My C3 Church :: Dec '09 Magazine

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saying “HE CAME LET’S Party”. I love it when “Jewel” gets to the final notes in “O Holy Night” I’m goin’ “oh yah, that’s it’. Ps Dean says that Katherine McPhee (American Idol’s season 5 runner up) has been hangin’ out at C3 LA. Check out “O Come All Ye Faithful” when she gets in to “come let us adore him, CHRIST the LORD” it’s so good!

to church

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year”. If I’m not careful I will pull out the Christmas songs in October! I can’t think of any other season that stirs such emotion and evokes such generosity than Christmas. It truly is one of “the most wonderful times of the year”. One of my private pleasures is listening to all the different artists like Willy Nelson or Micheal Bolton declare “Jesus Lord at thy birth”. I just think “YES” The entire city is rockin with Jesus this season. Every light, every ornament, every santa hat is

I actually have a secret stash of Elvis Christmas songs - classic’s. But my personal favorite “Boney M” singing “Mary’s Boy Child” brings back all those ‘70’s memory’s. I-tunes is awesome for picking up the original “White Christmas” 1947 Brother Bing or when Micheal Buble’ nails “My Grown up Christmas list”.

But better than all that; you picked up our current issue of “My C3” magazine. Thank you for taking some time to read up on what’s happening for this month, please join us for some of our services. We at C3 Church continue to look for ways to inform and inspire your life and we’ve made this edition with you in mind. Every weekend all 4 services are designed specifically for you to maximize your relationship with God. Which ever campus you have chose to worship at, whatever songs you’re singing, don’t forget this is OUR season. Emmanuel, God with us. Sing it in the shower, sing as you drive, sing with us as we worship - .JESUS. Best of the season to you all Ps Lorne, Kel & family



CHANGE CHRISTMAS BREAKUP [DEC 18] CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE [DEC 24] 5PM at Calgary West & 6PM at Mount Royal MY C3 MAGAZINE Editor / Creative Director / Project Manager Stephen Ramkissoon This Magazine was made using Recycled Paper

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CONTRIBUTORS Dayna Chu, Gord & Joanne Cannon, Karen Domke, Rachel Duxbury, Aly Pain, Sam & Jess Picken, Shelly McDonald, Jerol Moignard, Melissa Ramkissoon, Lorne & Kelly Tebbutt, Vince & Tracey Urquhart, Shane Yuhas



Lorne & Kelly Tebbutt

Senior Pastors

Sean & Barb McCauley

Executive Pastors

Mount Royal

Rutland Park Community Centre 3130 40 Ave SW Calgary, AB, T3E 6W9 Sun 10:15am



Sermon podcasts are available for free on iTunes or on our website.


Visit us at or Follow us on Twitter! or become a fan on Facebook

Weekly on the Grace TV Network. Check out their website for more details


Saturdays 10pm PST & Sundays 9pm PST Your Best Life with Ps Phil



We invite you to join a life group. Life groups provide an opportunity outside of our church services for people to get together, meet friends and talk about God. Most of our life groups meet bi-weekly on tuesday nights, this makes is easy to schedule and gives consistency.



Life groups are listed on our website Towards the end of 2009 we have been working hard to get new groups started. As these groups start more information about them will be released. The best way to get connected is to fill out a connect card during one of our services or email us at

Name of Leader: Jae Armstrong Vision of Group: To get together with young adult guys with a passion to see Jesus in their everyday lives. Who for: Young adult guys. Where: At his house on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7PM. If you are interested in joining, please contact Lucas at 403 686 0608 or send an email to


be sure to visit the Welcome Room after the service

C3 Church Metro is transitioning; we are now C3 Church Mount Royal! We are currently meeting at the Rutland Park Community Centre (3130 40 Avenue SW); join us on Sundays for pre-service prayer at 9:30am; service at 10:15am

Join us for our Christmas Eve Service on December 24th, 6-7pm

PERFORMING ARTS in God’s house by Jessica Picken

Art and Creativity is something we all have from God. God “created” the Heavens and the Earth. He used the universe as a tapestry to create the most complex but beautiful piece of art we see today. Every color we see, He thought of. Every different animal we see, He dreamed up. Every sound we hear, He voiced. We are made in His creative image, to use that creativity to worship him. As we paint, sing, draw, build, design, engineer and DANCE we were created to do all this for Him. I remember being 2 yrs old and at a youth meeting my parents were leading; I was drawn to music from the other room. I walked next door to see what was going on; as I opened the door and looked in; immediately my heart felt like it was set alight. I had

this overwhelming sense of excitement and love for what I was seeing. All I saw was a room full of girls taking a dance class yet it moved me like nothing else. In that moment I knew I just wanted to do what they were doing, that was it! Now as an adult, as I think about that moment, I know God was in it. I know that God is a creative God. I know that as the church we are called to show his glory, his beauty and his magnificence more and more through the creative arts. My heart is to glorify him through dance. The bible mentions people praising the lord through dance on so many occassions! When was the last time you danced in front of him? Let’s start using these creative gifts he has given us to worship him and to also bring him to those in need, so more people can experience that God moment I felt at such a young age.

Jessica Picken along with her husband Sam are the Youth/ Young Adult Pastors at C3 Church. For more about C3 Performing Arts email

“Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being.”

Church is just like a family. When you move from being a guest at C3

Church to considering this your home church we encourage you to find ways to get involved in helping in the running of the House. Just as with our children who start by helping out at home, we then encourage them and equip them to become productive members of society; who contribute outside the home and in the community at their jobs or volunteer roles. C3 Church has a fantastic initiative that reaches out into the community, called Project Change. I encourage you to not only contribute this Christmas season in your home but also in your home church and in the community. By Shelley McDonald (INVOLVED Leader)

For more information email


We have a fantastic young man from Australia staying with our family at the moment. As a guest we didn’t expect him to help around the house. Since it seems like he will be staying with us for several more months, we are treating him more and more like a member of the family; and as such he has begun contributing more to the jobs that need to be done around our home. We do that with our children. When they are little, they have no jobs, but as they become teenagers and young adults we encourage them to help more around our home. (Am I the only one who’s teenagers try to do the bare minimum?)



Isn’t it amazing how much sheer joy a baby can get out of playing with wrapping paper? I am so excited for Christmas this year, because my son, Caleb, is two-and-a-half, and is finally at a stage where he is more excited about the gift than the wrap. I love seeing this season through Caleb’s wide-eyed wonder. I love anticipating his reaction when he tears into his gifts this year; past the wrap and into the real thing. You know; God loves anticipating our reaction as we unveil the gifts he has given us too. He tells us in Matthew that he wants to give good gifts to those who ask him (Matt 7:11). Have you asked your Heavenly Father for a good gift

lately? Have you received it but left the wrapping on, or focused more on the “outward appearance” of the gifts He’s giving you? This Christmas and New Year season, give yourself permission to have wide-eyed wonder at God’s love for you; He sent his son! Take a moment to ask Him for gifts. Spend some time enjoying, unwrapping, the good gifts that He has given you already. Dayna and Karl Chu attend C3 Church Mount Royal with their son Caleb and daughter, Aly.

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CHRIST by Gord Cannon



Keeping “Christ in Christmas” has been the topic of many discussions, articles and even books. Throughout our children’s formative years (now ages 10 & 13), we have incorporated many different methods of keeping Christ in Christmas. We have used the traditional advent wreath with candles and Bible readings leading up to Christmas; the 12 Days of Christmas ornaments which also tells the Christmas story; one of our family favorites is the Christmas story printed in book form on small Christmas ornaments - read an ornament and hang it on the tree. Our family has embarked on shortterm mission trips over the Christmas holidays, collected mittens, gloves and socks for the local Dream Centre; participated in the Samaritans Purse Shoe Boxes; encouraged home made gifts; supported families in need and numerous other “to do” items. These are all pursuits that teach our children about the true nature of Christ in Christmas. Teaching our children how to keep Christ in Christmas is important; teaching our children how to bring Christ into the world will

CHRISTMAS change a culture. During the holiday season, the world focuses on gift giving, family gatherings (which can be very challenging), Joy and peace on earth. Our society knows there is something extraordinary - something bigger than them about Christmas. They know that the Joy, the celebration of family, the desire to do good to others during this season is something special. They don’t experience it during Kwanzaa, or Hanukkah, or Ramadan. Whether they know it or not, the Joy that comes to the world through Jesus’ birth is too big to be contained. We share that Joy, and we sing the carols with them that celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior. It may be just traditions for them, but Christ is proclaimed in song and in deed. As Christians, we are called to be “in the world but not of the world”. Our family has decided to relax about the “to do” lists. We focus on “peace on earth and good will toward men”, you know what I am talking about… we are in the mall parking lot and there it

is…the perfect parking spot. Instead of putting on our blinker and sneaking in before the next car can turn the corner, we drive by and travel to the very back of the parking lot and walk. Once we reach the mall, we meet a woman that charges in front of us, almost knocking our youngest over to get to the door first. We open the door for her, and we do it with a smile. It is amazing how that smile can change the demeanor of a frenzied shopper. Oh yes, the ultimate joy is seeing the face of the person in our rear-view-mirror as we pull away having just paid for their Starbucks java. Keeping Christ in our Christmas isn’t near as difficult as keeping Christ in our day to day and helping others to get a glimpse of Him. We choose to focus on walking with Him daily and en-Joying the reason for the season with friends, family and neighbors. The Cannon Family








Calgary West Campus Mount Royal Campus All Campus’

Life’s Pathway “Why Christmas” Doors open at 6:45PM


9:15 AM & 11:15 AM @ Calgary West 10:15 AM @ Mount Royal



PROJECT CHANGE at Samaritan’s Purse for Operation Christmas Child 4PM


Every Friday at 8PM @ Calgary West

COMING UP IN JANUARY: *Corporate Prayer JAN 10 at 6:30-8PM @ Mount Royal *Baptism Sunday JAN 10 @ Calgary West *EVERYWOMAN event Optimal Health JAN 11 *Life’s Pathway JAN 13 at 7PM @ Calgary West *CHANGE resumes JAN 15 at 8PM *PRIME Progressive Dinner JAN 23 at 5:30PM *Worship Vision Night JAN 28 at 7PM



















CHANGE 8PM w/ Lorne Tebbutt

9:15 AM & 11:15 AM services 10:15 AM service Corporate Prayer 6:30-8PM





CHANGE 8PM w/ Rebekka Padar

PROJECT CHANGE at Drop-in Centre for Christmas Carols 2PM

9:15 AM & 11:15 AM services



FREE Community Christmas Event 7PM



10:15 AM service

9:15 AM & 11:15 AM services CHRISTMAS FOCUS 10:15 AM service




Christmas Eve Service 5PM

27 9:15 AM & 11:15 AM services 10:15 AM service

Christmas Eve Service 6PM




3 9:15 AM & 11:15 AM services 10:15 AM service

CHRISTMAS RECIPES EGGNOG CHEESECAKE III By: Bill Sinclair - Original Recipe Yield 1 9-inch cake Ingredients 1 cup graham cracker crumbs 2 tablespoons white sugar 3 tablespoons melted butter 3 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese, softened 1 cup white sugar 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour 3/4 cup eggnog 2 eggs 2 tablespoons rum 1 pinch ground nutmeg Directions Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). In a medium bowl combine graham cracker crumbs, 2 tablespoons sugar and butter. Press into the bottom of a 9 inch spring form pan. Bake in preheated oven for 10 minutes. Place on a wire rack to cool. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C). In a food processor combine cream cheese, 1 cup sugar, flour and eggnog; process until smooth. Blend in eggs, rum and nutmeg. Pour mixture into cooled crust. Bake in preheated oven for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 250 and bake for 45 minutes, or until center of cake is barely firm to the touch. Remove from the oven and immediately loosen cake from rim. Let cake cool completely before removing the rim.

CHOCOLATE TRUFFLES Makes: 36 small truffles - Prep Time: 5 min. - Total Time: 25 min. Ingredients: 1/2 cup 35% whipping cream 1 tbsp sugar pinch salt 10 oz Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips & Chunks 1 cup Cocoa, for coating Directions: 1. Combine cream, sugar and salt in a saucepan over low heat. When bubbles form around the edges of pan, turn off the heat. Don’t boil. Let steep for 5 min. 2. Stir in chocolate chips until melted and smooth. Transfer chocolate mixture to a clean container, cover and refrigerate until firm (approx. 2 hours). 3. Sift cocoa onto a plate. Using cool hands, gloves or a melon baller, shape chocolate mixture into small balls and roll in cocoa to coat. Transfer to a parchment paper-lined baking tray and refrigerate until firm. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 2 weeks, or in the freezer for up to 2 months.

PROJECT CHANGE It is with great joy and an overflowing heart that we are pleased to announce that Project Change is finally underway and has been a great success so far.

This month we will be partnering with Samaritan’s Purse to give gifts to the most needy, overlooked children in the world. Please take home a shoebox today, also, this month we will be going back to the Drop in Centre to bring some Christmas Cheer with: Christmas carols, a full band, hot chocolate, and warm smiles. Make sure you do not miss out on these life altering events. They are going to be awesome! We are so blessed to be a blessing. Let’s change our world together!

Wednesday, December 9th 2009 Packing Shoe Boxes at Samaritan’s Purse Warehouse from 4:00-7:00pm Please meet at the church at 3:00pm Email to sign up

Saturday, December 12th, 2009 Singing Christmas Carols at the Drop-in Centre Meet at the church at 2:00pm Email for more information


In October we took a group of amazing servant hearted people down to the Drop-in Centre with over 1000 meals for those who desperately needed it. That was more than our goal. Also, we collected warm clothing and financial donations. We were the first group this year to bring much needed warm clothing, shoes, and blankets. Our hearts broke by how thankful and overjoyed they

were to receive them.


by Tracey Urquhart

I remember overhearing my 5-yearold daughter talking to a friend about Jesus. Her friend was confused. “Jesus didn’t die on a cross,” I heard her friend say, “He’s just a little baby.” Hmmm. He’s just a little baby.



Life’s Pathway is an opportunity on the first Wednesday evening of every month to participate in learning and experiencing more of Jesus; to live extraordinary lives full of love and faith, purpose and freedom in Christ. Join us in this initiative to establish and build yourself in the word of God, so you can live your best life!

It’s funny how Christmas is a competing combination of ideas, emotions and celebrations – one of which is the celebration of Christ as a newborn baby. It may seem strange to celebrate the birth of a baby over 2000 years ago. For many of us that baby is stuck in time. Forever a baby in a manger surrounded by shepherds, animals and angels. For some reason in our mind, that baby never grows up into an adult and the connection to Christ overcoming sin and death through the cross is lost. How the celebration of Christmas somehow morphed into the odd, commercial, Santa focused, family gathering, gift giving, fluffy white holiday it is today is a very strange thing that I don’t completely understand. The Christmas season is cheery and

Hmmm. He’s just a little baby. JUST? Just a little baby? Scripture doesn’t tell us this. Sure, we can see a helpless babe in the manger, but what else can we see? This was no ordinary baby. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit (Mtt 1:20; Lk 1:35), he was the fulfillment of prophecy (Mtt 1:22&23), he was announced by angels (Lk 2:13-15), and he was worshipped by Magi (non-Jewish astrologers from the east) who had seen his star appear in the sky! (Mtt 2:1-12). Scripture calls him The Word. The Word was God (Jn 1:1), he created all things and in him is light and life (Jn 1:3&4). The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us (Jn 1:14). This is where we get the word incarnation from – to put on flesh. God, the creator of the universe, left his

He’s NOT just a little baby. Jesus is God incarnate – God himself, putting on our humanity, becoming what He wasn’t so that we could become what we were always meant to be. If this article interested you, be sure to check out our next Life’s Pathway class where we’ll be going more in detail on the topic ‘Why Christmas”

Dates: Time: Location:

Dec 2 [Why Christmas?] Jan 13 7 - 9:30 PM C3 Church Calgary West

For more information on Life’s Pathway email Tracey at

Over the years I’ve run into people who don’t believe in celebrating various parts of what would be a typical Christmas celebration. No tree for instance, or no Santa. I’ve even read about how the celebration of Christmas is actually a pagan celebration of the winter solstice and we shouldn’t celebrate it at all! How do we navigate through all these things to focus on the right thing?

throne and put on flesh – our flesh – and became human. He didn’t sweep in out of the sky and suddenly appear. He became one of us. He grew up in a family; he lived a life that included the suffering and temptations we all face. I think that incarnation is a key to celebrating Christmas in a meaningful way. When we remember that Jesus Christ is God and that he really did intersect history and live on the earth in real time (not fairy tale time), it changes how we celebrate Christmas. Moreover when we actually connect his birth to his life, death and resurrection, it will focus our celebration. Christmas traditions – family, Santa, snow are all nice but remember,


enjoyable; do we even need that little baby to celebrate?

Do you know that C3 Church has a Pastoral Care Team? We help by: Being friendly and helpful at any of our worship services. Caring for guests and newcomers in order to help you get settled at C3 Church. Assisting in pastoral requests i.e. pastoral counselling, meal requests, hospital visitation etc. Would you like to be involved in our Pastoral Team? For more information email Ps Vince at or call 403 803 9604. You can also fill out an involved volunteer form at the resource centre.

C3 CHURCH presents


RETREAT WITH JOHN & HELEN BURNS [hosts of the relate show]

February 5th & 6th, 2010 Blackstone Mountain Lodge Canmore Your Marriage Is Worth The Investment! Maximum 35 couples! FOR PRICING AND MORE DETAILS EMAIL INFO@C3CALGARY.CA

kidz conXion is our family ministry that provides the opportunity for kids and families to grow in Christ by connecting with God and each other. We have 4 different areas in whichthe kids are divided into. Sunlight Kidz:

18 mths - 2 yrs

Kingdom Kidz:

3-5 yrs

Gateway Kidz:

Grades 1-6

kidz conXion is offered in both services every Sunday.



to give kids that are at their next stage in life, the opportunity to see what God has for them. To help them grow in Christ while at the same time help others grow as well.


Coming in February

Family day skate & party Dates and additional information to follow!



Kids fun night at the church while parents go on a date. There will be games, movies, activities and more... Open to all kids from nursery to grade 6


My Wish for EVERYWOMAN is that she... would give hope a chance to float up... because it will!

would see themselves as God sees them!

would live as a daughter of the King... a Princess!

would recognize her true value!

would be brave and confident to live out her calling!

would be whole!


INSIDE OUT A new start for the New Year

Stepping out with your girlfriends for a night on the town.

Doors open at 7PM

Progressive dinner, pottery, movies...the sky is the limit.

More details to follow

Meet at C3 Church Calgary West to carpool to the Saddledome.

would see beauty in a way they have never before!

Tickets to be purchased

Friday Jan 11, 2010


RSVPs would be appreciated.

Christmas Art & Craft Show Thursday Dec 3, 2009

Life Groups


Groups are 6-10 people gathering every second week for personal growth on your Journey. To get connected email



ell w e f i l g n doi

REALMEN is dedicated to building better men by: Developing Character Strengthening Marriages & Families Shaping Appropriate Perspectives Breaking Destructive Lifestyles Valuing Healthy Relationships Establishing Positive Role Models

The REALMEN Ministry recognises that there are different seasons in a man’s life that he needs to understand and be prepared for. He also needs to be equipped for success. The aim of the REALMEN Ministry is to be proactive in bringing men to a place of understanding and equipping them with practical strategies for all aspects of a BEST life.


The REALMEN Ministry of C3 Church meets and supports men where they’re at in life - as husbands, fathers, sons, workers and as Christians. Men everywhere want to know how to do life and to do it well. They want to know how to best manage busy lives and juggle the ever-increasing responsibilities and demands being placed on them.

CHANGE is the young adults ministry of C3 Church. We are a movement that is passionate about Jesus and what he has done for us. Our message of faith, hope and love is powerful and relevant to people’s lives.

We meet every Friday night at 8pm sharp; for worship, media, preaching and hanging out. Our goal at CHANGE is to see young people continually experience God while fulfilling the calling that is on their lives. We would love for you to come and meet the amazing people that are a part of CHANGE.





C3CHANGE.CA For more information on CHANGE contact Sam Picken e / p 403 686 0608


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C3 Store/Christmas/New Year Week 1

Week 2

In his powerful yet compassionate voice, Pastor Rick Warren sounds the clarion call to “remember the reason for the season,” taking readers back in time to the most wonderful story of all -- the birth of the baby Jesus. When he was just a small boy, young Rick asked his parents if they could celebrate Christmas with a birthday party for Jesus -- and the tradition began that the Warrens have upheld for over fifty years. Now through stirring imagery and compelling personal insights, The Purpose of Christmas honors the significance and promise of this cherished holiday.

Years after writing a best-selling memoir, Donald Miller went into a funk and spent months sleeping in and avoiding his publisher. One story had ended, and Don was unsure how to start another.

- A Million Miles In A Thousand Years

- The Purpose Of Christmas

Pastor Warren encourages readers to identify and confront what drains peace from their lives. Warren explains that the way to respond to these peace-robbers is to learn how to surrender to God’s will and not feel defeated or discouraged when life does not go as planned. True peace of mind is found by having an unshakeable faith in God -- knowing that his empowering Spirit will guide his children through life’s challenges.

But he gets rescued by two movie producers who want to make a movie based on his memoir. When they start fictionalizing Don’s life for film--changing a meandering memoir into a structured narrative--the real-life Don starts a journey to edit his actual life into a better story. A Million Miles in a Thousand Years details that journey and challenges readers to reconsider what they strive for in life. It shows how to get a second chance at life the first time around.



Week 4


Week 3 - Fearless

- Extraordinary

They’re talking layoffs at work, slowdowns in the economy, flare-ups in the Middle East, turnovers at headquarters, downturns in the housing market, upswings in global warming. The plague of our day, terrorism, begins with the word terror. Fear, it seems, has taken up a hundred-year lease on the building next door and set up shop. Oversized and rude, fear herds us into a prison of unlocked doors. Wouldn’t it be great to walk out?

Why are we drawn to stories of heroic triumph over seemingly impossible circumstances? In our fascination with adventure movies, superheroes, and tales of incredible human feats, do we reveal an inherent desire for something larger and greater in life? Maybe what we think is a need to escape or be entertained is actually a God inspired longing…for the extraordinary.

[Ps Lorne’s Recommendation]

Imagine your life, wholly untouched by angst. What if faith, not fear, was your default reaction to threats? If you could hover a fear magnet over your heart and extract every last shaving of dread, insecurity, or doubt, what would remain? Envision a day, just one day, where you could trust more and fear less.

Best-selling author John Bevere reveals how all of us were “meant for more,” extraordinarily created and intended for a life that is anything but ordinary. Here is the roadmap for your journey of transformation. You are marked for a life that far surpasses the usual definitions of success or fulfillment.


$15.00 For more information or to order books and cds contact the church office at 403 686 0608 or email Jerol Moignard at

CHRISTMAS by The Tebbutts


We are all about traditions at our house and Christmas is when we pull out and practice some of our finest. Ever since we started our family we have kept to a few simple rituals that have become part of every Christmas season. We believe that traditions help to stabilize the family and give everyone moments to remember, benchmarks to reflect on as well as activities to enjoy together that just never get old. Instead they create regular rituals that remind us of what’s important, what has past and what’s to come. Some are as simple as buying new pajama’s to wear for Christmas day. We each have a personalized Christmas Stocking, HUGE ones that hang on the mantle and are opened before any other gifts. Funny how FOOD always evokes special memories, eh ? But Christmas morning would not be right without a special breakfast…OH YEAH ! That includes a “Fruit ring, thick strips of bacon, hash brown casserole, etc. and a morning reflection on

the true meaning of Christmas followed by a warm healthy prayer. We always have a real tree that is covered in memories. That’s right, no standard ornaments, all sorts of gawdy eclectic odd things hanging on the Tebbutt tree, because it’s a tree of life for us. Every one has their own box of ornaments that were given for something special that happened to them that year. It is always a great joy watching as each ornament is brought out, we hear “oh I remember this one…” followed by it’s story of some significant event. It always makes us smile, when we just look at the years represented on our Christmas tree. The whole event though would not be complete without having one evening set aside when we all gather to watch “White Christmas” (circa 1957 with Bing Crosby) and make our traditional Poppycock. We want to share the recipe with you, but when it says “Stir” every 15 min. Make sure you stop the movie and everyone take their turn.

The Secret Recipe:

3 bags of microwave popcorn (21 Cen. version bc we used to shake it on the stove top, actually) Boil: 2 cups of Brown Sugar 1/2 cup of Corn Syrup 1 cup of butter (real) 1 tsp. of salt Boil together for 5 min. remove from heat and add 1 tsp of baking soda (it will start to froth and bubble). Pour quickly over popcorn and mix well. Mix in optional variety of nuts of your preference (ps lorne prefers pecans/cashews though). Spread on cookie sheet & bake at 200 degrees for 1 hour, stirring every15 MIN. (don’t forget to share this task). Store in special containers and snack all through the season….ENJOY… With LOVE From our home. Have a Merry Christmas. Lorne, Kelly, Chad/Kelly/Myca, Amy and Brittany Tebbutt

light of the world


DEC 24TH, 2009 AT 5PM

A personal invitation from:

__________________ Please join us on Dec 24th at 5PM for our Christmas Eve candle light service at C3 Church Calgary West.

your best life 1009 Prominence Way SW Calgary, Alberta T3H 2B4 p 403 686 0608 f 403 686 0666

c3 church

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