Columbia Market Analysis & Economic Development Services Study FAQ

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Columbia Market Analysis & Economic Development Services Study Frequently Asked Questions What’s the “Columbia Market Analysis and Economic Development Services” study? It is a study to evaluate the market status and future potential of Columbia’s village centers as well as market relationships and opportunities for the Snowden River Parkway and Dobbin Road areas. How is the study being undertaken? This project is being led by Columbia Association in partnership with the Howard County Department of Planning and Zoning and the Howard County Economic Development Authority. The study will be conducted by Retail and Development Strategies LLC (RDS), and led by its Managing Principal, Tom Moriarity. Mr. Moriarity was CA’s first speaker in CA’s successful Community Building Speakers Series and addressed the community on “Minding the Store: Retail Realities in Commercial Centers. Tom has over 30 years of experience in mixed-use development, commercial area management, downtown revitalization strategies, retail programming and historic preservation with a special focus on redevelopment/revitalization of commercial districts. The RDS consulting team includes WTL+a, Folan Consulting and Gibbs Planning Group. What are the goals of the study? The primary goal of the study is to better understand the market potential for each village center and the relationship of the centers to other competing commercial areas. This knowledge base will be key to identifying strategies and tools that can help revitalize and reposition the village centers. For the Snowden River Parkway and Dobbin Road corridors, the market study will provide valuable information about development and redevelopment potential. This information can be used by Howard County Government in the future for long-term planning as well as review of the New Town Zoning regulations. What’s the timeline for the study? The study launched in October 2013, with the hiring the consulting team, and the study will be completed by April 2014, with the submittal of a final report by RDS. How can I stay engaged and updated throughout the process? There will be three public meetings as part of the study process. The first one will be held on Thursday, December 5, at 7:00 p.m. at The Hawthorn Center, 6175 Sunny Spring in west Columbia. This meeting will introduce the consultant team, provide an overview of the project, explain the process and objectives, and include time for discussion with meeting participants. Please visit to get information on study events and findings.

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