcasing their hobbies and work whether that be photography, illustration or poetry. Not only would this enable creatives reach a wide audience to promote their work, but in creating this platform a community will be formed to boost one another’s confidence.


ACTION PLAN ‘Effective action plans contain many small steps to achieve on the way to your goal. As you succeed at each step of your plan, you will gain confidence in your ability to be successful and make things happen.’ (McCallum, n.d.) I decided to create an action plan for this assignment as it would allow me to evenly spread out my workload and to make myself achievable targets up until the deadline. Monitoring my performance allowed me to set myself new targets if I had not completed work by a certain date, overall managing stress levels and improving my time-management. As someone who generally finds inspiration from daily activities and visiting local hotspots, the COVID-19 restrictions made it difficult for me to get into a creative workflow, the action plan aided in giving myself small tasks to achieve that would not be too overwhelming in the current climate.

GOAL Idea proposal to be completed and submitted.



Research into print publications, is this industry still performing well? Is print right for my publication?


Using the visual layout inspiration submitted as part of the proposal, further research into different visual styles and evaluate what style direction Druzymag should take.



Using free image websites, Pexels and Unsplash, to find inspiration for features.



Mind-map ideas for article ideas on the topics of fashion, beauty, art and culture.



Refine article ideas down to a minimum of five.





Using InDesign, create a flatplan document with colour to plan out the layout and colour theme of the magazine. 6



Using InDesign, the flatplan and images sourced from free image sites, start to create the magazine layout, keeping to a simple design and using the colour key on the flatplan as a guide.



Thinking about the aesthetic and target consumer of Druzymag, start to rebrand the logo and document designs throughout the process.



Start research on Estrid feature, source any additional images and paste into InDesign document.



Write out my two book recommendations for the Druzy reads section.





Research into the gentrification of Depop using youtube, existing articles as recourses and write out the article. Using The Ordinary’s skincare guide, make the most appropriate regime for all skintypes to be recommended for skincare article.



Write out skincare article.



Watch and make notes on the new film releases for this Summer.



Write out film articles.









Add creative spotlight section to InDesign document and add a photographer bio. Make sure all articles are pasted onto the InDesign document, make additional changes to layout etc. if needed. Complete all referencing for both the magazine and concept development ready for hand in.


COMPETITORS It’s fundamental to the success of Druzymag to identify key competitors on the market. Today, there are an abundance of fashion and culture magazines on the market, and although saturated, the demand continues to rise. By understanding the competition, it will be easier to diversify Druzymag to fill a gap in the market.

Her magazine is an independent magazine that covers culture, fashion and people for her. The magazine creates low quantities of stock that are available to buy from independent bookstores such as The Village in Leeds, as well as their own website. Her magazine holds a small social media following of 7,718 on their Instagram. Although the publication is relatively new and has a small following, they are gaining momentum and have recently had covers with names such as Billie Eilish and Agnes B.

AnOther Magazine was founded in 2001 and is a part of the independent publishing company ‘Dazed Media’. The magazine is a bi-annual publication, like Druzymag it is only published twice a year, making the magazine highly anticipated and exclusive. AnOther is targeted at affluent and creative consumers, most likely with a degree.The magazine is targeted at both men, women and non-binary consumers, meaning they do reach a wider consumer base, their consumers are also interested in fashion, beauty, art and culture. One of the key simularities of AnOther and Druzymag is that they will both act as platforms to represent creative talent. 8

VISUAL INSPIRATION ‘One way that dramatically improves the look of any page is the colours used. The colours can help reflect on the mood of the readers, brands on the page, or just make the page look generally a lot nicer than a plain white page. The colours used all depend on the desired affect they want to achieve.’ (Rowland,2013) Colour has played a key role in the visual representation of my magazine, I decided on Tangerine as the dominant colour as this is a Spring/Summer issue and many people associate the colour with the golden glow of a setting sun or summer citrus fruits. Whilst researching into the psychology of colour, and what emotions tangerine are typically associated with, I found that orange shades ‘calls to mind feelings of excitement, enthusiasm, and warmth.’ (Cherry, 2021) One of the core values of Druzymag is to create a platform for creatives to showcase their work and to gain inspiration, the feelings of enthusiasm and excitement that readers would get from the magazine, in particular within those sections, is exactly what I am trying to promote. Alongside the colour pallet I have created for the magazine, I have also researched magazine layouts on social media platforms such as Pinterest as well as physical copies of magazines to find one that is most suitable for the type of publication I am creating. I want to carry the orange theme throughout my magazine however, it will be spread across alternative sections as it can confuse the reader when back-to-back stories follow the same colour scheme and make it harder to separate them from one another. Initially, I decided I wanted to experiment with different font colours and alternative layouts however, I decided that a more simplistic aesthetic with good use of white space throughout would be more appropriate as a combination of bright colour, heavy text and an ‘unusual’ layout could result in overwhelming the reader and require too much focus, and ideally I wanted the magazine to be easy on the eye and a relaxing experience.
























































‘Flat plan is an important and integral link in the production of any magazine. It shows an overview of pages containing editorial and advert positions before the production work commences.’ (Barrington, 2016) Before putting my magazine together on InDesign, I planned out where content would be placed using a flat plan layout. ‘Flat plan 1’ is the first layout that I designed with the initial content ideas I had for the magazine. It’s common for a flat plan to follow a colour guide for each section of the magazine, this enables the art director to identify if two features with the same dominant colour are placed next to each other which often can cause confusion to the reader. Art directors should go one step further with their flat plan and this involves printing out each finished page in a smaller format and attaching them either to the wall or to the pinboard. In this way art directors can see how each page looks like and what follows after each page.’ (Magazine Flatplan, 2013) As you can see in the first flat plan I designed, the colour scheme for most sections was pink, typically in magazines, each section of the magazine should have a different colour scheme to help the reader be able to break apart one story from the other. As I identified I was using too much of the same colour page after page, I decided to source new imagery and create a second flat plan. The second flat plan represents the layout of the finalised magazine. This flat plan is 10 pages shorter than the first layout as I made the executive decision to cut out some of the content and also add in the film recommendation section. I decided to make these changes as I think the crochet article and pattern might have only appealed to a small percentage of the readers of Druzymag as it is a niche hobby, whereas most people watch films and as cinemas are recently re-opened after almost a year, I think that this culture piece was more appropriate.



DESIGN 1 This is the first logo that I created for Druzymag in 2020 using InDesign. As the name Druzy originates from a rare crystal, I decided to add crystal/ diamond-like graphics to the logo. After consideration of exactly who my target consumer is and how I wanted my publication to be visually presented, I decided this logo might cater towards a younger demographic.


These two logos represent the first stage in my design process of simplifying my logo design. My aim was to create a design that is timeless in design and easy on the eye. After designing both of these logo’s, I found I was drawn more to the deeper neutral tones in the logo on the left however, after consideration I decided that the fonts used did not suit the tone and aesthetic of Druzymag and decided to simplify even further.

DESIGN 4 The final logo and the logo that will be used for Druzymag was created on InDesign. I decided to simply the logo much further and used two fonts (Aviner Next Bold and La Bohemienne), both of which are carried out through the magazine as the heading fonts Aviner Next Bold) and body text font (La Bohemienne) to keep the continuity throughout. I think that the tangerine and medium-toned brown work well together as they are complimentary colours, and this is a combination trend that we are expected to see a lot more of throughout the rest of 2021 according to Fashion Rules. 16

COVER One of the main inspirations for the visual presentation of my cover page was the visual layout of the first six issues of Her magazine. I really liked the simplistic approach and also that the layout represented a polaroid picture. With this layout in mind, the next influence for the cover came from the dominant tangerine colour I chose for the logo. I decided to explore free-image websites, UnSplash and Pexels, and filtered the images to only showcase orange imagery, this is when I came across the background graphic image that perfectly compliments the logo. As Druzymag is an editorial style magazine, I really wanted to have a fashion editorial image featured on the cover. I came across Amanda Souza’s collection of self-portraits that were free to use in editorial publishing and I thought that the golden summer hues married well with both the background image and the logo, complimenting the tangerine and brown colours. Overall, I’m really pleased with how my cover turned out, it’s simple, yet eye-catching with the use of bold colour. For future covers, I’d really like to carry on a theme of dominant colours and carry this through the first half of the logo (Druzy) - From a consumer point of view, a lot of purchasing decisions are made through the visual look and feel of the magazine and often consumers buy publications as ‘coffee table decoration’. I think that changing the colour theme each issue to create a warm toned rainbow, stylistically would appeal to the consumers that are avid magazine collectors.




CONTENT SKIN IS IN, THE ORDINARY PRODUCT FEATURE The target consumer of Druzymag have a keen interest in beauty, and so for my beauty feature, I decided to write an article on my favourite skincare products that are perfect for all skin types. The Ordinary started out as an online only brand however, after enormous year on year growth they are now in such high demand that they have saturated both the online and brick and mortar retailers. Although most consumers have heard of The Ordinary, a lot of them are quite reluctant to shop them as the product names are quite intimidating - this is why I have written the article as a ‘step-by-step’ guide almost to the products and how they should be used. On reflection, I think that this article, in comparison to the others, was slightly overlooked. I could have broken the article up more and made different headings for the sections so that readers could visually identify this as a step-by-step guide as opposed to a bulk of writing. I also could have included product prices, to communicate more about the products to the reader. Ideally, In the future I would like to re-purpose this article for the Druzymag website as I think that most consumers searching for skincare recommendations would turn to the internet first. As The Ordinary is also available to shop from most online retailers, the SEO potential on this article would be great for building credibility.


SKIN IS IN: OUR THREE-STEP-ROUTINE FOR A GLOWING COMPLEXION Estrid are the feminist shaving brand that are dominating social media. Typically, when you think of a razor brand and their advertisements, you think of disposable razors gliding the smooth, hairless legs of tall thin women - this is everything that Estrid are avoiding. As Druzymag aims to be a voice for controversial topics, I thought that a shaving brand that promotes female body hair as something that should be embraced would be a great beauty feature. As Estrid are an online brand, I made sure to focus more on the ethos of the company and the culture and stigma that women face towards body-hair rather than making the product the main focus. I’ve identified that competitor magazines such as Elle offer their consumers discount codes within print articles that have online brands as their main feature- Getting a hold of an exclusive discount code for Druzymag print readers could be a great way to convert readers to consumers of the brands I am promoting maintain the credibility of the print publication.



As someone who frequently buys and sells on the social shopping app, Depop, I was aware that sellers utilise this platform to make profit on their items. However, I was unaware of the group of users that intentionally buy their stock from local charity shops and sell it at an extreme mark-up price , resulting in gentrification and the low-income individuals that buy out of necessity from charity recourses now being unable to do so due to a rise in prices. I decided to write this piece, as individuals that are interested in vintage fashion and deadstock might be completely unaware of what the gentrification of charity shops is and how they can prevent it from getting worse. Druzymag is a platform that isn’t afraid of exploring topics that are controversial within the fashion industry, and I believe that this topic is controversial as it is somewhat calling out Depop and top sellers for their ethical consideration of those in a lower social class. On reflection, I think that this topic could have had the potential to be a four-page interview spread to gain a different viewpoint other than my own and how users of the app think that Depop could set limitations on the price points of vintage items to hopefully decrease the impact that this has on charity shops and those that buy from them for basic needs.



The Creative Spotlight section of Druzymag aims to be a platform for Creatives to share their passions. In the Spring/ Summer issue, I came across a photographer from Brazil, Amanda Souza, and her collection of self-portrait images. Immediately the strong use of colour along with the experimental shapes drew my attention. The warm tones throughout the photo’s reminded me of golden hour and the summer sunset and worked well alongside the other warm-tones featured throughout the publication. I think that for future creative spotlight features, it would be great to interview the individuals that are having their work showcased. This would enable the reader to gain a more in-depth understanding on what the message behind the creative piece is and an insight into the creative process leading up to the final outcome. I also would really like to feature more than just photographers in creative spotlight pieces and open this section of the magazine to more than one spotlight - I hope that as the magazine gains momentum, individuals that have interests in illustration, fashion design, poetry and more will submit their work to hopefully reach a wider audience.


CULTURE: FILM AND BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS The culture section of Druzymag featured two recommendation sections, one for film and the other for books. Both reading and watching films have played an integral part of everyones lives throughout the number of lockdowns this past year, not only for entertainment purposes but as a way to stay connected to friends and family through shared interest. Typically, I stick to writing features about fashion and beauty, but as my magazine is targeted at readers who are interested in culture, I wanted to make sure I gave options that would be of interest to them. For both recommendations I made sure to choose films and books from different genres in order to appeal to individuals with different interests. For both sections, I decided on two recommendations, however, I do think that I could have pushed to adding a third in there as both of the sections are fairly short.



Czerwinski, P., 2020. Orange Background. [image] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 June 2021].

Souza, A., 2020. Woman in blue and white shirt holding fruit. [image] Available at: <> [Accessed 30 June 2021].

Own image.

Katzki, R., 2017. Rainbow Tunnel. [image] Available at: < photos/jbtfM0XBeRc> [Accessed 30 June 2021].

Langevin, M., 2021. The Ordinary - white plastic bottle on white table. [image] Available at: <> [Accessed 29 June 2021].

Monstera, 2021. Female model with glitter and wet hair on face. [image] Available at: <> [Accessed 30 June 2021]. 23

Souza, A., 2020. Experimental, Woman in yellow shirt.. [image] Available at: <> [Accessed 30 June 2021].

Souza, A., 2020. Self-portrait. [image] Available at: <> [Accessed 30 June 2021].

Souza, A., 2020. person in red shirt wearing brown hat. [image] Available at: <https://> [Accessed 30 June 2021].

Souza, A., 2020. Yellow and White hanging decor. [image] Available at: <> [Accessed 30 June 2021].

Heftiba, T., 2020. Estrid Product Flatlay. [image] Available at: < PPKLnMm9Bss> [Accessed 28 June 2021].

Heftiba, T., 2020. White Shower Head on Wall. [image] Available at: < photos/LT8-vT64qBM> [Accessed 28 June 2021].


Franca Carmo, A., n.d. Woman wearing yellow skirt and white long sleeve. [image] Available at: <> [Accessed 30 June 2021].

Von, M., 2020. Orange Painting on Wall. [image] Available at: <https://unsplash. com/photos/Jdeoooc_R3E> [Accessed 30 June 2021].

Girlwithredhat, 2021. Green, red and yellow floral jacket. [image] Available at: <https://> [Accessed 29 June 2021].

Von, M., 2020. Calipatria. [image] Available at: < Jdeoooc_R3E> [Accessed 29 June 2021].

Kool Shooters, n.d. Yellow Mellow: Classic yellow tv. [image] Available at: <https://> [Accessed 28 June 2021].

Suarez, R., n.d. Photo of women reading books. [image] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 July 2021].

Chua, A., 2017. Stair inside red wall. [image] Available at: <https://unsplash. com/photos/zxbNbuncq1g> [Accessed 23 June 2021].


MAGAZINE REFERENCES 2020. Check out the vegan self-care brand challenging stereotypes around shaving, body hair and the ‘Pink Tax’. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 July 2021]. Climate conscious, 2020. Depop Gentrification and the Middle-Class Superiority Complex. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 June 2021]. estrid. n.d. About Us — Estrid. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 July 2021]. estrid. n.d. How It Works — Estrid. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 July 2021]. 2020. A Quiet Place Part II. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 July 2021]. 2021. Luca. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 July 2021]. Jenkins-Reid, T., 2019. Daisy Jones & The Six. [online] Available at: < book/show/40597810-daisy-jones-the-six> [Accessed 2 July 2021]. Moseley, K., 2018. The Gentrification of Clothing. [online] That's What She Said. Available at: <https://twssmagazine. com/2018/03/08/the-gentrification-of-clothing/> [Accessed 29 June 2021]. Norvill, Y., 2020. Is Depop being gentrified? Sellers and users weigh in on the debate. [online] Dazed. Available at: <> [Accessed 1 July 2021]. n.d. The Ordinary | Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5. [online] Available at: <https://theordinary.> [Accessed 2 July 2021]. n.d. The Ordinary | Mineral UV Filters SPF 30 with Antioxidants. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 2 July 2021]. n.d. The Ordinary | Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%. [online] Available at: <https://theordinary.> [Accessed 2 July 2021]. n.d. The Ordinary | Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 2 July 2021]. n.d. The Ordinary | Squalane Cleanser. [online] Available at: <https://theordinary.deciem. com/gb/rdn-squalane-cleanser-50ml.html> [Accessed 2 July 2021]. n.d. Amanda Souza (@ducherwolf) | Unsplash Photo Community. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 2 July 2021]. n.d. Queenie by Candice Carty-Williams | Waterstones. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 July 2021]. 26


Her, 2021. Issue 6 of Her Magazine, Agnes B cover.. [image] Available at: <> [Accessed 30 June 2021].

AnOther Magazine, 2020. AnOther Issue 39. [image] Available at: <https://www.> [Accessed 8 March 2021]

Flowless Creative Lab, n.d. MARIE Editorial Fashion Lookbook. [image] Available at: <

Rite Magazine, n.d. Rite. [image] Available at: < identitet-og-brand-design/> [Accessed 5 June 2021].

Corona, E., n.d. Elicia Edijanto Catalogue. [image] Available at: <https://www.behance. net/gallery/28106415/Elicia-Edijanto-Catalogue> [Accessed 2 July 2021].


RESEARCH AND CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT REFERENCES AnOther. 2021. About Us. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 2 July 2021]. Barrington, T., 2016. What is a flatplan? | The Magazine Production Company. [online] The Magazine Production Company. Available at: <> [Accessed 20 June 2021]. Cherry, K., 2021. How Does Orange Influence Your Moods?. [online] Verywell Mind. Available at: <https://> [Accessed 1 July 2021]. her. magazine. n.d. her. magazine. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 2 July 2021]. Instagram. n.d. Her. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 2 July 2021]. Magazine Designing. 2013. Magazine Flatplan. [online] Available at: < magazine-flatplan/> [Accessed 21 June 2021]. McCallum, P., n.d. How can you benefit from action planning?. [online] Sapling. Available at: <https://www.> [Accessed 2 July 2021]. Perry, P., 2019. Publishing Industry Trends in 7 Charts - Submittable Blog. [online] Submittable Blog. Available at: <> [Accessed 2 July 2021].



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