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Takis Alexiou was born in Alexandria, Egypt on January 5, 1942. He studied Architecture in Germany (Diploma in Architecture and Design, Technical University, Dresden, 1964). In 1967 he completed his postgraduate studies in General and Perceptual Psychology and in 1968 he also completed his pioneering PhD thesis, linking Architectural Design with Psychology. He has worked as an Architect-Town Planner, in various projects in Greece, Germany, Switzerland, USA, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Zambia and Iran. He is a member of Architectural and Technical Associations and has participated in seminars, symposia and conferences. He also lectured in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Greece. He was a visiting professor at the Offenbach/M. of the Technical University Darmstadt, Germany and for many years he worked as a Professor at the American University AUA and at the People’s University of Agia Paraskevi - Attica. The American Biographical Institute / ABI selected him in 1997 as one of the 5,000 Personalities of the World, for his significant contribution to Education and Human Rights. He is a member of the ABI Research Council and Founder and President of the Human Centered Architecture Institute. The International Biographical Center selected him as one of the 2000 leading intellectuals of the 20th century and the IBC of Cambridge, England as «International Intellectual of the year 2001» for his significant contribution to a Human-Centered Education in Architecture. As an artist, he has held many solo and group exhibitions around the world and has written and directed two multi-plays: «The Four Seasons» and «The Androgynous Aristophanes». He has been President of the Panhellenic Historical and Philosophical Society, as well as President of the Centre of Arts 4 Seasons, organizing International Symposia and Conferences on Human Rights. In the field of music, Takis Alexiou has published a series of musical compositions: «Under one’s Breath», «The Song of the Birds», «Voices without a Face», «Red Wind», «Touch of Love», «From Heart to Heart». He has been awarded, among others, with the «Cavafy International Prize», with the 1st Diploma at the Stockholm International Exhibition of Visual Arts and his name is mentioned in Greek and international encyclopedias. He has published many articles and books with architectural, educational and social content. As the president of the Centre of Arts 4 Seasons - CA4S-AthensArt, he created and manages until today the artistic website www.athensart-2010.ning. com. In 2010 he organized the International Arts Festival AthensArt in Technopolis / Athens and since then he has organized many group and charity exhibitions in Greece and abroad promoting Friendship through Art that can change the World Peacefully. From 2017 until today, he has attended various educational seminars at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in the fields of Philosophy, Psychology and Psychotherapy.

The book “2025 - The Crucial Year of change & The 10 Truths of the Wise - From the irrationality of the markets to the logic of emotions” by Takis Alexiou was published as an e-book in January 2023. Production, art editing and cover art: Takis Alexiou. Greek text editing : Kiki Bardani, Panos Arvanitis. English editing: Konstantina Mavronichali Layout: Litsa Maranti. Distribution: Giouli Tsagaraki COPYRIGHT: 4 Seasons Publications, Tel: 0030-6944128460, Fax: 0030-210-6011904, e-mail: profalex@otenet.gr



The soul is painted in the color of its thoughts.

I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.

Carl Jung

I am nothing, but I will become everything.

Karl Marx

You must be the change you want to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi

It always seems impossible until it’s done.

ΕίWe are stardust, written into our DNA.

No one is ever born, no one ever dies.

Nelson Mandela

Dionysis P. Simopoulos

Constantin P. Cavafy

You can do a lot of things, but if you don’t do what you were created for, you have done nothing, absolutely nothing.

The main purpose of Education is to provide tools that allow us to distinguish what is True and what is not, what is Nice and what is ugly and to orient our judgment and action with moral criteria.

Dear friend Takis, your work “2025 The Crucial Year of Change and the 10 Truths of the Sage” is important. Plain, simple speech, with anthropocentric depth and breadth. Ecumenical speech. This is why this speech is wise.

With honor and love, Fotis Kouvelis

CONTENTS Introduction...............................................................................11 Instead of a Prologue..................................................................14 Questions & Answers................................................................18 Compliance or Abuse???...........................................................25 Mountains of repetitions............................................................31 The 10 Truths of the Wise.........................................................34 They wrote about Takis Alexiou...............................................46 Indicative bibliography..............................................................54


The author of the book seeks to reveal the true essence of what is happening around us nowadays.

Takis Alexiou, Architect-Planner, Composer and Author seems to agree with Noam Chomsky who believes that the main goal and the pursuits of the new order remain the same, as determined by the disciplined intellectual and economic establishment, based on ignorance of the great masses, ignorance imposed on them by the system of education, and the reformulation of history.

The book of Takis Alexiou, as his whole life, is an example of combination of language purity, lack of hypocrisy as well as exercises of consciousness and will exert, as I believe, a strong charm on many, especially young people -in age or in the way of thinking- not only because of the straightforwardness of his speech but also because of his antipathy against doublespeak and hypocrisy, political and religious, antipathy to what is internationally most repulsive in political, religious and social life (notice, for example, the use of the meaning of Nation in the preface).

All the sections included in this book are easy to read, written in a warm and flowing contemporary language. The author agonizes and cares about the human condition and the degradation of humanity that is taking place around us and is incessantly promoted by powers legal and illegal. It becomes clear that he believes, as many of us do regardless our particular circumstances that do not always bring us together, that those of us who are unwilling to assume the roles that are imposed upon us, have only one way to go: challenge and expose the illegal power and cooperate with others to undermine it, expanding this way the horizons of freedom and justice. “It is time to stop


identifying Human Progress with Machine Progress” he tells us in his preface, and concludes that “In Politics, transparency is not enough without the help of strong ethics”.

I don’t know if 2025 is the critical year of change, but surely the 10 truths of the sage will express the vast majority of readers of this new essay of Takis.

I wish him health and continuing creativity in writing.



The New Age emerges for the whole world through the hardships of a techno-dominated Humanity. The price we paid and are still paying is enormous. But nothing will be able to halt the Process of Change. The era of industrial and postindustrial civilization is already at its end. It is time to stop identifying Human Progress with Machine Progress. (Takis Alexiou “For a Unionist Movement and Politics in Greece”, PAN.I.F.E. Publications, Athens, 2nd Edition 1995)

The well-known Greek-Romanian writer Panait Istrati writes: “The nation is a word claimed by two kinds of people: the very cunning and the stupid. Unfortunately, there is also a small number of honest and naive people who have good faith and thanks to them the borders are maintained. Otherwise, the word nation would quickly disappear”. I don’t know if you agree with Panait Istrati. But what I do know is that the word “nation” is the root of the word nationalism. It is the root of the word national-socialism, i.e. fascism. What I also know is that the few who are naive and honest in faith, make many other mistakes and the most important: they identify in a completely wrong way the concept of civilization with the concept of nation... (Takis Alexiou “Seizure No 21”, PAN I.F.E. Publications, Athens 1996)

Change, be yourself Nietzsche... Because all that matters is the journey from the overinflated sick ego to the Self, the Soul of man, knowing that it is in our power Epictetus and also without rebelling, destroying or running away Hundertwasser. (Takis Alexiou “The Aesthetics of Love”, 4 Seasons Publications, Athens 2008)


The creature is dominant Hermann Hesse and not the creator. Because then and only then... your image shines before me... Then I am captivated and then colors and images are getting clear and I discover where they are leading me... Karl Marx. A hundred thousand lives are nothing without the loved one Attar. I didn’t come to chat. My work is love. The friend’s home is the heart. I came to make a heart Emre. And the heart offers man the most important feeling of safety, inner independence and freedom Epicurus. Because the light falling on the face, frees it from every fear and certainly makes it capable of loving and being loved Bukowski. (Takis Alexiou “Back to the Senses”, 4 Seasons Publications, Athens 2008)

It is mainly family that belongs to the oppressive mechanisms when it does not function with an equal dialogue between all its members. School belongs also to them when it is based on external rather than internal motivations. The state belongs to them when, instead of serving the citizen, it oppresses him. Religion belongs to them when it seeks, directly or indirectly, to impose its doctrine. Justice belongs to them when instead of seeking the Truth, it is corrupt. Everyone belongs to them when they do not respect the rights of man, ignore his nature and do not mainly contribute to the cultivation of the senses and positive emotions. ( Takis Alexiou “The Circle of Harmony”, 4 Seasons Publications, Athens 2008)

In Politics, transparency is not enough without the help of strong ethics. A complete honesty that will guide the political choices, underlines the academic Jacqueline de Romilly knowing, I am sure, that in modern politics not only honesty and ethics are absent, but even this transparency.


Politicians’ thinking is not only vague and partisan, but also self-serving. Moreover, their speech is not only crude and contradictory but also hypocritical. The honest critical and constructive dialogue remains in demand although it is the only “mechanism” for solving problems and getting out of every crisis PEACEFULLY!!! ( Takis Alexiou “The Power of Friendship”, 4 Seasons Publications, Athens 2012)



Question: What is the role, the duty of man, today???

Answer: In the words of Epictetus, to stop being a man of the mob and become a friend of Wisdom...

Question: And how is this achieved???

Answer: By freeing his mind, as Socrates notes... To learn to Listen, then to Ask and finally to Discuss, as taught by Pythagoras, and by Aristotle later, who added the Heart... We realize how close these positions of the ancient Greeks, and other Wise Men around the world are to modern neurobiology and the findings of recent research on the human brain, regarding the emotional mind and its great importance in the evolution of man and Society...

Question: And what is the role, the duty of the people of culture???

Answer: We also found out in Greece who the so-called “sacred monsters” are, and I think that the true People of Civilization, all over the world, do not belong to the “mob” category and would never accept the term “sacred monster”, because at the end, the “sacred” leaves and the “monster” remains... Their role is, in addition to recording the existing situation and analyzing the data, to propose ways to solve the problems that have been detected... So, what I consider necessary is every work of true Art to include this reflection, share it and discuss it with the public, who are more ready than ever to listen...

Question: Why does education and social policy need a radical revision, and even immediately???


Answer: AIn order to finally domesticate our Emotional Home, which was razed by the three industrial revolutions, to become Humans and to stop the dominance of the logic of the reptile, of violence, of wars and of the destruction of the Planet!!!

Question: Is Emotional Education that important???

Answer: A truly Progressive Social Policy cannot exist without Emotional Education, Truth, Love and Healing, otherwise the result will be the domination of the mob and its psychology, Orwellian scenarios and Haxley’s “perfect” Dictatorship... It must be understood that without cleaning up our Emotional Home there are no Moral Principles and Values and the reptilian logic will continue to dominate... We take our pick...

Question: The till recently valid political division (right-centerleft-green-red-blue), does it actually have any substance these days???

Answer: I think not... The political confrontation in the coming years will be extreme in the sense of an unprecedented dictatorship on the one hand and a participatory Civil Society on the other... The outcome is still unknown... But bearing in mind that in times of crisis like the one we live in, the number of people with a Critical Mind and Free Will increases geometrically, we will wait and see...

Question: Under these conditions is the simple proportional the most appropriate electoral system???

Answer: It is, and not only it should not be abolished but it should be strengthened, in the sense of the equal participation of all the smaller parties in the government which will be formed by the first in votes party, depending of course on


the percentage of each. In this way, a substantial, and not “ideological”, pluralism is adopted, which is the only way for the truly progressive forces to mature politically and to avoid the worst...

Question: Since when has man’s need for Peace and Prosperity been manifested historically???

Answer: As far as I know, historically at least, since the time of Pharaoh Akhenaton (1372-1336 BC) and Queen Nefertiti (1370-1330 BC) of ancient Egypt who stopped wars, established Peace and they built the city of Love El Amarna, the ruins of which are preserved up to now... In this direction, the play Peace by Aristophanes (444-386 BC) played for the first time in 421 BC played an important role, the Oath of Alexander the Great (356-323 BC), the philosophical and poetic work of Rumi (1207-1273 AD) of Greek origin from Bactria in central Asia, the Constitution of Rigas Feraios (1757-1798 AD), the work of the Indian thinker and activist Mahatma Gandhi (1883-1944 AD) who with his fellow travelers Peacefully expelled the greatest military machine of that time from their vast country, the removal of the Nazi flag of Germans by Manolis Glezos and Apostolos Santas in 1941 from the Acropolis, and other remarkable deeds, of earlier or later people, from the east and the west...

Question: Do you therefore consider the use of any form of violence and war to be unjustified???

Answer: If we want to call ourselves and be thinking people Yes! And violence must be excluded at all levels... Something that is feasible, as also Psychology teaches us, as long as we acquire an assertive behavior... It depends on us…It’s a matter


of choice...It is something that, in the words of Epictetus, we have power on it... Finally let’s be what we think we are, thinking people with a Heart... Dr. Gerald Huether Professor of Neurobiology of Psychiatry Clinic of the University of Göttingen underlines: “Were you of the opinion that your mind anyway works on its own, as it should be? Then unfortunately you are fooled.”!!!

Question: I wonder what Gandhi would do if nowadays Russia invaded his country??? Would passive resistance be a solution???

Answer: I personally think that Yes... Our story teaches us a lot also with Nelson Mandela, regarding Reconciliation… And no one should be forced to participate in a war he does not want to... This is not social policy... This is social coercion, i.e. fascism!!! No one, even just one different person, should not be at the mercy of every warmonger governor, to be arbitrarily labeled as a traitor and to be imprisoned…

Question: So where do we end up??? What should we free our minds from???

Answer: The mind of no man will be liberated if he/she does not effectively manage at first his/her traumatic experiences, the abuse that has suffered as a fetus, baby, child and adolescent in the family environment and relatives and later at school as a student... In any other case, his traumatic past will accompany him to death, making his adult life as well the life of those around him, a torture not to say hell…

Question: And why is this journey painful??? And where does pain come from???

Answer: In simple words from selfishness, self-centered


blindness and memory as it is called in Psychology, the sole responsibility of which they bear, I repeat for the umpteenth time, the parents-relatives and later the teachers and professors, and in no case children, teenagers and students... If we don’t acknowledge this and accept it, and we still continue to consider the children problematic, having transmitted them those we inherited from our own parents, they will do the same to their own children... But sometime this chain of evil must be stopped, in order to be able to build a society of Humans and not reptiles…

Question: Is it enough these days to illustrate, again and again hell, as seen in Orwell’s and Huxley’s writings???

Answer: No, by no means, but -instead- guided by sciences, especially those concerning Man, we need to stop this nonsense once and forever, recognizing the need to free our minds from the troubles of the past…

Question: The legitimate question recently raised, on the occasion of the abuse of a child is, did the hen hatch the egg or did the egg hatch the hen???

Answer: If I understand the symbolism, the social system is bogged down beyond any doubt... But to drain the swamp, as active citizens we should first manage our traumatic past and clean up our Emotional Home in order to free our minds... It is necessary to acquire “self-knowledge”, which means to cultivate a meaningful relationship with our Self (Selfawareness), a meaningful relationship with our fellowman (Friendship) and then a meaningful relationship with the Society (Participation)... These are what we ignored in the past and thus we failed miserably... The resident does not become


citizen nor does the citizen become companion just like that... Or just because we have eyes and ears that means we can see and hear… Or even just the presence of the brain makes us thinking people... Surely, we are not what we declare to be, we “live” in a delusion and we call it reality... Under these conditions of mob psychology, only harm and destruction we cause, regardless of the intentions, the offices and authority we may have...This is what I think Jose Saramago also means, when he underlines: “Society must change, but the political forces we have today are not enough to make this change. The democratic system in its entirety will have to be redesigned.”… Any political faction which wants to be called progressive should, already, have promoted Emotional Training in Education, because without it there cannot be a substantial change in the individual and furthermore in Society... Better late than never…


When 30 years ago I made my thoughts known, in the essay “For a Unionist Movement and Politics in Greece”, I limited myself to the social issues of prejudice, nationalism, religious chauvinism and human rights... The key question, where all these sad phenomena come from, was raised later when I realized the self-evident, the absurdity of wanting to build a better world with the same minds that built and maintain the current one... I wondered about the “Sins of parents chastise children”... I wondered about “the apple that falls under the apple tree”... And I wondered how absurdly children and teenagers are accused, when, finding no other way out, are forced to overcome fear by defining their limits with anger... I am referring to the verbal, emotional, physical and sometimes sexual abuse that they receive in their family and later in their school environment... So, let’s stop assigning responsibilities where there are none, and let us parents, relatives, teachers and professors finally take our responsibilities, being the first to clean up our Emotional Home!!!

By accepting our situation and assuming the responsibilities towards our own Self, the journey of Self-Knowledge begins, or in other words, the tiding up of our battered Emotional Home, and the miserable little man is gradually transformed into a thinking Person with a Heart... We cease to “live” with illusions and delusions, freeing our minds from all kinds of garbage and ghosts... We learn to listen to the other man carefully, we learn to ask with good intention and we learn to discuss constructively without the slightest inclination to persuade and impose our opinions... We learn, learn, learn, and to “Know thyself” is added “and you will know the World”.


Life acquires, step by step, Meaning, noble Purpose, essential Knowledge and persistent Spirit... We build relationships of Friendship, and our participation in the commons, free from fear and anger, is healing and effective for us and those around us…

Studying a recent script and knowing the racism that its author has suffered, as have I, for different reasons, and bearing in mind the creative management he chose to follow in order to avoid the use of violence and its disastrous consequences, as I did, I think it is my obligation to point out the lack of a decisive character, I mean the Sage, who, beyond the irrationality of markets, indicates specific measures that must be taken immediately, regarding the emotional refinement of man, a necessary condition for a truly progressive social policy…

At the very least it would be unacceptable for anyone to claim that “all men are wise” Karl Popper. It is equally outrageous that the same author always claims that “the pessimists are right” even though we owe everything to the “optimists”, who basically destroyed an entire planet and flattened man emotionally…

Someday we will have to “call a spade a spade”... To use words and concepts correctly, which is absolutely necessary for our mental health.

“Love your neighbor as yourself” according to Matthew the higher self, which is the destination of every human being and not the traumatic ego... They managed to put us (in the socket), in a state of constant hurry and Anxiety which during the day peaks and takes on panic dimensions... Something that makes us unable to acquire a meaningful relationship with our Self, our Neighbor and Society!!!

Where has the tradition of critical dialogue that this Place


has known since Antiquity, with Thales, Plato and the NeoPlatonists gone??? We must realize that we live in a violent society where critical dialogue is completely absent... What kind of Democracy is this???

I wonder why when parents, relatives, teachers and professors abuse, in various ways, their children and students, we call it compliance and not abuse... And what about the inalienable rights of children and students??? The child who is abused in his own home and later reacts at school, trying to define his limits, must be loved by the true Teacher with all his Being, because he is the parent he never had!!!

“How should we love God? / Loving people. / How should we love people? / Striving to bring them on the right path. / Which is the right way? / The Uphill.” Nikos Kazantzakis What does the uphill symbolize? Golgotha? The Crucifixion? For what sins of people was Christ sacrificed? Is it for “Sins of parents chastise children” to which relatives, teachers and professors are added??? What other thing these “sins” are than the abuse that children and teenagers suffer at home and at school???

“From bad things good things come” (Great saying of the ancient Greek Literature). We often do not understand some thoughts and actions of our fellow human beings... Let’s not rush to judge them, because in some cases we perceive, much later, their great importance for our lives...

And a question: Which man ever gained Freedom by Violence??? The essential Freedom of a thinking man is an internal matter... It is the management and the liberation of his mind from unmanageable traumas from his childhood and adolescent experiences... Fear excludes Love as Love excludes fear, even fear of illness and death Epictetus!!!

“Two things are infinite: the universe and the human stupidity.


And I’m not sure about the universe.” Albert Einstein… We destroyed an entire Planet, our Home, our Life and we had the audacity to name it progress and development... The examples of our infinite stupidity are endless ... We were polluting and contaminating the air and then we made air purifiers in order to breathe in our closed houses... The same with the lakes, the rivers, the sea…

Is it the system that makes the people or the people that make the system??? It is a fact that the vast majority of the world belongs to the mindless crowd and few to the Friends of Wisdom... It is also a fact that the mob consists of people who have been verbally, emotionally, physically sometimes and sexually abused... Finally, it is a fact the maximum absurdity of all those who destroyed an entire planet and leveled emotionally the person, and not only, to promise the fools that they are able to make it better, confusing the Truth with the lie... And the Truth is that for the Earth to recover from pollution and contamination which so recklessly and generously offered the humans, mainly in the last 250 years, many thousands of years of a sound environmental and social policy, will be needed, something completely absent even today!!! No thinking person with a critical mind would never allow any differences to be settled with violence and war and not with peaceful dialogue!!! In our time, the message of the Milesians “there is a fire at home” - fire that could also be beneficial - is not valid... However, the message of Thalis is valid and still valid, “the house is on fire” and not only is it on fire, it has turned into ashes... We turn into reptiles of the worst kind and we don’t even realize it...Which rooster will wake us up???

No system can make the man... This applies at least to this day not only in the case of capitalism but also with the parenthesis


of socialism that was applied by the former Soviet Union... Unless politicians psychologically mature, with tied up their emotional home take over in the next years, and set the foundations for an essentially Progressive Environmentalism and Social Policy, beyond the promises, the “will”, the roads and bridges and more recently the allowances and vouchers… So let us liberate our minds and let us finally become what we were meant to be from the beginning, thinking people with a heart, and not destructive machines of greed, violence and war...

Without this quantum leap in mankind there is no way to live in a society of Love, Dialogue, Peace and Prosperity...


“Repetition, mother of every learning.” An ancient Greek saying that is confirmed by the recent researches of the limbic (emotional) mind which needs “mountains of repetitions” as the university psychiatrists-psychotherapists Th. Lewis, F.i Amini & R. Lannon... We are speaking about better neural networks, which are “sharper than doctors at diagnosis, better than meteorologists at predicting the weather and better than mutual fund managers at picking winner shares.”

Love is not a hollow word that is uttered without content... It is the most important, potentially, neural circuit of the Emotional Mind of man, which, like all neural circuits of the brain, needs its own cultivation. And it is necessary for people who have decided to essentially connect with each other to have the same ethical code of communication...

So, it’s time to briefly say some things by their name, if we want to get out of the swamp and live like Humans:

1. The Social System, whether we like it or not, changes every 500 years and Humanity is once again at this turning point, of changing the social system...

2. In the last 250 years, with the three industrial revolutions, the environment was irreparably destroyed and man was emotionally flattened...

3. We are on the brink of the 4th industrial revolution, the realization of which will mean the complete robotization of humans, bringing about the perfect dictatorship, and the end of everything...

4. The impasse we are already experiencing in recent years has been created by modern, emotionally flattened people of the mob and not of God...


5. Hell has clearly now opened its gates, without us having recognized the real causes of Evil, which are first psychologicalemotional and then social-political...

6. It is time to realize that as long as we continue to avoid the Truth about the abuse that we -children and teenagers- suffered in the family and school environment, by parents-relatives, teachers and professors, we are not going to have an essential Social Policy!!!

7. It is important that progressive politicians of all colors practice critical and meaningful Dialogue centered on Ecumenicalism, for the good of all Humanity...

8. Human brain research may have been delayed, but today we know that neglected emotion is what determines not only the quality of our Instincts but also our Thinking...

9. Guided by the science of Neurobiology and the necessary housekeeping of our Emotional Household, Emotional Education and Therapy must immediately take its proper place in Education...

10. The school psychologist, who will mainly defend the rights of the Student, must be present, in sufficient numbers, in all the schools of the Territory, public and private, at the same time establishing Family Schools in all the Municipalities and Communities of the Country... And let’s try to understand that carrying a fetus does not make you a mother. The same applies to the man, who does not automatically become a father...



The first Truth of the Wise informs us that since ancient times there have been two categories of people, that of the mob, i.e. the mob, which dominates the entire World, with its wellknown destructive psychology, and that of the few, the Friends of Wisdom who found step by step, a World of Dialogue and Peace…

The world will not be destroyed by the evil but by those who see evil and do-nothing Albert Einstein. And I add, not only do they do nothing, but they leave nothing standing in their path... The worst of all is that have been “living” in a prison without walls, in the Perfect Dictatorship, as Aldous Huxley describes it to us, for a century now, and we fantasize that we “live” happily in a parallel universe of westernized “freedom”... I prefer the thought of Nikos Kazantzakis: “I hope for nothing, I fear nothing, I am Free”. In the words of Epictetus “Don’t be afraid of disease and death, be afraid of fear.” So let us first stop being afraid and real Freedom then comes…

“All the civilizations we know have never been created by people of the mob, whose power is only to destroy” Gustave Le Bon. And the immediate question: Where does this destructive rage of man come from???


The second Truth of the Wise refers to the fact that the social system, whether we like it or not, changes every 500 years, without yet knowing whether the absolute irrationality of markets will prevail or whether we will establish, for the first time in Human History, a Society of emotionally mature Citizens…

It is of great importance to realize, in the words of the Nobelist Konrad Lorenz, that we are nothing more than “the transitional stage from monkey to man”... And the question: Why are we stuck in this transitional stage??? The neurobiologist Gerald Huether also wonders what we need to do in order for our brain to develop all the possibilities it hides inside... Most people worldwide have an Intelligence Index (IQ) of 85-115. Albert Einstein had 160-190 and William James Sidis 250-300... Is it an issue of IQ??? Absolutely not, since we know that Emotion is what determines beyond the quality of our instincts also the quality of our reason. I wonder, why did we hide the Truth about the destructive consequences that the three industrial revolutions and technology had on the Natural Environment, on Society, on the Family and on the psyche of Man???


The third Truth of the Wise explains that the Society of Emotionally Mature Citizens is possible because in times of crisis, such as the one we are going through today, it has been established that the number of individuals with a Critical Mind and Free Will increases and even geometrically... “No harm pure good”, and it is not by chance the emotional cleansing that the entire humanity is going through in recent years…

Therefore, to the question of where this destructive rage of modern man comes from, the answer must be sought beyond the barbarity of market society, in the well-known medieval proverb “Sins of the parents chastise children”. The verb “to chastise” here means to punish, to castigate, to torment, to torture, to abuse, to tyrannize... In other words, the inhumane conditions to which humans and especially children were exposed during the last 250 years of the industrial revolutions resulted in our emotional flattening and the destructive fury of the human race. So, let’s accept, first of all, that the problem we need to solve immediately is not with the children and students who were victims, but with the victimizers, parents, relatives, teachers and professors…


The fourth Truth of the Wise states that man acquires Critical Mind and Free Will from the moment he begins to cultivate a Substantial Relationship first with his Self [Self-Knowledge], then with his Neighbor [Friendship] and finally with Society [Participation in Commons], in that order!!!

He also states that the above qualities respectively presuppose that man has learned a) to really listen, meaning regardless of the garbage of his mind. (The use of the term “garbage” is made by the well-known academic, psychotherapist and author Irvin Yalom), b) to ask meaningful Questions, c) to process the Answers and d) to Discuss constructively, something completely unknown to the modern man of the mob...

It is also clarified that the three Truths already mentioned are intended to “liberate the mind” of man from the abuse to which we were exposed in our childhood and teenage years (the term “liberation of the mind” is used by Socrates) …


The fifth Truth of the Wise underlines the fact that traumatic experiences did not appear out of blue, are indeed real and took place, I repeat, first in the so-called “parental” home by parents and relatives, and then in the school environment by teachers and professors, to whom have recently been added school psychologists…

It refers to the barbaric abuse to which children and adolescents were exposed and continue to be exposed, in addition to the family and school environment, in the workplace, with countless victims around the world… The concealment of the Truth and the incomplete recording of an existing situation, whether it concerns the individual or the society, always leads to wrong evaluations, conclusions and results...


The sixth Truth of the Wise reminds us that we are on the brink of the fourth industrial revolution which we are blindly following, without having assessed-realized the irreparable damage done by the three previous ones, which will complete the destruction of the Earth and with it every form of life that inhabits it, including, of course, man…

And all this was called and is called “development” and “progress” that led to the climate disaster and not, as they falsely claim, to climate change... Because this “change” is the result of a destructive social policy, making, unfortunately, the human race, “the most barbaric, aggressive and vengeful species that ever walked the Earth” Anthony Storr… Finally, he refers to the ready plans that exist for the installation of a space station on the Moon, as well as the exploitation of the mineral wealth and the consequent destruction of another planet, Mars... The absolute absurdity of the rulers of the entire world, in East and West…


The seventh Truth of the Wise speaks of the infinite folly of human existence which culminates and which, beyond all doubt, originates in the dilapidated Emotional House we carry on our backs, unable to separate the past from the present and the reasons from the causes…

“Your mind is your dead end, it doesn’t need to be changed, it needs to be freed.” Socrates

“Education of the mind without education of the heart is no education.” Aristotle

The liberation of the mind and the education of the heart are achieved by man learning to listen first, then to ask and finally to discuss, as taught by Pythagoras, and Aristotle who later added the importance of the Heart, that is, of Feeling in Education... So, the Education that remains fixated on parroting and competition, on the surface and not on the Essence, is incapable of changing people and by extension society…


The eighth Truth of the Wise reminds us of the words of Albert Einstein: “It is absurd to do the same things every day and expect a different result.” Jean-Claude Carriere, author, screenwriter and actor, rightly states that “the greatest stupidity is to think you are smart”...

“Spielberg, like many others, wants to convince before he talks. In that, there is something very totalitarian” Jean-Luc Godard There are many of them, and not only Spielberg, who want to convince without having discussed, and enforcement is indeed something very totalitarian, i.e. inhuman and fascist... I should add that equally totalitarian, inhuman and fascist was and remains the city of speed of the well-known architect and urban planner Le Corbusier who led and leads to a society of beasts, destructive to human nature and the entire Universe…


The ninth Truth of the Wise begins with Mario de Andrade, who declares that: “I want the essence, next to persons who do not avoid their responsibilities... The Essense is that what is worth is to be surrounded by persons who know how to touch the heart of the people…”

And who does not want the Essence, with all that it entails. And the question: How does one get there???

Certainly not with quotes like those of Odysseus Elytis “I would like to sleep one day and wake up in a century where even the birds are still chirping Greek and victorious”... Is racism an Essence??? Are we stuck on “Whoever is not Greek, is barbarian”??? And the evil continues with poems-songs by the same Nobel laureate such as: “...No matter how much one pays attention / no matter how much one chases it / it will always, always be too late / there is no second life.”

Elytis advocates something that neurobiology and human brain research categorically rejects... It is never too late and there is always a “second life” and that is “die (from a man of the mob) to live” (as a man with superior Self and immortal Soul)…

“Oh, ill-fated human... You carry God and you don’t know it... Let us who know it rise up, let’s drag, they might hear us!!!” Nikos Kazantzakis “You can do a lot of things, but if you don’t do what you were created for, you have done nothing, absolutely nothing.” Rumi What else has man been created for, other than being Human??? “Be Immortal and then die” claims

Jean-Luc Godard... It is enough to “bury” our traumatic past, free our minds and “resurrect” reborn in a bright Present!


The tenth Truth of the Wise considers that what is required today is not so much “green” development and “progressive” social policy, generally and indefinitely. What we immediately need is a Policy that will finally put Man, his Emotional Health and Rehabilitation at its center!!!

It explains that without tiding up our emotional being there is no way for a progressive social policy to prevail, nor of course for Dialogue, Peace and Prosperity in the World. Finally, it determines that a truly Progressive Social Policy is one that specifically a) will immediately introduce Emotional Education at all levels of Education, b) will establish Parents’ Schools in all Municipalities and Communities of the Country and c) will offer Emotional Education support to those Citizens who need it, i.e. to all of us and primarily to politicians, teachers and parents, immediately and free of charge!!!



Takis Alexiou has been mentioned, among others by Konstantinos Stefanopoulos, President of the Greek Republic, Konstantinos Tountas and Georgios Pesmatzoglou Academicians and Thoukididis Valentis and Konstantinos Kitsikis, Professors of National Technical University of Athens.

Regarding his ideological beliefs, Academician Angelos Angelopoulos notes: “The face of the world would really change if all nations, all people embraced the concept of Ecumenicalism, the prevalence of which your Uniting Movement aims to achieve”.

The former President of the Supreme Court, Stefanos Matthias, congratulates him, as he writes “... for the effort you put in and for the work, study and awareness of our institutional problems which you carry out”.

The Member of Parliament, Vice-President of the European Parliament and Author Kostas Nikolaou refers to Alexiou’s “deeply humanitarian origins” that “continually push him to an uncompromising social and political campaign in favor of those who face injustice and oppression in their lives...”, emphasizing “... his commitment to ecumenical values which simultaneously express his settled philosophical beliefs”.

Regarding his writing work and in particular his impressions from his travels in the East, the expert on Cavafys’ works and Harvard University Professor George P. Savvidis underlines: “I firmly believe that such a publication can now prove to be both intellectually and culturally as important as Kazantzakis’ pre-war impressions at least were”.

Regarding his book “Nazism and Parareligion on the verge of the 21st century” the former First Vice-President of the Hellenic


Parliament Panagiotis Kritikos notes that “... it is a book that highlights social phenomena of particular importance and therefore particularly useful”. And Metropolitan of Kythera Iakovos warmly thanks and congratulates heartily.

Regarding his painting work, from Japan, Painter and Academician N. Hatzikyriakos-Ghikas believes that Alexiou spontaneously follows the rules of ancient Chinese painting and assures that his works “are so obviously “Zen” in spirit that they are almost models of the type”.

“You are human-centered... A poet of beautiful faces full of pain and anguish that emerge looking at us for support through the square cages of social conventions” points out Professor of Theology and Sociology Giorgos Moustakis.

The Professor of the Pedagogical Department of Preschool Education of the University of Thessaly Dimitrios Deligiannis notes: “He is an autonomous artist and at the same time a cosmopolitan. A monk on the one hand and a bohemian of aesthetics on the other. He is an artist that I really respect his work, which is serious, I also respect the poetic dimension that he exudes both as an artist and as a work”.

The Professor of the School of Fine Arts, Savvas Kontaratos, notes: “Mr. Alexiou is a particularly interesting personality who combines the gifts of the multifaceted creator and the restless intellectual... However, his creativity has also extended to other areas, such as painting and music composition, in which he has also distinguished himself. Finally, I would like to emphasize that this is a man with excellent morals and an affable character, dedicated to his work, but also able to communicate directly and cooperate harmoniously with others”.

International top choreographer Morris Bejart characterizes his music is “very interesting” and the well-known Greek


Poet and Academician Kiki Dimoula expresses her “fierce” appreciation, as she notes “the truly great pleasure” that his “exciting Music” offered her.

The well-known diplomat Mario Calderon Rivera in his letter to the composer Takis Alexiou writes: “I sincerely thank you and appreciate the kind and generous grace of these two wonderful records with your wonderful and inspiring symphonic music. I really enjoyed it and will enjoy many times in the future the spiritual upliftment that these divine compositions offer.”

The Professor of the Pedagogical Department of the University of Ioannina Apostolis Papaioannou stands “... more to Alexiou the man, thinker, psychologist and educator who with his ethos, research and knowledge has opened new paths for an essentially democratic education giving special importance to the sensitive relationship between teacher and learner, from which, as we all know, depends to a very large extent our ultimate goal, i.e. the essential transmission of every form of knowledge.”

The Emeritus Professor of NTUA Athanasios Aravantinos recognizes that, beyond Architecture and Urban Planning: “... Equally important is the contribution of Mr. Alexiou to the philosophical reflection on man and his relationship with the natural and structured environment and to pedagogical theory and applied research”,

that “... the whole of Mr. Alexiou’s work has a deep anthropocentric view, scientifically documented, which deals with man globally, excluding a sterile mechanistic architecture and urban planning concept of any scale”.

The Professor of the University of Athens and former Rector of the University of Athens, Yannis Panoussis assures “...for his seriousness and consistency, as well as the recognition he


receives from a wide circle of scientists”, as well as for the “... university character of his work and activities... “.

Professor and former Rector of NTUA Nikos Markatos points out: “...I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Alexiou as a thoughtful person and to positively evaluate his deep-rooted humanitarian and democratic sensibilities”. “The strong point of Alexious’ work is that he communicates directly with us, without verbalizations and difficult to understand philosophical intrigues, and the text is constantly alive so that the reader lives it as well. Alexiou unites senses, aesthetics and harmony, as well as spirit and matter, and space and time within the energy of the universe, in an infinitesimal corner of which man experiences his tragic fate, lost in the stars, which however continues, just as Takis, to look at them.”

The Patriarch of Alexandria and all Africa Parthenios congratulates him with much love, as he himself writes “for your progress in your struggle for the freedom of the Spirit”. Regarding his presidency of the Panhellenic Historical and Philosophical Society and coordination of the Citizens’ Initiative for the Protection of the Constitution, Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, Professor and Rector of the University of Athens Giorgos Babiniotis notes: “...I congratulate you for your Society. You can offer a lot.” The Emeritus Professor of NTUA Nikolaos Koumandos underlines the “...noble spiritual goals of the Society”. The former Minister of Labor and Social Insurance Miltiadis Papaioannou notes that “... such initiatives contribute to the reflection and awareness of the Greek society”. And

the former Minister of Culture Stavros

Benos expresses the certainty “...that your conclusions will be a source of reflection and inspiration at the threshold of the 21st century”. The well-known philosopher Cornelios Kastoriadis


thanks “...for the honorable invitation”, as he writes himself “to become an honorary member of the Society and I accept with pleasure”. The same is true of Professor of Constitutional Law and former MEP Dimitrios Tsatsos.

The former Ambassador Kostas Fotilas considers that “Takis Alexiou, the painter, the poet, the prose writer, the exponent of speech and thought in their creative diversity...” is “...a man without borders, without “nationalisms” in a limited sense of the term, without prejudices, but with a universality in expression that stems from diverse origins in space and time”.

Distinguished journalist and author Vassilis Rafailidis notes: “Alexiou is a multi-talented modest multi-artist, and a deeply philosophical and restless man… he is infuriatingly, in my view, Greek-centric, and his Greekness is analogous to that of his compatriot Cavafy: Ecumenical and conciliatory...”. In the words of the well-known journalist and poet Dimitris Iatropoulos “...Alexiou is an important personality in arid Greece...”

The former Mayor of Agia Paraskevi Antonis Sideris thanks him from the bottom of his heart “... for the kind offer” of “enriching the program of the People’s University” stating that: “The audience that attended your lectures, dense and enthusiastic, speaks with genuine admiration for the slick way of developing your topics and for their indisputable scientific information”.

The Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, Theodoros, in his letter calls him “son of Our Modesty”, wishes to express “thanks for the information and your expressed care regarding this scientific study, concerning the coloring of the renovated Patriarchal Palace...” and wishes “for his labor and assistance


God’s strength and His infinite mercy to you and your collaborators”.

The Cairo Hellenic Community states in a letter: “The Management Committee of the Cairo Hellenic Community in its recent meeting, recognizing your kind gesture of making a significant part of your valuable work available for sale, allocating the proceeds to support the Cairo Hellenic Hospital, decided as it confers upon you … the title of donor-benefactor. The delicacy of your feelings which is clearly manifested in your high-level artistic work leaves us no room for flattery, but what we express are sincere feelings. Expressing our sincere thanks.”

The former Ambassador Panagiotis Vlassopoulos says about Taki Alexiou: “He is a multi-talented man, a warm devotee of meditation, with many sensitivities and a strong desire to explore different cultures. His love for the beautiful emerges through architecture, painting, music and writing. His undying love for Greece, in the broad cultural sense, is reflected in his works. For me, he was a valuable and warm supporter in the establishment of the Events dedicated to Cavafy in the poet’s hometown, in 1983, with the personal undivided assistance of the late Melina Merkouris.”

The late member of Parliament Leonidas Kyrkos wrote: “My friend Taki, you know how much I appreciate your work... With much love.” The late member of Parliament Sotiris Papapolitis states in his letter: “The sensitivities and contribution of Taki Alexiou prove his world and his being. Fraction of the human with a permanent common denominator in all his works and practice humanity... In his work... the abolition of onedimensionality prevails. Takis Alexiou and his work are the


embodiment of Menander’s diagnosis: How beautiful it is when a man is indeed a man.

Finally, the honorary Councilor of State and President of Prenatal Education Ioanna Mari in the preface to Taki

Alexiou’s essay “The 12 Words” says: “What a joy, first when I saw his paintings: they radiated the shine of the sun and the free soul! And then I read his current thoughts on the happenings of the times… Your thoughts are very helpful my friend: to embrace deeply, the main goal of our life, to lead our existence to completion… Yes, it is the time of changes…”


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15. Φίδια και Σκάλες – Περιπλανήσεις στον κόσμο του πραγματικού, Εκδόσεις Τέσσερις Εποχές, Αθήνα 2002

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19. Κρατούμενος Συνείδησης, Εκδόσεις Τέσσερις Εποχές, Αθήνα 2006

20. The Aesthetics of Love, Εκδόσεις Τέσσερις Εποχές, Αθήνα 2008

21. Επιστροφή στις Αισθήσεις – Για μια Αρχιτεκτονική του Ανθρώπου, Εκδόσεις Τέσσερις Εποχές, Αθήνα 2008

22. Ο κύκλος της Αρμονίας – Ψυχολογία και Αρχιτεκτονική, Εκδόσεις Τέσσερις Εποχές, Αθήνα 2008

23. Η Δύναμη της Φιλίας – Από την τυραννία των αγορών στην Κοινωνία των Πολιτών, Εκδόσεις Τέσσερις Εποχές, Αθήνα 2012

24. Man’s journey from “I” to “WE”, e-book, Εκδόσεις Τέσσερις Εποχές, Αθήνα 2016

25. Notes on Healing Philosophy (e-book 2022) / Σημειώσεις για μια θεραπευτική φιλοσοφία, e-book, Εκδόσεις Τέσσερις Εποχές, Αθήνα 2022

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