About Us

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OUR LEADERS PS LORNE & KELLY :: SENIOR PASTORS Ps Lorne & Ps Kelly have been pastoring for 21 years; moving from Saskatchewan to Calgary in 1995. They are the proud parents of four adult children (Chad & Kelly, Amy and Brittany) and one grandson (Myca). They are passionate about loving people, building the local church and inspiring people to help radically change a city and nation.

PS LARRY & SUSAN :: EXECUTIVE PASTORS Larry and Susan Gueran have been enthusiastic members of the C3 Church Calgary family almost from its inception. They ventured through the doors just before Christmas in 1996 and found ìhome.î Both have transitioned from 25 years in the corporate world and made the journey from new believers all the way to Executive Pastors. They are blessed and proud to be the parents of four fantastic young adults. PS VINCE & TRACEY :: EXECUTIVE PASTORS Vince and Tracey have been attending C3 Church for 6 years. They have two beautiful daughters, Micaeliah and Bethany. Tracey was a registered nurse for 10 years and has completed her undergraduate and graduate work in theology. Vince holds a Masters in Divinity and presently works in a bi vocational role as a residential/investment real estate agent and an executive pastor of pastor care at C3. They love people and their passions include pastoral counselling, cooking, music and spending time with their children. PS SEAN & BARB :: EXECUTIVE LEADERS Sean and Barb were both raised in Calgary, but have lived outside of Calgary for 12 years. They have helped pastor 4 churches over that time, one of which was with Ps Lorne & Kelly in Nipawin. They have been members of C3 Church for 9 yrs. For the past 2 years they have also lead the C3 Mount Royal Campus. They have two amazing daughters, Teresa and Naomi. When Sean is not pastoring he is a ëdancerí and a graphic designer and Barb works with Alberta Health Services with the Youth Addiction Program. PS LUCAS & RACHEL :: WORSHIP PASTORS They have been attending C3 Church since 2007, and have definitely found home. Lucas went to bible school in Australia at Hillsong International Leadership College from 03 - 06. They have the honor of being the worship pastors at C3 Church and have loved being a part of this amazing team. They have been married for 5 years. In their spare time, Rachel loves riding horses, shopping and playing with their boxer Sydney. Lucas enjoys following his favorite sports teams, writing music and 2 cent wings!! PS SAM & JESS :: YOUNG ADULT PASTORS They have moved to Canada from Australia to oversee a new and fresh Young Adults ministry called CHANGE. They are loving it and think that Canada is the greatest place on Earth! Their hearts are to help young people all over the planet experience the reality of Jesus Christ. When theyíre not pastoring they are usually asleep. Really though, snowboarding, watching movies and hanging out is what they do in their spare time. Samís goal this year is to own as many pairs of shoes as Jess. PS JEREMY & TIFFANY :: CHILDRENíS PASTORS They have had the pleasure of serving in kidz conXion for 2 years under Tracey Urquhart, and have recently taken the role of childrenís pastors. They are both passionate about kids of all ages, and desire to see them experience God in all areas of life. They have been married since 2006 and have just added one to their already happy family - their son Ezra. Jeremy has attended C3 Church for 7yrs, Tiffany for 4yrs, and they both enjoy a deep sense of belonging to this fantastic church family. TREVOR & DAPHNE :: LIFE GROUP LEADERS Trevor and Daphne started their married life in full time ministry with Youth for Christ. They currently run their two businesses together and have a heart for evangelism and market place ministry. Trevor loves leadership, administration and football. Daphne loves worship, mentoring and football. They have been involved in Small Group ministry for over 20 years and are passionate about creating loving transparent relationships, discipleship and building the body of Christ. They are the proud parent of two boys, Elliot and Zac.

your best life 1009 Prominence Way SW Calgary, Alberta T3H 2B4 p 403 686 0608 f 403 686 0666 info@c3calgary.ca www.c3calgary.ca

C3 Church Calgary Inspiring your best life! We believe in connecting people to God and to each other. C3 Church is a fun and vibrant place where God changes people's lives; a place with a powerful message of faith, hope and love. C3 Church Calgary West is part of C3 Church International, a non-denominational movement that has started more than 200 churches throughout the world in the last 25 years. C3 Church is a vibrant church serving the Calgary area. We have been built on the vision of providing "real hope for real people in a real world". We do this by exposing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and hurting world, equipping believers to be fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ, and experiencing ministry through the use of individuals' spiritual gifts and talents. We’re friends and we’re family and we believe in a real church that can thrive even in a culture that actively promotes ‘looking out for # 1’ CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP & MUSIC We aim to create an atmosphere where the churched and unchurched can experience God and His presence. We want to see God glorified in all the earth. Shout for joy to the lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with Gladness; Come before him with joyful songs. [Psalms 100:1-2] Our worship services are exciting and full of life, allowing people to learn about and connect with Jesus. We believe in freedom in worship so, go ahead and sing loudly, sing quietly, raise your hands if you want to. Worship shapes our culture, we don't limit ourselves to style or formula; our aim is to tap into how the spirit is moving, God inspires the sound of our songs. We create music with one objective to give God all the glory all the honor and all the praise. Our first worship CD entitled, "Here I am", was nominated for the Canadian Vibe Award in 2003. Stay tuned for more worship releases from C3 Church. PRACTICAL MESSAGES We want to see you empowered to live your best life. Our messages are designed to address everyday issues that each one of us face. No topic is left untouched whether you’re looking to build your faith, if you need some advice on parenting, or working on improving relationships. We can guarantee it will be thought provoking and be prepared to have some laughs along the way – Ps. Lorne likes to sing.

You’ll find our Senior Pastor ministering on most Sundays, but we also have an energetic and equally compelling group of leaders who support him. Sermons vary from: working through books of the Bible, to a multi-part series, or a short inspired exhortation – or we could just hit it outfield and talk about ‘Passion, Purity & Pleasure’ out of the Song of Solomon. Whatever you’re in for... just know it’s going to be great! CONNECTING We were never meant to live out our faith alone - we were created to connect to each other. We hope you will agree that our Sunday Meetings are fun, powerful, relevant, full of inspiration, and revelation. We believe that God has specific plans for every single person! As we begin to establish a relationship with Christ, not only does he guarantee that we spend eternity in heaven, but his intention is that we live our best lifes here and now! At C3 Church we want to help facilitate life changing connections with God and with others, in a way that makes it a culturally relevant experience for you. As a community of believers we are working out and living out our lives together; one of our main ways of doing that is through our Life Groups. To be part of a spiritual community means connecting with God, connecting with the local church, and connecting with each other. Life Groups are our means of doing all three! At C3 Church we want you to experience God in a way that is relevant to your life... right where you're at! CASUAL ATMOSPHERE Whatever your mood, whatever your style, whatever your beliefs about God and whatever your thoughts about church – We welcome you with open arms. There’s no pressure, be yourself. We’re not going to bring you up on stage or ask you to mow our lawn – but you might have to wear a name tag (just kidding). Dress casually. Grab a cup of hot coffee or something iced if that’s your style. Browse through our Resource Centre before or after the service. Make some new friends. C3 Church has created an authentic, open and creative atmosphere that is welcoming, friendly and relaxing. We promise to give you a warm smile and a free coffee. Coffee and community go hand in hand – it’s what we’d offer our friends when they come over to make them feel at home. If you’re looking for a home church, come visit C3 Church . Give us a try and you might be on your way to living your best life. We know you’re going to love it here!

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