C 3 X P R E S S C O U R S E M A N UA L
C 3 X P R E S S C O U R S E M A N UA L
Over the span of Churc
been continuously trying
church planting.’ 1 This h
shapes and forms to a ne
are what we would now ca
Ed Stetzer challenges ch
“For us to cling to the cu
program + building = chu
not working, is silly at best
This is why we think it’s v
and those involved to kno plant this new location.
Models are shaped by the of culture, 3 and because a variety of models have
all of them. 4 These mod continue to develop and
church leaders discover n
reach the unreached in th
the models that are availa
ch history believers have
core models that we think church leaders need to
g to discover the ‘how of
be aware of when aspiring to start a new location.
has brought about many
ew church. These shapes
all ‘models’.
hurch leaders by stating
urrent model of pastor +
urch when it is generally
t and negligent at worst.”2
vital for the church starter
ow what model to use to
e ‘who’, ‘when’ and ‘where’ all individuals are unique, been developed to reach
dels themselves will only increase in variations as
new ways and methods to
For us to cling to the current model of pastor + program + building = church when it is generally not working, is silly at best and negligent at worst.
heir community. Out of all
able, we have chosen four
C 3 X P R E S S C O U R S E M A N UA L
Four Core m start a new 01
sharing the gospel with
them in attempt to make
These new disciples now Typically characterised by a small team starting a
for the formal worship
church from scratch in a new area. Without much
Whereas the ‘launch big’
external support, it requires a high degree of stamina
an already developed cor
and hard work. 5 The start-up model now can be
attractional, and system
divided into a couple of distinct models that have
savvy elements,” 7 such
varying processes used to start-up, including either
services, or mail-outs, to d
the ‘traditional’ or ‘launch big’ start-up processes.
anticipation in the comm
The worship service is the The ‘traditional’ start-up method focuses on firstly
and as stated, launch big,
models to w location. as many people around
success in a shorter time frame.
e converts and disciples.
w act as the foundation
service to be built off.6 start-up method involves
re team using “business,
The multiplication model involves an existing
matic and organisational
church that creates, or ‘births’, a new congregation
as mini-events, preview
out of itself. Usually typified by a more hands-on
develop an awareness and
approach by the ‘mother’ church. This replicates
munity of a new location.
the original DNA of mission, vision and theology,
en started from the get-go
and gives more independence to the point where
to see a higher numerical
the new church is autonomous. 8
C 3 X P R E S S C O U R S E M A N UA L
Multisite was once an emerging model but has
This model has been gi
now become the new normal. 9 A multisite model
including cell churches, s
is similar to the multiplication model except the
churches and the most co
difference is in the level of intended autonomy. A
The name ‘house church
multisite location isn’t intended to be autonomous
because although most m
but is intended to grow the ‘reach’ and ‘influence’
house, they also occur in
of the established church by developing the church
cafes and other locations.
in a new location. 10 A multisite location, compared
organised under the leade
to planting an autonomous church, tends to be
12 are defined not by th
less expensive regarding finances, resources, and
emphasis. 13 The emphas
also volunteers. This is because typically, the new
a common life in Christ, 14
location has a built-in team already trained in vision,
of discipleship and intent
mission and structure. 11 On top of this, the multisite
a house church typically
model acts as a great leadership development
structure, programs or p
system to build up new and young leaders.
growing, a house church
The multisite model has been so influential in
birth new house churches
the realm of modern day church planting and is
repeat the process. 16
currently the fastest growing model in the world.
All this in mind we
that God isn’t overly con
models. Models are to be
iven a variety of names
directive or prescriptive. As long as the message is
simple churches, organic
pure, the method is relative to a whole range of other
ommon - house churches.
factors. We need to have a scriptural understanding
h’ isn’t always satisfactory
of Christ, His mission, and the church. 17 From this
meetings take place in a
point, we need to have a gospel-driven flexibility
n restaurants, businesses,
towards the models of new locations. 18 To assist in
. House churches, usually
this process, it helps to define the negotiables and
ership of a unified network,
non-negotiables of starting a new location.
heir location but by their
Such as listed below: 19
sis of house churches is on
4 and the simple elements
tional reproduction. Thus,
●● When
●● Making disciples
y has little organisation,
production value. 15 Once
●● Biblically qualified ●● Where
will typically identify and
s as soon as possible, then
e need to remind ourselves
●● Speaking the ●● How often
Gospel ●● Displaying the
●● Delivery
ncerned with methods or
e descriptive and not ever
Gospel ●● Serving the
●● Ministry Methods
C 3 X P R E S S C O U R S E M A N UA L
What C
Mike Breen, an author from ChurchLeaders.com,
this - use whatever mode
says, “the temptation for church planters is to look
locations are started bas
for a ‘pure model’ and rigidly stick to that formula
doing, either as an imitati
(which can have disastrous results). Well, there’s
to another model. 21 But th
no such thing as a ‘pure’ way of planting a church.
what are others doing, bu
You will need to contextualise and use Jesus’
Church planting isn’t churc
principles for discipleship and mission where you
going to look different de
live. Undoubtedly that will look different for each
22 You don’t discover yo
plant.” 20 The basic concept comes down to is
somebody else’s practice
el you want. A lot of new
Christ. Models that are studied or applied should
sed on what others are
only confirm the direction the Holy Spirit has you
ion or a negative reaction
thinking towards.
he question should not be
ut what should I be doing?
ch cloning, and it’s always
It’s less about new ideas and more about revealed
epending on the context.
ideas. We need to see the church to build it. The
ourself through applying
real question is what church do you see? Whatever
but through the person of
church you see, it has to be:
This church has to have the values and priorities
people’s lives.
that God’s church should have. The aim of every
●● The scattered churc
church is the growth of disciples and reaching the
people for Christ.
lost. As mentioned before, the church has two basic
We need to be bu
of the church at the same
●● The gathered church: about transformation of
be asking the question w
people free but also determine whether the church
ch: about reaching new
is restricted to just the Sunday. The church needs to be activated during the week. The Church is
uilding these two aspects
active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week as a scattered
time. We need to not only
church that has empowered its members in the
whether our services set
The CHURCH within y
God has called you to specifically start your church.
calling (this also involves
Too many people are trying to build someone else’s
and the culture you are m
church, but those who are starting a new location need to build the church within them. The two most
We so quickly get caught
essential dictates to the church within you are your
the Gospel is radical. Jesu
s personality and giftings)
ministering to.
norms; not the moral norms; but cultural norms. He shifted the status quo when it came to kingdom fruitfulness. I believe the church can do so much
t in religious restraint, but
more when we just release the gifts in people’s
us is radical. He broke the
A New-day CHURCH
The term, or idea of ‘new day’ churches has become
is that God wants new an
an area of disagreement and confusion among the
and to have new wine we
contemporary Church. ‘New day’ could mean one
we assume that the grea
thing in one location and something completely
linked with the relative po
different in another location. What it comes down to
we must see and unders
nd fresh wine in churches,
the new wineskin concerning God’s time clock is
e need new wineskins. If
commensurate of the reaching of cities and nations.
at harvest on the Earth is
Churches can quickly get old and promptly get
osture of the Church, then
stuck, but there is a new day Church.
stand how the arrival of
C 3 X P R E S S C O U R S E M A N UA L
When these THREE aspec the Church ALL line up, y got a POWERFUL combin Whether a church is new day or not determines
all line up then you’ve got
whether it is still relevant and moving forward. We
Typically, when a church i
don’t aim to be relevant merely for relevance sake,
one of these aspects is ab
or to be contemporary, or to be trendy. But we strive to be relevant so we can be effective and maintain
On the topic of New Day C
it very important for chu
of the current Church tren Everything God is doing has fresh life on it. But if we
pastor of Connexus Churc
don’t move on then things will die. We have to keep
need for change is more u
current on God’s calendar, to be a seeker of God
is arguably changing faste
and observer of all things global. New situations
ago,” 23 and that “church
require change and new thought processes and
touch never touch the cul
responses. This is the heart of new day churches.
the point that churches w
their current context need When these three aspects of the church – God’s
only is trending in their cu
church, the church within you, the new day church,
in church life. Trends in ch
cts of you’ve nation.
t a powerful combination.
is struggling it is because
bsent or doesn’t line up.
Churches, we have found
urch leaders to be aware
nds. Carey Nieuwhof, the
ch in the US, argues “the
urgent because our culture
er than it was even a year
h leaders who are out of
lture.” 24 This emphasises
with the intent of reaching
d to be aware of not what
ulture but what is trending
hurch life, while remaining
“The need for change is more urgent because our culture is arguably changing faster than it w even a year ago�.
biblically sound, are what have been found to be effective in following and impacting the trends of our current day. Irrelevance is inevitable if change inside the church isn’t equal or greater to change outside the church. 25 So we restate the idea that we don’t seek to be relevant for relevance sake, but for the sake of effectiveness.
After some degree of researching the current trends in church life, we have found that they can usually be divided into three main headings; Congregations and Services, New Locations, and Ministry.
The basic idea behind this significant trend is that the current population worldwide is undergoing significant changes, thus so are our congregations, and we have to be also changing our services to cater to these changes.
Current church attendance patterns have been shifting. Church attendance has now become a fringe activity to the point that committed Christians are even attending less.26 Church services now
C 3 X P R E S S C O U R S E M A N UA L
usually only consist of the engaged and the curious. 27
literal doors they need to
This has therefore changed the way many churches
can only happen in person
do their services. The emphasis of church services
34 Overall modern church
has now been on engagement over attendance.
a deeper authenticity, de
“Wise leaders have stopped trying to attract people
love and greater hope. 35
and started trying to engage people. Engagement
attend church through pe
will become the new growth engine in the future church.” 28 Many churches have undergone drastic
A final congregation tren
changes to become more personal and authentic
of diversity. In the past,
in their experience. Reaching people has become
for church was a hom
more than just doing what you do with excellence.
approach. This was quite s
29 ‘Cool church’, has been described as consisting
reach those who are simila
of contemporary music, flashy lights, haze and
to come to Christ without
other production flair is now being overcome by
barriers that are racial, so
a raw authenticity from the leaders who strive to
as we have seen, commu
reach people for the Gospel. 30 This has resulted in
changing. Fewer neighbo
worship centres being downsized to small or mid-
38 and there has been a
size 31 and new processes and systems to connect
multicultural and multi-e
people faster, while respecting the individual’s own
A church that has increa
pace. 32 Together these aspects bring about a more
long run, be harder and
intimate and personal church experience.
better reflection of the Kin
DeYmaz, founding pastor o It would be good to note the growth of church
Mosaic, Arkansas, comme
online. In itself, it isn’t bad and has become an
“At the end of the day th
advancement of the Church, 33 but this means if
but accommodation roote
Church leaders want people coming through their
discover what experience
n and seek to provide this.
h members are looking for
eeper community, deeper
The process of starting new locations has now
5 People now usually only
become much more intentional, technical and
ersonal invitation. 36
strategic. The more strategic approach has therefore produced a plethora of models that
nd to note is the increase
are available to choose from according to one’s
the predominant model
style, giftings, context and resources. Although
mogenous, monocultural
it is a trend, it is one that needs to be balanced.
successful as it’s easier to
As explored in previous chapters, to start a new
ar to us and people prefer
location is a spiritual journey, not just a technical
t also having to cross the
one. “Tools and principles are to equip and aid a
ocial and economic. 37 But
church planter, not be an idol or saviour.” 42
unity cultures have been
ourhoods are monoethnic,
Aligned with the increase of intentionality is the idea
an increase of multiracial,
that churches are now seeking to bring church to
ethnic church plants. 39
the people. New day churches are intentional with
ased diversity may, in the
reaching the unchurched, and rather than letting
slower to grow but it’s a
people seek out the church they are making church
ngdom of God. 40 As Mark
go to the people. This is outworked in various
of the multi-ethnic church,
aspects of starting new locations including the
ents on this trend saying,
trend of becoming more urban. Larger proportions
he goal is not assimilation
of populations are moving back into the cities,
ed in sound ecclesiology.”
and as churches need to follow people, more new locations are now focused on the city. 43 Tim Keller,
C 3 X P R E S S C O U R S E M A N UA L
the founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian
local communities beyond
Church, NYC, says, “Every major city is now a
buildings.” 48 More churc
portal for reaching the nations of the world. In other
in local community spac
words, one of the very best ways to reach the far
town halls, theatres etc.
parts of the world is to reach your own city… You
still being built, they will
can’t reach the city from the suburbs, but you can
simpler but also multi-p
reach to suburbs from the city.” 44
community. 50 These aspec
significant ‘neighbourhoo Multisite has recently been the largest trend, so
intentionality not only to
much so that it’s not only just for the ‘big churches’
neighbourhoods as mo
but smaller churches are more likely to start multiple
beginning to learn that a
locations now too. The trend has now progressed
city are found in its neigh
towards Microsite and Portable churches. Microsite
locations can send services to people who might not be able to attend their local church, 45 and can
Lastly, a trend to note
do so in a way that takes church further, faster
is the increase of church
and cheaper than a standard multisite strategy.
acquisitions. The death
46 Similar to microsite are portable churches: a
the rise, specifically in w
standard set-up and pack-down system that are
devastating news, but a
launching churches in portable venues rather than
churches are becoming
permanent buildings. 47
them. 51 It has been fou multisite campuses have
On the note of church buildings, these are also
52 Church mergers, rega
changing. “Buildings are no longer the end game,
and difficulty, have transit
but a means to the end of serving and impacting
a viable option.
d the walls of the church
ches are being launched
ces 49 such as schools,
. If church buildings are
The final core area of new day church trends is
be not only smaller and
found in how churches go about doing ministry. The
purpose and centred on
way churches now do ministry has changed in four
cts together create a more
main areas.
od focus’. This includes an reach a city but specific
The first of these is a renewed emphasis on
ore church leaders are
evangelism. In recent eras of church history there
access and influence in a
was a time of theological recovery, but now we are
hbourhoods and individual
in a position to use these newfound biblical truths in being practical in our outreach. 53 Alongside this is the fact that as more church locations are started the
regarding new locations
need to reach the unchurched is essential because
h adoptions, mergers, or
the alternative is just merely transitioning believers
rate of churches is on
from one church to another. “One day, every church
western nations. This is
will have to learn how to reach unchurched people
at the same time, more
because only unchurched people will be left.” 54
intentional about saving
und that “nearly 40% of
The renewed sense of evangelism and reaching
come through a merger.”
the unchurched has brought about what has been
ardless of their sensitivity
called ‘Kingdom collaboration’. “Church planters will
tioned from a last resort to
be less focused on building their kingdom and more focused on seeing Jesus build God’s Kingdom.”55
C 3 X P R E S S C O U R S E M A N UA L
How Churches Do Ministry It’s an approach that requires collaboration,
minded churches and o
innovation and for “church planters to be open-
planting new churches an
handed… share a big vision... and build bridges, not
partnership. 57
walls.” 56 This approach to ministry will soon allow
the crossing of denominations and church tribes
partnership between chur
with the intention of reaching their similar context
seminaries. The intention
for a related cause. This ideology is evident in the
is to integrate theology w
rise of the partnership church-planting model. Like-
are realising that minister
A third trend in th
in the context of a local church, while churches are discovering that training someone theologically is completely different than training someone for practical ministry.” 58 This has led to church taking much more of a biblical and theological approach towards ministry.
The last ministry-related trend is that of
bi-vocation. Bi-vocational ministry in the past has almost been frowned upon and reflected poorly on the church and its pastor - but not anymore. Church leaders are realising the difficulties of leading a church, especially a new location, in becoming selfsufficient, so it has become a much more acceptable and valid method of ministry for such leaders to be bi-vocational. That is, picking up a second job or trade to support themselves, their family, and the church. “Choosing bi-vocational ministry will not be a matter of being out of money, but it will be a matter of being on a specific mission.” 59
organisations have been
What has been explored in the previous
nd locations through their
pages are just some of the trends that are occurring in church life. This list, although we believe to be
he realm of ministry is the
quite extensive, is by no means exhaustive. But the
rches and bible colleges/
underlying principle is that when culture changes
n behind this partnership
we should also change how we do church. “The
with practice. “Seminaries
world is changing, and the future is now; this affects
rial training happens best
any move you make as a church planter.” 60
The literal ‘how’ of starting a new location can be broken down into seven dis discipleship and finances. Each aspect needs to be considered as a part of
stinct areas. These include leadership, teams, location, launch, services, the whole.
C 3 X P R E S S C O U R S E M A N UA L
LEADE Just as there are many models for starting a new
of starting the new locati
location, there are also a variety of leadership
experiment and birth new
structures to choose from and that need to be
structures as we continu
considered before starting a new location. The
Day Church’. Keeping th
leadership structure of a new location is dependent
leadership structures hav
on the personality, giftings, and abilities of the
common and useful in st
leader. “The call of God and His provision of spiritual
analysed in Planting Mi
gifts will determine how each church planter
include leadership model
accomplishes the work of starting new churches.”61
Planter, Founding Pastor, a
Again, there should be no restriction to what model
The apostolic church pla
or leadership structure is utilised in the process
also called pioneering chu
ion. Instead it is good to
where the leader “goes to an area, plants a church,
w methods and leadership
calls out and trains a new planter (leader), then
ue to seek out the ‘New
leaves to plant another church.” 64 This leadership
hat in mind, three major
model has been widely used and has seen effective
ve been noted to be most
results in the history of the Church. “This paradigm
tarting new locations. As
can be seen in the rapid growth of the Methodist
issional Churches, these
and Baptist denominations in nineteenth-century
ls of an Apostolic Church
America.” 65 It is usually self-initiated and innovative
and Team Planting. 62
because of these reasons. The new location starter needs to be quite independent and entrepreneurial.
anting leadership model,
Typically, there is no core team, just the church
urch planting, 63 is merely
planter and their family. The heart behind this
C 3 X P R E S S C O U R S E M A N UA L
leadership structure is to develop core members
The church planter still rai
and a new leader through relational methods
new leaders relationally
including evangelism and discipleship.
discipleship, but there isn senior leadership. In the
This method of producing a new leader to take over
very much a “church plante
the location includes the process of what is called
is to be a long-term pasto
“phase-out”. “Phasing-out involves the team making
of this original intention, th
planned role changes throughout the stages. The
more relational, and peo
team should work to empower the new church to
remain as pastor of the
stand on its own through the Word, the Spirit and
he’s a pastor with a missi
the church’s leaders.” 66 Ideally, the new leader is
a missionary with a pasto
developed from the new locations context, but if
explore later, churches th
needed there is no shortage of pastors seeking a
grow and multiply. Henc
church to pastor. Once the new location has been
structure produces a hea
developed with core teams and new leadership,
the leader will produce ne
then a transition occurs as the original leader seeks
may be sent out to plant a
to go and personally start another new location.
The third common leade The second leadership structure is that of the
planting. This structure is
‘founding pastor.’ This process has been found to
in modern church plantin
be the most common model in North America. 67 In
believers usually from
respect to the start-up of the location, it’s very much
church going to another
similar to the apostolic church planter approach,
location. This team can ha
but the difference is found in the transition process.
Firstly, the team has a c
ises up the core team and
secondly, the whole team has equal authority.
through evangelism and
Often a key difference with this structure is that
n’t usually a transition in
the new location started isn’t in a vastly different
beginning, the starter is
geographic location to the ‘mother’ church; thus
er”, although the intention
why this structure is very commonly used for the
or of the church. Because
increasing popular multisite model. Since there is
he leader is typically much
no delay in developing leaders and core team this
ople focused, they “will
leadership structure allows new locations to start
original church because
up much quicker. Furthermore, it allows for a good
ionary’s heart rather than
division of gifts that can complement each other
or’s heart.” 68 As we will
and make this new location more effective in their
hat are healthy will ideally
new environment. This leadership structure works
ce if such a leadership
best when most of the team is bi-vocational and
althy location then ideally
when the model is similar, though never identical,
ew leaders, some of which
to that of the ‘mother’ church as this is the context
another location.
the team is already conditioned to operate. 69
ership structure is team
“Maybe you fit into one of the categories, or maybe
s gaining a lot of traction
you see yourself as a combination of these models
ng. It involves a group of
(or leadership structures). The call of God and His
an already established
provision of spiritual gifts will determine how each
location to start a new
church planter accomplishes the work of starting
ave one of two dynamics.
new churches.” 70
chosen senior leader, or
C 3 X P R E S S C O U R S E M A N UA L
TEA Whether a team is started from the ground up, or
journey of producing an e
already implemented into the model, it is essential
church. The kingdom of G
for the starting of a new location. How to start
on partnership and com
healthy and effective teams is something that all
always been a team sport.
church planters need to be familiar with. Although
vision, but the team is the
again the kind of model or leadership structure that
in place.
is being utilised will affect the dynamics of the team
for the new location.
a location in a new comm
Typically looks like a start-u
The key idea though is that as a church
The first team mo
planter you can’t do this on your own. But rather
location as we looked at
any new location needs a faithful team to go on the
called believer typically go
effective and healthy new
with the intention of starting a new location. Then
God places great emphasis
through intentional evangelism and discipleship, a
mmunity, as “ministry has
core team will be built out of these new members.
.� 71 A leader might hold a
This core team development is of course before
glue that holds the vision
the launch of the new location and its first service. The risks of this method, though, do need to be
odel is related to starting
considered. For starters, the core team of a new
munity from the ground up.
location might not be tested or trained in proper
up model of starting a new
ministry, and thus the launch will demand quite a
in previous segments. A
oes to a new environment
large degree of trust.
Conversely, there is a different model
C 3 X P R E S S C O U R S E M A N UA L
when a team is built into
location. Usually, a metho
or multiplication church m
being developed out o members. This way the
usually already proven m
church’s DNA built into th
This way it does elimina
a team from scratch, wh
although it is good to ack
For instance, some new l
too heavy on their prepar
in evangelism or disciples
the growth of this new loc
A key part of building
Volunteers are what mak
effectively. In many cas
exclusively on staff mem
the church. As will be e
life cycle when the ratio o
the rise then conversely t
the church are on the po location expects the staff will the church members,
participation will decline. T
realm of volunteers, but le
o the launch of the new
means less general church participation and then
od employed by multisite
inevitably less participation in ministry. Mentalities
models. It involves a team
such as ‘the senior pastor is the only minister’ or
of the ‘mother’ church’s
‘I’m only here to receive’ might then take root in the
core team members are
ministers and will have the
heir methods and lifestyle.
From the beginning of a new location, there needs
ate the need for building
to be an expectation that members serve. “Expect
hich is a big advantage,
them to serve, and then help them get connected.”
knowledge its challenges.
72 An increase of volunteers will not only make
location starters may rely
services run smoother but will also cause church
red team and not engage
members to embrace the new locations vision,
ship, which is essential for
outworking it in their personal lives, resulting
in greater location growth. Increased volunteer engagement is a win-win for everyone, and we
any team is volunteers.
need to recognise its importance in all locations,
ke any good church run
new or old.
ses, churches often rely
mbers to build and carry
explored in the church’s
of staff to volunteer is on
the growth and impact of
otential decline. If a new to carry the load then so and in this way, volunteer
A key part of building any team is volunteers.
This impact isn’t only in the
ess volunteer participation
C 3 X P R E S S C O U R S E M A N UA L
LOCA When starting up a new church, the location is a
If someone is still quite un
very important consideration.
the new location, it’s recom
“When a church tries to reach everyone, they rarely
groups who are both unen
connect with anyone effectively. On the other
the Gospel should be the c
hand, when they focus on whom they are trying to
to start new locations first
reach, they can get very intentional and effective in reaching that person. Ironically, they often reach
Once those who are star
all kinds of people in the process.� 73 So for the
settled on a location, or
sake of effectiveness and spreading the gospel
them (possibly in the insta
we recommend the target audience is determined
planting model), then a to
before launch.
for further planning is the
nsure of where to position
location snapshot aims to provide information on
mmended that the people
population, culture, ethnicity, history, median age,
ngaged and unreached by
socio-economic status and issues or problems
communities that we seek
relevant to the local area as well as any other
information or data that may assist in creating and launching a healthy new congregation, or new
rting a new location have
campus. “Sometimes we assume we know our
r it has been chosen for
little corner of the map simply because we live
ance of a multisite church
there. But invariably, as people get their hands on a
ool that is incredibly useful
community profile, they’re likely surprised on many
e ‘location snapshot’. The
fronts by the information they find.” 74
C 3 X P R E S S C O U R S E M A N UA L
A final note on the top
practicalities of the venue and new community of
for their worship service
we have noted under the
Church Trends’ church bu
way churches operate the
rapidly in recent decad
venues have decreased in
number of locations. Thes
multi-purpose and are n
church buildings of the p
now often placed in com more regularly meeting in
movie theatres, warehouse
did a study on the growth o
City and stated in their art announce their presence
and freshly painted whit city’s most prominent and
even have a permanent lo
tacked on the front. Churc gloss.� 75
One explanation
between the increase in p and the increasing prices
many churches attempt t
pic of location is on the
city, they are usually initially unable to afford the
e where the new location
steep city prices and thus find creative ways to reach
believers are to gather
the communities of the city still. “How can churches
es or other activities. As
quickly and effectively launch new campuses and
e segment on ‘New Day
new churches when the costs, upkeep, and space
uildings/facilities and the
limitations of permanent campuses sometimes
eir services have changed
get in the way? The solution: they rent alternative
des. For starters, church
venues in the communities they want to reach.” 76
n size as they increase the
These changes have produced stunning results. It
se locations are now often
has been reported that churches in the US alone
not the more traditional
that have a higher public presence experience a
past. Church locations are
higher attendance. Churches that have a public
mmunities. Churches are
presence consistently have double the attendance
locations such as schools,
compared to those who don’t. 77 Multisite church
es etc. Relevant Magazine
consultant Jim Tomberlin says, “buildings don’t
of Christianity in New York
reach people, people reach people,” 78 and as more
ticle that, “Churches don’t
churches are becoming aware of this there is less of
with sprawling campuses
an emphasis on the need for large church buildings.
te steeples. Many of the
As we continually look to Jesus as an
influential churches don’t
example, we can see that “He (Jesus) modelled
ocation – much less a sign
meeting with people wherever necessary to teach
ch here is more bare than
them about the Kingdom of God,”79 so when considering the practicalities of the location of a
for this trend is a link
new service don’t be restricted by what has been
people moving to the city
done or what is being done, but rather think outside
of inner-city buildings. As
the box and be creative in reaching your specific
to follow people into the
community with the news of the Kingdom of God.
C 3 X P R E S S C O U R S E M A N UA L
LAUN The launch is very much the moment that all new
●● Pastor to lead
location starters look forward to from the beginning.
●● People to follow
Before the official launch of a new location, we
●● Place to meet
believe there are six “P’s” that act as a checklist to
In regards to the structure
ensure a better and more effective launch.
location, there are typical
The six “P’s” of launching are: 80
down and bottom-up. 81
●● Prayer to precede ●● Provision to start
The top-down approach is
●● Programming to deliver
formal worship service str
NCH developing the new location out of this. Sometimes it could just look like a predetermined core team running another church service at a new location.
e of the launch of the new
This kind of launch requires efficient planning
lly two approaches – top-
and quality execution, but it should be noted that a launch-big method has produced churches that are bigger compared to those that didn’t. 82 The
s distinguished by having a
danger of this method though is to skip much of the
raight from the get-go and
preparation phase and just jump
C 3 X P R E S S C O U R S E M A N UA L
straight into starting an identical service in another
are many different recom
location. It has the potential to be then not be as
team members are availa
effective, as every culture is different and thus
members there are. What
every new location needs to be different to cater to
guide is a max of 10:1 reg
its audience.
to team members. 84 An
potentially not sufficiently Alternatively, is the bottom-up approach. This
Regardless of the metho
approach to launching has the new location starter
the new location there
begin with evangelism. Then out of the fruit of this
developed not only for t
evangelism – salvations and discipleship – a core
post-launch as well. A tim
team is developed. As more disciples are made, a
and a process that ensu
bible-study, or connect group, is formed which then
service occurs as best a
ideally multiplies into more connect groups. As the
organisational concerns in
number of believers and disciples continue to grow,
that is prepared and se
it eventually reaches a point where firstly there are
awareness of the launchin
enough people to join together as a fellowship and
Team development includ
secondly, it’s deemed necessary for them to gather
●● Interest nights: the
together formally. The core idea behind this launch
location is about is t
style is that the group of believers begin to self-
interested and any po
identify and gather together as a local church. 83
●● Core team nights: cu
basic roles are determ Something to keep in mind for both these methods
●● Pre-launch services:
is what is called the “crowd-to-core” ratio. There
the proper launch se
mmendations of how many
analyse flow and effectiveness of the service
able to how many church
t we believe to be a good
Awareness for the launch can be created through:
garding church members
●● Advertising
ny more and you could
Mail-outs might seem a bit out-dated, but it’s
y cater to each member.
still proven that average worship attendance is
od that is employed for
consistently higher for those churches who do
needs to be a timeline
participate in mail-outs85
the launch but pre- and
●● Marketing
meline provides structure
●● Preview services (these could be the same
ures the launch of a new
as the pre-launch services that are used to
as possible. A couple of
develop the team)
nclude developing a team
●● Social Media
econdly to create public
ng of a new location.
Social media now plays a larger part in people’s
des events such as:
worlds than ever before, and the church not only
vision of what the new
needs to recognise that but utilise it. The harsh
taught to those who are
news is that a social media presence can make or
otential team members
break a new location. “Social media is no longer a
ulture is developed, and
fad. It’s established in our culture. And new church
mined a run-through of what
plants should do everything they can to engage the public in this forum.” 86
ervice will be; essential to
C 3 X P R E S S C O U R S E M A N UA L
SERV The weekly worship service has always been the
run services well so that th
‘pièce de résistance’ of any church. The church,
maximised in our churche
of course, consists of more than just services,
but the services we have are very important and
There are three core com
should be treated with high priority. If leadership
value, intention, creative f
is the foundation of the church, and ministry is the
These components are:
A service needs
face, then services are the most prominent aspect of the face as they are what visitors see first. The
heart of all that we do on weekends is to create an environment for people to encounter God. Because of this, we need to be well skilled in the
This experience in itself c
art of running good meetings. We need to learn to
areas – the welcome, the
he work of the Kingdom is
The welcome comes in many forms and fronts throughout every stage of the service. From the “I
to be viewed holistically.
know where to park” welcome, to the “what do I do
mponents that are equal in
with my kids?” welcome, to the “what do I do before
focus, and investment.
the service?” And all the way to the “I’m here to help” – not “I’m here to know everything about your life” welcome. We need to develop a community
that isn’t overwhelming but inviting enough that members are encouraged to invite their friends and family. “Part of a church’s task of sensitivity to
can be broken into three
unbelievers is simply making them feel wanted and
vibe, and the seating.
welcome.” 87 “Stop judging, start loving. Very few
C 3 X P R E S S C O U R S E M A N UA L
people get judged into life change; many of us get
loved into life change. Start with judgement, and they’re gone.” 88
The topic of how to run a g
is commonly talked abou The next part is the vibe. We want people to arrive
is probably the reason wh
into a pre-service atmosphere that is already
in fact not run well. The se
created. The vibe is developed through intentional
involve three main areas –
arrival and entrance spaces that are beautiful,
connective and well thought through. Creating a sense of atmosphere and community is aided
Production value plays an
through the use of good coffee and food. The lively
of the service. With a mode
atmosphere is through sounds not silence, and
interacts with sights and s
people over empty spaces.
your services can keep o
We are not encouraging l The last aspect is finding a seat. Seating plans that
that in itself limits the repr
are properly outworked are a good way to create
new locations, but we do
the overall atmosphere and feel of a service. If
starters to keep the idea
possible have fewer seats – empty seats discourage
Production involves light
not only the leader but also the congregation. The
best outcome is to have roughly the same number of people in the meeting space as seats. There
There are varying views o
is nothing more demoralising and atmosphere-
Whether the meetings sho
draining than too many empty seats.
or that they should be dar
But at the end of the day, you have to determine what works for your venue, culture, stage of church life, and for individual services. Whatever the style,
good service isn’t one that
you need to think about and be aware of lighting
ut, and this, unfortunately,
and to use it to create the appropriate atmosphere.
hy too many services are
Keeping this in mind there are two main parts of
ervices themselves usually
– production, worship and
●● The auditorium ●● The stage Use appropriate lighting for both these parts. Stay
integral role in the quality
away from fluorescent lights and rather seek lighting
ern community that largely
that is bright yet pleasing to the eye. Lighting may
sounds, the production of
also change throughout a service. From arrival, to
or lose church attendees.
praise, to worship, and to end in the preach and
large-scale production, as
altar call.
roducibility and start-up of
Next to be considered is the media content of
o encourage new location
a service. The media content that your location
a of production in mind.
presents to the audience will represent the culture
ting, media content, and
and quality of your location. For media content to be effective, it needs to have good projection, and good quality content and design. Particularly
on the lighting of a service.
regarding videos, message title screens and
ould be well lit for visibility,
scriptures. Reliable and fast screen operators, who
rker for mood and privacy.
understand the aim of screens, are essential to a service.
C 3 X P R E S S C O U R S E M A N UA L
Lastly comes the issue of sound production. The
Someone who leads
key to good sound is to create impact without being
where the worship le
too loud. Sound needs to be clear and easy to listen
the meeting needs to
to. So, you will need to invest in not only quality
sound equipment but also well-trained and servanthearted sound engineers.
●● Worship leaders ne
engaging. This usua
leader keeping thei Connective and engaging worship is critical to great
awkward segues, bein
church services. A few key elements that are vital to achieving this include:
“Every worship time, rega
●● Quality of the music. If something is off key,
should emerge from the
offbeat or poor quality, then it doesn’t help the
rest solely on His Word.” 8
audience engage in worship.
worship and preaching ov
●● More isn’t always better. Sometimes less is
engaging in worship and
more. Have less and better-qualified musicians
of the Word of God. The
rather than just trying to ‘use’ everyone. If
it’s an authentic, engag
possible train them in other settings.
word that is theologicall
●● Some meetings can be paired back to an
relevant. “In a new chur
acoustic set. It’s not about loudness but impact
simple but not simplistic.
and passion
not only for information bu
●● Musicians and singers need to not use music
The preacher may impre
and lyric sheets when possible. The focus
theological truths that offe
should not be on their instrument but rather on
preacher may help transfo
bringing life to the meeting. The passion, life,
Christ’s life-changing pres
movement and facial expressions are what will create life, engagement and atmosphere. ●● If possible use music directors in all meetings.
A few tips to keep in mind ●● Shorter is better than
the band and interprets
eader, meeting leader and go. Leaderless music isn’t
●● Bible-based, without being Bible college ●● Keep it relevant ●● Find your style and be confident in it ●● Be prepared but keep it simple
eed to be skilled and
●● Have fun!
ally involves the worship
ir eyes open, avoiding
At the end of every preach it is essential for there to
ng bold as well as relaxed.
be a call to response. This might be a call to current believers to repent from current living or a shift in
ardless of stylistic content,
their thinking or lifestyle. But the most important
e leadership of God and
call to response is that of an altar call. An altar
89 This is the point where
call is a call for someone to respond to the Gospel,
verlap. There is a time for
to accept Christ into his or her heart and make a
a time for the preaching
commitment to being a believer. An altar call is the
e key to preaching is that
pinnacle of the service. It is what the whole service
ging delivery of a timely
is leading up to, and as Phil Pringle states, “I will
ly sound and powerfully
never not have that moment when a person has the
rch preaching should be
opportunity to receive Christ.” 91
The scriptures are given
ut also for transformation.
Church services are not only to enable believers
ess listeners with arcane
to connect with God through worship and
er no life and hope, or the
preaching of the Word, but services are also to
orm lives with the truths of
allow non-believers and visitors to observe and
sence.” 90
seek out a personal relationship with God. The overall challenge for the services is to create an
d regarding preaching are: longer
atmosphere that is appropriate for believers and comprehensible to unbelievers. 92 An essential way
C 3 X P R E S S C O U R S E M A N UA L
to do this is to seek to el
can be done by planning
run sheets. To some pe
we are restricting the m
what we are doing is setti
service to seamlessly flow
eliminates awkward segue
creates a comfortable and To achieve this, we need
leaders. To be able to tra
the audience is essential fo or lead from the stage.
What happens after the se
as everything that happen service. The ‘fellowship’ spiritual as anything that
We must recognise this a
the time and attention it re
If people aren’t staying
connect, then there is a
service missing. If you are
contacts after the servic
focused on that aim then w
liminate distractions. This
and we are not building the church. As soon as the
g your services and using
‘service’ finishes, atmosphere for connecting needs
eople, it might seem like
to be created immediately.
movement of God. Rather
ing up boundaries for the
This looks like:
w and move in a way that
●● Music to create atmosphere
es, transitions, and overall
●● The team goes to ‘work’ to connect and not
d welcoming environment. to train capable meeting
ansition well and engage
or anyone who is to speak
form cliques ●● Connective spaces go into immediate action (coffee, food, etc.) ●● Intentionality to connect with visitors but don’t bombard and overwhelm them. Modern church attendees are a mix of people who want to be
noticed and those who don’t. We have to learn how to cater and connect with both groups.
ervice is just as important
ns during and before the after the meeting is as happens in the meeting.
and give the post-service
g around afterwards to
an important part of the
e not creating meaningful
What happens after the service is just as important!
ce and if your team isn’t
we have just ‘had’ church,
C 3 X P R E S S C O U R S E M A N UA L
DISCIPL God wants His people to progress and develop.
in darkness, God function
As leaders, we are ‘growth agents’, stimulators of
His people seeing the fut
growth in people’s lives. We are part of the catalyst
We can help them both
for development in the lives of our people. “If you
plant churches, you might get disciples, but if you make disciples, you always get the church.” 93 Thus
There are at least eigh
why discipleship is so important in the life of any new
Every person starts his or
location. We, as leaders, need to provide pathways
These people equate to t
of progression for people so they can see where
Testament. They are peop
they are going, and how they are going to get there.
Once they meet Christ, the
As people see these pathways, a renewed sense
of God as a believer. Th
of purpose and hope fills them. The devil functions
Jesus represent believing
ns in the light. God wants
committed to a local body. Their development can’t
ture that He has for them.
progress until they have planted in the House of
see and discover these
God. At this point, they become an active member of the Body of Christ represented by the local church.
ht levels of progression.
r her journey in the world.
Many believers stop moving forward at this point,
the multitudes in the New
remaining church members and nothing more.
ple who don’t know God.
Church members who don’t develop further can
ey enter into the Kingdom
become a challenge to the vision of the church.
he crowds that followed
They sometimes develop agendas and a controlling
g people who haven’t yet
sense of ownership. They need to move
C 3 X P R E S S C O U R S E M A N UA L
We Are ‘Growth Agents’. to the next level - servanthood. When a person
serving the world. Servant
becomes a servant, they are beginning to move
whereas attendees simply
into effective, and fruitful Kingdom living. Servants
discipleship is the journey
build the church by serving the vision and by
church members on - a jo
(i) Matthew 28:16-20
leads to servanthood. In the Great Commission, Jesus commanded us to make disciples, not just be disciples. (i) So, we need to “expose new Christians to the love of God and community, to great teaching, great relationships, and solid accountability and over time, many will grow into very different people than they were when they first came to Christ.” 94
New congregations need to be intentional about creating an on-going spiritual formation process. As is to be done by creating the right environments, content, opportunities, and a congregational culture where discipleship is a core value.
When it comes to discipleship, we need to continually come back to the overall purpose of developing people to become more Christ-like. To pick up the challenge that was put out by German Theologian Dietrick Bonhoeffer - “we must, therefore, attempt to recover a true understanding of the mutual
ts bring people to church,
relation between grace and discipleship... It is
y look for their seat. This
becoming clearer every day that the most urgent
y we want to be taking our
problem besetting our Church is this: How can we
ourney of discipleship that
live the Christian life in the modern world?” 95
C 3 X P R E S S C O U R S E M A N UA L
FINAN All churches, no matter how large or small, have one
enough need, you don’t h
thing in common. They never have enough money.
needs to be a greater nee
No matter how great the leader, how prosperous the congregation, or how large the offerings; the
“To grow your church a
church will never have enough.
sized (not man-sized) visio
This is the nature of vision. Any great leader has
need your people to bec
more vision than money. In fact, it is not only the
this journey… no money e
nature of vision but also the nature of faith. Faith requires need. You could say that if you don’t have
One of the major abilities
have enough vision. There
the ability to raise money. Bill Hybels, founding and
senior pastor of William Creek Community Church, US, believes that it is the greatest responsibility of
and accomplish the God-
any leader to raise money, and is the hallmark of
on you’ve been given, you
their leadership. Not preaching or teaching, moving
come financial partners in
in gifts, or gathering crowds, but raising money.
equals a stalled vision.� 96
s of any church builder is
Tithes and offerings, building funds, and love offerings will generate a large proportion of your
C 3 X P R E S S C O U R S E M A N UA L
total income. These are the vehicles that we use
to be tracked as accurate
to gather the finance to facilitate the ministries in
our churches. We need to make sure that we are
maximising these opportunities and learn the skills to inspire our people in giving.
The first key to church finances is found in the
Tithes + Offerings
budget. “A reasonable budget is your ministry’s
lifeblood. It’s how you ensure that the resources
you need to fulfil your mission aren’t eaten up by
Building funds
everyday urgencies… next to your mission, there’s
probably no other document that needs your pastoral leadership like the budget.” 97 A budget is simply keeping track of money coming in and money going out. This administration work is what
provides the church with its freedom to operate
effectively in their mission and outwork their vision
Ministry expenses
without the restraints of debt of financial stress.
To have an effective budget the income (money
As simple as it is, the bo
coming in) and expenses (money going out) need
is that the income need
ely as possible. These can
ottom line of the budget
expenses. The budget though isn’t just merely practical but also spiritual. The budget is a faithfilled document. If goals are clear in mind, then it will cause you to focus on faith.
The beginning of a new location, as we can see, has a multitude of aspects. These all need to be done well, and an overreliance on one aspect or a disregard of another is what could cause the collapse of any new location. We have attempted to cover this topic as broadly as possible while trying to provide a certain degree of depth. There are many more resources readily available (each section has a reference section at the end) to any keen new location starters. We acknowledge that starting a new church isn’t merely a physical or mental endeavour, but rather is largely a spiritual one. So, anyone who seeks to start a new location where possible should only do so under pastoral support and further guidance.
ds to be greater than the
C 3 X P R E S S C O U R S E M A N UA L
References 1
Ed Stetzer. “Finding the R
Model: An Introduction to
1).” The Exchange | A Blog b
October 25, 2017. http://ww
model-introduction-to-chu 2
Stetzer, Planting Missiona
Stetzer, “Finding the Rig
An Introduction to Church 4
Stetzer, Planting Mission
Jayson D. Bradley. “The
Planting Models.” eChurch 6
Ed Stetzer. “Finding the
Model: The Traditional Mo
Exchange | A Blog by Ed Ste
25, 2017. http://www.christ
Right Church Plant
Ed Stetzer. “Finding the Right Church Planting
Church Models (Part
Model: Launch Big Model (Part 3).” The Exchange
by Ed Stetzer. Accessed
| A Blog by Ed Stetzer. Accessed October 25, 2017.
al Churches, 60
Bradley, “The 8 Types of Church Planting
ght Church Plant Model:
h Models (Part 1)”
nal Churches, 60
Model Part 6: The Multi-Site/Satellite Model.”
e 8 Types of Church
The Exchange | A Blog by Ed Stetzer. Accessed
October 25, 2017. http://www.christianitytoday.
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odel (Part 2).” The
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Bradley, “The 8 Types o
Models” 13
Stetzer, Planting Mission
Ibid, 91
Ed Stetzer. “Finding the
Planting Model Part 5: The
Church Approach.” The Ex Stetzer. Accessed October
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Bradley, “The 8 Types o
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Jonny Woodrow. “Mode
Part 1.” Acts 29. Accessed O
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nal Churches, 91
e Right Church
Breen, “Church Planting 101 for the Modern
Missional Community” 21
Steve Timmis. “7 Key Principles for Planters.”
e Organic House
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portablechurch.com. “7 Sm
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Rule 2016” 31
Thom S. Rainer. “Ten Ma
in 2017.” ThomRainer.com.
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Rule 2016” 34
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Last modified January 2,
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40 portablechurch.com. “7 Sm
Church Planters Are Pursu
41 Mark De Ymaz, Building
Church (San Francisco, CA 59-60 42
Stetzer, “5 Future Trend
Ed Stetzer. “Cities and M
Trends in Church Planting
A Blog by Ed Stetzer. Acces
february/cities-and-multicu church-planting-t.html 44
Keller, Centre Church, 15
Bradley, “The 8 Types o
Models” 46
Jim Tomberlin. “What’s T
2017 Edition.” MultiSite So
January 10, 2017. Accesse
mart Trends Successful
g a Healthy Multi-ethnic
A: Jossey-Bass, 2007),
portablechurch.com. “7 Smart Trends Successful
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Tomberlin, “What’s Trending In Multisite? 2017
ds of Church Planting.”
Multiculturalism: Two
g Today.” The Exchange |
ssed October 25, 2017.
portablechurch.com. “7 Smart Trends Successful
Church Planters Are Pursuing,” 50
Tomberlin, “What’s Trending In Multisite? 2017
Edition.” 51
Rainer, “Ten Major Trends for Churches in 2017.”
Tomberlin, “What’s Trending In Multisite? 2017
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Daniel Im. “Trend #1 For The Future Of Church
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