C O L U M B I A A S S O C I AT I O N ’ S COMMUNITY BUILDING SPEAKERS SERIES C o - h o s t e d by C A’s Wa t e r s h e d A d v i s o r y C o m m i t t e e
Sustainable Stormwater Management Speakers Ned Tillman Award-winning author on Chesapeake Bay Restoration
Jim Caldwell Howard County Stormwater Manager
John McCoy Columbia Association Watershed Manager
Don Tsusaki Chesapeake Bay Alliance & READY Program Manager
Thursday, February 21 7-9pm Slayton House • Village of Wilde Lake 10400 Cross Fox Ln • Columbia, 21044
Join a compelling presentation offering creative insights on how to effectively slow the flow of rainwater runoff and obtain information on the imminent stormwater utility fee! Light refreshments will be served 6:30-7pm.
Please call 410-312-6336 for more information or 410-730-3987 for directions. Columbia Association’s Community Building Speakers Series host thought provoking speakers on topics that stimulate us to discuss, engage and build our sense of community.