March 18th 2019 Edition

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Edition 41



Well, here we are starting the third month of this year. Are you on track to accomplish your goals within the next ten months left in this year?

You need to start now. Don't wait for a better time, start now!

Lay out a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly plan of action

Have you ever heard the saying: "Procrastination is the

Do something every day to work toward your goal. Even if you only have one half hour, just do it.

Take it a step at a time, don't move on until you have completed the step you are working on until you finish that step. Then you can move on to the next step in your overall plan.

Avoid distractions, when you set aside time to work on your project for that day, stay focused on what you are doing until you complete the task you are working on.

IF YOU HAVE SET SOME GOALS YOU WANT TO ACCOMPLISH BY THE END OF THIS YEAR, FOLLOW THESE SIMPLE STEPS HAVE A BETTER CHANCE OF STAYING ON TRACK thief of time?" In my opinion, the most valuable thing we have in our possession is Time! One of my biggest failings over the years has been wasting that valuable time... What I hope to do is inspire you to take advantage of this valuable asset and use it wisely. Here's what I mean: If you have set some goals you want to accomplish by the end of this year, follow these simple steps have a better chance of staying on track. 

What can I do today to start on this journey to success?

Let me tell you about a project I challenged myself to complete in one year. Back in 2006 I challenged myself to see if I could start making $100.00 a day marketing and selling info. Products. At that time I had a small list of about 125 subscribers. I told my subscribers that I was going to give them a stepby-step account of how I plan to accomplish this goal in one year. Now, I knew I would need to find a way to stay motivated to reach the goal of making $100 a day.

ABOUT US We are expanding our platform on social media. Find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We are working on other platforms and networks. Feel free to contact us at or call us at (817)705-0686 CST Mon to Friday 9am to 6pm or Saturday 9am to 1pm.

So I told my subscribers that I would send them a weekly email message on what I was doing to move toward reaching my goal. By doing this, I knew I would have to stick to my plan if I had any hope of succeeding because my subscribers would be waiting to see if I would succeed or not. This was also a marketing tack tic to keep my subscribers reading my emails. This way I could also make my subscribers offers to purchase information products on marketing because this is what my business is based on, selling information and giving advice on marketing. As the saying goes: "Facts tell, stories sell." So, I had a story to tell and this was my hook to keep people interested in what I was trying to accomplish. This was the title of my project:

52 Survival Tips Marketing Lessons Entrepreneurs




If you would like to know if I reached my goal, you can read the full story by going to my web site at: You may have read the report when you signed up for this journal but if you didn't, you should check it out, here is why: What I did was take one full year to create an information product based on my own experience. It could be very valuable to you in your marketing education, even if you have some experience, you may be surprised at what you might learn. That's it for now, until next time, Happy Marketing We pledge a commitment to the success, personal well-being and the positive survival of the individuals and companies we represent. This is not an option for us, but something we insist upon achieving.

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