Christ Knows Our Faults Street Ministry

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Our Mission We transform our city, our institutions, and ourselves when we embrace the individual needs of our most vulnerable neighbors.

Our Vision Every person will be seen, recognized and restored. We will all be well fed in every aspect of life, and we will be made whole – even for just a few pure and powerful moments. The simplest acts of kindness can soothe the afflicted and transform the SOUL.

Christ Knows our Faults Street Ministry we practice radical hospitality. We embrace all individuals of our community with enduring empathy and care. We reach beyond the societal norms of service, confront the injustices that oppress our most vulnerable members, and fundamentally shift the expectations of how we engage with guests, staff, volunteers, and our community partners. We sustain a fervor that one day this practice of hospitality will be pervasive and no longer be considered a radical idea.

Minister Roy L Kimble Jr Founder and Director

From the Founder Words of Encouragement. "If you can't fly, then run, if you can't run, then walk, if you can't walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward." "Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God." "God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say that the arrival would be worthwhile.


CHRIST KNOWS OUR FAULTS STREET MINISTRY We live in the most turbulent times that we never have never seen before. That is the purpose of this Ministry. Whether it’s basic needs to prayer for Spiritual Awakenings. We have prayer warriors that can pray with you and for you. We can be reached at (817)925-9069. Be of good courage and keep the faith. IN HIS SERVICE,

Minister Roy L Kimble Jr


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