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All to Myself

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How gatekeeping, the sense of entitlement to underground artists, is patronizing the music industry and its listeners.

It is widely believed that music directly impacts chemicals in our brains, which is why it often connects and brings people closer together. From sharing playlists with your loved ones to creating lifelong friendships with fellow fans, many people use music as a way to create social bonds with others. While this is the way that the majority of people choose to experience music, others become upset when their favorite underground artists gain mainstream traction and look condescendingly at

those who they consider “fake fans.” When someone discovers a new With this behavior, known as “gateartist that has a smaller fan base or keeping,” becoming more prevalent is lesser-known, many enjoy having in underground music circuits and them as their little secret and begin to online music communities, many feel a sense of protection over them. have different There comes a perspectives on why people gatekeep, and if it “I hate the idea of people being mass point where the exclusivity is no longer what it should be okay to do so. Luke Rainsattacked because people deem once was, which can sometimes be upsetting for ford, an emo someone ‘uncool’ the fans. “People acoustic artist from Leeds, based on their taste.” like to feel special and important,” England, has a Luke Rainsford, acoustic artist Rainsford said. unique take on “I get it.” gatekeeping because of his outlook Rainsford has noticed an increase as an artist, as opposed to solely in gatekeeping on social media platbeing a listener. Music has been an forms, seeing people spread hate outlet for Rainsford to share his exto new fans of once smaller artists. perience with grief, mental health “People like to laugh and be mean to and relationships. “To me, music is people they deem ‘uncool’,” Rainsan escape,” Rainsford said. “It is ford said. “I hate the idea of people the place I can truly be myself.” being mass-attacked because people

deem someone ‘uncool’ based on fandoms. Many fans feel overly who have just discovered the artist their taste or appearance.” protective of smaller artists once because they are being treated as

Paly senior Ellie Walsh is an avid they begin to gain traction in ‘newbies’ or lesser than fans that music listener, dabbling in singing mainstream music. have supported them for longer.” and guitar playing herself. Walsh “There have been times that I Not only are some fans unwelhighlighted the have discovcoming to new listeners, but many harmful effects gatekeeping has on people who “Warding off others from discovering ered a song from a lesser-known artist are also not fond of people wearing merchandise of a band’s logo or name if they are not too famildiscover an artist after others. “It can be dismusic to keep it in its state of obscurity or band as it gained popularity and I iar with them. “There is definitely a culture where people feel that they can couraging to a is absurd.” have heard only wear band tees or listen to lot of people who could poEllie Walsh, Paly senior c o m m e n t s made by some their music if they are a ‘real fan’ of the band or artist,” Mickelsen tentially love a particular artist but of their fans suggesting that new said. “The problem is that these are blocked out because they didn’t listeners are ‘late to the party’ or people only deem you to be a ‘real discover them early enough,” she that they wished the artist was still fan’ if you know every little detail said. their little secret,” Mickelsen said. about the artists, which is really

There is also a competitive asMickelsen agrees that people unfair.” pect that comes with listening to should have pride in who they lisAlthough it can be bittersweet obscure artists. “There is an aura ten to, but she also believes that to see a small artist become popuof superiority in people who gatemany let their lar, many forget keep music and pride themselves on listening to super niche or obscure music,” Walsh said. “Wardemotions from the newfound popularity of “Some fans [suggest] that new the true values of music. “People who ing off others from discovering music to keep it in its state of obscurity is absurd.” their favorite bands be negative instead of listeners are ‘late to the party’ or that gatekeep need to realize that music is for evFor Anna Mickelsen, a Paly junior, music has always played a big role in her life. Whether it’s playsupporting the artist’s success. “A lot of the they wished the artist was still their eryone to enjoy and should not be treated as ing the piano or creating the pertime, people little secret.” a hierarchy,” fect playlist, Mickelsen finds ways to incorporate music into her life that are bigger fans of a music Anna Mickelsen, Paly junior Mickelsen said. “For many, muone way or another. Investing time group or have supported them for sic is an outlet to express themin these activities has allowed her a longer period think that they are selves, so it is best to allow everyto notice the problems that exist in more of a fan than others, which one to support who they want to the music community. creates issues,” Mickelsen said. “It support and leave any negativ

Mickelsen has noticed the excauses tension within music listenity out.” clusivity that is present in certain ers and can turn away new people

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