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Featured Artist: Edward Zhang

With a vision in mind, canvas and colors at hand, Paly’s very own Edward Zhang pushes the boundaries of art, advocating for more than meets the eye.

Peeling back the plastic wrapping from a new four-by-three foot canvas, Edward Zhang visualizes the final look of his painting. He glances at a note sheet filled with complex and creative ideas for his piece. After an initial sketch, Zhang begins to paint. Thick and thin brush strokes, texture varying from rough to smooth and adding lights and shadows, Zhang creates a symphony of tones that symbolize a bigger meaning meant to make the viewer think beyond just the piece itself.

Edward Zhang, a junior at Paly, started painting in elementary school, but not because he wanted to. “I started painting around 4th grade and at first it was because my parents were forcing me to and they took me to art classes,” Zhang said. It wasn’t until middle school that his own curiosity for art started to emerge.

Starting simple, Zhang created art with

colors he felt comfortable with. “Back pressed in America. “A big crisis around then, I used to use more plain neutral colthe world, coronavirus, has inspired a lot ors to help it look more real like brown of my pieces as well,” Zhang said. and white,” Zhang said. “I think now I’ve Zhang begins his creative process by gotten more used using imto experiment“I wanted to create really ages online ing with brighter tones and more simple, modern and really to establish a theme or pastel colors.” bizarre designs that nobody tone for his Zhang’s field of inspiration has would think of, so it is more piece and then selects expanded over unique to our brand.” colors that the years to the reflect the point where his art is influenced by evmood he desires. “For more depressing eryday conversations with his friends and subjects, I’d probably use a darker, more family. “Sometimes our friends are goscold blue, green type of color. For more siping or some conversation will result in creative pieces, I use a lot more colors, a random idea and I pretty much paint with a mixture of warm colors,” Zhang it,” Zhang said. He also takes inspiration said. This attention to detail and routine from events occurring around the world, is a key part of Zhang’s artistic individuadvocating mostly for social issues surality, setting him apart from other artists. rounding Asian Americans and those opNot only does Zhang’s artwork speak 13

to his friends and family, but to the community as well. A few create really simple, modern and really bizarre designs that days before the school’s closure as a result of COVID-19, nobody would think of, so it is more unique to our brand.” Zhang was eating lunch with his friends on campus, oblivZhang’s clothing brand has since then taken off, with iously enjoying one of their last lunches of junior year. “I many Paly students purchasing his products and modeling told them I wanted to start a clothing business,” Zhang said. them on the brand’s Instagram account. With Zhang’s un“At that point, it wasn’t for charity. It was like me wanting to deniable talent and entrepreneurial skills, he has managed design clothes and sell them.” to use his passion for art to better the community around

Zhang had long been holding onto this idea, and it came him. into full effect when he realized he had the opportunity to make a “As a high schooler, there’s Zhang has a familial connection to his passion and his role as an artbigger impact. “I’m a member of very little fun we can have ist. “My whole family has done art, Youth Community Service-Interact and someone told me that there was a charity in East Palo Alto that was because we have so much work to do. Just sitting and my grandpa is an established traditional artist and a lot of that is his influence,” Zhang said. He reclosing because not enough people down and having fun called memories of his grandfather were donating due to the fear of COVID-19,” Zhang said. Taking his two passions of creating art and while painting, it’s the best option.” sitting for hours, casually painting and finding relaxation in it. For Zhang and many other teenhelping out the community, Zhang created CX Apparel. agers, high school brings stress and pressure. A creative out

With the help of a few of his friends, Zhang was able let, such as art, is a way to focus on something that is enjoyto create a modern and abstract clothing brand, entirely able and calming. Unlike many hobbies, Edward Zhang has designed by him. “[YCS-I] expressed a need for monetary used his art as a way to help more people than just himself. donations, so I thought, ‘let’s gear our mission for CX Ap“As a high schooler, there’s very little fun we can have beparel towards donating and raising money for this charity,’” cause we have so much work to do,” Zhang said. “Just sitting Zhang said. “As for the designs of the clothing, I wanted to down and having fun while painting, it’s the best option.”

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