My C3 Church :: Spring 2010 Magazine

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that was looking for rest, he found so much more. I hope that’s your experience here at C3 Church. Young Jake had an experience that changed his life. His dreams were realized in an amazing way. He saw a gateway where angels were ascending and descending. A supernatural moment where heaven touched earth. Where destiny was confirmed, inheritance promised, gifts released and memory’s made. It was such a life altering experience that when he woke up he exclaimed “this is none other than the house of God”. He decided on the spot to make some life long commitments and sacrifices as a result of his encounter. Thank you for joining us and getting to know us, but there is more that‘s available.

to church

WELCOME TO OUR CHURCH, it soon could become YOUR CHURCH TOO In Genesis 28 a young adventurer named “Jake” expressed “Church” best. At the end of a long journey, tired and a bit weary, he came to a “good place”, set up camp, found a stone for a pillow and laid down for a rest. Many times we find that by the time people arrive at Church, they are actually weary from a long journey; life seems heavy and are just looking for a good place to rest. Rest from pretence, from worry, from fears, from pressure and can just be themselves. For the young adventurer

May you, like young Jake, realize that God is in this place. As you read through the rest of this you will find that we have designed opportunities for you to join us again. We Hope you had a great experience with us here. We have experienced so much growth that our building is finding it hard to contain us... GOOD THING. This was never meant to be contained. The family of God, the presence of God, the purpose of God was to be shared freely with everyone. This is Church, the gateway of heaven. May you feel at home with us here every time you join us for worship. Welcome to C3 Church Pastors Lorne & Kelly



SUNDAY at 9:30 AM, 11:00 AM & 6:00 PM [APR 4]



Jesse Yardley [], “The City of Calgary” September 23, 2008 via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution. (front cover)


D’Arcy Norman, “Sunrise Through The Grass” September 18, 2008 via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution. (page 21)

Editor / Creative Director / Project Manager Stephen Ramkissoon

Shelly McDonald, Sam Picken, Jill Sweetman, Lorne & Kelly Tebbutt Vince Urquhart, Shane & Alyssa Yuhas



Ps Larry & Susan Gueran Executive Pastors

Ps Sam & Jess Picken Young Adult Pastors

Ps Vince & Tracey Urquhart Executive Pastors

Ps Lucas & Rachel Duxbury Worship Pastors

Ps Sean & Barb McCauley Executive Leaders

Ps Jeremy & Tiffany Switzer Children’s Pastors

Lorne & Kelly Tebbutt Senior Pastors

1009 Prominence Way SW Calgary, AB, T3H 2B4

Sun 9:30 am | 11:00 am | 6:00 pm Wed 7pm Lifeís Pathway (1st Wed every Month) Fri 8pm CHANGE Trevor & Daphne Willems Life Group Leaders

INTRO TO C3 CHURCH For those who are visiting today, or have been visiting for a while, weíd love to meet you in the foyer after any of our services. This is an opportunity to meet our Pastors and some of our other leaders.You are also welcome to attend our Pastorís Chats on Apr 11 & Jun 6. This is an open invitation if youíre new or you just want to find out more about C3 Church Calgary.


Sermon podcasts are available for free on iTunes or on our website.


Visit us at or Follow us on Twitter! or become a fan on Facebook

Weekly on the Grace TV Network. Check out their website for more details


Saturdays 10pm PST & Sundays 9pm PST Your Best Life with Ps Phil






We invite you to join a Life Group. Life Groups provide an opportunity outside of our Church services for people to get together, meet friends and talk about God. Most of our Life Groups meet biweekly on Tuesday nights. In the bok of Acts, the early Church met together in the temple court for worship, then in homes for communion. This is where it began. Life Groups allow the Church to grow bigger, and feel smaller at the same time.


WANT TO JOIN A LIFE GROUP LIKE THIS? We have been working hard to get new groups started. As these groups start more information about them will be released. The best way to get connected is to fill out a Life Group card during one of our services or email us at

We believe that there are two main reasons why Life Groups are vital to Christian growth: 1) Spiritual Health - At Life Group we discuss and study what God revealed to us at the Worship Service. We also find that learning from others gives us a deeper understanding - “iron sharpens iron”. 2) Care: When you are connected to a smaller group of people, a care network is formed. Although our pastors are wonderful, they cannot provide for the needs of everyone in the Church at all times. In times of crisis your Life Group is there to pray, give comfort, provide meals, or whatever is needed. If you are interested in joining, please contact Trevor & Daphne at 403 686 0608 or send an email to



Kel & I went to see one of the best movies on the relational pain that people face - “Up in the Air” with George Clooney. (not suitable for children or timid adults). Untypical was a transparency in the heart of the heartthrob of Hollywood. Honest interactions kept you on the edge of wondering how the plot would satisfy the tension that was created. We were engaged. You have heard me say it too many times to forget it... that more than anything else “the quality of our life is determined by the quality of our relationships”. Jesus was a relational expert. Long before Dr. Laura or Dr. Phil there was Dr.Jesus. Both the Bible and the Church has the answers for a world that is searching for how to improve their quality of life by improving their relationships. The Kingdom Culture that we are called to create, carries the hope of all mankind. The secret sauce that everyone longs for in their relationships is a natural by-product of our walk with the Lord. Our connection with Christ calls us to redeem our relationships by removing fear, restoring dignity and reconciling all heart issues by faith. Primary to the purpose of Jesus coming, was to restore what had been lost. The 3 key relationships that had been compromised was our relationship with God, others and ourselves. The New Testament actually sums up the entire book with those directives “love God,

love others, love yourself”. Or like Augustine said “love God and do anything you want’. Because love satisfies the whole deal. It follows logic that love demands an object. What is your object of affection…relationally? How will we do those better? Where can we learn the secret of life in healthy relationships ? Look no further. What is taking place in C3 Church on a daily basis is exactly that. Coming into a faith community is risky. What happens if someone get’s close…what happens? They might know what we are really like… then what? Then they will have to make a decision about what to do with the “warts and all” …then what? Then they will be able to love openly, authentically, warts and all. This removes all the pressure of having to perform and live up to an impossible standards that Vogue Magazine heartlessly places on you (or Men’s Health depending on gender). FREEDOM…to love others the same way you have been loved. This is a redemptive community called “C3 Church” that welcomes and accepts everyone just they way they are. Grace allows us access to the transforming power of God’s love. Life works because we can reconcile ourselves with the world, in a fashion like Jesus did,… reconciling the world to HIMSELF. Welcome to the world of imperfect people and amazing grace.

New Name, New Look, New Passion...

BEYOND is C3 Church ‘loving in action’ people in Canada and overseas. Through a number of ministries, BEYOND takes us past Church walls into our communities to heal, restore dignity and empower lives. At C3 Church we believe we are blessed to be a blessing - We freely receive and we freely give because our concerns are for the needs of others, as much as our own. This year, we’re increasing our resources to go beyond where we’ve been before, to make a massive difference. Let’s lift up our eyes and think BEYOND.


We have loved going into the Calgary Drop In Centre in the past. We will continue to look into doing events there for this year, in an attempt to build a stronger relationship with them.



Beyond is also committed to the 20/20 vision in building and edifying other C3 Churches in our nation. We as a Church will be committed to serve and equip other churches in our country as best we can.


Beyond will continue to host the Watoto Children’s Choir as an exciting part of what our Church Missions department has previously being involved in. This year on April 16th we are hosting the group here again in Calgary.

YOU’RE A STAR generous servant hearts. Everyone who volunteers at C3 Church really is a STAR. But, we want to do everything bigger and better, so we could always use your help! The teams at the Church are made up of individuals like you who are willing to offer their time and talents to making our Church fantastic for all those who attend. So, if you would like to volunteer to serve at the Church or in our community please contact Shelley McDonald at or visit and find out how you can “get involved”.

The highest reward for a person’s work is not what they get for it, but what they become because of it.


John Ruskin

At C3 Church we value our volunteers and we think they are STARS! We are having a night to celebrate them at our Volunteers Appreciation Dinner. The theme of the night will be “You’re a Star” and we are going to spoil our volunteers and treat them like stars at this gala event. There will be lots of sparkle and fun as we show our awesome volunteers how much we value what they do in the Church and in the community. This will be a night to thank them for all the time they give and the talents that they contribute but most of all to thank them for their

For more information email


by Ps Jill Sweetman

fellowship can light have with darkness?” When single it is important that a person not just date for the sake of comfort. It is important to not form inappropriate relationships with unbelievers that fall into an intimate relationship. Can right and wrong be partners? Can light have anything in common with darkness?

Dating… So many believers know that they should marry a believer but fail to understand what this means. That one says they are a Christian carries a huge array of meanings. Your Spiritual equality should be the foundation for moving forward in a relationship. In 2 Corinthians 6:14, it says “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wicked ness have in common? Or what

It takes time for people’s real colors to show. Key indicators for spiritual health include Church attendance at one Church, Church involvement, prayer life, bible knowledge and Kingdom qualities such as being generous, peaceful, polite, genuine, caring and honest. If you are serious about Spiritual equality you need to take the time and ask lots of questions. It’s not that either one is superior but you have to be on the same page regarding having Christ at the center of your life as it all starts from here. Compromise this Biblical truth and you have compromised your whole life. Kingdom relationships are of the heart first, the flesh second.

Sex in Marriage… This is a time for weddings in the USA

and so sex is on the minds of many. Not that it is often far away from most of our minds. Of course girls it’s not all about the female but we have a role to play too. Many of our men do their best to make us feel wanted and beautiful and so we need to play our part. You may not feel confident about your body but that doesn’t mean that you cover it up. Your imperfections are often his delight. You were made by the Creator beautifully and wonderfully. (Psalm 139). Do not hide what God made but make the most of it. Healthy eating and exercise help. Girls, wasting words that continually cry of our lack of confidence in our appearance irritate our men. Sometimes they can cause our men to doubt their choice in choosing us and so be bold and win him further.

understanding of togetherness.

Be willing to overcome shyness and embarrassment. When sex becomes clinical and only a duty is disappointing for a man. Just as we wish to be desired, so does a man. Look to find things that he loves. Break out and have fun…..

So what can we do to enhance this in our marriages? Sit down and talk about what honestly is important to each of you. Determine whether these goals are good or detrimental for your marriage. If detrimental, drop the goal. Work out how each can help reach the goal. Stay interested in each other’s goals, as these things are important to the other. Encourage one another, encourage one another and encourage one another!

Marriage Vision… Goals in marriage should be determined as a couple. There is togetherness in goals within marriage. When one goal is strongly achieved this then opens to another goal. My marriage faltered early days because my husband and I had failed to really understand what each other wanted but we still attempted to achieve goals without fixing our marriage. We didn’t have a great

It is a big mistake to think that we have acquired a spouse and then merely move on in life to our next goal. It’s also a big mistake to attempt to enforce our goals upon the other. And no one wants to suffer marriage but we want to enjoy being together. Marriage can bring out the worst in another but care in marriage brings out the best in another. Knowing the best and worst traits in the other means that you really know them and a deep sense of trust and protection can be built. Marriage means that you can fail at some thing at some time and yet the other will help pick you up and encourage you on to something better.

Ps Jill Sweetman, along with husband Dean, are the senior pastors of C3 Church Atlanta, and also the Executive Regional Overseers for over 30 churches in North and South America. Ps Jill is a sought after speaker and presenter for women’s conferences and leadership conferences. Her unique aptitude for the prophetic, combined with her powerful teaching makes her a passionate and effective communicator. Ps Jill will be a featured speaker at our “Becoming” EVERYWOMAN Conference in May.


9:30 AM | 11 AM | 6 PM


Every Friday at 8PM




*Easter Sunday APR 4th at 9:30am, 11am, 6pm

*Life’s Pathway MAY 5th at 7pm

*Pastor’s Chat APR 11th at 1pm

*EVERYWOMAN CONFERENCE MAY 7th 7-9pm MAY 8th 9am - 2pm

*Worship Vision Night APR 29th at 7PM

*Life’s Pathway APR 7th at 7pm *Pastor’s Chat APR 11th at 1pm *Christian Essentials APR 14th, 21st & 28th at 7pm *Worship Vision Night APR 15th at 7PM *C3 Church hosts the WATOTO Choir APR 16th at 7pm at the Martha Cohen Theatre

*Mother’s Day MAY 9th *Christian Essentials MAY 12th, 19th & 26th at 7pm *Worship Vision Night MAY 27th at 7PM

Redeeming Land Numbers 14 is a thrilling chapter to taking new territory. The obedient visionaries were threatened & challenged. They couldn’t deny that both Joshua & Caleb had seen the land. They had the spark that agreed with God’s provision for his people. Their best arguments wouldn’t remove the fear from the hearts of the fearful. (v.7-9). It becomes frightening, for sure, that those that returned and spread a bad report were “exterminated”. Without question, the taking back of land is Warfare. Over the last 10 years we have successfully been able to purchase 2 beautiful parcels of land for the Church. Land is close to God’s heart. He thinks in agricultural terms as well. Faith is an integral part of farming. The stewardship of the land seems to be almost intuitive to me. This relationship is deeper than we realize. I wonder about that connection when I read about how the living land responds after the fall in Genesis 4. There was a fight between two brothers, Cain and Abel. Cain kills his brother in an emotional outburst of

anger that somehow has an impact on the field in which it took place. This get’s even wilder when the Lord asks Cain to “listen” to see if he can hear what is coming from the land to the Lord’s ears. Think of that, “it was crying out.” Makes you wonder what the language of land is… Can’t say I have ever heard it but it seems that there is a reaction from the land that was caused by a careless action. This is only one of many different encounters where sin actually had an affect on the land. Redeeming land is one of the things that the Church is called to do. We at C3 Church Calgary have developed our own unique style of Church. We have a contemporary, fresh expression with a young minded leadership that believes in expanding their influence and exposure in our city. Young families and young adults gather to declare a message of hope. We simply love God, love people and love life. Progressive & Positive, that’s us. We have presently outgrown our current land and buildings. We will begin our 4th weekend service on April 4 and have found a new place to relocate and are very excited about moving forward. Our future is bright with the promises of God. Stay tuned for updates as Faith becomes sight. These are truly some of the most exciting days to be alive. Let’s move forward together.

Ps Lorne & Kelly

WHYJESUS by Vince Urquhart

I have a story to tell you if you are willing to listen...



Life’s Pathway is an opportunity on the first Wednesday evening of every month to participate in learning and experiencing more of Jesus; to live extraordinary lives full of love and faith, purpose and freedom in Christ. Join us in this initiative to establish and build yourself in the word of God so you can live your best life!

It was a bright sunny afternoon in Jerusalem and the day looked promising. You see every day I set up my table just down the street from the Temple and present my fine linens to a barrage of potential buyers. My name is Jacob; I’m just a normal guy trying to make a normal living in this robust city. Nothing special about who I am, what I do or who I associate with as I am just a hard working street vendor trying to support a family on a modest wage. I have to admit that my job is fascinating because I’m constantly hearing conversations about all the present and past news about city life and its people. However, I’ll never forget what transpired on one particular day. It was very different than all the rest as it revolved around a very special man. I had heard many rumours and talks on the streets about Him yet experiencing Him face to face was a whole different matter. His name was Jesus. The voices in the streets constantly talked about this man yet I ignored most of their conversations concerning Him, because I was not a religious man. Some said He was a prophet yet other said he was a good teacher. Many said He was kind yet others said he may be modern day sage. Some even thought he might be a sorcerer. I heard too many opinions in the crowd so I said little and listened lots. I must admit that I was not only curious but intrigued that one man could have such an influence on a culture in such a short period of time. I kept hearing that He was part of a religious sect called ‘The Way’. I’ve heard of many religious sects but the talk around town was that this man had special

Something inside of me made my feet move from the back of the crowd to the front of the line as I fought the crowd and all its emotions. I stopped as He glanced over at my face. I started to weep as my curiosity

At C3 Church Calgary our desire is that you become a Disciple of Christ. We desire that you take deeper and more intimate steps in having a relationship with Him. To walk with Him and be an Imitator of God. Ephesians 5:1 says “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma”. It takes our will to step out and desire to grow in a relationship with Him and we want to help you on this journey! C3 Church Calgary and the discipleship team have created pathways or opportunities to help you grow in Christ. We have a basic course in Christianity called “Christian Essentials”, baptisms, baptismal courses, and “Life’ Pathway” – a monthly teaching that takes you deep into God’s Word. We care about your spiritual health! Will you step out?

If this article interested you, be sure to check out our next Life’s Pathway class where we’ll be going more in detail on the book of Ephesians.

Dates: Time: Location:

Apr 7th May 5th 7 - 9:30 PM C3 Church Calgary

For more information of Life’s Pathway email Tracey at

These reports were nothing new but on this one particular day I stopped and listened when a man passed by my table and said “That Jesus – the greatest show on earth – is here in Jerusalem. He claims to be the Son of God, the Messiah, and King of the Jews”. Can you believe it? I had no answer for the man passing by my table but something inside was drawn towards Him. Suddenly the atmosphere on the street drastically changed and people were running with anticipation as fast as they could. One man was shouting: “He’s arrived! He’s here! The man they call Jesus!” This was my one and only chance to see him so I immediately packed my things and ran as fast as I could towards the city centre. Out of breath I suddenly stopped as the crowd gathered on both sides of the street. I turned to the man next to me and said “Where’s the show? The healings? The miracles?” He turned to me with a grin on his face shouting “No show today...they are going to crucify Him”. What? Why? I stretched my neck high above the crowd only to witness the most horrific sight. He wore a crown of thorns and looked badly beaten. There were mixed emotions in the crowd as some mocking him as calling Him “King of the Jews”, others were spitting on him yet others were weeping and groaning in disbelief, mourning of His imminent death. I was suddenly gripped with sadness and grief yet could not understand why. Something was changing inside of me but what? “Is He really the Son of God?” I asked myself.

turned to belief. I knew what I now had to do but did I have the courage to do it? I decided to take one more step forward which I knew would have massive consequences on my life. I suddenly shouted at the top of my lungs “I do believe that He is the Son of God! I do! I do! I believe you Jesus! I believe you!” Then suddenly I took three more steps and took my place directly behind Simon, the bearer of Jesus’ cross. I was no longer a passive onlooker I was now a follower and disciple of Christ.


powers. They say He could raise people from the dead, make blind people see, cast out demons and even turn water into wine.

Do you know that C3 Church has a Pastoral Care Team? We help by: Being friendly and helpful at any of our worship services. Caring for guests and newcomers in order to help you get settled at C3 Church. Assisting in pastoral requests i.e. pastoral counselling, meal requests, hospital visitation etc. Would you like to be involved in our Pastoral Team? For more information email Ps Vince at or call 403 803 9604. You can also fill out an involved volunteer form at the Resource Centre.

April 14th | 21st | 28th May 12th | 19th | 26th @ 7:00 PM

EVERYONE needs a foundation because we are growing, right? If you want to build your life on something solid; Jesus said “Anyone who listens to my teachings and obeys me is wise and like a person who builds a house on a solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents and the flood waters rise and the winds beat against that house it won’t collapse, because it was built on rock.” Matt.7:24,25 Nothing will prepare your life better than learning what God’s Word teaches on

foundational topics. This 6 week study will be intense and engaging. Whether you’re a brand new Christian or have been following Jesus for years, you will be taken deep into the bible to learn transformational truths that will allow your life to find stability and strength. We urge you to commit to attend each class because collectively they establish a solid understanding in God’s Word of the “Christian Essentials.” This class will strengthen and establish you with unshakable courage.

For more information email

Kidz ConXion is our family ministry that provides the opportunity for kids and families to grow in Christ by connecting with God and each other. We have 4 different areas in whichthe kids are divided into. Nursery:

Babies - 18 mths

Sunlight Kidz:

18 mths - 2 yrs

Kingdom Kidz:

3-5 yrs

Gateway Kidz:

Grades 1-6

kidz conXion is offered at both morning services every Sunday.



To give kids that are at their next stage in life, the opportunity to see what God has for them. To help them grow in Christ while at the same time help others grow as well.



(date to be announced)

Kids fun night at the church while parents go on a date. There will be games, movies, activities and more... Open to all kids from nursery to grade 6



1st Thursday of Each Month - Extreme Word! - Where we go deep into the Bible 2nd Thursday - Extreme Life - Talking about real life teen issues 3rd Thursday - Extreme Play - An Evening of fun and games


Friday MAY 7th 7 - 9 PM Saturday MAY 8th 9 AM - 2 PM at C3 Church Calgary


Feature Speakers :: Ps Jill Sweetman & Ps Kelly Tebbutt plus many more special guests and performers We will also be revealing our INSIDEOUT participants

For pricing details and registration visit For more information on EVERYWOMAN email

REALMEN The REALMEN Ministry of C3 Church meets and supports men where they’re at in life - as husbands, fathers, sons, workers and as Christians. Men everywhere want to know how to do life and to do it well. They want to know how to best manage busy lives and juggle the ever-increasing responsibilities and demands being placed on them.

The REALMEN Ministry recognises that there are different seasons in a man’s life that he needs to understand and be prepared for. He also needs to be equipped for success. The aim of the REALMEN Ministry is to be proactive in bringing men to a place of understanding and equipping them with practical strategies for all aspects of a BEST life.

For more information on REALMEN email


REALMEN is dedicated to building better men by: Developing Character Strengthening Marriages & Families Shaping Appropriate Perspectives Breaking Destructive Lifestyles Valuing Healthy Relationships Establishing Positive Role Models

In Acts 17:6... the Bible says that Paul & Silas

turned the world upside down.

I believe that is a reputation that God wants His church to have once again. When we look at

our city we see so many contradicyoung people that

tions to what we read in the Bible. We are a

is not afraid to stand for truth. We are more than conquerors & we are going to re-establish what matters in

our city.

united to bring His love. committed to see people set free. we are in the corporate office, we are in the universities, we are in the suburbs, we are in the city. we are ambassadors of change to see the world turned upside down. we are


we are

we are

Change .

young adults


for more info:



For more information on PRIME email




C3 Store/SPRING/Winning Relationships The Me I Want To Be

Love Language Minute Devotional



The me I want to be, will help you discover spiritual vitality like never before as you learn to ‘live in the flow of the spirit.’ But if God has a perfect vision for your life, why does spiritual growth seem so difficult? John Ortberg has some intriguing answers to that question, and he has organized his thoughts and God’s words into a straightforward and timely guide for living your best life in The Me I Want to Be. This book will show how God’s perfect vision for you starts with a powerful promise. All those who trust in God ‘will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit’ (Jeremiah 17:7-8).

How do you communicate love? People express and receive love in different ways—whether it’s quality time, words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service, or physical touch. What better relationship expert is there than Dr. Gary Chapman, author of The Five Love Languages, to show you how to effectively communicate love in a genuine, thoughtful way every day?

A Life Of Miracles

And I Will Be Found By You



Combining the most inspiring of three best-selling books, this 365-day guide to prayer and miracles feeds you daily manna from Heaven. Your spirit will be enlightened and your soul strengthened as you face each day’s glories and glooms. You are the God who performs miracles; You display your power among the peoples (Psalm 77:14).

Looking down the long corridor of time, the Lord saw the unbridled lawlessness that would confront His church at the end of the age. He warned, “Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold” -Matt. 24:12. Bitterness and cold love will disqualify us from fulfilling our destiny. There is only one remedy: we must have more of God.

The best from The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind, Dreaming With God, and When Heaven Invades Earth gives you the power to daily walk out of religious boundaries toward your Christian inheritance of healing, signs and wonders, and infinite possibilities. You can experience A Life of Miracles-one beautiful day at a time!

If we will genuinely, from our heart, pursue the Lord - if we will persist - He promises He Will meet us. Indeed, with unwavering grace, God affirms our efforts saying: “I will be found by you.” If it is God we desire, it is God we shall surely find!

In Walk with Jesus, a forty day Lent devotional From Charles R. Swindoll, readers go on a compelling journey through the life and ministry of Jesus. Anyone wishing to be transformed and find a fresh encounter with God will find it daily through the pages of Walk with Jesus.

$2.50 For more information or to order books and cds contact the church office at 403 686 0608 or email Jerol Moignard at

Each day’s devotion has a selection from Scripture, an insightful message about communicating love, and a prayer. Spend this year growing closer to those you love most..

FREE ADMISSION Martha Cohen Theatre 220 - 9 Avenue SE, Calgary

hosted by

Friday April 16, 2010 7:00PM RUSH SEATING :: NO CHARGE


* Anything above our operating costs goes directly to the Watoto Organization

For more details or to reserve your seat, email

YOU’RE INVITED SUNDAY APRIL 4TH 9:30AM | 11:00AM | 6:00PM Special Baptism Sunday at C3 Church Calgary

C3 Church hosts the

WATOTO Childrens Choir April 16th at the Martha Cohen Theatre

Free Admission *see inside for more details.

your best life 1009 Prominence Way SW Calgary, Alberta T3H 2B4 p 403 686 0608 f 403 686 0666

c3 church

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