The Everywoman Story First Published September 2018 Copyright Š 2018, C3 Church Sydney Pty Ltd Executive Producers: Ps Chris Pringle @chrisapringle and Ps Bernie Kelsey @berniekelsey. This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwisewithout prior written permission of the publisher, except as provided by Australian copyright law. Designed by Alix Pashley. Images by Wes McDonough and Charlotte Exton Photography. Printed by Emerald Press With thanks to Laura McMahon, Tracey Berry, Tam Edwards and Bek Hooper. All enquiries regarding this publication to be made to: C3 Church Sydney Pty Ltd Locked Bag 8 Dee Why NSW 2099 Australia Phone: + 61 2 9972 8688 Website:
My heart is on fire, boiling over with passion. Bubbling up within me are these beautiful lyrics as a lovely poem to be sung for the King. Like a river bursting its banks, I’m overflowing with words, spilling out into this sacred story Psalm 45:1
20th Anniversary
Who is she who looks forth as the dawn, Beautiful as the full moon, Pure as the sun, Awesome as an army with banners.
Song of Solomon 6:10
Two people are better o than one, for they can help each other to succeed.
Ecclesiastes 4:9
My heart
to yours
Chris Pringle As I pen the journey of Everywoman so far - I am smiling! No one ever imagines their future to be like the dreams of their heart but as the years have rolled by, a pattern has emerged; each year a different shape, size and colour. With time, patience and effort, the pieces have come together to create this exquisite work. Now we take a moment to stand back, breathe and celebrate what we have built together! I have never been a solo act. Even as a singer in my earlier years, I completely depended on the musicians and vocalists backing me, counting me into the starting note. I missed my cue several times, while they covered my stumbling more times than I care to recall, so with Everywoman. Our song has been heard, loved and sung year after year because of an orchestra of very faithful, talented and willing troubadours. To you I take a bow. Some of you were children when we started this brave adventure; now you are women with families and ventures of your own and stories to tell. You are visionaries, pastors, leaders, mums, wives, creatives, missionaries, businesswomen and community workers – you are Everywoman. Your sons and daughters follow in the footsteps you have paved. Some of you are well known, but most are secret revolutionaries chipping away, giving your best to serve the Lord and faithfully build the House of God across the earth. I salute you. To Phil - my Captain, hubby and ‘best buddy’. Over the years, behind the scenes, you have believed in me when I didn’t. Where would I be without your steadfast love and devotion? This year, we celebrate 47 years of marriage and ministry. Your leadership, vision and kindness have been my anchor in times of both joy and turmoil. I love that you have always valued our women and been by my side encouraging me to lead the vision of Everywoman. Thank you babe - forever and always - I love you. During High School in New Zealand, I loved singing in the folk club. I naturally fell into singing the melody line and thankfully a friend of mine found the harmony. Together we were more effective in communicating the song than had I been solo. I found in my friend and co-founder, Bernie Kelsey (affectionately known as ‘Brave Bear’) this perfect harmony. Bernie, you are my faithful, beautiful sister. What a privilege it is to have written this story together. You are the ‘ying to my yang’, my Irish dancing, ‘fit as a fiddle’, clear-eyed Jesus-girl! I love you forever and always. You are my definition of true friendship: a friend in the ship - our ship!
In 1989, Bernie and her family moved to Long Island NYC to plant our first C3 Church on US soil. We stayed deeply connected across the oceans, through cards, letters and the occasional visit. I believe those brave pioneering years fortified her for our future dreams together. Bernie’s story is best told by her, but after she and Mark returned from New York in 1997 (oh happy day!), we felt the Lord breathing on us to expand the borders of ‘women’s ministry’ and bring something to all generations and all women. We created an ‘Everywoman Department’, sharing an office, which we thought was pretty epic! The vision and energy came out of the Lord speaking to both our hearts. To Bernie He said, “Raise an army.” And to me, “Establish the beachhead.” The ‘beachhead’ defined: a future place where missions would go to and from. And the meaning became clearer as we began to unravel the possibilities together with our amazing C3 women. One thing I know to be true is that Jesus loves women, He always has, He always will. If we as His daughters, follow His lead, He will show us His divine purpose and our part in it. So we positioned our hearts, asking the Lord what would be next. I remember well the day we conceived the baby girl of what would become Everywoman. In a café in Avalon, there we sat, two young women, one a trained nurse (Bernie) and the other a kindergarten teacher (me). We laughed, cried, prayed and clothed her with our words and drawings. Our little baby was smart, creative, joyful and very beautiful, and a wee bit mischievous! (I wonder who she got those ‘genes’ from!)
She would love the Lord with all her heart and lead others to Him. She would care for the broken and the bruised. She would create a place in God’s House where healing and wholeness could be nurtured. She would above all be a worshipper of God and fill her life with adoration of Him. She would face every fear with a steady faith in Christ and trust His love. She would be a woman of courage and steadfastness. She would love her husband, children and future generations. She would live a life worthy of her calling. A woman of vision, beauty and purity; with a sword in her hand and boots on her feet!
To Jesus we bow in thanksgiving for all His favour, blessing, kindness and grace over us these past 20 years. To you Lord, we lay our lives at your beautiful feet, you have led us faithfully in this - our sacred story. Big Hugs Always, Mama Chris xxx
Our beginnings 1998 - Breakthru' We were on a mission - We Can Do It! We had a cause but not yet a name. I wrote in the invitation, “It’s time to gather the troops and take new ground.” And 700 women responded to that very first call. WOW.
1999 - Everywoman We found our name - Everywoman.
2001 – Supernatural This was a watershed year for me. It was the same year as our youngest son, Joseph’s HSC. Coming up to the exams, it made me remember many years prior, when Joseph was 8 years old and there was a girl the same age in our church suffering severely from meningitis. Phil and I prayed for her and as we were praying Phil received the word that ‘she will not die’ and I had a very clear vision of her graduating high school, despite her being on life support and medically brain damaged, among many other complications. She miraculously recovered and several years afterwards moved with her family out west. I felt to contact her parents regarding their daughter’s health and found she was not in a great place with her relationship with God or with her with HSC. I spoke with her and as I reminded her of the vision of her graduation she began to cry and over a few weeks, she returned to Jesus! When I saw the footage of her graduation I burst into tears – it was exactly as in the vision all those years ago. I asked her if she would be my guest at the ‘Supernatural’ gathering to testify. She agreed. At the same time, Phil was in the USA for our C3 Conference and wandering through an art gallery in his free time, he saw a crystal statue of an angel holding a tiny baby. He was instantly reminded of the loss of our baby many years prior and deeply moved, decided he must buy this for me, no matter the cost. On arriving home he privately gave me this beautiful gift. We hugged and whispered together, “It’s Jesse.” This triggered a question both from Phil and then the Lord, “Chris, you have to tell this story.” Afraid, but in obedience, I prepared to do so. On the Saturday of the gathering, after I interviewed my young friend on her healing and coming back to Jesus, I quietly turned the page of my notes, to share for the first time in public the loss of our unborn baby. Though afraid, I was surrounded by a quiet presence of the Lord, whose arms I felt tangibly about me. Many reading this account will remember that moment. It was a sacred and holy moment where hundreds of women acknowledged their losses in a safe place and received hope and healing. The presence of God was sweet and quiet as we ministered, one to another. Phil was there to support me, and he too was stunned at the overwhelming response. So many hearts were meeting with Jesus, who has our babies in His care, waiting for us to come to them. It is these moments, which confirm the sacred stories we hold for others.
2003 - Sending the invitation Our invitation was colourful and personal, with journal entries from our speakers including Bobbie Houston, with pictures of their lives and the dreams they had!
2003 - Women Dreaming The Conference was filled with delight and moments of pure joy as women opened their hearts to Jesus – the Dream Giver! It was the first year we closed the gathering with a ‘dream anointing service’ where all the women brought forward their journals with their prayers, dreams and future possibilities and we poured the oil out. I also recall vividly the very week after the gathering and Heli McIntyre’s shock diagnosis of stage 3 ovarian cancer. In this moment my own dreams didn’t mean a thing - only Heli’s welfare and my part in walking with her. This moment taught me: life is so much more than conferences, ministry and success, more than run sheets, budgets and results. It’s about being ‘there’ with your friend, no words needed, just being present. I am deeply aware of women’s needs as we come into each gathering. The burdens and unresolved situations you carry - we do not take lightly. We carry sorrow also. Yes, we rejoice in every miracle, and we should. But we are also keenly aware that some miracles look different to what we expect! This one thing I know to be true - Jesus sees us in it all and loves us deeply and madly.
2008 & 2015 - In Angels Arms Sensing the Holy Spirits nudge, we hosted a Memorial Service for lost babies at the close of the ‘Hand in Hand' gathering. We included a special invitation in the brochure and sent them out into the community to attend a one-hour service. I was deeply impacted by the response. We held it again in 2015 and together with the State Premier’s wife we released doves in the forecourt after the service. It was a moment forever etched into my memory, as the cages were opened, there was a hushed silence as they flew above us. Then, a beautiful thing happened – they formed a circle above us and flew in a swirl of white wings. We lingered there for what seemed like an eternity. There were audible gasps from the families gathered as they hugged one another and recognized the power of letting go into God’s hands. His wings overshadowed us in this most sacred moment.
Unforgettable moments
Our sacred story so far Bernie Kelsey THE GENESIS I have such a vivid image in my mind of sitting in a café with my beautiful friend, Chris, back in 1998 in Avalon, my hometown in Sydney, Australia. It was a coffee catch-up that lasted several hours, we had a lot to catch up on you see! Mark (who is an absolute legend of a husband), our three magnificent kids and myself, had just returned to Australia after nine years church planting in New York. We were called out of Sydney in 1989 and then called back to Sydney at Christmastime in 1997, simply yielding to the call of God. We were back to embark upon the new work of starting the ‘School of International Church Planting’, a burden the Lord had placed upon our hearts for churches planted around the globe. In that little café, we found ourselves caught up in a wild dreaming session. It was like we were the only two people in the building - you know those moments – when time stands still! We were talking about the beautiful house of God, swapping stories and chatting about this shared heartbeat we had for the women in our sphere of influence and beyond. Women: young and old, from all walks of life and in all different seasons of life. We saw these women clearly and wondered how we could gather them and invest in their lives. We knew that many of these women were feeling overwhelmed by life, they were facing challenges and fears, feeling lonely and disconnected and then there were others that were running well in their lane of life but looking for a place to belong where their gifts could be expressed in serving others. We were tripping over each other’s sentences with so much enthusiasm and revelling in the joy of being on the same page. It was a one heart - one mind - one spirit experience. It was, in essence, the beginning of Everywoman. And much like the woman described in Proverbs 31:25, ‘She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come,’ 20 years on here we are, still laughing together, still dreaming together and still learning so much!
“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin” Zechariah 4:10 New beginnings are wonderous! I would like to take you back to our very first Everywoman Gathering - back to Rosie the Riveter! She was the 1942 cultural icon of WWII who inspired us in 1998 to be confident, who said to us you can do it!! Like Rosie, we rolled up our sleeves and stepped out to take new ground, establishing a beachhead for all women (the word that the Lord had spoken to Chris). We stood up and said we will have a GO! This was our beginning and our breakthrough year. We were so encouraged to rest in the knowledge that the Lord was rejoicing over us as we stepped out. The 'new thing' can feel pretty scary and quite overwhelming, often filled with ‘what ifs?’ The only thing we knew for certain was that we definitely felt the smile of heaven upon us as we launched. We just kept putting courage inside of each other knowing our faithful God, the God of heaven and earth, was rejoicing over our new beginning.
“The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.” 1 Thessalonians 5:23 Seven hundred beautiful women, along with their children, arrived at that first gathering. We were overjoyed and praised God for His grace poured out upon us. Every year since, we have continued to seek God for His heart, His word and the breath of heaven for His daughters. The naming of the gathering each year, felt to me to be like a piece of heaven, sent to be woven into the fabric of our lives. God was giving to us exactly what we needed individually but also as a company of women.
you can do it
we found our name
we established our name
on earth as it is in heaven
She Worships Women Dreaming The Journey The Kiss The Brave Favour
she has a song in her heart unearthing the dreams in our hearts we are pilgrims we are loved and known she is strong and courageous our 10th birthday
Hand In Hand
we are better together
Secret Revolutionary
the unseen champions
All Around The World Our Sabbath Year Hope is My Anchor The Gathering Now I See Dream Again Now is the Time Full Flight Crowned
reaching all the corners of the earth the year we rested the ground hope is alive a sacred call to gather eyes wide open reigniting dreams a call to action a time to rise our 20th birthday
Over the years the scope of everywoman has expanded to include ‘Little Ones’, these are our baby girls and boys. We created ‘Everygirl’ for our sweet primary aged girls. ‘Everywoman Youth’ for our gorgeous high school girls and more recently, ‘She Leads’ to equip and encourage women as leaders in the marketplace, community and church.
ON RAISING UP AN ARMY As Chris and I began to outwork the vision for EVERYWOMAN two very significant things happened. One was that I was asked to lead the women’s connect groups and the other was that we both received a word from the Lord. The word to Chris was a clear direction to establish a beachhead and the word to me was about raising up an army. I felt the Lord ask me this question, “What’s in your heart?” It was both a question and a tiny key that the Lord was putting into my hand. I tested it out the next time I met with a woman from church and asked her this question, “So what’s in your heart?” The answer was that she had a desire to help single mums. This question unlocked a passion within her that had been dormant and actioned a new connect group for single mums. We have seen this happen over and over again. Our women’s connect groups were the very foundation upon which we would build our gatherings. We saw the beautiful army of God assemble - dedicated, prayerful and remarkable women who led connect groups every week. The purpose and calling of this army: to be carriers of the love of God into every neighbourhood. They are to this day the Everywoman heroes! As we continued to navigate the Everywoman story, with Chris at the helm, we always involved and included others, purposefully creating room for the gifts and ideas of others to be expressed and actioned. One of our guiding scriptures for Everywoman paved the way:
“Who is she who looks forth as the morning, Fair as the moon, clear as the sun, awesome as an army with banners.” Song of Solomon 6:10 It was the hand in hand part of our journey - we are definitely better together. It has not always been perfect, but we were committed to working through the challenges for the joy of seeing so many of our sons and daughters discover their purpose and who are now serving Jesus all around the world.
ALONGSIDE CHRIS From the moment Mark and I walked into what was then called Christian Centre Northside back in 1980 we have felt an instant connection to Phil and Chris. We have known that this connection with them is a God-given divine bond and as the years have sailed by this has only grown deeper within us. Bound together for a bigger purpose. I am beyond thankful for our friendship. Chris is a stunning person. She is a true Jesus girl, lover of the House of God and people. She is colourful, creative, hospitable, generous, intuitive, a pilgrim and warrior who fights in prayer for her family and friends. She is known to her ‘Ya Ya’s’ as Christine of the North - valiant and a bit naughty! She is inspiration plus to all who know her. She is the real deal and I am honoured to journey alongside her. Working with Chris these past 20 years has been a great adventure and like going out sailing. Heading out on the ocean, wild and blue, catching the wind in our sails and opening our hearts wide to the next divine revelation for our family, our church, our women and our girls. We have faced many a trial and a few storms along the way but this comes with the territory of pioneering, expansion and future casting. Our true north understanding that we are better together has undergirded us and reigned over each and every moment as we persevere to see the vision come to pass. We have always been carried along by the beautiful wind of the Holy Spirit, not giving way to fear when the sailing isn’t smooth for we have both known it’s about who’s in the boat with us - Captain Jesus! All my love Bernie (Brave Bear) xoxo
We will gather yet again, to share our stories of triumphs and diďŹƒculties, to strengthen our earnest intent, to be women who will not give into discouragement or fear. Women, who no matter the personal cost, will stay true to our high call - to be pilgrims of Christ till the finish line. CHRIS (THE JOURNEY 2004)
She is determined to be a woman who rises
Elka Whalan A WORD CAME TO ME AND I'VE NEVER LOOKED BACK. It was the year I didn't want to attend year; the year that sounded to me, a bit cliché. I signed up anyway, knowing that no matter what, I always walked away with new gold and wisdom. It was 2015 and called ‘Dream Again’ - Chris gifted everyone a light blue diary with it on the front. Despite myself, I found myself at every session, listening to every word, worshipping and down the front overtime on the altar. I was mesmerised by all the speakers and felt as though Sheila Walsh spoke directly to me. Later that month, a word came to me and I've never looked back. Queenhood was born and since then it has gone on to become a platform and event for women all over Sydney; all because I was faithful to God and came to an incredible gathering of women. ‘Dream Again’ was where I remembered that it is never too late - that when God puts the seed of a dream in your heart it is not there to tease you but to tell you – this is for you!
Nat Taylor THE PLANNING TABLE WITH SLEEVES ROLLED UP AND PRAYERFUL CARE, IS SOMETHING I WILL NEVER FORGET. I have had the privilege of sitting at the Everywoman planning table for a number of years as part of the Exec Team. Some tables we sit at to contribute and others to glean, what I have gleaned from this table is worth its weight in gold. I have seen visions and dreams evolve out of the overflow of Chris’s heart and take shape across the landscape of the Everywoman Gathering. Chris - our effervescent, creative and poetic visionary, and Bernie - the most loyal wingwoman and interpreter of the vision you have ever seen. At times the weight has been great and it was precious to witness our leaders lean into the wind, and hold fast to the words God had placed in their hearts. The main stage is the feasting table, heavy laden and thoughtfully prepared, but the planning table with sleeves rolled up and prayerful care, is something I will never forget.
Kirrily Smeallie I FELT MY DREAMS UNLOCK AND RISE UP WITHIN ME. I was feeling a little lost and in limbo in life, waiting for something to happen so I could move forward. I went with the group from my local church to the ‘Everywoman Dreaming’ gathering, with faint hope in my heart that God might reveal some sort of pathway for me. Chris encouraged us to write down our visions and draw out our dreams. As I wrote and drew, I felt dreams unlock and rise up within me, together with the courage to allow God to bring them to pass in my life. I look back now and recognise this was a key turning point for me. It softened my heart, lifted my vision and allowed me to move forward into loving relationships, ministry and a bigger sense of the call of God upon my life.
Stacie LaGreca I SQUEEZED MY TEENAGE SELF INTO A SINGLET, KNOWING THE SIGNIFICANCE IT HELD FOR US ALL. I was a teenager when Everywoman started, I came with other girls and I look around today at so many of them whom I am still doing life with. I'm truly thankful to God, that he fulfils our heart’s desires as women, for great friends who soon become our home. He has so faithfully placed incredible women of all generations in my life. One precious memory I have is the very first time I was asked to speak at an Everygirl conference. It was called ‘Girl Dreamer’ and they gave out singlets with these words on the front. I squeezed my teenage self into a singlet, knowing the significance it held for us all. I never thought in my wildest dreams that one day I would be running Everygirl, let alone sharing moments with my own 3 yr old daughter Briley!
Jessen Lee I HAVE DISCOVERED THAT BEING CONNECTED TO A GATHERING OF WOMEN IS LIFE DEFINING. At 15 years old, my mum introduced me to my first experience of a women’s gathering at our local church - for the next 17 years I didn’t miss a moment that these women gathered. I have discovered that being connected to a gathering of women is life defining. It helps to shape who you are and who you’re becoming. No matter age or background, I’ve found the below to be true: If you’re lonely, there’s friendship. If you’re struggling, there’s support. If you’re scared, there’s a safe place. If you’re sick, there’s prayer and miracles. If you’re hopeless, there’s hope. If you’re young, there are women to learn from. If you’re older, there are a whole generation in need of your love! And if life is well for you, there’s people to celebrate with.
Mary Simpson I WAS ABLE TO BREATHE AGAIN. I first attended an Everywoman Conference in 2003. At the time I was feeling spiritually dry and exhausted. At the invitation of my friend, I flew over from Perth and spent the weekend in Sydney with no inkling of what God wanted to do in my life. Little did I know that it would be a turning point for me. Although I don’t necessarily remember a particular speaker or message, what I do recall (even 15 years later) was a sense of freedom and unbridled joy which I had not felt in a very long time. The exuberance, colour, confidence, and authenticity of the women (both onstage and off ) was contagious. Over that weekend I laughed, I cried, I worshipped, I dreamed again and felt released just to be me. Simply put, I was able to breathe again. I had no idea that it was just the start of a fresh new chapter of what God had in store for me and where I then got to serve on the Everywoman Team over the next seven years - how amazing is God! I am forever grateful to Chris and Bernie for staying the course and raising up a movement of Christ-centred, bold and ‘free to be themselves’ women.
Amanda Antcliff I FELT KISSED FROM HEAVEN. I was asleep in my bed the day after the 2005 ‘The Kiss’ gathering, when I was awoken by God. In that moment His presence invaded my room. I felt kissed from heaven and commissioned to write a book. Something very deep had been planted in my life during the gathering. I felt compelled by God to stir other women. In a journal sitting at the side of my bed I wrote these words; “Write a prophetic mandate to my women, tell them it is their time to rise; it is their time to shine”. This encounter with God began a stretching journey for over two years of writing and rewriting, and in 2008 ‘Women Rising’ was published. This book has been a blessing to many women and a number of churches have named their women’s conferences after the title of my book. I am so thankful that the many Everywoman conferences I have attended have taught me to wait on Him: to dream, to write, to be brave, to rise, to run and to be a woman of influence.
Tracey Berry I WAS EMPOWERED AS A CREATIVE. I was privileged to be part of Everywoman's very formation in 1998 – at the table with Chris and Bernie we tossed around names till ‘Everywoman’ was born – the intention being to celebrate, include, elevate and inspire every woman to know ‘It's great to be you!’ and ‘The world needs you!’ As I look retrospectively, I am bursting at the seams with joy at all God has done during our twenty years. Thousands of lives have been impacted, influenced and transformed, and I’m one of them! In preparation for the ‘She Worships’ gathering in 2002, for the first time in a long time, I felt like a round peg in a round hole. I was empowered as a creative to collaborate with other designers to create the look and feel of Everywoman and to set a stake in the ground for the legacy to come. From designing our first ever merchandise to directing photo shoots to creating the brochure to helping prepare a space for women to come, I knew God was smiling and I was thriving; ‘Not only thankful, but brimming with worship, deeply reverent before God,’ Hebrews 12:28.
Pam Melocco IT SET ME ON A NEW PATH. A BRAVE NEW WORLD OUT THERE, READY TO CONQUER! My husband Graham passed away suddenly, in our garden in January 2007, from a cardiac arrest. For the next few months my three daughters and I tried to navigate our way through many issues. They were difficult times. During that period, Bernie phoned and asked me if I would speak at Everywoman 2007 about my journey since my husband had died. My first reaction was, “I couldn’t possibly do that!” But beautiful Bernie, with her gentle manner and encouraging words, over many, many days and weeks, finally convinced me that I could do it. I also began to realise that the Lord wanted me to do it. I didn’t want to be disobedient! It was the best thing I could have done, and the most healing. I remember Bernie standing beside me as I delivered my talk to the women. I was as nervous as a kitten - Jesus and Bernie were my Rock that day. The response was amazing and it set me on a new path. A brave new world out there, ready to conquer! At my age? Yes, even at my age!
Caley Korocz I HAD TAKEN A TEST IN FAITH AND FOUND OUT I WAS PREGNANT. I remember walking into the ‘Now I See’ gathering in 2014 and feeling a sense of overwhelming gratitude. From the first moment of worship I had tears running down my face. My husband and I had great difficulty conceiving and falling pregnant. We were given a bad report from the doctors that it would take medical intervention for us to have a baby and would be a long road. However, the morning of this first day of the gathering I had taken a test in faith and found out I was pregnant with our second son! The whole gathering I walked around in disbelief that Jesus had blessed us with another babe and so thankful for the women around me who had prayed for us, believed with us and carried us in their hearts! I count it a huge privilege to be a part of this team and am so thankful for Chris and Bernie leading the way and being faithful to the call so that many women, including myself, can encounter God!
Laura McMahon I FELT ALL THE UNCERTAINTY, HOPELESSNESS AND SHAME WRAPPING ME LIKE A CLOAK FALL AWAY. After some pretty major family crises I found myself completely adrift from everything I knew to be true, from church and even God. Broken-hearted and rebellious, I had moved away from where I’d grown up and at 19yrs old, in with my only ever boyfriend! (now husband). He started attending the church nearby - C3 Oxford Falls and wandering the bookstore one day found an Everywoman Journal with the words, ‘Who is she that looks forth like the dawn, As beautiful as the full moon, As pure as the sun, As awesome as an army with banners’ on the front. He bought the journal for me and then also had the scripture engraved on a little sterling silver compact to celebrate my new job at a city law firm. When I saw the verse so gorgeously inscribed it was an instant and watershed moment, I felt all the uncertainty, hopelessness and shame wrapping me like a cloak fall away. I knew with utter conviction that Jesus still saw me as beautiful, pure and awesome. That no matter what had been, in His hands, my life, relationships and dreams could be restored.
Sheralyn Bucknell IT IS NOT TOO LATE. In 2015 at the ‘Dream Again’ gathering, Pastor Leanne Matthesius had a prophetic word for me that I was like Caleb, who at 85 took his mountain – in other words, ‘you are not too old, and it is not too late’. After the gathering, I did a study on Caleb and was so encouraged by his faith and how he wholeheartedly continued to serve God through a long season of difficulty. At 85 years old, he eventually took possession of the land promised to him by God many years prior. Caleb did not quit! This God-moment at Everywoman filled me with renewed hope and faith for our future. Fast-forward and my husband Paul and I were recently given the wonderful C3 Church Avalon Location to pastor, and we are loving it! I am so thankful to God, to Everywoman and to Caleb!
Friends of Everywoman
“With all that is happening around the planet today, we need to know that as women, we have each other’s backs.” Darlene Zschech Everywoman is what it is because of Chris and her precious team, and the things that are of value to her; the presence of God and people. Because Chris is so relational, in a room of thousands, she makes you feel like you’re the only one in the room. She’s willing to open up and speak from some of the deepest and hardest parts of her life, and transparency coupled with grace, is very empowering for women. Bernie is the ultimate example of humility while at the same time being a strong and gracious leader. There is nothing like seeing women rise as they walk in their God-given purpose, and Everywoman is a part of seeing this come to pass. Women gathering is a village that will not retreat, whatever may come. Women can be each other’s greatest cheerleaders or cause so much damage through unhealthy comparison and gossip. Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever
has.” We need each other. And with all that is happening around the planet today, we NEED to know that as women, we have each other’s backs. I think the thing that tries to undermine us constantly as women is our personal revelation of VALUE. It is only the fullness of God alive in us that will ever fill every part of our soul - it is the LOVE and LIGHT of Christ alive in us. In Song of Songs we are continually told how beautiful and lovely we are before God and this is a fact. In Psalm 139 God reveals his passion for us and intention for greatness over our lives, and yet, all day long the world is telling us we are not enough. So without a heavenly revelation of value and purpose, we will continually be pulled back into the trap of thinking we need all the things the world offers to keep us fulfilled. Everywoman helps declare the heavenly words over every single female (and all the males for that matter); that we are designed on purpose, for purpose.
Holly Wagner I loved my time at Everywoman! The spirit of generosity and kindness was so refreshing! And I absolutely adored the cooking lesson from Jane Grover – she was hilarious! But for me, the time I got to spend with Chris Pringle was the greatest. She is genuinely so very encouraging, such a special woman, and I am forever grateful for her friendship! Something so powerful happens when the daughters of the King gather! And now, in a world and culture that can still be so demeaning to women, it is more important than ever that we gather and offer our voice and perspective. Life is full of challenges, and most of us are surprised when we encounter them. I am encouraging women to be prepared to navigate the storms of life and to stand strong in a world that is full of confusion and chaos.
“Sometimes what starts out as a small act of bravery snowballs into something that changes many lives.” - (Find Your Brave)
“There is never a moment where God is not watching over you.” - (It’s Okay Not To Be Okay)
Sheila Walsh I think one of the most unique things about the Everywoman Gathering is that no matter what stage or age you are at in life, you will be deeply touched and profoundly encouraged in who you are as a woman in Christ. Whether you're a teenager, a young mum, a busy (this auto-corrected the first time to ‘busty’ – God loves us big girls too!) professional or have retired, you'll be gifted with a fresh perspective on the uniqueness of who you are. There were so many moments that left an imprint on my heart. The worship was breathtaking. Everything that happened on the platform seemed so effortless which meant that hundreds of hands and hearts had put this together. For me, what I saw in Chris, on and off the platform, marked me for good. I think she is God's show-and-tell to a world that tries to squeeze us into it's mould. She is one of the most unique, gifted, quirky, brilliant, compassionate, at-home-in-her-skin leaders
I've ever known. Her life invites us to come as we are. Women are lonely, very busy, but often very alone. We think we're connected because we follow people on social media but most of the people we follow wouldn't recognize us in the street. We were made for more. We were designed for deep, soul-tosoul connection. When we gather together we remember who we are: God's beautiful daughters, deeply loved, holding each other up when we're not strong enough to stand. One of the messages deep in my heart is this, it's okay not to be okay. We carry inside such a punishing list of things we believe we need to get right so that God will love us. Most of the time all that list tells us is that we've failed. Following Jesus isn't about getting everything right. It's about following the One who has made us right. I used to pursue perfection and it nearly killed me. Now I pursue Christ who is perfect.
She is Ever She is a woman who has influence in her world and beyond. She is a voice for the future. This woman is surprising. She is not the woman we expect to see out front. She doesn't frequent the front covers of glossy magazines. She may not look like a woman of influence. Her hands could be scarred, dirtied, calloused from hard work.
ywoman Her makeup imperfect. Her brow marked with burden. In a worldly sense she is unknown, unnamed, unglamorous. She will defy all our stereotypes. Yet this woman doesn't need to be recognised. She purposefully walks the earth each day reaching out to those around her. She oers love and acceptance, dignity and mercy. She is a secret revolutionary! CHRIS (THE SECRET REVOLUTIONARY 2009)
The story of Helen McIntyre Words Emily Francis Nee McIntyre 2003 WOMEN DREAMING Mum was diagnosed with Stage 3 Ovarian cancer in November 2003. She was 48 years old. The ‘Women Dreaming’ gathering had just finished and she knew something was wrong. The Dr told her it would shorten her life. He was right. But how long she had at this point was a mystery to all of us. After they removed the bulk of the tumour she started chemotherapy. Helen Gillian McIntyre was extraordinary, but not because she battled cancer for 5 years. She was extraordinary before she ever got there. I doubt mum ever dreamed her journey would include cancer but we all have our valleys to walk through, our mountains to traverse and light and shade is a part of life. We begin optimistic and even idealistic, but as days turn into months and months into years, reality unfolds. Life will not always deliver you what you imagined and for everyone pain exists in different forms. This would be a slightly depressing place to land were it not for the existence of an extraordinarily loving God. In every place of suffering, if we choose to draw close to God in the process, we are changed from glory to glory, as we come to know Him more and more. It’s the silver lining around a very black cloud. And that’s what she did. She didn’t walk away in the valley, she stayed close. Her diagnosis was the genesis of 5 long years, each one marked from beginning to end with an Everywoman Gathering. These moments were significant for her because they were milestones. Doctors had told her that sufferers of Ovarian Cancer did not live past 5 years from diagnosis so every year she was able to attend another gathering was a miracle. 2004 THE JOURNEY Mum had a goal in 2004 and it was to be at Everywoman. She was officially in remission from cancer and feeling good. She made it to the gathering but a month later she knew her body was not doing well. The cancer had returned and they found a lesion on her liver - the worst place for cancer to be. My favourite memory of mum growing up was that every night when I was going to sleep I would make her, not ask her, but make her, pat my head for at least 10 minutes before
“Friends love through all kinds of weather, and families stick together in all kinds of trouble.” Proverbs 17:17 she was allowed to say goodnight and have a life of her own. I also made her listen as I recounted every detail of the day in a desperate attempt to have her with me a few minutes longer. I also made her read to me at least 10 books every morning. Through primary school and into high school she drove me to gymnastics training 3 times a week, sometimes very early in the morning. Never once did she complain. Much like she was as a mother, mum got on with life even after the cancer returned, enduring multiple treatments, side effects and pain. She literally did just ‘keep walking’ throughout the entire journey. When it came to serving others she never had an agenda, never wanted or needed anything for herself, wasn’t grasping or seeking. She was just servant-hearted; in the way she spoke with others, the way she treated them, and the way she treated us kids. She was simply herself. She used what was in her hand: grace, kindness, humility, quietness, gentleness, peace, steadfastness and consistency. She believed her role in the Kingdom was to support Phil and Chris’s vision and to raise her 3 kids. It was as simple as that. Nothing changed while she suffered. She still came to church, she still greeted people at the door with a huge smile on her face. She just kept going. 2005 THE KISS The chemo had stopped working so they switched it out for a new one. She had litres of fluid building up in her abdomen and had to go through the agony of having it drained. In her words, “I am feeling really sick. I cry when I go in for the drainage.” But her friends kicked in and kept her above the waves. She and Chris went on a trip to NZ which turned out to be refreshing and refocusing. She came home more determined to fight than ever. I think mum’s greatest achievement was simply who she was. Her presence inspired people rather than a list of accomplishments. At Everywoman she simply supported Chris and Bernie by being their friend, by turning up. She was just at everything, until she couldn’t physically do that anymore. Some friendships are life-long and God-given. I can see that in mum’s friendship with Chris. Chris was so important to mum and especially through the 5 years post diagnosis. I don’t think she could have done it without her. They were perfectly opposite and so good for each other. The name Everywoman signifies that we value each woman as a unique individual. We need the flamboyant and the fragile, the gallant and the gentle, the provocateur and the peaceful. Mum was the latter in all cases. And I dare say Chris was the former, in all the right ways! Mum was as sweet as a gentle kiss and Chris was the big hug - what a combination.
2006 THE BRAVE Chemotherapy is brutal. 3 days in a row of treatment, 5 hours per day. But it seemed to be working. Her cancer marker was coming down. Mum wrote, “I don’t have a choice but to carry on and hold my chin up and move forward.” That’s brave. No other word for it. Mum would never have called herself brave. The truly brave don’t need to self-label but everyone around them recognises it. When I read her journals again recently she confirmed it in her own words, “To be honest with you I have never wanted any attention especially that which comes with terminal illness.” She was brave not only because she endured 5 years of painful treatment but because at a young age, married with 2 children, she left her home country and all her family and friends to follow a call from God. Her journals reveal that she was so excited to be standing alongside Phil and Chris to build the church here in Sydney. She loved everything about the church; she made people her life, even when she was struggling with cancer treatments and its side effects. She had fears just like everyone else but she never spoke about them except perhaps to Dad or Chris. She certainly kept them from us, her kids.
2007 FAVOUR Mum felt very ill. She had done a lot of travelling this year, which she enjoyed, but chemo continued to poison her body. The Doctors gave her three choices: Stay on the old chemo, let nature take its course or try another drug called Taxol. Mum started to imagine her funeral over and over in her mind. She wanted to fight but she was getting tired. All the ladies from mum’s cancer support group had passed away. Mum was the only one left. God has a way of blessing us in the middle of the valley. Of sitting us down at a feast in the presence of our enemies. Mum was able to experience more of the world in those last 5 years than she had in her whole life I think. She had some amazing times: her 50th celebration, my sister’s wedding, when my sister announced her first pregnancy, beautiful overseas trips and laughing with her dear friends. All the special moments that come with reprioritising life and focussing on the things that matter. It was God’s favour to give her beautiful gifts when so much was being taken away.
2008 HAND IN HAND Mum knew she was going to die. She decided to stop treatment. They had all stopped working anyway. She gave away her jewellery, wrote letters to all her nearest and dearest and talked with dad about where they would bury her. As always, she thought of everyone else first and waited until one week after the Everywoman Gathering to pass away. She knew her best friend needed to focus on the gathering and still have time to say goodbye. God knew this too. In terms of legacy, her funeral told me everything I needed to know about the kind of impact one can have without raising their voice, without striving, without wanting notoriety. That the bravest thing a woman can do is stay in their lane, be genuinely themselves and enjoy their family. There is a tree called the Angel Oak in South Carolina, it’s very strong and very beautiful. I think her strength anchored everyone around her, but her strength looked like stillness, quietness and peace. Her beauty was clear to see but it went beyond the surface, coming deep from the roots of her heart. She was a strong tree, a fruit-bearing tree and she provided shade from the harshness of life for everyone she met. Mum was called by one pastor in our church, ‘an angel with skin on’. I had no trouble agreeing with that statement. And it’s not lost on me that I lived with her and I can still completely agree. She wasn’t perfect. No one is. And whilst I know that we can sometimes canonise those who have passed, forgetting all their faults, in her case, it’s just true - she was extraordinary. Mum was so brave and Jesus is the hero of this story. He took her hand on Friday 31st October 2008 at around 7.20pm and whisked her away to a glorious place without pain. Mum died almost 5 years to the day of her diagnosis. I like to think she is up there in heaven doing all her favourite things: riding horses, drinking tea, laughing her head off at her own jokes, just having the absolute time of her life. And when I think about that, I can’t stay sad. It’s awful for those left behind, but wonderful for her. She is eternally celebrating, being celebrated by heaven and receiving her rewards. She received an early graduation from earth I think. I, her family, her friends, her church will never forget her. The beautiful Helen Gillian McIntyre (1955-2008).
For Heli This year is the tenth anniversary of your promotion into eternity. You were an Everywoman Ambassador par excellence and we honour your legacy in this, our 20th year.
Heli, you were my best friend over many years and the quiet achiever in our midst. You were affectionately to our kids their ‘second mum’, I cannot count the times you loved them and cared for them as though they were your own. While I whizzed about the stage, leading worship or preaching up a storm, you were there on the front row cheering me on. In the five years you battled cancer, I never heard a complaint, as you valiantly picked yourself up and came to church, hands lifted in praise. Everyone loved you and your quiet sensibility. In October 2008, you confided in me that you didn’t think you would be well enough to come to Everywoman that year. You agreed to a private filming, where you would open your heart to us and tell us of your love for family, God’s House and your friends. You excelled and boy - once you got going, I couldn’t stop you! Your love poured out like a river. It was such a sacred story. Your strength of spirit shone through. After this moment, I remember your eldest Reuben calling to say hello from Perth. He asked what you were doing and you said, “Well I am a movie star today and you might need to talk to my agent about scheduling!” Always fun and selfless; we played your film at the gathering while you rested in bed sending a big, ‘Hi Heli!’ which you loved! The following week was to be your farewell on earth, as your friends and family gathered quietly to say farewell. On Friday night at 7:20 pm you took the early flight, angels carrying your spirit into eternity. I know you are in your beautiful mansion, filled with orchid trees, animals and yes - puppies and horses! If angels ever send messages to heaven – I ask them to say a resounding, ‘thank you’. For you are a woman of worth who made our lives, my life, richer. Big hugs and see you on the other side. Your ‘Ya Ya ‘ sis forever, Chris P.S. You once said to me, that if the food was good in heaven, you would send me a few crumbs on my shoulder! “That’s a bit scary,” I said. “Please don’t!” And in true Heli style – she hasn’t!
What I know about favour We Have Laughed And Cried With Vicki Over The Years – As She Has Shared Her Life Stories And Encouraged Us Through Them In Christ. Here, She Talks Honestly About Favour And Disappointment.
Words by Vicki Simpson While preparing this article on Favour, I researched Instagram (yes, that’s what I call scrolling through Insty – research) for the tags #favour #favoured (for our U.S friends that would be #favor #favored). What came up was an array of happy snaps of happy people celebrating happy occasions. The promotion #favour, the wedding #favour, the happy family #favour, the happily-ever-after #favour. So what are you meant to think, when life as a Christian woman doesn’t always look like the above? What do you do when the favour of God looks like it’s gone on long service leave? Speaking of long service leave, it was 2012 and I was 3 weeks into a stint of long service leave that had been 20 years in the making. I’d been travelling in ministry all that time, a road warrior for Christ, when I finally ‘pushed pause’ for a much needed season of R & R.
I went to bed one night and woke the next day to life, but not as I’d known it. I got out of bed and as my feet hit the floor, pain shot through my legs. As I went to walk, I discovered I couldn’t! In addition to this, my vision wasn’t right - it was flickering. I ended up in an ambulance on my way to the emergency department of the local hospital. After eliminating a whole lot of nasties like stroke, brain tumour and multiple sclerosis, the doctors concluded (after some days) that I had a virus and this virus had caused inflammation to my nervous system. It was affecting my hearing, my smell, my sight, and my movement. In fact, every sense was affected except my speech (praise the Lord!). Apart from feeling really sick, I admit to feeling really ripped off. This wasn’t how I had intended to be spending my long awaited rest. An 8-month journey of recovery followed, including neuro-physiotherapy. I can walk fine now but my running leaves a lot to be desired (which is no great loss because I’ve never been known for my running). I also have some neurological damage that makes me hypersensitive to strobe, flashing lights and a host of other 21st century institutions. What does this have to do with Favour you may wonder? I remember early on in that season, going to bed with fear of what I might face when I woke up. One morning I was so grateful and relieved, that I actually did wake up, I sat on our sofa and sobbed. I also thought back to the Christmas Day church service where I received Jesus as my Lord and Saviour at 19 years old. I skipped out of that service like a spring lamb. I had just received eternal life, and I knew it. My heart was bursting with joy. Fast forward 32 years, and I had gradually accumulated a mass of disappointments and a fair bit of resentment towards the Lord because of what He hadn’t done for me; including a miraculous healing so I could enjoy my long service leave! There on that sofa I had a faith-defining moment. When I got saved, I thought I’d hit the jackpot. Jesus was my prize. He was what I’d been looking for. I had found the Lord! I’d struck it rich! That was before I knew anything about prosperity, healing, prophecies or promises. I had no expectation for anything else and I was full. Don’t get me wrong, I believe that we have reason to rejoice when we get the healing, the house, the husband. However, maybe our idea of Favour has become too attached to circumstances? I know I had equated favour with good gifts rather than a good God. Mary found favour with God (Luke 1:25,30) but experienced the agony of watching her son crucified on a cross. Jesus increased in favour (Luke 2:52) and yet no one has suffered on planet earth like He did. I came to the realisation that if I never walked again, I hadn’t lost God’s favour, because I was still His daughter. Favour is relational, not circumstantial. Even if your life doesn’t look ‘favoured’, (especially when compared to other people’s Instagram posts), remember this: You are God’s daughter and because of Jesus, you live under His smile and not His frown. And there is no greater favour than that.
Secret Rev
The year I met Alice Achan, a statuesque Acholi woman in Pader, northern Uganda, I walked into her field of dreams. Her dreams led us, as Everywoman, to build something beautiful together. Not only mortar and clay but what I value most in life - relationship. In 2008 Alice travelled to Sydney with her Pastor, Cathy Livingston, from C3 Church Kitgum, to tell her remarkable story of triumph over civil war and untold sorrow. This was
a significant moment at the gathering and brought two diverse cultures together. Woman to woman, heart to heart, Alice epitomised the ‘Secret Revolutionary ‘ I envisioned for that year. When we hear that whisper of the Holy Spirit - our obedience is always for others. We love and honour you this 20th Anniversary of Everywoman sweet Alice!
Words by Philippa Tyndale The beautiful love affair between C3 Everywoman and the young girls of northern Uganda started in 2006, the year the twenty-year war between the LRA and the Ugandan government was coming to a close, and the year Ps Chris first met Alice Achan after an evening session of C3’s East African conference in Kampala. Alice was shy: she had hung back when the pastor from Kitgum, David Livingstone, urged her to tell Chris about the girls in her care, wrapping her wool scarf tighter around her shoulders. But as soon as she started talking about her work with young mothers who had been abducted, put into sexual slavery with the LRA and returned with babies and no education, Chris knew this was the young woman God had put on her heart as she prayed in the weeks leading up to the trip. “You will meet a young woman and you’ll know what you have to do,” she wrote in her diary. Chris had prayed for Alice that night at the conference, and told her: “Alice, you are not to worry about the direction of this work. Great men and women will come around CCF to support you.” They were reassuring words that Alice would hold on to long after Chris had left Uganda. Chris soon arranged to extend her visit to Kitgum, in the north of Uganda, to include Alice’s home town of Pader, arriving on a dangerous road that still had weekly ambushes from the rebels venturing down from their hiding places in the rocky hillsides to the north, and deep potholes from the rainy season. When David Livingstone’s Land Cruiser pulled up with Chris, Alice could not contain herself. “Chris, Chris, a baby has been born!” she leaned into the car, her beaming smile soon returned. “Come and see,” Alice said, leading her into the darkened birthing hut. It took some moments for Chris’s eyes to adjust to the room, for her senses to take in the musty smell and quiet whimpering. “Joyce, we have a visitor from Australia,” Alice enthused, trying to buoy the girl, but at that moment Joyce could barely respond. Joyce lay motionless on a mat, resting in the dark, and beside her lay a newborn girl, wrapped in a cotton cloth, just two hours old. “It is sometimes hard for the girls to feel happy in this this moment,” Alice whispered to Chris. “But we will celebrate the arrival of this little girl into the world.” This moment – the newborn baby, the teenage mother, the tenderness of new life in the midst of desperation – was imprinted forever on Chris’s heart. “What can we do to help here?” Chris asked, and soon Alice had led her to a scrappy piece of land with thick undergrowth, the remnants of cassava crops and a few tall shea and mango trees, where she planned to build a school for the girls she had been gathering in the tents supplied by UNICEF. She pointed out where the various buildings would be - a school building, a boarding facility, a school hall, a nursery. She told her how CCF would introduce academic studies and continue sewing and baking and other vocational programs. She would build a sanctuary for girl mothers, she explained. In Alice’s mind it was already there.
Then she pulled out some plans for a guesthouse and training facility, where the girls could receive real-life hospitality experience and it could provide an income stream for the school. Alice’s vision for the vulnerable young girls infected Chris. Back in Sydney, she related her stories with tears and passion, and Everywoman came behind her. Everywoman’s support of Pader Girls’ Academy started with buying sewing machines and fabrics for the young girls to make bags and other items they could sell to support themselves, and visits from women with skills to help. But it was the launch of the program to build the CCF Guesthouse beside the school that set a new bar in support from the women of C3 Church. In 2012, a team arrived in Pader for a joyous celebration of the opening of the building that now hosts visitors from far and wide, and conferences of government and non-government organisations. It’s been an enduring relationship. The Everywoman community has continued to support CCF’s work with marginalised girls through scholarships in midwifery and nursing, through birthing kits and a Safe Birth Program, through individuals who’ve volunteered their time and expertise. Most recently, women from the Everywoman community have formed a partnership with CCF to establish a Maternal and Child Health centre, where girls can experience high quality care and feel God’s love as they bring babies into the harsh world of northern Uganda. So many have been a part of this story. Some have given much and some little, but this is a fine example of how, together as a group of women, we can leave a legacy beyond our generation.
Now is the time
Words by Georgie Kelsey I’ll never forget leaving Sydney Kingsford-Smith Airport on February 20, 2013 to move to NYC and plant a church with my husband, Josh and our 6 month old baby, Brooks. When I think back I get a strong sense that God’s grace was completely carrying me. We weren’t exactly at our most empowered confident stage of life, in fact, we were both kind of ‘limping’ but it was all part of God’s plan as He used our brokenness to shine His love through our cracks and establish a vulnerable strength in the fabric of C3 NYC. He made our brokenness beautiful. Of course this is all hindsight reflection - I had no idea what He was doing at the time! We arrived to a blistering cold snowcovered NYC and we had no ‘team’ as no one had been able to get visas approved. We stayed in my sister-inlaw and brother-in-laws apartment on an air mattress for a month, thankfully their roommates had just moved out the week before! I’ll never forget one night in that first month when Josh was trying to design a church invite card to hand out on the street and he just became so overwhelmed by it all and the fact that we didn’t have a team. He used to have a team of designers in Sydney, and now he was the designer! My brother-in-law Glen (a peace-maker type) reassured him it was okay and then I told him to put on his coat, go outside, and walk and pray in the snow! Maybe not the most caring or ‘understanding’ wife-ly thing to say but I just knew it was the
right thing for him! He needed God’s reassurance, not just mine. He went out and came back reinvigorated having heard from God. We later prayed together for graphic designers and 3 came to our church in the next 4 weeks! God awoke me to the power of prayer in those early months, prayer was all we had and it was all we needed! This would be a foundational part of my life from now on. I was hesitant to lead a women’s ministry - I didn’t want to start a women’s ministry just because that’s what everyone does. If our church didn’t need one then I wasn’t going to start it! I just genuinely wanted the ministry areas to be what C3 NYC needed in order to draw people to Christ and keep people in Christ. But pretty early on in our church journey it became really obvious that the girls needed it. About 70% of our church were women in the early days. I didn’t even know what to call it but thankfully Josh is good with names and he suggested ‘Daughters’ and then eventually we could also call our men’s ministry ‘Sons’ when we launched it later. So I rallied my team, we rented a restaurant and had a women’s brunch with about 60 women purchasing tickets - capacity! We put up posters, made it look incredible and I flew my friend Keira from Vive Church in to preach because I was too nervous to preach myself! It was so fun to launch with a friend and not be alone in it. Today, Daughters is a strong community of women across
our 5 locations and we have 4 gatherings per year ranging from worship nights to charity auctions to clothes swaps and a conference. We see visitors at every event and so many girls finding Christ and joining church. Daughters is a huge outreach event for our church. Daughters is about empowering and releasing women into their God-given potential. Our women are outwardfocused, activated and passionate about reaching the women of NYC with the love of Christ. In a city that is incredibly fast-paced, Daughters is a place where we find our true-north again, in a city that can make you in a moment and break you in a moment, Daughters is a community of women who are there for each other – through the highs and lows. I made it really clear in launching Daughters that it is the women of C3 NYC. It’s not a separate group, or some of the women of the church who are ‘women’s ministry’ types - Daughters is the community of women at C3. And this ministry exists to build C3 NYC. To that end, our Daughters team is our church team and we are all equally as passionate and invested in it! At our first gathering of 2017 I looked around and was completely blown away by what God had done, hundreds of women jammed into a large warehouse
surrendering their lives to Christ afresh and ready to reach the city. So many women had invited friends and to see how comfortable our girls were to invite their non-Christian friends meant so much to me. Our 2017 conference was the second turning-point moment for me, one of our guest speakers, Mia Fieldes, told the story of her journey of faith in falling in love with and marrying her husband - I felt like God imparted a stronger faith and the spirit of an overcomer to us as a community of women that day. We became more robust in our faith. In the future I see an unstoppable community of women, unified by one another not threatened by one another, carrying one another in prayer, extending the invitation to the women of NYC to know Christ and live in healthy community. I see women being completely set free from the bondages of abuse and addiction, released into their new life in Christ, released to release others. In the days when I lose my perspective a little and my passion and energy wains, what stirs me up is God’s passion for His Daughters to come home from ‘faraway places’. He ‘wants them back’ and is actively asking us if we will help on this assignment. Will we be women who labour to create a place, an environment of ‘the big hug’, of welcome, of love, unity, truth and freedom?
Georgie's 3 tips for budding adventurers: Prayer Pray about everything - nothing is too big or small for our God! Without praying you are basically saying that you can do it on your own and you don't need God! He has the power we need to accomplish what He’s called us to do in life.
Lay it down If a future endeavour is a ‘God thing’ then lay it down and He will resurrect it! He’s in the business of resurrection! Let the seed die and he will produce a mighty harvest from it, greater than you could dream or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). Instead of the tree you see, maybe God has a forest in mind! But he needs to see a submitted and committed heart.
Never give up I’m a creative who would like to do a million and one things! But my husband has exampled and taught me the power of focus. Once you step out, then you need to fully commit to an endeavour, fully focus on it, give it your full attention and don't waiver!
Across the globe so many of you have captured the vision of gathering women together, and one of my greatest joys is celebrating the various expressions you have birthed. Whether you are ‘Cherish’ – C3 San Diego, ‘She Is’ – C3 Hope City, ‘Daughters’ – C3 NYC, ‘VIVE Girl’ – C3 Vive Church, ‘Beautiful Minds’ – C3 Amsterdam, ‘She’ – C3 Los Angeles and so many more. We are everywoman all around the world. WE LOVE AND CELEBRATE YOU ALL. MAMA CHRIS
All around the world. 100 Everywoman Gatherings You Have Never Heard Of Words by Sue Botta We love the name: Everywoman. It is inclusive, empowering and expresses the liberation that Christ brings for ALL women. Having visited India in 2001, my friend Mandy Miller and I decided we’d like to return and minister to the women of South Asia. India is steeped in religious activity but without life and freedom for women. It was crying out for an experience of Jesus: to liberate, mobilise and activate this mighty silent and unused army. So in 2005, we took 8 women to C3 Pune, India. Ps. Sudhir and Ps. Rachel Sable were so keen to have us, Ps Sudhir wisely got his men together and said to them, “Be prepared for your wives and daughters to change.” Then, in April 2005, our first Everywoman team went to minister in India. It was hot - the brick walls of the church above the chappati factory were not cemented together, open holes as windows, missing pieces of the outside staircase, and the women sat on the floor. The band consisted of a woman who had learnt to play 3 keyboard chords and a woman on an Indian drum. But the beautiful saried women were eager and expectant to worship together, to hear the word of God and to experience the Holy Spirit. When we began, women had never played, sung, led a meeting or preached - this was a massive cultural breakthrough! Jesus was and is, so counter-cultural. His message of freedom, equality and liberation overlaps every culture throughout the world - a Kingdom culture. After a few years, this same amazing church (C3 Pune) sent their own team of 12 women to a ‘town’ (250,000 people) called Bhenda, a 10-hour drive away, to minister and multiply Everywoman. This amazing church, our first in the South Asia region, continues to plant churches (more than 60) and to have vision for their nation and women. Since our first meeting in India, we have been into Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan and have run more than 100 women’s gatherings in many locations.
We have sent medical teams, building teams, started small ‘slum’ schools, begun microbusinesses with women and continue to partner with churches to think bigger and broader to bring about an empowered future for women. Our desire is that every woman will know the freedom of Christ and capture a vision for their future.
Sue's practical tips for activating women Help other women share their story My beautiful friend Chris Knight shared her story in 2007 which brought freedom to so many women and released her as an amazing preacher and minister.
Release others to lead It has been wonderful to watch women rise up, lead teams and step into taking their own teams on trips.
Be intentional about empowering the local women We ‘insist’ the local pastor preaches as well.
Don't be afraid to encourage self-funding Our women pay their own costs to come along and join the teams (including myself for many years!). This brings ownership and also an opportunity to see God miraculously provide for them.
Every dream in our hearts begins with a small seed. A thought – a whisper – a hope, planted deep down inside of us. Unseen, unwritten and unformed. Dreams are so powerful. They point us towards a new day. They set us on a path of recovery and health. They urge us to pursue a better life; not just for ourselves but for those in our lives. They demand change and effort. They require great planning and even greater work.
Most dreams end up lying dormant in the dark, unturned in the soil of our imaginations. They are never watered or fed, so they don’t push up through the earth and ultimately, they die, having never seen the light of day. And our hope dies with them, replaced with sadness, depression and disappointment. We give up. We think, ‘What a crazy person I was, to ever think, that I could achieve that dream’. We close the door and we return to a life unfulfilled,
quietly accepting that we cannot change, that our life cannot change. Months pass, years even – and sometimes, in the quiet and the stillness, we remember those days when dreaming was so real, when our hope was alive and when we believed we could do and be anything – anything at all! Let me tell you something about that dead seed. That dead dream. It can be resurrected. You can dream again. That seed can come back to life. And not
a single seed – but multiplied. It’s time to dream again. Right now. Today. The rain is falling on the earth. It is reaching down to rescue you and rescue your dreams. Not just any rain, but supernatural rain from heaven. All it needs from you is a desire to resurrect it. All it asks of you, is to reach towards that water and drink. To thirst again. To believe again. To dream again.
Dreampad We Spend 5 Minutes With 2 Movers And Shakers Talking Dreaming And The Launchpad That Is Everywoman.
Five minutes with artist & musician Ruby May IT WAS OCTOBER 2012 when I found myself asked to perform an item at the Everywoman Gathering! I was 18 years old and had never done anything like that before. I was so honoured that the Everywoman team felt like I was the girl for the job - so I said a big YES! What I love about the group of women that make up Everywoman is the encouragement and championing of women to grow and run straight into all that God has for them. There are so many beautiful gifts and talents inside the women in our church, whether that be music, art, design, hospitality, generosity, being a mother to the motherless - I could go on! Everywoman is a place where every woman can be encouraged and strengthened to use the gifts they have within them and to impact the community around them. MY STORY IN MUSIC IS ONE OF failures and growing. I’ve always been a ‘go get it’ kind of girl, being very happy to do things on my own and done the way I see fit; basically a nice way of saying I can be a bit of a control freak! The problem that can arise with this way of thinking is it doesn’t often leave a whole lot of room for God to speak into what you’re doing. Toward the end of 2017 I found myself taking a step back and having an honest look at myself and how I was going about creating music. The verdict: I wasn’t operating out of my sweet spot! I released a single in May 2017 and had a few other songs lined up, either recorded or waiting to be, but when I looked at it truthfully, they weren’t coming out of an overflow of what I knew God had placed inside of me. They were coming from a place of ‘I need to sound like this’ and ‘I need to write like that.’ It’s been a humbling experience, but I’m so glad I’ve gone (and am probably still going) through this journey. WHAT I’VE LEARNT IS we don’t need to have it all figured out! In fact, we simply can’t have it all figured out. Proverbs 16:9 speaks about how we can make all the plans we want too, but it’s the Lord who ultimately determines our steps - and why would we want it any other way? If there's one thing I’ve learnt, it is that there is no ‘one way’ or ‘right way’ to live out the dreams God has placed in your heart. The important thing is that we are operating out of God’s love, peace and grace, which we can only find when we truly rest in Him. UNCOMPLICATED, HONEST & CHILD-LIKE are three words that inspire the music I’m writing right now. I don’t need to be anyone else, I don’t need to be writing music how someone else is already writing - I want to be creating and doing what has been placed on my heart!
THE REASON I LOVE MY GIRL GANG is that we are all each other’s biggest fans! When things are going well, we encourage each other. When things aren't going so well, we still encourage each other. There have been moments where I’ve felt stuck or lacking in clarity and a friend has either shared a revelation, simply listened to me as I shared my heart, prayed with me or said words to stir up my faith and something in me unlocks. It’s moments like these where we see the power of coming together and doing life with one another. I BELIEVE that it’s not about what we are doing with our lives, it’s what we are doing through our lives! My number one mandate is to always shine God into the lives of those around me. I don’t want to be caught up in what I do but how I do it!
Five minutes with Cookbook Author, Wholefoods Chef, Traveller, Presenter Jane Grover
HOW DID YOUR JOURNEY FROM CHEF, TO MUM, TO FOOD PERSONALITY BEGIN? As I approached the end of my school years, I felt my career options were somewhat limited. I was only really interested in two things; playing sport and talking! I was a little bit interested in cooking and gardening, so my parents helped me to explore that idea and at the age of seventeen I finished school and began working as an apprentice chef. I loved being in the kitchen with the creativity, the buzz and pressure of service, and spent the next eight years working as a chef in the Sydney fine dining scene. After marrying my love Paul (Mr G) in my early twenties, we were eager to start a family and I was ready to stop working in the commercial kitchen world. The following fifteen years I devoted myself to raising our three children and I never thought I’d return to the cooking industry again. In 2009, it all changed. I volunteered to do a couple of small cooking presentations to help raise funds, one for charity within my bible study group and another to help a family in need. It was my ‘light bulb’ moment - I discovered a love for communicating and educating others on my passion for cooking and eating well. YOUR 'AHA' MOMENT WAS? Seeing the advance copy of Naked Food (my first cookbook) in my hands was a mixture of joy and relief. And selling enough copies to cover the cost of production was a happy day for both myself and Mr G, who had agreed to be my investor! And when my book distributor rang me to tell me that Stephanie Alexander (a food hero of mine) had come into a Melbourne bookstore and bought a copy of Naked Food! WHAT SIGNIFICANCE HAS EVERYWOMAN HAD ON YOUR JOURNEY? Don’t you love the name Everywoman – it means just that, every woman! If I were to rename it I’d call it ‘Everywoman - free to be me!’ - I’ve been given freedom to be who I am! The heart of Chris Pringle, Bernie Kelsey and Tracey Berry to believe in women and rejoice when they shine - is life changing. The opportunities I’ve been released into since saying yes to Selina Malcolm when she asked me to come and cook at church, for the first time at Everywoman’s Yummy Mummy’s, have been both unexpected and appreciated. We all have something in our hands - Everywoman creates opportunities to see those passions released to bless others, whether you are on the platform or in your local neighbourhood. WHAT ARE SOME TIPS FOR GETTING YOURSELF AND YOUR ‘DREAM’ OUT THERE? Be bold and courageous to follow your passion. Don’t think you have to wait until everything is laid out before you. Don’t imagine you should wait until you are asked. Just start, create opportunities, say yes to things that will stretch you and be excellent (not perfect) at what you do. NOT SO FUN PART OF THE JOURNEY? Definitely the washing up! IN THIS SOCIAL MEDIA AGE WHAT ARE YOUR SUGGESTIONS FOR BUILDING YOUR PERSONAL BRAND? Be yourself. Keep it real. Try not to compare yourself to others, it will spoil any chance you have of contentment. Align yourself with creative people who know more than you. Find a tribe of like-minded people within your industry and build relationships.
HOW DO YOU RECHARGE SPIRITUALLY? Walking outdoors, along a beach or in the bush, either listening to worship music or just in silence in awe of His creation. Reading the bible without a rush – taking time to meditate on His word. Thoughtfully praying The Lord’s Prayer. Going to church. DO YOU STILL HAVE A GIRL GANG, AND WHY ARE THEY IMPORTANT? Several girl gangs actually! Girlfriends are your sounding boards, your cheer squad. They’ll hold your arms up when you’re weak, hug you when you cry, and laugh and shout with joy when the victories come. I’ll do the same for them and cook for them too! I’ve developed an extensive network of relationships – life friends, friends in marriage and parenting, mentors and friends in the food world, older women, younger women, women who inspire me and those I hope to inspire. I’ve learnt over time to go with the flow with friends, be a giver not a demander, be flexible and show grace. Some friends are just for a season, but some - a small handful - have your greatest confidence and together you’ll stick closer than sisters. WHAT WOULD YOU SAY TO SOMEONE WHO THINKS IT’S TOO LATE FOR THEM? It’s not! Take a step, and then another one, and next thing you’re on your way. If there is breath in your lungs – make no excuses – have a go!
If you are weary, brokenhearted, unsure of your place on the stage of life then this is an exceptional opportunity for you to be refreshed, your heart to be healed and your true purpose to be unveiled. You may be living in your best days right now - but still there is deep knowing inside of you that there is more.
THE KISS will cause an awakening of that desire, not to be more, but for you to be you and to live the rest of your days satisfied and making your unique contribution here on earth. You are beautiful and “The King is enthralled by your beauty.� Psalm 45:11 BERNIE (THE KISS 2005)
For anyone who has ever wondered what would Chris do
Interview by Laura McMahon LAURA: How did you work out what you were called to do on this earth, with this one life that we get? How do we know if we have found our purpose? CHRIS: In the words of an old Nigel Compton song “little by little and step by step!” I was a little lost in life until age 18 when I met Jesus. And as I have followed Him, my purpose has unfolded alongside Phil’s. Together, we found ourselves loving on people - the ones in front of us, and it dawned on us - hey this is cool! We love this! This is ministry? Even cooler! And I love the House of God, always have, so I have pivoted my life around it. LAURA: You are always travelling, I looked at your calendar recently and you are away from home at least a third of the year, not to mention working most weekends at multiple church services. How do you maintain it all with ease, peace and simplicity? CHRIS: It’s all about organized choices. Some seasons are busy and others are slower. I love what we do and who we do life with, so that helps and we simply ‘adjust’ when we need too. My family are important to me, so on many occasions ministry has taken a different expression, while I’ve just been there for them. Remember, I’m a Christian before a minister. Jesus has the right rhythm – I just slow down when needed and pick up the pace when needed. Slowing down doesn’t mean dropping out though. I have seen a few families say they’re slowing down but they end up out of church, out of serving, out of simply turning up and I don’t agree with that philosophy. It is a chosen balance – putting work, rest, family time, social time with friends, prayer, connect group, sport, recreation and church life all into a doable calendar each week or month. If things are getting crazy in your world, delete some extras and then re-evaluate where your energies are draining. Re-set your priorities in prayer – and you’ll be just fine! LAURA: How do you start your day? Do you have a ritual? CHRIS: A ‘ritual’ sounds a bit ‘spooky’ ha! Simple really - I wake up, make a coffee and go back upstairs. There in my room, I read the word and journal the day’s thought from scripture. Soon after, Phil comes home from the beach with Piper our puppy and we share a short devotional together and pray - holding hands, that’s the nice bit! We don’t pray for world peace or anything so grand, we pray for our family and friends. Then, if I’m a good girl, I go for a shog down at the beach. I’ve called it a shog because it’s a cross between a shuffle and a jog. I’m 66 remember! Then its shower, get ready and work. If it’s a Monday, our sacred Sabbath, don’t call us as we’re probably having a nap!
LAURA: What have been some of the worthy sacrifices you’ve made on the journey? CHRIS: Well, one of the funnier ones was during the 5 years we salary-sacrificed to fulfil our pledge to our church building fund – I learned to make tinned tuna taste like an amazing chicken morney! Though our eldest son Daniel caught me out one night and asked if it was truly so? Smart kid. Seriously though, I will never forget an executive meeting some years ago where we were asked around the room, what were we willing to sacrifice in our church events calendar to truly focus on building PRESENCE conference. It was a year when Phil was so burdened with PRESENCE that he was willing and near to cancelling it! I felt the Lord really clearly prompt me to lay down the Everywoman events for that coming year. Before I could think ‘no way!’ – my hand was the first one up. So in 2011 we ‘rested the soil’ and I’ve never regretted that decision. Standing with Phil and our team to focus on PRESENCE, we saw great growth. This was a lesson in sacrifice for me and that Jesus knows best, always. LAURA: Ok, what is the BEST piece of advice you’ve ever received? CHRIS: Some years ago I received a very horrible letter about who I was and it deeply affected me. We all want to be loved, or at least liked, and I shed a few tears over it. Then, quite unexpectedly I received a letter from Simon and Helen McIntyre. It read: Dear Chris, Not everyone in this world is going to like you. But that’s OK – we love you!!! Your best buddies, ‘Shummun’ & Heli That set me free! So simple and so kind. Best advice ever! LAURA: You are always bringing people that you’ve met in the supermarket aisle, at the nail salon etc to church with you, what is your secret to being so confident and making people feel at home? CHRIS: No secret really, I’m just a friendly sanguine! And I love meeting people! I find it interesting hearing their stories and with a little humour, often I get the chance to say a little about me and what I do. The main thing is to notice others. Be courteous and thankful. I think confidence comes from being happy with who you are and noticing others more than yourself. LAURA: Where do the Everywoman Gathering themes come from and how do you stay relevant after 20 years? CHRIS: I have always worked best in a room of creative dreamers and doers. Each year, as we have gathered to hear from heaven, pretty much I have had a ‘sense’ or heard a word or seen a picture which has helped to guide us. It has always been about lingering in the presence of God. I believe as long as we maintain this, He maintains our relevance.
The preparation seems to take forever. But once the land fades in the distance and the silence of the sea, sky and horizon strips my mind of earthly glue – the ‘True North’ of life and purpose seems all so clear again. CHRIS (HOPE IS MY ANCHOR 2012)
Our daughters will be like pillars carved to adorn a palace.
Psalm 144:12
This verse has always represented my heart for you – my heart for women. I have wanted every woman to know that she has an integral place in God’s House. She is described as a woman of strength and beauty. A pillar of strength who supports the work of the Kingdom and at the same time she is carved in palace style representing the beauty that she brings to others. She is positioned in the House of God ‘for such a time as this’ not as a second-rate citizen but as a strong, beautiful, surrendered, significant, exquisite, anointed woman of faith. And so onward we go, the world is definitely a better place because of you. Love Bernie
You crown the year with your good blessings’ And you leave abundance in your wake.
Psalm 65:11
The Everywoman Story 20th Anniversary