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RE-iN從材料出發,探索回收塑 膠再製的可能。

我們將回收塑膠視為媒材,在人 為與自然成形之間平衡,在可控 與無法預測之間發展,透過塑形 具象化概念,藉由編織交織起手 法,用設計的轉譯,延伸對於廢 棄物再生的想像。

Starting with the materials, RE-iN explores the possibilities of recycling and remolding plastic.

We view recycled plastic as a medium that balances between human intervention and natural formation. Through the technique of weaving and interlacing, we use design translation to materialize concepts and extend the imagination of waste regeneration. We record the plastic products we use in our daily lives, collect and process them.

我們記錄自身生活使用的塑膠製 品,收集並加工再製。設計過程 透過編織手法進行解構、重組、 延展由回收PP再製而成的塑膠 片。將再生材料帶入工藝,結合 塑膠本身透光、可塑性高、多彩 的特性,製作一系列燈飾產品。

In the design process, we use weaving techniques to deconstruct, reconstruct, and extend plastic sheets made from recycled PP. We bring recycled materials into the craft technique, combining the transparent, highly plastic, and colorful characteristics of plastic itself to produce a series of lighting products.

洪毓汝 曾冠瑋
許維芸 蘇可心
#回收塑膠# 編織 # 燈飾 #plastic #weaving #luminaire Hsu, Wei-Yun Hung, Yu-Ju Tseng, Kuan-Wei Su, Ke-Shin

我們塑造RE-iN成為材料製程 導向的設計品牌,藉由再生新材 質的實驗與測試,讓廢棄物獲得 另一種型態的新生。在製程中探 索不同塑膠的特性,賦予燈飾產 品隨機的、有機的、流動的、充 滿變化的風格。而這些元素將延 伸成為產品特點及品牌調性。

We shape RE-iN into a design brand that is process-oriented with materials, experimenting and testing with recycled materials to give waste another form of rebirth. In the process, we explore the characteristics of different plastics and endow the lighting products with random, organic, fowing, and everchanging styles. These elements will be extended to become the product features and brand tone.

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系列燈飾 Lighting Series

以編織技法進行塑膠片加工,組合成為 外型及色彩皆變化豐富的燈飾。將塑膠 片裁切成條狀,嘗試不同的交織方式, 讓外型因縱橫排列、接扣方法而有所不 同。塑形的同時,我們也嘗試改變產品 尺度,測試材料延展、銜接、擴大範圍 的製作方式。

By using weaving techniques to process plastic sheets, we can combine them to create lighting fxtures with various shapes and colors. We cut the plastic sheets into strips and experiment with different weaving techniques, resulting in different appearances based on the direction of the weaving and the joining methods used. While shaping the plastic, we also test different methods of material extension, joining, and expanding the production range.


Plastic Film Production Process

混合不同配色的PP塑膠,透過壓製機加熱壓製成塑膠片。 塑膠片的前身主要是瓶蓋,有些色彩飽和度高、有些帶有 透明感能微微透光,每次測試皆會帶來多變的色彩效果。

起初將分類且清洗完成的塑膠粉碎至4mm,確認配色比 例後平鋪碎粒於壓製機中,在適當的時間及溫度下進行加 熱,取出並利用木板固定壓平直到冷卻。隨後我們嘗試各 式加工塑膠片的方法,延展這些變化豐富的再生材料。

We mix diferent colored PP plastics and use a pressing machine to heat and press them into plastic sheets. The precursors of these plastic sheets were mainly bottle caps, some of which have high color saturation and some of which are slightly translucent. Each test results in varying color effects. Initially, we classify and clean the plastic, and then crush it into 4mm pieces. After confrming the color ratio, we spread the crushed plastic evenly in the pressing machine and heat it at an appropriate temperature and time. We then remove it and use a wooden board to fatten and cool it. Then we experiment with various processing methods for plastic flms, extending these diverse recycled materials.


Plastic Film Heat Molding

回收塑膠片的再加工,嘗試各種塑形方式將片狀材料 拉伸成為新的型態。最初大多為加熱塑形,透過壓製 機或熱風槍加熱改變塑膠的狀態,有些利用現成物壓

出外型,有些藉由外力變形,有些則讓塑膠本身自然 融化彎曲,呈現多樣的姿態。

We recycle plastic sheets and try various plastic forming methods to stretch them into new shapes. Initially, most of these methods involve heat molding, changing the state of the plastic through a pressing machine or a heat gun. Some of them use objects to press out the shape, some deform through external forces, and some allow the plastic itself to naturally melt and bend, resulting in various postures.

熱風槍 +現成物


熱風槍 +現成物

熱風槍 +現成物

熱風槍 +現成物


熱風槍 +現成物+外力變形

熱風槍 +現成物



熱風槍 +現成物




塑膠片編織 Plastic Film Weaving

嘗試以編織手法解構、重組、延展由回 收PP再製而成的塑膠片,將再生材料 帶入傳統工藝,現代回收塑膠原料結合 傳統工藝手法,使材料與編織技法皆有 不同於過往的面貌。

壓一挑一的方格編技法,編織面會呈現 方格狀,是竹編最基本的方式,其中包 含方格編、平織、以及斜紋編,而它們 皆具有重複性。作為燈飾,除了塑膠本 身的透光性,縱橫交織而成的塑膠條能


We try to deconstruct, reassemble, and extend the plastic sheets made from recycled PP using weaving techniques, bringing recycled materials into traditional crafting techniques, giving both the materials and techniques a new look compared to the past. The grid weaving technique produces a grid-like woven surface and is the most basic way of bamboo weaving, which includes grid weaving, flat weaving, and diagonal weaving, all of which have strong repeatability. As lighting fxtures, in addition to the inherent translucency of the plastic itself, the interwoven plastic strips create even more diverse light and shadow efects.


回收物計畫 Recycling Project

進行日常塑膠回收物的收集計畫,分 別為有環保意識組及一般使用組,記 錄自己生活中製造、消費、他人贈 與的塑膠製品並比較其差異。發現不 論是軟性塑膠袋或是瓶、盒類的硬塑 膠,在這個時代生活中充斥著塑膠。

We carried out a nearly one-year daily plastic collection project, divided into an environmentally conscious group and a general use group, recording the plastic products we created, consumed, and were gifted by others in our daily lives and comparing their differences. We discovered that plastic, whether in the form of soft plastic bags or hard plastic bottles and containers, is ubiquitous in our lives in this day and age.



Brand Visio

品牌視覺著重於現代與傳統的相融,期 望將永續交織於日常之中。以帶有行動 力且具未來感的藍色為主色,視覺化實 驗中塑膠質地,歸納出色彩及圖形,並 運用至延伸的視覺規劃。

Our brand visual identity focuses on the integration of modernity and tradition, with the goal of weaving sustainability into our daily lives. The main color is a vibrant indigo blue that conveys a sense of dynamism and futurism. We have visualized the texture of recycled plastic through color and graphic design, which has been incorporated into our extended visual planning.

透過不同的互動體驗及媒介,傳遞品 牌理念及實驗製作進程。

We aim to convey our brand philosophy and the process of our experimental design through various interactive experiences and media.

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永續已成為趨勢,而這些都與生活息息相關。期許能透過我們的觀點和設計 的轉化,將材料製程結合工藝,傳遞再生塑膠的不同面向。

Sustainability has become a trend that is closely related to our lives. We hope to combine material processes with craftsmanship through our perspective and design transformation, and convey the diferent aspects of recycled plastic.

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