A Hurricane of Words By: Abby Pompeo
Tech No The Parks empty Apple stores packed Screen lights, Phones on But no Book is in sight Libraries are Deserted Without a person In the small little Parking lot Why has it come To be That five year olds Are playing on IPads Instead of playing with Legos or Barbie dolls Parents can´t control their children Unless they have an IPhone or IPad We are wasting Precious resources On something that Could destroy us As I walk in the park, I see the cutting down of Tress Where is the sound of buzzing bees? Why not shoot hoops Instead of trying to untangle Your headphones loops
http://vocar oo.com/i/s0 GxmiwrflHL
Have a party Put away all phones It will be fun Trust me Why can't we say no To technology?
Hurricane It comes in As if knocking on Your door Terrorizing pedestrians As it floods in One warning Everyone leaves Except loners Who think They are a smarter Than Mother Nature Houses, cars, loners All Destroyed Drains overfilled Buildings in piles
http://vocaroo. com/i/s0CN7ss Qxcli
Everyone hates them But yet, mother nature Still brings them.
1 Second left 5 seconds left, The ball in my hands I dribble out They have a half court press 4 seconds left, Can I dribble further? 3 seconds left, At the three point line 2 seconds left, I bend my knees My mind fumbling For thoughts 1 second left, The ball departs. I close my eyes. I hear the buzzer. The ball still rolling On the rim. Crowd goes wild I open my eyes See my team Running towards me Like wrestlers on steroids. The championship Is Finally Ours.
Image Citations Basketball. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Oct. 2015. <http://www.123rf.com/photo_9113042_basketball-success-ballgoing-through-the-net.html>.
Hurricane. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Oct. 2015. <http://www.whoi.edu/main/topic/hurricanes>. Technology. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Oct. 2015. <http://www.bia-sjsu.org/april-technology-industry-update/>.
Hurricane. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Oct. 2015. <http://easyscienceforkids.com/tag/all-about-typhoons-andhurricanes/>.